The document contains a question bank for an Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning exam for a mechanical engineering class. It includes 11 units covering topics like classification, regression, decision trees, naive bayes, support vector machines, model development, reinforcement learning, deep learning, and applications of AI/ML.
The document contains a question bank for an Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning exam for a mechanical engineering class. It includes 11 units covering topics like classification, regression, decision trees, naive bayes, support vector machines, model development, reinforcement learning, deep learning, and applications of AI/ML.
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TE_2019_(AIML)Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
The document contains a question bank for an Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning exam for a mechanical engineering class. It includes 11 units covering topics like classification, regression, decision trees, naive bayes, support vector machines, model development, reinforcement learning, deep learning, and applications of AI/ML.
The document contains a question bank for an Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning exam for a mechanical engineering class. It includes 11 units covering topics like classification, regression, decision trees, naive bayes, support vector machines, model development, reinforcement learning, deep learning, and applications of AI/ML.
BOS Mechanical Engineering and Automobile Engineering
Question Bank (End Sem 2022-23) Subject: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (2019) (302049) Class: TE (Mechanical) UNIT 3- CLASSIFICATION AND REGRESSION ( 17 Marks) Sr. Question Statement CO BL Marks No Q1 Define following terms of Decision tree with neat sketch. CO3 BL1 6 1. Root Node 2. Leaf Node 3. Branch/Sub Tree 4. Pruning
Q2 Give names of five different decision-tree algorithms? Explain CO3 BL2 5
steps in the ID3 algorithm for learning decision trees. Q3 Use ID3 algorithm to construct a decision tree for the data in the CO3 BL3 10 following table Instance X X Class No. 1 2 label 1 T T 1 2 T T 1 3 T F 0 4 F F 1 5 F T 0 6 F T 0 Q4 How does the random forest tree work for classification? CO3 BL2 5 Q5 Write Differences between Bagging and Boosting in training of CO3 BL2 6 Random Forest tree ? Q6 Is Naïve Bayes supervised or unsupervised algorithm? Explain CO3 BL2 5 Naïve Bayes algorithm for suitable multiple feature classification example? Q7 Use Naïve Bayes algorithm to determine whether a Red SUV CO3 BL3 10 Domestic car is a stolen car or not using the following data: Example Colour Type. Origin Whether stolen No. 1 Red Sports Domestic Yes 2 Red Sports Domestic No 3 Red Sports Domestic Yes 4 Yellow Sports Domestic No 5 Yellow Sports Imported Yes 6 Yellow SUV Imported No 7 Yellow SUV Imported Yes 8 Yellow SUV Domestic No 9 Red SUV Imported No 10 Red Sports Imported Yes Q8 Explain Support Vector Machine terminology CO3 BL1 6 1. Support vector 2. Hyperplane 3. Margins Q9 Explain Working of Support Vector Machine? What are hyper CO3 BL3 6 parameters in SVM Q10 Differentiate between logistic regression and linear regression? CO3 BL2 5 Q11 How does K Nearest Neighbour (KNN) algorithm works? CO3 BL2 6 Q12 Differentiate between K Means and KNN. CO3 BL2 5 UNIT 4 - DEVELOPMENT OF ML MODEL (18 Marks) Q1 Why data pre-processing is required? Explain techniques of pre- CO4 BL2 6 processing data. Q2 Compare Training data vs. Validation data vs. Test data. CO4 BL2 6 Q3 Enlist and explain steps involved in development of classification CO4 BL2 6 model. Q4 Explain 1. Overfitting 2. Under fitting 3. Exact Fit Model with CO4 BL2 6 suitable sketch Q5 What is hyper parameter tuning? Enlist different hyper parameter CO4 BL3 6 tuning algorithms. Explain any two hyper parameters in Random Forest algorithm. Q6 Explain with neat sketch K-fold cross-validation mode. CO4 BL2 6 Q7 What is confusion matrix? Write any 2 x 2 confusion matrix CO4 BL2 6 showing, True Positive, True Negative, False Positive, False negative? Define 1. Accuracy 2. Precision 3. Recall
Q8 Explain following performance evaluators used for CO4 BL2 6
interpretation/assessment of classification model 1. Cohen's Kappa Coefficient 2. F Score 3. ROC Curve.
Q1 Explain how reinforcement learning is different from other CO5 BL2 6 machine learning paradigms? Explain Reinforcement learning with a neat sketch. Q2 Define following terms for Reinforcement learning CO5 BL1 6 1. Agent 2. Environment 3. Reward 4. State 5. Policy 6. Value
applicable in solving Reinforcement learning Q4 Explain Bellman Equation in Reinforcement Learning. How CO5 BL2 6 Bellman equation significant in maximization of rewards in Reinforcement learning. Q5 Explain Epsilon greedy policy in selecting dilemma of CO5 BL2 6 exploration and exploitation trade off. Q6 What do you understand from On policy and Off policy algorithm CO5 BL2 6 in reinforcement learning? Explain Q- learning algorithm with flow diagram. Q7 Explain SARSA algorithm. CO5 Bl2 6 Q8 What are characteristics of deep learning? What is the difference CO5 BL2 6 between deep learning and machine learning? Q9 Explain working of biological neuron? Explain with neat diagram CO5 BL3 6 equivalence of biological neuron and artificial neuron. Q10 The transfer function of neuron on one layer of a neural network CO5 BL3 6 is assumed to be of sigmoid form. Evaluate the output of neuron corresponding to input x = 0.62. How is the nature of sigmoid function? (Justify the answer with plot) Q11 A neuron with 4 inputs has the weights 1; 2; 3; 4 and bias 0. The CO5 BL3 6 activation function is linear, say the function f(x) = 2x. If the inputs are 4; 8; 5; 6, compute the output. Draw a diagram representing the neuron. Q12 Explain working of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with CO5 BL2 6 flow diagram. Define 1. Padding 2. Striding in CNN UNIT 6- APPLICATIONS (17 Marks) Q1 Explain human and machine interaction? Explain with any CO6 BL2 5 example. Q2 What is predictive maintenance? Explain different steps in CO6 BL2 6 predictive maintenance. Q3 Explain any one mechanical engineering application where CO6 BL2 5 image-based classification can be adopted. Q4 Explain the steps involved in material inspection? How machine CO6 BL2 6 learning can be implemented in material inspection. Q5 Explain different applications in health care where AIML can be CO6 BL2 5 used. Q6 Write a short note on use of AIML in traffic control. CO6 BL2 6 Q7 Explain different steps in Dynamic system reduction. CO6 BL2 6 Q8 Explain the use of Machine learning in process Optimization. CO6 BL2 6