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K47 USMC List

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KONFLIKT ’47 – United States Marine Corps Expeditionary Task Force

United States Marine Corps

Expeditionary Task Force
As the battle for the Pacific draws on, the attrition suffered by USMC ETF SPECIAL RULES
the USMC and accompanying Army units has caused concern These special rules apply to any force using the USMC ETF
amongst senior officers. There is a realisation that well Reinforced Platoon Table above and they replace the US
equipped, elite forces are going to be needed to capture and National Rules presented in the core rulebook.
hold the toughest objectives and the US Marine Corps has
been selected to lead the development of these specialist Modern Communications
forces in the Theatre. An extensive radio network and numerous communications
Learning lessons from earlier engagements and maximising systems supported the chain of command. This gives the US
the use of the newest and most effective weaponry available, Marines a tremendous advantage over their less technically
the specialist USMC Expeditionary Task Forces were swiftly accomplished opponents. When units take an order test to
mustered and began intensive operational training. move from reserve onto the table, do not apply the usual -1
By late 1947 they are ready for combat and are being penalty, but use their basic morale value instead.
deployed against remote Japanese outposts where the terrain
restricts numbers and restricts supporting fire from naval guns Gung-Ho
or air support. The Marine Corps prides itself on its positive spirit and never-
say-die attitude. When a unit in this force passes an order test
USMC ETF REINFORCED PLATOON TABLE it removes one pin marker as normal, then roll a d6. On a 5 or
REINFORCED PLATOON ETF Marine Corps* a 6 it may remove a second pin marker.
Lieutenant (1st or 2nd) 1
Naval Support
Infantry Squads 3-5
The firepower provided by the US Navy’s big guns and aircraft
Senior Officer 0-1 is intended to soften up the enemy before the ETF launch their
Medic 0-1 assault. In any scenario with a preparatory bombardment, roll
two d6 instead of one for each enemy unit and choose which
Forward Observer (artillery) 0-1
dice to use on the Preparatory Bombardment Table.
Forward Observer (Air) 0-1
Machine Gun Team 0-3 Adapt and Overcome
If an infantry squad’s NCO is killed then roll a D6, on a roll of
Med Mortar 0-2
4 or more one of the troopers takes over the squad and
Sniper Team 0-2 becomes the NCO. To represent this this, leave the NCO in
Flamethrower Team 0-2 place and remove any other model instead. If the NCO is
Anti-Tank Team 0-2 replaced, then the unit doesn’t suffer the usual -1 morale
penalty for losing its NCO.
Light & Medium Artillery or 0-1
AT Guns
Scout Walker 0-1 Thanks to…
Light Walker 0-1 RG Bilton of the Konflikt ’47 Facebook group for the
Medium Walker 0-1 inspiration and hard work that led to this list.
Transport per Infantry Team/ 0-1
Tow per artillery piece 0-1

* ETF, Paragon or Paragon Support squads only. No heavy

armoured weapon or artillery teams.

KONFLIKT ’47 – United States Marine Corps Expeditionary Task Force


Officer ETF Marine Squad

Selection Lieutenant, Senior Officer for Captain/Major Selection Infantry Squad

Cost Second Lieutenant, 65pts (Veteran) Cost 91pts (Veteran)
First Lieutenant, 90pts (Veteran)
Captain, 125pts (Veteran) Composition 1 NCO and 6 men
Major, 165pts (Veteran) Weapons Rifles
Composition 1 officer and up to 2 further men
Options - Add up to 6 additional men with rifles for
Weapons Pistol, SMG, Shotgun or rifle/carbine as +13pts (Veteran) each.
depicted on the models - Any model can replace their rifle with an SMG
or Shotgun for +3pts each.
Options - The officer may be accompanied by up to 2
- Up to 2 men can replace their rifle with a BAR
men at a cost of +13pts per man (Veteran)
automatic rifle for +5pts each
- Any model can carry a pistol in addition to
Gunnery Sergeant their other weapons for +1pt each.
- up to 1 man can replace their rifle with a
Selection Senior Officer or Lieutenant if Senior Officer Heavy Tesla rifle for +15pts, one other man
already selected becomes a loader
- Up to 1 man can replace their rifle with a
Cost 25pts (Veteran) grenade launcher for +25pts, another model
Composition 1 Gunnery Sergeant and up to 2 further men must be designated as a loader
- The entire squad may be given anti-tank
Weapons Pistol, SMG, Shotgun or rifle/carbine as grenades at +2pts per model.
depicted on the models Special Tank hunters (if grenades taken)
Options - The Gunnery Sergeant may be accompanied Rules
by up to 2 men at a cost of +13pts per man
ETF Support Squad
Special - If the Gunnery Sergeant is within 6” of
Rules the Platoon commander. When using the Selection Infantry Squad
Lieutenant’s abilities or morale bonus, you can
measure from the Gunnery Sergeant model. Cost 91pts (Veteran)
This effectively extends the Lieutenant’s area of Composition 1 NCO and 6 men
Weapons Carbines
Medic and Forward Observer are selected from the standard
unit entries on page 147 of the Konflikt ’47 Rulebook but must Options - The NCO and up to 2 men can replace their
rifle with an SMG for +3pts each.
be selected at Veteran. - Up to 3 men can replace their rifle with a light
mortar or LMG for +20pts each, for each mortar
or LMG added, another man becomes a loader
- Any model can carry a pistol in addition to
their other weapons for +1pt each.
Special A squad can contain either mortars or LMGs,
Rules but not both.

KONFLIKT ’47 – United States Marine Corps Expeditionary Task Force

Dragonfly Squad ETF Recon Element

After the introduction of the Fireflys within the US Army, the Taking over from where the Marine Raiders left off, the
Marine corps were quick to see the advantages such a force Marines Recon Element receive extensive jungle and island
could deliver within the Pacific Theatre. With the recent training allowing them to act as forward scouts and
demise of the Paramarines in mid ‘44, and the difficulties pathfinders, the members of these teams are drawn from
experienced against the Japanese the Corps had determined across the country being the finest athletes at their schools,
the need for mobile firepower, so utilised the training and there are rumours that they are part of the Paragon Programme
manpower already provided by the Paramarines to kickstart but this line of enquiry is quickly shut down when raised.
the Dragonfly project.
Selection Infantry Squad
Selection Infantry Squad
Cost 116pts (Veteran)
Cost 126pts (Veteran)
Composition 1 NCO and 3 men
Composition 1 NCO and 6 men
Weapons SMG or Shotgun
Weapons SMG
Options - Add up to 3 additional men with SMGs or
Options - Add up to 6 additional men with SMGs for shotguns for +29pts (Veteran) each.
+18pts (Veteran) each. - The entire squad may be given anti-tank
- Up to 2 men can replace their rifle with an grenades at +2pts per model.
LMG for +17pts each, for each LMG added, Special Tank hunters (if grenades taken)
another man becomes a loader Rules IR Vision
- up to 1 man can replace their rifle with a Elite
Heavy Tesla rifle for +15pts, one other man Fast
becomes a loader Behind Enemy Lines
- Up to 1 man can replace their rifle with a
grenade launcher for +25pts, another model
Paragon Squads, Paragon Support Units, Flamethrower
must be designated as a loader
- The entire squad may be given anti-tank Teams, Bazooka Teams, Medium and Heavy Machine Gun
grenades at +2pts per model. Teams, Sniper Teams and Medium Mortar Teams are all
selected as Veteran options using the unit entries in the
Special Tank hunters (if grenades taken)
Rules Flight Konflikt ’47 Rulebook.


Light Artillery, Medium Artillery, Light AT Gun, Tesla AT Gun
and Medium AT Gun are all selected as Veteran options form
the unit entries on pages 152-153 in the Konflikt ’47 rulebook.

KONFLIKT ’47 – United States Marine Corps Expeditionary Task Force

WALKERS M3A4 Armoured Pondskater Support Walker

With the success of the M3A2, the Marine Corps wanted to
M3A2 Pondskater Scout Walker expand on the role of the Pondskater. Several concepts were
Having suffered at the hands of German and Soviet recce brought before the procurement committee, the Second
walkers, the US looked to develop a lightweight scout walker concept was the armoured variant. Fully enclosing the walker
that could operate in highly difficult terrain and provide a recce provided some additional protection for the crew, and its ability
vehicle more suited to the jungle and island terrain encountered to mount and fire the M18 Recoilless gun enables it to provide
in the Pacific. The M3A2 Pondskater was conceived by the US antitank support while unofficially it would also be used against
Marine Corps, to be light and small enough to deploy from an bunkers and dug in infantry.
infantry landing craft, the Pondskater acts as a recce vehicle or
as a weapons platform when up-gunned. Selection Light Walker
Cost 100pts (Veteran)
Selection Scout Walker (Two Pondskaters may be
selected for a single Scout Walker choice) Damage 7+
Cost 95pts (Veteran) Value
Weapons One forward-facing 57mm M18 Recoilless gun,
Damage 6+ and one forward facing, hull mounted MMG
Special - Agile
Weapons 360-degree pintle-mounted HMG, forward Rules - Walker
mounted hull MMG
Options - May add a second HMG on the pintle mount Coyote, Jackal, Grizzly, Bruin, Kodiak and Mudskipper can be
for +15pts selected as veteran options from the relevant unit entries in
Special - Recce (if armed with single HMG) the Konflikt ’47 rulebook.
Rules - Open-topped
- Agile
- Walker
M3A3 Pondskater Assault Walker The ETF has access to the full range of vehicles available to
With the success of the M3A2, the Marine Corps wanted to expand the US in the Konflikt ’47 Rulebook and the Resurgence and
on the role of the Pondskater. Several concepts were brought Defiant supplements. However, the nature of ETF operations
before the procurement committee, with the first being the Close often means that transports and tows are rarely seen
Support variant, after seeing the success of flamethrowers across alongside the ETF in combat.
the Pacific and the armoured flamethrowers in Europe it was
decided that something similar was needed.
Selection Scout Walker (Two Pondskaters may be
selected for a single Scout Walker choice)
Cost 90pts (Veteran)
Damage 6+
Weapons 360-degree pintle-mounted HMG, forward
facing, hull mounted infantry flamethrower
Options - May add a second HMG on the pintle mount
for +25pts
Special - Open-topped
Rules - Agile
- Walker

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