CMPSO2019 Ore Sorting Spodumene 20190905 FINAL
CMPSO2019 Ore Sorting Spodumene 20190905 FINAL
CMPSO2019 Ore Sorting Spodumene 20190905 FINAL
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Simplified Flow Diagram
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Lithium Projects in Quebec
Quebec Lithium
Quebec Lithium – Now North American Lithium
Quebec Lithium
Due to low grade, the kiln ended up The spodumene veins are thin, waste
agglomerating (host rock ended up in the ore)
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Flotation Analysis Method
⁄ Where:
• C = is the performance value
(with lower values showing better performance)
• G = is the grade
• GMax = is the maximum grade
• R = is the recovery
• RMax = is the maximum recovery
Grade Recovery Curve with curve fitting from A. van der Spek and C. Okeefe’s 2014
IMPC paper ‘Rating Cumulative Grade and Recovery Data’
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Impact of Waste on Flotation Results
⁄ Benchmarking 121 laboratory test
results with Li feed grade ranging from
0.79 ~ 1.78 it was found that reagent
type, reagent dosage, flotation pH,
conditioning % solids, conditioning time
all had impacts on the performance (i.e.
the ‘c’ value).
⁄ Feed grade had an influence on the
maximum concentrate grade (i.e. the
‘GMax’ value). As there was more
spodumene in the feed, there was less
waste rock. Some of the waste rock
minerals had a very similar flotation
response as Spodumene and reports to
the concentrate.
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Lithium Projects in Quebec
Coarse Muscovite Removal DMS
Fine Muscovite Removal DMS Concentrate Dryer Wet Mag Sep & Attrition Scrubbing Grinding
De -Sliming
Cyclone Cluster
DMS Concentrate Dryer
Muscovite Wet WHIMS
Ball Mill
Dry Magnetic Attrition
Separator x 3 Scrubbers x 4
De -Sliming
De -Sliming Cyclone Cluster
Cyclone Cluster #4 Ball Mill Vibrating
#2 Screen
Dewatering Concentrate
Cyclone & Tailings Thickener Spodumene
Screen Thickener Conditioning
Belt Filter Tank # 1 x 4
Tailings Concentrate Column Hydroflotation Fine
Holding Holding Tank Vibrating Screen
Tailings Storage Conveyor
Tailings Belt Spodumene
Filter Hydroflotation
Concentrate Storage Conveyor
Conditioning Tank #2
Concentrate Stockpile
Tailings Stockpile
Waste (“Dilution Material”) Impact on DMS
From: Wills, Barry A., and James A. Finch. Wills' mineral processing
technology: an introduction to the practical aspects of ore treatment
and mineral recovery. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2015.
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Ore Sorting – Lithium Recovery associated with Weight Rejection
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Ore Sorting Experience – Stornoway Diamonds - Renard
⁄ Works as designed
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Ore Sorting Results – Stornoway Diamonds - Renard
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Why No Ore Sorters in Australian Spodumene Plants?
25 m width
⁄ Australians deposits, to date, have been bigger and lie in ground in a way that allows for
less mine dilution.
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Ore Sorting Design Considerations
So you’re thinking about ore sorting… now what?
⁄ Sensor: What sensor technology gives best results? (XRT? XRF? Color? NIR? IR? or other)
⁄ Type: Do we use a belt-type or chute-type sorter?
⁄ Feed: What is the throughput and feed size?
⁄ Selection: How does this limit equipment selection & quantity?
⁄ Limits: What limitations and optimizations to consider?
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Sorter Types
Belt-Type Sorters
• X-ray based sorting;
• Multi-sensor sorting;
• Larger footprint;
Chute-Type Sorters
• Single sensor (not
requiring shielding);
• Smaller footprint;
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Feed Size and Throughput…
What to consider?
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Feed Size and Throughput…
What does this mean for my ore sorting circuit?
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How does this look? 2-Stage Optical Example
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How does this look? 2-Stage Optical Example
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How does this look? 2-Stage Optical Example
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*Note this model is illustrative only & incomplete
How does this look? Single Stage XRT Example
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How does this look? Single Stage XRT Example
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Limitations, Optimization, and Hidden Costs
⁄ SIZE: Large footprint to properly prepare and transfer feed or tall building (2-stage >30m!);
⁄ VIBRATIONS: Ore sorters require low vibrations in steel structure but also require screening
(vibrations!) – isolation frames on screens can reduce steel requirements;
⁄ AIR: Sorting is performed with compressed air- air requirement
proportional to mass ejection;
⁄ BYPASS: Must be able to tolerate some fines bypass;
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Thank you
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Photo credit: North American Lithium,