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Family Problems Experienced by Students of the University of Jordan

Article  in  European Scientific Journal · January 2016


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2 authors, including:

Mohammed Al-Qudah
University of Jordan


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European Scientific Journal May 2016 edition vol.12, No.13 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

Family Problems Experienced by Students of the

University of Jordan

Faten Saad Hatahet

Prof. "Mohammed Amin" Hamed Alqudah
Educational Administration and Assets Department
Faculty of Educational Sciences. University of Jordan

doi: 10.19044/esj.2016.v12n13p145 URL:http://dx.doi.org/10.19044/esj.2016.v12n13p145

The study has aimed at identifying the family problems among the
students of the University of Jordan. The descriptive survey method has been
used, and the questionnaire has been used as a tool for the study. (604)
students have been selected in a stratified random manner from the
University of Jordan as a sample for the study. The study results have
showed that the most important and prominent family problems experienced
by the University of Jordan students are: Problems in communication
between family members, problems with emotional expression, lack of
respect among family members, and lack of trust in the relationship with the
parents. The results also showed that there are no statistically significant
differences in family problems experienced by the University of Jordan
students from the viewpoint of the students themselves due to the variables
of gender, college, and the interaction between them both.

Keywords: Problems, family, university students

The family is the main influences in the lives of individuals because
it is the first group that is with a direct impact on them, through which the
individual acquires the expertise and knowledge through the behaviors
practiced and observed by him, and through the interactive family relations
among its members. Many of the attitudes and actions _ positive or negative
_ issued by one of the parties may be of profound effect on the other parties.
The family has a profound impact on children's behavior, attitudes
and maturity of emotions. Therefore, the children's personalities are formed
through experiences in which they live and through the family atmosphere
that arises from the interactive family relationships. Family stability plays an
important role in developing the capacity of the individual; the right

European Scientific Journal May 2016 edition vol.12, No.13 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

atmosphere achieves the most important psychological and social

development demands because the individual in such an atmosphere learns
the social interaction, participation in everyday life as well as the personal
Family stability and the sustainability of the positive relationships
between family members are demand and target for all; so it is a mainstay of
society. These relationships need to find some kind of rapprochement
between the requirements and needs of different individuals in order to reach
the point of stability. By doing this, the family atmosphere can be
characterized by warmth and understanding. As a result of the different
needs of individuals, a kind of conflict may arise, and then family problems
that affect the stability of the family and cast a shadow over the community,
If the young people in any society, according to Tarrah (2011),
represent the category that is the most affected by social, economic and
political changes experienced by the society, identifying the visions of young
and their psychological, personal and community problems as perceived
become sociological and methodical necessities, especially family problems
which they suffer because of the magnitude of their effect on their behavior
and performance.
The importance of the subject of study lies in that the family
problems of youth represent the attention to the fate and security of society.
Young people in any society are a constructive force if properly used. They
are able to work and accomplish while acknowledging these young people's
ability to give, and to participate positively in their community issues. The
second importance is that the stage of youth is a transitional stage between
childhood and adulthood. The stage of youth serves as a preparation for the
social role which is being handled by the individual in his life and which
starts from the family, which requires understanding the nature of the
problems facing young people and then working to avoid and minimize their
impact to help provide the psychological and social conditions that are
suitable to take over the future role.
According to the Jabal (2012), family problems generally affect the
family's ability to cope with their burden. On the other hand, the prevalence
of these problems hinder the family and therefore individuals to perform the
required functions such as the social interaction, and the renaissance of
society scientifically and economically, which is expected to be performed
by society effectively, leading to the societal equilibrium.
This is what has been reached by many of the previous studies, in
study of Bushra Abu Layla (2002), it came in order to examine the
relationship between parental treatment methods and conduct disorder
among preparatory school students in schools of Gaza Strip, then to see what

European Scientific Journal May 2016 edition vol.12, No.13 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

has been adopted by each of these variables in explaining the different

number of family members, and the different level of education of both the
father and the mother. It has been working with most of the public schools of
preparatory stage for males in the educational directorates in Gaza and the
north. A deliberate sample consisting of (167) preparatory school students
who suffer from conduct disorder and a systematic random sample of normal
students consisting of (170) students, have been taken. So that an equal
number of normal and disturbed students of the same grade, has been taken.
School counselor and a group of teachers have identified these students. The
study has showed the importance of directing parents and teachers to stay
away from the use of scorn, ostracism, neglect and contradiction methods of
treatment because of their negative effects in forming a negative concept of
the self and others, which results in manifestations of abnormal behavior of
the individual. In addition to the importance of having a control authority in
the family and society characterized by stability, firmness and justice to
increase the religious awareness and to strengthen the values and trends that
call for tolerance, brotherhood and cooperation.
Study of (Harland, P. & Reijneveld, S. A. & Brugman, E & Verloove
- Vanhorick, S. P. & Verhulst, F. C., 2002) has aimed at identifying the
groups of children that are the most vulnerable to behavioral or emotional
problems on the basis of social and demographic characteristics, the
characteristics of the family, and the events of modern life and at focusing on
unemployment and divorce. Community sample has been composed of 4480
father and a mother of school-age children. Interviews have been conducted
with them about demographic characteristics, conditions of their families and
about the recent events in the child's life. The results have showed that the
characteristics of the family and the events of recent life have been
associated more strongly with the behavioral and emotional problems faced
by children. The risk is somewhat higher for children who have suffered
from parental unemployment and divorce recently, compared with those who
suffered these events in the distant past. We conclude that children, who
suffer from the recent experience that is the closest in time to unemployment
or divorce of parents, are likely to have a higher rate of behavioral and
emotional problems as reported by parents.
The study of Ann Najdawi (2003), has aimed at identifying the extent
of crime relationship to unemployment on the one hand and to the family
problems, on the other hand, from the overlap perspective of the relationship,
the sample size has been 150 people. The study has found a number of
findings, including: indicate the role of socialization; the study has
confirmed that 32% of respondents suffer from a lack of family guidance and
poor family upbringing; like giving excessive coquetry for sons and
overlooking their mistakes. The study has also emphasized the importance of

European Scientific Journal May 2016 edition vol.12, No.13 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

an appropriate way to deal with the social, psychological and economic

problems faced by a large segment of the Jordanian society.
The study of Wael Al-Tall, Akram Al-Khatabiyah, and Ali Asiri
(2004) has aimed at detecting the more family problems relating to the
treatment of parents, as well as the more personal psychological problems
among students Teachers College in Jizan, Saudi Arabia. The study has also
aimed at detecting the effect of the variation in the characteristics of these
students in terms of major, academic level and place of residence on the
degree of their suffering from family problems related to the parent treatment
and from personal psychological problems.
To achieve this objective, a questionnaire including -in its final form-
(26) problems that have branched off to: (17) family problems related to the
treatment of parents (authoritarian, rejection, discrimination, and
disagreements), and (9) personal psychological problems. The study sample
has consisted of 365 students. Search results have revealed that the most of
suffering of students of Teachers College in Jizan has been of (7) family
problems; all of which relate to authoritarianism and parental rejection, and
of (6) personal psychological problems. The study has also revealed that the
students who live in the city are relatively more suffering from family
problems related to parental treatment, at the level of overall degree of
problems, than the students who live in the village.
The study of (Gover, R. & Kaukinen, Catherine & Fox, A., 2008) has
shown that the violence in relationships is a serious social problem among
adolescents and young adults. The research deals with the relationship
between exposure to violence in the family and violence on others. The
research also deals with gender differences in the relationship between
exposure to physical and psychological violence during childhood and
committing the assault and abuse. Data have been collected from a sample of
about 2,500 university students of the two universities; Southern and Eastern.
The search results indicate that the exposure to violence in childhood is a
constant indicator of involvement in violent relationships for males and
The study of Yasser Ismail (2009) has aimed at identifying the most
common and important behavioral problems among children deprived of
family care. And also it has aimed at identifying how different those
problems among the disadvantaged depending on variable of the period of
loss, its type, age of the child during the loss, gender and academic level. The
sample of the study has been (133) boys and girls between the ages of 10-16
years from accommodation establishments in the Gaza Strip.
The study has concluded results, including: 1- the most of the
problems afflicting deprived of a family environment are:"bad behavior,
neuroses, depression, emotional symptoms" primarily, and "problems with

European Scientific Journal May 2016 edition vol.12, No.13 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

friends and increase of movement" Secondly. 2- the children who have been
deprived of the fathers by divorce have a lot of problems with their peers
according to the opinion of the mother and child alike, while the children
who lost their parents by death have achieved a lesser degree in behavioral
problems, especially with their peers.
The aim of the study of Hammoud (2010) is to identify the parental
treatment methods, which are remembered by the normal juvenile and
delinquents as well as the differences between normal and delinquent in
parental treatment methods as remembered by juveniles and the differences
between fathers and mothers in parental treatment methods as remembered
by the children. The sample of the study has been (275) members of normal
ones and delinquents.
Al Masmari's study (2012) has aimed at investigating the effect of
family problems on the socialization methods for children. It has been
applied to a sample of juvenile delinquents in the Al Bayda city in Libya.
The results have showed a correlation between family problems and its
impacts on socialization in contemporary Libyan family in terms of its
relations to juvenile delinquency.
Abdulkareem's study (2012) has aimed at recognizing the nature of
relationships within the family, in the light of social variables in the city of
Marj in Libya (the husband and wife relationship, the father and children
relationship, the mother and children relationship, siblings' relationship) and
in light of the relationship of variables of the educational level the head of
household (husband, father), educational level of the female headship (wife,
mother), the economic level of the family, family size, the work of female
headship (wife, mother), and the number of hours of watch satellite channels
by the family members. The results have showed that there is a statistically
significant negative correlation in the nature of relationships within the
family, educational level and hours of watch satellite channels.
From this standpoint and from the findings of previous studies, this
research seeks at defining the concept of family problems briefly, and works
on display some of these problems, specifically those suffered by the
students of the University of Jordan.
The problem of the study and questions:
The two researchers have observed through their work that the
behaviors of university students are basically caused by the weakness of
family upbringing, which has led to problems in personality such as: poor
self-confidence, inability to make decisions. It has been also noted a
weakness among the students in dealing with the problems they face and any
new problems. This is what the results of several studies pointed out to, like
study of Bushra Abu Layla (2002) and study of Abdulkareem (2012).
Therefore, the problem of current study is the revealing of family problems

European Scientific Journal May 2016 edition vol.12, No.13 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

experienced by the University of Jordan students through the following

1. What are the family problems experienced by the University of
Jordan students from the viewpoint of the students themselves?
2. Are there statistically significant differences at level of significance
(α≤ 0.05) in the family problems of the University of Jordan students from
the viewpoint of the students themselves, due to gender and college?
Importance of the study: it is hoped that the following entities take
advantage from the results of this study:
1. University young category is to identify the family problems they
face and how to deal with.
2. Jordanian universities are to identify the family problems of their
students and to adopt the necessary programs to address and deal with them.
3. The researchers, since the study may raise their desire to further
research on the subject of family problems experienced by students of the
University of Jordan.
The objective of the study: The main objective of the study is to
identify the family problems experienced by students of the University of
The term of survey and defining it procedurally later:
Family problem procedurally: An imbalance that affects the family so
that it hinders the process of communication between its members or
prevents individuals from carrying out their duties towards the family or the
The study limits: The study has included the following limits:
- Human limits: This study has been limited to the University of
Jordan students.
- Temporal limits: The academic year (2015-2016).
- Spatial limits: The University of Jordan.
Determinants of the study: The psychometric properties of the study
Methodology of the study: the analytical survey method will be used
for the detection of family problems experienced by students of the
University of Jordan.
The study population: The study population has consisted of all
students of University of Jordan for the academic year (2015- 2016), totaling
(36,699) students (Ministry of Higher Education, 2014).
The study sample: The study sample has been chosen in a stratified
random manner that represented the University of Jordan students and study
sample has consisted of (604) students; Table 1 shows the distribution of the
study sample by levels of variables.

European Scientific Journal May 2016 edition vol.12, No.13 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

Table (1) Study sample

Variable Level No. Total
Gender Male 203 604
Female 401
College Humanitarian 372 604
Scientific 213
Medical 19

The study tool: the two researchers have developed a questionnaire to

identify family problems suffered by the Jordanian university students. The
theoretical literature related to the subject of family problems and theses
related, such as Yasser Ismail's study (2009) have been used to identify the
most important and common behavioral problems among children deprived
of family care. The questionnaire has included 20 items. Each item has been
given a graded weight on the triple scale of Likert.
The degree of suffering of Jordanian university students from family
problems have been determined by dividing the degrees of estimate into five
levels (agree strongly - agree - neutral - not agree – not agree strongly)
depending on the criterion used to judge the degree of estimate:
- Low, if the arithmetic average value is less than (2.33)
- Medium, if the arithmetic average value is greater than or equal to
(2.33) and less than (3.67)
- High, if the value of the arithmetic average is greater than or equal
to (3.67).
It is by dividing the distance between the lower mark (1) and the
biggest mark (5) into three equal distances.

The study tool

To verify the veracity of the questionnaire, the virtual honesty has
been verified by viewing it to ten arbitrators who are specialists and experts
in the field of educational administration and assets. The approval of (80%)
of the arbitrators on the content of each item has been considered an
indication of the honesty of study, and thus it has been retained. Some
arbitrators have expressed their suggestions to amend and re-formulate some

Reliability of study tool

Study tool has been applied to (27) students from within and outside
the study population; Reliability coefficient has been calculated using
Cronbach's alpha equation and has reached (0.87). This value is an indication
of validity of the tool to be applied.

European Scientific Journal May 2016 edition vol.12, No.13 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

Results of the study and discussing them

The first question: What is the level of the family problems of the
University of Jordan students from the viewpoint of the students themselves?
To answer the question, the arithmetic averages and standard
deviations for the family problems experienced by the University of Jordan
students from their point of view, have been calculated; Table 2 shows the
Table (2): The arithmetic averages and standard deviations for the
family problems experienced by the University of Jordan students from their
point of view
Estimatio Rankin Standard Arithmetic Paragraph
n g deviation average
High 1 There is an understanding between my
0.90 4.13
Moderate I talk with my study colleagues more than
2 1.35 3.26
with my father
Moderate I talk with my study colleagues more than
3 1.31 3.07
with my mother
Moderate Kins of my father intervene in matters of my
4 1.30 2.53
Moderate Kins of my mother intervene in matters of
5 1.33 2.50
my family
Moderate I ignore my parents' orders with respect to
6 1.27 2.43
my decisions that I am taking
Moderate There is an intellectual gap between me and
7 1.32 2.41
my father
Moderate There is an intellectual gap between me and
8 1.29 2.38
my mother
Moderate I ignore my mother's orders with respect to
9 1.21 2.37
my decisions that I am taking
Moderat My father blames my mother whenever I am
10 1.26 2.35
e exposed to a problem
Moderat There is no dialogue between me and my
11 1.37 2.33
e father
Low My mother often complains of problems
12 1.28 2.32
within the family
Low There is a problem in terms of the difference
13 1.33 2.29
in the level of education between my parents
Low My father tends emotionally to my brothers
14 1.29 2.24
more than my sisters
Low My mother tends emotionally to my brothers
15 1.25 2.23
more than my sisters
Low There is no respect among my family
15 1.26 2.23
Low My relationship with my mother Lacks to
15 1.31 2.23
Low 16 1.29 2.22 My relationship with my father lacks to trust
Low There are no feelings or appreciation
17 1.38 2.21
between my parents
Low There is no dialogue between me and my
18 1.31 2.19
Moderat Total
0.76 2.49

European Scientific Journal May 2016 edition vol.12, No.13 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

As shown in the table (2), paragraph (there is understanding between

the parents) has a high degree of estimation. As for the rest of the
paragraphs, the degree of estimation of (10) clauses was moderate, and the
degree of estimation of (9) clauses was low. The largest estimation was for
clause (there is understanding between the parents) whose the arithmetic
average has a value (4.13) with a standard deviation of (0.90). This shows
that this clause does not pose a problem among the University of Jordan
students from the viewpoint of the students themselves, because it is positive
and its estimation is high; it is perhaps due to the nature of Jordanian families
that are trying to maintain its general existence and the most important pillars
which is understanding among its members. This explains that the majority
of problems facing the students have been estimated by moderate and low
The least estimation was for clause (there is no dialogue between me
and my mother), whose the arithmetic average has a value (2.19) with a
standard deviation of (1.31). It could be attributed to the strength of the
relationship between the children and the mother particularly and
characteristically. This is due to the significant role the mother plays in the
lives of their children and also to the nature of the Jordanian family in which
the mother is usually more inherent to the child than the father. The degree
of total estimation of family problems experienced by the University of
Jordan students from the viewpoint of the students themselves has been
moderate and value of its arithmetic mean has been (2:49) with a standard
deviation of (0.76). This is due to the Family upbringing emanating from the
values and traditions that are interested in establishing the correlation
between family members to keep the most important part of the community
This result is similar to the result of Bushra Abu Layla study (2002),
(Harland, P. & Reijneveld, SA & Brugman, E & Verloove - Vanhorick, SP
& Verhulst, FC, 2002), Ann Najdawi (2003), Gopher and Kwakann and
Catherine and Fox (Gover, R. & Kaukinen, Catherine & Fox, A., 2008),
Yasser Ismail (2009), Masmari (2012), and Abdul Karim (2012), which has
showed the role of upbringing, family bonding and mutual respect among
family members in the problems facing the students.
Second question: Are there significant differences at the level of
significance (α≤ 0.05) in the level of family problems experienced by the
University of Jordan students from the viewpoint of the students themselves,
attributed to the variables of gender and college?
To answer this question, Arithmetic average and standard deviations
of the family problems experienced by the University of Jordan students
from the viewpoint of the students themselves have been calculated

European Scientific Journal May 2016 edition vol.12, No.13 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

according to the variables of gender and college; Table 3 shows the results of
Table 3: Arithmetic average and standard deviations of the family
problems experienced by the University of Jordan students from the
viewpoint of the students themselves according to the variables of gender
and college
Standard Arithmetic College Gender
deviation average
0.92 2.60 Humanities Male
0.74 2.80 Scientific
0.75 2.36 Medical
0.86 2.65 All
0.69 2.38 Humanities female
0.67 2.46 Scientific
0.75 2.45 Medical
0.69 2.41 All
0.78 2.45 Humanities All
0.71 2.57 Scientific
0.73 2.39 Medical
0.76 2.49 All

From Table 3, it is noted that there is a virtual difference in

mathematical means values for the family problems experienced by the
University of Jordan students from the viewpoint of the students themselves
according to the variables of gender and college.
To find out if these differences are statistically significant, an analysis of
binary variance has been made; Table 4 shows the results of that.
Table (4): The results of analysis of binary variation of the impact of gender and College on
family problems experienced by the University of Jordan students from the viewpoint of the
students themselves
Level of The Average Degrees Sum of Source of
significance P squares of squares variation
value freedom
.217 1.525 .864 1 .864 Gender
.114 2.175 1.232 2 2.464 College
Gender *
.435 .833 .472 2 .943
.566 598 338.756 Fault
603 349.942 Total

From Table 4, it is noted that there have been no statistically

significant differences at the level of significance (α ≤ 0.05) in the family
problems facing the University of Jordan students from the viewpoint of the
students themselves attributed to the variables of sex, college, and the
interaction between them both; for the gender variable, this result may be
attributed to that the impact of family problems on both genders in the

European Scientific Journal May 2016 edition vol.12, No.13 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

Jordanian family is alike, which confirms the participation of all members of

the family in maintaining family bonding. For the variable of college, the
result may be attributed to that all students at the university with diverse
intellectual classes are subject to the same customs, values and traditions that
dominate our society, which has reduced the differences between the
responses of students of humanitarian, scientific and medical colleges.
This result has agreed with the result of the study of Mohammad
Hammoud (2010) that has showed that there have been no statistically
significant differences in parental treatment methods according to gender
variable among delinquents of respondents. But this result has disagreed with
the result of Yasser Ismail's study (2009), that there are significant
differences between the two genders from the point of view of the child in
the psychological problems in favor of males. Some previous studies did not
address to discuss whether the gender variable leads to statistically
significant differences.
Recommendations: In the light of the results of the study, the
researcher has adopted a number of recommendations including:
- Universities are to adopt programs that help students deal with the
Family problems so as to be provided in all stages of university studies with
a focus on providing special programs in this regard to first-year students in
- Providing advanced training programs for faculty members to help
students deal with the family problems.
- Universities, especially the educational colleges are to review the
socialization programs and to work to develop programs that enhance
students' ability to deal with family problems through family and school
- Enhancing the coordination between universities and centers of
consulting, training and development, public and private, to build programs
that help students in dealing with family problems.

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