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1 author:
Sajjad Hussain
University of Swat
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The Impact Of Peer Groups On The Academic Achievements Of Secondary School Students
Sajjad Hussain, Riasat Ali, Amir Zaman, Abdul Ghaffar, Syed M. Aamir, Maksal Minaz
Abstract: The study investigated the impact of peer groups on the academic achivement of secondary school
students. All Government Secondary School of District Mardan constituted population of the study. Through a self-
developed questionnaire, data were collected from three secondary school students and was analyzed on simple
percentage, Co-relation and Linear Regression. The study demonstrated that educational decisions including school
selection and subject selection were strongly affected by members of peer groups, it was therefore recommended
that students’ should care in making decision regarding peer groups and educational decisions. [Sajjad H, Riasat A,
Amir Z, Abdul G., Aamir, S.A., Minhas M. The Impact of Peer Groups on The Academic Achivements of
Secondary School Students. J Am Sci 2013;9(11s):13-16]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
3 13
Journal of American Science2013;9(11s)
from ordinary decisions regarding clothing, hairstyle, peers and friends and their effects on their academic
music, and entertainment, to more significant achievement.
decisions relating to short and long-term education
plans. During the adolescent period, it is argued that 1.1.STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
peers are more important than parents, teachers, and The purpose of the study was to investigate
counselors, and the influencing decisions of peers can the impact of peer group on the academic
have long-lasting consequences on youth. The achievement of secondary school students.
importance of peer groups is recognized through their
choice of neighborhoods, schools, and activities by OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
Parents, that is an attempt for guidance, directions, Objectives of the study were to;
shaping the destinies and future of their children’ 1.Investigate the impact of peer groups on the
friendship selections, which are more helpful in academic achievement of students.
facing the lurking challenges in the adolescence stage 2.Investigate the impact of peer groups in academic
of life. Despite, socioeconomic status, it is the desire decisions of students.
of parents to get the best possible social networks,
mainly during adolescence, when youth are HYPOTHESES OF THE STUDY
increasingly independent from parents. In the The above objectives were tested on
adolescent period a series of decisions are taken in following hypotheses;
the light of already established goals, that are very 1.There is a significant impact of peer groups on the
helpful in shaping their educational paths in future academic achievement of students.
and peer groups have strong influence on these 2.There is a significant impact of peer groups in
decision of the youth. academic decisions of students.
Peer groups are significant in students’
academic achievement at different stages of RESEACH METHODS
education. It is highly influential for, pre-reading, The study was survey type and descriptive
linguistic skills and high level of commitment for in nature. Research problem was investigated with
education and training which affects the individual’s the help of a self-developed questionnaire, containing
educational and professional attainments. The results closed-ended questions. The questionnaire was
of different research studies have strongly linked personally administered by the researcher.
higher-achiever to high achievements (Alvarado and
Turly, 2007). POPULATION
It is believed that peer groups characteristics All Government Secondary Schools of
and environment where it operates, affect the District Mardan constituted population for the study.
behavior and educational attainments of students. All 10th class students were also the part of the study.
Variation in students’ educational achievements is
due to their peer group effect. Researchers are not of SAMPLING
the same opinion on the exact estimation of peer Raosoft sample size calculator was used for
group influences on students’ academic sampling of the study. Thirty Government High
achievements. According to (Sacerdote, 2001) peer Schools (15 Boys, 15 Girls) were selected randomly.
groups’ influence is strong at secondary school level Three hundred students (200 Male, 100 Female) were
due to the age of peer (Maturity level), while it is selected for sample group
weak at college and university level. (
Researchers are not of the same opinion
regarding the effects of peer group interactions. RESULTS
There are controversies in the very existence and
nature of peers’ academic interactions. Some of the Peer Groups and Students Achievement
studies found no significant peers’ effects, while Group No. of Pass Fail Pass
some others reported significant effects of peers’ students %age
interaction on their academic achievements Science 95 76 19 80
(Sacerdocate, 2001) Humanities 205 146 59 71
Various studies have assessed the effects of Total 300 222 78 74
peer groups in different contexts. The present study
studied peer groups effects in family context, which The above table shows that the 80% peers of
is the student of nuclear and joint family peers and science group were successful in their board
friends, educated and uneducated parents students examination while 71.21% peers of humanities group 14
Journal of American Science2013;9(11s)
were successful. The results also showed more failure The above table shows that 65.75% results
of students belong to humanities group. of the students whose subjects were the choice of
their parents, 72.34% results were shown by those
students who selected their subjects by the choice of
friends while the students who selected their subjects
Gender wise Students Results by their selves showed 96.66% results.
Gender No. of Pass Fail Pass Peer Groups and students’ academic achievement
students %age
Male 200 143 57 71.5 Peer No. of Pearson R Pass
Female 100 79 21 79 Group students R Square %age
Total 300 222 78 74 Supportive 75 .703 .494 49.4
Medium 139 .599 .359
The above table shows the academic Less 86 .520 .270
achievement of students. This table illustrate that supportive
71.5% male students have passed their examination Total 300 .607 .361 36.1
while 28.5% were unsuccessful in their attempt. On
the other hand female students showed 79% results in The above table illustrate that peer groups
the examination which shows that female students have significant effect on the academic achievement,
performed batter then male students. The overall regression values shows the different peer groups
results of the students were quite conducive. having different features and formation background
affects differently.
Students School Selection and Peers Effects Students belong to supportive peer groups
have strong and positive co-relation (R=.703) to
Choice No. of Pass Fail Pass students’ academic achievement and explains 49.4%
Influence students %age achievement of students. The members of these
Parents’ 93 75 18 80 groups had educational trends and often participate in
Choice educational activities. While students belong to
Friends 139 99 40 78 Medium groups also shows significant and positive
Choice co-relation between the variables, the effects of these
Self- 68 48 20 71 peer groups explains 35.9% academic achievement.
Choice On the contrary students belong to less supportive or
Total 300 222 78 74 none-supportive groups also have significant co-
relation (R=.520) and explain up to 27% academic
The above table explains the students’ achievement of students.
choice for selection of school where 80.64% students
passed whose school selection was the choice of their FINDINGS
parents, 78.41% students were passed for whom the Findings of the study illustrated that
school was selected by his/her friends while those 1. Pass percentage of science students group
students who make this choice by their selves were more than the students of humanities group.
become 70.58% successful. 2. Gender wise female students performed well
as compared to their counterpart. Pass percentage of
Students Subject Selection and Peers Effects female students was 79 as compared to 71 of male
Parents 146 96 50 66 3. School selection made by parents and
Choice friends were found more effective and successful as
Friends 94 68 26 72 compared to the selection made by students
Choice themselves.
Self 60 58 02 97 4. On the other hand the decision regarding the
Choice subject selection and its results were quite different.
The decision made by students was found more
Total 300 222 78 74
effective and successful.
Parents 146 96 50 66
5. Supportive peer group explains up to 49%
Choice results of students. This is more than the medium and
less supportive peer groups. 15
Journal of American Science2013;9(11s)
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