WP Questionnaire
WP Questionnaire
WP Questionnaire
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Section-2 Choose only one best answer from the statement, Circle the NO.
1 Work in confined space
29 Gas test is required before issuing Work permit 2 working in fuel area or hot work permit
3 Both of above
1 Walkway
30 All employee should walk in the plant using 2 Middle of the road in case of no walkway available.
3 Both of above
1 Dust and small flying particles, chiseling
Eye and Face Protection required like work
31 2 Hazardous gases, vapors and grinding.
3 Both of above
1 Boundary isolation
32 Hold-order clearance required. 2 Lock out-Tag out
3 Both of above
1 If Risk rating is 15 or more
33 Work permit should not be issued normally 2 If Risk rating is 12 0r more.
3 None of above
1 Identify who is on risk
What it the 1st step to make Task Risk
34 2 Identify risk
3 Identify hazards
1 before work start
35 Normally, Tool box talk should be carried out 2 during work
3 after job complete
1 Contractor supervisor & labor.
2 WP issuer & Receiver
36 Tool box talk should be carried at site between
3 Maintenance supervisor & craftsmen
4 All of above
1 8 hour
37 Work permit duration for normally routine work is 2 7 days
3 30 days
What type of Work Permit or Composite Work permit will be issued? Circle work permits type below.
38 Gamma ray test of a pipe in side boiler? Elect. Hot. Cold. Conf. Height. Excavation. Release. X-ray. diving
39 Weld boiler tube inside of boiler at 6 floor. Elect. Hot. Cold. Conf. Height. Excavation. Release. X-ray. diving
40 Painting work in switchgear room? Elect. Hot. Cold. Conf. Height. Excavation. Release. X-ray. diving
41 Run Electrical cable on the 10 feet high cable trays? Elect. Hot. Cold. Conf. Height. Excavation. Release. X-ray. diving
42 Using power tools like Asphalt Cutter for digging work Elect. Hot. Cold. Conf. Height. Excavation. Release. X-ray. diving
43 Cleaning, deep sea water intake bars. Elect. Hot. Cold. Conf. Height. Excavation. Release. X-ray. diving
44 2 meter digging by asphalt cutter & Jackhammer tools? Elect. Hot. Cold. Conf. Height. Excavation. Release. X-ray. diving
45 Cleaning water tank from inside Elect. Hot. Cold. Conf. Height. Excavation. Release. X-ray. diving
What kind of PPE should use during work. Select and write at least 2 PPE from the list below
Work in Noisy area more than 85 Db. 1- 2- Face shield, Earplug,
Dosimeter, Earmuff.
4 KV bus breaker switching and racking out. 1- 2- Safety Harness, Air blowers,
Dust respirator. Arc flash Suit,
Work in Confined space area 1- 2- Eye wash. Lanyard, Lifeline,
48 Gas detectors, Safety gloves.
Working at height. 1- 2- Goggles. Elect-Rubber Gloves;
49 Sleeved shirt; Flashlight;
Grinding, Cutting, Flying particles. 1- 2-
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