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Be Unit 2.1
The Government of India has launched “North East Industrial Development Scheme” for industrial
units in the North Eastern Regions of the country. This scheme aims to promote sustainable
industrializations and employment generation in North East regions states including Sikkim. Under
this scheme, the Government grants a package of fiscal incentives to eligible industrial units engaged
in the manufacturing and service sectors. This article examines the North East Industrial
Development Scheme (NEIDS) in detail.
The objective of the scheme was to accelerate economic growth and boost in the process of
industrialization in the North-Eastern Region of India. In order to enhance employment in the North
East regions, the Government is incentivizing primarily the MSME units through this scheme. All
eligible industrial sectors, which are getting the benefits of one or more components of any other
schemes of the Government, will also be considered for the benefits of other components of this
scheme. The Government is also providing specific incentive amount through the scheme to
generate employment.
Some of the key features of the North East Industrial Development Scheme are given below:
Benefits to industrial units: The Department through this scheme will provide various
subsidies and benefits to all eligible industrial units. The overall cover for the benefits under
all components of incentives will be of Rs.200 crores per unit.
Several rights of the Centre/ State Government/ Financial Institutions have been
enumerated under this scheme.
All eligible industries will be entitled to various transport and employment benefits under
the scheme.
All such industries/units are needed to be mandatorily be registered with the Department.
The claims for Capital Investment Incentive and Transport Incentive shall be scrutinized by
independent audit agencies.
The preference will also be given to the eligible industrial units under the Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (MSME).
On examining the proposals for incentive, due consideration will be given to the factors such
as cost disadvantage project viability, bank-ability, employment generation and promoters’
risk capital.
Eligibility Criteria
All new industrial sectors under the manufacturing and services sector including Biotechnology and
also Hydel Power Generation Unit sectors that are up to 10 MW located in the North East Regions
(NER), will be eligible for the incentives under this NEIDS scheme.
All eligible industrial units will be allowed to get the benefits under one or more components under
this scheme, even if such units are getting benefits under other schemes of the Government of India.
The total benefits from various components of the scheme put together would be limited to the
total investment in plant & machinery subject to a maximum limit of Rs. 200 crores per unit. Plant &
Machinery for the service sector industrial unit would include the cost of construction of a building
and all other permanent physical assets basic to the running of that specific service industry but
exclude the total cost of land and consumables, disposables or any other item charged to revenue.
Only new industrial units are eligible to avail the benefits under the scheme. This scheme would not
be applicable to the industries that are:
Under the Scheme, the following incentives will be provided to the eligible new industrial sectors set
up in the North-Eastern (NE) States (including Sikkim) on reimbursement basis:
1. Central Capital The investment in Plant & Machinery of about 30% along with an upper
Investment Incentive for limit of INR 5 Crores on the incentive amount per unit.
the Access to Credit
2. Central Interest Working Capital credit advanced of about 3% by the eligible Banks
Incentive (CII) or Financial institutions for the first 5 years from the date of
commencement of commercial production by the unit.
3. Central Comprehensive 100% Reimbursement of insurance premium on the insurance of Plant &
Insurance Incentive Machinery and building for the period of 5 years from the date of
(CCII) commencement of commercial production by the unit.
4. Goods and Service Tax The reimbursement that will be up to the extent of Central Government
(GST) Reimbursement share of CGST and IGST for the period of 5 Years from the date of
commencement of commercial production by the unit.
5. Income Tax Centre’s share Reimbursement of income tax for the period of first 5 years
(IT) Reimbursement including the year of commencement of commercial production by the
6. Transport Incentive (TI) The cost of transportation of about 20% including the subsidy currently
provided by the Railways or Railway PSU for the movement of finished
goods by rail.
The cost of transportation of about 20% for finished goods for the
movement through Inland Waterways Authority of India.
The cost of transportation of about 20% of air freight on the perishable
goods (as defined by IATA) from the airport nearest to the place of
production to any airport within the country.
7. Employment Incentive The Government would grant 3.67% of the employer’s contribution to the
(EI) Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) in addition to that the Government
bearing 8.33% of Employee Pension Scheme (EPS) grant of the employer in
the scheme of Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana (PMRPY).
The following are the rules for claiming various incentives under the North East Industrial
Development Scheme (NEIDS):
Central Comprehensive Insurance Incentive (CCIIAC): The claim for CCIIAC has to be submitted
electronically within 1 year of the start of commercial operations. All requested details have to be
provided, that includes the total investment in plant and machinery project, installed capacity,
Transit Insurance premium paid, Freight charges, Cost of Productive equipment, etc. The industrial
unit must also indicate in its online claim form that it is willing to allow the team of field inspection
to visit the premises after the production has started to independently verify the existence of the
plant & machinery in respect of which a claim has been filed.
Central Interest Incentive (CII): The applicant has to submit a certificate with a recommendation
statement/letter from a scheduled bank, or central or state financial institution, clearly indicating
the credit limit that is granted by the bank with respect to the below following:
Central Comprehensive Insurance Incentive (CCII): The claim for CCII must include all the details of
buildings, plant and machinery insured have to be given in support of a claim for a complete
financial year within 6 months after the end of that year.
Goods and Service Tax (GST) Reimbursement: The reimbursement on finished goods applies only to
the central share of the net GST that has been paid and the rules that specify the method of
calculating the refund amount. A claim must be made within 6 months after the end of the relevant
quarter and the process for the approval of claims is similar to that adopted by the Central Board of
Indirect Taxes and Customs for the GST reimbursement under other schemes;
Income Tax Reimbursement: The claimant has to provide a copy of the “intimation” that is issued
under section 143(1) of Income Tax Act 1961 (ITA) and also confirmation of the amount of the claim.
(The intimation is the preliminary assessment issued by the Centralized Processing Center of the
Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) after it has processed the taxpayer’s return and checked for
any arithmetical inconsistencies, potentially incorrect claims, etc.) The claim should be filed online
within 6 months from the end of the month that the intimation was issued. The reimbursement of
income tax will be approved by the DPIIT in consultation with the CBDT.
Transport Incentive: The claims have to be submitted quarterly within 6 months of the end of the
relevant quarter.
Employment Incentive: The claimant unit would register for the incentive via the Pradhan Mantri
Rojgar Protsahan Yojana (PMRPY) Portal.
In general, follow the below procedure to apply for the North East Industrial Development Scheme
Step 1: Firstly, all eligible industrial units will have to register under the NEIDS Scheme with the
Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of
India to avail the for any benefit under this scheme.
Step 2: The online application process would be developed under which the applicants have to
submit the respective applications along with the Detailed Project Report (DPR).
Step 3: The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion will separately issue all the detailed
instructions for the use of portal online for NEIDS and registration of eligible units.
Step 4: The final grant of registration/in-principle approval will be decided by the Committee
consider the prima-facie criteria of the industrial unit, availability of budget and decide the eligibility
for registration under the Scheme.
Step 5: The units should start commercial production within 18 months of approval.
Step 6: After receiving the incentive(s), each industrial unit shall submit Annual Progress Report
(APR) to the State Government or Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion concerned, about
its working for a time period of 5 years after going into the production.
Release of Incentives
The North East Industrial Development Finance Corporation Limited (NEDFi) will act as the nodal
agency for disbursal of incentives under various elements of the Scheme. NEDFi will release
incentive amount only through e-transfer to designated bank accounts of the eligible industrial units.