Inggris Berita
Inggris Berita
Inggris Berita
2. Willyam immanuel
The official car of the Purwakarta Regency Government crashed into a public transportation car
carrying a group of elementary school (SD) students
News Anchor : "Good morning I'm Willyam from ABC News bringing you the latest news. The official car
of the Purwakarta Regency Government crashed into a public transportation car carrying a group of
elementary school (50) students on Jalan Raya Kampung Munjul, Munjuljaya Village, Purwakarta, West
Java, Tuesday (28/2/2023). As a result of this incident twelve people were injured. They are official car
drivers, bus drivers and ten passengers, the majority of whom are Elementary School (SD) students. The
twelve victims were immediately evacuated to the Bayu Asih Regional Hospital (RSUD) Purwakarta and
Rama Hadi Hospital Purwakarta. For more details, I handed it over to my colleague at the scene of the
case, Let's bring in Reynard.
Reporter: "Yes, thank you Willyam. According to an eyewitness, Banban (28), a local resident, the
accident started with an official white minibus car with number T-1030-C traveling from the direction of
Situ Cigangsa towards the city of Purwakarta at high speed From the opposite direction came a group of
11 a public transportation cars. Banban explained that the white car with red plate suddenly turned ride
and hit the front a public transportation car. Banban continued, the official car allegedly did not brake.
Because, no visible traces of braking on the asphalt at the scene.Banban said the puwakarta police chief
ulready instructs that the official car was already speeding Banban also suspects that the cause of this
accident, the official car driver fell asleep. Banban said the driver of the official car was sleepy maybe he
was also in hurry afraid to come to work late Meanwhile, according to Purwakarta Police Chief Adjunct
Senior Commissioner Edwar Zulkarnain through the Purwakarta Polres IPTU Jamal Nasir's Bin Ops Unit
Head, the accident started with a red-plate car coming from the direction of Cigangsa heading for
Munjuljaya. At the scene of the incident, the road conditions were slightly curved, the car went too far
to the right, so it collided with a public transportation car 03 which was coming from the opposite
direction. That's all I can say, I'll return It to willyam, please willyam.
News Anchor : "Okay, thank you reynard for the news that has been delivered, hopefully the victims will
be given healing. And that's all for the news. I'm Willyam, thanks for watching"