Buddhist Monuments of Odisha - A Study of Forms and Patronage
Buddhist Monuments of Odisha - A Study of Forms and Patronage
Buddhist Monuments of Odisha - A Study of Forms and Patronage
The advent of Buddhism traces back to 6th century B.C.), and Kharavela (1st century B.C.).Then,
B.C. Siddhartha Gautama, a Sakya Prince left all the stratigraphy is very clear with influence of
the worldly pleasure in quest of the truth and reality Kushanas and Guptas, down to Gangas and
of life. Though, it took some years to realize the Gajapatis in 15th –16th century A.D.
reality of life, but when He was showered with
The strategic geographical location of
the divine light of enlightenment, instead of keeping
Odisha helped her in rising to great heights in
it to himself, Goutam Buddha preferred to
respect of trade and commerce from pre-
enlighten others as well. The teachings preached
Buddhist period. Odisha was served as a bridge
by Gautam Buddha were warmly accepted by a
between the trans-oceanic and inland trade of
large number of people and came to be known
India, causing migration of cultural traits along with
as a new school of thought, Buddhism which later
trade and commerce. With the rise of trade and
turned into a major religion of the world and the
kings, emperors, traders and commoners built commerce in the historical periods it is but
monuments, kept relics and offered gifts to pay obvious; the growth of urbanization leads building
ovation to the Master Teacher. Odisha is fortunate of various monuments which now put together as
to have received a good deal of monuments and resource for development of Tourism in the State.
relics throughout history at least up to 15th century With the archaeological spade in different
A.D. parts of Odisha, a large amount of new materials
Odisha, the land on the eastern sea have emerged in recent years regarding the trade
shore of Bay of Bengal was known variously as and commerce and growth of Buddhist
Kalinga, Utkal and Odra in ancient times. Major Monuments. Here, an attempt is made to discuss
portion of this extensive territory was known in some aspects of the trade and urbanization that
ancient time as the land of Kalingas, a class of has its significant contribution to know the forms
people who are referred to in Brahmanical and patronage of Buddhist Monuments of Odisha
literature, in old Pali cannons as well as Asokan during the historical periods which constitute a
inscriptions. In its earliest history, Odisha had major resource material for our historical research
become a province and later even the center of that become our tangible heritage when we look
great empire under the two of the most important to its monumental wealth and reuse it for area
rulers of early India i.e, under Asoka (3rd century development through tourism. But, all that need
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is sincere researchers, well trained archaeologists mula-nagara which most of the cities of this
and tourism promoters.1 period in northern India was fortified which was
The excavated materials of Sisupalgarh, also found at the excavations Aahichhatra,
Jaugarh, Lalitgiri, Manikapatna and the existing Rajghat, Kausambhi, Harsh-ka-Tilla,
monuments such as Asokan Edicts at Dhauli and (Kurukshetra) etc. Now, these city centers were
Jaugada suggest to some extent the fact that well connected with roads and communication
Odisha or Kalinga of 3rdcentury B.C, was a well network and other rural pockets existed in and
populated geographical entity. The coins, coin around these cities and were storehouse of
moulds, some precious beads, clay and iron different products as described above. Evidences
artifacts, structural remains and pot-shreds found are in hand that during Mauryan period an
at these places, indicate the existence of people important route that led from Mathura to Vidisa,
of various professions, such as artisans, craftsman, and Sanchi, joined with the southern route from
masons and traders, suggesting urbanization based the Ganges plain and its eastern branch led to the
on a complex set of socio-economics.These Sahajati sector on the Narmada. There was a
urban centers must have depended on existence trade route linking Tosali with Vidisa and Ujjain
of villages producing an agricultural surplus. which is supposed to be the royal route that was
Ancient Odisha or Kalinga was good producer extensively used during Mauryan period3. The
of rice, bajra, cotton fabrics, samudra lona recent archaeological explorations in the places
(salt),elephant, silk, dukula (a kind of cloth) gems, like Kankia (Radhanagar), Manamunda-
pearls, oyster, perfumes, conch sells, ornaments, Asurgarh, Boud on the Mahanadi belt and
sugar and earthen pottery etc. Diamond was Sirpur,and Ratnapur substantiate to the fact. There
probably one of the valuable commodities sold are several terracotta inscriptional evidences
at Kalinganagar. The mention of all these were found from Radhanagar partial excavation which
found in the literary works viz, Jatakas, all focus that there was an early urban centre.
Arthasastra of Kautilya, Mahabhasya of Further, on the coastal line Tosali had directly come
Patanjali, Charaka Samhita, Samyaktta in contact with Tamralipti in Bengal on the north-
Nikaya and Indica of Megasthenes. An east and Kaveripattnam on the south-east, thus
examination of the wood remains from forming a trade circuit. By the second century B.C
Sisupalagarh suggests that there has been no the entire east-coast seemed to have been linked
major climatic change in this part of Odisha during in a single coastal network.5
the last two thousand years. This evidence further
By this time references in early Sanskrit
throws much light on the present day productions
and Pali literature indicate private ownership of
which almost all the goods found in this region
land and rise of the very rich households of land
described above.2
owners – the grahapatis – in the middle Ganga
During this period we have ample valley. It was from the ranks of the grahapatis
evidence of at least two metropolis, i.e, one at that the trading communities of Vanijas and
Tosali (Sisupalgarh/Radhanagar) and other one is Setthis arose and salt, metals, textiles, and
Samapa at Jaugada. Both are located in the pottery were the standard items of trade.6 (This
coastal tract. The fortification though little is growing long distance trade between the Ganga
available at Sisupalgarh and suggest status of a valley and the Deccan peninsula had its impact in
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Odisha Review ISSN 0970-8669
the east coast. The existing coastal trade route, By 3rd century A.D, Mediterranean trade
starting through the port towns Tamralipti, Palura, had declined and many urban centers in the north
Pithunda (?) and down below Kaveripatnam and western Deccan underwent degeneration and
made accessible these materials for transportation. decay which was also seen in the urban centers
On the whole ancient Odisha and its port town like Dantapura, Kalinganagar and Palura of
had the market for inland commodities as well as Odisha coast which after 3rd – 4th century A.D,
to export the materials to outside. Thus, the little reference is available regarding the prosperity.
hinterland on the back, Odisha from 2nd c. BC to Moreover, we have the Sisupalgarh (Tosali or
2nd c. AD, was formed a very prosperous state Kalinganagar ?) – an urban center of Odisha
of which we had evidence in the Hatigumpha marked the decline and by fifth century AD, the
inscriptions of Kharavela. Further, the evidence entire settlement vanishes, perhaps due to decline
of Rouletted ware that is one of the indicator of of maritime trade. The recent ongoing excavation
at Kankia (Radhanagar) shows that there was an
this trade network in the sub–continent which was
early historical settlement with fortifications and
first identified by Wheeler at Arikamedu on the
was existing from 4th - 3rd century B.C to early
east coast. He assigned to it a date of the 1st –2nd
part of 5th century A.D. The city center is
century A D. Since then the ware has been found
surrounded by number of Buddhist settlements
all along the east coast from Chandraketugarh and like Langudi, Kayama, Vajragiri,Tarapur and Deuli
Tamluk in the east coast from in the lower Ganga which form cluster like that of Buddhist settlements
delta to Sisupalgarh and Manikapatna and of Deccan.
Radhanagar on the Odishan coast, several sites
in the lower Krishna basin to Korkai of Srilanka. The next phase of Odisha history with 4th
Thus, in the 2nd – 1st c. BC to 2nd AD., the east century to 600 AD, when the minor dynasties like
coast was linked in a single trade circuit with Matharas, Nalas, Manas etc ruled over different
pockets of Odisha. The rise of several dynasties
pockets of ruling elites.
in different pockets of Odisha during this period,
Hoards of Kushana and Puri-Kushana with most of them issuing land grants to
coins have been unearthed mostly in the coastal Brahmanas and religious establishments implies
district ranging in time between c. 1st and 4th large scale agrarian expansion, a process of which
centuries AD. Further, Roman coins from most have had important bearing on the social
Bamanghaty in Mayurbhanj and Sisupalgarh and process and structure.
Roman clay bullas from Radhanagar, supplies the During this period though major trade
evidence to surmise the trade relations. To add declined to some extent still Tamralipti continued
more, recently inscriptions from Lalitgiri records to be a famous port – through which copper of
donations by merchants and traders that can be Simhabhum was exported in large quantities.
linked with a similar donation found from Contemporary to Matharas of Kalinga, Nalas
Nagarjunakonda that mentions a guild deals in ruled over the Bastr.-Koraput region which was
betel leaves. The importance of the eastern great of the ancient Atavika territory and later on,
maritime trade to the later Satavahanas is evident become well known in history as land of
from the issue of their ship type coins found along Trikalinga. Trade routes from Kalinga to Kosala
the Andhra coast, depicting double masted ships.7 as well as to central and nothern India passed
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through their Kingdom and the rivers like Indravati known from literature, inscriptions and material
and Godabari connected with Vengi and other remains.
territories in the south. The circulation of gold coins
The Buddhist sites were always
by the kings of dynasty testifies the prosperity of
the Nala kingdom. developed in India during historical period with
the patronage of traders, merchant community and
Again another contemporary dynasty the ruling kings. Such patronization have seen in
known as Manas were ruling over the territory the Buddhist sites discovered at Kuruma, Lalitgiri,
laying to the north of the Mathara, kingdom, Ratnagiri, Udyagiri, Langudi, Kayama, Vajragiri,
beyond the river Mahanadi. Hoards of 147 coins
Tarapur, Deuli, Solampur, Ayodhya, Ganiapalli,
of this dynasty have been discovered from the
Kurum, Boudh and many other places of Odisha.
village Nanduru near Gandibedha in Balasore
The Buddhist sites in common portray the array
district. Paleographic ally according to S N
Rajguru dated to 5th century A.D8. The Manas is of development in art, religion, building
said to have originally a merchant family. Thus technology and community life which otherwise
the Manas who were ruling over north – eastern called our Heritage. Heritage resources are now
part of Odisha during 5th – 6th century AD considered to look upon the cultural background
migrated to Chhotonagpur and south of Bihar in of country. Let us discuss briefly the strength and
subsequent period. As the ruling dynasty itself is weakness of our Buddhist monuments.
merchant so it can be surmised that there was The Lalitgiri site had its continuation from
brisk trade relations and trade was the principal 2 century B.C to 14th century A.D. It is a site
activity of the people of the region in 5th – 6th having an ancient Maha Stupa which yielded bone
century AD.
Relic Caskets, wrapped in golden foil. It has a
Further, the excavation at the Buddhist Maha Chaitya like Nagarjunkonda of
sites of Lalitgiri and Ratnagiri, Langudi and Andhrapradesh and series of well built
Udayagiri shows that during this period enormous monasteries for the monks. The site as such has
growth were marked in these sites, although the the continuous history of 1500 years. The
royal patron of Sri Chadraaditya Vihara, development of Buddhism could be known from
Ratnagiri Vihara, Singhaprasta Mahavihara, the existing monuments such as three number of
Madhavpur Mahavihara of Odisha is not well built monasteries, Maha Stupa ,Chaitya and
known. It is believed from the material evidences
plethora of small stupas. Besides, sculptures,
available on the site that the establishment received
inscriptions of Kushana, Gupta and Post-Gupta
large chuck of donations from the merchant
periods indicate its continuity and patronage. The
pilgrims or the merchant monks that was the style
of that century, which are evidenced from the site singularly speaks volumes about the phases
western India cave monasteries like Ajanta, of Buddhism i.e Hinayana, Mahayana, and
Pitalkhora, Bagh etc9. Since, the above Buddhist Vajrayana. One sealing revealed a name
establishments of Odisha had close relations with Chandraditya Mahavihara. The heritage
the Buddhist epicenters of Vaisali, Sravasti, conservation has taken up by Archaeological
Rajgrihia, Nalanda, Saranath, Tamralipti to down Survey of India and now is a major resource for
Nagarjunakonda, Dhyna Kataka etc, are also Odisha Tourism.
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So, also the Langudi Buddhist site which Gandhakuti of Rajgriha. The symbolical elephant
brought to limelight number of inscriptions, a sculpture bears the symphony of early Buddhist
Maha Stupa dated back to early centuries, Rock art and the building materials discovered on the
–cut Buddhist images and monastic sites that has top of the hill speak enough about Buddhism. The
clue to prove sufficiently that it was a site for inscription (Sankhalipi) of 5th-6th century A.D,
Theravada Buddhist in the remote past and found on a rock in this hill says the name of the
number of activates were developed during hill. This inscription reads as Betal Chaitya,
historical period at least from 3rd century A.D to Gugularaba and SriSri Buddha. This site has
13th-14th century. The astonishing discovery of enough evidences to study the forms and
inscribed Image of emperor Asoka is a step patronage of Buddhism in ancient Odisha.
forward for the richness of the site. The inscription Adjoining Kayama hill on the south there lies an
on the image reads as ami upasaka Asokasa important early historical fort site called Kankia
samchiamana agra eka thupe, meaning the lay (Radhanagar).This is the only settlement in the
worshipper Asoka had built a principal Stupa. midst of cluster of Buddhist monuments. After two
Another inscribed image(bust portion) also sessions (2010-11 to 2011-12) excavation the
discovered from this site which reads chhikarena site revealed its stratigraphy date back to 4th -3rd
rajna Asokena (B.N.Mukharjee) paleographically B.C. It has its Mayurian level with brick structures,
dated to Ist century B.C/A.D. Besides the terracotta figurines, coins and Black and red ware
terracotta Buddha images, rock-cut Stupa and along with inscriptions read as Sadabhu Tissa.
images are simply speak volumes about the rise The next level is marked with some building
of civilization in Eastern India. It was excavated activities and findings of triratna terracotta
by Odishan Institute of Maritime and South-East ornaments, potsherds, coins and terracotta
Asian Studies (OIMSEAS) during the last decade. moulds of Sunga-Kusan period. The whole site
Now the site is under control of ASI. However, is 1200 mtrs x 1200 mtrs having deposit of 6
Odisha tourism has taken up the site as one of mtrs with solid fortification wall like that of
the major resource for promotion of Buddhist Sisupalgarh. It could be certainly a walled
tourism in the South-East Asian countries. settlement of Buddhist period. There are enough
OIMSEAS is taking research work, ASI is materials of trade relationship with other countries
looking after conservation work and Odisha of South East Asia. The research is underway to
Tourism has taken steps by establishing an reach in the final stage. However it is an important
accommodation centre in the part of infrastructural early historical site of ancient India.
development. Now, it is the responsibility of Vajragiri again a nearby hillock contains
archaeologists and heritage conservators to take wonderful rock-cut monastery and caves. This is
up research, preservation and beautification the place where Vajrayana form might have
work, of course, with the help of Government developed.Although major portion of the area are
and other funding agencies. inhabited by the people and little remained to be
The nearby hillocks like Kayama, excavated. However the partial excavations
Vajragiri, Deuli, Tarapur etc have also Buddhist revealed the stratigraphy of the site date back to
remains which are storehouse for culture and 6th-7th to 13th-14th century A.D. This type of
civilization of the Buddhist world. Kayama is a monuments are seen in Aurangabad cave sites near
hillock known as Gugulapahada as that of Ajanta.
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Tarapur Buddhist remains on N H-05 Buddhism so also the main Stupa at Ratnagri has
near Jaraka also revealed many inscriptional closely built in spoke and wheel method which
evidences of early and late period. These are has resemblance with the Stupas of Mahasnghika
Bhikhu Tapusudanm Kesathupa, Kalinga raj sect found at Amaravati and Nagarjunikonda.
of 2nd century B.C and Kilinga gadhanayakas, The sculptural wealth at these places are
Klingadeusagadnayakasa of 13th -15th century. overwhelmed ranging from Buddha and
The site had a Maha Stupa like that of Sanchi. Boddhisattva images to variety of Vajrayana icons.
The archaeological remains found at the site with Perhaps these two places only houses such kind
railing pillars, suchis and double storied cave of Buddhist images rarely found in other places
points to its patronage during early period. Now, of India. Further, the sculptural art provides close
only the base portion and railing pillars are interaction with South-East Asian features13.
available. But this heritage site is the mute witness Archaeologists of Archaeological Survey of India
of rise of Buddhism in Kalinga. have done substantial research on these sites
thereby also undertaking conservation work.
Deuli hills near Jaraka is again another Odisha Tourism has also done some infrastructural
marvelous site which contains remnants of a Stupa/ facilities together with promotional efforts
Monastery at the top. There is enough materials internationally. Some of the Buddha images at
available to know about the early spread of Lalitgiri are very similar to the images found at
Buddhism. The scenic beauty often reminds us to Borbodur. The historical and archaeological
the Gidhrakuta Hilltop of Rajgriha. Similarly the researchers should be encouraged to focus their
nearby Deulipal hills has the series of Buddhist research so that more and more new vistas will
Caves again a characteristics seen in the Deccan be opened and tourism could be worked upon
hills near Pitalkhora the hub of Mayurian Art. by involving rural folks like that of wild life
Along with the sites the early urban center as said conservation projects so that local area
before Kankia ( Radhanagar) substantiate enough development could be visible.
materials for a trade center which is seen in almost
every large Buddhist sites in India. However, at The Buddhist site Solampur in Bhadrak
the present state of research we are not sure to District is another major center of Buddhist art.
draw any conclusion (?). It is still in the scholars There are about 50 Buddhist icons found in the
arena to disclose and conclude. But the Raghunath temple and nearby area. It was known
conglomeration of such huge settlements in a as Solampur Mahavihara in the historical records.
The Buddhist images like Buddha having a panel
radious of 25 kilometers qualifies to be a World
of his life story carved unique in Indian Art. The
Heritage Site like that of Nalanda or Ajanta/ Ellora
standing Tara image, Avalokiteswara, Jambhala,
or Borbodur. Odisha is fortunate to have such
Hariti and other images tell the story of flourishing
huge and varied Buddhist sites which reveals
state of Buddhism during 7th-8th centuries.14 It is
systematically leafs of Indian Culture phase by
a living museum now. We should take utmost care
immediately to preserve such precious site. We
The sites like Ratnagiri and Udayagiri should be thankful to village people that they have
also laid bare ancient Stupas and well-built kept very carefully all the images and also concern
monastic sites. The Stupa at Udayagiri serves as about their protection. We should take a rural
benchmark for study of Vajrayana form of tourism project and link the site with major
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