The Recycled Trashcans for Proper Waste Disposal of San Matias National High
School - Senior High School is a project that focuses on the issue of the School
regarding lacking proper trashcans. Along with the mission in enhancing and providing
Recycled Trashcans for Proper Waste Disposal of San Matias National High School -
SHS. The Project will provide recycled trashcans with help of the Barangay San Matias-
Solid Waste Management (SWM), The Municipal Environment and Natural Resources
Office (MENRO) and Yes-O club OF SMNHS-SHS. For a reason, Yes-O club, MENRO
and Barangay San Matias’ Solid Waste have a similar mission and vision to this project
educational institutions.
territory’s environment and natural resources. For the Municipality of Sto. Tomas, the
plans and strategies for environmental initiatives and programs through the upkeep of
According to Local Government Code Section 76, "each local government unit
shall design and implement its own organizational structure and staffing pattern, taking
into account its service requirement and financial capability, subject to the minimum
standards and guidelines prescribed by the Civil Service Commission." In this regard,
The CSC released Memorandum Circular No. 19, s. In order to develop the
organizational structures and staffing patterns for LGUS, standards and guidelines were
provided in 1992. In this way, the Municipality or LGUS has the power and right to
design its own organization that cures the community’s problems including
Environmental issues.
Moreover, MENRO already proves its use for the environmental issues of Sto.
No. 36, Series of 2017 otherwise known as the “Environment Code of Municipality of
Sto. Tomas' ', This Environmental Task force enhances the implementation of territorial
jurisdiction in preserving the culture, right of the people to a balanced ecology and to
promote health and safety. The MENRO has also been promoting Proper Septage
RCC since 2010, particularly for those who are part of the volunteers who cleans the
environment which the other volunteer is hostile with. MENRO has been fighting to raise
awareness about environmental problems and mobilizing the public to find solutions and
create a more sustainable nation. After all, The MENRO takes the charge of
MENRO are anticipated to support and fund this project due to a law named Republic
Act No. 9003; Provide technical and other capability building assistance and support to
the LGUs in the development and implementation of local solid waste management
plans and programs. The Local Government can anticipate that the project will secure
the fund and there’s an assurance that this project will be as inexpensive as possible
Students were attracted to the recycled trash can and its intended usage. The
correct trash management of students was also improved by this product. The students'
trash had additional advantages besides benefiting the environment by using less
resources to create new goods. Recycling may enhance the condition of the
have a serious detrimental effect on the environment and it fuels climate change.
Recycled Trash Cans for Proper Waste Disposal of SMNHS-SHS will open an
opportunity to the LGUs and Yes-O club in enhancing the Solid Waste Management
and maintaining of the School. This project will help the students in avoiding being in a
situation where the school faces a lot of consequences caused by the improper waste
disposal and inordinance of the waste. Thus, the project will create a trashcan where it’s
low-priced and recycled but effective to resolve the observable problem. The project will
also enhance the discipline and knowledge of the students in what is the importance
and the effect of having a Proper Waste Disposal in every place such as household.
The project will encourage students to consider how their activities affect the
Earth and their future environment by teaching them the value of recycling through Film
Viewing. Learners who learn about recycling in school will most likely make recycling as
their habit, which will help them grow up to be responsible people. This encourages
students to incorporate their recycling strategies into their daily lives. Reduce, reuse,
and recycle are three easy steps that can help students feel responsible for their part in
the environment. For instance, recycling one ton of printing paper can prevent the need
The project will be conducted from February 2023 to May 2023. This Program
will focus on providing a solution that contains the design and materials that was
specialized on each kind of trash which are Biodegradable, Recycle, and Non-
Disposal of San Matias National High School-Senior High School is a project where the
School, the Society and the LGUs of San Matias will benefit from. Along with the
Alternative for Proper Waste Disposal of SMNHS-SHS will help the students to enhance
their behavior and perspective to the importance of supervision towards the
Recycled Trashcans for Proper Waste Disposal of San Matias National High
School - Senior High School is a project where it prioritizes the cleanliness and
ordinance of the school. It will aim to lead the school into enhancement of
environmental awareness through Film viewing and adding Recycled Trashcans that
to implement proper environmental education with the use of recycling and signages.
The project will encourage the students to value and to cherish the importance of the
environment. The Recycled Trashcan project will also stimulate the students to
recognize and think of their actions and decisions toward the environment.
Environmental education has been established to provide the chance to learn the
abilities to comprehend and value not only how landscapes are created, but also how
people interact with them, and the effects of daily physical decisions made by people
world to care for the future generations who value and take care of the environment’s
importance and the environment itself. However, the lack of awareness and knowledge
about the environment can lead to many disadvantages and consequences to society.
People can acquire bad behaviors and negative culture towards the environment that
can induce the fast increase of pollution to the environment. This includes the results of
rapid growth of climate change, and the extinction of animals due to lack of habitat that
was caused by garbage and lack of place to decompose the plastics that can take 20-
awareness and implementation of education about the environment and its importance
in educational institutions such as schools can also lead to many problems. This can
create issues such as threat to food security, flooding, and poor environmental health
that can affect the student’s health and security. This issue was experienced by the
School of San Matias National High School - Senior High due to its poor
segregation on waste. Most of the school’s buildings only have 1-2 trash cans that
result, it creates a disturbing factor to the comfortability of the students in the sense of
visual and smell that affects the capability of the educator and learners to full-fill their
education. Thus, Students are unaware of the pros and cons of proper waste
also noted that there is generally poor waste segregation in educational facilities due to
a lack of knowledge about the health risks associated with school's waste, a lack of
management and disposal systems, and a low priority given to the issue (Carnero M.
R.,2020). It indicates the effect of improper waste segregation disposal can become a
public safety issue, improper segregation can have an impact on not only staff members
but also to the students. Additionally, it results in more hazardous garbage being
produced because all combined waste must be treated as hazardous due to the
incorrect mix. This specifies the importance of proper waste disposal to health, safety
Therefore, This project will aim to innovate a product from the ideas and possible
solutions to the issue of students' awareness that can improve the school’s
environmental health. Recycled Trash Cans are a way of proponents to implement the
much stronger efficiency of environmental care and protection, and to aid the
environmental issue of San Matias National High School-Senior High School that
and awareness of garbage recycling. If a student has a lot of resources at their disposal.
The more waste there is, With school supplies like paper and other writing tools, The
recycling has a lot of opportunity to be and it must be done (Asio J. M. R.,2021). This
indicates the Higher quantity of waste such as papers and bottles, the more opportunity
of creating something new is increasing too. It will also lessen the waste that will be
decomposed. This states the power and importance of recycling to maximizing the
Conducting this project will bring significance to the school, community, funder
and students. It will enhance the school’s cleanliness and ordinance that can lead to
great feedback of the school’s image and reputation. It can also benefit the community
and funder by adopting the project, LGUs such as The Municipal Environment and
Natural Resources Office and Barangay Officials can adopt or even enhance the
student’s project of recycled trash can that can increase the knowledge of its members
that can leads to full-filling their vision and mission towards cleanliness. This can also
and benefits of recycling to its members. Lastly, It will benefit the students by securing
their food against uncleanliness and bacterias, it can also improve the student’s
discipline and knowledge towards proper waste disposal and recycling that students can
Trash Cans as an Alternative Solution for Proper Waste Disposal of San Matias
National High School - Senior High School is to ensure the ordinance, cleanliness and
strengthens the knowledge for Solid Waste Management inside the campus by
Recyclable) for Proper Waste Disposal of the School. This project has also an objective
to effectively escalate the uses and importance of these labeled trash cans and the
convenience of recycling.
Recycled Trashcans for Proper Waste Disposal is a project where the trash such
as bottles and plastics are converted into trashcans to emphasize the sense of creating
something useful with the use of trash. This project will propose to be accompanied with
The Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO), LGU - Barangay
Solid Waste Management, Yes-O club and to the groups of 12 LARIMAR. In order for
proponents to share information that can innovate the product to be more useful to
The community, funding source, school, and students will consider this project to
be relevant. It will enhance the school's order and cleanliness, which could lead to
positive feedback regarding the school's reputation and image. Local government units
(LGUs), such as the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office and
barangay officials, can fund or even adopt the student project of a recycled trashcan,
which will broaden their members' knowledge and will help them to achieve their goals
for cleanliness. Furthermore, the community and funders may gain from it. This can aid
importance, and benefits of recycling. It will also benefit students by protecting their food
from germs and pollution. It will also benefit them by enhancing their discipline and
knowledge of correct garbage disposal and recycling that students can gain from it .
This can also be used in their daily lives and to other situations, places, or workplaces in
budget from the funder at least P350 for each recycled trashcan. This indicates the low-
priced production of recycled trashcans. Despite its low-price, the product is strong and
The project has provided proper labeled trashcans which makes the school’s
solid waste segregation much more efficient to the students. The implementation of
recycled trashcans in San Matias National High School is expected to result in a more
students and staff with easily accessible recycled bins for biodegradable, non-
awareness and promote sustainable practices among the school's community. This may
lead to a reduction in littering and other forms of environmental damage, and contribute
practices, and setting an example for other schools and organizations to follow.
This timeline indicates the starting day and due day of the project. In this way,
The proponents will have an enough time for the project to be accomplished.