Module 1
Module 1
Module 1
Terms Meaning
1. Answer the pretest and posttest before proceeding to the first lesson.
I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter corresponding to the best answer. Write the letter of your
answer on the space before each number.
____ 1. Which among these tools is used for drawing horizontal lines?
a. triangle
b. protractor
c. ruler
d. t-square
____ 5. Which of the following is used for drawing circles and arcs?
a. protractor
b. French curve
c. compass
d. divider
____ 6. Which is used for inking straight lines?
a. ruling pen
b. guill pen
c. speedball pen
d. fountain pen
____ 7. If you want to get the accurate angle measurement which of the following should be used?
a. compass
b. triangles
c. protractor
d. ruler
____ 8. Which of the following is considered a smooth, flat surface where you fasten the drawing
a. drawing table
b. dining table
c. study table
d. center table
____ 9. Which part of the compass is where you place your thumb and forefinger for turning?
a. nib
b. legs
c. head
d. handle
II. Identify the tools used in drawing each of the following lines and figures:
____________ 1.
____________ 2. 45 0
____________ 3.
____________ 4.
____________ 5.
____________ 6.
____________ 7.
____________ 8.
____________ 9.
____________ 10.
Lesson 1
Common Drafting Tools, Instruments and Equipment
1. The PENCIL is considered the most important tool of a draftsman. A draftsman is person who
draws plans for architect or engineers. You cannot start your drawing without a pencil. There are
three (3) grades of pencils as shown in the table below:
2. Medium Lettering
Mechanical Drawing – a type of drawing which uses drawing tools and instruments
Freehand Drawing – a type of drawing which does not use any tool or equipment
2. TRIANGLES are used for drawing vertical and inclined lines with the aid of a t-square. There are
two kinds of triangles 30 x 60 and 45 x 45.
3. T-square is a drawing tool that is used for drawing horizontal lines only. The head of the T-
square is always anchored at the left side of the drawing table.
4. FRENCH CURVE is a tool used for drawing irregular curve lines. It is made of celluloid material
and can be bought in art supplies shops just like the triangles.
_______________ 5. The best tape for fastening the drawing paper on the drawing board.
Lesson 2
As a drafting student, you should know how to take good care of your tools, instruments and
equipment to utilize them for a long time and to serve you better. You must be responsible in handling
them properly. Below is the list of do’s and don’ts on the proper care of drafting tools, instruments and
1. Wipe the top of your drawing board 1. A clean table serves a clean drawing
before starting to work. paper.
2. Check and clean your tools before and 2. A clean tool does not smear your
after using them. drawing.
3. Keep your pencil points sharp at all 3. A sharp pencil produces sharp and neat
times. lines.
4. Use tools only for the purpose they are 4. Every tool has its purpose.
made. 5. A dry, clean and safe place extends the
5. Store your tools in a dry, clean and safe life and service of your hand tools.
1. Do not use the edge of the T-square and 1. It will break the edge of these tools and
triangles as guide in cutting paper. they will not help produce straight lines.
2. Do not sharpen your pencil on top of your 2. The granite might contaminate the
workplace. drawing paper. It will make the surface
3. Do not bite the lead of your pencils. dirty.
4. Do not drop the compass and ruling pen 3. Lead is poisonous. It retards the brain.
and divider. 4. It might cause a nick on the ribs of the
5. Do not erase on surfaces and spaces instruments.
without mistakes. 5. A surface rubbed by an eraser tends to
ink bleed and smear.
Activity 3
On a short bond paper follow the format below and make your stand on what to do and not to
do with your drafting tools and instruments by listing the DO’s and DON’Ts on its proper corner.
Make a Stand!
What to Do
What Not to Do
Write C if the statement is correct, and W if wrong.
Lesson 3
There are certain ways of using drawing tools and instruments properly. As drafting student,
you should be able to master these techniques. Proper use and care of each tool, instrument and
equipment are vital to your work.
The t-square is used only for drawing horizontal lines. The head of the t-square should hang-
out at the outer left side of the drawing board. The position of the body of the t-square should always
be 900 from the left and right edge of the drawing board. The left hand should always be over the
body of the t-square to keep it in place.
The compass is an instrument used for drawing circles and arcs. The correct way of handling it
is to hold its head by the forefinger and thumb to turn it when inscribing. Locate the centerpoint of a
circle or arc before drawing the desired diameter or radius of a circle.
The divider is similar to a compass but they differ in use. A divider is used only for transferring
distance by holding its head with your forefinger and thumb.
Bow Pen Bow Pencil Bow Divider
Activity 4
1. On your oslo paper, draw the borderline using your pencil by measuring 1 cm from the edge of the
2. Draw four squares measuring 10 cm x 10 cm. Use your t-square and triangle.
3. Arrange the squares on the central part of the paper.
4. On the first square, draw vertical lines measuring 1 cm apart. Label it box A.
5. On the second square, draw horizontal lines measuring 1 cm apart. Label it box B.
6. On the third square, draw inclined liens at 30 0 at a distance of 1 cm apart from each other. Label
the third square box C.
7. In the fourth square, draw inclined lines at 45 0 distances of lines from one another. Label the last
square box D.
20 – 25 – Excellent
16 – 19 – Very Good
10 – 15 – Good
5 – 9 – Poor
____ 1. A type of drawing that does not use any drawing instrument and equipment
a. mechanical
b. freehand
c. architectural
d. technical
____ 4. A smooth, inclined surface where you fasten your drawing paper.
a. dining table
b. teacher’s table
c. working table
d. drawing table
1. d
2. c
3. c
4. b
5. c
6. a
7. c
8. a
9. c
10. d
1. t-square
2. triangle
3. French curve
4. t-square
5. compass
Lesson 1: Self-check
1. compass
2. divider
3. t-square
4. triangle
5. drafting tape
Lesson: Self-check
1. C
2. C
3. W
4. W
5. C
1. t-square
2. triangle
3. protractor
4. compass
5. divider
6. ruling pen
7. French curve
8. H
9. eraser
10. small screwdriver
1. b
2. b
3. a
4. d
5. HB/F