SPCS 2018 Program Guide
SPCS 2018 Program Guide
SPCS 2018 Program Guide
Find Yourself at Stanford Stanford Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory’s Outreach
Welcome to Stanford Summer Program (SAILORS)....................... 16
Pre-Collegiate Studies.................................. 5
Stanford Sports Business Academy............. 17
Residential Summer
Enrichment Circles
Enrichment Programs
Stanford Math Circle........................................ 20
Stanford Pre-Collegiate
Summer Institutes........................................ ..8 Stanford Science Circle................................... 20
Be a Stanford Student
Stanford Summer Session.............................. 26 Financial Aid
Scholarships Available
Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies is
Come to Our School pleased to offer limited financial aid to
high-achieving, low-income students.
Stanford Online High School......................... 30 Aid is available to both U.S. and
international students.
spcs.stanford.edu 3
Photo: Karl Nielsen
Welcome to Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies!
With participation from every state and over 80 countries, our offerings attract bright,
intellectually adventurous, and passionate students who are eager to come together to
explore advanced topics, build lasting friendships, and gain new insights into themselves.
Through Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies, students can attend the nationally recognized
Stanford Online High School or engage in more than a dozen Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies
programs over the summer and throughout the academic year. Stanford also provides the
opportunity for qualified high school students to enroll in college-credit courses through
Stanford Summer Session.
Our instructional teams are experts in their fields and eager to share their enthusiasm for their
subjects and their love of teaching. Building on themes of collaboration, critical thinking, and
engaging classrooms, we create a magic formula of curriculum, students, and instructors,
producing vibrant and intellectually stimulating learning environments.
experience and challenges students with advanced content that is not typically found in
the high-school curriculum.
Our courses develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, expose students to
current research directions, and offer a challenging and rewarding academic experience
in an environment with others who share a passion for learning.
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Stanford Summer Humanities Institute
In this three-week residential program, rising high school juniors and seniors
explore the big questions at the heart of the humanities in seminars led by
distinguished Stanford professors.
Grades 10–11
Students spend the first two weeks intensively studying and researching a topic in
history, literature, or philosophy; attending daily lectures by the faculty members;
and participating in group discussions and activities in the afternoon. During their
third week, students work closely with professors, graduate teaching associates,
and writing mentors to produce original research projects.
But Diverse Students
“Not only was I able to take an engaging
course taught by a college professor
and spend time on Stanford’s beautiful
campus, but I was able to meet the most
incredible people.”
Grades 9–11
Arts at Stanford
The Arts are alive at Stanford!
The Bing Concert Hall, Cantor Arts
Center, Anderson Collection, and
McMurtry building form the newly
expanded arts district at Stanford.
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Stanford University Mathematics Camp
Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) welcomes an elite group
of talented rising high school juniors and seniors from around the world for
intensive study in advanced mathematics.
Grades 10–11
Meet Professor
Olga Russakovsky
“SUMaC jump-started my career.
I majored in Math at Stanford, got a
Ph.D. in Computer Science and became a
professor in AI. I even started my own
pre-collegiate program (SAILORS).”
Grades 10–11
High school sophomores and juniors from select Northern and Central California
counties are invited to apply. The twenty-four students admitted annually
work closely with Stanford faculty, researchers, students, and health care
professionals. Students intern at Stanford Hospital, take an anatomy course at
Stanford School of Medicine, and work in teams on a health-research project.
Engaged Learning
“Not only has SMYSP given me
a better idea of what I wish to pursue
in the future, it has also offered a
welcoming and safe environment for
all the participants.”
spcs.stanford.edu 15
Stanford Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory Outreach Summer Program
The Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory partners with Stanford
Pre-Collegiate Studies, to offer a three-week summer residential
program aimed at increasing the number of women in science. Grade 9
Grades 10–11
Building Confidence
Expanding Horizons
"I met great people and had
the opportunity to learn from them.
You see people going off and doing
incredible things. It’s cool thinking, that
can be me one day."
spcs.stanford.edu 17
Photo: Micaela Go
You are
e here.
Enrichment Circles.
Stanford Stanford
Math Circle Science Circle
Stanford Math Circle teaches elementary, middle, Stanford Science Circle offers middle and high
and high school students to learn how to think like a school students the opportunity to explore the vast
mathematician through working on problems involving and exciting world of science. The classes promote
complex and advanced mathematical topics. Math science interest through engaging lectures and
Circles are guided by mathematicians, educators, and hands-on activities. Students learn directly from
scholars from the Stanford community. faculty, researchers, and graduate students from
the Stanford community. Each quarter focuses on
a different area of science.
Humanities Circle
Stanford Humanities Circle invites middle and
high school students interested in exploring the big
questions at the heart of humanistic study. These
discussion-based classes allow students to engage
with each other and with Stanford graduate students About Stanford
and faculty to hone their writing and critical thinking Enrichment Circles
skills. Each quarter focuses on a theme such as creative The Circles are quarter-long,
writing, philosophy, or ethics. after-school programs for Bay Area
elementary, middle, and high school
students interested in math, science,
or humanities. Circle sessions are held
weekly on the Stanford campus.
Self-contained classes require
little to no homework, making them
compatible with students’ other
school commitments.
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Take College Classes Online.
University-Level Online Math & Physics
Stanford Pre-Collegiate University-Level Online Math & Physics courses
are offered throughout the year and give students the opportunity to take
a broad offering of math and physics courses not typically offered in
secondary schools all while earning Stanford Continuing Studies credit.
Course Highlights
These online courses allow high school students to work through advanced material
at their own pace with the support of expert instructors in live online sessions.
Earn Stanford Continuing • Complex Analysis • Linear Algebra • Multivariable
Studies Credit • Elementary Theory • Modern Algebra Integral Calculus
of Numbers • Modern Physics • Partial
• Intermediate Mechanics • Multivariable Differential Equations
Grades 9–12 • Light and Heat Differential Calculus • Real Analysis
Grades 10–11
spcs.stanford.edu 23
International Collaborations.
Stanford Pre-Collegiate International Institutes
The Stanford Pre-Collegiate International Institutes offers an exciting
opportunity for schools and organizations from around the world to bring
academically talented high school students to Stanford University for an
engaging educational and multicultural experience.
spcs.stanford.edu 25
Be a Stanford Student.
Stanford Summer Session
Stanford Summer Session provides high-achieving students,
ages 16–19, the opportunity to enroll in Stanford’s Summer Quarter and
take the same courses as fully matriculated Stanford students and other
visiting undergraduates.
16 Average
Class Size
Francisco Bay Area. The program creates an inclusive community of learning where
students are challenged to reach their fullest potential—while at Stanford and beyond.
Photo: Karl Nielsen (left and top right), Tamer Shabani (bottom right) spcs.stanford.edu 27
Why Stanford Summer Session?
Of Students
Of Students
Earn college credit and receive an official Stanford University transcript
Live on Campus Commute Choose from 145 different courses in over 30 departments
Dive deeply into a subject you are passionate about with a Stanford Summer
Of Students are
Intensive Study Certificate
International Represented Live on the Stanford campus, attend as a commuter, or take one of our
specially selected courses online
Department Highlights
• Anthropology • Computational • Mathematics
• Art & Art History & Mathematical • Music
• Athletics, Physical Engineering • Philosophy
Education, & Recreation • Economics • Physics
• Biology • Electrical Engineering • Political Science
• Center for Teaching • Engineering • Program in Writing
& Learning • English & Rhetoric
Get Ready • Chemistry • Geological &
For College • Psychology
• Civil & Environmental Environmental Science • Religious Studies
Take courses designed to help you have
a successful transition to college, such as Engineering • History • Sociology
“Writing Well: An Introduction to College • Classics • International Relations • Statistics
Writing” and “Working Smarter.” • Communication • Languages • Theater
• Comparative Literature • Management Science & Performance Studies
• Computer Science & Engineering
spcs.stanford.edu 29
Come to Our School.
Stanford Online High School
Stanford Online High School (OHS) creates a worldwide learning community
of diverse, intellectually passionate students and teachers. Through vibrant
seminars, the rigorous curriculum challenges students in grades 7–12 to
reason analytically, think creatively, and argue persuasively.
65% of instructors hold Ph.D. degrees in their fields, and work closely with
Our Classroom students in and outside of class
Real-Time, Online Full-time, part-time, and single course enrollment options meet each
“Contrary to the typical online school student’s goals
stereotype, the seminar-style, live
discussions are immersively interactive, 25 Post-AP and University-Level courses and 16 AP Courses—with 80% of
as a huge emphasis is placed on student
students receiving a score of 4 or 5 in the 2016-17 academic year
participation and engagement.”
— Ally (Class of 2018) 8–10 weekly hours of work per class (including class time)
About Breakdown
Stanford OHS 48% Full-Time
65% 15%
4-5 Courses
Average 38% Single Course
Class Size 1 Course
spcs.stanford.edu 33
Global Student Body
High School 10 – 12
Number of Weeks
Elementary 1 – 5
Academic Year
Which program is right for you?
College Credit
Use our online program finder at:
Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes 3
Stanford Summer Humanities Institute 3
Stanford Summer Arts Institute 3
Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) 4
Stanford Medical Youth Science Program (SMYSP) 5
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Program (SAILORS) 3
Stanford Sports Business Academy
Stanford Math Circle
Stanford Science Circle
Stanford Humanities Circle
Stanford University-Level Online Math & Physics
Discovering Medicine @ Stanford
Stanford Pre-Collegiate International Institutes 2
Stanford Honors Academies 2
Stanford Summer Session 8
Stanford Online High School
Stanford Sports Business Academy is for U.S. students only.
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