Vembu M
Vembu M
Vembu M
Technology Specialist – Unix, Oracle, Python, Hive, Data Pipelines
Functional Specialist – BFSI
+91 9095080010, India.
Career Objective
To attain a good leadership and challenging position in the IT industry with my skills and hard work and to
design innovative applications and functionalities that can promote the fame of the employer and the client to
improve their business. Willing to travel abroad and take up overseas assignments.
Big Data
Data Ingestion Sqoop, File Loads
Database Hive
NoSQL Database MongoDB, MySQL
Workflow Scheduler Oozie, Control M
ETL SQL Loader, Talend(Basics)
Programming Language
Language Python, Core Java, MF-Cobol
Other Skills
Operating System Unix
Database Oracle, SQL,PLSQL, SQR
Emulator Putty, WinSCP, FileZilla
Versioning SVN, GitHub
Methodology SDLC, IDLC, Agile
Bug Tracking Tools JIRA, ServiceNow, SDM
Web Technologies REST API, HTML, XML/JSON
Learning progress:
Cloud Platform: Azure, AWS
Lake House: Databricks.
Project Details:
Organization : Societe Generale Global Solution Centre, Bangalore.
Project Title: BIGDATA Application Maintenance
Project Description: Bigdata
Roles & Responsibilities: Specialist Software Engineer: Ensure the file integrations. And data loads
confirmation at different layers of the bigdata cluster (SRV/BV/UV/. etc) using hive scripts. Maintaining a
data pipeline using Ooize jobs across different clusters. Contributed a significant improvement in terms of
over all data flow checks and controls.
Developed a script to generate an extract for leasing projects.
Other Achievements:
POC: API implementation to auto alerts at JIRA tracking tool from MongoDB. (Verified)
Implemented: Enabled ServiceNow bridge to Unix servers to maintain the health checks control using