Eurorack Pro Rx1202Fx: User Manual
Eurorack Pro Rx1202Fx: User Manual
Eurorack Pro Rx1202Fx: User Manual
Table of Contents
Thank you........................................................................ 2
Important Safety Instructions....................................... 3
Legal Disclaimer.............................................................. 3
Limited Warranty............................................................ 3
1. Introduction................................................................ 5
1.1 General mixing console functions ................................ 5
1.2 The user’s manual................................................................ 6
1.3 Before you get started....................................................... 6
2. Control Elements and Connectors ........................... 6
2.1 Mono channels..................................................................... 6
2.2 Stereo channels.................................................................... 7
2.3 Connector array of the main section............................ 8
2.4 Main section.......................................................................... 9
2.5 Digital effects processor................................................. 10
2.6 Voltage supply,
phantom power supply and fuse........................................ 10
3. Applications.............................................................. 11
3.1 Recording studio................................................................ 11
3.2 Live sound............................................................................ 12
4. Installation................................................................ 13
4.1 Mains connection.............................................................. 13
4.2 Audio connections............................................................ 13
5. Specifications............................................................ 14
Thank you
Congratulations! In purchasing our EURORACK PRO RX1202FX you have
acquired a mixing console whose small size belies its incredible versatility
and audio performance.
3 EURORACK PRO RX1202FX User Manual
Important Safety 9. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized UNDERTAKING OR REPRESENTATION. THIS MANUAL
Instructions or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades IS COPYRIGHTED. NO PART OF THIS MANUAL MAY
with one wider than the other. A grounding-type plug BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM
has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL,
blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the INCLUDING PHOTOCOPYING AND RECORDING OF ANY
provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an KIND, FOR ANY PURPOSE, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS
electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet. WRITTEN PERMISSION OF MUSIC GROUP IP LTD.
10. Protect the power cord from being walked on or
pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles,
Terminals marked with this symbol carry © 2012 MUSIC Group IP Ltd.
and the point where they exit from the apparatus.
electrical current of sufficient magnitude Trident Chambers, Wickhams Cay, P.O. Box 146,
to constitute risk of electric shock. 11. Use only attachments/accessories specified by Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
Use only high-quality professional speaker cables with the manufacturer.
¼" TS or twist-locking plugs pre-installed. All other 12. Use only with the
installation or modification should be performed only LIMITED WARRANTY
cart, stand, tripod, bracket,
by qualified personnel. or table specified by the § 1 Warranty
This symbol, wherever it appears, manufacturer, or sold with (1) This limited warranty is valid only if you purchased
alerts you to the presence of uninsulated the apparatus. When a cart the product from a MUSIC Group Authorized Reseller in
dangerous voltage inside the is used, use caution when the country of purchase. A list of authorized resellers can
enclosure - voltage that may be sufficient to constitute a moving the cart/apparatus be found on BEHRINGER’s website under
risk of shock. combination to avoid “Where to Buy”, or you can contact the MUSIC Group office
injury from tip-over. closest to you.
This symbol, wherever it appears,
13. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or (2) MUSIC Group* warrants the mechanical and
alerts you to important operating and
when unused for long periods of time. electronic components of this product to be free of defects
maintenance instructions in the
14. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. in material and workmanship if used under normal
accompanying literature. Please read the manual.
Servicing is required when the apparatus has been operating conditions for a period of one (1) year from
Caution damaged in any way, such as power supply cord or plug the original date of purchase (see the Limited Warranty
To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen terms in § 4 below), unless a longer minimum warranty
remove the top cover (or the rear section). into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed period is mandated by applicable local laws. If the product
No user serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has shows any defects within the specified warranty period
qualified personnel. been dropped. and that defect is not excluded under § 4, MUSIC Group
shall, at its discretion, either replace or repair the product
Caution 15. The apparatus shall be connected to a MAINS socket
using suitable new or reconditioned product or parts.
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, outlet with a protective earthing connection.
In case MUSIC Group decides to replace the entire product,
do not expose this appliance to rain and 16. Where the MAINS plug or an appliance coupler is this limited warranty shall apply to the replacement
moisture. The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping used as the disconnect device, the disconnect device shall product for the remaining initial warranty period, i.e.,
or splashing liquids and no objects filled with liquids, remain readily operable. one (1) year (or otherwise applicable minimum warranty
such as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus.
period) from the date of purchase of the original product.
Caution (3) Upon validation of the warranty claim, the repaired
These service instructions are for use or replacement product will be returned to the user
by qualified service personnel only. freight prepaid by MUSIC Group.
To reduce the risk of electric shock do not perform any
(4) Warranty claims other than those indicated above
servicing other than that contained in the operation
are expressly excluded.
instructions. Repairs have to be performed by qualified
2. Keep these instructions. OF PURCHASE.
3. Heed all warnings.
4. Follow all instructions. ACCURACY IS NOT GUARANTEED. BEHRINGER IS Please do remember to register your new BEHRINGER
5. Do not use this apparatus near water. PART OF THE MUSIC GROUP (MUSIC-GROUP.COM). equipment right after your purchase at
6. Clean only with dry cloth. ALL TRADEMARKS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THEIR under “Support” and kindly read the terms and conditions
RESPECTIVE OWNERS. MUSIC GROUP ACCEPTS NO of our limited warranty carefully. Registering your
7. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in
LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS WHICH MAY BE SUFFERED purchase and equipment with us helps us process
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
BY ANY PERSON WHO RELIES EITHER WHOLLY OR your repair claims quicker and more efficiently.
8. Do not install near any heat sources such as IN PART UPON ANY DESCRIPTION, PHOTOGRAPH Thank you for your cooperation!
radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus OR STATEMENT CONTAINED HEREIN. COLORS AND
(including amplifiers) that produce heat. SPECIFICATIONS MAY VARY FROM ACTUAL PRODUCT. § 3 Return materials authorization
MUSIC GROUP PRODUCTS ARE SOLD THROUGH (1) To obtain warranty service, please contact the
AUTHORIZED FULLFILLERS AND RESELLERS ONLY. retailer from whom the equipment was purchased.
FULLFILLERS AND RESELLERS ARE NOT AGENTS OF Should your MUSIC Group Authorized Reseller not be
MUSIC GROUP AND HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO AUTHORITY located in your vicinity, you may contact the MUSIC Group
TO BIND MUSIC GROUP BY ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED Authorized Fulfiller for your country listed under
4 EURORACK PRO RX1202FX User Manual
“Support” at If your country is not • connection or operation of the unit in any way (3) This warranty does not detract from the seller’s
listed, please check if your problem can be dealt with that does not comply with the technical or safety obligations in regard to any lack of conformity of the
by our “Online Support” which may also be found under regulations applicable in the country where the product and any hidden defect.
“Support” at Alternatively, please submit product is used;
an online warranty claim at BEFORE § 9 Amendment
• damage/defects caused by acts of God/Nature
returning the product. All inquiries must be accompanied (accident, fire, flood, etc) or any other condition that Warranty service conditions are subject to change without
by a description of the problem and the serial number is beyond the control of MUSIC Group. notice. For the latest warranty terms and conditions
of the product. After verifying the product’s warranty and additional information regarding MUSIC Group’s
(7) Any repair or opening of the unit carried out by
eligibility with the original sales receipt, MUSIC Group limited warranty, please see complete details online at
unauthorized personnel (user included) will void the
will then issue a Return Materials Authorization
limited warranty.
(“RMA”) number.
(8) If an inspection of the product by MUSIC Group * MUSIC Group Macao Commercial Offshore Limited of
(2) Subsequently, the product must be returned in Rue de Pequim No. 202-A, Macau Finance Centre 9/J, Macau,
shows that the defect in question is not covered by the
its original shipping carton, together with the return including all MUSIC Group companies
limited warranty, the inspection costs are payable by
authorization number to the address indicated by
the customer.
MUSIC Group.
(9) Products which do not meet the terms of this
(3) Shipments without freight prepaid will not
limited warranty will be repaired exclusively at the buyer’s
be accepted.
expense. MUSIC Group or its authorized service center will
§ 4 Warranty Exclusions inform the buyer of any such circumstance. If the buyer
fails to submit a written repair order within 6 weeks after
(1) This limited warranty does not cover consumable
notification, MUSIC Group will return the unit C.O.D. with
parts including, but not limited to, fuses and batteries.
a separate invoice for freight and packing. Such costs will
Where applicable, MUSIC Group warrants the valves or
also be invoiced separately when the buyer has sent in a
meters contained in the product to be free from defects
written repair order.
in material and workmanship for a period of ninety (90)
days from date of purchase. (10) MUSIC Group Authorized Resellers do not sell new
products directly in online auctions. Purchases made
(2) This limited warranty does not cover the product
through an online auction are on a “buyer beware” basis.
if it has been electronically or mechanically modified
Online auction confirmations or sales receipts are not
in any way. If the product needs to be modified or
accepted for warranty verification and MUSIC Group will
adapted in order to comply with applicable technical
not repair or replace any product purchased through an
or safety standards on a national or local level, in any
online auction.
country which is not the country for which the
product was originally developed and manufactured, § 5 Warranty transferability
this modification/adaptation shall not be considered a
This limited warranty is extended exclusively to the
defect in materials or workmanship. This limited warranty
original buyer (customer of authorized reseller) and is
does not cover any such modification/adaptation,
not transferable to anyone who may subsequently
regardless of whether it was carried out properly or not.
purchase this product. No other person (reseller, etc.)
Under the terms of this limited warranty, MUSIC Group
shall be entitled to give any warranty promise on behalf
shall not be held responsible for any cost resulting from
of MUSIC Group.
such a modification/adaptation.
(3) This limited warranty covers only the product § 6 Claim for damage
hardware. It does not cover technical assistance for Subject only to the operation of mandatory applicable
hardware or software usage and it does not cover local laws, MUSIC Group shall have no liability to the buyer
any software products whether or not contained in under this warranty for any consequential or indirect
the product. Any such software is provided “AS IS” loss or damage of any kind. In no event shall the liability
unless expressly provided for in any enclosed software of MUSIC Group under this limited warranty exceed the
limited warranty. invoiced value of the product.
(4) This limited warranty is invalid if the
factory-applied serial number has been altered or § 7 Limitation of liability
removed from the product. This limited warranty is the complete and exclusive
(5) Free inspections and maintenance/repair work warranty between you and MUSIC Group. It supersedes
are expressly excluded from this limited warranty, all other written or oral communications related to this
in particular, if caused by improper handling of the product. MUSIC Group provides no other warranties for
product by the user. This also applies to defects caused this product.
by normal wear and tear, in particular, of faders,
§ 8 Other warranty rights and
crossfaders, potentiometers, keys/buttons, guitar strings,
national law
illuminants and similar parts.
(1) This limited warranty does not exclude or limit the
(6) Damage/defects caused by the following conditions
buyer’s statutory rights as a consumer in any way.
are not covered by this limited warranty:
(2) The limited warranty regulations mentioned herein
• improper handling, neglect or failure to operate the
are applicable unless they constitute an infringement of
unit in compliance with the instructions given in
applicable mandatory local laws.
BEHRINGER user or service manuals;
5 EURORACK PRO RX1202FX User Manual
!! Caution!
◊ We would like to inform you that high volume can damage your
mix means primarily adjusting the volume levels of individual instruments
and voices to one another as well as giving them the appropriate weight
within the overall frequency spectrum. Likewise, you’ll have to sensibly
spread individual voices across the stereo image of a signal. At the end of
hearing and/or the headphones or loudspeakers. Before turning on this process, adjusting the level of the entire mix to other equipment in
the device, please move the MAIN MIX fader of the main section all the signal path is required (e. g. recorder/crossover/amplifier).
the way down. Always take care to keep an appropriate volume level.
The interface of BEHRINGER mixing consoles is optimized for these tasks,
enabling you to easily keep track of the signal path.
6 EURORACK PRO RX1202FX User Manual
LINE IN The MON path—as the name already implies—is meant to be used as monitor
signal path. For this application, it is important that the controller works as
Each mono input also features a balanced line input on a 1/4" connector.
pre-fader, which means it does not rely on the fader position. For this reason the
Unbalanced devices (mono connectors) can also be connected to these inputs.
AUX send path is unsuitable for the connection to effects devices. By using the
◊ Please remember that you can only use either the microphone MON controller, you can produce a mono mix of individual signals that can be
or the line input of a channel at any one time. You can never use routed over the MON plug, located on the backside, to a headphones amplifier
both simultaneously! (e.g. MINIAMP AMP800) or a power amplifier for monitoring.
The INSERT connector is input and output at the same time. This allows you The PAN control determines the position of the channel signal within the
to insert external signal processors (compressors, gate, etc.) in the channel. stereo image. This control features a constant-power characteristic, which means
The signal retrieval occurs after the TRIM and is practically a diversion of the signal is always maintained at a constant level, irrespective of position in
the signal. The input signal of the connected signal processor is diverted, the stereo panorama.
processed and led back to the channel for further processing.
The CLIP LEDs of the mono channels illuminate when the input signal is driven
Use the TRIM control to adjust the input gain. This control should always be too high, which could cause distortion. If this happens, use the TRIM control to
turned fully counterclockwise whenever you connect or disconnect a signal reduce the preamp level until the LED does not light anymore.
source to one of the inputs.
Channel fader
The scale has 2 different value ranges: the first value range (+10 to +60 dB)
refers to the MIC input and shows the amplification for the signals fed in there. The channel fader determines the level of the channel signal in the Main Mix.
The second value range (+10 to -40 dBu) refers to the line input and shows ◊ Caution: The channel fader needs to be open so that the effects
its sensitivity. The settings for equipment with standard line-level signals processor receives a signal from this channel because the FX bus
(-10 dBV or +4 dBu) look like this: While the TRIM control is turned all the way to the effects processor is switched to post-fader!
down, connect your equipment. Set the TRIM control to the external devices’
standard output level. If that unit has an output signal level display, it should 2.2 Stereo channels
show 0 dB during signal peaks. For +4 dBu, turn up TRIM slightly, for -10 dBV a
bit more. Tweaking is done using the CLIP LED.
All mono input channels include a 3-band equalizer. All bands provide boost
or cut of up to 15 dB. In the central position, the equalizer is inactive.
The upper (HIGH) and the lower band (LOW) are shelving filters that increase
or decrease all frequencies above or below their cut-off frequency. The cut-off
frequencies of the upper and lower band are 12 kHz and 80 Hz respectively.
FX send buses (or AUX send buses) enable you to extract signals from one or
more channels and collect these on a bus. You can retrieve the signal at the send
connector to direct it to an external effects device, for example. The AUX return
input is used as the return path. The send buses of the RX1202FX are mono buses.
As the name suggests, the FX sends of the EURORACK mixing consoles are
intended to drive effects devices (reverb, delay, etc.) and are therefore configured
post-fader. This means that the mix between dry signal and effect remains at
the level determined by the channel’s aux send, irrespective of the channel fader
Fig. 2.2: Connectors and controls on the stereo channels
setting. If this were not the case, the effects signal of the channel would remain
audible even when the fader is lowered to zero.
In the RX1202FX, the FX send is routed directly to the built-in effects processor.
To make sure that the effects processor receives an input signal, you shouldn’t Each stereo channel has two balanced line level inputs on 1/4" connectors
turn this control all the way to the left (-∞). for left and right channels. If only the connector marked “L” (left) is used,
the channel operates in mono. The stereo channels are designed to handle
typical line level signals. Both inputs will also accept unbalanced connectors.
8 EURORACK PRO RX1202FX User Manual
These connections are laid out as RCA connectors and are wired parallel to
MAIN OUT. Connect the inputs of a computer sound card or a recorder here.
The output signal level is set up using the highly accurate MAIN MIX fader.
The FX connector routes the signal, which you have extracted from the individual
channels by using the FX controller; the MON plug does the same to the signal
Fig.2.3: Connectors of the main section that has been extracted by using the MON controller. Connect the input of
an external effects processor to the FX plug, with which you want to modify
the signal sum of the FX bus. Then, route the effects signal back to the mixer
over the AUX RETURN connectors. With the MON outputs, you can connect an
amplifier/headphones amplifier for the musicians to monitor.
9 EURORACK PRO RX1202FX User Manual
◊ When the connected effects device does not receive an input signal, POWER
none of the FX controllers are probably turned up, which also applies
The blue POWER LED indicates that the console is powered on.
to the integrated effects -processor.
◊ Adjust your external effects processor to 100% wet (effects signal LEVEL INDICATOR
only), because the effects signal is added to the main mix along with
The 4-segment display accurately displays the relevant signal level.
the “dry” channel signals.
Level Control:
To level the signal, you should set the channel fader of the input channels to 0 dB
You can connect the outputs of an external effects device to the AUX RETURN
and raise the input amplification with the TRIM controller to the extent that a
connectors. In this case, the effects signal is routed directly to the main mix bus
level of maximal 0 dB is displayed.
and is then mixed with the “dry” signal. It is also possible to route the effects
signal as mono by using the L connector. When recording to digital recorders, the recorder’s peak meter should not go into
overload. While analog recorders can be overloaded to some extent, creating only
◊ You can also use the AUX RETURN connectors as additional stereo input
a certain amount of distortion, digital recorders distort quickly when overloaded.
channels, although, in this case, there are no possibilities to control the
In addition, digital distortion is not only undesirable, but also renders your
level, timbre and panning.
recording completely useless.
2.4 Main section When recording to an analog device, the VU meters of the recording machine
should reach approx. +3 dB with low-frequency signals (e.g. kick drum). Due to
their inertia VU meters tend to display too low a signal level at frequencies
above 1 kHz. This is why, for example, a Hi-Hat should only be driven as
far as -10 dB. Snare drums should be driven to approx. 0 dB.
◊ The CLIP LEDs of your EURORACK display the level virtually
independent of frequency. A recording level of 0 dB is
recommended for all signal types.
Use the MAIN MIX fader to adjust the volume of the main out.
The connector is used to connect a pair of headphones. The volume level
is changed with the PHONES/CONTROL ROOM controller.
Fig. 2.4: Control elements of the main section Use the PHONES/CONTROL ROOM control to adjust the signal level of the
CTRL OUT and PHONES outputs.
+48 V
The red “+48 V”-LED lights up when the phantom power supply is switched on.
If you want to only listen to the effects signal with your headphones or monitor
Phantom powering is necessary to use condenser microphones and is activated
speakers, then press the FX SOLO switch. The signal of the effects device can
with the PHANTOM ON switch found on the backside.
then be heard individually; the main mix or CD/tape signal is inaudible at the
◊ Connect microphones before you switch on the phantom power supply. PHONES and CTRL OUT outputs.
Please do not connect microphones to the mixer (or the stagebox/
wallbox) while the phantom power supply is switched on. In addition, CD/TAPE TO CTRL
the monitor/PA loudspeakers should be muted before you activate the
Press the CD/TAPE TO CTRL switch if you want to monitor the CD/TAPE IN via
phantom power supply. After switching on, wait approx. one minute to
the CTRL OUT and PHONES outputs. A typical studio application of this function
allow for system stabilization.
is recording music into a digital audio workstation (DAW) with simultaneous
◊ Caution! You must never use unbalanced XLR connectors (PIN 1 and reproduction (see ch. 3.1).
3 connected) on the MIC input connectors if you want to use the
◊ When you are recording a signal over the CD/TAPE OUT and
phantom power supply.
simultaneously want to monitor over the CD/TAPE IN, the CD/TAPE
TO MIX switch is not allowed to be pressed. Otherwise a feedback loop
would occur because this signal would be sent over the Main Mix back
to the CD/TAPE OUT. In case of such an application, you should send the
CD/TAPE signal to the monitor speakers or headphones by using the
CD/TAPE TO CTRL switch. In contrast to the main mix, this signal is not
sent to the CD/TAPE OUT.
10 EURORACK PRO RX1202FX User Manual
3. Applications
3.1 Recording studio
B-2 Pro
MD Recorder
V-Amp 3
Laptop F-Control FCA202 Mini Amp Amp 800
Electric Guitar
Even though most of the tasks in a studio can nowadays be accomplished using Record and playback:
a computer, a mixing console remains an unavoidable piece of equipment that
The recording signal is preamplified in a mixer’s channel, processed with the
lets you effectively manage audio inputs and outputs: microphone signals
EQ and routed back to the main bus. Determine the recording level with the
need to be pre-amplified prior to being recorded, and the quality of microphone
LEVEL fader. The entire level to the computer is adjusted with the MAIN MIX
sound is often worked on; recording and playback signals must be routed to the
fader. To ensure that the signal is really being recorded, you should not listen
appropriate connectors or integrated into the mix; the volume of headphones
in to the main mix signal (i.e. the output signal of the console, prior to recording)
and studio monitors needs to be adjusted, and so on. The well-equipped main
of the phones or control room bus. Instead, listen in to the returned signal
section of the RX1202FX is extremely useful in this case.
of the soundcard that is connected to the CD/TAPE inputs, in which case you
have a kind of read-after-write control. In this case, press the CD/TAPE TO CTRL
switch and adjust the volume level with the PHONES/CONTROL ROOM controller.
Connect your sound sources to the mic or line inputs of the mixer. Join your This way you can record further tracks to an existing playback (so-called
master machine (DAT/MD recorder) to the main outputs. Your monitor speaker overdubs). In the process, use the Direct Monitoring function of your DAW
is connected to the CTRL OUT connector, the headphones to the PHONES (Digital Audio Workstation).
output. Now attach the CD/TAPE outputs with the inputs of the sound
Determine the amount of the input signals (keyboard, guitar, sound module
card of your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). Hook up the outputs of the
and microphone) in the mono and stereo channels that are to be sent to the
computer’s soundcard to the CD/TAPE inputs. Connect a headphone amplifier
MON output by using the MON controller of the corresponding channel.
to the MON connector to be able to provide performing musicians with a
monitoring signal. ◊ With this application, the CD/TAPE TO MIX switch should not be pressed;
otherwise, the playback signal from the sound card output would be
routed back to the computer and would be added to the recording.
This would not only be undesirable, it would also create a feedback loop.
12 EURORACK PRO RX1202FX User Manual
VP1520 Keyboard
Electric Guitar
Drum Machine
CD Player
MD Recorder
Electric Bass BB410
This illustration shows a typical arrangement for a live setup. Two vocal
microphones and the line outputs of a guitar and a bass amplifier are connected
to the mono channels of the RX1202FX. A keyboard and a drum computer are 2 1
1 2
connected to the stereo channels. The power amplifier in your sound system is 3 3
a recorder/player combo (e. g. a tape deck recorder), the CD/TAPE TO MIX switch
should not be pressed during a recording because this way the signal intended Fig. 4.1: XLR connections
for recording would be directly re-routed back to the mixing console, and then
back to the recorder... this would cause a feedback loop as soon as you hit the
record button. A loud, unpleasant, even painful sound would result. Unbalanced ¼" TS connector
strain relief clamp
Connect two monitor speakers over a power amplifier to the MON output which
musicians can then use on stage. Determine the amount of the input signals
(microphone, bass, keyboard, drum computer and guitar) in the mono and stereo tip
channels that are to be sent to the MON output by using the MON controller of
the corresponding channel.
4. Installation
Fig. 4.2: 1/4" mono plug
The power supply is delivered through the power supply line to be found on
the backside. The connection complies with the required security regulations.
◊ Never connect the EURORACK to the power supply line while the latter Balanced ¼" TRS connector
is already connected to the mains! Rather connect the console with the strain relief clamp
power supply line before plugging it into the mains. sleeve
◊ Please note that the mixer warms up when in operation. tip
This is absolutely normal.
right signal
left signal
5. Specifications
Mono Inputs Outputs
Main mix @ -∞, -98 dB / -101 dB A-weighted
Channel fader -∞
Main mix @ 0 dB, -85 dB / -88 dB A-weighted
Channel fader -∞
Main mix @ 0 dB, -77 dB / -80 dB A-weighted
Channel fader @ 0 dB
Fade Attenuation2
(Crosstalk attenuation)
Main fader closed 90 dB
Channel fader closed 90 dB
Frequency Response
Effects Section
Power Supply
Power consumption 18 W
Voltage 100 – 240 V~, 50/60 Hz
Fuse 100 – 240 V~: T 1.6 A H 250 V
Mains connection IEC (power) cable
Measuring conditions:
1: 20 Hz – 20 kHz; measured at main output. Channels1 – 8 gain @ unity; EQ flat; all channels on main mix;
channels 1/3/5/7 leftmost, channels 2/4/6/8 rightmost. Reference = +6 dBu.
2: 1 kHz relative to 0 dBu; 20 Hz – 20 kHz; line input; main output; gain @ unity.
17 EURORACK PRO RX1202FX User Manual
Important information:
Changes or modifications to the equipment not expressly approved by MUSIC Group
can void the user’s authority to use the equipment.
We Hear You