Difference Between Colloquialism and
Difference Between Colloquialism and
Difference Between Colloquialism and
People often use the word colloquialism for slang, and slang for colloquialism. The reason for this is that quite often
people take them to mean the same thing.Colloquialism and slang do overlap to a certain extent, but they are actually
two distinct forms of language.
How do colloquialism and slang overlap? In other words, how are they alike? The answer to this is – they are both
informal, and they are both spoken forms of language. Now one may ask if they are both informal and both spoken
forms of the language, then how can they be different? Well, the difference is this –
Colloquial language is the informal language used by people in every day speech. Its form is distinct to certain
people and lends them their identity. Colloquialism may be words, phrases, or complete aphorisms. For example:
Word – gonna
Phrase – what’s up?
Aphorism – the rich get richer and the poor get poorer
Slang, on the other hand, is less informal than colloquialism. It is used only by certain groups – like teenagers or
people of certain professions. For example:
Stinks – for “is bad”
Buzz off – for “go away”
Salad dodger – an obese person
Other differences are:
* Colloquialism is considered standard language, but slang is not
* Colloquialism is geographically restricted, whereas slang may be used in any culture or class of society
* Colloquialism enriches a language, while slang waters it down.
Colloquial language is the informal language used by people in every day speech.
This is the level used in ordinary conversations, in speaking with classmates,
teachers, visitors, etc.
Slang - refers to words, phrases and uses of language that are considered to be very informal
- the usage is often restricted to special contexts or is only used by a particular class,
profession, social group, etc. e.g. prison slang, teenagers, or in speech by people who know
each other well.
Some slang includes abusive, offensive or vulgar language and 'taboo' words. Most slang
expressions are spoken, not written and would be considered inappropriate in formal types of
For example:
Stinks – for “is bad”
Buzz off – for “go away”
Salad dodger – an obese person
"We get smashed (drunk) every Friday night."
"We've all had this bug (illness) for a week."