Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
Structured Query Language (SQL) was designed and implemented at IBM Research.
Created in late 70‘s, under the name of SEQUEL
A standard version of SQL (ANSI 1986), is called SQL86 or SQL1. A
revised version of standard SQL, called SQL2 (or SQL92).
SQL are going to be extended with objectoriented and other recent database
concepts. Consists of
A Data Definition Language (DDL) for declaring database schemas
Data Manipulation Language (DML) for modifying and querying database
In SQL, relation, tuple, and attribute are called table, row, and columns respectively.
The SQL commands for data definition are CREATE, ALTER, and DROP.
The CREATE TABLE Command is used to specify a new table by giving it a name and
specifying its attributes (columns) and constraints.
Data types available for attributes are:
o Numeric integer, real (formated, such as DECIMAL(10,2))
o CharacterString fixedlength and varyinglength
o BitString fixedlength, varyinglength
o Date in the form YYYYMMDD
o Time in the form HH:MM:SS
o Timestamp includes both the DATE and TIME fields
o Intervalto increase/decrease the value of date, time, or timestamp
SQL allows a table (relation) to have two or more tuples that are identical in all their
attributes values. Hence, an SQL table is not a set of tuple, because a set does not allow
two identical members; rather it is a multiset of tuples.
A basic query statement in SQL is the SELECT statement.
The SELECT statement used in SQL has no relationship to the SELECT operation of
relational algebra.
Query 1: Retrieve the name and address of all employee who work for the ‗Research‘ Dept.
Query2: For every project located in ‗Stafford‘, list the project number, the controlling
departmentnumber, and the department manager‘s last name, address, and birthdate.
Ambiguity in the case where attributes are same name need to qualify the attribute using DOT
Ambiguity in the case of queries that refer to the same relation twice
Query 8: For each employee, retrieve the employee‘s first and last name and the first and last
name of his or her immediate supervisor
Unspecified WHEREClause and Use of Asterisk (*)
A missing WHEREclause indicates no conditions, which means all tuples are selected
In case of two or more table, then all possible tuple combinations are selected
Example: Q10: Select all EMPLOYEE SSNs , and all combinations of EMPLOYEE SSN and
(name like ‘%a_‘) is true for all names having ‗a‘ as second letter from the end.
In order to list all employee who were born during 1960s we have the followings:
WHERE BDATE LIKE '6_______';
SQL also supports addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (denoted by +, , *,
and /, respectively) on numeric values or attributes with numeric domains.
Examples: Show the resulting salaries if every employee working on the 'ProductX' project is
given a 10 percent raise.
Retrieve all employees in department number 5 whose salary between $30000 and $40000.
SQL does not delete duplicate because Duplicate elimination is an expensive operation (sort and
delete) user may be interested in the result of a query in case of aggregate function, we do not
want to eliminate duplicates
Q11: Retrieve the salary of every employee , and (Q!2) all distinct salary values
WHERE SSN=‗123456789‘
In addition to the IN operator, a number of other comparison operators can be used to compare a
single value v to a set of multiset V.
ALL V returns TRUE if v is greater than all the value in the set
Select the name of employees whose salary is greater than the salary of all the
employees in department 5
Ambiguity in nested query
In general, any nested query involving the = or comparison operator IN can always be rewritten
as a single block query
Query 12: Retrieve the name of each employee who has a dependent with the same first name as the employee.
In Q12, the nested query has a different result for each tuple in the outer query.
The original SQL as specified for SYSTEM R also had a CONTAINS comparison operator,
which is used in conjunction with nested correlated queries This operator was dropped from the
language, possibly because of the difficulty in implementing it efficiently Most implementations
of SQL do not have this operator The CONTAINS operator compares two sets of values , and
returns TRUE if one set contains all values in the other set (reminiscent of the division operation
of algebra).
Query 3: Retrieve the name of each employee who works on all the projects controlled by
department number 5.
In Q3, the second nested query, which is not correlated with the outer query, retrieves the project
numbers of all projects controlled by department 5.
The first nested query, which is correlated, retrieves the project numbers on which the employee
works, which is different for each employee tuple because of the correlation.
EXISTS is used to check whether the result of a correlated nested query is empty (contains no
tuples) or not We can formulate Query 12 in an alternative form that uses EXISTS as Q12B
Query 12: Retrieve the name of each employee who has a dependent with the same first name as
the employee.
In Q6, the correlated nested query retrieves all DEPENDENT tuples related to an EMPLOYEE
tuple. If none exist , the EMPLOYEE tuple is selected EXISTS is necessary for the expressive
power of SQL
It is also possible to use an explicit (enumerated) set of values in the WHEREclause rather than a
nested query Query 13: Retrieve the social security numbers of all employees who work on
project number 1, 2, or 3.
Null example
SQL allows queries that check if a value is NULL (missing or undefined or not applicable) SQL
uses IS or IS NOT to compare NULLs because it considers each NULL value distinct from other
NULL values, so equality comparison is not appropriate .
Retrieve the names of all employees who do not have supervisors
Note: If a join condition is specified, tuples with NULL values for the join attributes are not
included in the result
Join Revisit
Retrieve the name and address of every employee who works for ‗Search‘ department
Aggregate Functions
Query 15: Find the sum of the salaries of all employees the ‗Research‘ dept, and the max salary,
the min salary, and average:
Query 16: Find the maximum salary, the minimum salary, and the average salary among
employees who work for the 'Research' department.
Queries 17 and 18: Retrieve the total number of employees in the company (Q17), and the
number of employees in the 'Research' department (Q18).
Example of grouping
In many cases, we want to apply the aggregate functions to subgroups of tuples in a relation Each
subgroup of tuples consists of the set of tuples that have the same value for the grouping
For each project, select the project number, the project name, and the number of employees
who work on that projet
In Q20, the EMPLOYEE tuples are divided into groupseach group having the same value for the
grouping attribute DNO The COUNT and AVG functions are applied to each such group of
tuples separately.The SELECTclause includes only the grouping attribute and the functions to be
applied on each group of tuples. A join condition can be used in conjunction with grouping
Query 21: For each project, retrieve the project number, project name, and the number of employees who work on
that project.
In this case, the grouping and functions are applied after the joining of the two relations
Sometimes we want to retrieve the values of these functions for only those groups that satisfy
certain conditions. The HAVINGclause is used for specifying a selection condition on groups
(rather than on individual tuples)
Query 22: For each project on which more than two employees work , retrieve the project
number, project name, and the number of employees who work on that project.
More on Insert
Change the location and controlling department number of project number 10 to ‗Bellaire‘ and 5
Where PNUMBER=10;
Views in SQL
More on View
More on view
More on View
Updating of Views
In general, an update on a view on defined on a single table w/o any aggregate functions can be
mapped to an update on the base table
More on Views
A view with a single defining table is updatable if we view contain PK or CK of the base table
Embedding SQL statements in a general purpose languages (C, C++, COBOL, PASCAL)
SQL can also be used in conjunction with a general purpose programming language, such as
PASCAL, COBOL, or PL/I. The programming language is called the host language. The
embedded SQL statement is distinguished from programming language statements by prefixing
it with a special character or command so that a preprocessor can extract the SQL statements. In
PL/I the keywords EXEC SQL precede any SQL statement. In some implementations, SQL
statements are passed as parameters in procedure calls. We will use PASCAL as the host
programming language, and a "$" sign to identify SQL statements in the program. Within an
embedded SQL command, we may refer to program variables, which are prefixed by a "%" sign.
The programmer should declare program variables to match the data types of the database
attributes that the program will process.These program variables may or may not have names
that are identical to their corresponding attributes.
Example: Write a program segment (loop) that reads a social security number and prints out some information from
the corresponding EMPLOYEE tuple
E1: LOOP:= 'Y';
while LOOP = 'Y' do
writeln('input social security number:');
writeln('more social security numbers (Y or N)?
'); readln(LOOP)
In E1, a single tuple is selected by the embedded SQL query; that is why we are able to assign its
attribute values directly to program variables. In general, an SQL query can retrieve many tuples.
The concept of a cursor is used to allow tupleatatime processing by the PASCAL
programCURSORS: We can think of a cursor as a pointer that points to a single tuple (row) from
the result of a query.The cursor is declared when the SQL query command is specified. A
subsequent OPEN cursor command fetches the query result and sets the cursor to a position
before the first row in the result of the query; this becomes the current row for the cursor.
Subsequent FETCH commands in the program advance the cursor to the next row and copy its
attribute values into PASCAL program variables specified in the FETCH command. An implicit
variable SQLCODE communicates to the program the status of SQL embedded commands. An
SQLCODE of 0 (zero) indicates successful execution. Different codes are returned to indicate
exceptions and errors. A special END_OF_CURSOR code is used to terminate a loop over the
tuples in a query result. A CLOSE cursor command is issued to indicate that we are done with
the result of the query When a cursor is defined for rows that are to be updated the clause FOR
UPDATE OF must be in the cursor declaration, and a list of the names of any attributes that will
be updated follows.The condition WHERE CURRENT OF cursor specifies that the current tuple
is the one to be updated (or deleted)
Example: Write a program segment that reads (inputs) a department name, then lists the names
of employees who work in that department, one at a time. The program reads a raise amount for
each employee and updates the employee's salary by that amount.
while SQLCODE = 0 do
writeln('employee name: ', E.FNAME, E.MINIT, E.LNAME);
writeln('enter raise amount: '); readln(RAISE);
SQL is a standard language for accessing and manipulating databases.
What is SQL?
Database Tables
A database most often contains one or more tables. Each table is identified by a name (e.g. "Customers"
or "Orders"). Tables contain records (rows) with data.
The table above contains three records (one for each person) and five columns (P_Id, LastName, FirstName,
Address, and City).
SQL Statements
Most of the actions you need to perform on a database are done with SQL statements.
The following SQL statement will select all the records in the "Persons" table:
In this tutorial we will teach you all about the different SQL statements.
Keep in Mind That...
Some database systems require a semicolon at the end of each SQL statement.
Semicolon is the standard way to separate each SQL statement in database systems that allow more than
one SQL statement to be executed in the same call to the server.
We are using MS Access and SQL Server 2000 and we do not have to put a semicolon after each SQL
statement, but some database programs force you to use it.
SQL can be divided into two parts: The Data Manipulation Language (DML) and the Data Definition Language
The query and update commands form the DML part of SQL:
The DDL part of SQL permits database tables to be created or deleted. It also define indexes (keys), specify links
between tables, and impose constraints between tables. The most important DDL statements in SQL are:
Now we want to select the content of the columns named "LastName" and "FirstName" from the table above.
LastName FirstName
Kumari Mounitha
Kumar Pranav
Gubbi Sharan
SELECT * Example
Now we want to select all the columns from the "Persons" table.
In a table, some of the columns may contain duplicate values. This is not a problem, however, sometimes
you will want to list only the different (distinct) values in a table.
The DISTINCT keyword can be used to return only distinct (different) values.
Now we want to select only the distinct values from the column named "City" from the table above.
The WHERE clause is used to extract only those records that fulfill a specified criterion.
Now we want to select only the persons living in the city "Bangalore" from the table above.
SQL uses single quotes around text values (most database systems will also accept double quotes).
This is correct:
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Pranav'
This is wrong:
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName=Pranav
This is correct:
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Year=1965
This is wrong:
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Year='1965'
The AND & OR operators are used to filter records based on more than one condition.
The AND operator displays a record if both the first condition and the second condition is true.
The OR operator displays a record if either the first condition or the second condition is true.
Now we want to select only the persons with the first name equal to "Pranav" AND the last name equal to
OR Operator Example
Now we want to select only the persons with the first name equal to "Pranav" OR the first name equal to
You can also combine AND and OR (use parenthesis to form complex expressions).
Now we want to select only the persons with the last name equal to "Kumar" AND the first name equal to
"Pranav" OR to "Mounitha":
If you want to sort the records in a descending order, you can use the DESC keyword.
Now we want to select all the persons from the table above, however, we want to sort the persons by their last
Now we want to select all the persons from the table above, however, we want to sort the persons descending
by their last name.
The first form doesn't specify the column names where the data will be inserted, only their values:
The second form specifies both the column names and the values to be inserted:
Note: Notice the WHERE clause in the UPDATE syntax. The WHERE clause specifies which record or records
that should be updated. If you omit the WHERE clause, all records will be updated!
Now we want to update the person "Tjessem, Jakob" in the "Persons" table.
Be careful when updating records. If we had omitted the WHERE clause in the example above, like this:
UPDATE Persons
SET Address='Nissestien 67', City='Bangalore'
Note: Notice the WHERE clause in the DELETE syntax. The WHERE clause specifies which record or records
that should be deleted. If you omit the WHERE clause, all records will be deleted!
Now we want to delete the person "Tjessem, Jakob" in the "Persons" table.
It is possible to delete all rows in a table without deleting the table. This means that the table structure,
attributes, and indexes will be intact:
Note: Be very careful when deleting records. You cannot undo this statement!
The TOP clause can be very useful on large tables with thousands of records. Returning a large number of
records can impact on performance.
MySQL Syntax
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
LIMIT number
Oracle Syntax
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE ROWNUM <= number
Now we want to select only the two first records in the table above.
The LIKE operator is used in a WHERE clause to search for a specified pattern in a column.
Now we want to select the persons living in a city that starts with "B" from the table above.
The "%" sign can be used to define wildcards (missing letters in the pattern) both before and after the pattern.
Next, we want to select the persons living in a city that ends with an "r" from the "Persons" table.
Next, we want to select the persons living in a city that contains the pattern "mk" from the "Persons"
It is also possible to select the persons living in a city that NOT contains the pattern "mk" from the "Persons"
table, by using the NOT keyword.
SQL Wildcards
SQL Wildcards
SQL wildcards can substitute for one or more characters when searching for data in a database.
Wildcard Description
% A substitute for zero or more characters
_ A substitute for exactly one character
[charlist] Any single character in charlist
[^charlist] Any single character not in charlist
Now we want to select the persons living in a city that starts with "sa" from the "Persons" table.
Now we want to select the persons with a first name that starts with any character, followed by "ri" from the
"Persons" table.
Next, we want to select the persons with a last name that starts with "P", followed by any character, followed by
"an", followed by any character, followed by "v" from the "Persons" table.
Now we want to select the persons with a first name that starts with "b" or "s" or "p" from the "Persons"
Next, we want to select the persons with a last name that do not start with "b" or "s" or "p" from the "Persons"
The IN Operator
SQL IN Syntax
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name IN (value1,value2,...)
IN Operator Example
Now we want to select the persons with a last name equal to "Kumari" or "Gubbi" from the table above.
The BETWEEN operator is used in a WHERE clause to select a range of data between two values.
The BETWEEN operator selects a range of data between two values. The values can be numbers, text, or
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name
BETWEEN value1 AND value2
Now we want to select the persons with a last name alphabetically between "Kumari" and "Gubbi" from the
table above.
In some databases a person with the LastName of "Kumari" or "Gubbi" will not be listed (BETWEEN only selects
fields that are between and excluding the test values).
In other databases a person with the last name of "Kumari" or "Gubbi" will be listed (BETWEEN selects fields
that are between and including the test values).
And in other databases a person with the last name of "Kumari" will be listed, but "Gubbi" will not be listed
(BETWEEN selects fields between the test values, including the first test value and excluding the last test
Example 2
To display the persons outside the range in the previous example, use NOT BETWEEN:
SQL Alias
SQL Alias
You can give a table or a column another name by using an alias. This can be a good thing to do if you have
very long or complex table names or column names.
Alias Example
Assume we have a table called "Persons" and another table called "Product_Orders". We will give the table
aliases of "p" an "po" respectively.
Now we want to list all the orders that "Mounitha Kumari" is responsible for.
As you'll see from the two SELECT statements above; aliases can make queries easier to both write and to read.
SQL Joins
SQL joins are used to query data from two or more tables, based on a relationship between
certain columns in these tables.
The JOIN keyword is used in an SQL statement to query data from two or more tables, based on a relationship
between certain columns in these tables.
A primary key is a column (or a combination of columns) with a unique value for each row. Each primary key
value must be unique within the table. The purpose is to bind data together, across tables, without repeating
all of the data in every table.
Note that the "P_Id" column is the primary key in the "Persons" table. This means that no two rows can have the
same P_Id. The P_Id distinguishes two persons even if they have the same name.
Note that the "O_Id" column is the primary key in the "Orders" table and that the "P_Id" column refers to the
persons in the "Persons" table without using their names.
Notice that the relationship between the two tables above is the "P_Id" column.
3.6 JOIN: Return rows when there is at least one match in both tables
3.7 LEFT JOIN: Return all rows from the left table, even if there are no matches in the right table
3.8 RIGHT JOIN: Return all rows from the right table, even if there are no matches in the left table
3.9 FULL JOIN: Return rows when there is a match in one of the tables
The INNER JOIN keyword return rows when there is at least one match in both tables.
The INNER JOIN keyword return rows when there is at least one match in both tables. If there are rows in
"Persons" that do not have matches in "Orders", those rows will NOT be listed.
The LEFT JOIN keyword returns all rows from the left table (table_name1), even if there are no matches in
the right table (table_name2).
Now we want to list all the persons and their orders - if any, from the tables above.
We use the following SELECT statement:
The LEFT JOIN keyword returns all the rows from the left table (Persons), even if there are no matches in
the right table (Orders).
The RIGHT JOIN keyword Return all rows from the right table (table_name2), even if there are no matches in
the left table (table_name1).
Now we want to list all the orders with containing persons - if any, from the tables above.
The RIGHT JOIN keyword returns all the rows from the right table (Orders), even if there are no matches in
the left table (Persons
The FULL JOIN keyword return rows when there is a match in one of the tables.
Now we want to list all the persons and their orders, and all the orders with their persons.
The FULL JOIN keyword returns all the rows from the left table (Persons), and all the rows from the right table
(Orders). If there are rows in "Persons" that do not have matches in "Orders", or if there are rows in "Orders" that
do not have matches in "Persons", those rows will be listed as well.
The UNION operator is used to combine the result-set of two or more SELECT statements.
Notice that each SELECT statement within the UNION must have the same number of columns. The columns
must also have similar data types. Also, the columns in each SELECT statement must be in the same order.
PS: The column names in the result-set of a UNION are always equal to the column names in the first SELECT
statement in the UNION.
E_ID E_Name
01 Kumari, Mounitha
02 Kumar, Pranav
03 Kumar, Stephen
04 Gubbi, Sharan
E_ID E_Name
01 Turner, Sally
02 Kent, Clark
03 Kumar, Stephen
04 Scott, Stephen
Now we want to list all the different employees in Norway and USA.
Kumari, Mounitha
Kumar, Pranav
Kumar, Stephen
Gubbi, Sharan
Turner, Sally
Kent, Clark
Scott, Stephen
Note: This command cannot be used to list all employees in India and USA. In the example above we have two
employees with equal names, and only one of them will be listed. The UNION command selects only distinct
Kumari, Mounitha
Kumar, Pranav
Kumar, Stephen
Gubbi, Sharan
Turner, Sally
Kent, Clark
Kumar, Stephen
Scott, Stephen
The SQL SELECT INTO statement can be used to create backup copies of tables.
The SELECT INTO statement selects data from one table and inserts it into a different table.
The SELECT INTO statement is most often used to create backup copies of tables.
INTO new_table_name [IN externaldatabase]
FROM old_tablename
Or we can select only the columns we want into the new table:
SELECT column_name(s)
INTO new_table_name [IN externaldatabase]
FROM old_tablename
Make a Backup Copy - Now we want to make an exact copy of the data in our "Persons" table.
INTO Persons_Backup
FROM Persons
We can also use the IN clause to copy the table into another database:
INTO Persons_Backup IN 'Backup.mdb'
FROM Persons
We can also copy only a few fields into the new table:
SELECT LastName,FirstName
INTO Persons_Backup
FROM Persons
The following SQL statement creates a "Persons_Backup" table with only the persons who lives in the city
SELECT LastName,Firstname
INTO Persons_Backup
FROM Persons
WHERE City='Bangalore'
The following example creates a "Persons_Order_Backup" table contains data from the two tables "Persons"
and "Orders":
SELECT Persons.LastName,Orders.OrderNo
INTO Persons_Order_Backup
FROM Persons
ON Persons.P_Id=Orders.P_Id
The data type specifies what type of data the column can hold. For a complete reference of all the data types
available in MS Access, MySQL, and SQL Server, go to our complete Data Types reference.
Now we want to create a table called "Persons" that contains five columns: P_Id, LastName, FirstName,
Address, and City.
The P_Id column is of type int and will hold a number. The LastName, FirstName, Address, and City columns are
of type varchar with a maximum length of 255 characters.
The empty table can be filled with data with the INSERT INTO statement
SQL Constraints
SQL Constraints
Constraints are used to limit the type of data that can go into a table.
Constraints can be specified when a table is created (with the CREATE TABLE statement) or after the table is
created (with the ALTER TABLE statement).
The NOT NULL constraint enforces a column to NOT accept NULL values.
The NOT NULL constraint enforces a field to always contain a value. This means that you cannot insert a new
record, or update a record without adding a value to this field.
The following SQL enforces the "P_Id" column and the "LastName" column to not accept NULL values:
The UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints both provide a guarantee for uniqueness for a column or set of
Note that you can have have many UNIQUE constraints per table, but only one PRIMARY KEY constraint
per table.
The following SQL creates a UNIQUE constraint on the "P_Id" column when the "Persons" table is created:
The PRIMARY KEY constraint uniquely identifies each record in a database table.
Each table should have a primary key, and each table can have only one primary key.
The following SQL creates a PRIMARY KEY on the "P_Id" column when the "Persons" table is created:
P_Id int NOT NULL,
LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255),
To allow naming of a PRIMARY KEY constraint, and for defining a PRIMARY KEY constraint on multiple
columns, use the following SQL syntax:
Let's illustrate the foreign key with an example. Look at the following two tables:
Note that the "P_Id" column in the "Orders" table points to the "P_Id" column in the "Persons" table.
The "P_Id" column in the "Persons" table is the PRIMARY KEY in the "Persons" table.
The "P_Id" column in the "Orders" table is a FOREIGN KEY in the "Orders" table.
The FOREIGN KEY constraint is used to prevent actions that would destroy link between tables.
The FOREIGN KEY constraint also prevents that invalid data is inserted into the foreign key column, because it
has to be one of the values contained in the table it points to.
The following SQL creates a FOREIGN KEY on the "P_Id" column when the "Orders" table is created:
To allow naming of a FOREIGN KEY constraint, and for defining a FOREIGN KEY constraint on
What if we only want to delete the data inside the table, and not the table itself?
The ALTER TABLE statement is used to add, delete, or modify columns in an existing table.
To delete a column in a table, use the following syntax (notice that some database systems don't allow deleting
a column):
To change the data type of a column in a table, use the following syntax:
Notice that the new column, "DateOfBirth", is of type date and is going to hold a date. The data type specifies
what type of data the column can hold. For a complete reference of all the data types available in MS Access,
MySQL, and SQL Server, go to our complete Data Types reference.
Now we want to change the data type of the column named "DateOfBirth" in the "Persons" table.
Notice that the "DateOfBirth" column is now of type year and is going to hold a year in a two-digit or four-digit
Next, we want to delete the column named "DateOfBirth" in the "Persons" table.
SQL Views
A view contains rows and columns, just like a real table. The fields in a view are fields from one or more real
tables in the database.
You can add SQL functions, WHERE, and JOIN statements to a view and present the data as if the data were
coming from one single table.
Note: A view always shows up-to-date data! The database engine recreates the data, using the view's SQL
statement, every time a user queries a view.
If you have the Northwind database you can see that it has several views installed by default.
The view "Current Product List" lists all active products (products that are not discontinued) from the "Products"
table. The view is created with the following SQL:
Another view in the Northwind sample database selects every product in the "Products" table with a unit price
higher than the average unit price:
Another view in the Northwind database calculates the total sale for each category in 1997. Note that this view
selects its data from another view called "Product Sales for 1997":
Now we want to add the "Category" column to the "Current Product List" view. We will update the view with the
following SQL:
SQL Dates
The most difficult part when working with dates is to be sure that the format of the date you are trying to insert,
matches the format of the date column in the database.
As long as your data contains only the date portion, your queries will work as expected. However, if a time portion
is involved, it gets complicated.
Before talking about the complications of querying for dates, we will look at the most important built-in
functions for working with dates.
SQL aggregate functions return a single value, calculated from values in a column.
SQL scalar functions return a single value, based on the input value.
Tip: The aggregate functions and the scalar functions will be explained in details in the next chapters.
Now we want to find the customers that have an OrderPrice value higher than the average OrderPrice
The COUNT() function returns the number of rows that matches a specified criteria.
The COUNT(column_name) function returns the number of values (NULL values will not be counted) of the
specified column:
The COUNT(DISTINCT column_name) function returns the number of distinct values of the specified column:
Note: COUNT(DISTINCT) works with ORACLE and Microsoft SQL Server, but not with Microsoft Access.
The result of the SQL statement above will be 2, because the customer Nilsen has made 2 orders in total:
which is the total number of rows in the table.
Now we want to count the number of unique customers in the "Orders" table.
which is the number of unique customers (Kumari, Nilsen, and Jensen) in the "Orders" table.
The MAX() function returns the largest value of the selected column.
The MIN() function returns the smallest value of the selected column.
The GROUP BY statement is used in conjunction with the aggregate functions to group the result-set by one or
more columns.
Now we want to find the total sum (total order) of each customer.
Customer SUM(OrderPrice)
Kumari 2000
Nilsen 1700
Jensen 2000
Customer SUM(OrderPrice)
Kumari 5700
Nilsen 5700
Kumari 5700
Kumari 5700
Jensen 5700
Nilsen 5700
Explanation of why the above SELECT statement cannot be used: The SELECT statement above has two
columns specified (Customer and SUM(OrderPrice). The "SUM(OrderPrice)" returns a single value (that is the
total sum of the "OrderPrice" column), while "Customer" returns 6 values (one value for each row in the "Orders"
table). This will therefore not give us the correct result. However, you have seen that the GROUP BY statement
solves this problem.
We can also use the GROUP BY statement on more than one column, like this:
The HAVING clause was added to SQL because the WHERE keyword could not be used with
aggregate functions.
Now we want to find if any of the customers have a total order of less than 2000.
Customer SUM(OrderPrice)
Nilsen 1700
Now we want to find if the customers "Kumari" or "Jensen" have a total order of more than 1500.
Now we want to select the content of the "LastName" and "FirstName" columns above, and convert the
"LastName" column to uppercase.
LastName FirstName
KUMARI Mounitha
KUMAR Pranav
GUBBI Sharan
Now we want to select the content of the "LastName" and "FirstName" columns above, and convert the
"LastName" column to lowercase.
LastName FirstName
Kumari Mounitha
Kumar Pranav
Gubbi Sharan
Parameter Description
column_name Required. The field to extract characters from.
start Required. Specifies the starting position (starts at 1).
length Optional. The number of characters to return. If omitted, the MID() function
returns the rest of the text.
The LEN() function returns the length of the value in a text field.
Now we want to select the length of the values in the "Address" column above.
Parameter Description
column_name Required. The field to round.
decimals Required. Specifies the number of decimals to be returned.
Now we want to display the product name and the price rounded to the nearest integer.
ProductName UnitPrice
Jarlsberg 10
Mascarpone 33
GorgonzMounitha 16
The NOW() function returns the current system date and time.
Now we want to display the products and prices per today's date.
Parameter Description
column_name Required. The field to be formatted.
format Required. Specifies the format.
Now we want to display the products and prices per today's date (with today's date displayed in the following
format "YYYY-MM-DD").