CRIM 122 Module 1
CRIM 122 Module 1
CRIM 122 Module 1
Crime is not just a wrong against an individual but is also a wrong committed against
the society or a public wrong and includes acts like murder, rape and theft to mention a
few. It is not a case of differences between two parties but is a case between the
wrongdoer and the state. The definition of the concept of crime is important; of course,
because of the types of questions it directs attention to and the order of phenomena it
leads one to investigate. A definition of crime establishes the subject matter of the
discipline of criminology and sets limits on what is to be considered criminological work.
Therefore, a humanistic criminology can only be developed if an appropriately
humanistic definition of crime is used as its initial point of departure. The most
commonly accepted definition of crime is ‘an act that is capable of being followed by
criminal proceedings’, which provides us with a wide classification of the term in that the
only common element of crime is that previous legal proceedings have outlined it as
a. Define crime
b. Gain knowledge on the history of crime causation.
Daniel L. Tancangco, Ph. D.,Theories And Causes Of Crimes, Wiseman’s Books
Jonah B. Badua, Theories of Crime Causation, Wiseman’s Books Trading,2019
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- If Alex has an insurance policy of 100,000.00 and York is the beneficiary of
the policy in case of death of Alex. York plans a murder of Alex so that he
could get the insurance amount. He plans his crime so that it looks like an
accident. In this case, the intention of 'Y' is to murder A', while his motive is
to get the insured amount after the death of A'.
- Ana is so poor that she is not able to feed her child. She plans to commit a
theft and use money obtained from it to feed her child.In this case, the
intention is to steal but the motive is to feed her child.
B. Instrumentality
- is the means or implement used in the commission of the crime.
C. Opportunity
- Consists of the acts of omission and/or commission by a person (the victim)
which enables another person or group of persons (the criminal/s) to perpetrate
the crime.
- Opportunity is synonymous with carelessness, acts of indiscretion and lack of
crime prevention-consciousness on the part of the victim.
Examples include leaving one’s home or car unattended for a long time, walking
all alone in a well-known crime prone alley, wearing expensive jewelries in slum
area, readily admitting a stranger into one’s residence and the like.
1. Intention
- the first stage in the commission of an offence and known as a mental stage.
- the conscious excise of the mental faculties of a person to do an act for the
purpose of satisfying a purpose.
- Criminal intent is the conscious decision someone makes to deliberately
engage in an unlawful or negligent act or to harm someone else.
- For example, in the case of murder, the intention is to cause death. In the
case of theft, an intention is to steal. In the case of rape an intention to have
forcible sexual connection with a woman without her consent.
2. Preparation
- It means arranged means and measures necessary for the commission of a
crime. Generally, it is not punishable because it is impossible to show that
preparation was directed towards the wrongful end or was done with evil
intent or mind.
3. Attempt
- It is also known as a Preliminary Crime’, the term ‘Attempt’ means “the
direct movement towards the commission of a crime after necessary
preparation has been made.”
- Prof. Kenny and Sir James Stephen called the term ‘attempt’ as ‘inchoate
crime’ which connotes something which is yet to be completed.
- ‘An attempt is made punishable because every attempt, although it falls short
of success, must create alarm, which itself is an injury Although the injury is
not as great as it would be if the act had been committed but it is punishable
because it creates an alarm to other person.
4. Accomplishment
- Generally, most of the crimes are punishable only after the crime has been
committed. If the accused commits an attempt to commit the crime and such
attempt succeeds, he will be liable for the offence.
- If such an attempt is unsuccessful, he will be liable for the attempt to commit
the offence.