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ADE Module 1

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a ——~Albnide ky Ge, mutes module | Raadbord Phofanedy nn oe RIT, Hassan BST Bicdinng v Fixed Blah, Callackc to Base Bich, Voltaay 3 = dewidr Bids Wad (So 4¥enBiSoteSr > Taemsisgic&h 19 a Semicond ouch dovig not Con bot Conduth ond inselode A TOMBS} 1S AC BiPoloH Duemctter fom gisich - B51) (So Semadticn of cme HYyPe of Semi conducechy LPP @ W—AgFEJ babutarn tae Lergdus of oto tYyPe [e-yte @on-bye] er Womsisorch aime OU boo Hye | WMPNE © NPN More a Wea Torominat divita trot rs Tamidteh | BaSe mad Colle ved [a We & ferndomenot buisiong Bloc s modden dsvita amd found EVO yQronde Tan podten edo Danie SYSterm omd Trtegdated Citiculs TMS oth Beding {Se ESlabliBnernont ef SUAELa de- valtas Summwos Te, Wee, Tg ere Ling a de Sante BOI Biotinng Wee ore tides (reiwly BieHing a a tens SH May de W) Base Bie GB fred Btodos (A) ColtsCheh +0 Base Biad @) Nabloge Lvidh Bid % Base Bic, @ fiowd Blo © ANCE an NE (7. tf i Tenrmnenal’, elocadon jc (oJ Jagr - @ Bose Brod CAC DIVA A MP Ayo sidich () BoSe Bicd CiSicule ustng a PrP 49s _ 2d . (ry ow aun V@QI A Bago Aerpudytente RD SA Matern Uccemd Base to EohabLdh We Bose catent AB) Becante Ucecnd AB Oo aed Awl 16 demos ANCAG ORO ATU + Pdend card Womts Lid abo cael eh a Bose Biad APPLY KN L do Bee cidreabs Poem Veo te Groom d AWeAQK Ais yvcay VBE = OAN =BiLicn Vce-taAB- VEE =O VBE = OFIN = YAEMEN LOM Nec-\NGe> TBAB Nien ac aR aE FFE TeAg= Vcc -\BE te> Were Ro _ |—a = We Colfer Dy cudront jas caluctated oS ® |te= P In| RRA WAVE from Vice te grea Awowugn Re Ncc- Te Ac -\ceE =o Nees reRe- vee} -@ @ Ne 1k el a ee R80 Lom MMe Base Bios cin i Snow iw balow hqve Colucdat tu Te | Te md VCE oNce sav Urovw 3 AG SRc7 WAH Ate \ Nhe too = B qin Res 4qoku Ac =aaker Veer \av Tos Ver vBe As Tags lav-ea 2 N78 = a6.0he Lovin LJoxio” {ers miu Cb) |re = 36-948 (aS micnacm) ' «) cee wide © Ic=Pis Roo Nec- VBE RS z 1828s 26.944 Uqoxie? Te: Coupe CV) hyeCrny = 50 tTc> hfe to 5oX 36S HOS | Te > L-ateme | Vice = Nec- Te Re la - Chay xo ka-axie) \Yee = 1p.45y} C&S (\) Hk Cmax) > 00 Tce =hkts = Qoox 36.9 KI [Te= 31-d6m0 | Nice =Nce- Te Re ohn, REE) oR NCE = 14u- (9-3EmMA KA-AKM) Hie - Cen KAA KY Vera 3 [Nee a \-ov) TCHAD 1 SUme <4 Poimt Je hfe” 7 ecco | @ Best a fired Ble Cia URITQ Buln Arend Soh thawing, B wala of (00 ect 1QN ond OC BleS Comdrhon ade to be Vee 76u cmd Tc > OMA givew B= too Nem VCE = 6N Vec- VBE AG Ag. VS VBE TB To= 6mA Ie- ve Ic: PIs Is: t/p 3 - rg = SHO = Gone’ joo fre: éota | Ro - VoEVBe is Re '2-6-F = [ga.axic Boxee [Ag = [as anu, x | Ae \a¢ Ke} Ncé = Nec- Te Re Te Re eVce- VEE NVece NCE NISSsSS Rez a Na-6e = (kw 6x? Rez * Coltocycth fo Ge 2 Biod ex@mmbe cisicuts 4NCC | Fig cad: colterod te Base Biod cincatt | C\Srculk oration oma omees Bte%> a The Bae Resighcr RG Connected basurcon Ws 4% MA Base forminok. Troy adrcads Ke Bignifacony 4 te Base Bird enGid¥oA calllacted imbued Bias Blatonity Jd hfe crovgets Commons Uce= VBE +TGAG [te a ® Ako VCE LB dePemdand om tua Lave of Tcond Te HY Chemged im Uce Chaqes TR we ts Crenger cauheds Te to Chovgd od Hid tends $9 OakBm Te fovocdd csi qevod Level id Tc imcdease alone dsStqn Leu knoe iden imitected Vig ANSP Actor Re, Aroulbing iv re duc of NCE feo Jowdh thom Bad, dasicym Tro Keduced VCE Lv Cake Te 49 IV MHS Bacade Ict Big The cableuch Coddony oboe Sadiccd The Te Pdedtualh {va fesdloaus ebleaa tuod fund to AateQy Te fowedhd U'So opiginat Level Reedy KNL drew vee to {Sound frroug uce Nice- Ge+ Ie )Ac-Nce =o vec- CTet IpAhes VEE vee= vee Cet Be) Fe} ee KVL to ie Lar? vee, 1aAG rd VBE Nice -\V BE -TEAG=0 Vice —T BAG = GE [vce \ge+ Tehs |G) | ©Bue ig ze Ons @ Uce “Bete Ae = VBE «TBRB - (ich Ig) Re +78 ast & Nccuuge 2 Mc te) Rc 4+TBAS Ucee VBE = TeRe + TeRe + TBARS Nee VBE = Iche + 1G (Re+Ra)| & | Sebertading, Tc =PIg iv ere Uce_uoe = PIGR: 4 Te (Ac *A9) Vet ube = PIeAc+teRe* LeRG Vcc- VBE = To[PAc+ Ae + Reh | Yee VBE 2 Te (ReCOa) + Bs] Noes Mia RAcCEx') AB Nec VBE Ne NRE | tes (perecs ee + © E Mier ©) VP omar) ond Biaminy in allared to Base Bled cincola! IB im Ww ic Me Gltarte fo Bage Blods circals 4s heodoouc fron te CoMleved fo Actlament. Base AKedutoh dur Celfoat Oo) B dea fo tye nsnbtad, Tress Callbe bed Ih ss © Base Blob had Joroath Shabisity dwar GaSe Bias Bivew evge 0] B Vadkeed ~ % A Commons : B Cmlerstates fer Te imenecthe dee re magutien Je . Aba PHev\adod by At BES! Blo DesiBich RB Elen Grom tus Us VINSIGI PB Neder 195 crovged Sem ering, Wa Base BleS cma Collected to Bose Bich Codecs Sea B® Poimy Slab gesion eq ha B VoSiaiON LVL Sean tnod tus G& Pein, Joon tee Glbiacd to Bose Agtals Keds YOU Babin SII WA B Sfarsad baius eon Bose Biod Canc hk * Neltege DWid Bicss Cdriculs + TT Nec + Re +. sat Nee V Te=te | Ra Re a - Ve p> Ge . Re Woo Jey s Vollog devas Bich cig cof ta > Vee weE ENG! ot es Rex LE | _ te rai OO w als | | CANCE OH oMM I Notiegy diviasd Bt Ue hs ee mast Stable of ch ASO Keowee Od Lmitth Coden, Bich. dae TWIG Basic tnorsihsch Bioding CAM eked. Aa 1S Seow eye 2d Aad Grey beh OaSccotente RE Comneded Im SAL L4E Emus Se thod ke dolor dc dead om Sekids WIA We AOMSiDHOH LH CREABE) rd AUD Kduptonis MUS) Be Weed Lo Anowing de de dead tine ber dw Ohcule RBI Rye ona Ba Croke & Vig VB “IG ALS Blah CidicedsS cre creptratiey ASK qred +o Nove We vig dividg ecdeemy Vy mae Loss inom Ano Wngidye Base Coddem (ig). Tw WS CRCUmstemn ts Vee in Lod qelay ayeaed by Ig So. VBE Con be obdumad Ae Derren tondtenk \ve Nec- CTe + TB Re 78 Vg divides, Blo& Scale Gree oratyged th Wwe Way’ W) ARR Rexcqmade onal sis @) Acewrede Cmases Bice NLy UNA Blods by AR Hoodcemese omedey sip * dm We Grceds tw Lvs of Te ona Vee coro almadt te | Tmbilordeny Sh Nye Vetus @ B Vedro ans Ao Be mun Semallth Mey the Ug Aoids Ta Ra VB = Nee maf @ Ry Ga Sg aneds Re ih VE ve c te ac} @ BRAG KVL to Base init Ane iw fy (4) a “4 NG-NBE -VE=0 Veer Ve-VEe ves vee | NB-NBEZVE Ve-ve-vee-@ BESS Yasimne, Ea @ im car) ver \B- VBE Te Re = NB-VBE Ite - vest — @ \ AC PAUL ry KUL fo We Gale od — santas Circuta Lok in Jeg (ay Nec- Te Rc-Nc€ - Te Re =0 Wyahe Te ze Nice Te Re-Vee - TeRe =o Nees Vec- TcRe -FeRE . . Vee ( Cablactcth fmilha, Nee = Vec- Te[Be+ Rey} @) “\3 8m WAG dtwiaedy Bled By a Am acceare cralyside Le Bose coe Te ids Congidaeds im te a s Maly gids 8 Ws cancels. Tr Bre A Ba Hegihah aceak a ao oud wg Ao luo Bose Poremyad davidch Giving aa - Bee aoe, Hy CSI Vig dswiag, Bros ciorerds WA qccedete TENS Ty To meseogey das to Crrrae 4 hem Pdatare Snowy imuvecdes end VIG. d9U0 F ae Weteh CuBenlk Te abbe AMS RE MCIeoded , 2 buuing Aue VIG) Uns — basrtoon | Bose OM Wrilkd (VBE). Dus de reduuien im SBE LTR cwd Te obdo SRduuy Wee Theven ints wy Ad Gime by hyo) \vqs Nee Ba °°? “eas S TE CaGivabemh Residents ©, Pedalar combi medion 4 Rebicsreh Biome Ba one given ‘oy _ 7 Ars Rillag | Re= EO r@ Pit Ra. ANG R23 tT 17 RR e 1s 7\ + => W)ue [ (ahs = VBC NY p te Yee “| PYG) THIN Emi Wh Cecrbonk cist Need KN VA wig dividsd Bich RRPRaima KVL ded fyb) We ga N71 - Tpat-vecrtTete _ . = TesPIs \\v= Terr +\ee 4teRe | -G2 — ee Se Tez Texte de = Ie+ PIs [Fe = Te(1x®)}-@ Bubehilea ns Sa™ Gin evr a wa gd \V = TBAT 4 VBE + TR li+8) RE @ NU = Teart VOE + 48)TRRE WS Ny -VGeE = IBATH (AB) TBRE \yvge = Is LA+UR) RE Lea NYINGE LTR + Gxerfhe Aradse JRC NY- VBE | In pS) Rr (46) Re S A AR AEP imay KVL Le Lue codlerre Cmcede Le ged om fg) Nice-TRe - VCE Le Revs [vce vee vere teRE | ~@ Aabls Li Poreaneso Base Bioie | | AN CK ag Ba GFR “ A Cidewt 4 j SYowibiny Les i pone HS Slob tity feed baces feod bacix fej Used RRR CORN) Oe kt CHA Wwhede Shap tihy \S Met Wo VamPdrieny URSEA ComP od SSten ?) Tea Bich cidroote cCodlactod to Base Bich! vig divided Bich wee Meum s Jebuity \\g Shu Ne gehue Keadloans Mid aged ty Swing circotk AN = a 2un SRT A > teh Ua Te teysRe Wag asa Stobubty Cedden\ Sodio, one qadive hao doudy UV 1S MOM) Preigenh Biching amcuts Whe DMAsdrcd_ orm _ Qorng, Sar@odion . eH abe din AACE inte VANS We Shao cay, Re Qurtonenthy coke ose boride (aled, (orcad A ‘a ‘ t % doe aus he Me 18 r (UM } ye, Coddoeteth Yn thet, Yatbege OV ) vod Jews Boe gel yh | 7 ; “Aiven Avo WhWe Aa Vain 8, (tain, Fe oon ae Va Ne 1 Noo’ ( Nc@el Veet UNL e Cleiculs Sony LGirnoy sen here My A NAH Brod WA CoE ACO Vay \ aKa oe! \gnn o Ra y OO NSU a Brion Wong yor VBE lv 2 Hilo te LG \o. VG Nec ey @) veo Tah Kao 4 vg ~ 18 hits UbKIe+ Vane \vo= aq way] \nve Ve ®e UuB- VBE te 7 Ac g.quy- 09 400 Te> tain’ Te a. uaana | Ve=TeRe ~ 2.4 q vise a00 ve = a. auay| | \errarg [ANC = The Te 1¢ Ne 2 guano k | Wha a -% 3 Dae LAY NO Me = 3.4969) Joh Vee = Vee Te CRct+ Re) Wwhoe To= Te croaeoag Nee = 14 Be4aa Ke [14X10 +400} ec aac | yok be-ag é oy plc (eeG Goa a -3 1e- 25K {00 |ac- aoa divs a. om h Biud c Aeule Lye Duara g a on AienGstor with , Te=Q.5mA, Brioe, vgere.a (SEEN) = ase! Wwe conc Vote ty. VB Valdow Vz Uce Upe = Nee VBz Shey x= 3.333 NG =3.333v NBE = \VB-VeE N&= \VG- VBE NE = 3.333-0.9 = 2.633v \ve= Q. 633y| OM Slack ie Teste olniwise Te = Te(i+8) Te = 454A Cl+tooy = 45X16 “Cl-+\a) [Te = &.536ma) Re = VE Te = 2-633 _ = |.ougxie a.5385KI0 [Re = Kn | We Com Solow Vig dividh Blo COON} Of OTe OvI Te = 0.1K 9535 KS" -6 =25Q.5%10 Die Madlowing {ns Base carson 5ag LA We cam find Rime Ba N PitPa= geagha rr a ee Se UTR OUP Rito \o ; 34-6410" 258-5 K10° Iris Ra aq ok > MOK | v Ver ~~ Pa Ri+Ba _ \o 3-333 = ——- - Ra 39: 6ht0° [BaKio?=10F@ (ofa = iaane 3 Baz Bane \o Ras 13-axte - = a [Raz i2.aKe| | Bg = 1S Ri &Ra = 39.6 Ke 3 Rit B.axie = B46 KIO Reith 5 By = 34:6 Ke {3.aX%10 Fiz 26.4 x0” a1 26.4 | | Are aku) Ro VOENG = 7 ~s! |v ces uc-ve| Ucz VeerVeE = 6V 4 2.6334 jvc = 30623" | vec- Ve _ LON = 9:633V _—q. er ae aan lo = 4-633 = qu6.gu -SmA A515? [Re = GU46.e0= \wor| Fionoksy Vig OWL BEES anc 7 Scot | gore | gene v Ty ae wer y te 7 \ t Z = S Tha Ci&icala Sraum im blow \5 gre as, “4 ce Sikiter HRerSistoh Wen B-50 end Draw tae de load Une md : Re =\Kn dutcromine two CPADM | Pormy CA) | J “= oANCC = VEN Byowe = RG SR > 2 aK ten Ra =Auoku Pose vce San Rez Waku ASSamnre VBE =O-9V Niece 7 - Bg cc eae Rs Jeo Kio ite = 9.08106) ’ T. =PiIs 6 - Bo YW] 09K \Fe = A.35™mA | Nee =e Te Ae 3 5 > 18-235 kre XA anro Nee = 6.339 | Draw qua Oc bead Line = Jem d @ Poms Te = \Vee- vice Re \) -Ncezo Te = Vec{Re Pony om yaad t) Te=o Nee = VEC Poim cm o- cus Dc head ine Q) Bw Teo, Vee = Vee =18y GW) Bee vce =0, Tos VE . LR = sus xia® daxid Re | TC= 8-45 mA To (ma) KD TW sisican Wie B.Ge srewn i) #tyuhe below Pend Te cmd ve raw da de hwad Lime oh ocd fd CMomiandAaicd emd Trd\cates kus @ Pond. | ANeo = VN Bc aku WE*-vo ® \ohe wa |e (v)) ur tr aN ee MMe CM d Ca OE bee By Pads CaPaciyeh BirnPiy, GA Shean in haloes figude Raabe rg — Nees Ag= Abou F415 Jae | Alvan: - j=: RE= dhe, B C=|a aku, Nct=10n, UWBE=OAV, B-50 | tp - Nee Wee ae = 8-0-9 ~ys.uyred 266 Xie ota.nu8 | ! | C=PIg = sexys ques Bex| T= 3.19 m0 NCE = NCOTERS T =VA- VAIO Kane [y ce 4.664 | 12 Dc Roak Lina . Ucc-o () Buem Tere, uce =NCe aaa “ wee - NaN (WW) Grew Veere » WCE ZUEETE ER | 1 Tea Re a ia GHe Ane Te= ema SD VCE) é@ . Tre Cineeds Siracom tm Below Mgite Siticoy Wensissas Bite Petoo id led fiw) Te ond VEE OmUW tre de Load Bw oh due oudad ChroakIStlE& ond Imdicade Q- Poin ASbLnm |V@6 OWN Re 2h aK | \ tou Winey - \8B=5u BRE look Be = lak Nice = lov VBE =0.4y NPE Kye Sod iat cidheuts Su - TeRR-VBE =O SNBE - G-OA YZ Web tgs : Re (do yi 0% (3B = 4sha] Jc = PIs = \ooK 43X08 Yama | Tce= 4.3m | ARPAG Kv ec to oud Pel Cscass lo - Tc Re-VNce=e - eS Fe Nees \o- Chant yand| Juce= 4 au] Oc howd Rome 3 = %-33K16 \e We (4.34, U3) 1 1 ‘ 1 1 6 8 Vcecw —leeelleerllh hr > Tre 1g Awida B' , es . yy Cobey Q Cedremk owd & Formds YB oO ots i“ due Cificois : Vc J J 6 bre ae Vv \-BKx y. | | riven Hgcays Wg divider ee EE” Ri=EGku Rastann, Ros sn, Be- 40, YOO 7¥ yt) core be Medificd ob cPrtay tee Vig dividsh by ACC Uuhode OMoty sido + +415 Sih Med cdots Nyt 3 > Box Akio = hb Rr- Ril} Bo 5 - Rvk 8a, _ C-bxi0 y 1.9416 4D NOG 3d RieRo GK AL De \Pr = 1015.37 MFPba, KVL To Base cious hg cy) ee \\- TG Pt-VBE -Te Re =o - G9) Pud Te =CH48) tg - fer B=\o9 ae Noe @ Bewre NT - Tprr- VBE -U48) Tee o NT-VBE- TAT -(48)T eRe =0 WaSeee + Vasu Att \it- VBE- Te CATHU4B)RE) =o Tp CBr + (18) Re) Vi-uRe Ig- Stwee_ - 4:61 ~ 0-9 ATHECHLB) AG (015.38 + CU4100) X 900 [Te = 50.30Lq | - <3 Tes Big = looxse.aamae = Sead Xs | [rc = 5.08q ma | \W Wa disidd Blod cea Te = To we con Chords [Je > 5-0aama |@ Te = (IAB) Te > Cltio0) 50-aatn [te= 5.03me| \ Be ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee eS ‘' KOC eIe= Seager loof Ube bers APPL KvE fo cattoach vcc- TeRe ce -TERE=o Bo 5.094 Ka KINO vee GSO 4K K oo : 5 UGE = FO -SedI tie LIMO — HOT MO KIGO Noe = 04] De bead Line Wren To= 0 VCE =VEE = Bow en UCE=6 <3 Tee Veet 8 VIG KIO RerRe 3K 4760 (lesa “eee4 ma TCO) ORArcLcnar AMG ARPMeabuwn CiACGM , Peak Dele chod Be wemian TG | Pedtue iba . Wen Lined Ameihd Rebagction oSerdlated, Codhons Jo Vallo 48 eny Votle ny ~ Ae CBdenh , Gargteted Power SPP Pharm eter Xd Judtabla Wig Beqgutok 0 ks A ord Mhod Converts OAc As of Ame: N oP AME (HO Lrhecy couPlad high Jorn. high Bond wrddr d\\\ecnvian omPL fie iQ Vetg tg weber of om Pud trePedonw ond Naty fous Vedum of aadPud troPe donc New A I daw on c Neat (rey Ovi + Ae nen ‘) wate pe BS wait woven, | cn i Re ec Seg hy bea (a Yaad UH} Tovar iff penvrveniey iP pracy Ngo) Basic Oram par omPE KA Fras) 00- om DIE Agtty oP-ome Te Diegmm KA : a Cael Stowe trad -toe)-dayed—i amenae | Me (deat of emf modal Woo dapivel to SirePliy Cincom ek celodton Tha (deat OP aml medt mek “ 8 UamP tend (1) \antad Rasidstonta CimPedene ) Ai = 2) arp Robidlesa Ci mledenis) Ro= © (2B) efen. haat Cdi\eyntiot watleay) Gerinn Ag = 9° Bawed OW Abou Thats asStemP ions OUR oD Um Phin on Be derived Q) Bimw Rizo. [> Tin ze GQ) Sine Rezo, Vo = AAKVA (BA) TA. OC trdua eHS oud Pad Of Sea Vad cay HY Bemdtoiddh ond Slaw Rate Oe cbSoo intenite a WO fyeacene (2) OV WS al&o reo OS 4noe 13S No Crorges im CO\ermenye ONG Lowe . ternPectedte Powe) BAkPry Yaka Ghions§ ong Se on G) Sime oodPad Valdas dafords TALLY ow dilaenita \ntua vig Go MeYeah my Vath oa Common to Both ind Data Coreen Mode gen <0 ORin Lowt qe TS le A eso rok MY Jeuw ln us ob sorts SY My Posiaw o Magalies Jeadbaug Proarttasr oP or? how QO) Imad iyntedonts Con Sarg Jom henddad ef Kut fo 4a Ohms 2 a Q) adRod 9 Pedonu May be m iw Sony ey O48 \bou ; (3) oem Loo? gees Yow Luo oways Of (8000 tot 00 000 4 (W) Bewd width Uh Lonmted ema ic SPeahicd by YW Bowdwoi Au froducy CB) Trane troy ho Sevea Jimite De oudPadk Fen mon Bed dene dnlats are Yrovodod MPe aK Radec 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ Peots detec dadecaSs halds ter modi Psu Veber ( Aarne d by War ind Biyrad. | APeat derecah Us Ghed tra fib oPhie RAVI omd hows A Cahactyoh direrrovat ConPlh to measere fawert od f MeL Loe Powe om a AVM ISten Lows t Pears dabeercQ cds edad Im bow Pow wathmalcdds RF OLA embed Ga tornath , FRAL SHoqth Makers Te ko mee | af | ' ance Jeqg(a) Peote Barecach cihtaid | DO Bring Ye POStWAL Hay Cyd of Ame Ime —_D~ rds | pac oh a Twaded Bich Md caPaartdh — Choracs To Peatt C hignedt) Gntee ay de Ful wea gcd eer “ “ye a a “Ase it Ly RB emerge Woe wae roifiey Be Tra of oe Vs coeneted ob a vabbegs Athans ems ob hop Wig ds hy F@uet be Aree aces cao whee UM Pdeiane Pear Getta of AlPLle d YI ond wiht Nepwerr inal ye eA bog Petiedy cmtels near Moke Weg Pears 9 tua Nakseng . Dutirvey Va Ma Qatitna hash S4cho Orde acy sha aun Blew ond Catarina, CMR Aaah TES Vallte ~ wed \ om vat 7 . \ | Wgieo) Seen aren r | “~ « \ / | eit | S\ } Ving \ ) \ J} ‘ -— ¢ fa t o kd oha = you Stroud, od ak-crng CAy) ted Commented od a ‘Wey Valboog Hise The Circuls Present Vey Woy h FinmPedents Le dus Setar Feber, SoA oR ome CAr) act fod a duh, Weetutecnn Thro caPacited end to hood Whonoud que inks Benak hos high Peak wen Vo Pe Senny Mo be Cara yoh CHargys APIO Hew KiQ ha (Pus Loved, SMEeVG) te intad bived WH AdokPed Anors CaPart yoS PAMROIM Lae Peake belts oY AMHR ad DO, Bio aroha RNAS! Biohed ond O, Oiods CTesenah om Ri fech Ay OARS from Goimy imto agadilu Scddodicn, ; 4 TWAS. en Qouuds Sa woony Virrne oy Ay WK tuo Pr Ped OSA Mode Psilana Leds of ReSihre Rg PIO\deh 8 \ We Podw beh [mak Bio Cadden} fo A, To Momicmide tue cea eo) o\\Ser wg Tee ROSiGIA RY UK [Chasen Rua Jo Ra NPRLicotum c) Peale Bateuch { (1) Used fo Amin Cote enicorton Gy Udebin beby OMA Maosuymond iNSMUMOP Ebon lacey QM Coidaly Ferds aR cabion in Sound Moackuyyn Tr Summers > &) Peote ddeaod Jans eds RPL cadion Gy Aw 4 Ieee Letsinwsy (B) sais bed ty de TRESS OF Seah oy Mods BPeckOo Malh $ Oe WAA KO QQ ( eqeruhamus Coraktude ) / aoe B Scremi}y gy Toa hook opdroleng, vig Loved Bosecrcd , feshbaus hes on Unusat PN BAAN bag, EVO Poti ws FMC on dae citicubke + y TN forts, War ualperta Vig do bau Ave Some Polchity o6 dnod of youd Rud “19. TW then SEQ TOs Po Lore ms Oud Pd wy AS Posi N4W (4 Vecd) ond Meoga hue ther Is odd 1d how (-Voos} u We Mn Novog ed WOUWEK Jus oulPad Suter fyeom AV sad p FO Need Gh Late Vi dice ede Cobltel GPA Hi4gh Romy Cute) ond Low tigger Poimk CLTP) md the dicen Batutern te [oe eVGA Ports tor cabled Wysteusis. , THERE are two typos of Schewyd Avigggd ) © Inv bing Brida (Tiga J @) mon- Trverting Sorell igad & In NSibieng BSchrami bt Agger 7 Nin Siglo | Med sag SHAY WVGIS cnc Ne — = I Fey (hos Woowr drm of Trverding Seu INTO CIMA —— . « Th wt VQ Minn ih aPPLicd bo tus Tru or ing im Pal ‘ TAR nat onk tue feo M bacis Y\y quer ko jus Non- Neeoing¢ + Erayral, c HW Ane ete Nq od Wes Truciberg Jdancoat id Skaqnisy wae | PS MAEC AVE) Mer leedbaus UV gy ed Maw RC LV Lng TOmimeat le cetfed Uatdog oLb ha Samairns nage tiike LEM Q abs Satedetron—Vgat) a a Wwe intr N\q Mode SMe qadiue Vege bas Drelperta Jeadioats “la Mae oud WLU be Rosifita Subuhalumn C-+VSA) THe URRY gga Poms CUTR) ond Low LargGeh Poiwy GP) So Be Rien ody a. VtTp = Faves | ire = BA (vas) Ri Bg RRQ ings = UTP- LTP ~ Baggy — BS Evens) Bithy, RitAg. = fey Ka eet (Vn ye hysteresis Vig) Rua Ritag. (fa Pa \ yeu RitRa ALtRa Ra - =a( ity ) YS | Vsut- Vecat | P= Ra RvB Nays 2 VTP LTP | lest Va. Nore -Vis | vs PV sea | @ Na_> ore “Viet ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ae a ee ae a Neate OM gee A Map bee Pemba te 1 te iP tect lu, ‘ 1 . —— 4 Wood rn) * ' Wer ul oe A Need } ' , Say } Van + Ve | | | —t at Mace Vyat Tso Lise, SCe mH Aniggd hyo a Pare LO, NR Taw} C ROAACRASHED Shanes Nysi denies wren Neo + Viead tae Agtrdenta VIG (UTP) 1d ques bg orp = Wet “RRR yy, Ritha @ LrP = Ba Ves gu Ria hy p- he va- Nee (vg divdeh dete) Reka Aa Ra J UTP = Bigs + Sate @ } Rake V6 VGud wa eerie wig (Lie) iB given by L1e -¢ Wot VRB Ug Rina w trp = Ba \sed + UR Ruy faq - Vets ( Nig divitay ete ) fev Ra Buea [LTC ==Pusay + ¥8R | -@ we Riarmy | Jamey Bewrald tnigd d mPLa Besiqn $rels! i Set asten ee ee AR Rrowd Ra ih Much Lodge lwon oP-oreh Far Tec man) 1a = Sola Ra~ Trig \nle ¥ ta By = Yo THQ YA wabtoge Ca Ln X- Try Ming Schama 4 ort wwe £ T Be oN Nin Ra - - | ‘TT 7 qo) —_ Cae Tat artirg, Svniyy cod — Vvigay c\Sycuds fy 8)" Troy Chretien SOMES imeyy SUPE Wes iw Joos ALM SIMU dahon ianat The aged feed pois Yee fo Lua non- iusto Ahem innak WAVY Lie “Tenino. Ysunded, TS gmatyge Lue Reals Bevavtoat Ley od atbtume ded tn OLaPOR NEGAMVELY SokRowed. “Thow ua Jeadbaus wg te abso Udy C- Veaa). TWAS feadbacis Wig Witt had (ue oedted jo, Magedivs BOrALIM, Te inPud Bigrod BWW ok pe vue weugn to Make Me * intab Vig decor RoBi Hh PoSiia ue duet 1h dy Moe Mig ed Print A 1 = WA=T-Ag | Tha C#SIeny Peo bash Ry pe) | lear 8 7 ae 6 } tovey Vin Beeorh tve om US NON te US Deed teow (Aa [Ri) Used Tc elp SeUCKE +s UTP = we Ri bewrmes Ve ond th Macgniteds bd Greodh wren Nin dwaw Re “a, VSd The lf Switcnes -Vsed Ri Ts SWCA LTP od LTP LE qin Vovys Vinys= GTe- LTe = Ravsod_ Ri Ra Vised ) = (RaNsea , fa Ns Ay Ri (- 33S) - (48 + Fe Vset a (he BY) Wsca > fla (yd P- fa Chest MV outing, Sry) tTGxA) \ Nings = ABs | Lorn dee olf ius MegaMhe TVe Saluhation feed bade vig ib Rosi ar Home THAME VIG ied Megadahs TUE off HIG TH Megatit cROLEN OR MI Becoma Pasi Lie +o Nagodin as Mmalsg Conversion ) alt eee fetes ule a mae Bik di gqitos 46 » Biyvol Tsatves a qiven Aavel law fo Kigw Brose Ri Level Babectin: Tae Bow aR EE HAA Comcate Td abla to Provide Love dokkuicn 2 Wren ¢ nadtaking Judy a hruicatton 1s is MatRerey fe deed baa bys ebics ig Th taken Laas w2 So dued La Ci&cals Guiacnes mm th2 ceauyred 2) ve Seger! wren Hurn oo) dota Lina trod Dany Vow Picked uf Sets o logic Que. Lid nah ko UMgg bred ~ cosht Lava id ony Creaod oS We data Crop a dus te MeiSe 4tyod May how Picked GP. P Bas yw ee Tey ciiing St homibt iQQG to ho triqg, Volleses th be Pore? Gul wikw aPetay “4 +15 page Mags uy Saloca Mores &u Vines “AV SP Phy =di5y IN a&s =101.(S = £13-5 =No - TN es = AO}. (SuPP4] meta? Yor 413.5 | wes neat 49 Rare Feu Te peny) = 500A 6 Tg = WOT ecmax) = (oo XSOOKUT > SOxX!d Ig 7 Gea) Ra: Staged Vg Nett epwin (tke) Ig SOKO Mo = eTh 135-4 Zoya? ( [boku ) Ta Serre’ eS 40g -13 (00 Bs Sign FY. Wr + Nout a NA - po RT Agee awe 2 Rio i (DX ~Wre Bekows chdicele Sravddle Rr- Wor Bi = Sikt Batomrns Wapdnotd Wig th Roto SUPPLY APELCA Lo due 08 om? eo Neo Ranh ore [Suwon d ~ USN Sy Yim ©) 4. 1 Nout 7 | \ege R AL L tA = AW ged = Nee = SY Rertron Ri= SW —Nsgat > -NEE= -1SV Rre Rr = (Lot { Niseat Ri _ [seo ; (\ure > SSS = SEES = 35-amy BieWy Sto 4 ire \NeTe= 35-am) ure ~ = We = SNe. as.amay Vere --35-80 | | RaW sities - pases © Wwe Below Gstrels girow SARPLy Vig we LV ons —(1v ond bhaws Biome Ag odd . 8 . a s ers hystoaig, Shys) = Gy ombdasign et +Nsod> 41BV = Ngad> -I2Y Vays > 6v Nings > UTe- LTP a Nags > Balsa fa saa Ret Rr r Migs = a [ sat - Nea | Aare | Vays ~ Aa N\isdy - Vgc Raha fa _ Nine BAAR — god —V gcd ts eee eee Raga \a- (13) ft. 6.05 Rrra Ra = 0-45 (RAR) Ra = a5 Rit 0-35 Ag Pa- 9:95 Ri = 6.45 Ri \orioRa = 0.45 a —O R635, Ri 04s | © mes @ Aopen Rr ony of Aue alist Restokt We Woese Ro = Sku @ loku fom ¢ wr@ We gps a OKO _ OAS Ay O45 3 ae 333-3 "0° \ 3 3 R= \o flo a = Beto | 333-3K10 Riz voku Cheese Gat 0-45 Ag = 0-35 Ry 006 Ra = 0-B5KBOtle 0-45 Ras AS Ko 3 A Ra = a5 xe >loxle O45 Jas vee | a7 Ais sok vee: tN i‘ Rizleku B) Besign Schmit, (VIgYD Taneala With UTP=Y ond ERBRy Eve = FQN CBOkH +o ‘\Q) Aswtorme Vsed =t4y ain “Neots tay UTP =4y Les ay Nivea Nire = (vw) Nays = Nure -Vire = 8 dgea - Ra god Pha Ret Wr Ru Nure-Nuxe = 9 Vsgod Ra S®. Gade Ariy x Ra Art Ba a Ra Az Ad ACA AsRae AR ava ASRQ-ARA= AR asha= ary QR, = LORQ a. - SGRa PS | Ai > \aRa Chases Ra stoke Cony vate) Ar= (3Klokle = eka C (roku) Ri> \Qokuf (Ra = joke | Besign “T [is Jahan Ar = \okw fimd Vip Cur) ARV oye+ere = BRE Year Awake (wa = Vey) camo eG wag Vaz (Rafa) Cut eteTp) ar = (Borie + tors) (usa) = BAG AX 10 f0* vas Voy = 3.85 en 5 SME MNP yas s UT P- LTP Was Nove = Nae [ N ce vet Need pw NW AT A eas iKu Risse WE rots thed OM ImVHENG cobscckion Nore = Wsad ) Ri Ra — \QK hae = uy — Xo [Nore hy Nive = — sed) Re Ra — LN sed -\) ale s sod | E We [a- Cy) = 8uU cay - 3 NiW> av | Prolog [AIG “ore stack te Prot ceadeg Sqr Wuile Ayes BUGS Fh oreles Styralh ubiea tre Abid Tacwni@uc ; % PUGH & Pas : Batowdteg on bee tyke Of GLarantds ubed teal corSiiuctson ‘ Oke Mens be cidtrticd of Possiva H Aru clorenct, ‘ eee Pageitc furd ore PEA cotudtch indus Gerevrs Sab tn arine Usb ara tgensidncdh OP-ome ‘ Bae pin Hes eibwirng orduenkegss VG, Pass LAY ‘ 1. osm ma Ae ettonty dS, CAWS rrcrvy, Sariliaty 1 : BING tre CR-ayP is coPoble of Preuding Q gain | The MP Stra (ned atdentaded ob Lhina Padilla’ Bite becding Phelan J . Became Sh ths WEAR Int BERiSienta omy tote oP Deh iG Agrte Oy CR-ammP He artorr FI dock mot cache ke Jaodeve, of He Sudte dood ZB Cosy: Aine ftkd aro trode Eumomicatl trod Lhe Pod ue Site TH Wo becurhs of Ave Neicdy of ChoaPh of ap Md the ShSemte of Imdurcdh CY NO tenpention Lod f- | ROM e LEE de cred Secetegt | Cabibit md Rone tre Pod Eemd Yom ih odg ~anamtnmaanhhAaiaA MSM Lost 1 Ma Mast Conm ontry oka d Silos, odo (1 Lorn Pod Joe CECE) @) hign Pod JidanC WPF) (1 Bend Pod HUA C BPE) Gr Bond Peder HLA COAFIBD Gerd Be © Gend ctemraton @) Ad Posy, (EUNeh Pre atrenty RatPonee of dhe active Yrs Ji gee) 2 Bond Pod Kur Jagd): Bond Hegecs LUA PoQn fr bey % Sivas oda haa low Pods Kus ¥ Decowd OMA ACA hot Path LUA VSL ONAB ACME Lens @ Lh” pe [ oe | we i _ ag deco IN, ie aN R. tetshe | > oo " \ a 5 \s, 4 (2a) posh oes: \ _ ve wed — > Kk -Soe Bor ‘ | _ a es he 5 , AYO): 7 Helo) FRM AEE Gaui —— PSUS LPF daeoumy sperse , D Tre T oordcr Late PaSh HUA {hor ek on RE Neduedte fo | Jd ong, ‘ > oP-ommP iS chad tw ee Vay erbines Com faqudta tion ~D Fes oicdh Ard Ay dodermivs 4ou YT oF oP Lifeh C [eked) 2 AGFA fo dno Vig diva Qete Aes vig at tne won inviting AMMO CrcoSts CaPaciod ¢ ; = = Ve im 0) Gnome Js Vo as -\ter ae ; ~JXe tS Uh ctor of CaPacitere xe she at : J 09 LAL39 LL") Ly C1, PL, bonne yo er sim HSK vm a R- jk ike ho ee _ 6) Ike Tange ee ~ A Substativg ear@ iw €aAO) j j va = Ne = SARS i - in JamFRExt ] vez in a | Jamia [~S MS OF Vig Oh dhe ron inverting arnt ti Cidrcwtl Vo = (14 BL va = SS a Ri js LJ aTfAe Vor (t+ BL) (vin ae e) Ma awine ) ve= (4B) (‘Fanjac) tim G+ 2k) Quam) Nam 7 al Chama ) As. 14h) Yn | ENR fiye + Rp, Poa Ja > “arte Aj ve = Ab vim tj (SMa) Na Ved adv) Yn f\ yorncayy ¥8 a) L_@ vin 145 (Ug) | 6 AY PAW Beg Ub Godm = + Ria, Vo | No | 16 Vin Aw t a (AON gw OY we ya oy Conv On OH, polh \ss vn j a Ha 26 \vt (a) uy > _ bonne \ | RAT oe = =e! (Ayn) Ve ok Vay Low fro Quondg heal i 4ayn Wale AA faba v in| "b= Oey AE hfe Lae “hee Jearony Roroge OL 44 SH jettes $= Wy Avs gain O44 Ay ARE Rickey % Lows Pod$s (ax, (WY Low Pod HUES ate chad in Aadty crnPrifeds Gr ded im TBAUAS asaked toXedas fhevigh Jreanency Morse She @® inn ovedacy to to digi JA Conus Son duese eas ahed aX mdi —ctiaddry RMS AL im RK a A cee eel | yr Jone | no AD deceae iets La . +4 f Pe a a eres INNA IM Neo! : , Pod Bond - sh . ‘ LL Nee e ' ag cy 4 ——4 Lag Coy, CRE Ade eeeney Hqvo) Second enad LOG Hed come ‘ oy | PoX& fake cin ces yc Svsiwey tne Berend edad We OAL OAK Low Poth Hak Cor Ge Comune d GE Lom 0. Nds hype ‘by Lbirg on addinered Fe Wad oo VE RSP Bond Dadterge Westy Lye AG dead, Artal} Seber | 2 ww Vee Secon, ed dah bard hype Wee gen ey de GT ook Le OS Sd by Ry ana RY Wail [ihe Wtgh Cod yl dneeeaeey Ls dabtorm nad by Ri Ob 2 G \ W7Q CBecam Sentra oldtrh) Fa Beton we - Ratz Gite we aah : wa at oR eee 8 au Paks rr - 1 a anja) - Raha fac \ aw hu Vin Pacer 1 ~ | . Von oO = i) \ tu An V RR Cay ] © FERS eet, Swiss Cod oly hae Sterns C\eehs Rg- R32 R CL be Eam © Becoms | da = AW Raagcrcs 12032 CC Neee Carnitad Vel - MVR , \d = amRc } ® i Bw Become re [Ys \ vin Ay Ir 2 Ie 5 - hes (tS ian *, “Fnaty Tre Pauar RabiteS (Ri- Ry) oma caPacdod (er -¢3) —O Fay> (le May) Secona of ad Lp had te Fanat to 1546 | * Tos [Ry =o 2-596 Re] Wants (Magda o Oaks Of [rd tease | (ema Galtccatale [By = 565K) | ng 1566| Nig Paste fetus Curr) ‘- OW) Sas) onag Way Pods Fed G) Serond oda wigy posh fur Tee WEYh PAD REA Pel ign doreauenty sprell absemuctony abt sgrO3 bolas ctatoj} (Su aus 4, LL ceeh Sorcadtty oPPodite how Pod tanga, ae | eB BO eg cu) im “Nos , ee) (Aatisece) f \+ jorge ) No - Jaw Re . = vim Ne 8) jamdRe Ms = (1+ Palas) C cat) No 4 ( I Clu) Nin, oh ns \ - AY Ce) Jin ——_——— Vit Gta? Le ME Nos Lees [Scaurmad tratod [de Se |< lo fede jue | ae al oa 0.404 Ay 3 4 She A8-) oy lus! aad) Cine Ge © Ved Drop feerf\ ord OAS Nign Pads LUE + > A PS, oh AS FaQh Pakh Latch Con ae conuheed Secmy Jars) Yq, > Ba ler ane C,ooi he to (EF OHA dage Dy ding Tre GAS Remat RE NU wWotne SR SAP Bera MedPente hang Ho Ag decaa, Ratley ih Odyawag Lote > he jon ye ri Beronds OAK Wiyy, aah fiaeh Bea jouocons by Agar r Reema Cy Pott biukh Boomk AB TL, wyh Sek oy tm Om oe oe A oA B Aa ABB Bod BR ao heb & B&B Boe Bh em em me mel lll Vg wer WoA® deced ‘ —k—~ Pe@—> $$ => fe 4 hyve Setomg cAAG Wi gh Ped Lgth) BPE kagauonty RsPons Buttawertn HU fp iS UH ced ofl de cucaty i] de od 38 4 SM Berd qamd-5b6 any RaRsCics Bg (> oe ‘ \ Jor TRAE Ldeberens cy HP Bete i . Q Ref” P Ag- 0. 5%R, ——_ ee \w Vig Gh i 3 \. O4 dows (evans Ve Fade \" an oay 2. O§ Ceol) LORAuIy Jay, Yel? th 20-5414 a 3. DY Ney Kign fraueny ftp |i | | \ae\= By: Congiony ARR. Coden of ACWe Wigh Posts dtd MWg ROSA LUIS ede CLL Im Aedig mmeU KS (2) tBad im Beakhh @ EQuali2n to Aedes bo Ade Burry Nise @ To Wesemy jus omeUkircaiten ay DE COMMS Cr gr Pods JI Cad MW Trnege PAAR WiLa Bord Bodh [MRA (Bond Pad Leh) : Ai ' - lroy ehda Wee fa Hada oR LP ——) lagcdy. wide eres > A Bend Rodd LUA nad Paddbend Jaond fr Bucw tod fwd de + wide bem PAL HUA VY Pgude of mio (wc fot) VLG qeam bh WIG) Rodd Hkh i \e |= _LomHicdl “ {i+ a Fie Glas’) BS nim Yd how Pod ROKK TS ie y= See Ul Arson (Aly) Amos Amari XAmor VG) Wrdo Bond Rageca Hash (Bond ReJay [ata) '— A ——Vow , fl . on { Barta A8¥a) Bond Teeaion HUES Ercole Dif Am LeGguy Shroud Tre ceeds Diagrem of Berd TeJecdiom Huth | Commoimanicn of WIR Rodd ond tees Posh HA > WL ovntard echeSo Loe Rodd Lakh FR Vom TAS Ming orm@uayah WEE Jeedbads NUHOSE, SAL OWL acro§ a W5 Pos Hash Cx Now ~jnu CARH Lerominat with Jeod bats Netw sttc | PAs Ado DLommmndang CORREA LOT Taved Ling lenmirntat Mae KR Gd ferdpea Raadrod posit Rodd Bond ( RYO)! Jorencates Rdllenge sy { Bend BAL hy jot Huy \ awRe © Lore Podh LARS Becstiny SL egy Poh MAIS Seam y= aoa Qt Rac be Vixgy | | Bw = dye fe © Bostgn a fSp ors LW POH BMA Claw codgy [Xcsuona oy PIKUZ ond wh Pah Bend qain L 4 Gwar Cada [rsquacney fy > 2S Led Chaghe C= Oo0\LE » Mero . \ 4 Xho __ > + WW ange AN TN DANE KOO NE A =F. a34Ki0 \Re Fasaiiun| | | | & BiGindne fre Weluo of Rd glonta BAC be Sere OH jot Rebs BukSD, eoodtdl, HU) raving Catal) (oedeasns © isis |OraslSee wilh cafarifod Walere of 0.01 ual | Yar WH = Sie Had[See C= 0. 0UlY \ ~ InVRLR Oe dis Ba RoR2 Rod GrzGst ce ma COO 0. ot Ad gue t= AW (ark Cet) \ - ani ye)” \ - \ é a Gea Sw ANY Ac AATIK OGL RIO? KI Was AWG | ES ic Ned | See oh ye Ol Ka | on rad (Gee ANd | . o.01K Octo 4 \ — 0.406) rm ~ a Poscay Vie Nets). Ls = © hos | @) Be BUN Second ohAH hots Podd -fUboch ( hous Pop Busse, | jrovdn PAK) Cedofy fx Buarnty gunz 2ooka ond Adar, | Two eine Dteeyrom Gwe dy = 200mg, Riz Rg aR Cree = C=0rk Wer ao dus anare ee ae AXTYA KO. yo! a qa- —.——;, = A SA KIO BETY 200% Ot y1o* [A= Haq ska | (Second os dh dA AAs 0.5968 Aas be Bh 21.5268 Chege RQ = \ekKu jp BL =\.5%6 Vox ® Bi - 01546 \oxto By = loro £0. 566 | Rye 5.e6ku Ry rw Nov, Rv | MA Vw owe a= ss 37 PN OK Aims od KRG ¢ [Wen Lamnacathyy ids We Bohaviash of GA Royteabedty on {us [em Padicy Ann oy. A oud Rad Bk qror eae de Bo, eee cin doyeca PHoR AEM +o LUE IMPod SEAS eae Ihe Lin ark, Pw eds CACM GLE BWC? Nor Livwoh Mehodioan Seal Basson Lars trPaud ond oad Ped Bipot « Tre Mem Lirrook gMCLAHCadion Cores atrted attuned no Bim es tweny by sus) Commetivg, orem KVack dave Sacw of RR RD Tumcaiem died im feed banc Pele Tre Lode Cuorep ton inntad Vig cates Brads CHa (an uo Oud Pus Sty Th > —_ * Oo Aw - Ww R & No - 8 + | - vee HAL) TBO Umrod omgid chculs Te Legh) Sawa tee Bone Lineak gmEBL Co cats | trad Goreuis Olode "dD udlad Im —a gesdbate Ped - Ry Vivugs Youd Comcahh od Mode GF Yours wma A Wit. Bo VOrgatey Qdourtsd Varo + — ‘inva a Bre VAZO [> E | Vad Ty bob due Cod neomy {Wig LL GMoromad died INQ, 88, Vo) URED Aeovigg acwors dada 1$—Vo he leds CO Lug = natn | | a4 Uinera VAS wy EaLMorny oF Torn ohodes> Ty = Dinka Jeturdd cuddeany Tye Dieds over Sodiaten CeBDeomh Sts C Udaao ny TWile- gk dino of crm? 1d THQ ls», T-T4 ay <7 = Sim — gute \ya- Vs, = Uy kn [xt i "wos [ay oO ORG Cotion * a Ac Bdge Balorts drkecacd SRL hc Beers Bria Golo cincedba F Paloocasiom oScttatod pepe awh ‘ i ee 4 Ny Nw — _xged $F f No +4 4 \ ZR No yogod = L Se gray T° Reloruasren os athsed = Not COten Od Dreger (eT - _s QOD toctne dowd Sy Retariaion sector i BAA hme nen em lle Rolaxbarion osastoke th a Nem LiMach ECAR LC oFeiflcde’ Caeuik Anos gpoaedes co Conanaeh Non Bimugmi Aral os 5 Pad ACE ; Y wou Aiea jaws fave oY Nacrovgrdod tora, AVVO oy hob Wins Saw. doth wate + We Lew Peprad Of ew Bemusrdos O64 BI dowllends om tus Cradayina jrnre of Cakacioh Copmerte bh in Aue 0G i Sinbad GMeuly. ASSCme 4uad Ter coaPad TS Ini itelag Im AMS Godeo eas Asa de gaka Nay ed Rom INA LG inPod of 0R om hid, +N x Ri © TWAS Jodta te durotP 4° racy 4Ne Bidets (Quer) OS fur CaRadyegd © Ld im aol in Auten KS croiasd sh CaPa leh C SYyody CHAYVS towehdds AVict fda gn B+ The Momen| tre CaPadsh VIG Exeebdtrs Vig APPeaI™G ob tee Ken vey Heng Ufed Lae ooaPed SHINS to —Veos Nols lus Sq ARP aching a Aue nom ImNALve Infud Crovogeds do News x Re, Ber) We . : . " Cake Sraas &Schedging OA Al Rea We Wy Yor ae n As AS Onchag Heap foods, —\god Come Yn Vor AN goa 7 VQ > Not DCafouied PA CHadging ludeg. Ry a X No Nsed . Q we Safad dS qu Lrcnedge jyrveon Re Rh |r “@rRg) | Nu = Bi CAvso3) (Rite) Nine Mined) CARL) 5 FT = gq) Con | 2Rr eRe | ARy Asn a RRRAcovaon v) Ralawsarion oF Wade" Q1 Stqnad Yraesoh G1 Coentdds @ Mowe day ud catads G) Vg Gaxdoh og culdokTSs ©) Jow Adreetlsd (O oScWonod G7) trun Vibdarch a Nadioop 40 CURLEMY Combed [V +o TE Convers) Laaapreee.y ny Mares Araki Ws hore bo Convent Vig % ARROPUMAL oabfat CoASenh These Vig WW Cadreng Comvend fro t4Peb ‘ (1) Vabtege to CeDMENY ComVayG WAL fMedine hous ¢ & « « « « « < € ¢ < ‘ < < < ‘ 4 « 4 4 ‘ « Gy Vatlegy ty Coeey COVE WK Yoondsd baa | F Nadaogs do CBSLOWy Cow NAL with sloali ny Load . ' wa—f ee ’ = <3L ee : A NE ss << My y ‘ rae ‘ tr ot ‘ ~Vee vi r \ guy Vitek Sor aNNovch wei dy Sime VAY os Node Ard Vi Ky =z TeRi (@ Su= SUR. AAs imu vig Bid Convdyed (rte om oud Pod CoDernd hws TO Carat to Ut Re Noe. *- Na HO Cedent ComVGUT WIA YOU ON 4Te | BAG) vat crveuh with Gdounded Load THs CUM) Thing Aw toad Con be Cabicded © fe Mocs, Nine Ne T\ = SOIgs Lee 6) R tu tery —@) Buswsirseaing Ea" @ ond@ im ca" vine Va Te = RENE 4g ont vg vy ava. 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