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Robert Ivan C.

Agujar RLE (GROUP 1)


Mechanism of
Drug name Dosage, and Indications Contraindications Side effects Nursing responsibilities

Generic Name: Apidra is an  Hypersensitivity  Hypoglycemia BASELINE ASSESSMENT

Insulin Glulisine Frequency: Insulin glulisine antidiabetic to insulin  Skin and Obtain serum glucose level,
15 mins. is a agent, used glulisine or any allergic Hgb A1c.
Brand Name: before meals recombinant to reduce of the other reactions at Discuss lifestyle to determine
Apidra or within 20 human insulin high blood ingredients of the injection extent of
minutes after analogue that is sugar in Apidra. site learning, emotional needs. If
Classification: starting a equipotent to adults,  Hypoglycemia.  Systemic given IV,
Antidiabetic, meal. regular human adolescents allergic obtain serum chemistries (esp.
Rapid-acting insulin. Insulin and reaction serum
Insulin Dosage: glulisine has a children ≥6  Lipodystrophy potassium).
Each mL of more rapid years with INTERVENTION/EVALUATION
the solution onset of action diabetes Assess for hypoglycemia (refer
for injection and a shorter mellitus. to phar-
contains duration of Diabetes macokinetics table for peak
insulin action than mellitus is a times and
glulisine 100 regular human disease duration): cool, wet skin,
units insulin. where the tremors, diz-
equivalent to The primary body does ziness, headache, anxiety,
3.49 mg. activity of not produce tachycardia,
Each vial insulins and enough numbness in mouth, hunger,
contains 10 insulin insulin to diplopia.
mL of solution analogues, control the Assess sleeping pt for
for injection including insulin level of restlessness, dia-
(1,000 units). glulisine, is blood phoresis. Check for
regulation of sugar. hyperglycemia: poly-
Route: glucose uria (excessive urine output),
Subcutaneous metabolism. polypha-
Insulins lower gia (excessive food intake),
blood glucose polydipsia
levels by (excessive thirst),
stimulating nausea/vomiting, dim
peripheral vision, fatigue, deep and rapid
glucose uptake, breathing
especially by (Kussmaul respirations). Be
skeletal muscle alert to con-
and fat, and by ditions altering glucose
inhibiting requirements:
hepatic glucose fever, trauma, increased
production. activity/stress,
Insulin inhibits surgical procedure.
adipocyte, • Instruct on proper technique
inhibits for drug
proteolysis and administration, testing of
enhances glucose, signs/
protein symptoms of hypoglycemia
synthesis. and hyperglyce-
Studies in mia.
healthy • Diet and exercise are
volunteers and essential
patients with parts of treatment; do not
diabetes skip/delay
demonstrated meals.
that insulin • Carry candy, sugar packets,
glulisine is other sugar supplements for
more rapid in immediate re-
onset of action sponse to hypoglycemia.
and of shorter • Wear or carry
duration of medical alert identification.
action than • Check with
regular human physician when insulin
insulin when demands are al-
given tered (e.g., fever, infection,
subcutaneously. trauma, stress,
When insulin heavy physical activity).
glulisine is • Do not take
injected other medication without
subcutaneously, consulting physi-
the glucose cian.
lowering activity • Weight control, exercise,
will begin within hygiene
10 - 20 (including foot care), not
minutes. The smoking are inte-
glucose- gral parts of therapy.
activities of
insulin glulisine
and regular
human insulin
are equipotent
administered by
route. One unit
of insulin
glulisine has
the same
lowering activity
as one unit of
regular human

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