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1634, Philippines
Affecting File No. PH-4-2022-511516, Mark Name JACO`S ULAM DRIVE-THRU, Owner Name
Del Rosario, Heidie Ricca
The request above shall be considered submitted on the date payment is made.
The filer of the document is responsible for the correctness of the document/s or attachment/s
submitted online to the IPOPHL.
Please be informed that the abovementioned trademark application has been allowed and its publication in
the Official Gazette pursuant to Sec. 133.2 of Republic Act No. 8293 has been approved.
To facilitate the publication of the mark, the applicant is required to pay the publication fee in the amount of:
Php 910.00 - Small entity OR Php 970.00 - Big entity
Failure to pay the fee within two (2) months from the mailing date of this notice will result in the abandonment
of this application.
The applicant may also pay the Issuance Fee and 2nd Publication Fee (for the Certificate of
Registration) in the amount of:
Php 1,484.70 - Small entity OR Php 2,181.60 - Big entity
Paying the Issuance Fee and 2nd Publication Fee together with the Publication Fee will expedite the release
of the Certificate of Registration if no opposition to the registration of the mark is filed within thirty (30) days from
publication of the mark in the E-Gazette. Please note that if an opposition is filed, the Issuance Fee will not be
Reminder: The IPOPHL requires the submission of the Declaration of Actual Use (DAU) within three (3) years
from the filing date of the application; within one (1) year from the fifth (5th) anniversary of the date of registration of the
mark; within one (1) year from the renewal date; and within one (1) year from the fifth anniversary of each renewal. The
provisions governing the filing of the DAU are contained in the Trademark Regulations of 2017.