PaladinetalIT2023conference RESPOND AMCXinSARactions v4
PaladinetalIT2023conference RESPOND AMCXinSARactions v4
PaladinetalIT2023conference RESPOND AMCXinSARactions v4
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Abstract — Successful maritime search and rescue (SAR) helicopters, UAVs, satellite imagery, interoperable command
missions and real-time information exchange among first and control (C2) platforms, and a wide range of
responder organizations (FRs) and command/coordination communication assets used by first responders, lead to an
centers, fully rely on straightforward information flow and
efficient implementation of SAR procedures with positive
accurate communication channels, supported by novel data
sharing technologies, advanced network connections, and outcomes. Based on International Aeronautical and Maritime
interoperable platforms. Therefore, SAR actions at sea, as an SAR Manual (IAMSAR Manual) ([1],[2]), the SAR system
integral part of the national maritime safety system, are has three levels of coordination: the SAR Coordinator (SC),
supported with mission-critical communication (MCC) the SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC), the on-scene
networks and devices. The paper presents the analysis of SAR coordinator (OSC), and the Air – Craft coordinator for
operational and communication specifics, use cases and
operational and tactical steps in SAR actions.
technical efficiency increasing in the maritime safety
framework, with a focus on specific operational capabilities of The human component of this system should be improved
MCC, connection networks, devices, and procedures for with the support of technological assets and seamless
maritime distress communication. Further to MCC, the paper integration in the form of advanced ICT communication
provides insight into the 5G network applied in maritime SAR devices (based on 5G and 4G networks) which will enable
and communications. The case study consists of an elaboration full information about the vessel in distress and the situation
of the Mission Critical Communication platform components on the incident site. Also, the coordination of these tasks is
and X/BELLO tool, a secure 5G application that allows real-
time information exchange, deployed under the RESPOND-A based on SAR action Plan implemented by the national joint
project approach. These systems represent the technical part of Maritime Rescue and Coordination Centers (MRCC) over its
the SAR pilot of the EU RESPOND-A project showcasing the organizational units and technical infrastructure. In order to
opportunities to strengthen the operational framework of face many challenges related to SAR actions, the MRCCs use
maritime FRs and improve their joint mission performance. Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS),
which represents the worldwide network for emergency
I. INTRODUCTION communication between vessels and coastal centers,
Safety and security are of key importance in any aspect of including safety procedures, equipment, devices, and
the maritime sector, especially in order to maintain the communication protocols for carrying out the rescue actions
continuous transport of passengers and cargoes in seaborne ([1],[3],[4]). In this context, several IT legacy systems (e.g.
navigation. Enabling an adequate and reliable maritime safety Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System –
system mostly depends on maritime communications which VTMIS), data sensors and sources, C2 applications, Decision
are constantly advanced with new technologies and devices. support tools (DST) with Artificial intelligence (AI)-
The maritime SAR system is an essential part of emergency supported modules and Data Lakes for maritime surveillance,
response at sea and requires an integrated approach with SAR, and environmental protection are integrally used,
various national authorities, agencies, services, and other reaching the high level of interoperability between involved
stakeholders’ involvement. The success of SAR activities sectors. Such information sharing process among networking
includes a vast number of factors and they are mostly based of regional maritime agencies is of essential importance for
on physical and human assets capabilities and interaction. All the full operationalization of EU initiative Common
these factors jointly impact the level of maritime situational Information Sharing Environment (CISE) ([5],[6],[7],[8]).
awareness, information sharing flows, and surveillance In this paper we outline an overall review of specific
coverage on wider areas and possible risk situations at sea. aspects of communication and information sharing within
Therefore, the strong integration of SAR vessels, special SAR system (Chapter II), then we analyze 5G use cases
related to platforms for Mission-Critical Communications
Z.P., N.K., and Ž.L, are with the Administration for Maritime Safety and
used for more efficient outcomes of distress communications,
Port Management of Montenegro ( particularly in the maritime domain (Chapter III), and finally,
E.F. is with 8Bells ltd., Greece ( we give a case study with description of MCC Platform and
D.R. is with Airbus Defence and Space, France (
PhD G.B., is Professor at the European University of Cyprus, CY
X/BELLO tool specific components and features deployed
( under the EU H2020 RESPOND-A project.
979-8-3503-9751-2/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE
II. MARITIME SAR SYSTEM COMMUNICATIONS AND When the distress alert signal is sent from beacons,
INFORMATION EXCHANGE SPECIFICS mounted on the moving vessel (transmitted automatically or
Generally, the MRCCs, together with Coastal Radio manually) to the satellites (LEOSAR, GEOSAR,
Stations (CRS) and Vessel Traffic Service (VTS), operate MEOSAR), it is received and resent to responsible
based on MF/HF (Medium/High Frequency within the range coordination centers of the ground system (Local User
of 2MHz – 22MHz) radio communication systems, VHF Terminal, Mission Coordination Center and Rescue Control
(Very High Frequency with approximately 156 MHz) radio Center) for further processing and starting the rescue
station, Geostationary satellite communications systems, mission at sea. Also, the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) links
Automatic Information System (AIS), and usually SAR have been used for terrestrial communications related to
aircraft over Air Traffic Service Units [3]. Regarding the SAR actions that can be successfully completed with the
communication patterns in maritime critical situations, the support of extended Fifth generation (5G) technologies and
messages exchanged between the ship in distress and networks via LTE modems for SAR terminals [11].
MRCCs could be Distress (radiotelephone distress signal As a complement to maritime telecommunication assets,
MAYDAY for immediate action), Urgency (signal PAN an appropriate software tools with the fast transmission of
PAN for an urgent message about ships safety), Safety data between devices and advanced AI modules for
(signal SÉCURITÉ for important navigational or processing the Big Data collected from heterogeneous
meteorological warning to transmit), Medico (for medical sources, are used by MRCC to raise the efficiency level of
assistance) [9]. In that sense, having in mind that maritime SAR operations. On top of this, and to avoid human errors
safety and human lives strongly depend on using clear and harsh conditions effects in communication between the
communication, the main functions of an MRCC regarding distress ship and operator on the coast, the abovementioned
the SAR communications system follow ([1], [2],[4]): Radio Direction Finder (RDF), a device for detecting radio
- receipt of alerts from user equipment (UE) in distress, signal activity coming from the exact vessel, is an example
mostly over maritime radio, VHF channel 16, SSB (single of useful tool to localize the incident place and to suggest the
sideband mode of transmission used on MF/HF maritime MRCC sending SAR boat for rescue. Based on collected
frequencies) 2182kHz, 4125kHz, or 6215kHz, emergency data from RDF, the intelligent system, given in the approach
position-indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs with 406 MHz), of ([12]), consists of other smart agents which collaborate in
Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs), satellite or cellular monitoring radio frequencies and matching the signal
telephones; detections. Thus, the system quickly notifies about the
- exchange of information with persons in distress, and discovery and immediately passes this information to the
among the SMC, OSC, and SAR facilities for coordination MRCC service operator. Such a multi-agent system consists
of first responses to SAR incidents; and of several functionalities like data reading (from National
- Radio Direction Finder (RDF) and homing which allow Marine Electronics Association – NMEA codes), facilitation
dispatching the SAR field units to be in distress location of data sending and receiving, and estimating and showing
vicinity and to home on signals from equipment used by the vessel position. Also, the architecture framework of this
survivors. system is made in Hibernate while collected data are stored
Specifically, the GMDSS consists of the following in MySQL and PostgreSQL as performant databases [12].
components: EPIRBs, SAR Radar Transponders (SART), In order to improve maritime surveillance within the SAR
Navigational Telex (NAVTEX), Inmarsat-C, Digital system, as a support are introduced several intelligent
Selective Calling (DSC) on MF, HF and VHF maritime devices mostly concerning multi-networked unmanned
radios with embedded Global Positioning System (GPS), assets, specifically unmanned surface vehicles (USV),
and more recently AIS Search and Rescue Transmitters unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), off-shore partol vessels
(AIS-SART). (OPVs) and coordination over Multi-Domain Mission
In order to overcome the limitation of classic AIS on a Platform [13]. These devices have embedded many
visibility range of 50 nm, the satellite AIS has been deployed advanced capabilities, such as data and information sharing,
to increase maritime situational awareness beyond the 50 edge calculation, and realization of autonomous synchronous
nautical mile range from shore. As support for these search and rescue.
activities, the exactEarth satellite constellation of polar- Further to UAV used for SAR actions, according to the
orbiting satellites was developed with the aim to provide approach presented in ([14]), which comprehends the multi-
continuous global coverage of vessel positions, routes, and agent hierarchical maritime SAR model, the communication
traffic patterns, detecting nearly all ocean-going vessels on a links are established between base stations on the shore,
daily basis, especially those in distress for implementing satellites for maritime surveillance, and a large group of
SAR actions [10]. UAVs and USVs. Depending on the SAR mission
For the purpose of cooperation and organization of complexity range, the one hierarchically top-level UAV can
searching and rescuing people and property in distresses or take the role of central control agent that transmits orders
loss at sea, the COSPAS SARSAT satellite (space system and runs communications with medium-level UAVs as
for search of vessels in distress – Search and Rescue group control agents that, together with local tactical-level
Satellite-Aided Tracking) system is used for international UAVs and USVs, operate in particular areas. The whole
SAR actions. The main components of this system are approach is based on heuristics and operating embedded AI
distress beacons, a satellite system, and ground facilities. algorithms that cover end-to-end maritime communication.
III. THE MOST IMPORTANT 5G USE CASES IN SAR Communication. Specifically, Navigation and fleet
MARITIME COMMUNICATIONS management applications provide mission-critical services to
The efficiency of Mission Critical Communications vessels and shore-based maritime authorities using high-
(MCC) is strongly dependent on the development of fifth- speed broadband links; Shipborne IoTs transmit information
generation technology standards for broadband cellular based on sensors data received by all operational devices
networks (5G) set by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project aboard the ship; vessel and harbor logistics are covered by
(3GPP). The 5G has three major use case classes: 5G networks in order that crew and staff could efficiently
1. The eMBB (enhanced Mobile Broadband), communicate in case of internal emergencies, for planning
2. The massive Machine-Type Communications activities, organizing work sections, make inspections, etc.
(mMTC), Finally, the SAR activities are run over broadband and
3. The Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications MCC to connect participants in distress and vessels and are
(URLLC). supported with solutions such as New Radio Non-Terrestrial
Specifically, concerning the maritime sector of MCC, Network (NR NTN) (for enabling satellite communication
direct satellite access, enabled by 5G technologies, will be networks, UAVs systems, and High-Altitude Platform
used for asset tracking, especially for transported goods and Station - HAPS), Mission Critical Services (MCX), LTE/NR
ships. In that sense, the use case such as mobile cell sideline, 5G XR (Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality –
connectivity for passengers, crew, rescuers, marine AR/VR), 5G LAN, positioning, and platooning ([11], [17]).
researchers, and other staff on board vessels or aircraft, A generic model of 5G-enabled sea ports is proposed in
would be facilitated by enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) ([19]). This model, known as the Freeport concept, is based
5G service enabler, including broadband connectivity on 5G networks and shows clear opportunities for maritime
between the core network and the cells on board ship [15]. In digital transformation and all stakeholders involved in
order to increase the exploitation of 5G for MCC, a model of maritime sectors, including both commercial shipping as well
network slicing proposed in ([16]) is focused on three as non-commercial part such as maritime safety, security,
components of slicing in the maritime environment: environmental protection, joint actions at sea, etc. The most
• Enhanced mobile broadband services for users at sea. significant features of the 5G introduction in maritime
• Internet-of-Things (IoT) machine-type communication operations are high data rates, providing services for dynamic
services. information access, wearable devices in SAR actions, and
• Maritime communication services between authorities plugged-in AI modules for detection, tracking, and analyzing
and users at sea. the huge amount of data collected from sensors. These
Thus, the network slices concerning terrestrial maritime features are enabled over the Internet Protocol (IP), with the
and satellite mobile broadband slices for users at sea would seamless combination of broadband, Local/Wide/Personal
be enabled by eMBB and sMBB (satellite Mobile Area Networks, and Wireless LAN (LAN/WAN/PAN/
Broadband), respectively. This will contribute to enhanced WLAN). Specifically, the European ports Zeebrugge and
end-to-end services for high-rate communications, video Antwerp used mMTC and eMBB, respectively, German ports
streaming, internet access, multimedia, virtual and used eMBB and eMTC, and the UK ones used uRLC,
augmented reality as well as satellite-service-limited mMTC, and eMBB [18].
communication. Specifically, the mMTC and sMTC (satellite The high achievable data rates are of great importance for
Machine-Type Communications) would enable massive and a timely response for maritime operations in cases of search
satellite Machine-Type IoT for terrestrial-maritime and and rescue at sea, illegal activities, and sea pollution.
satellite communication. This is of essential importance for Therefore, challenges in a such specific communication
sensors’ communications for maritime SAR coordination environment would be overcame by the application of 5G
including vessels, wearable sensors, MRCC, UAVs, saving networks which enables easy integration with novel
lives and properties, logistic services to transport, as well as technologies, leveraging maritime Situational Awareness,
rescue coordination by satellite interface. Furthermore, the and safer engage of FRs, rescuers and SAR boats.
MCCs between authorities could be serviced by URLLC for The use of 5G technology greatly improves the efficiency
providing control on autonomous ship navigation, Vehicle- of drone usage in SAR actions, where the image is directly
to-Vehicle/any other transport means (V2V or V2X) transmitted to the command center in order to make effective
communication, SAR and environmental actions decisions. Furthermore, the video information in real-time
implementation, mission-critical video transmitting, warning can also be transmitted via 5G technology from rescue boats.
services, and others ([16], [17], [18]). In these cases, data collected from drones and other sources
All maritime use cases, based on 5G network usage could is used integrally to obtain a clear situational picture of the
be categorized into five groups: Maritime SAR, Harbor and monitored sea and coastal areas so that appropriate means
vessel logistics, Shipborne IoT, Navigation, and fleet could be used in incident situations. Thus, a complete SAR
management. Also, all of these use cases are covered by three action can be monitored from the very beginning to its end
types of communication, such as Massive Machine-Type improving the efficiency of the operation, especially in
Communication, Broadband Communication, and Critical incident situations where immediate decisions must be made.
Moreover, actual 5G developments enable high quality & Control Center and Communication Infrastructure (Public
level of communications between resucing boats and CCs, and local 4G/5G, WiFi and data visualisation platforms for
which is very important for monitoring and coordinating a Mission Critical Collaborations, anomaly detection, common
complete SAR action from the very beginning to its end. The operational picture, video/audio, AR framework).
integrated use of assets connected over 5G is of critical In this context, the Mission Critical Services (MCX) are
importance for the efficiency of maritime operations, enhanced in order to support MC-PTT (Voice), MC-VIDEO
especially in incident situations where immediate decisions (Group, Private Video and Real-time live video streaming),
must be made. This importance for maritime SAR use cases and MC-DATA (rich and robust multimedia messages with
and communication, is reflected through 5G network Text, Image, Device metadata, or Alert signals) features that
enabling the faster information and high-quality
enable data exchange between FRs during emergency
transmission to coordinating rescue and command centers
operations, including SAR operational scenario, that is done
from UAVs and rescue fast boats involved in a SAR
within Spanish Pilot 3 located in Valencia Port (Fig.1).
mission. Also, the information flow and video live streaming
from UAV used in these situations is enhanced with a 5G
card, providing instant information for rescue coordination
As additional means for enhancing maritime awareness,
the SAR cameras are involved and mounted on the fore and
aft ends of fast rescue boats in order to extend the coverage
of surveilled situations. These cameras are advanced with
5G modules and provide even better surveillance than
drones since they are fixed and function regardless of any
weather condition, which is not the case with drones. Over
the antenna fixed on the windshield aboard the SAR vessel,
the information, communication and live video are
exchanged with VTS and MRCC units.
Finally, it is evidenced that a wide range of national
public stakeholders competent for safety, security, and law
enforcement at sea, involved in Common Operational
Picture and joint actions at sea, could significantly benefit
through mentioned live transmission capabilities of 5G
B. X/BELLO tool developed under RESPOND-A Figure 2. The architecture of the X/BELLO system
The perception of the environment and events, is the The two basic subsystems of X/BELLO are the ones
main factor in a situation awareness demand, during a SAR below:
operation, which includes the need for different tasks and the - Administration Interface: It is a dashboard module
involvement of different expert personnel. The perception, in where all FRs on the field are displayed along with their
the technical world, normally is strongly connected with the location and status. A map of the incident is displayed
communication capabilities and tools, which act during the providing information about FR on the scene allowing the
operation and provide the overall picture to the MRCC or to administrators to monitor their activities during the operation
a decision-maker post. The time-space is the second main and coordinate the different groups (Fig. 3).
factor that affects directly the situation awareness
In this context, the main objectives of RESPOND-A are
to identify the Situational Awareness requirements of FRs
and specify how the proposed mission-critical networks and
applications can reflect these requirements in a cost-effective
manner as well as to develop and provide equipment tools to
First Responders, with continuous connectivity for
protecting them against multiple unexpected dangers.
One tool that was developed under these objectives is the
X/BELLO, by 8BELLS company. The X/BELLO brings an
operational closed communications tool/application which
will assist in FRs’ activities during a disaster or an
emergency operation combining the perception needs with Figure 3. The administration interface of the X/BELLO system
the necessary time space.
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