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Teemu Kyttälä

Outsourcing Logistic and Supply Chain

Effects on small & medium size enterprises

Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

Bachelor of Business Administration
International Business & Logistics


Author(s) Teemu Kyttälä

Title Outsourcing Logistic and Supply Chain: for small & medium size
Number of Pages 36 pages + 2 appendices
Date 5 November 2014

Degree Bachelor of Business Administration

Degree Programme International Business & Logistics

Specialisation option International Business & Logistics

Kaija Haapasalo, Senior Lecturer

Outsourcing is an act of transferring company’s activities or business processes to third party

provider. Almost all business processes can be outsourced, from simple payroll to manufac-
turing and everything between. Logistics outsourcing provides companies of all sizes to
transfer resources from non-core functions to the core business.

The target of this thesis is to present the general ideas, partner selection and the benefits
and negative sides of outsourcing and logistics outsourcing. Further attention to small and
medium sized companies is given in the research. The reader will gain understanding on
the basics of business process outsourcing and how it can be implemented in the market-

The research consists secondary research of literature type. Sources both published and
online are used on this research to construct the base for the theory which is completed and
compared to a case study on small Finnish company which outsourced its logistics pro-

The main findings are the possibilities of outsourcing and how widely it is used to gain com-
petitive advantage. The research also brings out ways to select the outsourcing partner and
review different kind of logistics outsourcing possibilities. Lastly the case study gives insights
on the real world applications of these outsourcing actions. The reader will gain valuable
knowledge about outsourcing and how it effects small and medium size companies.

Keywords outsourcing, logistics, supply chain, supplier selection


1 Introduction 1

1.1 Objectives and limitations of the study 1

1.2 Research method 2
1.2.1 Qualitative research method 3
1.2.2 Quantitative research method 3
1.2.3 Chosen research method and steps taken 4

2 Basis for business process outsourcing 5

2.1 Definition of Outsourcing 5

2.2 Reasons for business outsourcing 6
2.3 Choosing the right service provider 8

3 Logistics and Supply Chain process outsourcing 13

3.1 Selecting outsourced logistic and supply chain operations 13

3.2 Physical logistics outsourcing possibilities 16
3.3 Manufacturing: make or buy decision and information systems 17
3.4 Reverse Logistics 18

4 Critic on Outsourcing 20

4.1 Organizational challenges and effects on employment 20

4.2 Financial factors 21
4.3 Service quality 22
4.4 Losing control over the product 24

5 Case: Navsystems Oy, Buyout leading to logistics outsourcing 24

5.1 Company Introduction and background 24

5.2 Interviews and interviewee background 25
5.3 Interview questions 26
5.4 Outsourcing effects on the company: Major changes is the daily operations27
5.5 Outsourcing effects on customer: Less change than expected 28
5.6 Comparing the interview results and ideas of improvement 29

6 Conclusions 31

References 33
Appendix 1. Interview questions
Appendix 2. Abbreviations

1 Introduction

Outsourcing has been hot topic in the news for the last years. Unfortunately the tone of
these news relating to outsourcing has not been very “good” in a sense that many see
outsourcing as a bad thing. However, hopefully the following research on outsourcing
can provide more objective image on the subject.

1.1 Objectives and limitations of the study

The objective and main research question of this thesis is to provide an overview of
general business operations outsourcing and how logistics outsourcing affects small and
medium sized companies and their customers. Addition to this logistics and supply chain
outsourcing are studied to understand some of the specific points related to the topic.

Being able to understand why companies of all sizes have pressure to outsource at least
some of their functions and how the actions they take effect the companies themselves
and also different stakeholders is important, since outsourcing has become such a huge
driving force in today’s business world.

A closer look on some of the effects of outsourcing are taken in this theses, primarily
relating to logistics and supply chain side, with related case examples and surveys done
to study the issue. This also includes outsourcing partner selection and ideas why com-
panies should or should not outsource their operations. Some of the challenges of out-
sourcing are presented in both general and logistics point of view as well as the main

Outsourcing is a vast topic which spreads to different fields of business, because of that
the study will not take account every business process that can be outsourced but is
limited to general ideas of outsourcing and more in-depth study of logistics outsourcing.
Relationships or important effects on small and medium size enterprises is pointed out
in parts where it is sawn necessary. Different ideas of outsourcing presented may not be
possible to be implemented in all cases of outsourcing and their effect may vary depend-
ing on the individual operation, company, culture and time. The case study presented is
done on small company and the persons interviewed on the study represent opinions of

their own and not the general opinion of the company or the opinion of others working in
the company at the time.

The first part of the study explains basic ideas of outsourcing, how outsourcing can be
defined and what are the main drivers or reasons of outsourcing. To aid the reader, some
basic examples and cases of outsourcing are represented as well as an example method
of outsourcing partner selection process.

The second part is meant to give closer look on some logistic and supply chain related
outsourcing possibilities. These include such as physical transportation & storage, man-
ufacturing, information services and reverse logistics. The concept of make-or-buy is
also explained and some theories of the selection are presented.

The last part will bring out discussion on the negative aspects of outsourcing and a case
example on small company which had some of its logistics functions outsourced due
international buyout of the company. By the end of this thesis, the reader will have better
understanding on outsourcing and how it affects companies and businesses in general,
be able to identify outsourcing possibilities and how it may introduce competitive ad-
vantage to a company.

1.2 Research method

In order to conduct a research, a correct research method, which fits the issue in hand,
must be chosen. The research method chosen effects the tools used to study the issue
and also the way the data is processed and presented. In business studies research the
method is usually chosen between two alternatives, qualitative and quantitative methods.
(Bell & Bryman 2007: 28)

In the following part a brief explanation of the two research methods, qualitative and
quantitative, is given as well as reasons why qualitative method was chosen and how
the research was approached.

1.2.1 Qualitative research method

Qualitative research emphasizes on the behaviour and reason, to understand the issue,
rather than quantities of data analysis, it is to understand and gain insight on the problem
at hand and is more exploratory and flexible than quantitative method. The data collec-
tion and analysis is conducted via questions and interviews and as more data is collected
the problem clarifies. (Ghauri & Grønhaug 2005: 202-204)

Qualitative research can also be described as inductive. It generates theory rather than
tests a theory as in quantitative research (Bell & Bryman 2007: 28). An observer looks
into the issue and generates the conclusion by forming an impression of it.

The main steps in qualitative research are to: Generate research question, select rele-
vant subjects, collection of relevant data, interpretation of data, theoretical work and
lastly forming conclusion. First steps are to identify the problem and related subjects.
After this comes the collection of data, as already mentioned, this can be done by inter-
views and questions to the subjects. Analysing the results of the interviews is done and
rising results are reflected to the research questions, underlying reasons and solutions
are identified which are then pointed out in the conclusion or findings. (Bell & Bryman
2007: 405-407)

1.2.2 Quantitative research method

Quantitative research is method where, in general, numerical data plays the main role.
The relationship is studied as objectively as possible, relying on hard cold facts rather
than feelings and opinions. Quantitative research works well on subjects that can be
measured in some way, such as relationships between two variables, on the other hand
it lacks the “human” element of qualitative research method. (Bell & Bryman 2007: 154)

In quantitative research, the progress is very linear. After studying the theory, a hypoth-
esis is formed. Hypothesis is proposal or an educated guess of why certain thing is hap-
pening, it works as a base for the research. Depending on the type of problem, a certain
type of qualitative research is conducted. The data can be collected in different ways,
such as studying figures or mass fill out forms, but so that it fits the needs of the research.
Group of subjects or respondents are chosen and the chosen method of data collection
is done. In the processing of quantitative data, a different programs can be used to help

the researcher to confirm or disconfirm the original hypothesis. The findings and conclu-
sions are reflected on the theory to see if a solution can be found. (Bell & Bryman 2007:

1.2.3 Chosen research method and steps taken

Qualitative research method was chosen since it can be seen best fit this research, ad-
ditionally literature and theoretical study acts as support for it. This type of research con-
centrated more on “words” and interviews in collection and analysis rather than the “hard
cold numbers” or quantitative researches involving questionnaires. (Bell & Bryman 2007:

Preliminary or secondary research or was conducted on the theory of the subject which
then assisted on the generation of the research questions and serves as the first chap-
ters of this research. Both published work and online resources were used in the study
of theory of outsourcing. These included textbooks from authors such as Alan Rushton
and fair amount of others, as well as number of survey and research documents which
were conducted by companies of different fields. Online resources are used to support
the theory found on the printed material and to bring different views on the subject.

To reflect the theory of outsourcing into real business life, a case study was conducted.
Case study company was a small Finnish company Navsystems Oy which act as elec-
tronics distributer. Through acquisition, the company changed owner from Finnish entre-
preneur to multinational electronics manufacturer. Because of this there were major
chances in the company’s structure including its logistics structure.

Private interview were conducted to an employee of the company at the time to find out
how these chances effected the company, its functions, the daily activities, customer
relations and how the employee felt about the changes in company structure. Because
of the size of the company and since some time has passed since the change in the
organisation, the opportunities number of interviews was very limited and it is fair to say
that the results could vary slightly if more interviews would have been conducted. . This
of course affects the way how interview results could be used to justify the theory. Nev-
ertheless the interviews give a good image on what actually happens when SME´s have
some of their functions outsourced. Addition to the employee interview, an interview to
one of the former customer of the company was done to find out some of the effects on

customers point of view. This offered unique chance to compere the results of the two

Based on the theoretical data collected and the insights gain from the case study inter-
views, a conclusion is presented which presented the possible outcomes of outsourcing
activities as well as how these may affect the personnel and customers of a company
which has or is thinking of outsourcing as way to increase their competitiveness.

2 Basis for business process outsourcing

Global outsourcing is growing, recent survey by Information Service Group Inc. or ISG
(2014: 3) shows that the global value of outsourcing contracts rise 13% compared to
same time in 2013, reaching over 17 billion US. Dollars a year. To understand the fun-
damentals of outsourcing, this part of the research is dedicated to explaining the main
principals of business process outsourcing (BPO) and why it plays such a major part in
modern business life.

2.1 Definition of Outsourcing

Business outsourcing can easily be defined as moving parts of business processes from
the company to an outside provider (Duening & Click 2005: 2). These processes can be
tasks which have previously been carried out by the company itself or new ones which
rise from different business needs. Des Dearlove (2003: 163) states that outsourcing is
responses to the question: “Which areas of activity are central to our businesses, and
which can best be performed by external suppliers?”

As businesses productivity rises, the individual tasks of the workers get more and more
specialized. (Deal & Kennedy 1999: 89-90) Companies cannot excel in all possible busi-
ness processes and processes which require knowledge that the company does not
have in-house, but which is available from specialist, can be contracted from outside
provider (Dearlove 2003: 163-164).

An example of outsourced process could be telemarketing, where a company purchases

sales service from specialized operator with professional staff and resources. By doing

this the company may see savings in costs and increased efficiency compared to an
option where they would have built their telesales department from ground up.

Drive to be efficient through BPO can also be mean of eliminating business activities
which are not part the core competences of the company or otherwise require in-house
specialist. Activities, such as many back-office functions, can now days easily be out-
sourced to third party providers. Removing such internal processes may have positive
effect on company’s cost efficiency and other expenses. (Duening & Click 2005: 2-3) O
utsourcing internal activities also frees resources to other projects such as R&D.

2.2 Reasons for business outsourcing

Outsourcing business processes is not always the right move for every company and not
all processes should be given to third parties. Regardless of the size of the company
some processes are suitable for outsourcing. BPO was initially way for large companies
to mainly reduce their costs, today a lot of small and medium size companies (SMEs)
can also benefit from outsourcing and, even because of it, compete with larger enter-
prises. (Duening & Click 2005: 34-35)

In “Essentials of Business Process Outsourcing” Duening and Click (2005: 35) highlight
five possible reasons why enterprises would choose to outsource their processes. The
following figure presents these reasons:

Cost 3rd party Market Economies Time to

savings expertise flexibility of Scale market

Figure 1 Reasons for adopting BPO (Duening & Click 2005: 35)

Even SME´s can have great cost saving benefits by outsourcing, already mentioned,
back office activities. These services are widely available and easy to obtain. (Rampton,
2012) The same goes for larger enterprises; production, warehousing, sales and many
other activities are widely outsourced. Cost savings can also be achieved by offshoring,
meaning that the company moves, for example, production to another country. When

talking about cost saving through outsourcing it is important to make the difference be-
tween the two. (Matthews 2012)

By outsourcing, the company can obtain certain expertise that can be hard to find or too
expensive in-house. Such expertise can include activities ranging from IT solutions to
transportation. This kind of information expertise can be vital to SME´s, especially when
it is important to implement them quickly (Wilson 2014). Outsourcing can also increase
company´s ability to react on certain changes in the market place and therefore increas-
ing the market flexibility.

Benefit from economies of scale can easily be archived by third party, being able to
gather activities from larger pool of firms. In many cases it is also cheaper to outsource
specialised processes where the company does not have ability to great demand high
enough to make use of economies of scale by themselves. It is also possible for compa-
nies to take in activities, becoming the outsourcer. (The Economist 2008) Economies of
scale have also huge impact on labour costs, including HR and administration costs
(Robinson 2013).

Multinational and offshore outsourcing has the benefit of being available round the clock
which reduces time to market. As previously mentioned, specialised expertise from out-
sourcer may result to time benefits on setting up business processes as well as being
able to quickly scale the operations to necessary level. (Deloitte Consulting 2013)

Together these main reasons, addition to others such as transfer of risks, form the basics
of why companies, small to large, would consider outsourcing to enchant their business.
Naturally not all of these main reasons are equally appreciated; reasons such as “cost
savings” and “third party expertise” are more common than others (Deloitte Consulting

In joint study of KPMG´s, one of the world biggest auditors, and Hfs Researsh Ltd (2013)
43% of the 399 enterprises see that cost reduction is most critical aspect of outsourcing
decision and another 44% see that it is important. The second most important factor for
outsourcing was greater flexibility (37% critical / 45% important) and third important factor
being “Standardized processes” at 35% critical and 39% important. In the study, exper-
tise gains were not seen as critical but very important, the same goes for operations in
global market (market flexibility)

In 20th century the model of large companies was to own and manage all its assets but
at the same time expand to take advantage of economies of scale and broaden their
business activities to secure more profits. This model of controlling all business pro-
cesses lead to complex and overlapping management structures. To stay flexible and
adaptive to the changing business environment, a new model of core business focus
started to emerge. In the 90s companies started to focus more on costs saving by giving
up non-essential activities. (Handfield 2006)

Well known case from 1989 was Eastman Kodak´s decision to outsource its IT systems
to IBM. This was seen as revolutionary and lead to a wave of large companies outsourc-
ing their IT services. (Handfield 2006) In the 1990s Kodak´s IT services were directed on
different internal systems and services. The CEO of the time, Katharine Hudson, began
changing the IT functions so that so that different IT processes were valued on how they
related to the core business. Highly valued functions, such as R&D were kept in house
when lower valued were give away.

At the time Kodak´s decision was criticized by many. Giving up responsibilities to third
party was seen as reducing the company´s power. Eastman Kodak defended their deci-
sion by claiming that they could divert their resources to the core business and reduce
their costs. (Dickson 2011)

2.3 Choosing the right service provider

Choosing the right partner to work with is crucial in successful outsourcing process. The
selection should be done carefully, in different steps, to ensure that the company require-
ments are met. It is most important to have clear plan and known objectives to the se-
lection can be successfully completed. Rushton and Walker suggest following way of
selection, described in the figure 2, to successful and practical selection of third party
service provider. This multiple step way ensures that the company takes account all the
critical factors as well as gives an excellent base form to follow: (Rushton & Walker 2007:

Figure 2: Key steps of contractor selection process (Rushton & Walker 2007: 269)

As described in figure 2, the first stages of the process should be identifying the internal
needs of the company and based on those review which services should be outsourced.
The next step is to scout for potential contractors, for example in logistics third party
logistics providers (3PL´s), form a list of possible partners and then issue quotations,
followed by the final selection of the contractor. The final part is to implement and man-
age the chosen outsourced process. (Rushton & Walker 2007: 269)

Some of the key issues of the first steps of outsourcing process is to consider if it is the
suitable solution for the issue at hand. The “scoping” part of the process should answer
few simple questions such as: “Why to outsource?” and “What are the requirements for
the company?” The solution for the problem or issue could also be found internally and
see if it would it possible to solve without consulting outsiders. The main key is to under-
stand the underlying reasons for the decision and being aware of which kind of relation

the company wants with the contractor. Some clear objectives should help on the deci-
sion to outsource and also for finding the possible other solutions. (Rushton & Walker
2007: 271-272)

It should be considered how far the company is willing to go regarding to the processes
outsourced. Broadly there are three choices to make: Not outsourcing, some outsourcing
and full outsourcing. Not outsourcing, or keeping in-house, may require large financial
and workforce related investment but gives the company full control; whereas full out-
sourcing requires little investments but gives away the control. There is also the middle
ground to give away some processes and keeping some in-house, this serve as com-
promise. (Rushton & Walker 2007: 271-274) If it is concluded that outsourcing is the right
step, the company can move into finding the right contractor for the job.

The next step is to make a list of potential partners which may have qualities that are
needed for the particular outsourcing need. This step may start just as internet search or
other quick method to find contractors. This step may vary depending on the outsourcing
need and on the fact that how experienced the company is. Larger companies which
already have some of their processes outsourced may have very good idea on who the
want to work with or how to find the suitable partner, where a start-up may have no clue
how to do this. (Duening & Click 2005: 98)

Listing the possible partners’ helps on creating so called long list which has all the pos-
sible contractors that meet the requirements. Tendering and asking for quotations can
be very time and resource consuming so it is helpful for the next steps to write off service
providers which do not meet the need in the first place before contacting the partners.
(Duening & Click 2005: 104) Based on this long list, request for information process or
RFI should be started. This step is to find out if the contractors in long list have interest
in offering possible solutions for the company. It may be that the planned outsourced
process might be too small or large for some of the contractors or that they see they do
not have required capabilities to handle the project. RFI should contain necessary infor-
mation for the contractors, such as requirements & needs, scale of the project and pos-
sible time constraint. Based on the answers on RFI, shortlist should be made which only
contains the suitable partners for final selection round. (Rushton & Walker 2007: 275-

RFI responses should reveal if the possible contractor is suitable or not. It should contain
information such as (Duening & Click 2005: 106-107):

 What are the capabilities of the contractor?

 How many clients do the contractor have?
 Are there clashes of interest?
 Does the contractor have the necessary capabilities?
 How does the contractor fit in with the client company´s culture?

If necessary the RFI answer should contain supporting evidence, product for review for
example, and some financial information since outsourcing contract are usually planned
to last for a longer time periods. (Rushton & Walker 2007: 277)

The final selection round involves requests for proposals and quotations for the asked
outsourcing project. The goal is to further reduce the shortlist until only two or three pre-
ferred contractors which meet the requirements are left. These revolve around the con-
tractors in shortlist, finding the best solution based on the information given and solutions
offered. To be able to compare different contractors, it is important that it is indicated
which kind of response is wanted, this is also called preferred response. The preferred
response outlines the terms in which companies are evaluated, these can be in goals,
metrics, costs or other necessary criteria. Without this “set of rules” it may become diffi-
cult to found the necessary information needed to perform fair and detailed evaluation
between the candidates. This step act as a final tool before preparing the actual contract.
(Rushton & Walker 2007: 282-289)

Proposals and quotations usually contain already confidential information such as final
projected costs and other final details. Final qualitative and quantitative assessments
should be made. Qualitative assessment considers the non-countable properties of the
proposals, how they meet the requirements of the company, possible future strategy and
how the overall features of the outsourcer fit in. It also values the “human” side of the
contract, experience of the outsourcers’ management, HR and training. Quantitative
evaluates the countable properties. These include such as costs and for example in lo-
gistics possible delivery times and so. (Rushton & Walker 2007: 283-5)

The final step, which in many cases is overlooked is risk assessment, this is made to
identify the potential “wrong goes” when the actual switch of responsibility and operations

happen. (Rushton & Walker 2007: 290-293) Once this step is completed and final suita-
ble partner is found, can outsourcing contract be made.

By now it should be clear which of the shortlist candidates has the best solution. The
outsourcer meets the short and long term demands, has the right properties and costs
are in acceptable level. It is time to make the contract. Outsourcing contract differs from
traditional vendor – supplier contract since the mind-set is different. In the vendor-sup-
plier transaction both parties are trying to as much value out of each other where as in
outsourcing contract the deal should benefit both parties the client and the service pro-
vider. More compromises can be made since the contract is usually longer term and
more flexible in terms of its terms. Once details such as the governing law, excuse
clauses, final responsibilities and costs are agreed upon, should the contract be signed.
(Duening & Click 2005: 116-121)

Now the outsourcing process moves to the final stage, implementation and monitoring.
The plans on the contract should now be made reality, the first steps to the implementa-
tion should be a management plan which outlines the actual process changes and the
timetable for them Outsourcing can also have an effect on the employees of the client
company,, unfortunately these are usually job cuts if there is question outsourcing al-
ready existing processes. This can be one of the hardest challenges, especially for
smaller companies, to cope with; despite this the business needs to move forwards. .
(Duening & Click 2005: 136-138, 150-151)

Difficulties, especially in the beginning of the actual implementation phase, are not too
uncommon. These problems can be identified benchmarking and evaluating how the
new processes work. In case where the client company is a larger and well known one,
public relations and handling outside pressure may require increase attention. Also the
customers of the client company should be made aware of the changes happening, es-
pecially if they have direct effect on them, a good example of this could be change in the
warehouse operator and location. (Duening & Click 2005: 152-155)

3 Logistics and Supply Chain process outsourcing

Logistics and supply chain management are important part of efficient business practice.
Increasing demands from customers, more frequent new product launches and rise of
just-in-time deliveries has forced companies to focus on efficiency. Supply chains stretch
on multiple continents, combining all forms of transport from rail to road and to air. New
demands for ancillary processes, such as labelling, packing and reverse logistics, are
needed to answer the needs of new, possible, multinational customer base. For all com-
panies, no matter how big or small, this means a huge challenge. (Rushton & Walker
2007: 1-2)

Globalization has meant that the market places have become global as well. If a com-
pany wants to grow or even survive in both local and global markets, they have to take
this into account. Logistic networks have become more and more difficult to manage
without specialized knowledge on planning, execution and management of the whole
process. Best solution for many companies is often an outsourced logistics operator.
(Rushton & Walker 2007: 8-9)

Today, there is immense selection of different logistics operations and services which
can be outsourced. It might be that not every company wants to outsource everything,
maybe only parts of their operations, but it is very probable that, if wanted, every aspect
of logistics can be handled by third party. (Rushton, et al. 2006: 69)

In the following we take more detail look on logistics outsourcing to third party operators,
different processes, operations and activities of it and how especially SME´s can use
logistics outsourcing as method to gain competitive advantage.

3.1 Selecting outsourced logistic and supply chain operations

As already mentioned, there are number of operations which can be given to outside
providers. To better understand which of these operations could be outsourced, the com-
pany has to understand its logistics structure. This includes the physical flow of goods,
from supplier to the end customer, as well as the information flow or data flow from the
field all way back to purchasing and manufacturing. Also worth to mention is that all so

important reverse logistics, the flow backwards, should not be forgotten. (Rushton &
Walker 2007: 105)

Rushton and Walker (2007: 105) broadly categorize these operations in three main al-
1. Physical logistics and delivery (Outbound)
a. Transportation
b. Manufacturing
c. Packing
d. Physical flow of goods
2. Non-physical logistics (Information)
a. IT services
b. Operations management services
3. Reverse-logistics (Inbound)
a. Returns
b. Disposal of goods
c. Flow of physical goods from downstream to upstream

The following figure gives better image on these three and where they stand in the supply

Figure 3. Simplified supply chain, logistics structure and flow of goods & information (Rushton &
Walker 2007: 107)

Logistics outsourcing is commonly seen as just transportation or warehousing (in physi-

cal logistics) given to third parties but as seen in figure 2 there are a lot more possibilities
addition to these traditional ones. To choose which of these operations should or should
not be kept in-house is again a harder question. There are the driving factors of outsourc-
ing, already mentioned, but as outsourced logistics functions may affect the core busi-
ness of a company more than, for example back office functions, businesses need to
consider different logistic functions, the benefits and negatives of possible outsourcing
and how they are tied to their core business, individually before making decision to out-
source (Rushton & Walker 2007: 201).

Never the less a recent study conducted by Capgemini, together with Penn State Uni-
versity and other sponsors, (2014) shows that demand for 3PL or third party logistics is
rising, as it has for recent years. 3PL is a term used for a logistics provider which offers
outsourcing solutions for parts of logistics process or even for the whole supply chain.
The following figure shows which operations the 581 3PL logistics user of the study have

Domestic Transportation
International transportation
Freight Forwarding
Customs Brokerage
Reverse logistics
Audit and Payment
Labeling, packaging, assembly
Transportation planning & management
Supply Chain Consulting by 3PL
IT services
Order management
Inventory management
Fleet management
4PL services
Customer service
Service parts logistics
Sustainability & Green supply chain services
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Figure 4. Shippers Continue to Outsource a Wide Variety of Logistics Services. Study by Capgem-
ini (2014: 12)

This study gives us a good reference point of which services are most popular to be
outsourced. It also gives any company, big or small, a good starting point on considering
which operations could be outsourced.

3.2 Physical logistics outsourcing possibilities

Physical logistics can be considered to be the flow of goods from receiving an order to
delivery to the customer. Some of the main activities are inventory control, warehousing,
handling packaging and transportation. (Lysons & Farrington 2012: 83-84) These phys-
ical logistic activities are also something that SME´s can outsource.

As seen in the figure 3 transportation, both domestic and international, are the most
outsourced logistic activities. Transportation is not usually seen as activity that adds
value or is one of the core competences of a company, unless the company is of course
a logistics or transportation company. The primary function of transportation is to move
goods as effect as possible. This usually means that the vehicles operated should work
24 hours a day. (Rushton & Walker 2007: 113) For SME´s with limed capabilities and
also limited need for transport, it might be a good idea to outsource this to an outside
provider. Transportation providers are usually easy to find and as the service is simple
enough, the implementation can be done quickly and without high costs.

Another big operation which is highly outsourced is warehousing. Especially bigger com-
panies which are driving higher productivity levels, have increasingly outsourced their
warehouses to specialised logistics companies (Klein, 2009). One of the concerns of
outsourcing warehousing is the ownership of assets, such as buildings and equipment.
Especially small companies might feel that they lose too much control over their busi-
ness. Outsourced warehousing does not mean that all warehousing activities have to be
given to 3PL operator, there is also the possibility to outsource, for example, only the
workforce or the equipment. (Rushton & Walker 2007: 110)

Closely involved to warehousing, packaging can be outsourced. This gives possibilities

to quickly enchant the product for new market or if there other changes for example in
labelling. Packaging has more than just one function in logistics, it offers protection, stor-
age, transportation, handling and information properties. (DHL logistics, 2008)

Good packaging should give the product enough protection that it arrives safely all the
way to the customer, meet warehousing demands regards to being stackable and certain

size. It should made into form and size that allows optimal use of space with lowest
weight. Finally the package should offer necessary information about the product, what
it is, is it perishable and other data that the possible user might need or want to know.
(DHL logistics, 2008) In the survey, over 30% of the companies had outsourced packag-
ing and labelling, which can be considered quite a high number (Capgemini & Langley
2014: 12). For small and medium size enterprises outsourced packaging and labelling
services may offer saving in designing and manufacturing.

3.3 Manufacturing: make or buy decision and information systems

Choosing if product should be kept in house or be purchased can be a hard one. The
most important factors to consider are the costs and availability of production capabilities.
A company may choose to buy product rather than manufacture it themselves if it is
cheaper to make and if there are no means of production easily obtainable. These make
or buy decisions can be commonplace to a start up with little resources.

Lyson and Farrington (2012: 381) present following figure to use when as a base on
deciding to make or buy.

Is the
Do we have Have me
production part Are we
design manucaturing
of core competitive?
capability? cabability?

No: Make Yes: Make Yes: Make

Yes: Make No: Buy No: Buy Yes: Make No: Buy
vs Buy vs Buy vs Buy

Figure 5: Decision process for make or buy (Lysons & Farrington 2012: 381)

If the company’s core business is to manufacture certain goods, they should. Unless the
good to manufacture is for some reason unimportant and easily & cheaply attainable
elsewhere. Does the company have the design expertise? Design can also be bought
from third party. Then the decision comes down to means of manufacture. Especially

heavy production capabilities can be very expensive and put the company on lot of fi-
nancial stress. Lastly, can the company be competitive if it chooses to manufacture their
product. (Lysons & Farrington 2012: 381-382)

Quantitative analysis can be made to compare the costs of own manufacturing and out-
sourcing production. The cost structure of outsourced product can be simplified as: cost
of purchasing the goods from the supplier and costs of transportation. The costs of own
production includes variable costs and fixed costs. These are the costs of setting up the
production and then cost of producing each product. Usually the economies of scale
have huge impact on which option is more attractive. (Li, 2014)

The quality of potential outsourced production should be considered. This includes not
only the production capabilities & quality but also non-physical qualities such as trust-
worthiness and management level. It should not be any company’s interest to see their
product being copied because of information leaks from the third party supplier. (Li, 2014)

Addition to the physical production and movement of goods, an enterprise can move its
logistics management and information related services to an outside provider. These
information management related services include such as IT, Logistics software, quality
inspections and more are closely related to warehousing and its management. (Inbound
Logistics, 2008)

3.4 Reverse Logistics

Company´s logistics processes are normally designed to transfer goods and materials
from upstream to downstream, from production to the end-customer. Usually only the
information and other non-physical logistic “actions” are moving the opposite direction.
Nevertheless there are situations where it is necessary to move goods back from the
downstream to the upstream. Some of these cases are: Product recalls, returns and
disposal of unwanted or un-needed goods. (Rushton, et al. 2006: 587)

Lysons and Farrington define reverse logistics as following:

The process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, cost-effective
flow of raw materials, in process inventory, finished goods and related information
from the point of consumption to the point of origin for the purpose of recapturing
value or proper disposal. (Lysons & Farrington 2012: 88)

This “unusual” movement of goods presents a number of challenges to companies of all

size, but there are also businesses where these reverse logistic operations play a major
part in daily activities. These companies are such as, mail order or internet based com-
panies, especially fashion and clothing related. In these kind of businesses the return
rate of sold goods is very high. For these companies it is important to handle the reverse
logistics part of the business effectively. (Rushton, et al. 2006: 588) To better illustrate
this movement please see the following figurine 5:

Figurine 6: Reverse logistics network (Lysons & Farrington 2012: 88)

Recent survey by Deloitte Consulting (Deloitte Consulting 2014: 3) shows that reverse
logistics represent 0.1 to 1%, 0,5% in average, of the sales value of product and up to
10% of cost of goods sold is directly or indirectly is resultant to reverse logistics.

The same survey also remarks that, if managed well, reverse logistics have the potential
to retain almost third of the product value. The study by Capgemini (2014) presented in
figure 3 shows that almost 40% of the companies in the study have their reverse logistics
handled by 3PL provider.

The returned goods normally contain value if form of resale value, as “Reman” or reman-
ufactured product or as parts and raw materials. Addition to the actual movement of
physical goods, reverse logistics and its activities offer also a lot of information about the
sold goods and market & customer preferences. For example if certain goods have
higher than average percentage of return it is a good indication that there is something
wrong in the goods or there are better goods available in the marketplace. (Deloitte Con-
sulting 2014: 5)

4 Critic on Outsourcing

As already mentioned, there are number of reasons why enterprises should outsource
some of their processes to third party providers but as always there are also drawbacks
to this. In following we go through some of the disadvantages of outsourcing regarding
to how it affects the organization, financials, service and the actual physical goods and
deliveries outsourced.

4.1 Organizational challenges and effects on employment

Outsourcing is not the answer for all problems. 3PL´s can improve company´s logistics
functions but they are not miracle workers. There are times when the expectations of the
outsourcer and the 3PL provider do not meet because of unrealistic demands. (Hansen,
2003) Also worth to remember is that the 3PL:s are also businesses, responsible to their
owners and shareholders so it is safe to assume that their actions are, in the end, to
benefit first their selves and then their clients.

Possible 3PL distribution partner may not have the necessary information or experience
of the company´s market or product, which may lead to number of problems regarding
to the way the market is seen and products handled. The company is also no longer in
charge of where, how many or which kind of distribution channels are used or which type
of transport vehicles are used. As company does not handle their own logistics anymore,
the logistics expertise that the company may have had before is also lost in the process.
Reverting back to “own logistics” gets harder, if for some reason, there comes a time
where some or all of the logistic processes have to be taken back in-house. (Rushton &

Walker 2007: 223-224) There may well be advantages to maintain certain functions in

When activities are outsourced to another country, there is also a chance to so called
culture clash. The organization types are not same between companies, there can be
differences in such as commitment, responsiveness and ability to make initiative.
(Overby, 2011) It is important that there are no clashes that can be overcome easily in
the 3PL relationship since it may have major impact on how operations are run. (Rushton
& Walker 2007: 223) When tasks or operations are given to third party, the client com-
pany also gives away managerial control. This means that even though the third party is
working to them, they might not be driven by the same standards and to keep in mind is
that the third party is most likely offering the same service to other companies as well.
(Bucki, 2014)

As many of the jobs, especially manufacturing related, are outsourced to countries with
lower labour costs; developed countries such as USA and many European Union coun-
tries have seen major loss of lower paid jobs. A study suggests that between 2001 and
20011 2.7 million jobs, mainly in manufacturing, were lost to China from USA (Scott,

4.2 Financial factors

There are several different cost and financial reason for outsourcing. Having control over
the capital costs is one of the major ones. Fixed costs are converted into variables which
makes it possible for investments into the core business of the company. For small com-
panies, outsourcing some activities allows to avoid large expenses in the early life of the
business, it also allows investments into the more revenue producing activities which
may make the company more attractive to investors. (AllBusiness.com, 2008) Of course
there is the chance that necessary investments are not made because outsourcing
seems too good in the short term.

Improvements in cash flow can occur if the new logistics service provider is willing to
purchase some of the outsourcer’s assets. Again, this money can be diverted to more
productive activities Getting rid of the fixed assets also means that these are taken out
of company’s balance sheet. (Rushton & Walker 2007: 225)

When operations are handled by another company, especially if these operations are
vital ones, the company is tied to the financial well-being of the outsourcing company.
There is a change that the outsourcing company may go bankrupt leaving the clients into
a ditch. (Bucki, 2014)

4.3 Service quality

Logistics customer service goes through the whole supply chain. From the manufactur-
ing to the end customer, it should provide goods, information and services in such way
that the customer is satisfied and it is cost-efficient to the supplier of the goods. (Sadler
2007: 70-71)

Logistics service is mainly about delivering goods and services to the customer (Sadler
2007: 71). Although outsourcing is mainly done to save costs, it should not be in the cost
of quality. Losing quality is often seen as one of the negative sides of outsourcing. A
number of companies which have changed to 3PL are complaining about the poor ser-
vice level, slower than expected delivery times, and lower quality control. In the worst
case scenario these issues force the company to in-house already outsourced services.
(Barrett, 2010)

In Deloitte survey regarding outsourcing and how satisfied companies were to their out-
sourcer, (Deloitte Development LLC 2012: 16) the overall quality of outsourcer service
was the main reason in more than two thirds of the cases where the outsourcing contract
was terminated. These results indicate that quality is above the quick savings.

Which factors were most important in your decision to

terminate the contract(s) early?

Cultural fit

Account management


Unsuccessful transition


Subject matter expertise

Overall quality of service

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Figure 7: The factors why outsourcing contracts were terminated early (Deloitte Development LLC
2012: 16)

Providing good customer service is the key to maintain good relations and successful
business. Satisfied customer is more likely to use the services of the company again and
on the other hand failure in customer service may lose them for life. (Campbell, 2013)
Great customer service is way for a company to differentiate from competition, offer bet-
ter solutions for their customers and even save money when problems can be sorted in
less time. (Stengel, 2012) When company outsources operations and loses some of the
control over them, they also outsource service related to that.

When service operations are outsourced it becomes harder to identify problems in ser-
vice as well as implement improvements to fix these problems. This goes against the
idea that outsourcing should make the business more flexible. (Rushton & Walker 2007:

4.4 Losing control over the product

The requirements of the product may differ from the services offered by the third party.
This may relate to the number of deliveries required or to the form of the product, for
example if the product is such type that there is specialized equipment needed to unload
it. In some cases the product itself might not be suitable for another party to handle.
(Rushton & Walker 2007: 228)

Closely related to logistics quality is the product quality. Product quality control gets
harder and harder the further away the manufacturing is transferred. The third party may
be very good at a complex specific task but cannot handle any variation. (Barrett, 2010)
This is a major issue which has direct impact also on customers and customer relations,
especially in cases where small changes to the end product, for example a logo change
or software update on electronics, could be the make or break on the marketplace.

5 Case: Navsystems Oy, Buyout leading to logistics outsourcing

5.1 Company Introduction and background

Navsystems Oy (the company) was founded in 1995 and the main business considered
electronics importation and distribution mainly to Finnish retailers. The company started
with three employees and in 2008 it employed seven and had turnover of just short of 4
million euros. The success of the company was due to the excellent timing of the busi-
ness, in 1995 Finland was quickly recovering from recession which meant that “ordinary”
people had more money to spend on non-essential luxury items. At the same time the
costs electronics saw major reduction.

In 2008, after one of the most successful year in the company’s history, it was bought
out and became a subsidiary of marine electronics manufacturer Raymarine Ltd, today
owned by US. based FLIR systems Inc. In the result of the buyout, the business and old
employees together with current order book, customer accounts and warehouse were
transferred to the new owner. The new subsidiary stayed relatively independent for the
next two years having its own warehousing, accounting and other “normal” business ac-
tivities handled in-house.

In 2010 at the time United Kingdom based owner made decision to outsource some
logistics functions of all their subsidiaries to a 3PL Rhenus Logistics, a multinational Ger-
man based service provider, this included warehousing and transportation. Addition to
this order processing, reverse logistics and accounting were offshored to Belgium for
cost saving reasons. The subsidiaries were left with responsibilities of local marketing,
business to business sales and customer support.

These decisions lead to changes in the organisation of the Finnish subsidiary as well.
Within a year the warehouse and all order & invoicing related functions were transferred
to outside provider. Changes this big affected the employees of the company and cus-
tomers alike.

5.2 Reliability of research

The number of interview persons is small which affects the results. Reliability of the study
suffers because of this smaller group. Therefore it must be said that the opinions of the
interviewees represent their own views concerning the case and outsourcing in general.
If a larger group of interviewees would have been interview and the case company would
have been larger, different results may have been present.

5.3 Interviews and interviewee background

The research for the case study was conducted via interview of employee of the time
when the major outsourcing decisions happened. How the change affected the respon-
sibilities and daily activities of the company. Also an interview to a former customer of
time to find out some of the effects on the customer of a company which has its logistic
actions outsourced.

The personal interviews are important so that a more precise understanding of the effects
of outsourcing can be made and to see if the findings of the research relate to the theory
already mentioned in previous chapters. These two interviews give a view of the effects
on logistics outsourcing in small company and how it affects both the company itself and
also a customer of the company.

The person’s interviews for this study were two ladies working in accounting of the com-
pany and as buyer in a customer of the company at the time. Their age varies between
30 to 40 and both have more than five years of experience in their field of expertise.

The first interviewee is Liisa Leinonen. Former accountant and sales assistant of the
company. She started in the company all the way from 1995 to 2010 when after the
outsourcing process was completed was let go since there was no accounting related
functions in the Finnish company.

The second interviewee is Anne Similä, working as Buyer and Store Manager in a cus-
tomer company at the time. She was responsible for ordering goods from the company
during the time when the transfer from in-house to outsourced operations was done.
Currently she is still working in the same position.

5.4 Interview questions

The in-depth interviews were conducted in unstructured way. This allowed more freedom
and flexibility to ask also unplanned questions along the interviews. It also gave the in-
terviewees a chance to freely express their ideas and opinions about the process. The
six main questions were presented to both interviewees, these questions can be found
in appendix 1, and based on the answers to these questions additional questions were
asked during the interview. Since outsourcing is such a vast topic, the main “weight” on
the questions was in the logistics part of outsourcing.

The main questions made it possible to conduct the interviews in reasonable timetable.
The pre made questions were given to the interviewees before the interviews so that
they could prepare and think them through. This also made it so that the interviewees
know the topic of the conversation ahead of time. The total time of the interviews varied
from 20 to 30 minutes depending on the interviewee.

After the interviews were conducted the answers were analysed and compared against
the theoretical part of this thesis. This allows to see if the theory and practice follow each
other, at least in the case studied.

5.5 Outsourcing effects on the company: Major changes is the daily operations

As basically all physical logistics functions were outsourced, a lot of daily activities
changed in the company. As it was a quite small company, the employees had also
responsibly outside their primary job description. The warehouse related functions such
as packing and sending the goods was handled by a warehouse worker but a lot of order
processing and things such as ordering a collection of goods was done by the inter-

Everything related to logistics ended, except for sales of course, for example in-
putting orders, packing the outgoing order in the warehouse and other thing related
to the sending of the products. We no longer needed to contact couriers or follow
up the deliveries. Also invoicing the deliveries and accounting was outsourced.


Among the outsourced functions, deliveries were affected a lot. Formerly the warehouse
of the company was located in Finland but was now transferred in to the Netherlands.
Naturally this also changed the way customers received the goods they ordered and
changed the responsibilities in the organisation. These changes also made it possible to
concentrate the company’s resources to other things:

The delivery time to the customers got longer mostly in very urgent cases where
the customer could no longer come to pick up, for example warranty replacement
products but they had to make an order which was the delivered to them. Our
service dealers could not for example take items for testing. On the other hand our
supply capabilities got better, the new warehouse had items in stock that we pre-
viously had to specially order for the customer.

We were no longer responsible to handle the warehouse in Finland and the related
things such as predict the demand during peak season, which was difficult at the
times. This free up a lot of time to concentrate on other areas such as sales.


The changes to the customers was tried to keep at minimum, although it was no very
successful. When asked about the service provided by the company and if there were
positive or negatives changes, one very important factor came up. The new staff in the
3PL operator did not have the needed product knowledge or understanding of the busi-

The personnel in the new warehouse did not have enough training or knowledge
of our business and products. When customer asked something related to the
products from the warehouse, they did not know about these things. Previously the
customer could ask these product related questions from the same people the or-
dered the goods from but not anymore. There should have been more training for
the order processing people in Netherlands or some of the Finnish staff should
have been send to tutor the new employees... Also they did not know the differ-
ences between our different customers.

The positives, other than the improved supply, was that after everything was work-
ing, the sales could concentrate on actual sales rather than being on the phone
and writing down orders. They could be out of the office much more than previ-


The shift of responsibilities was also done in very quickly which resulted as miss com-
munications between the company and the 3PL, New ERP system was also imple-
mented since the former systems was not compatible with the 3PL´s IT systems. Be-
cause of this there were also delays in the process which meant that some of the
changes were made during the peak season where the company´s resources should
have been in sales and customer support rather than “fighting” with new IT systems and
procedures. The customers were also not informed about the changes soon enough in
advance which lead to confusion about who to contact in certain issues at times.

The reason for logistics operations outsourcing was cost related. There was a decision
made to concentrate on the core business of the company and reduce the amount of
resources used to support functions. The reason why 3PL was chosen is that the parent
company had already some of their functions, such as enterprise level accounting and
treasury, moved to Netherlands.

…decided to move all subsidiary warehousing and logistics to one place. The main
reason being fierce competition at the time. Cost savings are made, even in the
cost of service level.


5.6 Outsourcing effects on customer: Less change than expected

When the logistic services were transferred to the 3PL the customers of the company
had to make changes as well. The interactions, for example order of goods, had to be
done either online or by contacting the order processing staff in Netherlands. These

changes were seen positive, especially once the outsourcing process was completed,
since the customer was no longer so much tied to the company but could independently
perform some purchasing functions.

Some of the changes were positive. Good thing was the possibility to order goods
online and to see the stock situation right away, rather than dial up someone to
check it. We were no longer tied to working hours either, I could make the order
basically anytime of the day. In the end, some of the changes made my work easier
as well.


The overall service level that the company provided was seen to stay quite the same,
although the amount of personal communication was reduced. For example the com-
pany’s personnel was contacted only if there was a problem or a question which needed
quick answer. The actual performance of the company’s new warehousing and transpor-
tation services was seen to be quite good; it was also one of the main reasons for the
positive tone.

…it does not matter where the warehouse is located as long as the deliveries are
not affected. The delivery times were not affected, we still got the goods which
were in stock within the next day… The product knowledge of the staff in Nether-
lands was not great but we did not expect it to be. Sometimes this was became an


The interviewee saw that the main reasons for the overall “boom” of outsourcing in the
business field are due to the competition and also cost reduction. The prices of the prod-
ucts are going down but the demand stays about the same. This would mean that the
supplier need to find new margins from different sources. The company was not the only
one to outsource their logistics operations at the time, the interviewee mentioned. Other
competing companies at time were practicing outsourcing as well.

5.7 Comparing the interview results and ideas of improvement

The interviews conducted brought out quite expected results when comparing to the the-
ory of outsourcing reviewed in previous chapters. The company experienced both posi-
tive and negative changes with also reflected to their customers. Interestingly the inter-

viewed company’s former employee brought out more negative sides than the inter-
viewed on the customer side. Although there can be easy explanation to this, companies
in general do not want to show their weaknesses especially to their customers, but want
to have as positive image on public as possible.

In both interviews the lack of certain knowledge about the company’s products and busi-
ness by the 3PL was mentioned. This goes hand with the critic on logistics outsourcing.
The company interviewee also pointed out that there should have been more training for
the new staff at 3PL about the products and companies. This could be something to that
should have done differently. The same can be said about informing the customers on
company’s internal changes which in some occasions lead to confusions.

It came evident that as long as the deliveries and other business functions worked well,
the customers of the company had no preferences if the logistics were kept in-house or
outsourced logistics provider. The interviewee saw a number of benefits about the ser-
vices that the 3PL could provide. If these services, such as online stock situation checks,
would have been implemented into the company’s former in-house system, a consider-
able amount of both capital and time investments should have been committed.

Also important thing to point out was the timing of the whole outsourcing operation. In
this case, the changes were implemented during peak season which was not seen as
the optimal way. The implementations should have been done in the slow season, which
in this case would have been in the winter, so that the impacts on sales would have been

In a perfect situation, the outsourcing process would have been done without any nega-
tive effects on the business. Unfortunately in practice this can be very difficult since it is
almost impossible to predict all the possible effects and issues which may or may not
rise during the transaction from in-house operations to third party provided solution. In
the end, the process was seen to be success within the case company, despite the diffi-
culties and issues they had during the process.

6 Conclusions

The purpose of this thesis is to study outsourcing, logistics outsourcing, and its effects
smaller companies. The work has brought out the main ideas of outsourcing and, espe-
cially in case studied, some of its effects as well as presented tools on identifying out-
sourcing possibilities and service provider selection. The service selection process has
step by step guide which can be used to find the perfect solution depending on the out-
sourced business activity.

In the secondary research, the foundations or basics of outsourcing are gone through to
develop the basic understanding on the subject as well as explanations on why compa-
nies would consider outsourcing. Further information about logistics outsourcing is given
along with relevant data about how common outsourcing is and which business pro-
cesses could be outsourced.

The literature used has been selected so that it is relevant to the subject, is valid and not
outdated and academically suitable. The online material used is to add in to the written
literature and also further bring the data up to date.

In the primary research, a case company was presented. Despite the small group of
interviewees, the data collected gives interesting insights outside of the theoretical
framework and about what actually happens when business processes are outsourced.
The interviews also give validity to the theoretical part of the study and show the rela-
tionship between the two.

Outsourcing has become such a common business practice that it is implemented prac-
tically by all companies regardless of their size. This can be anything from payroll service
to whole production including product design outsourcing solution it offers a set of tools
for a company to improve their competitiveness. The third party studies presented sup-
port this and also give an idea of how big of a phenomenon outsourcing has become in
a very short time.

The objectives of outsourcing which are presented in the previous parts of this study can
be seen as the main reason for today’s global outsourcing. When considering small and
mediums size companies, the main benefits are the reduced costs, reduced need of

capital investment and gains in business flexibility. As scarce resources of a better in-
vested in the core business of the company, business growth can be expected and if
outsourcing is one of the ways to archive this, it should be well considered. Although as
mentioned, outsourcing is not for every company and not all business processes should
be outsourced.

Recommended further studies would include more in-depth research on outsourcing ac-
tivities depending on the company size and nationality. Large companies have much
more resources to keep activities in-house or have quantities big enough to have great
effect on their outsourcing partners. For the case company it would be recommended to
do further research on the management of the change and try to calculate the exact
benefits or negatives that the outsourcing has brought.


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Appendix 1
1 (1)

Interview questions

Interviewee information

Position at the time:

1. How did the outsourcing affect your duties in the company?

2. How did outsourcing affect the daily logistics operations?

3. Did you see any positive or negative changes?

4. .Did you feel that the service provided by the company changed after-

5. What do you think that were the main reasons for the outsourcing?

6. What should have done differently?

Content of the appendix is placed here.

Appendix 2
1 (1)


BPO: Business Process Outsourcing.

RFI: Request for information
Reman: Remanufactured
Shippers: Owner of goods being transported in any mode of transport.
SME: Small & Medium size Enterprises
3PL: Third party logistic service provider

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