Zt350 Series
Zt350 Series
Zt350 Series
P/N: 0AZTD-G00101
All information, illustrations and specifications in this manual are based on the latest
information available at the time of publishing. The illustrations used in this manual are
intended as representative reference views only. Moreover, because of our continuous
product improvement policy, we may modify information, illustrations and / or specifications
to explain and / or exemplify a product, service or maintenance improvement. We reserve
the right to make any change at any time without notice. Yanmar and are
registered trademarks of Yanmar Co., Ltd. in Japan, the United States and / or other
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No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form by any means - graphic,
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© 2008 Yanmar Marine International
Stern-Drive Model:
Date Purchased:
Engine Model:
Engine Horsepower:
Propeller Number:
Propeller Pitch:
Propeller Diameter:
Boat Manufacturer:
Boat Model:
Dealer Phone:
Exhaust Hazard The safety messages that follow have
NEVER block windows, CAUTION level hazards. These safety
vents, or other means of messages describe a hazardous
ventilation if the engine is situation which, if not avoided, could
operating in an enclosed area. result in minor or moderate injury.
All internal combustion NEVER permit anyone to
engines create carbon monoxide gas during install or operate the stern-
operation and special precautions are drive or engine without proper
required to avoid carbon monoxide training. Safety signs and
poisoning. labels are additional
reminders for safe service and
Electrical Shock Hazard maintenance techniques. Read and
ALWAYS turn off the battery understand this Operation Manual before
switch (if equipped) or you operate or service the stern-drive to
disconnect the negative ensure that you follow safe servicing
battery cable before servicing practices and maintenance procedures.
the equipment.
Poor Lighting Hazard
ALWAYS keep the electrical connectors Ensure that the work area is adequately
and terminals clean. Check the electrical illuminated. ALWAYS install wire cages on
harnesses for cracks, abrasions, and portable safety lamps.
damaged or corroded connectors.
Tool Hazard
ALWAYS use tools appropriate for the task
at hand and use the correct size tool for
loosening or tightening machine parts.
Flying Object Hazard
ALWAYS wear eye protection
when servicing the stern-drive
or when using compressed air
or high-pressure water. Dust,
flying debris, compressed air,
pressurized water or steam may injure your
Slipping and Tripping Hazard The safety messages that follow have
Ensure that adequate floor NOTICE level hazards.
space is set aside for It is important to perform the daily checks as
servicing the stern-drive. The listed in this Operation Manual.
floor space must be flat and Periodic maintenance prevents unexpected
free of holes. downtime, reduces the number of accidents
Keep the floor free of dust, mud, spilled due to poor engine or stern-drive
liquids and parts to help prevent slipping and performance and can help extend the life of
tripping. the engine and stern-drive.
ALWAYS be environmentally
responsible. Follow the
guidelines of the EPA or other
governmental agencies for
the proper disposal of
hazardous materials such as lubrication oil,
diesel fuel and engine coolant. Consult the
local authorities or reclamation facility.
NEVER use the stern-drive lifting eye to lift
the engine and stern-drive as an assembly.
Use the engine lifting eyes to lift the engine
and stern-drive. Only use the stern-drive
lifting eye to lift the stern-drive as a separate
(1) (2)
(7) (4)
Figure 1
1 – Steering System Location 5 – Trim Cylinder
2 – Transom Assembly 6 – Speedometer Pitot Hole
3 – Drive Unit 7 – Y-CaPS Electrode
4 – Antiventilation Plate
(1) (2)
Figure 2
1 – Transom Assembly Serial
2 – Drive Unit Serial Number
Figure 3
1 – Gear Housing Anodic Plates
2 – Ventilation Plate Anode
3 – Y-CaPS Electrode
4 – Trim Cylinder Anodes
5 – Propeller Shaft Anodes
Figure 4 Figure 6
1 – Gear Housing Anodic Plates 1 – Trim Cylinder Anodes
Ventilation Plate Anode Propeller Shaft Anode
The ventilation plate anode is installed on The propeller shaft anode is located behind
the front of the drive shaft housing on top of the aft propeller.
the ventilation plate.
0006036 0006038
Figure 5 Figure 7
1 – Ventilation Plate Anode 1 – Propeller Shaft Anode
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
1 – 1A Fuse Holder
2 – Auto-Reset Circuit Breaker
Figure 12
1 – Y-CaPS Controller 3 – Electrode
2 – 20A In-Line Fuse Holder
The safety messages that follow have The safety messages that follow have
WARNING level hazards. These safety CAUTION level hazards. These safety
messages describe a hazardous messages describe a hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, could situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury. result in minor or moderate injury.
Explosion Hazard NEVER permit anyone to
While the engine is running or install or operate the stern-
the battery is charging, drive without proper training.
hydrogen gas is being Safety signs and labels are
produced and can be easily additional reminders for safe
ignited. Keep the area around service and maintenance
the battery well-ventilated and keep sparks, techniques.
open flame and any other form of ignition out Read and understand this Operation
of the area. Manual before you operate or service the
stern-drive to ensure that you follow safe
Sever Hazard servicing practices and maintenance
To prevent accidental equipment procedures.
movement, NEVER start the engine in gear.
Entanglement Hazard
NEVER operate the engine while wearing a
headset to listen to music or the radio
because it will be difficult to hear the warning
Figure 1
1 – Rear Propeller Nut 5 – Front Propeller
2 – Rear Propeller 6 – Front Propeller Thrust Hub
3 – Rear Propeller Thrust Hub 7 – Propeller Shaft Anode
4 – Front Propeller Nut 8 – Propeller Shaft Anode Bolt and
Figure 2
1 – Oil Reservoir
2 – ADD Line
3 – OPERATING RANGE Line 0006337
Figure 3
NOTICE: If any water is visible at the bottom 1 – Oil Reservoir Cap
of the oil reservoir or appears at the oil fill / 2 – OPERATING RANGE Line
drain plug and / or if oil appears discolored,
contact your authorized Yanmar Marine Description Where Used
dealer or distributor immediately. Both GL-5 Hypoid Gear Oil Oil Reservoir
conditions may indicate a water leak 3. When replacing the cap, ensure that the
somewhere in the stern-drive. rubber gasket is inside the oil reservoir
cap and install the cap. Do not over-
Figure 5
1 – MIN Line
(1) Fill the Power Trim Pump Fluid
Note: The power trim fluid does not require
changing unless it becomes contaminated
with water or debris. Contact your
(2) authorized Yanmar Marine dealer or
distributor if the power trim fluid needs to be
1. Place the stern-drive in the full DOWN /
TRIM-IN position.
2. Unscrew and remove the fill cap
(Figure 6, (1)) assembly from the
reservoir (Figure 6, (3)) with specified
Description Where Used
Dextron 3 Automatic
Power Trim Pump
Transmission Fluid
Figure 4
1 – Reservoir
2 – MIN and MAX Lines
Figure 6
1 – Fill Cap Assembly
2 – MIN and MAX Lines
3 – Reservoir
4. Install the fill cap assembly.
The safety messages that follow have The safety messages that follow have
WARNING level hazards. These safety CAUTION level hazards. These safety
messages describe a hazardous messages describe a hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, could situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury. result in minor or moderate injury.
Sever Hazard Flying Object Hazard
NEVER service the stern- ALWAYS wear eye protection
drive while under tow or if the when servicing the engine or
engine is running at idle when using compressed air or
speed. The propeller may high-pressure water. Dust,
rotate under these flying debris, compressed air,
circumstances. pressurized water or steam may injure your
If the vessel has more than one engine,
NEVER service a stern-drive if either of the
engines are running. In multi-engine
configurations, the propeller for an engine
that is shut down may rotate if any of the
other engines are running.
Performing Periodic
WARNING! NEVER block windows,
vents, or other means of ventilation if
the engine is operating in an enclosed
area. All internal combustion engines
create carbon monoxide gas during
operation. Accumulation of this gas
within an enclosure could cause illness
or even death.
Tools Required
Before starting any periodic maintenance
procedure, make sure to have the tools
needed to perform all of the required tasks
on hand.
Torque Specifications
Item Size Torque
Nut for U-Bolt of Gimbal
M10 x 1.5 50 ± 5 N·m 37 ± 4 lb-ft
Bolt for Anode of Cylin-
10-32 UNF 3.5 ± 0.5 N·m 2.6 ± 0.4 lb-ft
der Part
Bolt for Rear Cover M8 x 1.25 6.0 ± 1.0 N·m 4.4 ± 0.7 lb-ft
Plug M10 x 1.5 15 ± 2.0 N·m 11 ± 1.5 lb-ft
Bolt for Valve Assembly M12 x 1.25 6.0 ± 1.0 N·m 4.4 ± 0.7 lb-ft
Bolt for Rear of Inner Pro-
1 - 14 UNS 80 ± 5.0 N·m 59 ± 3.7 lb-ft
peller Shaft
Bolt for Rear of Outer
2-1/8 – 16 UNS 135 ± 5.0 N·m 100 ± 3.7 lb-ft
Propeller Shaft
◯: Check or Clean ◊: Replace ●: Contact your authorized Yanmar Marine dealer or distributor
See Daily Every 50 Every 100 Every 250 Every
Checks on Hours Hours Hours Year
page 26
First Time
Replenish The Oil In
Stern-Drive ◯
First Time
Change the Stern-
Drive Oil
Only ◊** ◊**
◯: Check or Clean ◊: Replace ●: Contact your authorized Yanmar Marine dealer or distributor
See Daily Every 50 Every 100 Every 250 Every
Checks on Hours Hours Hours Year
page 26
* If operating in only freshwater, this maintenance may be extended to every four months.
** Every 250 hours or every year, whichever comes first.
*** Lubricate engine coupler every 50 hours if operated at idle for prolonged periods of time.
Figure 1
1 – Oil Vent Plug
2 – Gasket
2. If necessary, add oil until an air-free
stream of oil flows from the oil vent hole.
Figure 2
1 – Engine Coupler Grease Fitting
(2) (1)
Figure 4
1 – Unit Bearing (Gimbal Housing)
Grease Fitting
Description Where Used
Figure 3
1 – Gimbal Ring Urea Grease Water
Unit Bearing (Gim-
2 – Locknuts Resistant Type,
bal Housing)
Gimbal Ring Locknut Torque
N·m lb-ft Lubricating the Engine Coupler
50 37 See Lubricating the Engine Coupler on
page 40.
Inspecting the Bellows and the
Clamps Checking the Circuit for Loose or
See General Inspection on page 38. Damaged Connections
Check the electrical connections and leads
Checking the Engine Alignment for damage and corrosion.
See your authorized Yanmar Marine dealer
or distributor. Testing the Y-CaPS Unit Output
See Yanmar Cathodic Protection System
Lubricating the Unit Bearing (Gimbal on page 20.
Apply approximately 8 to 10 pumps of Checking the Steering System for
grease to the unit bearing (gimbal housing) Loose, Missing or Damaged Parts
grease fitting (Figure 4, (1)) to lubricate the Check the steering system and tighten any
unit bearing (gimbal housing). Use a typical loose parts, replace any missing or
hand-operated grease gun to apply the damaged parts.
Figure 5
Remove the drive unit and lubricate the universal-joint shaft splines (Figure 6, (1)) and the
O-rings (Figure 6, (2)).
Figure 6
1 – Universal-Joint Shaft Splines
2 – Universal-Joint O-Rings
Description Where Used
Heavy-Duty Type
Shaft Splines and
Lithium Grease,
Figure 8
1 – Extended Steering Cable
Description Where Used
Urea Grease Water
Resistant Type, Steering Cable
0005991 (1)
Figure 9 (2) 0006010
1 – Steering System Clevis Pin Figure 10
Description Where Used 1 – Shift Cable Pivot Points
Urea Grease Water 2 – Guide Contact Surfaces
Resistant Type, Clevis Pin
NLGI #2 Description Where Used
SAE 30W Engine Shift Cable Pivot
4. On dual engine vessels, lubricate the tie Oil Points
bar clevis pin. Guide Contact Sur-
Lithium Grease
faces and Cable
Description Where Used With PTFE
Urea Grease Water
Resistant Type, Clevis Pin
5. Before starting the engine, turn the
steering wheel several times to
starboard and then port to ensure that
the steering system operates properly
before getting underway.
Figure 13
(1) 1 – Oil Fill / Drain Plug
(2) 2 – Gasket
(3) 7. Remove the oil vent plug and gasket
(Figure 14, (1)). Allow the oil to drain
0006338 (1)
Figure 12
1 – Bracket
2 – Oil Reservoir Cap 0006031
Figure 15 (2)
1 – Oil Level Sight Glass
2 – Filter Opening
3 – Filter
4 – Magnet
5 – Filter Cover
6 – Case Plate Cover
9. Lower the stern-drive so that the 0006337
Figure 1
1 – Under Side of Gear Housing
2 – First Anode Cavity Drain
3 – Second Anode Cavity Drain
4 – Speedometer Pitot Hole
2. Change the stern-drive oil. See
Changing the Stern-Drive Oil on page
3. Perform all other checks, inspections,
lubrication and fluid changes.
Stern-Drive Recommissioning
1. Carefully inspect the stern-drive for
2. Check the steering system, shift and
throttle control for proper operation.