(A) - Air Pollution
(A) - Air Pollution
(A) - Air Pollution
Unit II
Environmental Pollution:
(a) Air Pollution: Source, Types, effects on biosphere and Meteorology, Air Quality
,Control.(b) Water Pollution: Types and Sources. (c) Soil Pollution: Types and Control.
(d) Noise Pollution: Effect, Control (e) Thermal Pollution. (f) Radiation Pollution (g)
Solid waste Management, (h) Pollution Prevention, (i) Disaster Management
Environmental Pollution & Control: Pollution is derived from Latin word ‘polluere’
which means ‘to contaminate’ any feature of environment.
Environmental pollution: It is defined as an undesirable change in the physical,
chemical and biological characteristics of any component of the environment (water, soil,
air) that can cause harmful effect on various forms of life and property.
Pollution can be primary (effects immediately on release to the environment) or
secondary (product of interaction after release with moisture, sunlight, other pollutants
etc.).Pollution may be local, regional, trans - boundary or global. The agent which causes
pollution is called pollutant.
Pollutants can be classified as:
1. Degradable or non persistent pollutants: These can be rapidly broken by natural
processes. eg. Domestic sewage, discarded vegetables etc.
2. Slowly degradable or persistent pollutants: These remain in the environment for
many years in an unchanged condition and take decades or longer to degrade. eg: DDT 3.
3. Non degradable pollutants: These cannot be degraded by natural processes. eg: Toxic
elements like lead or mercury and nuclear wastes.
Types of Environmental pollution: Various types of pollutions namely:
(i) Air pollution
(ii) Water pollution
(iii) Soil pollution
(iv) Noise pollution
(v) Thermal pollution
(vi) Radiation pollution
1. Air Pollution
It is the presence of undesirable solid or gaseous particles in the air in quantities and
duration that are harmful to human health and environment.
Air Pollutants:- The undesirable solid or gaseous particles in the air are known as air
Types of Air Pollutants: Air pollutants are of two types namely:
i. Primary pollutants.
ii. Secondary pollutants.
i. Primary pollutants: Pollutants that are emitted directly from identifiable sources are
produced by natural events can be in the form of particulate matter or gaseous form.
These are called primary pollutants eg. Dust storms and volcanic eruptions and
through human activities like emission from vehicles, industries etc.
There are five primary pollutants that contribute to 90% of global air pollution. These
are carbon oxides (CO & CO2), NOx (oxides of Nitrogen), SOx (oxides of sulphur),
volatile organic compounds and suspended particulate matter.
ii. Secondary pollutants: The pollutants which are produced by the chemical reactions
among the primary pollutants and with others in the atmosphere are called secondary
air pollutants. eg. Acid rain, smog etc.
Sources of Air pollution: The sources can be classified into two major categories.
iv. NO2 can irritate lungs, aggravate asthma and susceptibility to influenza and
common colds.
v. Many volatile organic compounds (benzene and formaldehyde) and toxic
particulates can cause mutations and cancer.
2. Effects on plants: Gaseous pollutants enter the leaf pores and damage the leaves of
crop plants, interfere with photosynthesis and plants growth and reduces nutrient
uptake and causes the leaves to turn yellow, brown or drop off altogether.
3. Effects on materials: Air pollutants break down the exterior paint on cars and
4. Effect on stratosphere: The upper stratosphere consists of considerable amounts of
ozone, which works as an effective screen for UV light. This region is called ozone
layer, which extends up to 60km above the surface of the earth. Ozone is a form of
oxygen with 3 atoms instead of 2. It is produced naturally in the atmosphere.
Presence of certain pollutants can accelerate the breakdown of ozone. Depletion of
ozone effects human health, food productivity and climate as given below.
5. Effect on Food Production: UV radiation affects the ability of plants to capture light
energy during the process of photosynthesis. This reduces the nutrient content and
growth of plants mostly in legumes and cabbage. Plants and animals are damaged by
UV radiations.
6. Effects on climate: Contribute to global warming, a phenomenon which is caused
due to the increase in concentration of certain gases like CO 2, NO2 methane and
chloroflorocarbons (CFCs).
Control measures for air pollution:
1. Dispersion of source: Shifting of polluting industries away from cities and heavily populated
2. Dilution: increasing the height of chimneys.
3. Reduction at Source: Industrial pollution can be greatly reduced by:
a. Use of cleaner fuels such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) in power plants, fertilizer plants
etc. which is cheaper in addition to being environmentally friendly.
b. Employing environment friendly industrial processes so that emission of pollutants and
hazardous waste is minimized.
c. Installing devices which reduce release of pollutants. Devices like filters, electrostatic
precipitators, inertial collectors, scrubbers, gravel bed filters or dry scrubbers are
described below:
(i) Filters – Filters remove particulate matter from the gas stream. The medium of a filter
may be made of fibrous materials like cloth, granular material like sand, a rigid material
like screen, or any mat like felt pad. Baghouse filtration system is the most common
one and is made of cotton or synthetic fibres(for low temperatures) or glass cloth
fabrics (for higher temperature up to 290oC).
(ii) Electrostatic precipitators (ESP)- The emanating dust is charged with ions and the
ionized particulate matter is collected on an oppositely charged surface. The particlesare
removed from the collection surface by occasional shaking or by rapping the
surface. ESPs are used in boilers, furnaces, and many other units of thermal power
plants, cement factories, steel plants, etc.
(iii)Inertial collectors – It works on the principle that inertia of SPM in a gas is higher
than its solvent and as inertia is a function of the mass of the particulate matter this
device collects heavier particles more efficiently. ‘Cyclone’is a common inertial collector
used in gas cleaning plants.
(iv) Scrubbers – Scrubbers are wet collectors. They remove aerosols from a stream of
gas either by collecting wet particles on a surface followed by their removal, or else
the particles are wetted by a scrubbing liquid. The particles get trapped as they travel
from supporting gaseous medium across the interface to the liquid scrubbing medium.
(v) Adsorption- The gaseous pollutants can be removed by absorption in a liquid using a wet
scrubber and depends on the type of the gas to be removed e.g. for removal of sulphur dioxide
alkaline solution is needed as it dissolves sulphur dioxide. Gaseous pollutants may be absorbed
on an activated solid surface like silica gel, alumina, carbon, etc. Silica gel can remove water
vapour. Condensation allows the recovery of many by products in coal and petroleum
processing industries from their liquid effluents.
Apart from the use of above mentioned devices, other control measures are-
Closing industries which pollute the environment.
Development and maintenance of green belt of adequate width.
4. Control of vehicular pollution
The emission standards for automobiles have been set which if followed will reduce
the pollution. Standards have been set for the durability of catalytic converters which
reduce vehicular emission.
In cities like Delhi, motor vehicles need to obtain Pollution Under Control (PUC)
certificate at regular intervals. This ensures that levels of pollutants emitted from vehicle
exhaust are not beyond the prescribed legal limits.
The price of diesel is much cheaper than petrol which promotes use of diesel. To
reduce emission of sulphurdioxide, sulphur content in diesel has been reduced to 0.05%.
Earlier lead in the form of tetraethyl lead was added in the petrol to raise octane level
for smooth running of engines. Addition of lead in petrol has been banned to prevent
emission of lead particles with the vehicular emission.
Alternate fuels like CNG is being encouraged for use in public transport