Wolter Introduction To Variance Estimation PDF PDF Expert
Wolter Introduction To Variance Estimation PDF PDF Expert
Wolter Introduction To Variance Estimation PDF PDF Expert
into k random groups of size m h , for h = 1, . . . , L, and let θ̂(α) denote the estimator
of θ obtained after removing the α-th group of observations from each stratum.
Define the pseudovalues
θ̂α = k θ̂ − (k − 1) θ̂(α) .
Little is known about the relative merits of this method vis-à-vis earlier methods. It
does seem that the estimators in (4.5.9) have computational advantages over earlier
methods. Unless k is large, however, (4.5.9) may be subject to greater instability.
the second and successive stages. For this problem, the θ̂(α) are defined by
θ̂(α) = Ŷ(α) = ŷi / pi , (4.6.2)
m(k − 1) i=1
where the summation is taken over all selected PSUs not in the α-th group.
Quenouille’s estimator is
θ̄ˆ = Ȳˆ = Ŷ(α) ,
k α=1
θ̂α = Ŷα = k Ŷ − (k − 1) Ŷ(α) ,
v1 (θ̄ˆ ) = (Ŷα − Ȳˆ )2
k(k − 1) α=1