NMC JR Pro Irrigation Installation Guide 2016 07
NMC JR Pro Irrigation Installation Guide 2016 07
NMC JR Pro Irrigation Installation Guide 2016 07
VERSION 9.06 REV 1.0 110363
• Installation should be performed by authorized technicians only.
• Verify that field components are working properly.
• Apply all safety regulations.
• Do not apply force or pressure on components during the installation procedure.
• Refer to your supervisor if problems occur during installation procedure.
2.1 Unpacking
2.2.2 Option B
Hardware Firmware
Hardware Test
Cancel Update
Path: /
NMC_PRO <DIR> 13/Oct/2009
Path: /
NMC_PRO <DIR> 13/Oct/2009
At the end of the process, the following screen appears (the version numbers are examples only):
• Input/Output Layout, page 18
• Output Terminals, page 19
• Input Terminals, page 20
• PC and Inter-Controller Communication, page 23
Note: Before switching the controller on, the technician should verify that there is no short circuit on each output.
(Resistance test)
Can wire EC/pH main power source to 24VAC on the output terminals.
• Example C: Temperature / Humidity Sensors
9600 BPS 2000 meter / 1.25 mile 1200 meter / 0.75 mile
4800 BPS 2500 meter / 1.55 mile 1800 meter/ 1.12 mile
2400 BPS 3000 meter / 1.86 mile 2400 meter /1.49 mile
• Start-Up
• Error! Reference source not found.
• Error! Reference source not found.
• Error! Reference source not found.
5.1 Start-Up
The device layout screen allows you to assign functions to each output (relay).
1. Place the cursor on the Function column, use the arrow keys to reach the relevant line, and press ENTER. A
selection list including all available devices will appear.
2. Choose the required device and confirm by pressing ENTER. The cursor will move to the No. column.
3. Specify the number of the device in the controller and press ENTER to confirm.
4. If you wish to define several devices of the same type, for example valves 1 to 10, configure the first one and
press ENTER a few times until you reach the required amount. The NMC-Junior Pro automatically continues
with the same device until instructed otherwise, or until reaching the system limitation for that device.
NMC-Junior Pro Installation Manual
Page 27
Note: If 'Radio' is selected in table 6.2, the screen contains at least 64 outputs.
Relay Function No
1 Valve 99
2 Valve 00
3 Valve 01
4 Valve 02
5 Valve 03
6 Valve 04
7 Valve 05
8 None --
9 Valve 06
10 Pump 1
Note: After making changes, be sure to exit and return again to check for errors. The NMC-Junior Pro will delete
and replace conflicting assignments with ‘---‘.
D-In Input Function
1 Water Meter 1
2 Dosing Meter 1
3 Dosing Meter 2
4 < None >
5 < None >
6 Water Meter 2
Channel Input Function Valid
1 pH Sensor NO
2 EC Sensor YES
3 Humidity Sensor YES
4 Temp. Sensor 1 YES
5 Temp. Sensor 2 YES
c. Define The Trigger Type d. Under Stop An. Dry Con., define the input type.
Hot Key 3: Program Status Hot Key 4: Water Flow & EC/pH Status
6.1 Relays
The Relays Test screen allows you to check the current output status and verify proper operation.
The setting switches automatically between ON and Off depending on device actual status.
To manually test relay functionality, move the cursor to required device using the arrow keys and press ENTER; the
device is turned on and the setting shows MAN.
Press ENTER again to return to automatic operation.
• OFF: The output is not active.
• ON: The output is automatically turned on by the relevant program.
• Man: Manual operation of the output. The manual operation resets after 30 minutes of being idle, to prevent
you from forgetting to set it back to automatic operation.
• Load Output Level: Output level in A/D values. The value is constantly updated in accordance to relay
operation and output level change. This value is used to calculate the A/D threshold value to be considered as
a short circuit.
Channel Value
1 59
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
• Perform a dry test. Using a magnet, get a pulse. Attach the magnet to get a pulse from the read of the cable.
• Verify the water, fertilizer and any auxiliary meters.
Delta pressure: 1 = ON, 0 = OFF
6.3 Analog Input
Analog inputs will show values from 0 to 1023.
Channel Value
pH 564
EC 345
Hum. 376
Temp1 511
Temp2 453
No. Value
1 27.3
2 28.6
6.5 Humidity
This table shows the current humidity sensor readings in percentage relative humidity.
No. Value
1 57.3
• On (mm:ss): On is the definition of the startup order. The set times are taken from procedure startup. The
device with the shortest time will be started first and shifted to procedure startup. Therefore it is recommended
that the device that is to be started first be set as 00:00 (automatically changes to --:--).
• Off (mm:ss): Off is the definition of the shutdown order of the irrigation process. The set times are taken from
procedure shutdown. The device with the shortest time will be stopped first and shifted to procedure
shutdown. Therefore it is recommended that the device that is to be stopped first be set as 00:00
(automatically changes to --:--).
1:30 VALVE 1
1:00 MAIN 0:15
PUMP 00:35
• Startup: According to the settings above, the pump will be turned on first (on procedure startup). The main
valve will be opened after 1 minute later (one minute from procedure startup) the valve.
• Shutdown: According to the settings above the valve will be turned off first (on procedure shutdown). The
main valve will be closed after 15 seconds and the pump will be closed 20 seconds later (35 seconds from
procedure shutdown).
Note: It is recommended that the device that should be started (stopped) first be defined as zero
(will appear as --:--).
• Shift delay (sec): Define the time (in seconds) between each valve change. The shift delay can also be a
shift advance by inserting a negative value. This means that the next valve will start before the previous one.
• Stagger delay (sec): Define the time (in seconds) for the first shift and the last shift delay between valves
(inside of group).
The NMC-Junior Pro automatically calculates the expected flow and determines which pump (or pumps) should be
started (see Valve Configuration for additional information regarding flow calculation). The NMC-Junior Pro will start
the minimal number of pumps required to supply the calculated flow rate.
If several pumps should be started, the NMC-Junior Pro starts from the largest to the smallest and will turn them off
from the smallest to the largest.
• Pump No.: Pump number.
• Capacity: Define pump capacity in m3 or gallon. This will be the maximum pump capacity, above which the
NMC-Junior Pro will turn on another pump (if available).
• Stability (mm:ss): Define stability time. Stability time is the startup time required for current pump before next
pump can be started up. Stability time is usually used to prevent voltage drop down and water hammer (see
Pump Startup Order schema).
• Off Delay (mm:ss): Define off delay. Off delay will be the delay time for current pump to stop after last pump
has stopped. This delay is usually used to prevent water hammer (see Pump Shutdown Order schema).
• Station (Yes/No): Define whether the pump is part of the pump station.
The following is a startup and shutdown order schema according to the settings above and a calculated flow rate of 60
m /h:
Pump 1
Pump 2
Pump 3
Note: Make sure that you define an operative water meter. There is no protection against defining a water meter
that isn’t properly defined in the system.
Note that when operating using Water Source (refer to Water Meter, page 41) a valve is not configured to a specific
water meter. In this case, all water meters set in the system are relevant for each irrigation; their pulses are calculated
for the flow rate. Therefore the Water Meter column is irrelevant in the Valve Configuration table.
Note: Make sure that you define an operative water meter. There is no protection against defining a water meter
that isn’t properly defined in the system.
Note: When using more than one water meter only start two valves that are configured to the same water meter;
the NMC-Junior Pro uses only the water meter connected to the leading valve and does not sum the flow from
the rest of the water meters. Dosing in this manner can create unexpected alarms and malfunctions!
• Drain Meter: Define which drain meter this valve is connected to.
• Drain Type: Define drainage type:
Total: Drainage is collected from the complete valve area.
Sample: Drainage is collected from a representing part of the valve area.
Note that it is possible to set several valves to the same drain meter when working by 'Total'. The system does not
allow operating several valves on the same meter when operating by 'Sample'.
• Sample %: When using sample drainage measurement it is required to define the ratio of the sample area to
the complete valve area.
• Nominal: Define nominal valve flow rate (m3/h or gallon/min). The NMC-Junior Pro uses the set nominal flow
rate for calculating the ratio between valves when starting a few valves together, the boundaries for alarms,
the total flow rate for calculating how many pumps to start, etc. Therefore it is recommended to try and set the
nominal flow rate as close as possible to the actual flow rate.
• Minimum: Minimum valve flow rate, under which the system will generate a low flow alarm. When changing
the Nominal flow rate this setting is automatically set to 25% under the nominal flow, and can be manually
• Maximum: Maximum valve flow rate, above which the system will generate a high flow alarm. When changing
the nominal flow rate this setting is automatically set to 25% above the nominal flow, and can be manually
Note: When starting several valves simultaneously the system will sum their nominal, minimal and maximal flow
rates. An alarm will be generated only if the measured flow rate is lower than the total minimum, or higher than
the total maximum.
Note: When starting several valves simultaneously, the quantities between them will be divided based on the
ratio of their nominal flow.
Note: If a few valves configured to different water meters will be started simultaneously, the NMC-Junior Pro
uses the flow measured by the water meter connected to the leading valve.
Water source: The NMC-Junior Pro will sum or deduct flow measured simultaneously from a few water
meters. When choosing this function an additional column called ”SUM” will appear, this column
enables to define which water meters should be summed and which deducted from the total measured
Note: Flow calculation type is a general definition for all water meters, therefore when changing type of water
meter for one of the water meters the type will be changed for all water meters.
Note: When setting flow calculation (water meter type) to Water source it is not possible to configure valves to
water meters.
• Sum: Define whether flow measured by each water meter should be added to the total measured flow or
“+” Flow measured by this water meter will be added to the total measured flow.
“–” Flow measured by this water meter will be deducted from the total measured flow.
Note: Since flow cannot be negative, if the controller measures negative flow it will show zero.
Note: If all valves are set to "–" the system ignores the measured flow and will use the nominal flow (based on
the nominal flow).
Description Ratio Type
Water Meter 1(L/P) 10.000 STANDARD
Water Meter 2(L/P) 20.000 STANDARD
Water Meter 3(L/P) 50.000 STANDARD
AUX Meter 1 (L/P) ---- --------
AUX Meter 2 (L/P) ---- --------
AUX Meter 3 (L/P) ---- --------
AUX Meter 4 (L/P) ---- --------
AUX Meter 5 (L/P) ---- --------
AUX Meter 6 (L/P) ---- --------
Note: If EC/pH control is off, or the channel is used for proportional injection only (for example in order to inject
chemicals) set reaction to passive.
• High %: set an injection percentage limit. This percentage will limit the deviation from set dosing recipe when
NMC-Junior Pro is injecting more than specified in order to try and reach the target EC/pH values.
• Low %: set an injection percentage limit. This percentage will limit the deviation from set dosing recipe when
NMC-Junior Pro is injecting less than defined in order to try and reach the target EC/pH values.
NMC-Junior Pro Installation Manual
Page 42
• V/P(L/G): This parameter is disabled when operating by Liter/Pulse. Define the volume per pulse of the
dosing meter (liters or gallons). Only required when using a dosing meter for measurement and alarm
purposes. When using a dosing meter for control purposes the volume per pulse of the dosing meter should
be defined on the Ratio column. The letter between the brackets indicates whether the volume units are in
Liter or Gallon.
• Ratio: Define volume per pulse of the drainage meters (liter/pulse or gallon/pulse).
• On Delay: Define how long a valve, which is configured to this drainage measurement, should be open before
the measured drainage is related to this valve. All drainage measured before this time has elapsed (although
the valve is open) will still be related to the previous opened valve that was configured to this drainage sump.
• Off Delay: Define how long after irrigation has finished, the measured drainage should still be related to the
previous irrigation. This value is used to “tell” the NMC when to stop relating drainage to the previous irrigation
and write it to all relevant history tables.
• Pump: Configure a pump to each cooling valve. This setting is not necessary if the cooling pump is not
controlled by the NMC-Junior Pro.
• Main Valve: Configure a main valve to each cooling valve. This setting is not necessary if the cooling doesn’t
have a main valve.
• Pump: Configure a pump for each misting valve. This setting is not necessary if the misting pump is not
controlled by the NMC-Junior Pro.
• Main Valve: Configure a main valve to each misting valve. This setting is not necessary if the misting doesn’t
have a main valve.
1. Select Controller number (in case of multiple controllers in the network, name each controller with a different
8.3.1 Method 1
• Dosing pump control = Fert. Meter
• Dosing pump measurement = Fert. Meter
• Dosing pump type = Venturi or Electric
8.3.2 Method 2
• Dosing pump control = Nominal Flow Rate
• Dosing pump measurement = Calculate dosing pump flow rate
• Dosing pump type = Venturi or Electric
8.3.3 Method 3
• Dosing pump control = Fert. meter
• Dosing pump measurement = Fert. Meter
• Dosing pump type = Hydraulic
Example: If dosing Channel 1 is set by the grower to inject 10 liter/m3, the controller auto adjust range is 5 to 15
liter/m3 in order to meet the EC level.
In the Main Menu screen, place the cursor on the program icon and press ENTER, or press '1' to enter the Program
• Irrigation, page 51
• Using the Influences, page 55
• Setting the Influences, page 55
• Water Run Time, page 60
• Dosing, page 61
• Ext. Condition, page 63
• Agitator, page 64
• Selector, page 65
• Filter Flushing, page 65
• Cooling, page 66
• Misting, page 68
• Water Heating, page 69
Note: To enter any of the menus, press the corresponding numeric key or scroll to the desired item using the
up/down arrow keys and press ENTER: a new window will appear. The first menu under Program is Irrigation.
9.1 Irrigation
The Irrigation Program screen includes all the settings for configuring automatic irrigation start. It depends heavily on
the Water Run Time and dosing program screens; therefore it is recommended to configure these screens before
irrigation takes place.
The NMC-Junior Pro consists of 15 irrigation programs.
Note: CONST. % and DAILY % does not change Quantity / time of water before and water after settings, nor
dosing quantities.
Note: When setting watering program and using 'Spread' the percentage affects not only the water but also the
Cond.: Specify whether the Condition program can trigger irrigations, and choose a Condition program
to start/stop irrigations. Irrigations will be started and stopped according to the settings of the relevant
Condition program (see Ext. Condition, page 63, for additional information). If irrigation is not triggered
due to Condition program until Max time has elapsed irrigation will be performed due to Max time.
When choosing Condition, the screen will be split in two. To view the day sequence, press the Down
arrow when the cursor is placed on the bottom of the screen.
The Condition program has the third priority after active irrigation and uncompleted irrigation (See
NMC-Junior Pro Irrigation – Part 2 > Priority specifications for further information).
Note: It is impossible to set the same Condition program for two different programs.
Rad Sum / VPD Sum: Choose whether irrigations can be triggered by the radiation or VPD sum. The
specific Rad Sum trigger is specified per period (see Rad Sum Li.). ). If irrigation is not triggered due to
Rad/VPD Sum until Max time has elapsed irrigation will be performed due to Max time.
Note: When choosing Rad/VPD Sum the screen will be split in two. To view the day sequence, press the Down
arrow on the bottom part of the screen.
• Start time (hh:mm): ENTER up to six start times (periods) per day for each program.
• Clock Start: Set the number of time-based irrigation cycles that will be performed in this cycle. The first cycle
starts at the specified start time; subsequent cycles will start after the specified Min. Time.
• Cond. Starts (appears only when Cond. Is selected): On/Off.
On: Irrigations can be triggered by the Condition program, when the specified Condition program
settings are met (Condition program active).
Off: Irrigations will not be triggered by the condition program, regardless of the Condition program
• Rad/VPD Sum Li.: Specify the radiation/VPD sum limit at which irrigation will take place. The Rad/VPD Sum
counter of the specific program is automatically reset when irrigation is performed. If Rad/VPD sum limit is '0'
it is ignored.
• Min. Time:
In Rad/VPD sum and condition modes determine the minimum time allowed between irrigations.
Even if the Rad/VPD sum limit / condition limit has been reached irrigation will not be performed until
that time has passed.
Select ‘blank’ and press ENTER to set the valve to operate alone, or ‘+’ (plus) to operate together with the next
valve. Several valves can be set to work together, as a group. A valve set (group) will have the same Run Time
program and the same dosing program. Each irrigation program can include a maximum of 100 valves
(columns) in any required order (all of them together, one after the other, a few groups-max. 100 groups, etc.).
The same valve can be entered several times with different settings.
• Run Time #: attach a Run Time Program to a valve or a group of valves. When setting valves to work
individually, a Run Time Program should be set for each valve. When setting a few valves to work together
(“+” mark between them) a Run Time Program should only be set for the first valve, the rest of the valves will
follow this setting.
Note: The quantity set in the Run Time Program will be the quantity given for all valves set to operate together,
not per valve (for further specifications of the Run Time Program see Water Run Time, page 55).
• Dosing Program: Attach a Dosing Program to a valve or a group of valves. When setting valves to work
individually, a Dosing Program should be set for each valve. When setting a few valves to work together (with
“+” mark between them) a Dosing Program should only be set for the first valve, the rest of the valves will
follow this setting.
• Day (xx/xx): Allows defining whether the program should irrigate water only, dose or be turned off on different
(xx/xx): The right setting defines the day’s cycle.
(xx/xx): The left setting defines the current day of the cycle.
Select Dose, Water or None and press ENTER. ‘Dose’ means Fertigation (water + dosing), ‘Water’ means
irrigation without dosing and ‘None’ means the program is idle in that day.
DATE : 1-May-12 TIME : 10:12:09
Program: 1 Priority: -- Const. 50%
Start Time 07:00 12:00 16:00
Clock Start 2 1 1
Min. Time 01:00 00:30 --:--
Valve # 051+05 004+116 115 255
Run Time # 1 1 2 2 2 --2
Dosing Prog 1 1 3 3 4 4
Day: 04/06 1 2 3 4 5 6
Dose / Water D W - D W D
Note: Dosing operates according to ('D-W') for the same day and not according to the setting when the irrigation
has started. If irrigation starts at 18:00 and on this day dosing is set ('D'), the irrigation crosses midnight to a day
where no dosing is set ('W'), dosing stops at midnight!
For example, a grower may want to increase the EC based on the Solar Radiation. Alternatively, he may want to
decrease the MinT based on the drainage.
• Using the Influences
• Setting the Influences
Radia./EC NO
Drain/RadS NO
Drain/MinT NO
Temp/EC NO
5. Select an Influence.
The following sections detail each Influence.
• Radiation Influence on EC, page 56
• Drainage Influence on Target Radiation Sum, page 57
• Drain Influence on Minimum Time, page 58
• Drain Influence on Minimum Time, page 58
• VPD Influence on Target EC, page 58
• Temperature Influence on Target EC, page 59
Radia./EC Radia. EC
Drain/RadS (w/m2) (%)
Drain/MinT 40 5
VPD/EC 100 20
Note: The drainage must be defined correctly! You can check the drainage meter status using Hot key 9.
2. In Configuration > Valve Configuration define which valve number corresponds to which drainage meter.
3. In Configuration > Drainage Configuration, define the drainage meter’s Ratio Liter/Pulse.
4. In Program > Irrigation, select Drain/MinT.
a. Define the Drainage percentage set points.
b. Define the MinT percentage set points.
5. Set ACTIVE/SOURCE to Yes.
6. Press Menu and confirm changes.
Example: When drainage is low, a user wants to decrease the Minimum Time. He sets 20% drainage to a MinT
of -25%. As drainage increases, the time between irrigation increases. In this scenario, if the MinT is set to 60
minutes, 40% drainage adjusts the time to 75 minutes.
Note: You can verify the EC status using Hot Key Screen, the temperature and humidity sensors status using
Hot Key Screen 6.
2. In Setup > VPD Sensor Setup, enable VPD Temperature and VPD Humidity sensors.
3. In Configuration > Dosing Channel Configuration set React to EC.
4. In Configuration > Dosing Configuration > EC Control, set EC Control to Yes.
5. In Program > Irrigation, select VPD/EC.
a. Define the VPD sum points.
Radia./EC VPD EC
Drain/RadS (kPa) (%)
Drain/MinT 15 7
VPD/EC 10 4
Temp/EC 5 2
Note: You can verify the EC status using Hot Key Screen 4, the temperature sensor status using Hot Key
Screen 6.
2. In Configuration > Dosing Channel Configuration set React to EC.
3. In Configuration > Dosing Configuration > EC Control, set EC Control to Yes.
4. In Program > Irrigation, select Temp/EC.
a. define the Temperature sum points.
b. define the EC percentage set points.
5. Set ACTIVE/SOURCE, select the temperature sensor number.
Radia./EC Temp EC
Drain/RadS (°C/F)) (%)
Drain/MinT 25 2
VPD/EC 27 5
Temp/EC 30 7
The WATER RUN TIME table has 60 “floating” programs; each program can be configured so that irrigation water is
given in time (HH:MM:SS) or in quantity (m or gallon, depending on definitions in the System Setup, page 74). The
programs can later be connected to a valve or a group of valves through the Irrigation Program. Each program
includes water, water before and water after settings.
• Method: Select the method (QTY. Or Time) with the up/down arrow keys and press ENTER to confirm.
• Water: Set quantity / time for each program (liter or gallon). The water setting is the total quantity / time
including the Before and After settings.
• Before: Set quantity/time without dosing at the beginning of each irrigation cycle.
• After: Set quantity/time without dosing at the end of each irrigation cycle.
Note: Before and After settings are deducted from the Water settings. Therefore Water quantity/time must be
greater than or equal to the Before and After settings.
NMC-Junior Pro includes 10 predefined dosing programs. Each program consists of injection methods, quantities and
EC/pH target values. Each channel is completely independent and can be set to give a different amount.
Overlapping between the various channels is possible.
• Dosing Program
• Dosing Injection Methods
This setting actually means that 5.0 (liters or gallons) of fertilizer will be mixed with each cubic meter (1000 gallons
respectively) of water passing through the system.
The total quantity of fertilizer that will be given is 5.0 * 3.5 = 17.5 liters (Gallons).
2. P.Time (hh:mm): Proportional time. Each dosing channel is given the time to fertilize independently. The NMC-
Junior Pro divides this time equally within the given irrigation time (quantity) set in 1.2 WATER RUN TIME.
For example:
Dosing channel 1 is set to 00:10; Dosing channel 2 is set to 01:00.
Set irrigation time is 03:00 hours.
The NMC-Junior Pro will proportionally divide the set fertigation time for each dosing channel across the set
irrigation time (quantity).
Dosing channel -1- will be on for a few pulses; their total time will be 10 min. Dosing channel -2- will be on for a
few pulses (not necessarily the same amount). Their total time will be 60 min.
3. Time. (hh:mm): Each dosing channel is given the time to fertigate. Dosing will be done in one bulk that will start
after water, before time/quantity has elapsed.
4. Qty. (Liters or Gallons): Quantity. Each dosing channel is given the amount to be injected. Dosing will be done in
one bulk or spread throughout the irrigation, depending on settings in the screen 7.7 DOSING CONFIGURATION,
line Dosing by QTY. Method. Dosing will start after water, before time/quantity has elapsed.
To choose a method, place the cursor on the METHOD column and press ENTER. A small window will appear:
Program: 1
1 2 3 4 ---
3.00 5.00 6.00 5.00
Target EC 2.00
Target PH P. QTY 6.00
Passive Dosing Me P. TIME QTY
EC Dosing Method TIME P.QTY
PH Dosing Method QTY. P.QTY
Select the method with the arrow keys and press ENTER to confirm.
Note: The EC/pH columns will not be visible if EC/pH control and EC/pH alarms are marked ‘No’.
The condition program will only be operational in the defined time window (between start “From” to end “To” times).
Each condition program can be operational on different hours.
• Trigger Type: Choose one of three trigger types:
One Shot: If the Start Dry Contact is closed for more than 20 seconds the associated irrigation program
will be started. The contact must open and close to initiate irrigation.
Multi shot: If the Start Dry Contact is closed for more than 20 seconds the associated irrigation
program will be started. If the contact is still closed when the irrigation has finished, irrigation will be
Note: Notice that the Start Dry Contact does not necessarily have to open and close in order to initiate irrigation.
It simply has to be closed when the irrigation has finished.
Only If On: The associated Irrigation program will be turned on, providing the Start Dry Contact has
been closed for more than 20 second and will remain on as long as the contact is closed.
The following is a description graph of the Condition program:
9.6 Agitator
The agitator is used to mix the fertilizers and acid in the storage tanks in order to prevent the occurrence of sediment.
• Dosing Active: Definition of the On and Off times of the agitator when dosing is taking place:
On: Define the required mixing time.
Off: Define the required time between mixing.
• Dosing Not Active: definition of the On and Off times of the agitator when dosing is not taking place:
On: Define the required mixing time.
Off: Define the required time between mixing.
NMC-Junior Pro Installation Manual
Page 64
9.7 Selector
This screen enables the use of various fertilizer stock tanks. Every dosing program can be connected to one (or more)
selectors. Using the selector outputs you can choose which fertilizer stock will be connected to each dosing program.
• Time Between Flushing (hh:mm): Time interval between two consecutive Flushing cycles. The time is only
counted during irrigation.
Example: If the time between flushing is set to 01:00 it means that a flushing cycle will be activated after 1
hour of irrigation (regardless of DP status).
If set to zero (--:--), flushing will only take place if triggered by a DP.
• Flushing Time (mm:ss): Flushing time of each Filter (output).
• Delay Between Filters (mm:ss): The delay time between flushing of one filter to the next. This time is usually
used to allow pressure buildup.
• Delta Pressure (Digital): Define whether filter flushing can be triggered due to digital Delta Pressure (Yes /
• Delay Delta Pressure (mm:ss): Define the time that the Delta Pressure (digital or value) must be active
before a filter flushing cycle will be triggered. This time is usually used to prevent unnecessary flushes from
taking place.
• Delta Pressure Reiteration: Number of consecutive filter flushing cycles triggered by the Delta Pressure that
can take place without any breaks, before the NMC-Junior Pro will generate an alarm indicating that the Delta
pressure sensor is defective. The NMC-Junior Pro will than ignore the Delta Pressure and will continue
flushing according to the set Time Between Flushing only, until the alarm is reset.
NMC-Junior Pro Installation Manual
Page 65
• Dwell Time Main Filter Valve (mm:ss): Define for how much time the main filter valve must be on before the
filter flushing cycle is started. This output is typically used to control a pressure-sustaining valve or to start a
booster pump.
9.9 Cooling
The Cooling/Humidification program is used to keep the temperature below a set value and/or the humidity above a
set value. Each program can be set to maintain temperature or humidity as its first priority.
Five Cooling programs are available with two periods in each program. The periods can be defined to overlap, thus
creating “dynamic” cooling or humidification.
Different temperature and humidity sensors can be connected to each program.
The Status can be defined as Cooling or Humidification, the aim of the status field is to help the user to understand the
process that should take place by placing the related set point first (i.e. above t° when the status is cooling OR bellow
RH when the status is Humidification)
Note: There are a few steps that should be defined prior to this screen: see Cooling Configuration.
Cool # 1 2 -- -- -- -- -- Cool # 1 2 -- -- -- -- --
Temp. Sens. : 1 -- Hum. Sens: 1 Temp. Sens. : 1 -- Hum. Sens: 1
Program: 1 Status: Cooling
Below PH On Off
1 80 00:00:30 00:03:00
2 80 00:00:30 00:01:00
Cool # 1 2 -- -- -- -- --
Temp. Sens. : 1 -- Hum. Sens: 1
Note: If more than one cooling valve is defined, the off time will take place after the last valve in the sequence
(Cooling valve #2, in the above screen). Between the cooling valves there is no delay and they are working in
sequence, from the first valve on the left side to the last one.
Note: If the time is relevant only for a certain period, only its settings will define operation. If humidity is above
the lowest value of the two periods, cooling will not take place.
• From (hh:mm): Set the start time of the Cooling / Humidification program.
• To (hh:mm): Set the end time of the Cooling / Humidification program
Note: The program will only be operational in the defined time window (between start “From” to end “To” times).
Each program can be operational on different hours.
• Above t / Below RH
Above to (when status is cooling): Start cooling above this
temperature. Cooling will stop if the
temperature drops below the internal dead-band of 0.5 C. For example if set to 30 C cooling will start
o o
when the temperature is above 30 C and will stop when it drops below 29.5 C. °
Below RH (when status is humidification): Start humidification below this humidity. Humidification will
stop if the humidity goes above the internal dead-band of 1%. For example, if set to 80% humidification
will start when the humidity is below 80% and will stop when it is above 81%.
• Below RH / Above t
Below RH (when status is cooling): Stop cooling above this humidity. Cooling will be resumed when
the humidity drops below the internal dead-band of 2%. For example, if set to 80% cooling will stop
when the humidity is above 82% and will be resumed when the humidity drops below 80%.
Above to (when status is humidification): Stop humidification when the temperature is below this
temperature. Humidification will be resumed when the temperature goes above the internal dead-band
o o o
of 0.5 C. For example, if set to 25 C humidification will stop when the temperature drops below 24.5 C
and will be resumed when it goes above 25 C.
NMC-Junior Pro Installation Manual
Page 67
• On (hh:mm:ss): Define the On time of the Cooling valve. If On time is set to zero the Cooling valve will not be
• Off (hh:mm:ss): Define the Off time of the Cooling valve. If Off time is set to zero the Cooling valve will be
constantly On.
• Cool #: Assign cooling valves to this program. The assigned cooling valves will be operated sequentially in
groups. The number of groups (different cooling programs) which can be operated simultaneously (maximum
cooling parallel) is defined in screen 6.2 SYSTEM SETUP.
• Temp. Sens.: Assign Up to two temperature sensors for this program.
• Hum. Sens.: Assign up to two humidity sensor to this program.
If there is a malfunction in one of the temperature sensors, a message will be displayed, and that sensor will be taken
out of the average temperature calculation. If all the temperature sensors are out of order, the controller will operate
according to the first active line. If you would like to operate the program by time only, set as follows:
Set Status to cooling or humidification (not important). Set the Above t°. and Below RH to '0'. Define the required On
and Off times and the program will work accordingly within the set time frame.
9.10 Misting
The misting program is a time scheduler used to open/close a misting valve or any other device that is operated
sequentially. Up to 40 misting programs can be preset.
Note that there are a few steps that should be defined prior to this screen, see the Misting Configuration Table on
page 45.
• Mist No.: Assign a mist valve to the program. It is possible to associate the same misting valve to several
• Start (hh:mm): Set the start time of the Misting program. If start time is set to 00:00, it will automatically be
changed to --:--, meaning the program is not operational.
• End (hh:mm): Set the end time of the Misting program. The Misting program will only be operational in the
defined time window (between Start to End times). Each Misting program can be operational on different
• On: Define the On time of the misting valve. If On time is set to zero the MISTING valve will not be opened.
• Off: Define the Off time of the MISTING valve. If Off time is set to zero the MISTING valve will be constantly
The table is sorted according to mist number as the first priority, and start time as the second priority. The Mist No. will
always appear in groups in an increasing order so that the orientation is quick and easy.
Each mist group has an inside start time sorting, so that a later start is moved to the end of the group. If you delete a
row (by zeroing the Mist .No.) it will be moved to the end of the table and the rest of the rows will move one step up.
Pressing the menu key does this sorting.
Note: When misting is on all related devices (e.g. misting valve, main valve and pump) are operational. When
misting is off, only the pump continues to operate
Water Heating operates according to temperature within a set time frame (between start “From Time” to end “To
Time”) and can be used to increase irrigation water temperature or prevent frost.
• From Time (hh:mm): Set the start time of the water-heating program.
• To Time (hh:mm): Set the end time of the water-heating program.
• Water Temperature: Water heating will be activated when the temperature drops below this value.
• Difference: Dead-band for stopping water heating. When the water temperature reaches the set Water
Temperature + Difference, water heating will be stopped.
For Example: Water temperature is 25ºC and the difference is 2ºC. Water heating will start when the
temperature drops below 25ºc and will stop when it is 27 or above.
The Minimum difference is 0.3ºC and the default is 0.5ºC.
• Temp. Sensor 1/2: Assign up to 2 temperature sensors. If you assign 2 sensors, the NMC-Junior Pro will
operate according to their average.
• Pause Irrigation (Yes/No): Set Yes and press Enter to confirm; all irrigations will be paused until the value
will be set back to No. When the system is released from Pause mode it will complete all irrigations that
should have taken place when it was paused.
2. Select 'Yes' to confirm your choice and start the relevant program.
3. When you enter the Start/Stop screen during irrigation you will be asked whether you wish to stop the active
program. Choose Yes to stop the program.
1. Enter a valve number, Run Time program and (optional) dosing program, press Enter to confirm and then press the
menu button to open the confirmation screen.
To flush filters manually, follow the prompts, select which filters to flush with the arrow keys and press ENTER to
confirm. You can flush all filters or individual filters (without Pump or Main valve operation)
The Setup Menu provides clock, calibration, plug storage/retrieval, and language settings.
Note: In any given menu, you may use arrow and ENTER keys on touch pad to make a selection or press the
corresponding number and ENTER on touch pad as a short cut.
The Time & Date screen allows you to set the current time and date as well as the end of the crop daytime.
To adjust the time and date, place the cursor on the setting you wish to modify, change the numbers using the keypad
and press ENTER to save your changes.
• End Day Time: Select the start time of a new day 00:00 to 23:00. At End Day time:
All the alarms are reset.
All the uncompleted irrigations are reset.
All the valves that are registered in the uncompleted programs table and did not complete the irrigation
are switched from Wait position to Do Not Continue (Move to history).
Cycle days in the PROGRAM table are moved one day ahead.
The daily % change is zeroed (the constant % change stays the same).
Currently active cycle will continue with its current settings until completed.
• Start/End time for VPD Sum – Set the time frame for the VPD Sum counter.
Only during this time frame will the VPD be summed
At End time for VPD Sum, the counter is reset
Note: This number refers to the number of cooling programs that will be operated in parallel; valves from the
same cooling program will always be operated sequentially.
• Maximum Misting Parallel: Define the maximum number of misting valves to be operated simultaneously.
The maximal possible number is 40.
• During Filter Flushing: Define whether irrigation should be stopped during filter flushing.
• During Cooling Process: Define whether irrigation should be stopped during cooling.
• During Misting Process: Define whether irrigation should be stopped during misting.
• During Filter Flushing: Define whether dosing should be stopped during filter flushing.
• Default Hotkey Number: Define the required default hotkey number. When the system is idle for a few
minutes the controller will automatically switch to the default hotkey (hot-screen)
• History Resolution: Set the history collection rate of the sensors. For example if set to 15 minutes, the
controller will collect data from the defined sensors every 15 minutes (see 11.6 Sensors Logging for
configuring which sensors / data is collected).
• Controller function: Define whether this controller is connected to a weather station directly or through the
Local: A weather station is connected to this controller; its data is used locally only and should not be
passed or received through the network.
Slave: This controller receives weather station data through the network; the data is collected by
another NMC-Junior Pro (or NMC-64 Climate), which is connected directly to a weather station defined
as Master. Sensors connected directly to a slave controller will be used by it and will have a higher
priority than those transmitted by the master.
• Automatic return to RO mode: Define if the controller will return automatically back to the Read Only mode
after a certain period of time.
• Return Period to Read Only mode: Set the amount of time for the controller to return automatically to the
Read Only mode (mm:ss).
This parameter is only relevant if the Automatic return to RO mode parameter is defined as YES
• Controller Number: Select the controller number for communication. The controller number in the controller
and in the PC should match in order for the communication to work. Each controller in the network must have
a unique number.
• Flow Rate – Start From: Select whether the flow rate calculation in an irrigation will begin either with the
value Zero (which means that the flow rate will increase according to pulses received), or a Nominal value
calculated using all the active valves in the irrigation. The calculation method is important primarily for dosing
and EC/pH control. When using a controller which operates with relatively slow pulses, it is recommended to
choose the Nominal flow rate option due to inaccurate flow calculation in the first stage of the irrigation. When
operating with slow pulses and starting with a Zero value, it will take a long time for the controller to reach its'
actual flow rate value. When operating by fast pulses, choose either Zero or Nominal.
• Calculated Flow Delay: This parameter is relevant only when Nominal is being selected in the previous
parameter. This parameter defines the time the controller uses its' nominal flow rate value before switching to
the calculated one. In this period LOW FLOW and HIGH FLOW alarms will not be detected.
To enable this parameter, set the Water Meter to Water Source. Refer to Water Meter, page 41.
11.3 Temperature Calibration
This menu enables calibrating temperature sensors. Use the Left/right arrow keys to increase/decrease the values.
Netafim recommends calibrating the temperature sensors using a reference sensor.
• Auto Set EC (EC factory set)
• EC Soft Calibration
Note: Always perform EC Soft Calibration after the Auto set EC (EC factor set) EC Soft Calibration
1. Press MENU and wait for the Service prompt to appear.
2. Press SELECT several times until the CALIB (rate) EC prompt is displayed and press ENTER.
3. Use SELECT to choose EC 1.4 or EC 5, according to your water value and the buffers you have, press ENTER to
4. Insert the probe into the appropriate buffer, wait for approximately 10 seconds, and press ENTER. You will be
asked to wait for a few seconds, while the unit performs the value correction.
5. The Gain point is now set and EC 0.0 will be displayed. Hold the EC probe out in the open air and wipe it gently
with a napkin or a tissue, then press ENTER. pH Calibration
• Auto Set pH (pH Factory set)
• pH Soft Calibration
Note: Always perform pH Soft Calibration after the Auto set pH (pH factory set) pH Soft Calibration
1. Remove the pH probe and clean it by directing a stream of water towards its membrane. Do not wipe or dry the
2. Press MENU and wait for the Service prompt to appear.
3. Press SELECT several times until the CALIB (rate) pH prompt is displayed and then press ENTER.
4. When pH 7.0 is displayed, immerse the probe in the pH 7.0 buffer, wait for approximately 10 seconds and press
ENTER. You will be asked to wait for a few seconds, while the unit performs the value correction. The Gain point is
now set.
5. When pH 4.0 is displayed, immerse the probe in the pH 4.0 buffer, wait for approximately 30 seconds and press
ENTER. You will be asked to wait for a few seconds, while the unit performs the value correction. The Offset point is
now set.
6. If the calibration process is completed successfully, pH Calibration OK will be displayed. If it fails, LOQUID IS
POOR is displayed, please refer to NMC-Junior Pro Irrigation – Part 2 > EC/pH > Troubleshooting.
Sensor Value Factor
EC 1 1.71 0.06
pH 1 2.36 0.07
EC 2 <NONE> ---
pH 2 <NONE> ---
Place the cursor on the relevant factor and use the left/right arrow keys to increase/decrease the factor until the values
displayed by the NMC-Junior Pro are equal to the values indicated on the EC/pH transmitter screen.
To ensure the measured values are stable it is recommended to immerse the sensor in calibration fluid when doing
this process.
Under normal operation conditions the correlation process should be done only when there are system changes, for
example when changing EC/pH sensors, nevertheless it is recommended to verify that the readings of the EC/pH
transmitter and of the NMC-Junior Pro are equal every time EC/pH calibration is performed, and adjust if required.
To select an item move the cursor using the arrow keys and mark it using the ‘+/-‘ key. Selected items are marked with
Note: When you change the sensors logging setup, the sensors history table resets and starts over; all sensors
data accumulated on the controller is lost.
Note: The NMC Junior Pro supports two temperature sensors only.
Note: When writing to a Gold Data-plug, old data on the plug will be overwritten.
11.8 Read from Gold Data Plug
Use a data-plug to upload and restore controller settings when needed. Plug the Gold Data Plug into the
NMC-JUNIOR PRO data-plug socket (see the figure below).
Note: Use the Gold Data plug when the system is idle; otherwise, some of the running programs might be
interrupted and moved to halt.
Enter the READ FROM DATA PLUG screen and confirm your choice.
Note: When reading from the data-plug, the current settings data on the controller will be overwritten.
• Controller Display is Off
• Output Malfunction Components
Main voltage Main frequency Max voltage Min voltage Main fuse
Single phase 230 50/60 250 VAC 200 VAC 0.5 Amp
VAC, 0.5 Amp
Main voltage Main frequency Max voltage Min voltage Main fuse
Single phase 230 50/60 250 VAC 200 VAC 0.5 Amp
VAC, 0.5 Amp
Note: System uses 24VAC External transformer with limit of 6.3 Amp (F5). Option C: 12VDC Power Supply Card
12 – 48 VDC/VAC 2 Amp
1x pH input 4 - 20 mA
Relays outputs 15x N.O output 24VAC low power relay, 5 Amps, maximum output changing rate 0.4
Communication 1x RS232/RS485 port RS232 or RS485 communication port, function depends on type of
connection and type of MUX used.
Netafim warrants the electronic components of the NMC-Junior Pro Controller on to be free of defects in materials or workmanship for 1 (one) year
from the date of purchase by end user. If a defect is discovered during the applicable warranty period, Netafim will repair or replace, at its option,
the product or the defective part.
Note: lightning and surge damages are not covered by warranty.
Date of commissioning:
Name: Name:
________________________________ ________________________________
Signature: Signature:
________________________________ ________________________________