Module 1 - Definition and Scope of Human Resource Management
Module 1 - Definition and Scope of Human Resource Management
Module 1 - Definition and Scope of Human Resource Management
As Taylor was starting with his concepts about According to V. P. Michael, the feature of the
scientific management, other proponents were also human resource management is to “reflect a new
employing related principles of psychology in philosophy, a new outlook, approach and strategy,
recruiting, selecting, training, and developing workers. which views an organization’s manpower as its
resources and assets and not as liabilities or mere
Moreover, the significant historical breakthroughs in hands”. Thus, human resource or manpower is
HRM development was identified. These are (1) considered today to be the vital resource to develop
Scientific Management, (2) Industrial Psychology, (3) the organization.
Hawthorne studies, (4) Birth of Union Membership, (5)
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), (6) Labor force, Human Resource Management is a
globalization and strategic HRM function. (Lauron, continuing process of managing people and their
Doris P., 2019) activities at work while squeezing out the best potential
from them so they become productive individuals.
The Hawthorne Studies, which were conducted in the Some of the important features of HRM are:
1920s and 1930s at Western Electric, sparked an
increased emphasis on the social and informal aspects 1. It is prevalent in nature
of the workplace. Interpretations of the studies 2. It is dynamic
emphasized "human relations" and the link between 3. It is individually-oriented
worker satisfaction and productivity. 4. It is employee-oriented
5. It is forward-looking
For further reading about the milestones in the 6. It is growth-oriented
development of HRM, kindly search this link: The next topic that we’ll discuss is to determine the
milestones-in-hrm-development difference between Personnel Management and
Human Resource Management.
Importance of Studying Human Resource
Management In an organization, a group of people (employers and
employees) work together with a common motive i.e.
The organization is made up of people. The main goal to achieve their organizational goal, which is only
of any organization is to provide goods and services possible when efforts of all the people in the
effectively. It is the people who are linked in a formal organization are efficiently managed.
structure and managerial leadership. People are vital
to an effective personnel management program. The Personnel management is an administrative function
development of an effective organization hinges on the which exists in an organization to ensure right
proper selection, development, and utilization, personnel at right organizational activity. It is a
rewarding, and maintaining capable people (Ferrer, traditional approach of managing employees which, 2015). focuses on adherence to policies and rules of
organization. On the other hand,
For further reading about the importance of Human resource management is a modern approach
HRM, read the whole chapter 1 of Human Resource of managing people at workplace which focuses on
management Principles and Practices or log on to acquisition, development, utilization and maintenance of human resource. It combines physical energies and
management their strengths with human competencies. In simple
words, human resource management can be referred "SEC. 5. Equal Opportunity for Employment. –
as the policy which ensures right quality and quantity No person with disability shall be denied access to
of human resource in the organization. Like personnel opportunities for suitable employment. A qualified
management, human resource management is also employee with disability shall be subject to the same
concerned with planning, job analysis, recruitment and terms and conditions of employment and the same
selection, hiring and socialization, training, compensation, privileges, benefits, fringe benefits,
performance appraisal, rewarding, and compensation incentives or allowances as a qualified able bodied
management. person.
HRP is the process of systematically reviewing Like many other areas of life and business,
human resource requirements to ensure that people and employees have a unique life
the number of employees matches the cycle.
required skills. The employment cycle involves the stages
employees go through and the role HR or
similar support takes on during those stages. Job analysis is a methodical way of collecting,
Each stage of the employee cycle has its own interpreting, and storing information about
challenges, opportunities, and benefits. For specific jobs. This information will help identify
instance, if your small business is experiencing the content of the work as well as the worker
excessive employee turnover, it’s likely that requirements needed to perform the job.
the Motivation stage of the employee cycle The post-hiring stage aims to implement HRM
needs attention. If an employee’s skills aren’t practices that will improve employees’ wrok
improving, you will want to address the performance level.
Evaluation stage. Human resource management is not just about
When there’s a breakdown at any stage of the recruitment, selection, and compensation. It is
cycle, you need to take the necessary steps to also concerned with the social, economic, and
correct the problem so both your employees technological consequences that are beyond
and your business continues to grow. the control of organizations.
The next topic will be about the Current Trends in There are emerging trends affecting HRM
HRM. such as workplace cultural diversity,
“repurposing” human capital, reinventing talent
acquisition, HR analytics, artificial intelligence,
Modern business is facing the rapid and unrelenting globalization, and work arrangement trends.
growth of artificial intelligence, and the majority of
respondent companies in the 2019 Deloitte Global
Human Capital Trends survey report that not only do MODULE 4 - CURRENT TRENDS IN HUMAN
they need to rethink their capabilities to learn, but they RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND
also need to reinvent their workforce experience to ORGANIZATIONAL ETHICS
enhance efficiency and reconsider how they develop
leaders. These are shifts that need to be explored to 7 HR TRENDS FOR 2023
avoid HR process stagnation, so let’s dive into more of According to Dave Millner, Founder and Consulting
the latest in human resources management. Partner at HR Curator, "This is an exciting time to
be in HR and if challenge, innovation, change and
personal growth are of interest to you, then stick
Human resource management is not just about
recruitment, selection, and compensation. Situations
and other consequences outside the control of an
organization could have widespread influence on
various HRM practices.
With things getting back on track, the
workplace is evolving into a more suitable
Here are some factors that may have greater approach for its employees and their
influence on HRM practices: productivity the hybrid work model. It's an
employee-centric flexible work model that
includes a mix of in-office and remote work.
1. Workplace cultural diversity
2. “Repurposing” Your Human Capital
3. Using technology to recruit
4. Reinventing Talent Acquisition
5. HR Analytics
6. Artificial Intelligence
7. Tremendous growth of part-time and temporary
8. Globalization
9. Work from home trend
“… Job analysis is the process of studying a job to Job family. Technical Service.
determine which activities and responsibilities it
includes, its relative importance to other jobs, the Job. Technical service representative.
qualifications necessary for performance of the job and
the conditions under which the work is performed. An Task. Provides technical support to customers
important concept in job analysis is that the job, not the by telephone.
person doing the job, is assessed, even though human
resources (HR) may collect some job analysis data Job Analysis Methods
from incumbents.”
Determining which tasks employees perform is not
Examples of how an organization may use job analysis easy. The most effective technique when collecting
data: information for a job analysis is to obtain information
through direct observation as well as from the most
Workforce planning. qualified incumbent(s) via questionnaires or interviews.
Performance management. The following describes the most common job analysis
Recruitment and selection. methods.
Career and succession planning.
Training and development. o Open-ended questionnaire
Compensation administration.
Health, safety and security. Job incumbents and/or managers fill out
Employee/labor relations. questionnaires about the KSAs necessary for the job.
Risk management. HR compiles the answers and publishes a composite
statement of job requirements. This method produces
Information Collection reasonable job requirements with input from
employees and managers and helps analyze many
Job analysis involves collecting information on jobs with limited resources. Kindly see the Job
characteristics that differentiate jobs. The following Analysis Questionnaire at this website,
factors help make distinctions between jobs:
samples/hr-forms/pages/cms_001973.aspx as well as
Knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) needed. the Job Analysis Template
Work activities and behaviors.
Interactions with others (internal and external). samples/hr-forms/pages/jobanalysisform.aspx
Performance standards.
Financial budgeting and impact.
Machines and equipment used. o Highly structured questionnaire
Working conditions.
Supervision provided and received. These questionnaires allow only specific responses
aimed at determining the frequency with which specific
If an employer has not already done so, grouping jobs tasks are performed, their relative importance and the
with related functions is helpful in the job analysis skills required. The structured questionnaire is helpful
to define a job objectively, which also enables analysis descriptive phrases for clarity.
with computer models. You may see the Generic
Questionnaires at this link: HR rates the competencies, and panel members identify KSAs required to meet them.
A work diary or log is a record maintained by the In relation to employee pay practices, job analysis
employee and includes the frequency and timing of has two critical uses: It establishes similarities and
tasks. The employee keeps logs over a period of days differences in job content, and it helps determine the
or weeks. HR analyzes the logs, identifies patterns and internal equity and relative worth of like jobs. If jobs
translates them into duties and responsibilities. This have equal content, then the pay established for them
method provides an enormous amount of data, but will likely be equal. If, on the other hand, job content is
much of it is difficult to interpret, may not be job-related perceptibly different, then those differences, along with
and is difficult to keep up-to-date. the market rates, will become part of the rationale for
paying certain jobs differently.
o Behavioral event interview
Selection assessments
Behavioral event interviewing, a competency-
based job analysis, differs from the traditional Job analysis information can also be used as a
job analysis, which focuses solely on the basis for selecting or developing employment
evaluation of tasks, duties and responsibilities. assessments that measure the most critical tasks or
In behavioral event interviewing: KSAs. Some assessments involve work samples that
simulate job tasks and require candidates to
A team of senior managers identifies future demonstrate that they can perform these tasks
performance areas critical to the organization's effectively. HR uses job-oriented or task-based job
business and strategic plans. analysis data as a basis for developing these types of
assessments because they focus directly on assessing
HR assembles panels composed of individuals how well job candidates can perform critical work
who are knowledgeable about the tasks. Other assessment methods focus on measuring
organization's jobs (i.e., subject matter KSAs that are required to perform job tasks effectively,
experts). These groups may be employees, such as various mental abilities, physical abilities or
managers, supervisors, trainers and others. personality traits, depending on the job's requirements.
Telework is best suited for jobs that require Establishing set expectations, trust and unique
independent work, little face-to-face interaction, methods of evaluation to lead from a distance.
concentration, a measurable work product and output- The need to adopt strategies and procedures
based (instead of time-based) monitoring. attuned to management of telecommuting
Nevertheless, telecommuting is not unknown in jobs— workers.
even HR jobs—that do not fit this mold. Increased technology costs and potential
security vulnerability.
Telecommuting has become a widely accepted Dealing with workers disgruntled because they
practice, and most organizations that do permit it are not permitted to telecommute.
develop metrics to track their return on investment.
Telework often includes these three different types: Hoteling