BSBLDR602 Project Portfolio
BSBLDR602 Project Portfolio
BSBLDR602 Project Portfolio
Section 1: Presentation 4
Section 2: Fatigue Management Report 5
Section 3: Professional goals and development 8
Student name:
Section 1: Presentation
Develop an email to staff To: All Staff From: Manager Subject: Updated Strategic Plan
The text of the email should Dear Team,
be in grammatically correct
I wanted to inform you about the outcome of our recent meeting with
English, written in an
senior management. We had some intriguing discussions regarding
appropriate (polite, business-
operational objectives, market strategies, and risk management.
like) style.
These ideas hold great potential for implementation in order to
The email text should review achieve our organizational goals. To provide you with more details, I
the ideas discussed at the have attached the team presentation to this email.
meeting, and how these will
Our new strategic plan primarily focuses on ensuring effective and
inform the Strategic Plan
high-performance financial operations. With the incorporation of
where relevant.
these fresh ideas, our aim is to attain an annual profit of at least 10%.
Your email should clearly To achieve these ambitious goals, it is imperative that we attract,
show that all ideas have been engage, and develop the best possible staff. In order to alleviate the
considered in decision- workload on our existing employees, we will soon commence the
making and indicate whether recruitment of new team members. Additionally, we will be
they will be implemented or introducing a fatigue management policy to promote a healthy work
not. Your rationale for environment and enhance productivity.
implementing or otherwise
I kindly request your input on areas that require improvement. Your
should clearly show how
feedback is valuable as we move forward with implementing this
decisions have been made
plan. I look forward to your prompt response.
based on the risk factors
identified in the Strategic Best Regards, General Manager
Attach the email to this
section of your portfolio and
provide evidence that it was
sent within organisational
Team presentation ☐
Introduction The purpose of this fatigue management report is to address the issue of
fatigue in the workplace and provide strategies for effectively managing
Include a short
and mitigating its impact. Fatigue poses significant risks to employee well-
introduction about the
being, productivity, and overall organizational performance. By
purpose of the report.
understanding the causes and consequences of fatigue, this report aims to
raise awareness among stakeholders and highlight the importance of
implementing proactive measures to combat fatigue-related issues. The
report will provide recommendations, guidelines, and best practices for
managing fatigue, promoting a culture of work-life balance, and fostering a
safe and healthy work environment. By prioritizing fatigue management,
organizations can enhance employee satisfaction, reduce accidents and
errors, and optimize productivity levels.
Fatigue analysis The analysis of the September time sheet data reveals that staff members
have not been adhering to the safe working guidelines. The specific
Provide an analysis of
findings are as follows:
the September time
sheet data Operations Manager: The Operations Manager has been working a 45-
hour week, with 9 hours worked per day. While this exceeds the required
working hours, they have been taking breaks as mandated, ensuring some
rest periods.The Operations Manager, during three days in September,
has recorded an excessive total of 14.5 hours worked. This exceeds the
standard working hours excessively. Additionally, their lunch breaks have
been taken intermittently, and continuous breaks may not have been taken
Problems associated Health Implications: Prolonged fatigue can have detrimental effects on
with fatigue physical and mental health. It can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep
Provide a brief outline of disorders, weakened immune system, increased susceptibility to illnesses,
why fatigue is a and a higher risk of developing mental health issues such as anxiety and
problem. depression.
Safety Risks: Fatigue impairs reaction times, attention to detail, and
situational awareness, making employees more susceptible to workplace
accidents and injuries. In safety-sensitive industries such as transportation,
healthcare, and manufacturing, fatigue-related incidents can have severe
consequences for both individuals and others involved.
Decreased Well-being: Fatigue can have a significant impact on an
individual's overall well-being. It contributes to feelings of irritability, mood
swings, increased stress levels, and reduced quality of life. Fatigue can
also spill over into personal life, affecting relationships, leisure activities,
and overall happiness.
Negative Organizational Impact: Fatigue-related issues can have adverse
effects on organizations. It can result in decreased productivity, lower
employee morale, increased absenteeism, higher healthcare costs, and
employee turnover. Additionally, it can damage an organization's
reputation and customer satisfaction if fatigue-related errors or accidents
Signs of fatigue Reduced Productivity: Fatigue often results in decreased productivity and
efficiency. Employees may take longer to complete tasks, exhibit a slower
Discuss signs of fatigue.
pace of work, or require more frequent breaks.
Mood Changes: Fatigue can impact emotional well-being. Employees may
display irritability, mood swings, increased sensitivity to stress, or feelings
of being overwhelmed.
Physical Symptoms: Fatigue can manifest in physical symptoms such as
headaches, muscle weakness, dizziness, or a general sense of discomfort.
Increased Absenteeism: Fatigue-related issues may lead to higher rates of
absenteeism as employees may need to take more sick days or time off to
recover from exhaustion.
Social Withdrawal: Fatigue can cause employees to withdraw socially.
They may isolate themselves from colleagues, participate less in team
activities, or display a lack of engagement during meetings or discussions.
Risks associated with Impaired Decision-making and Judgment: Fatigue affects cognitive
fatigue and procedures abilities, including decision-making and problem-solving skills. Fatigued
for managing the risk of individuals may struggle to assess risks accurately, make sound
fatigue. judgments, or think critically. This can result in poor decision-making,
inappropriate actions, and suboptimal outcomes.
Discuss risks
associated with fatigue, Decreased Alertness and Vigilance: Fatigue diminishes alertness and
key factors contributing vigilance, making individuals more susceptible to overlooking hazards or
to and increasing the potential dangers in the workplace. This can lead to unsafe conditions,
risk of fatigue relevant compromised safety protocols, and increased risks for accidents or
to Boutique Build injuries.
Version: 1.0 Last Reviewed: May 2021
Approved by: CEO
Melbourne College of Business and Technology Unit 101, 991 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill VIC 3128, Australia
RTO Code: 45217 CRICOS Provider Code: 03631M +61 3 9018 5699
Australia Staff, as well Strained Interpersonal Relationships: Fatigue can impact communication,
as an outline of the teamwork, and relationships in the workplace. Fatigued individuals may
procedures to manage have difficulty effectively communicating, collaborating, or resolving
the risk of fatigue. conflicts. This can result in strained relationships among colleagues,
decreased morale, and a negative work environment.
Increased Employee Turnover: Chronic fatigue can contribute to employee
dissatisfaction and burnout. Fatigued employees may experience reduced
job satisfaction, decreased engagement, and higher levels of stress. This
can lead to increased turnover rates as individuals seek better work-life
balance and healthier work environments.
source of information Services Offered: Circadian Corporate Sleep Programs is a consulting firm
you used plus at least 2 specializing in fatigue risk management and sleep solutions for
sources of expert advice organizations. They provide comprehensive fatigue management
(name of company and programs tailored to specific industries and work environments. Their
services they offer) that services include fatigue risk assessments, training programs, shift
you could use if schedule optimization, and fatigue monitoring tools. They offer expert
required. advice on implementing strategies to mitigate fatigue and promote
employee well-being.
Integrated Safety Support:
Company: Integrated Safety Support
Services Offered: Integrated Safety Support is a consulting firm that offers
a range of safety and risk management services, including fatigue
management. They provide expert advice on fatigue risk assessments,
fatigue policy development, fatigue training, and fatigue management
systems. Their services are designed to help organizations identify and
address fatigue-related risks, develop appropriate controls, and create a
culture of fatigue management within the workplace.
Provide an overview of the The position for the job role I am interested as an Customer
position description for the job service Assistant in Telstra company.
role you are interested in.
Explain why you are
interested in the job role and As an Assistant in Telstra, my primary responsibility would be to
describe the key provide administrative support to the team or executive you are
responsibilities of the job role. working with. My tasks may include managing calendars,
scheduling appointments and meetings, answering and forwarding
phone calls, organizing and maintaining files, and coordinating
travel arrangements.
In addition to administrative duties, I may also be responsible for
assisting with project management tasks, such as creating reports
and presentations, coordinating with other departments or external
vendors, and managing timelines and deadlines.
As for why someone might be interested in this job role, it can be
an excellent opportunity to gain experience in a large and
reputable company like Telstra, which can open up future
opportunities within the organization. The role can also provide a
chance to develop important skills such as time management,
communication, and problem-solving, which are valuable in any
Overall, the key responsibilities of an Assistant in Telstra would be
to provide administrative support and assist with project
Version: 1.0 Last Reviewed: May 2021
Approved by: CEO
Melbourne College of Business and Technology Unit 101, 991 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill VIC 3128, Australia
RTO Code: 45217 CRICOS Provider Code: 03631M +61 3 9018 5699
Provide an outline of the five Here are some general personal work goals that an assistant in
personal work goals that you Telstra company could aim for:
have identified for the
Efficiency: Aim to complete tasks in a timely and efficient manner,
position, including why these
optimizing your workday to get more done in less time.
goals are relevant to the
company’s goals and Communication: Be an excellent communicator, both in writing and
objectives, as well as to the in person, to ensure that all stakeholders are informed and aware
job role and how these are of any updates or changes.
suitable goals for a 12-month Organization: Stay organized and on top of your workload to avoid
period. missing deadlines or dropping the ball on important tasks.
Please note, at least one of Adaptability: Be adaptable to change and open to new ideas or
these goals must be relevant approaches, staying agile and ready to pivot when needed.
to your communication skills.
Proactivity: Take initiative to identify areas for improvement and
Conduct an analysis of the find ways to streamline processes or enhance performance,
strengths and weaknesses of contributing positively to the team and the company's overall
your own interpersonal skills success.
and set a goal that will
improve this area. These goals are suitable for a 12-month period as they are realistic
and achievable within a reasonable timeframe. By setting and
achieving these goals, an Assistant can contribute to the
company's success while also developing their skills and
One Relevant Goal for Communication skills:
Details of
Expected benefit to Expected benefit to
Professional Type Date/s Cost
self team
Details of
Expected benefit to Expected benefit to
Professional Type Date/s Cost
self team
2 hrs
What did you most like about Access to expert knowledge: STUDOCU events are often conducted
the professional development by subject-matter experts who have in-depth knowledge and
opportunity? experience in the field.
Duration: 1:30hrs
Improved collaboration
What benefits did participating
Streamlined event planning:
in this professional Enhanced attendee experience
development opportunity
Increased efficiency
provide to you?
Improved Customer Experience
Increased Efficiency:
Cost Savings:
Data Analytics
Continuous improvement and Through participation in these online courses and activities,
professional competence individuals can gain competencies such as problem-solving, critical
thinking, collaboration, and communication. These platforms often
Discuss how your skills have
include interactive elements, such as discussion forums and group
improved over time and
projects, which can further enhance these competencies and provide
discuss the competencies you
opportunities for peer-to-peer learning.
have gained from your
participation in the activities. Online platforms such as MYACS and STUDOCU can provide
individuals with valuable resources and opportunities to improve their
skills and gain competencies such as problem-solving, critical
thinking, collaboration, and communication. Regular engagement
with these platforms can help individuals continuously improve their
professional competence and stay relevant in an ever-evolving job
Memo to CEO ☐
I want to take this opportunity to express my trust and confidence in your abilities. The level of
professionalism, creativity, and attention to detail demonstrated in the media release is truly impressive.
It reflects your commitment to excellence and your ability to work together as a cohesive team.
David and Bella, as newcomers to the team, your contribution has been invaluable. Your fresh
perspectives and enthusiasm have breathed new life into the project, and it is evident in the final product.
Your efforts highlight the immense talent you both bring to the table, and I am thrilled to have you as part
of our marketing team.
This achievement reinforces my belief in the capabilities of the entire team. I want to assure each one of
you that I am here to support you in any way I can. My door is always open for discussions, feedback, or
assistance you may need. Together, we can continue to create outstanding work and achieve
remarkable results.
Once again, congratulations on this success. I am excited to witness the positive impact your efforts will
have on our marketing initiatives. Keep up the great work, and let's continue to strive for excellence
Best regards,
Operations manager
All staff should behave with integrity, honesty and fairness in all business, professional and personal
Staff should not knowingly or recklessly supply any information which is confidential, or make any
statement which they know is misleading, false or deceptive to a colleague, client of the Boutique Build
Australia, or the general public.
While Boutique Build Australia staff must observe the terms and conditions of their employment, staff
cannot be required to be complicit in any illegal act. If advised, instructed or encouraged to engage in
unlawful activity, they must decline, and report the matter to a line manager.
Conflicts of interest
Boutique Build Australia staff should both be and appear to be free of any interest (financial or otherwise)
which might be regarded as being in conflict or incompatible with their integrity and objectivity.
Independence is the cornerstone of objectivity. Both external and internal parties have a need for
credibility of information and action in relation to Boutique Build Australia activities. Boutique Build
Australia management at all substantive levels seeks credibility and accountability in information and in
the activities of all of its staff. Boutique Build Australia management must be careful to apply an attitude
of professionalism within the bounds of commercial confidentiality, and should remain independent in fact
as well as independent in appearance.
Accordingly, Boutique Build Australia staff should recognise and avoid situations which may affect their
integrity and objectivity by:
being cautious of undue benefits or preferential treatment received in the course of their
employment. Such benefits may cloud their judgement or objectivity
ensuring Boutique Build Australia facilities or property, information or resources are used in the best
interests of the Boutique Build Australia community
guarding against conflicts of interest arising from inappropriate financial involvement and personal
Staff should be free of any interests, financial or otherwise, that may conflict with their integrity and
Independence and objectivity are crucial for maintaining credibility in Boutique Build Australia's
The interests of the Boutique Build Australia and the broader community
Boutique Build Australia staff comprises a diverse population of individuals with differing roles and
functions, ethnic and cultural backgrounds and differential and sometimes complex relationships within
the community. For such a community to function fairly and effectively, due regard must be given to
behaviour which recognises the dignity and privacy of individuals, enhances fair dealing and
representation both in action and perception.
The effective functioning of Boutique Build Australia depends on the mutual respect required of
individuals co-existing within that diverse community and with its broad clientele, together with the pursuit
of an environment characterised by co-operation, collegiality, impartiality, equity, and financial
Individuals must therefore be accountable for their actions both in a social and financial sense by clearly
establishing their own personal standards and those of the staff for whom they are responsible and being
aware of how these standards may conflict with tasks they ask others (or themselves are asked) to do.
This should be in consonance with the Boutique Build Australia's strategic intentions, recognising that the
Boutique Build Australia has a responsibility both to its stakeholders and the broader community.
Boutique Build Australia staff must protect the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of their
work. No staff member should use or disclose any confidential information to a colleague, client of the
Boutique Build Australia or any other party without specific authority or unless such use or disclosure is:
Staff may acquire confidential information in the course of their employment. This may take the form of
confidential information about staff, customers, suppliers or other information intended to be confidential.
It is important that this information should not be disclosed to third parties except when consent has been
obtained from the Boutique Build Australia or with the consent of the other party, when there is a duty to
Staff members should discuss the matter fully with their immediate superior if they are in doubt as to
whether there exists a right or duty to disclose confidential information. If the problem cannot be resolved
by this action, they should consult an appropriate higher authority within the Boutique Build Australia,
and/or the Boutique Build Australia's legal advisors.
Boutique Build Australia staff at all levels should ensure that staff members for whom they are
responsible, are aware of the confidential nature of relevant information acquired by them in their work,
and should inform them of the need to maintain confidentiality of such information.
Staff members in receipt of confidential information should not use or appear to use such information to
gain personal advantage for themselves or for a third party.
Boutique Build Australia staff must protect the confidentiality of information acquired during their work.
Staff should not disclose any confidential information to colleagues, clients, or any other party without
specific authority or legal/professional duty.
Technical standards
Boutique Build Australia staff shall carry out their job responsibilities in accordance with relevant
contractual arrangements and/or in accordance with the technical and professional standards relevant to
that work. In this sense, Boutique Build Australia staff members owe a duty of skill and care to the
Boutique Build Australia.
Gifts, benefits or hospitality which exceed a nominal amount, must be declared to the staff member's
line manager and must not be accepted if in the view of the line manager the acceptance of the gift
or gratuity would compromise objectivity and be seen by the wider community as likely to influence
the staff member in their official capacity.
Gifts, benefits or hospitality offered as an inducement to place a staff member under an obligation to
purchase goods or services cannot be accepted.
Ethical behaviour
Boutique Build Australia staff should conduct themselves in a manner which is consistent with the
Boutique Build Australia's strategic intentions, reputation, and functions for which it was created under
the Boutique Build Australia of South Australia Act. Staff should refrain from any conduct which might
bring discredit to the Boutique Build Australia.
It is important that colleagues, clients, suppliers and the wider community, be satisfied that Boutique
Build Australia staff are acting fairly, honestly and in good faith. You should not condone misleading,
false or deceptive statements. The character of staff will be judged by their conduct, real or apparent.
You should not accept gifts, benefits or hospitality if their nature and value may be seen as
compromising your objectivity and influencing you in your official capacity.
You should not condone the use of any statement which is misleading, false or deceptive.
You should conduct yourself with care and skill, and ensure your actions do not conflict with the
requirements of integrity and objectivity.
You should not use confidential or other information for personal advantage or for the advantage of
If you would be ashamed if your conduct was reported in a Boutique Build Australia newsletter or a local
newspaper read by friends and colleagues, you should question whether your behaviour is ethical.