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Mobile Robot of Localisation and Mapping Using 2D Lidar: Abstract: Autonomous Vehicle Has Been Highly in Methodology

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Proceedings of Innovation and Technology Competition (INOTEK) 2021,Melaka,

Malaysia, pp. 191-192,

Mobile Robot of Localisation and Mapping using 2D LiDAR

N. Akharuddin1, M. I. Idris1,2*

Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektronik dan Kejuruteraan Komputer,

Micro & Nano Electronics Research Group,
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya,76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia

* Corresponding author’s email: idzdihar@utem.edu.my

ABSTRACT: Autonomous Vehicle has been highly in 2. METHODOLOGY

demand due to incline of road accident based on Royal
Malaysia statistics. This research is to implement LiDAR as The system in this thesis consists of software and
additional sensor for theprevention to help reduce oneof the hardware implementation. For the software part, ROS is the
factors that can causes of incident. A mobile robot would major systemused for interpreting the mapping data from
replicate the actual concept to give out general idea of its the laser scan through ROS Visualization (Rviz) and then the
market demands and capabilities. The objectives are to MATLAB software to analyse the accuracy of map given
use of SLAM Gmapping algorithm for mapping and by LiDAR scanner with the real map measurement.
localisation of a mobile robot in the indoor environment While for the hardware part the development of mobile
using the Robotic Operating Systems (ROS). Then the robot from the scratch consists Jetson Nano, Arduino
mapping accuracy of the RP-LiDAR A1 scanner have been Nano, RP-LiDAR, 12V Lithium- ion battery, 12V DC
analyses with the actual mapping measurement using the motor with encoder, switch, and LM2596 DC-DC
match feature tools by MATLAB software. adjustable step-down converter.

Keywords: Robotic Operating System (ROS);

2.1 Mobile Robot Development
Gmapping; Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping The Jetson Nano microprocessor was selected for
(SLAM) implementation because it meets all the requirements and
much faster, compared with other similar functional
boards [2]. Next, the chosen mobile robot design was
developed by 3D modelling and fabricated using 3D
The development of Autonomous vehicle (AV) has printer. PLA filament were selected to compliment the total
been in the works for quite some time. Most of the weight of the hardware used. Finally, the encoder motor
companies involved in the tech industry are currently test byusing Arduino IDEsoftware to measure the rotational
focused on the research and development of the vehicle. of motor per tick meter.
Most of the time, an AVuses a variety of sensors such as
Radio Detection and Ranging (Radar), Light Detection and 2.2 Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM)
Ranging (LiDAR), and Ultrasonic sensors. AV usually Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping is a very
implement the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping important part in robotic fields . It is a computational
(SLAM) algorithms. Unfortunately, the SLAM algorithm problemof building and updating a map of an unknown
takes a higher cost to implement and is still problematics by environment and keeping track of the robot’s location
using lost-cost sensors. Therefore, a lot of research needed simultaneously at the same time [1]. Figure 2.2 shown the
to make AV technologies such as navigation systems and process of SLAM occurs in this thesis. Then, the LiDAR
path planning more reliable and low cost but still safer to scanned the unknown environment and visualise in the
implement into the transportation system. During the RViz. The mapping of the unknown environment
research and development process of AV, Robotic visualises.
Operating System (ROS) and mobile robot are commonly
used for predefined the algorithm before reinventing to 2.3 Accuracy of SLAMusing RP-LiDAR using Match
the wheels, some mobile robots can navigate Features Analysis
autonomously, while others require a pre-defined route or The map from the SLAM Gmapping was compared
guidance systemby using ROS as their controller with the actual map of the environment using the match
system[1]. In this thesis, a single LiDAR called RP-LiDAR features technique in MATLAB software to determine the
are implace for 2D SLAM algorithm to identify the accuracy of the map produce by the RP-LiDAR in the
mapping and localisation functionalities by using a SLAM Gmapping algorithm.
mobile robot in indoor environment. The main idea is to
develop a low- cost system that can prototype the AVs with
mapping functionalities.

© Faculty of Electronic and Computer Engineering, FKEKK

Akharuddin & Idris, 2021

algorithmis the SLAM technique used. It is required the

odometry value to visualize the environment [3]. As the
result, the mapping and robot localisation was processed by
using Tight VNC remote control software. The mapping
of the unknown environment was successful conducted.
Finally, the map visualise in RViz was saved in 2D image.

Figure 1 SLAM Process

Figure 3 SLAM Gmapping in RViz
3.3 Accuracy of SLAM using RP-LiDAR using
In this section, the result and analysis of the mobile match features analysis
robot with mapping and localisation by test all the part will Next, the implemented the match features analysis to
be discussed. Next, the functionality of every part in the detect the match point edge of the lidar map image with the
analysis were clarified in the detail to achieve the goals actualmappingmeasurement. The more the cross and bullet
for this project. is appointed at the same edge, the more accurate the
LiDAR scan was produced. As the result Gmapping SLAM
3.1 Hector SLAM was succeeded to produce accurate environment mapping
In this process, only RP-LiDAR and Jetson Nano is used. instead of using Hector SLAM.
Hector SLAM algorithm is used to correlate the estimated
robot position and the ‘as-built’ or the under- construction 4. CONCLUSIONS
map[3]. Figure 3.1 shows the resulting result of the
In conclusion, a low-cost prototype of an AV that is
capable of building 2D map of its surrounding with lidar
sensor is presented. Localisation and 2D mapping
functionality is verified in the tests conducted, and
boundary missing problem is caused by limited scan
range of lidar. But by adjusting the path of the prototype,
usable 2D maps of the unknown environment can be
built, as a result, the requirement of building a prototype
that is capable of localisation and 2D mapping
simultaneously, and avoiding collision is achieved.In the
future, evaluate the lidar calibration performance using
ground-truth data obtained by SLAM, and also
investigate different front-ends and methods for data
Figure 2 Hector SLAM in RViz association. In this context, to benchmark the localisation
accuracy and the computational requirements of the
sensor models.
In conclusion, the RP LiDAR have a limitation 12
meter as a maximum ranging and 12 centi-meter for the
minimum ranging. Therefore, due to this limitation the
additional of ultrasonic sensor for increasing the [1] Y. Zhang, “Localization and 2D Mapping Using
detection of minimum ranging will increase the accuracy of Low-Cost LiDAR,” 2018.
robot mapping. [2] P. Denysyuk, V. Teslyuk, and I. Chorna,
“Development of mobile robot using LIDAR
3.2 GMapping technology based on Arduino controller,” 2018
Next, all the required ROS package need to be 14th Int. Conf. Perspect. Technol. Methods
installed before robot analyse the environment of MEMS Des. MEMSTECH 2018 - Proc., 2018, pp.
unknown mapping for smoothing the process. As 240–244.
example, AMCL,UDRF, control_manager and gmapping [3] A. Bassiri, M. Asghari Oskoei, A. Basiri, and L.
packages. Then, the i2c serial commucation have been L. Li, “Particle filter and finite impulse response
implemented in the encoder motor to move the base robotfor filter fusion and hector SLAM to improve the
gmapping analysis. A moving robot need to analyse the performance of robot positioning,” J. Robot., vol.
environment and avoiding the obstacles. Gmapping 2018, no. Mcl, 2018.

© Faculty of Electronic and Computer Engineering, FKEKK


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