The South African Insurance Gap 2022
The South African Insurance Gap 2022
The South African Insurance Gap 2022
Final Report
19 October 2022
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 7
5.1 SEGMENTS..................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.2 FINDINGS....................................................................................................................................................... 16 Page 2 of 44
5.3 THE SIZE OF THE INSURANCE GAP PER SEGMENT ...................................................................................... 17
6.1 SEGMENTS..................................................................................................................................................... 19
6.2 FINDINGS....................................................................................................................................................... 19
7.1 SEGMENTS..................................................................................................................................................... 22
7.2 FINDINGS....................................................................................................................................................... 22
8.1 SEGMENTS..................................................................................................................................................... 25
8.2 FINDINGS....................................................................................................................................................... 25
9.1 SEGMENTS..................................................................................................................................................... 30
9.2 FINDINGS....................................................................................................................................................... 30 Page 3 of 44
“COVER ADEQUACY” .................................................................................................................................................. 33
“EARNER” .................................................................................................................................................................... 34
“EARNINGS” ................................................................................................................................................................ 34
................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
TABLE 8 - INSURANCE GAP IN TOTAL FOR ALL EARNERS AND PER-EARNER ................................ 14
1.1 Definitions
ASISA retained True South Actuaries and Consultants to update previous studies conducted to
determine the extent of under-insurance in South Africa. This study is referred to as the “2022
Insurance gap Study” and reflects the situation as at the end of 2021. Previous studies were
conducted in 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019 which reflected the extent of under-insurance
in South Africa as at the end of 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, and 2018 respectively.
1.3 Acknowledgements
We express our thanks to the life insurers who participated in the study through the provision
of data on fairly tight timelines. We continued to experience improvement in both the quality
and quantity of data compared to the previous studies. We are also particularly grateful for the
many instances where senior officials in the respective organizations got personally involved to
In Appendix A (defining terms that are denoted in italics throughout this document), the
insurance gap (see modelling notes in Appendix B) is defined as the difference between the
insurance need and actual cover:
• The insurance need is defined as the amount of cover required to meet the need that is
created by the death event and/or the disability event (see modelling notes in Appendix C):
o It assumes the household would want to maintain the pre-event standard of living.
o It further assumes that the need extends to the deceased / disabled household
member’s retirement age only as this study doesn’t express any view on post-
retirement provision adequacy.
o It excludes any additional short-term expenses related to the risk event, such as
funeral costs, medical costs and/or cost of structural changes to one’s home in the Page 7 of 44
• Actual cover considers benefits received post-event from insurers (retail and group-type
cover), self-insurance pension schemes (like the GEPF), and government disability grants.
o It excludes funeral cover (as it is pragmatically assumed that the objective of such
cover does not include income replacement).
o It excludes cover that provides for certain selected situations only, such as accident
only cover and cover from the Road Accident Fund, the Compensation Fund, and
short-term insurance.
o It ignores any shortfall that may result due to any waiting periods that may be Page 8 of 44
The table below shows the number of earners expected to suffer a death event 1 and / or a
disability event 2 during 2022:
At a macro level
The insurance gap was determined using the same principles as used for previous studies. (See
appendices B, C, and D.) The insurance gap as at the end of 2021 was calculated to be 34.3
• If South African households wanted to maintain their standards of living after a death event,
the insurance need for all earners combined is in the region of R25.7 trillion (see section
3.1). The extent of actual cover in force in the economy only amounts to R11.3 trillion (see
section 3.2). This leaves a death insurance gap of around R14.4 trillion (see section 3.3).
• If South African households wanted to maintain their standards of living after a disability
event, the insurance need for all earners combined is in the region of R37.2 trillion (see
section 3.1). The extent of actual cover in force in the economy only amounts to R17.3
trillion (see section 3.2). This leaves a disability insurance gap of around R19.9 trillion (see
section 3.3).
By reference to the demographics of the earners in each segment and application of the AIDS model of the Actuarial
Society of South Africa.
By reference to a disability investigation of the Actuarial Society of South Africa calibrated so that ratio of disabilities
to deaths is consistent with group premium rates obtained.
The number of death events expected aims to illustrate a long-term stable view of mortality and would therefore
exclude increases in deaths experience over recent years. Page 9 of 44
At a micro level
The insurance gap as at the end of 2021 was calculated to be R2.4m for the average South
African earner:
• If the average South African earner wanted to ensure that her/his family can maintain their
standard of living in the event of her/his death, provision would need to be made for R1.8m
of cover. However, the average South African earner has life cover of just less than R0.8m.
This leaves an average death insurance gap of about R1.0m.
• If the average South African earner wanted to ensure that her/his family can maintain their
standard of living in the event of her/his being subject to a disability event, provision would
need to be made for R2.6m of cover. As the average South African earner has disability
cover of just less than R1.2m, this leaves an average disability insurance gap of about R1.4m.
A response to the insurance gap, could be to pro-actively purchase additional death and
disability cover.
Reactive responses (post the death event / disability event) include [1] curtailing household
expenditure and [2] shifting the burden of under-insurance to the remaining household
members of working-age by requiring increased contributions from them to total household
income. The extent required by each of the responses is summarised in the table below:
In the main body of this document, the insurance gap is reported for different segments of the
population in terms of income, education, age, province, and gender.
Expressed as a percentage of post event household expenditure (i.e. reduced due to smaller family size). Page 10 of 44
In the table below, the insurance need is expressed as the product of three numbers:
Total insurance need (in R’bn) Total insurance need (in R’bn)
Note 2019 study 2022 study
Death Disability Death Disability
Total income at risk 1 2 863 2 863 3 042 3 042
* Replacement ratio 2 57% 78% 57% 78%
* Capitalisation factor 3 15.1 15.9 14.9 15.6
Insurance need 1*2*3 24 488 35 654 25 712 37 209
Note 1 - Income at risk: This includes all income as per the definition (Appendix A) of earnings.
The slow growth in the income at risk was due to a decrease in the workforce (by about 1.3m
workers), coupled by earnings per earner growing at less than CPI pa. (For more information,
Note 2 - Replacement ratio: This represents the proportion of household members’ personal
income that “will be missed” after the death event or the disability event. The replacement ratio
is lower for the death event reflecting the fact that the deceased earner’s portion of expenses
will no longer be part of the household budget. (For more information, see Appendix C2.)
Note 3 - Capitalisation factor: This factor is related to the number of years that the earner would
still have contributed to the household. It reflects the period from current day up to retirement
age. The capitalisation factors are slightly lower than that of the 2019 study, as the age of the
average earner increased slightly over the 3-year period. This was caused by rising
unemployment amongst the younger age groups. (For more information, see Appendix C3.)
As for the 2019 study, regulatory returns form the basis of the actual cover information Page 11 of 44
• High response rates: As the requested information is readily available, (the bulk had already
been provided to the regulator), most insurers respond to the information request resulting
• Quality and comparability of information: Returns are audited and the specification for
what is required is uniform for all insurers alike. There is therefore less possibility for
interpretation / data extraction errors.
See Appendix D for more information on the sources used for determining the total level of
actual cover in the market and allocating this to different segments of the earner population.
Table 5 - Growth in life cover, split between retail and group insurance
Table 6 - Growth in disability cover, split between retail and group insurance
The 2019 study’s actual life cover figures were restated. The actual group life cover in place at the end of 2018 was
understated (and the life insurance gap thus overstated) in the 2019 study. The restatement was necessary to ensure
that both studies are on a like-for-like basis, enabling sensible comparisons to be made and conclusions to be drawn. Page 12 of 44
Note 3: The amount of the maximum social security disability grant increased by about 3.6% pa
since the 2019 study. However, the number of low-income earners eligible for the grant
decreased and thus the total cover available in the scenario where all earners become disabled
From the end of 2018 to the end of 2021, the insurance gap increased by 0.2% pa. The insurance
gap per earner increased at a steady rate of 3.2% pa; the decrease in the insurance gap was
therefore driven by the reduction in the number of earners over the 3-year period.
The actual cover as percentage of the insurance need (referred to as cover adequacy) indicates
that only 45% of the insurance need is currently met by actual cover. This percentage improved
slightly since the previous study due to the insurance need growing at a slower rate than the
actual cover.
From the end of 2018 to the end of 2021, the death insurance gap decreased slightly (1.0% pa), Page 13 of 44
The table below shows how the insurance gap of R34.3 trillion can be expressed as an average
gap of R2.4m per South African earner (R1.0m for death events and R1.4m for disability events):
Total insurance gap (in R’bn) Insurance gap per earner (in Rand)
Death Disability Death Disability
Insurance need 25 712 37 209 1 801 422 2 606 929
Total income at risk 3 042 3 042 213 093 213 093
* Replacement ratio 57% 78% 57% 78%
* Capitalisation factor 14.9 15.6 14.9 15.6
Actual cover -11 348 -17 266 -795 074 -1 209 704
Retail insurance -6 681 -4 974 -468 084 -348 472
Group insurance -4 667 -8 279 -326 990 -580 008
Government grants 0 -4 014 - -281 224
Insurance gap 14 364 19 943 1 006 348 1 397 225
If the average South African earner wanted to ensure that her/his family can maintain their
standard of living in the event of her/his death, provision would need to be made for R1.8m of
cover. However, the average South African earner has life cover of just less than R0.8m. This
leaves an average death insurance gap of about R1.0m.
If the average South African earner wanted to ensure that her/his family can maintain their
standard of living in the event of her/his being subject to a disability event, provision would
need to be made for R2.6m of cover. However, the average South African earner has disability
cover of just more than R1.2m. This leaves an average disability insurance gap of about R1.4m. Page 14 of 44
4.2 Responses to the insurance gap
A response to the insurance gap, could be to pro-actively purchase additional death and
disability cover.
Reactive responses (post the death event / disability event) include [1] curtailing household
expenditure and [2] shifting the burden of under-insurance to the remaining household
The table below indicates the extent required by each of these responses:
Due to the diversity of the South African socio-economic landscape, the concept of the “average
South African earner” is less clear than (say) the “average Australian earner”. For this reason, it
makes sense to consider the insurance gap for different segments of the South African earner
In the sections below we show the insurance gap and possible responses to it for the following
• Section 9: Gender Page 15 of 44
5.1 Segments
The 14.3 million earners were divided into 5 groups with equal representation by number. The
first group represented the 20% poorest individuals within the universe of earners. The next
Average annual
Number of
Segment Segment bounds (net earnings) net earnings Average Age
earners (million)
Poorest 20% up to R33 154 p.a. 2.9 17 056 36
2 Quantile
R33 155 to R67 005 p.a. 2.9 49 665 37
3rd Quantile R67 006 to R118 195 p.a. 2.9 90 645 37
4 Quantile
R118 196 to R246 922 p.a. 2.9 194 607 39
Richest 20% more than R246 923 p.a. 2.9 713 428 42
All 14.3 213 093 38
5.2 Findings
• For a death event, the cover adequacy shows a strong positive correlation with personal
income - i.e. the higher the income, the bigger proportion of the insurance need is met by
actual cover.
• This would have been the case for the disability event as well had it not been for government
disability grants. The level of the grant is such that it covers the full disability insurance
need of the poorest 20% earners. Most earners within this (poorest 20%) group would
therefore not have any need for additional (or any for that matter) disability insurance cover. Page 16 of 44
5.3 The size of the insurance gap per segment
Poorest 20% 2nd Quantile 3rd Quantile 4th Quantile Richest 20%
Insurance need 133 112 553 252 1 053 472 1 987 061 5 279 739
Total income at risk 17 056 49 665 90 645 194 607 713 428
* Replacement ratio 43% 61% 66% 61% 54%
* Capitalisation factor 18.2 18.1 17.7 16.6 13.6
Actual cover -7 424 -47 941 -163 868 -581 114 -3 174 736
Retail insurance -3 150 -11 369 -27 834 -270 448 -2 027 434
Group insurance -4 274 -36 571 -136 034 -310 666 -1 147 302
Government grants 0 0 0 0 0
Insurance gap 125 688 505 312 889 603 1 405 948 2 105 003
Cover adequacy (Cover/Need) 6% 9% 16% 29% 60%
Number of earners (millions) 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9
Total insurance gap (R’bn) 359 1 443 2 539 4 014 6 010
For example, an earner that finds her/himself in the top 20% of South African earners, would
typically need life cover of almost R5.3m. Typically such an earner would only have life cover of
Poorest 20% 2nd Quantile 3rd Quantile 4th Quantile Richest 20%
Insurance need 319 837 926 205 1 634 170 2 991 914 7 161 882
Total income at risk 17 056 49 665 90 645 194 607 713 428
* Replacement ratio 100% 100% 98% 89% 71%
* Capitalisation factor 18.8 18.6 18.4 17.3 14.2
Actual cover -517 999 -516 978 -626 701 -937 172 -3 449 411
Retail insurance -478 -5 406 -43 693 -204 714 -1 487 935
Group insurance -9 309 -77 994 -287 121 -613 056 -1 912 393
Government grants -508 211 -433 579 -295 886 -119 401 -49 083
Insurance gap -198 161 409 227 1 007 469 2 054 742 3 712 471
Cover adequacy (Cover/Need) > 100% 56% 38% 31% 48%
Number of earners (millions) 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9
Total insurance gap (R’bn) -566 1 168 2 876 5 866 10 599
For example, the 20% poorest South African earners would typically need disability cover of
about R0.3m. Typically such an earner would have disability cover far exceeding this need,
mostly due to government grants leaving no insurance gap. Page 17 of 44
5.4 Responses to the insurance gap
The table below gives (for each of the segments) the degree of intervention required for each
of three possible responses to the insurance gap in the case of a death event: Page 18 of 44
6.1 Segments
Each earner is allocated to one of five education categories depending on the highest level of
education achieved:
6.2 Findings
• For the death event, the cover adequacy shows a strong positive correlation with highest
level of education achieved.
• This would have been the case for the disability event as well had it not been for government
grants. These grants are targeted at the poor where there is a bias to lower levels of
education. Page 19 of 44
6.3 The size of the insurance gap per segment
The tables below highlight how different the insurance gap is for the different segments. We
For example, earners with matric as highest qualification would typically need life cover of
almost R1.8m. Typically such an earner would only have cover of R0.5m, leaving an insurance
gap of R1.3m – implying that only 29% of the life insurance need is protected by actual cover.
For example, an earner with at least a degree, would typically need disability cover of about
R6.5m. Typically, such an earner would only have cover of R3.3m, leaving a substantial insurance
gap of R3.8m – implying that 58% of the disability insurance need is protected by actual cover. Page 20 of 44
6.4 Responses to the insurance gap
The table below gives (for each of the segments), the degree of intervention required for each
of three possible responses to the insurance gap in the case of a death event:
PS or
Some HS Matric Diploma Degree All
Purchase Cost of insurance (as % of
6.4% 6.4% 7.0% 3.4% 1.5% 4.5%
additional current earnings)
insurance Increase in current level of
cover (e.g. 1.5x implies
additional cover required 5.7 3.2 2.4 0.8 0.3 1.3
equal to 1.5 times current
Required reduction in
household 30% 35% 39% 26% 14% 30%
household expenditure
Additional Extra income required per
2 359 4 202 7 116 7 608 6 241 5 630
income month (net of tax)
Required Extra income as % of
45% 44% 49% 25% 11% 32%
earnings pre-event
PS or
Some HS Matric Diploma Degree All
Purchase Cost of insurance (as % of
2.4% 3.0% 3.6% 2.4% 1.6% 2.6%
additional current earnings)
insurance Increase in current level of
cover (e.g. 1.5x implies
additional cover required 0.9 1.4 1.6 1.1 0.7 1.2
equal to 1.5 times current
Required reduction in
household 21% 31% 39% 34% 27% 33%
household expenditure
Additional Extra income required per
1 937 4 469 8 420 12 151 14 531 7 443
income month (net of tax)
required Extra income as % of
37% 47% 58% 39% 26% 42%
earnings pre-event Page 21 of 44
7.1 Segments
7.2 Findings
The numbers in the remainder of this section reveal that cover adequacy is lowest at the younger
ages. Earners in the older age categories (50-54 and 55 and over) tend to have adequate
insurance in place, i.e. the insurance need is covered by actual cover in place:
• Insurance need: As mentioned earlier, calculations assume that an insurance need only
exists up to intended retirement age. As such, the insurance need for older earners is a
much smaller multiple to current earnings compared to younger earners. This is evidenced
• Actual cover: Lump sum benefits do not take into account the diminishing need for
insurance with increasing age. Page 22 of 44
7.3 The size of the insurance gap per segment
The tables below highlight how different the insurance gap is for the different age-group
segments. We show figures for the “average earner” within each segment:
For example, an earner aged between 30 and 39 typically needs R2.2m of life cover to ensure
the household can maintain its standard of living after her/his death. Typically, such an earner
would have life cover of less than R0.8m, leaving an average insurance gap of more than R1.4m.
For example, an earner that is younger than 30 typically needs R2.8m of disability cover to
ensure the household can maintain its standard of living after her/his disability. On average,
such an earner has life cover of around R1.0m, leaving an insurance gap of R1.7m. Page 23 of 44
7.4 Responses to the insurance gap
The table below gives (for each of the segments) the degree of intervention required for each
of three possible responses to the insurance gap in the case of a death event:
55 and
Under 30 30-39 40-49 50-54 All
Purchase Cost of insurance (as % of
13.2% 6.8% 3.5% -0.7% -2.8% 4.5%
additional current earnings)
Insurance Increase in current level of
cover (e.g. 1.5x implies
additional cover required 7.7 1.9 1.0 -0.1 -0.7 1.3
equal to 1.5 times current
Required reduction in
household 53% 47% 29% -5% -20% 30%
household expenditure
Additional Extra income required per
9 013 7 914 5 760 -1 038 -4 930 5 630
income month (net of tax)
required Extra income as % of
88% 50% 26% -5% -18% 32%
earnings pre-event
55 and
Under 30 30-39 40-49 50-54 All
Purchase Cost of insurance (as % of
5.4% 3.7% 2.0% 1.1% 0.2% 2.6%
additional current earnings)
Insurance Increase in current level of
cover (e.g. 1.5x implies
additional cover required 1.7 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.2 1.2
equal to 1.5 times current
Required reduction in
household 46% 46% 30% 13% 2% 33%
household expenditure
Additional Extra income required per
9 211 9 598 7 120 3 241 626 7 443
income month (net of tax)
required Extra income as % of
90% 60% 32% 15% 2% 42%
earnings pre-event Page 24 of 44
8.1 Segments
8.2 Findings
• Cover adequacy (actual cover / insurance need) for the death event, ranges quite a lot from
• For the disability event, the cover adequacy (actual cover / insurance need) ranges from 32% Page 25 of 44
8.3 The size of the insurance gap per segment
Western Cape Eastern Cape KwaZulu-Natal Northern Cape Free State North West Gauteng Mpumalanga Limpopo
Insurance need 2 197 176 1 535 175 1 548 999 1 625 508 1 244 308 1 319 579 2 094 109 1 720 364 1 428 976
Total income at risk 276 725 167 441 161 326 174 091 152 364 160 469 260 679 181 948 157 772
* Replacement ratio 57% 61% 59% 58% 54% 56% 55% 58% 58%
* Capitalisation factor 14.0 15.1 16.2 16.0 15.0 14.6 14.5 16.4 15.6
Actual cover -1 236 701 -647 365 -483 523 -563 343 -411 391 -452 223 -1 077 517 -468 824 -374 035
Retail insurance -684 058 -366 370 -306 618 -317 953 -300 699 -294 466 -599 327 -347 882 -316 080
Group insurance -552 643 -280 995 -176 905 -245 390 -110 693 -157 757 -478 190 -120 943 -57 956
Government grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Insurance gap 960 475 887 810 1 065 476 1 062 166 832 917 867 356 1 016 592 1 251 539 1 054 940
Cover adequacy 56% 42% 31% 35% 33% 34% 51% 27% 26%
Number of earners (m) 2.0 1.2 2.3 0.3 0.8 0.8 4.9 1.0 1.0
Total insurance gap (R’bn) 1 955 1 095 2 413 334 659 709 4 945 1 236 1 018
For example, the average Limpopo earner typically needs R1.4m of life cover to ensure the household can maintain its standard of living after her/his death.
Typically, such an earner would have life cover of less than R0.4m, implying that only 26% of the life insurance need is protected by actual cover.
Disability insurance gap per earner
Western Cape Eastern Cape KwaZulu-Natal Northern Cape Free State North West Gauteng Mpumalanga Limpopo
Insurance need 3 122 192 2 173 993 2 230 900 2 463 720 1 953 496 2 025 161 3 008 167 2 508 198 2 109 393
Total income at risk 276 725 167 441 161 326 174 091 152 364 160 469 260 679 181 948 157 772
* Replacement ratio 76% 81% 82% 83% 81% 82% 76% 81% 82%
* Capitalisation factor 14.9 16.0 17.0 17.1 15.8 15.3 15.1 17.0 16.3
Actual cover -1 692 893 -1 094 415 -932 564 -1 029 872 -741 521 -819 120 -1 503 771 -819 843 -678 093
Retail insurance -485 470 -264 063 -242 399 -249 364 -225 105 -231 326 -444 500 -274 303 -240 799
Group insurance -979 983 -498 487 -339 074 -467 799 -197 395 -282 794 -830 474 -230 889 -102 640
Government grants -227 440 -331 864 -351 091 -312 710 -319 021 -305 001 -228 797 -314 651 -334 653
Insurance gap 1 429 299 1 079 578 1 298 336 1 433 848 1 211 975 1 206 040 1 504 396 1 688 355 1 431 301
Cover adequacy 54% 50% 42% 42% 38% 40% 50% 33% 32%
Number of earners (m) 2.0 1.2 2.3 0.3 0.8 0.8 4.9 1.0 1.0
Total insurance gap (R’bn) 2 909 1 332 2 940 451 959 985 7 318 1 667 1 381
For example, the average Gauteng earner typically needs approximately R3.0m of disability cover to ensure the household can maintain its standard of living
after her/his disability. (This is higher than the average earner in South Africa due mostly to the superior average earnings of earners in Gauteng.) Typically,
such an earner would have disability cover around R1.5m, implying that additional disability cover of almost R1.5m is required for the average Gauteng earner. Page 27 of 44
8.4 Responses to the insurance gap
The table below gives (for each of the segments) the degree of intervention required for each of three possible responses to the insurance gap in the case of a
death event: Page 28 of 44
Disability insurance gap Page 29 of 44
9.1 Segments
9.2 Findings
• Females are marginally less adequately covered than males for both death and disability
• Males make up roughly 58% of the total insurance gap, and females the remaining 42%.
• The cost of purchasing additional insurance is cheaper for females compared to males.
Male Female
Insurance need 1 896 741 1 675 472
Total income at risk 235 922 182 928
* Replacement ratio 56% 57%
* Capitalisation factor 14.2 16.0
Actual cover -888 221 -671 993
Retail insurance -536 505 -377 675
Group insurance -351 716 -294 318
Government grants - -
Insurance gap 1 008 520 1 003 479
Cover adequacy (Cover/Need) 47% 40%
Number of earners (millions) 8.1 6.1
Total insurance gap (R’bn) 8 194 6 170
For example, a male earner with would typically need death cover of about R1.9m. Typically
such an earner would only have cover of R0.9m, leaving an insurance gap of R1.0m – implying
that only 47% of the life insurance need is protected by actual cover.
Male Female
Insurance need 2 738 847 2 432 617
Total income at risk 235 922 182 928
* Replacement ratio 77% 81%
* Capitalisation factor 15.1 16.5
Actual cover -1 291 813 -1 101 208
Retail insurance -398 105 -282 889
Group insurance -602 359 -550 474
Government grants -291 349 -267 845
Insurance gap 1 447 034 1 331 409
Cover adequacy (Cover/Need) 47% 45%
Number of earners (millions) 8.1 6.1
Total insurance gap (R’bn) 11 757 8 186
For example, a female earner with would typically need disability cover of about R2.7m. Typically
such an earner would only have cover of R1.3m, leaving an insurance gap of R1.4m – implying
The table below gives (for each of the segments) the degree of intervention required for each
of three possible responses to the insurance gap in the case of a death event: Page 31 of 44
Disability insurance gap Page 32 of 44
“Actual cover”
The actual cover is the total amount of existing insurance cover of various kinds. It includes
cover from insurers (retail and group-type cover), self-insurance pension schemes (like the
Cover types designed to provide for shorter term expenses are excluded (consistent with the
• Funeral Cover: It was pragmatically assumed that funeral cover provides for short-term
expenditure related to the death-event and is therefore not typically earmarked for post-
event provision.
• Road Accident Fund: The Road Accident Fund provides cover for expenses incurred
(medical and legal) as well as loss of support that are the result of certain types of road
accidents. It would not be suitable for an individual will take this into consideration when
Since the definition of insurance need excludes such short-term costs, this source of cover
was excluded from the study.
• Short-term insurers: Short-term insurers also provide a degree of life and disability cover.
Given [a] the fairly modest quantum and [b] the complexities involved in obtaining detailed
“Cover adequacy”
Cover adequacy is calculated as the actual cover as percentage of the insurance need. It
therefore reflects the extent to which the insurance need is covered by actual cover. A number
of 100% indicates no need for additional insurance.
“Death event”
For purposes of this report, a death event is defined as the death of an active earner. To
determine the death insurance gap, we essentially consider the separate death of each of the
earners in South Africa (assuming that all other members of the household survive) and then Page 33 of 44
“Disability event”
For purposes of this report, a disability event is defined as total and permanent disability of an
active earner, i.e. where it is unlikely for the disabled person to return to work any time after the
These are the individuals for which an insurance gap was calculated and aggregated to arrive at
the total gap for purposes of this study. To be included, an individual had to be [a] South
African, [b] earning a regular income (i.e., be an “active earner”) and [c] between the ages of 18
and 65.
Only individuals with the following main sources of incomes were counted as “active earners”:
salaries or wages, net profit from business activities, net profit from professional practices or
net profit from commercial farming. Individuals with other main sources of incomes were not
considered “active earners”, these sources include: social welfare grants, regular
from previous employment, income from letting fixed property, interest received on deposits,
Throughout this document reference to earnings implies annual payments for ordinary-time,
standard or agreed hours for all active earners before taxation and other deductions. It includes
salaries, wages, commissions, fees, and employer’s contributions (e.g. to pension, provident,
medical aid, sick pay and other funds). The definition includes bonuses (performance or
“Insurance gap”
The insurance gap is defined as the difference between the insurance need and actual cover. It
therefore represents the total net additional cover that will be purchased by South African active
• Those that are under-insured purchase additional cover, so that their actual cover equals
their Insurance need. Page 34 of 44
• Those that have adequate insurance cover in place, reduce their current actual cover to
reflect their respective insurance need. (This includes those that do not have an insurance
“Insurance need”
This is the amount of cover required to meet the need that is created by the death event and/or
disability event. It excludes any short-term expenses related to the risk event. E.g. for the death
event, funeral costs were not considered. Neither was additional medical or equipment
It was assumed that the household maintains its current living standards after the death event
/ disability event. Expenditure post event changes only insofar as this event would lead to a
reduction or elimination of certain household expenses from that point forward.
It was assumed that an insurance need only exists up to intended retirement age. From this point
onwards it was assumed that prior retirement provision would fund the household’s
expenditure. This study therefore ignores the extent to which insufficient allowance may
currently be made by earners for post-retirement expenses.
“Retirement age”
Retirement age was taken to be between 60 and 65, depending on the earner’s current age: For
those younger than 58, it was assumed that retirement would take place at age 60. Earners
older than 63 were assumed to have intended retirement age of 65. The assumption for the
intended retirement age of earners aged between 58 and 63 was phased in between 60 and 65. Page 35 of 44
Where assumptions were required, we generally aimed to set these at objective “best estimate”
levels. However, where this proved difficult, our approach was to rather err in the direction that
The base source of information in terms of the composition of the South African earner
population was the metadata from StatsSA’s Living Conditions Survey 2014/2015. The 14.3m
earners are represented by about almost 21,000 model points with suitable weights to ensure
For each of the model points representing a number of South African earners, the insurance gap
was determined as the difference between the insurance need and actual cover (see modelling Page 36 of 44
The modelling of the insurance need is best explained by considering its breakdown into three
Total income at risk allowing for all income as per the definition (Appendix A) of earnings.
The Living Conditions Survey 2014/2015 reported 14.8m earners. For the 2019 study, to derive
the number of earners at the end of 2018, we allowed for growth of 5.4% (in total, not pa). For
the 2022 study, we allowed for a decline in the workforce of 8.4% (in total, not pa) from the
2019 study, as per the QLFS publication. Total number of earners end 2021 (14.3m) has
The sharp decrease in the workforce was a result of substantial rises in unemployment during
2020, because of the Covid-19 pandemic and related lockdowns. This decrease in the workforce
is substantiated by the QES publication and by information on the Trading Economics website.
The segments of the workforce that saw the greatest decline from the end of 2018 to the end
of 2021 were younger age groups and less educated groups. The following illustrates the point,
showing “1-in-how many” earners that were in the workforce at the end of 2018 were no longer
in the workforce by the end of 2021:
• Overall: 1-in-12 Page 37 of 44
• Per education group:
This study assumes that the average level of earnings increased by 3.8% pa since the previous
study. The main data source for arriving at this parameter was the QES publication.
Combining the decline in earners (2.9% pa) and the growth in earnings (3.8% pa) results in a
modelled increase in total earnings of 2.0% pa:
The 2.0% increase pa in total earnings modelled compares positively with the increase derived
from the QES publications, where the increase over the same three-year period was reported
as 2.3% pa.
The replacement ratio represents the proportion of the household earner member’s personal
income that “will be missed” after the death event or the disability event. It is calculated as the
“household budget deficit post-event” divided by personal income at risk. The “household
budget deficit post-event” is calculated (for each of the model points) as the difference
• Household expenses post-event (an annual figure): This takes into account the fact that, in
a death event, expenses directly related to the earner considered will disappear from the Page 38 of 44
• Household income post-event (an annual figure): This takes into account income that will
continue after the death event / disability event mostly from other earners and retired
household members.
Insurance proceeds are not taxed (the taxation on both life and disability insurance products is
now mostly based on ”tax-free benefits through post-tax premiums”). The portion of personal
income that was directed towards income tax is therefore excluded when the insurance need is
For the death insurance need, the replacement ratio additionally takes the following into
• Insurance cover for single-member families is only required to the extent that support
specific member in the household and would therefore not change materially much
number of adults in the household before and after the event. Examples include
alcoholic beverages.
o People expenses: Post-event expenditure is adjusted by taking into account the
number of people in the household before and after the event. Examples include
• To the extent that savings represent provision for retirement, it needs to remain in the
expense base as we are relying on these contributions to provide the household with an
income from the intended retirement age. To the extent that it represents wealth creation
though, it should be excluded from the expense base in line with definitions of insurance
need (maintenance of current standard of living).
For the disability insurance need, the replacement ratio also takes into account the savings-
element with wealth creation motive that will not be required in the post-event situation. Page 39 of 44
Appendix C3: Capitalisation Multiple
A capitalisation factor is calculated by determining the number of years that the earner would
Generally speaking, the term is the period that household members would have remained
dependent on income at risk. As current retirement provision expenditure was retained in the
expense base, it is appropriate to allow the dependency duration to cease at what would have
been the retirement date.
In determining these factors, an interest rate that exceeds living expense inflation by 1.9% was
assumed. Page 40 of 44
Accurate calculation of the insurance need for each of the sample / model points on the
representative dataset (populated metadata from Statistics South Africa) is possible as all
information affecting it is available at this level. This, however, is not the case for actual cover.
The StatsSA datasets do not contain any information on product ownership or insurance cover.
Hence, additional resources had to be used to [1] determine the total level of actual cover as at
end 2021 and [2] assign this cover to each of the sample points in the dataset.
The long-term insurance industry is the primary source of life and disability cover. A
questionnaire was sent to all relevant insurers who were requested to provide
• Information on total cover amounts in the format that this information is reported annually
to the regulator (the so-called TP2.1 and TP2.2 statements). These statements contain
information on the total payments (separately for Retail and Group cover and per cover
type) that would be made in the hypothetical scenario where all their policyholders were
• Additional information that would allow adjustments to these figures for purposes of
determining the actual cover for this study. This includes information that would allow
approximate allocation of total cover amounts between different age groups, genders, and
socio-economic groups.
• Capitalising disability income cover: Income disability cover was capitalised by discounting
regular payments. Payments were multiplied by annuity factors allowing for the term to
retirement (dependant on current age) as well as whether payments would escalate or not
requested to provide information split per socio-economic group as per their own
definition / categorisation.
• Allowing for non-respondents: The response factor was quite high with all the major
insurers (by market share) providing information. Approximate allowance was made for the Page 41 of 44
• Excluding out-of-scope cover: As the study is concerned with the actual cover of active
earners only, we had to (approximately) exclude such (retail) cover held by retired and
unemployed individuals.
Self-insured pension schemes provide a material proportion of total group risk cover.
Allowance was made for such cover based on approximations from publicly available
information (e.g. annual reports) as well as discussions with advisors to these schemes.
Government is a major source of disability cover through its disability income grant and the
study paid due consideration to the conditions for payment of these grants. Current
Appendix D3: Allocation of actual cover to each modelled earner - True South
This total level of actual cover (derived from the above sources) then had to be allocated to
each of the “model points” representing the South African earner population. This was done
separately for individual life cover, individual disability cover, group life cover, and group
disability cover using two True-South developed models which were calibrated using the data
• TSPO-model: The True South Product Ownership model returns the probability of a South
African earner having life or disability cover based on supplied information such as
education, age, income, marital status, family composition, and geography (per province).
• TSCL-model: The True South Cover Level models return the level of cover given that cover
Genetic algorithm technology6 was used to solve the optimisation problem of fitting the model
parameters. As mentioned elsewhere, input for deriving the parameters were obtained from a
wide variety of sources.
6 A genetic algorithm is an experience-based technique for problem solving that mimics the process of natural evolution
(i.e. using concepts inspired by natural evolution, such as inheritance, mutation, selection, and crossover). This approach
is routinely used to generate useful solutions to optimization and search problems, including previously unsolvable,
complex non-linear problems. Page 42 of 44
The total actual cover for each of the sample points was derived by multiplication of the
probability of being insured (from the TSPO-model) with the average level of cover (from the
TSCL-model) for each of the four cover types (life vs. disability and retail vs. group).
Some interesting findings derived from the TSPO model are provided below:
• Income:
A person with earnings in the top 20% is about 2.4 times more likely to have life insurance (2.3
times for a disability insurance policy) compared to an otherwise identical person (including
education level, age, etc.), but with earnings in the second highest 20%. The following graph
shows the relative probability that earners have a retail life or disability insurance policy, per
income level (using the poorest 20% income group as a base, =1):
Figure 1 - Relative probability of having a retail life or disability policy, per income level
Relative prob of owning a policy
Poorest 20% Q2 Q3 Q4 Richest 20%
Income level
Retail death Retail disability
• Level of education
There is a very strong correlation between insurance policy ownership and highest level of
education attained. The likelihood of a matric graduate having a life insurance policy is 4.8
times higher than an otherwise identical person (with regard to income, age, gender, family
composition, marital status), but with only a primary school education. The relativity is more
pronounced for disability policy ownership, with the factor being 6.7. The following graph
shows the relative probability that earners have a retail life or disability insurance policy, per
education level (using the primary school or lower group as a base, =1): Page 43 of 44
Figure 2 - Relative probability of having a retail life or disability policy, per education
PS or lower Some HS Matric Dipl Degree
Retail death Retail disability
• Age:
A 50 to 54-year-old person is 5.2 times more likely to own a life insurance policy (2.1 times for
a disability insurance policy) compared to an otherwise identical person under the age of 30.
The following graph shows the relative probability that earners have a retail life or disability
insurance policy, per age group (using the under 30 group as a base, =1):
Figure 3 - Relative probability of having a retail life or disability policy, per income level
Relative prob of owning a policy
under 30 30-39 40-49 50-54 55 and over
Retail death Retail disability
• Province: The above factors adequately explain the extent of likely insurance cover, except
for group insurance where there is a much-enhanced probability of group life cover and /
or disability cover if an earner resides in Gauteng or the Western Cape.
• Group cover: The main determinants for the level of group cover are salaries and wages, Page 44 of 44