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Leica S-Serie UserManual EN

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Leica S Series

User Manual
General Instructions

Safety concept About cleaning Servicing

Before using your stereo microscope for the first O Do not use any unsuitable cleaning agents, O Repairs may only be carried out by Leica
time, please read the "Safety Concept" booklet chemicals or techniques for cleaning. Microsystems-trained service technicians.
included with your instrument. It contains Only original Leica Microsystems spare
additional information about handling and O Never use chemicals to clean colored parts may be used.
care. surfaces or accessories with rubberized
parts. This could damage the surfaces,
and specimens could be contaminated by Responsibilities of person in charge of
abraded particles. instrument
O Ensure that the Leica stereo microscope
is operated, maintained and repaired by
authorized and trained personnel only.

S Series User Manual  2

Important Safety Notes

User manual You can combine individual system articles

User manuals and updates are available for with articles from external suppliers (e.g. cold
you to download and print from our website light sources, etc.). Please read the user manual
www.leica-microsystems.com. Keep it in a safe and the safety requirements of the supplier.
place, and readily accessible to the user.
Before installing, operating or using the
This user manual describes the special instruments, read the user manuals listed
functions of the Leica stereo microscopes above. In particular, please observe all safety
(S series) and contains important instructions instructions.
for their operational safety, maintenance, and
accessories. To maintain the unit in its original condition
and to ensure safe operation, the user must
The "Safety Concept" booklet contains follow the instructions and warnings contained
additional safety information regarding the in these user manuals.
service work, requirements and the handling
of the stereo microscope, accessories and
electrical accessories as well as general safety

S Series User Manual  3

Symbols Used

Warning of a danger Danger due to hot surface

This symbol indicates especially This symbol warns against touching hot
 important information that is mandatory  
surfaces, e.g. those of light bulbs.
to read and observe.

Failure to comply can cause the following: Important information

OO Hazards to personnel This symbol indicates additional
OO Functional disturbances or damaged   information or explanations that intend
instruments to provide clarity.

Warning of hazardous electrical voltage

Explanatory notes
This symbol indicates especially
important information that is
OO This symbol within the text stands for

additional information and explanations.

mandatory to read and observe.
Failure to comply can cause the following: (1) Numbers in parentheses within the
OO Hazards to personnel
descriptions relate to the figures and the
OO Functional disturbances or damaged items within those figures.

S Series User Manual  4

Safety Instructions

Description Unauthorized alterations to the instrument or Responsibilities of person in charge of

The individual modules fulfill the highest noncompliant use shall void all rights to any instrument
requirements for observation and warranty claims! O Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet
documentation of Leica stereo microscopes of
the S series. Place of use Ensure that:
O Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet O The S series stereo microscopes and
Intended use accessories are operated, maintained
O Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet O Electrical components must be placed at and repaired by authorized and trained
least 10 cm away from the wall and from personnel only.
flammable substances.
Non-intended use O All operators have read, understood and
O Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet O Avoid large temperature fluctuations, observe this User Manual, and particularly
direct sunlight and vibrations. These the safety instructions.
Never use S series microscopes or their conditions can distort measurements * and
components for surgical procedures (e.g. on micrographic images.
the eye) unless they are specifically intended
for that purpose. O In warm and warm-damp climatic zones,
the individual components require special
The devices and accessories described in this care in order to prevent the build-up of
User Manual have been tested with regard to fungus.
potential hazards. The responsible Leica affiliate
must be consulted whenever the instrument is *  Measurement results depend on used
altered, modified or used in conjunction with objective, zoom and microscope settings.
non-Leica components that are outside of the
scope of this manual!

S Series User Manual  5

Safety Instructions (Continued)

Repairs, service work Transport Integration in third-party products

OO Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet OO Use the original packaging for shipping OO Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet

or transporting the individual modules

OO Only original Leica Microsystems spare of the Leica S stereo microscopes and the
parts may be used. accessory components. Disposal
OO Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet
OO Before opening the instruments, switch off OO In order to prevent damage from
the power and unplug the power cable. vibrations, all moving parts that (according
to the user manual) can be assembled and Legal regulations
Touching the live circuit can cause disassembled by the customer should be OO Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet

  injury. disassembled and packed separately.

EC Declaration of Conformity
OO Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet

S Series User Manual  6

Safety Instructions (Continued)

Health risks OO The ergonomic optical design and

Workplaces with stereo microscopes construction of the Leica S stereo
facilitate and improve the viewing task, microscopes are intended to reduce the
but they also impose high demands on the eyes exertion of the user to a minimum.
and holding muscles of the user. Depending on

• potential
the duration of uninterrupted work, asthenopia Direct contact with eyepieces is a
and musculoskeletal problems may occur. For transmission method for
this reason, appropriate measures for reduction bacterial and viral infections of the eye.
of the workload must be taken:
The risk can be kept to a minimum by using
OO Optimal arrangement of workplace, work personal eyepieces for each individual or
assignments and work flow (changing tasks detachable eyecups.

OO Thorough training of the personnel,

giving consideration to ergonomic and
organizational aspects.

S Series User Manual  7


General Instructions 2 Quick Start Guide

Important Safety Notes 3 An Overview of a S Series Stereo Microscope 27
Symbols Used 4 Using the Eyepieces 28
Safety Instructions 5 The Correct Interpupillary Distance 29
Contents8 Focusing30
Changing Magnification (Zooming) 31
Leica S Series Limiting Zoom Range 32
Congratulations!11 Regulating the Resistance of the Focusing Drive 34
The Modular Design: Everything is Possible 12 Changing the Position of the Optics Carrier 35
What Your Stereo Microscope has to Offer you 13 Diopter Settings and Parfocality: 1 Adjustable & 1 Fixed Eyepiece 36
Microscopes of the S Series 14 Dioptric Correction With two Adjustable Eyepieces 39
On We Go 15 Connectivity of the S9 i Stereo Microscope With Integrated Camera 42
The S9 i With Integrated Camera 43
Assembly S9 i: Overview 44
Installing the Basic Equipment (Overview) 17
Focusing Column 18 Get Set!
Sub-base for Transmitted Light and Cold Light Source 19 USB Mode – Capturing and Adjusting Images Using a Computer 46
Optics Carrier and Additional Objective 20 HDMI Mode – Capturing Images Without a Computer or Without a Wireless
Available Graticules 21 Device48
Inserting Graticules 22 Adjusting Settings While in SD Mode 50
Eyepieces23 Ethernet Mode – Capturing and Adjusting Images Using a Network 51
Leica LED Illumination 24
Camera Design (Leica S9 D and S APO) 25

S Series User Manual  8


Extend! Dimensional Drawings in mm

How to Install the Coded Zoom  53 Leica S9 E With Incident Light and Transmitted Light Illumination 74
Installation of the Coded Zoom in LAS X 55 Leica S9 D With Incident Light and Transmitted Light Illumination 75
Leica S9 i With Incident Light and Transmitted Light Illumination 76
The Camera Remote Control Leica S APO With Incident Light and Transmitted Light Illumination 77
Optional Remote Control 58
Viewing Images and Movies With the Optional Remote Control 59 Technical Data
Calling up the Camera Menu 60 Technical Data 79
COLOR (Automatic White Balance) 61
COLOR (Manual White Balance) 62 Appendix
EXPOSURE63 Calculating the Total Magnification/Field of View Diameter 81
RESOLUTION64 Troubleshooting82
SETUP CAMERA (Camera Settings) 65 Contact Persons, Care, Maintenance, Transport  83
Pairing Cameras With Remotes 69

Photography & Video

Photography & Video 71
Photography With the Leica S9 D and S APO 72

S Series User Manual  9

Leica S Series

S Series User Manual Leica S Series10


Congratulations on obtaining your new Leica stereo microscope from Though the reliability and robustness of Leica stereo microscopes is
the S series. We are convinced it will exceed your expectations, as world-renowned, like any high-tech product, the Leica S series requires
this instrument embodies all the qualities you associate with Leica a certain degree of care and attention. Therefore, we recommend that
Microsystems: excellent objectives, high-quality engineering, and you read this manual. It contains all the information you need regarding
reliability. Furthermore, the modular design ensures that the Leica stereo operation, safety and maintenance. Simply observing a few guidelines will
microscope adapts perfectly to your needs – no matter which accessories ensure that even after years of intensive use, your stereo microscope will
you require for your tasks. continue to work as smoothly and reliably as on the very first day.

Thanks to the parfocal system with simultaneously large working distances We wish you the best of success in your work! after all, you are now
and object fields, you can always view your microscopic specimens equipped with the best tool!
accurately – from the complete image to the finest detail.

S Series User Manual Leica S Series11

The Modular Design: Everything is Possible

The Leica S series provides a high degree of Despite this, you will notice that the controls Have a special request? Let us know!
flexibility in choosing equipment, thanks and individual components do not differ Leica Microsystems enjoys an exceptional
primarily to the modular configuration and significantly. Whichever configuration you reputation when it comes to devising customer-
the compatibility that Leica has painstakingly choose, you will quickly feel right at home with specific solutions. If you have a special request
maintained for decades. The optics carriers, your new stereo microscope. that cannot be met with standard parts, contact
eyepieces, stands, and more can be combined your Leica consultant. They have a solution for
in any way you choose, allowing you to create every application.
the stereo microscope that best suits your

S Series User Manual Leica S Series12

What Your Stereo Microscope has to Offer you

The optical system of the S series stereo Patented FusionOptics Technology Apochromatic correction
microscopes consists of two beam paths The S9 E, S9 D, S9 i feature the Leica patented The Leica S Series is a completely
converging at 10°. The objective pairs of each FusionOptics technology and deliver you apochromatically corrected Greenough
optical path are positioned close together, so finest details in 3D. While the right channel system. The modern optical technology
the stereo microscopes can be of very "slender" delivers you a high-resolution image at the of the Leica S Series corrects chromatic
design, especially towards the base of the largest possible numerical aperture, the left aberration perfectly, removes bothersome
instrument. The advantage: The advantages channel presents an image with high depth of color seams and displays pin-sharp images
of this design are that it has a small space field. This results in an image perception with of even the finest enlarged detail. Contrast,
requirement for use on bonders and in machine outstanding richness of details and exeptional brilliance, image sharpness, resolution, color
applications, unobstructed access to specimens, depth of field at the same time. fidelity and image precision are unsurpassed.
plenty of space for tools and a completely clear
view of the object field. Photography The benefit of apochromatic correction is best
The S9 D and S APO are equipped with an seen in specimens that have a fine, low-contrast
The Greenough system enables cost-effective integrated video/phototube, which allows structure such as large animal cells, cilia plants
correction of aberrations such as chromasia, the simple, fast mounting of digital cameras. or metallic microelectronic structures.
image field curvature, and distortion with The S9 i with integrated camera has an SD card
minimal effort. In all S series microscopes the slot and allows image sharing via Ethernet The technical features of the individual models
optimum corrected center of the objective connection. can be found on page 79.
ensures high image quality. This provides
superior optical performance with large, level
and undistorted fields of view and chromatically
optimized, high-contrast images.

S Series User Manual Leica S Series13

Microscopes of the S Series

Leica S9 E Leica S9 D

Leica S9 i Leica S APO

S Series User Manual Leica S Series14

On We Go

If your new stereo microscope has already If, on the other hand, you are assembling the
been assembled and commissioned by your stereo microscope yourself, continue with the
Leica consultant, click here to skip through the "Assembly" chapter, which begins on page 16.
installation instructions and go directly to the
Quick Start Guide on page 26.

S Series User Manual Leica S Series15


S Series User Manual Assembly16

Installing the Basic Equipment (Overview)

4 1. Sub-base for transmitted light with glass stage plate

2. Incident light base with stage plate
3. Focusing column with microscope carrier
3 4. Additional objective, optional
5. Optics carrier
6. Eyepieces, fixed and/or adjustable

S Series User Manual Assembly17

Focusing Column

• side of the focusing column.

Never unscrew the 3 screws on the right Focusing column on the incident light base 3. Insert the stage plate back into place.
1. Remove the stage plate.

2. Route the 3 hollow screws from below

through the base plate and screw these
securely into the focusing column.

S Series User Manual Assembly18

Sub-base for Transmitted Light and Cold Light Source

1. Remove the glass stage plate. 4. Press the locking mechanism backward. 6. Insert the universal light guide in the
The incident light base and the sub-base opening at the rear.
2. Pull the locking mechanism forward. for transmitted light are now connected.

 the user manual for cold-light source

3. Set the incident-light stand to the sub-base 5. Insert the glass stage plate. Additional information can be found in
for transmitted light and engage it with the
connection screw. Leica KL300 LED.

S Series User Manual Assembly19

Optics Carrier and Additional Objective

Optics carrier Additional objective (optional) Protective objective glass (optional)

1. Insert the optics carrier carefully in the 1. Screw the desired objective counter 1. Screw the objective protective glass
microscope carrier and fasten it in the clockwise into the optics carrier. directly onto the objective.
desired position with the clamping screw.

S Series User Manual Assembly20

Available Graticules

The optional graticules enable Available Graticules

 measurement and, in addition, provide The following graticules and objective
valuable information when comparing and micrometers for calibrating may be ordered:
capturing still images of the specimens. Insert
the graticule before you set the eyepiece in OO Graticule 10 mm/0.1 mm
place. OO Graticule 5 mm/0.1 mm
OO Graticule 5 mm/0.05 mm
OO Graticule 100 Div./0.002"
OO Graticule 100 Div./0.001"
OO Graticule 150 Div./0.0005"
OO Crosshairs
OO Stage micrometer 50 mm, 0.1/0.01/ mm
OO Stage micrometer 1", 0.001" graduation

S Series User Manual Assembly21

Inserting Graticules

Graticules can be inserted in the Inserting graticule(s) 3. Hold the graticule by the edges to avoid
adjustable eyepieces and the in the 1. Use the stereo microscope to determine leaving fingerprints, and push it into the
eyepieces for eyeglass wearers. the side on which the scale is inscribed. The holder from the side.
scale must not appear reversed.
The procedure for taking measurements
is described in the "Measuring" user 2. Remove the insert from the bottom of the
manual. eyepiece and place it on the bench with the
knurled side down.

4. Replace the insert in the eyepiece and press

it firmly into place.

5. Insert the eyepiece in the tube and turn the

eyepiece in the tube to align the graticule

S Series User Manual Assembly22


You can use your S series stereo Inserting the eyepieces Risk of infection
microscope together with a fixed or 1. Push eyepieces as far as they will go into Direct contact with eyepieces is a
adjustable eyepiece. For models in which the tubes.  potential transmission method for
a graticule is included in an eyepiece for bacterial and viral infections of the eye. The risk
measurement or photography, two eyepieces can be kept to a minimum by using personal
are necessary. We recommend that you also eyepieces for each individual or detachable
equip the high-powered S APO with two eyecups.
adjustable eyepieces.

2. Check that the eyepieces are seated firmly

and precisely in place.

S Series User Manual Assembly23

Leica LED Illumination

 with its fiber-optic light guides is ideally

The Leica KL300 LED cold light source High-output illuminators

For higher demands, such as
suited for the Leica S9 series stereo microscopes. photography or in use combination
A number of matching adapters are available with the Leica S APO, we offer different
for connecting the Leica KL300 LED cold light high-performance transmitted light stands and
source to various stereo microscope stands and LED incident light illumination, as in the Leica
for stand-alone operation. LED3000 series, for example. Please ask your
Leica consultant about the options.
For detailed information about installation and
use, please refer to the user manual for the
Leica KL300 LED.

 on the Leica S APO can only be used with

Please note that the universal light guide

the light arm mounted on the side.

S Series User Manual Assembly24

Camera Design (Leica S9 D and S APO)

The Leica S9 D and S APO are equipped Installing the camera 3. Insert the unit into the video/photo output
an integrated video/phototube, 1. Remove the protective dust cover from the of the stereo microscope and screw it in.
which allows the simple, fast mounting of video/projection lens (c-mount adapter)
digital cameras for photos and video. Please ask and the microscope camera.
your Leica consultant about the options.

 camera systems, accessories and the

Detailed information about the available

software packages from Leica can be found in

the corresponding manuals.

• with the protective dust cover if no

2. Screw the camera into the video/projection Always close the video/photo output
lens (c-mount).
camera is installed.

S Series User Manual Assembly25

Quick Start Guide

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide26

An Overview of a S Series Stereo Microscope

1. Magnification changer, right drive knob with

magnification scale
2. Focusing drive
3. Fixing screw for optics carrier in the microscope
4. Adjustable tube: Interpupillary distance
adjustable from 50 to 76 mm 4
5. Eyepieces
6. Threads for fastening the light arm
(both sides and rear)
7. Illumination Leica LED3000 SLI 2
8. Illumination Leica LED3000 RL 6
9. Leica microscope camera 8
10. C-mount adapter and video/photo tube 7

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide27

Using the Eyepieces

 between the tube and the eye of the

The eyepieces form the connection Dioptric correction If you wear glasses:
In order to parfocally match the stereo Eyeglass wearers must remove or fold
observer. Simply push them into the tube and microscope, at least one eyepiece with dioptric   back the eyecups (Fig. below left), as
they are ready to use. correction is necessary. The setup is described otherwise they cannot see the entire field of
on the following pages: view.

OO With one adjustable and one fixed eyepiece:

from page 36.

OO With two adjustable eyepieces: from

page 39.

If you do not wear glasses:

Depending on the preferences of the observer,
What does "parfocal" mean? eyecups can be used.

"Parfocal" means that a specimen
To avoid eye infections, we recommend
continues to remain exactly in focus, even
if the magnification on the stereo microscope  that every user uses his or her own pair
is modified. All stereo microscopes from Leica of eyecups.
Microsystems are parfocally matched. However,
the parfocality requires a personal dioptric
correction for the user.

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide28

The Correct Interpupillary Distance

 set if you see a single circular image field

The interpupillary distance is correctly Setting the eye distance
1. Bring the eyes slowly to the eyepieces.
when looking at a specimen.
2. Push the tubes together or apart with both
If you are still a novice microscope user, you hands until you see a single round, circular
may need a short time to become accustomed image field without shadows with both
to this. Not to worry – after a little while, it will eyes.
become automatic.

Reference value
The interpupillary distance can be set between
50 and 76 mm.

 between eye and eyepiece. With the

An "exit pupil distance" is the distance
 
10×/23B wide-field eyepiece for eyeglass
wearers, it is approx. 22 mm. For those who do
not use the eyepiece for eyeglass wearers, it is
12 mm.

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide29


Focusing raises and lowers the stereo Focusing 3. Look into the eyepieces and insert the
 microscope using the focusing drive. The 1. Align the specimen under the objective. desired specimen detail in the center.
specimen detail is brought into sharp focus as
soon as it is in the focal point of the objective. 4. Focus on the specimen with the drive knob.

2. Set the lowest magnification level.

 specimen detail can be easier to localize

At the lowest magnification, the desired
 either left- or right-handed.
The focusing drive can be operated

due to the large field of view.

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide30

Changing Magnification (Zooming)

 allow a continuous magnification change.

All stereo microscopes of the S series Changing magnification
1. Look into the eyepieces.
The magnification changer can be operated
with the left and the right hand. The image 2. Focus on the object (see page 30).
scale is shown on the right drive knob.
3. Rotate the magnification changer until the
desired magnification is configured.
The basis for the calculation of the total
magnification and the field of view can
be found on page 81.

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide31

Limiting Zoom Range

With the S APO, the zoom range can be limited Defining the lower limit 3. Set the stop on the left drive knob forward
at the top and bottom. In the same manner, 1. Loosen the hollow screw on the left drive until it touches the built-in zoom stop.
a fixed magnification level can be set. The knob with the Allen key provided.
following example shows the limit to the range
between 1 to 3.2.

4. Carefully tighten the Allen screw.

2. Turn the right drive knob to position "1".
Continued on next page

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide32

Limiting Zoom Range (Continued)

Defining the upper limit stop 3. Set the stop backward on the right drive
1. Loosen the hollow screw on the right drive knob until it touches the built-in zoom
knob with the Allen key provided. stop.

2. Turn the right drive knob to position "3.2". 4. Carefully tighten the Allen screw.

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide33

Regulating the Resistance of the Focusing Drive

Adjusting the resistance

Is the focusing drive too loose or too tight?
Does the equipment tend to slide downwards?
The resistance can be adjusted individually
depending on the equipment weight and
personal preferences as follows:

1. Grip the outer drive knobs with both hands

and turn them towards each other until
the desired resistance is reached during

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide34

Changing the Position of the Optics Carrier

 in the microscope carrier if the user

The optics carrier can be turned sideways Changing position
1. Unscrew the clamping screw.
wants to work from the side.

2. Turn the optics carrier laterally to the

desired position.

3. Carefully tighten the clamping screw.

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide35

Diopter Settings and Parfocality: 1 Adjustable & 1 Fixed Eyepiece

 eyepiece  carried out only once by each user. Using

If you set the diopters on the adjustable The following adjustments have to be Adjusting the diopter settings
exactly as described, the 1. With Leica S APO, turn the rotary knob to
image will remain equally sharp and constant reticules leads to slightly deviated settings, the "Vis" setting.
(parfocal) from the lowest to the highest which are described in the user manuals on the
magnification. This means you do not have reticules (measurement).
to refocus when changing magnification. The
focus needs to be readjusted only if you want to
view a specimen detail that is located higher or
lower. Use this advantage as often as possible, it
is not available on all stereo microscopes.

2. Turn the dioptric correction on the

 and -5.
The diopters can be set between +5
adjustable eyepiece to the center position.

Continued on next page

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide36

Diopter Settings and Parfocality: 1 Adjustable & 1 Fixed Eyepiece (Continued)

3. Place a flat specimen under the objective. 6. Set the highest magnification level. 9. Turn the eyelens of the eyepiece as far as it
will go in the "+" direction, without looking
4. Set the lowest magnification level. 7. Optimize the focusing with the focusing into the eyepieces while doing so.
10. Close your eye on the fixed eyepiece and
look with the other eye into the into the
adjustable eyepiece.

11. Rotate the eyelens of the eyepiece slowly in

the "–" direction until the eye can see the
specimen sharply.
5. Observe the specimen through the
eyepieces and bring it into sharp focus with 8. Set the lowest magnification level. Continued on next page
the focusing drive.

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide37

Diopter Settings and Parfocality: 1 Adjustable & 1 Fixed Eyepiece (Continued)

Checking parfocality
1. Select the highest magnification level.

2. Monitor the specimen; if necessary, refocus

it slightly.

3. Change from the highest to the lowest

magnification. The sharpness should be
constant (parfocal). If this is not the case,
repeat this procedure.

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide38

Dioptric Correction With two Adjustable Eyepieces

If you set the diopters on the adjustable The following adjustments have to be Adjusting the diopter settings
eyepiece exactly as described, the carried out only once by each user. Using 1. With Leica S APO, turn the rotary knob to
image will remain equally sharp and constant reticules leads to slightly deviated settings, the "Vis" setting.
(parfocal) from the lowest to the highest which are described in the user manuals on the
magnification. This means you do not have reticules (measurement).
to refocus when changing magnification. The
focus needs to be readjusted only if you want to
view a specimen detail that is located higher or
lower. Use this advantage as often as possible, it
is not available on all stereo microscopes.

2. Turn the dioptric correction on both

 and -5.
The diopters can be set between +5
eyepieces to the center position.

Continued on next page

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide39

Dioptric Correction With two Adjustable Eyepieces (Continued)

3. Place a flat specimen under the objective. 6. Set the highest magnification level. 9. Turn the eyelens of the eyepiece as far as it
will go in the "+" direction, without looking
4. Set the lowest magnification level. 7. Optimize the focusing with the focusing into the eyepieces while doing so.
10. Look through the eyepieces and close one

11. With the other eye, monitor the specimen

and turn the eyelens of the eyepiece slowly
in the "–" direction, until this eye sees the
specimen sharply.
5. Observe the specimen through the
eyepieces and bring it into sharp focus with 8. Set the lowest magnification level. 12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 with the other eye.
the focusing drive.
Continued on next page

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide40

Dioptric Correction With two Adjustable Eyepieces (Continued)

Checking parfocality
1. Select the highest magnification level.

2. Monitor the specimen; if necessary, refocus

it slightly.

3. Change from the highest to the lowest

magnification. The sharpness should be
constant (parfocal). If this is not the case,
repeat this procedure.

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide41

Connectivity of the S9 i Stereo Microscope With Integrated Camera

The S9 i features an integrated, and networkcapable state of the art brightfield camera with 10 megapixel image resolution. There are various ways to
connect the S9 i with your viewing devices:

Ethernet mode USB mode HDMI mode

Use Ethernet mode to connect the S9 i with Use USB mode to connect the S9 i directly via Use HDMI mode to connect the S9 i to a large
your facilities' network via Ethernet (RJ45) USB cable with a PC or MAC. HD-screen for a standalone solution without
cable. computer. You can save images directly onto
SD card when operating in this mode.

Even mobile devices can be

Capture images from any used if there is a WLAN-
remote PC or MAC with access connection to the same
to your network (LAN). network.

For PC use the Leica Application Suite (LAS) Software (LAS 4.9 / LAS X 3.0 or higher) and for MAC use Leica Aquire (version 3.3 or higher)
to capture images. For mobile devices check the Apple App Store or Google Play for the Leica AirLab App from Leica Microsystems.

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide42

The S9 i With Integrated Camera

  The integrated HD camera has many

possibilities for various applications
and conditions of use. Below are some basic
Power S9 i
Power can be provided to the camera in the
following ways:
concepts to help you get the most performance OO USB power connector on the microscope

for your application. stand

OO External USB power supply

  In order to keep your camera up to date

and to benefit from newest functions you
should update the camera's firmware from time
OO USB connectors on the PC

to time. Detailed instructions about this topic 1. Capture button

OO Used to capture an image in HDMI mode
1 3
can be found in the download section of the 2
S9 i on our website. To check out your camera's
firmware version use the information box in 2. Mode switch
stand-alone mode (see section remote control) OO Switch into different modes (USB mode,
or the "About" section in the software on the
Ethernet mode, HDMI mode)
Note direct connection to an HD display
is possible in all modes.
3. Mode panel
OO The mode panel with the symbols for USB,

Ethernet and HDMI (from top to bottom)

indicates in which mode you are.
OO The LEDs will flash when you change from
one mode to another.

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide43

S9 i: Overview

1. LED status indicator

OO Flashing when camera is starting
OO Constant green means ready
2. Capture button for SD card capture
3. Mode switch to switch into different modes
4. Mode panel with symbols for USB, Ethernet,
and HDMI (from top to bottom) indi­cates the
selected mode.
5. Socket for Ethernet cable
6. Socket for the HDMI cable

1 3 5 7 7. Socket for the USB cable

2 4 8 6
8. SD card slot

S Series User Manual Quick Start Guide44

Get Set!

S Series User Manual Get Set!45

USB Mode – Capturing and Adjusting Images Using a Computer

  10× eyepieces have a fixed circular field

of view of 18 mm or more diameter. The
field of view of the S9 i is rectangular to ensure
2. Insert the provided USB cable into the
camera’s USB port, and attach the other
end of the cable to a USB 2.0 port of your
an even field on the digital image. As a result, computer.
the image field of the camera is smaller than
the object field seen through the eyepieces.

Installing and connecting

1. Insert the provided CD into your computer,
and follow the instructions to load the

3. The status light blinks green. Wait until the

status light stops flashing and one of the
mode panel buttons turns green. This may
take approximately 30 seconds.

S Series User Manual Get Set!46

USB Mode – Capturing and Adjusting Images Using a Computer (Continued)

 projector or monitor is limited to the live

4. If a mode other than USB is lit green, press Note the image resolution on the HD
the mode switch and wait until both the
status LED and the USB mode panel stop image resolution setting in the software. If an
flashing. aspect ratio of 4:3 is choosen in the software,
the image on the HDMI monitor will be
distorted as shown below. This is due to the fact
that the HDMI montior interprets every signal
as having an 16:9 aspect ratio.

5. You are ready to launch the Leica software.

Follow the software instructions to adjust
and capture an image.

6. While in USB mode, you can connect the

provided HDMI cable from the camera to
an HD monitor or HD projector to share the
4:3 aspect ratio 4:3 aspect ratio image on a screen set to an
aspect ratio of 16:9

S Series User Manual Get Set!47

HDMI Mode – Capturing Images Without a Computer or Without a Wireless

  In order to use this mode, you need a SD

card with enough free memory. If the
SD card is full, you will not be able to capture
1. The status light blinks green. Wait until the
status light stopped flashing and one of the
mode button's is also green. This may take
2. If a mode other than HDMI is lit green, press
the mode switch and wait until both the
status LED and the LED next to the HDMI
any images – a corresponding message will be approximately 30 seconds. mode panel stop flashing.

  Be sure the camera is connected to a

power source.

S Series User Manual Get Set!48

HDMI Mode – Capturing Images Without a Computer or Without a Wireless
Device (Continued)
3. Insert the SD memory card into the slot You can also use the HDMI output and an HD The image is now saved on the SD card. Images
on the side of the S9 i until the card clicks display (not provided) as a focusing aid. which are on the SD card can be viewed using
into place. The S9 i is now ready to capture the optional remote control. See "Camera
images onto the SD memory card. 4. To capture an image onto SD card, press the Remote Control" on page 57.
capture button, located on the side of the
S9 i camera.

OO You will hear a beep to acknowledge the

button was pressed.

Capturing an image 5. While in HDMI mode, you can connect the

provided HDMI cable from the camera to
It is critical to properly set the
microscope eyepieces’ diopters to an HD monitor or HD projector to share the
ensure that the images on the SD memory image.
card are in focus when the image is in focus
through the microscope’s eyepieces. Refer OO The status LED flashes green while the
to the microscope’s user manual for proper image is being captured.
diopter setting. Focus the microscope at
high magnification, then change to the OO You will hear another beep when the S9 i
magnification at which you wish to capture has completed capturing the image and the
the image. Do not refocus the microscope. status LED will return to steady green.

S Series User Manual Get Set!49

Adjusting Settings While in SD Mode

Setting a new white balance

  Make sure that there is no sample in

the beam path and that a standard
Return to factory settings
Press and hold the pinhole switch for 5 seconds.
Wait for the beep. The camera will now reset to
  It is recommended to set a new white
balance each time you change the type
or color temperature of the illumination. This is
illumination is available when you reset the factory settings. especially needed when you work with halogen
camera. light which can be turned from low intensity
yellow to a high intensity blue light. The new
Press and hold the capture button for 5 seconds. white balance setting will generate a neutral
Wait for the beep. A new white balance is set. background for both illuminations.

S Series User Manual Get Set!50

Ethernet Mode – Capturing and Adjusting Images Using a Network

1. Connect one end of an Ethernet cable to 3. If a mode button other than Ethernet mode
the camera and the other end of the cable is lit green, then press the mode button
to the Ethernet connection in your facility. and wait until both the status LED and
the Ethernet LED mode button stopped

2. The status light blinks green. Wait until the

status light stopped flashing and one of the
mode buttons is also green. This may take
4. Follow the directions of your network
approximately 30 seconds.
compatible device to connect to your
facilities network and select the camera.

5. Open the appropriate app on your mobile

device or appropriate software on your PC
for viewing, capturing, and adjusting the
camera image (see page 43).

S Series User Manual Get Set!51


S Series User Manual Extend!52

How to Install the Coded Zoom

Scope of delivery Dismount the normal zoom knob on the left Mount the coded knob and connect it to a
Coded zoom knob kit for S9 stereo microscopes: 1. Set the left zoom knob of the microscope to PC
Art. No.: 10 450 862 the lowest magnification. 1. Check the inside of the coded knob to
OO one coded zoom knob (for the left zoom assure the position of the screw on the
control) 2. To install the coded knob you must lower, left side.
OO USB cable to connect the coded knob with dismount the old knob on the left side. For
a computer unscrewing use a 2.5 mm Allen key.

 

2. When you turn the knob you’ll see the

screw through the hole.

  These instructions describe the mounting

of the coded zoom knob with a cabled
connection to a computer. Leica recommends
to use the left side for mounting, as the right
knob has the values for the zoom range
imprinted. Most users will find it convenient to
operate the zoom on the right side.

S Series User Manual Extend!53

How to Install the Coded Zoom (Continued)

3. Place the coded knob on the zoom knob 4. Use the delivered USB cable to connect the Do not change the position of the small
opening and fix it with a 2.5 mm Allen key. coded zoom knob with your computer. The  black switch on the backside of the
Close the screw hole after mounting using cable can be plugged into the zoom knob coded knob.
the protective cap. on the lower end.

  After connecting the coded knob with

your computer the operating system will
recognize the knob as an additional USB Device

S Series User Manual Extend!54

Installation of the Coded Zoom in LAS X

Installation of the coded zoom knob in the 3. Check the box to mark the “coded knob”. Calibration in LAS X (to lowest, highest, and
Leica Application Suite (LAS) Software X 1× magnification)
1. Open the “Leica LAS  X Hardware 1. To calibrate the coded knob click on
Configurator”. Click on this link on your “Configure” on the upper, left side. Then
desktop. click on “Fine Tuning” in the right menu.

2. Please select “Hardware Setup”.

2. Manually set the zoom knob on the S9 to

lowest magnification.

3. Confirm the setting to lowest limit in the

software by clicking on “Go to lower Limit”.

S Series User Manual Extend!55

Installation of the Coded Zoom in LAS X (Continued)

4. Repeat the procedure to calibrate the knob

also for upper magnification (manually
set the zoom to highest magnification on
  The coded zoom knob is now installed
and calibrated for your S9 microscope
and you can close the hardware configurator
Checking the functionality of the coded
zoom knob in LAS X
1. Open the LAS X software to check if the
the microscope, then choose “Go to upper tool. coded zoom now operates correctly.
2. Navigate to the Magnification Menu.

3. Go to the microscope and turn the zoom

knob. The changing of the zoom should
now be reflected in the Magnification
Menu, and the zoom bar should move
5. Repeat the procedure again to calibrate
the knob for 1.0× magnification (manually
set the zoom to 1.0× magnification on the
microscope, then choose “GO to nominal

  All functionalities in the LAS X software

that correlate with magnification, e.g.
the scale bar or the measurement tool, use this
automatically detected magnification value
from the microscope for information.

S Series User Manual Extend!56

The Camera
Remote Control

  The remote control is designed to work 

only when the camera is in HDMI mode
and when the camera is used in combination
with an HD display.

The only function which works in any mode is

the "Info" function which shows details about
the camera.

S Series User Manual The Camera Remote Control 57

Optional Remote Control

 The remote control only works in HDMI

mode. Aside from the button. It will
display information about the camera on a HD
1. Start/stop video recording
2. Save still image to SD card
10 11
display in every mode. The remote must be 3. Stop/continue live image,
pointed at the IR receiver of the camera without pause/play movie clip
obstructions. 12 13 4. View files on SD card
5. Move to previous image on SD card
1 3 6. Move to next image on SD card
5 6 7. Brightness adjustment up or down
8. Pairing button
7 7
9. Show/hide information box
8 9
10. White balance set button
11. Call up the camera menu
12. Arrow keys for navigation
13. OK to confirm

S Series User Manual The Camera Remote Control 58

Viewing Images and Movies With the Optional Remote Control

If you have purchased the optional
remote, the Leica HD camera shows
images and movie clips directly on an HD

1. Thumbnail view (first press)

OO up/down/left/right  select thumbnail

OO Show image in full screen or playback
movie clip
Playback / fullscreen view
OO next image / previous image
OO  Play movie clip
OO left /right  fast forward / rewind

2. To return to live view press .

Thumbnail view

S Series User Manual The Camera Remote Control 59

Calling up the Camera Menu

  The remote control can only work when

the camera is in HDMI mode.
Opening and closing the camera menu
1. Point the remote control towards the

2. Press the      key on the remote control to

show the camera menus on the monitor.

3. Press the  and  buttons to select a

menu item.

4. Press the button to confirm a menu


5. Press the      button again to hide the

camera menus.

S Series User Manual The Camera Remote Control 60

COLOR (Automatic White Balance)

Enabling automatic white balance

Leica S9 i 1. Press the      button on the remote control.

COLOR SET WB PRESS OK 2. Call up the "COLOR" entry.

3. Set the value for "WB MODE" to "AUTO".
4. Press the      button to exit the menu.

  The values for "RED" and "BLUE" cannot be adjusted if the "WB
MODE" setting is set to "AUTO".

  The "COLOR" function makes it possible to adapt the camera chip

to the ambient light so that color-neutral images can be acquired.

S Series User Manual The Camera Remote Control 61

COLOR (Manual White Balance)

Adjusting the white balance manually (recommended)

Leica S9 i 1. Move the specimen out of the field of view so that only the illumination
is seen.
EXPOSURE WB MODE MANUAL 2. Press the      button on the remote control.
3. Call up the "COLOR" entry.
4. Set the "WB MODE" to "MANUAL".

5. If necessary, correct the values for "RED" and "BLUE" until the image
shows a uniform gray area.

  The "COLOR" function makes it possible to adapt the camera chip     the
6. Press button to exit the menu.
to the ambient light so that color-neutral images can be acquired.

S Series User Manual The Camera Remote Control 62


Automatic exposure
Leica S9 i 1. Press the      button on the remote control.

COLOR EXP MODE AUTO 2. Call up the command for automatic exposure (see diagram at the left).
3. Set the value for "EXP MODE" to "AUTO".
4. Correct the values for "BRIGHTNESS" and "GAMMA" until you obtain
the desired results for the image.

Manual exposure
Leica S9 i     the
1. Press button on the remote control.

COLOR EXP MODE MANUAL 2. Call up the command for manual exposure (see diagram at the left).
RESOLUTION GAIN 5 3. Set the value for "EXP MODE" to "MANUAL".
4. Correct the values for "EXPOSURE (ms)", "GAIN" and "GAMMA" until
you obtain the desired results for the image.

S Series User Manual The Camera Remote Control 63


LIVE (resolution of the live image)

Leica S9 i Defines the resolution of the live image.

COLOR LIVE HD 1080i-50Hz CAPTURED (resolution of the captured image)

EXPOSURE CAPTURED 4k (16:9) Defines the resolution of the captured image on the SD card.
MOVIE (resolution of videos)
Indicates the resolution of the captured videos on the SD card.

Defines the resolution of the image transmitted over the Ethernet port.

  The "RESOLUTION" menu enables you to define the resolution for

the live image, still image capture and video capture individually.
This provides optimum results in every situation.

S Series User Manual The Camera Remote Control 64

SETUP CAMERA (Camera Settings)

Leica S9 i Select this to view your images horizontal, vertical, or horizontal and
You can decide to have a tone from the camera for some functions.
Select the language of the On Screen Display.


Press   to select another overlay. Press   to activate the selected
overlay and leave the menu.

  The camera settings enable you to control internal parameters such

as the date or time, reset the camera, etc.
 If you want to quickly display other overlays, press when the live
image is displayed   to show the next or previous respective
This command resets the camera to the factory settings. All user
information (such as white balance, resolution etc.) is reset.   The firmware of the camera can updated. For detailed instruction
please consult the download section of this camera on the webpage
of Leica Microsystem.
This command sets the date and time as well as the format for displaying GREYSCALE
them. The following formats are available for selection: YYMMDD – Allows you to remove the color information in the displayed and saved

S Series User Manual The Camera Remote Control 65


Leica S9 i Enables the display of a histogram as a picture in picture.


EXPOSURE SHOW MENU 10 SECONDS Changes the display time of the menu bar. You can select between
10 seconds and infinity. The menu can still be deactivated if you press the
camera menu button.

  The camera settings enable you to control internal parameters such

as the date or time, reset the camera, etc.

S Series User Manual The Camera Remote Control 66


Leica S9 i You can choose if you want the IP address to be set automatically by your
network (Dynamic) or you can manually enter an IP address using the
COLOR IP ADDRESS MODE DHCP(Dynamic) onscreen keyboard (Static).
If you select "STATIC" for the IP address, you can select from the following
options using the onscreen keyboard:
OO IP address
OO IP subnet mask
OO Gateway IP address

Leica S9 i



RESOLUTION IP SUBNET MASK This menu allows you to customize parameters relevant to working
SETUP CAMERA GATEWAY IP ADDRESS in Ethernet mode. Consult with your local IT expert for information
relating to your local network.

S Series User Manual The Camera Remote Control 67


Camera configuration
1. Open camera configuration panel on your PC.

2. In the top right corner find the Ethernet setting section.

3. Find the dropdown menu labelled "IP ADDRESS MODE" and select

4. Enter the IP address in the relevant boxes ("IP ADDRESS", "IP SUBNET

5. Camera should be recognized.

S Series User Manual The Camera Remote Control 68

Pairing Cameras With Remotes

Pairing 3. The microscope only responds to the

  The Leica S9 i and the remote control can

be paired and then only respond to each
other. This can be helpful when using multiple
remote control commands from the remote
control used for the pairing.

cameras and remote controls. Resetting to factory setting

1. Press the button   to start the process.
1. Press the   button to start or end the
process. 2. Press the button   until a corresponding
confirmation is displayed on the HD monitor.
In order to achieve successful pairing
and avoid pairing by mistake, the second
step must be performed within 4 seconds.

 If a "timeout" is displayed after 4 seconds,

press the "Pair" button again to start the

2. Press and hold the button on your remote

control representing the channel that you
want to assign to the connection (see
image to the right, channel selection) until
a corresponding confirmation is displayed
on the HD monitor. All of the buttons
except the   button can be used for this.

S Series User Manual The Camera Remote Control 69

Photography & Video

S Series User Manual Photography & Video70

Photography & Video

For most stereo microscope users, digital Leica DFC and MC cameras Leica Application Suite
documentation has become an invaluable part If you require absolute control over the camera The "Leica Application Suite", or "LAS" for short,
of their work. Research results can be presented and need the capability for measurement, is, as it were, the digital extension of your stereo
in an appealing form, while measurements on evaluation and more in addition to microscope. With it, you can not only take
the digital image provide clarity. photography, the digital Leica MC and DFC images, but also control the illumination, the
cameras are exactly right for you. Together camera and more. For additional information,
Adapters with the Leica Application Suite, they provide refer to the LAS online help.
If camera control using the Leica Application virtually limitless freedom of use. For additional
Suite is not required, conventional mirror reflex information about Leica cameras, refer to the
and rangefinder cameras from third-party camera's documentation.
manufacturers can be used. Leica Microsystems
offers various adapters for these.

S Series User Manual Photography & Video71

Photography With the Leica S9 D and S APO

 photobeam path can be switched at the  with

The observation beam path and the The focusing and the framing are done Capturing images and videos
the left eyepiece (video/photo 1. If the image detail and image sharpness are
S APO. For this, the light splitting is influenced beam path). set to your satisfaction, switch on the "Doc"
as follows: setting and capture your image.

 blurry on the left and right edge of the

Flat specimens are sometimes partially
OO Position "Vis": 100 % light in both eyepieces,
but no light in the video/photo beam path image. This blurring is based on laws of optics
and does not mean there is a malfunction of the
OO Position "Doc": 100 % light in the right camera or the microscope.
eyepiece, but no light in the left eyepiece.
100 % of the light crosses the video/photo The S9 D has a built in 50:50 split of the beam
beam path path and allows observation through the
eyepieces and digital imaging at the same time.

S Series User Manual Photography & Video72

Dimensional Drawings in mm

S Series User Manual Dimensional Drawings in mm73

Leica S9 E With Incident Light and Transmitted Light Illumination
186 186
164 52 134 164 52 134



ø58 ø58


ø76 ø76

65 22
107 148
278 205
107 148
278 205


205 205

S Series User Manual Dimensional Drawings in mm74

Leica S9 D With Incident Light and Transmitted Light Illumination
186 186
164 52 134 164 52 134



ø58 ø58


ø76 ø76

65 22
107 148
278 205
107 148
278 205


205 205

S Series User Manual Dimensional Drawings in mm75

Leica S9 i With Incident Light and Transmitted Light Illumination
186 186
134 134
164 63 110 164 63 110



ø58 ø58


ø76 ø76

65 22
107 148
278 205
107 148
278 205


205 205

S Series User Manual Dimensional Drawings in mm76

Leica S APO With Incident Light and Transmitted Light Illumination
151 151
166 113 166 113




ø58 ø58

ø76 ø76

65 22
278 148
278 148




S Series User Manual Dimensional Drawings in mm77

Technical Data

S Series User Manual Technical Data78

Technical Data
S9 E S9 D S9 i S APO

Optical system, lead-free 12° Greenough using best-corrected

10° Greenough using best-corrected central part of the objective
central part of the objective
Zoom 9:1 8:1, apochromatic
Viewing angle 35° 38°
Magnification range (basic outfit) 6.1× – 55× 10× – 80×
Maximum resolution 500 lp / mm 600 lp / mm
Maximum numerical aperture 0.167 0.2
Working distance (basic outfit) 122 mm 75 mm
Object field diameter 37.6 mm 23 mm
Adjustable zoom limits click-stops 10×, 20×, 30×, 40×, and 50× 2
Video/photo outlet – 50 % video – 100 % visual or
50 % visual, 100 % video/photo
permanent and 100 % visual in the left eyepiece
Integrated camera – – 10 MP resolution Yes

Live image up to 35 fps

(1,024 × 768 pixels)

Sensor size 6.44 mm ×

4.6 mm, 1/2.3" CMOS

Pixel size 1.67 μm × 1.67 μm

Standard objectives, lead-free Apochromats 0.5×, 0.63×, 0.75×, 1.6×, 2.0× Apochromats 0.63×, 1.6×, 2.0×
Ergonomic eyepieces, fixed and –
10× / 23, 16× / 16, 20× / 12
adjustable, with cups
Ergonomic eyepieces for eyeglass 10× / 23, 16× / 15,
wearers, adjustable, with eyecups 25× / 9.5, 40×/ 6

Interpupillary distance 50 –76 mm

S Series User Manual Technical Data79


S Series User Manual Appendix80

Calculating the Total Magnification/Field of View Diameter

Parameter Example
MO Magnification of the additional objective MO Additional objective 1.6×
ME Magnification of eyepiece ME 20×/12 eyepiece
z Magnification changer position z Zoom position 4.0
NFOV Field number of the eyepiece. Field numbers are printed on
the eyepieces: 10×/23, 16×/16, 20×/12, 10×/23B, 16×14B,
25×/9.5B, 40×6B.

Magnification in the binocular tube Calculation example: Field of view diameter in the specimen
MTOT VIS = MO × ME × z
or ∅ OF: = = 1.9 mm
MO × z 1.6 ×4
1.6 × 20 × 4 = 128

S Series User Manual Appendix81


The field of view is shadowed In the case of failures of electrically Photos are blurry
OO Adjusting the correct Interpupillary operated devices, always first check: OO Focus accurately (page 30).

Distance (page 29). OO Is the voltage selector set correctly? OO Bring the reticule into sharp focus and

OO Is the main power switch switched on? perform diopter correction exactly
The image goes out of focus OO Is the power cable connected correctly? according to the instructions (page 28).
OO Inserting the eyepieces correctly (page 28). OO Are all connecting cables attached OO Insert the eyepieces correctly up to the stop
OO Perform diopter correction exactly correctly? (page 28).
according to the instructions (from OO Are the fuses intact? OO Check that the graticules are securely in

page 36). place in the eyepiece (page 28).

The image from the camera stays black

The focusing drive gradually sinks on its OO Switch the beam splitter on the photo tube

own or is difficult to turn to the "Doc" setting (page 72).

OO Regulate the ease of movement (page 30).

S Series User Manual Appendix82

Contact Persons, Care, Maintenance, Transport

We hope you enjoy using your stereo Care Protection from dirt
microscope. Leica devices are renowned for O Protect your stereo microscope from Dust and dirt will affect the quality of your
their robustness and long service life. Observing moisture, fumes and acids and from results.
the following care and cleaning tips will ensure alkaline, caustic and corrosive materials and
that even after years and decades, your Leica keep chemicals away from the instruments. O Put a dust cover over the stereo microscope
stereo microscope will continue to work as well when it will not be used for a long time.
as it did on the very first day. O Plugs, optical systems and mechanical parts
must not be disassembled or replaced, O Use dust caps to protect tube openings,
Warranty benefits unless doing so is specifically permitted tubes without eyepieces, and eyepieces.
The guarantee covers all faults in materials and described in this manual.
and manufacture. It does not, however, cover O Keep accessories in a dust-free place when
damage resulting from careless or improper O Protect your stereo microscope from oil and not in use.
handling. grease.

Contact address O Do not grease guide surfaces or mechanical

However, if your instrument should no parts.
longer function properly, contact your
technician, your Leica representative or

S Series User Manual Appendix83

Contact Persons, Care, Maintenance, Transport (Continued)

Cleaning polymer components Permitted measures Transport

Some components are made of polymer or are O Clean the stereo microscope (or parts of it) Before transport and storage, always set
polymer-coated. They are, therefore, pleasant using warm soapy water, then wipe using  the zoom to the highest magnification.
and convenient to handle. The use of unsuitable distilled water.
cleaning agents and techniques can damage
polymers. O For stubborn dirt, you can also use ethanol
(industrial alcohol) or isopropanol. When
doing so, follow the corresponding safety

O Remove dust with a pneumatic rubber bulb

or with a soft brush.

O Clean objectives and eyepieces with special

optic cleaning cloths and with pure alcohol.

S Series User Manual Appendix84

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