Blood Bowl NAF Fact Book
Blood Bowl NAF Fact Book
Blood Bowl NAF Fact Book
This book is an attempt to solve a mystery that has intrigued 2489-90: THE NEW SEASON………………………………………………………..………..2
Blood Bowl fans ever since the publication of the second edition NFC CENTRAL DIVISION………………………………………………………………..........3
in 1988, namely, ‘what did the NAF’s member teams actually look ATHELORN AVENGERS………………………………………………………….4
like?’ When it comes to the more famous ones, like the Reikland DARKSIDE COWBOYS…………………………………………………………… 6
Reavers, Darkside Cowboys or Gouged Eye, we know a lot, thanks EVERBOLD UNICORNS…………………………………………………………. 8
to the comprehensive profiles and rosters that were published at EVIL GITS……………………………..…………………………………………….10
the time, but for a majority of the 40 teams, there is relatively
little information beyond the odd star player, a handful of
THE BLOOD BOWL CALENDAR…………………………………………………..……….14
statistics and various bits of trivia. The aim of this book is to
collect everything that has been published about the NAF teams
NFC NORTHERN DIVISION…………………………………………………………………. 15
and give each one a profile outlining their history, team honours, ASGARD RAVENS………………………………………………………………..16
current roster and a selection of their records. The format I have DWARF GIANTS…………………………………………………………………. 18
adopted is taken directly from the team profiles published in the LOWDOWN RATS………………………………………………………………. 20
‘Blood Bowl Hand-Book’ (1988), and ‘Star Players’ (1989). Taken NURGLE’S ROTTERS…………………………………………………….........22
as a whole it gives a speculative snapshot of what the league may VYNHEIM VALKYRIES…………………………………………………………. 24
have looked like in that fateful year of 2489, just before the NAF 2488-89 SEASON REVIEW……………………….………………………………………….26
collapsed into oblivion. NFC EASTERN DIVISION…………………………………………………………………… ..27
BLUEBAY CRAMMERS…………………………………………………..…… 28
The title, ‘NAF Fact Book’, is a reference to the ‘NAF Facts’ that CREEVELAND CRESCENTS………………………………………………..…30
peppered the various publications of the second edition. Whilst DWARF WARHAMMERERS…………………………………………………32
these little boxes were often amusing bits of trivia (‘Fluff’ to use SKAVEN SCRAMBLERS……………...………………………………………..34
the technical term), they played an enormously important role in SOUTHSTORM SQUIDS………………………..……………………………. 36
adding to the richness of the Blood Bowl setting and were one of NAF SCHEDULE 2489-90 (PART 1)……….……………………………………………..38
the many things that made the game so unique. That said, ‘Facts’
NFC WESTERN DIVISION………………………….…………………………………………39
in this case is probably a bit misleading, because in making this
THE HOBGOBLIN TEAM………………………………………………………40
book, I have frequently had to fill in the gaps between what little
official information there is by inventing my own material. I took
GALADRIETH GLADIATORS……………..…………………………………. 42
pains to maintain a consistency with the official literature and LUSTRIA CROAKERS…………………………………….……………..……… 44
ensure each profile was written in a style that feels as close to ORCLAND RAIDERS……………………………………………………………. 46
the second edition as possible. Ultimately, I wanted this book to WORLDS EDGE WANDERERS……………………………………………… 48
seem like a plausible third volume, following on from ‘Star NAF SCHEDULE 2489-90 (PART 2)………………………………….………………….. 50
Players’ (1989) and the ‘Companion’ (1990), and to that end, I AFC CENTRAL DIVISION………………………………………….……………………….... 51
have used the same design and layout as those books, and I have BLUCHEN BERSERKERS……………………………………………………….52
reused Pete Knifton’s fantastic illustrations (a second edition THE GOUGED EYE……………………………………………………………….54
publication without his Iconic work seems unthinkable). There NAGGAROTH NIGHTWINGS…………………………………………….... 56
are extensive notes, references and citations for every team in REIKLAND REAVERS…………………………………………………………… 58
the appendix (pp.98-105) UNDERWORLD CREEPERS…………………………………..…………… 60
NAF CHAMPIONSHIP FINALS………………………………………………………..….. 62
Finally, you will notice that the 2489 covered in this book is AFC NORTHERN DIVISION……………………………..…………………………………. 63
slightly different to the 2489 outlined in the official Blood Bowl ALBION WANDERERS………………………………………..……………… 64
timeline. In this timeline, the events leading to the league’s
ARCTIC CRAGSPIDERS…………………………………..………………….. 66
demise have not happened, the NAF is still thriving, and the
CHAMPIONS OF DEATH………………………..…………………………… 68
commissioner remains the shady Nikk Three-Horn. My reasoning
was two-fold. Firstly, I needed the freedom of an alternate
ICECASTLE WOLVES………………………………………………………….. 70
universe to invent the new material that many of the teams MIDDENHEIM MARAUDERS………………………………………………. 72
required, but secondly, and most importantly, Blood Bowl has CHAOS CUP WINNERS……………………………………….…………………………..…. 74
always been a ‘multiverse’, the most obvious example of which AFC EASTERN DIVISION………………………………….………………………………… 75
is the way game’s background has subtly changed with each new BRIGHT CRUSADERS…………………………………………………………. .76
edition that has been published. The concept of multiple realities CHAOS ALL-STARS……………………………………………………………… 78
is what makes Blood Bowl compelling; anyone who’s ever KHAIN’S KILLERS…………………………………………………………………80
created a team, invented its players, and taken to the field in OLDHEIM OGRES………………………………………………………………. 82
pursuit of glory (which, let’s face it, is all of us!) has created their SCARCRAG SNIVELLERS……………………………………………………… 84
own unique splinter of the main timeline adding to the richness NAF QUESTIONS WITH BOB BIFFORD AND JIM JOHNSON……………….. 86
of the setting. The genius of what Jervis Johnson, Marc Gascoigne AFC WESTERN DIVISION…………………………………………………………….…..….87
and Stewart Parkinson did all those years ago, was to create a BRUENDAR GRIMJACKS………………………….…………………………. 88
big, anarchic, infinitely expandable universe, that captured the DARK RENEGADES…………………………………………………………….. 90
player’s imagination and encouraged us all to dive in and make it ELFHEIM EAGLES……………………………………………………….......... 92
our own. This book is an expression of that joyful creative
STUNTED STOUTFELLOWS…………………………………………......... 94
permission, it is a book by a fan for other fans. I hope you enjoy
WESTSIDE WEREWOLVES……………………………………………………96
Knute RockKnee, 2023
“A parallel, what?”
And now on the ABC, Bob Bifford and Jim Johnson “A Parallel Universe. He called it an incredibly rare
look forward to the upcoming 2489-90 NAF season... phenomyn… phonomern… phunoman, ah I dunno
what he called it, but he said it was a one in a billion
"Can you feel it, Jim?" occurrence and that it happened right before last
season’s Blood Bowl final. I ‘aint big on the technical
"Gee, Bob, maybe we should save that until after the stuff, but he said that just before the kick-off our
show. I don’t think the viewers really want to see-..." reality sprouted off from the dimension that we’d all
been living in and formed a whole new Universe!”
"No, Jim! I mean, can you feel the excitement of the
all-new NAF season!!! " “Wow, you don’t say! Actually, I think I’ve read
about this back when I was researching the Chaos
“Oh, you bet I can! It’s been a roller coaster of an off- All-Stars. If I remember rightly, it’s called an ‘Eldritch
season, there’ve been more twists and turns than a Hiccup’, it means we are just one reality amongst
High Elf’s hairdo! Every team has strengthened their countless billions.”
squads over the summer- well, maybe not the
Hobgoblin Team- but other than that it’s been a “…”
frenetic few months, and I think we’re going to see
carnage on an industrial scale when we kick-off next “Bob! Bob, are you okay?”
“wha… oh, sorry, Jim. I was just thinking about all
“Ah, nothing says ‘new season’ like some good old those other universes and it suddenly made me
fashioned gratuitous violence dressed up as sporting realise the ultimate futility of our existence. Whoo-
achievement! eee!”
Which teams do you like this year, old buddy?”
“Oh, I don’t know, Bob, look on the bright side: At
“Well, Bob, the Scramblers have really caught my this exact moment, there’s probably another Jim and
eye. They’ve been splashing the Warpstone over the Bob sitting right where we are, but instead of
summer and have developed some new mutations previewing the new season they’re crying into their
that are, to be perfectly honest, terrifying; I can’t wait microphones because commissioner Three-Horn has
to see them take the field! Then there’s the run off with everyone’s money and bankrupted the
continuing transformation of the Evil Gits. Coach league! Ha, ha, ha!”
Whipdeath has been cutting their underperforming
players left right and centre- so much so that he “Ha, Ha, Ha! You got some imagination, you old
actually broke his knife! But It hasn’t taken him long bloodsucker! Honestly, can you really see good old
to sweep away the remains and he’s replaced them Nikk doin’ somethin’ like that?”
with some of the evillest gits in the Known World. In
fact, many pundits are now tipping them as the team “Well, Bob, as the man himself says, ‘this is Blood
to watch this season! How about you, Bob, what Bowl, buddy, anything can happen!’”
caught your eye over the summer break?”
Team Colours: Green and red
Symbol: Fist clutching thorns
Owner: Caesyn Dyn-Athron
Head Coach: Aed Hothriss
Home Stadium: Great Tree stadium
(Capacity 51,230, surface grass)
Players: Wood Elves
Sponsor: The Kindreds of Talu
Cheerleaders: The Sprites
On paper, the Avengers look like contenders; their famous win. Since then, Wardancers can
offense is capable of lightning-fast scores, and they regularly be found playing as Blitzers on
are led by the great Jordell Freshbreeze, however, Wood Elf teams
their time in the NAF has been one of constant
underachievement, the reason for this becomes 2440 The physical and psychological damage
apparent as soon as they fall behind- their caused by constantly losing to the Cowboys
temperament is as fragile as their lightly armoured is immense, what is worse, with the Dark
players. Stories of them refusing to play in wet Elves now playing in the NAF, their quest for
weather for fear of muddying their uniforms abound, vengeance cannot be fulfilled. Disillusioned,
but it is their Central division rivals, the Darkside they withdraw from the Elven Kingdoms
Cowboys, who really make them fall to pieces. League and spend two decades in the
wilderness, which, being Wood Elves, is just
2428 Unlike their cousins in Laurelorn or Ulthuan, how they like it.
the Wood Elves of Athel Loren are quicker to
embrace football. The Athelorn Arrows are 2461 When they finally reappear, the Avengers
formed as an amateur side and begin are a changed team. Refreshed from their
entering local competitions. sabbatical, they return to the Elven
Kingdoms League and win it at the first
2429 The Arrows get their first shot at the big time attempt.
when they make their debut in the Elven
Kingdoms league, they make an impressive 2472 When the Kishargo Werebears disband,
start, winning their first few games. Their following their marathon match against,
impressive winning streak comes to and end coincidentally, the Darkside Cowboys, a
when they take to the field against the vacancy opens up in the NFC central
powerhouse Darkside Cowboys. After forty- division. The Avengers are awarded it due to
three increasingly foul-fuelled minutes, the their dominance in the Elven Kingdoms
Arrows end up conceding, having lost over League. The Avengers start to get noticed
half of their starting line-up to what the press but are stuck in the same division as their
release later called “career-limiting injuries”. bitter Dark Elf rivals. The Cowboys realise
They swear vengeance, changing their name that their presence is just about the only
to the Athelorn Avengers, and one of Blood thing that can shake the Avengers’ otherwise
Bowl’s most famous rivalries is born. limitless confidence and are quick to inform
their fans. The Avengers suffer a number of
2437 The Avengers become the first team to use embarrassing losses when Cowboys fans
Wardancers as players in their team. In start turning up to their games to jeer, chant
particularly brutal match against the newly and generally be as much of a nuisance as
formed Orc team the Severed Heads, the possible.
Avengers are taking a severe beating. With
their casualties piling up and morale 2489 The Avengers have the makings of a very
beginning to flag, a troupe of Wardancers, strong team and with Jordell Freshbreeze in
who were supporting the team from the the line-up they will always be competitive,
sidelines, take matters into their own hands but despite the potency of their offense they
and get involved in the match. The Orcs can still have to beat the newly crowned world
barely lay a glove on them as their champion Cowboys to stand any chance of
intervention sees the Avengers rally for a winning the division. Few believe that this
will be the year they break the jinx.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Colours: Blue and yellow
Symbol: Crescent moon
Owner: Prince Derren ar-Lolovia
Head Coach: Luxen Tuentir
Home Stadium: The Darkside Cavern, underearth,
(capacity 90,000, surface astrogranite)
Players: Dark Elves
Sponsor: Imperial Clothiers Guild
Cheerleaders: The Shadows
The Cowboys are a cruel, ultra-violent team, and 2473 Darkside nearly disband after the infamous
consequently do very well at the game. The match against the Kishargo Werebears
combination of high intelligence, natural grace, (which lasted 19 days before being
degenerate violence and a hatred of all other living abandoned at 2-2 on the death of the last
beings has helped them to the top several times. player from either side). The Cowboys
manage to reform and rebuild their team
2379 The Dark Elves of Naggaroth are quick to under the skilled leadership of Jeremiah
embrace the savage joys of Blood Bowl, Kool. Their drive culminated in glory when
none more so than Prince Derren ar-Lolovia, they win Blood Bowl XXI, during which Kool
who boasts he has read all 1000 pages of the set his unbroken passing record.
book of Nuffle (and not just the gory bits, like
everyone else). His enthusiasm is such that 2479 Unfounded allegations of illegal magic use
he forms one of the first Dark Elf teams, the continue to bedevil the Cowboys, despite
Darkside Cowboys, naming them after a sect having given up the practice years earlier.
of some repute mentioned in Nuffle’s holy Tiring of being accused of something they’ve
book. not done, they hit on the genius idea of
starting to use magic again! Kool teams up
2422 The Overearth (Dark Elf word for the surface Underearth University in Naggarond to
world) first learns of the existence of the develop a variety of new spells.
Darkside Cowboys when the Halfling
Pinkfoot Panthers visit them for a friendly 2482 Hubris Rakarth is signed in the 2482 Crush
match and don’t return. from Darkside Academy. The only other
team bidding for his services is, incredibly,
2438 Several teams threaten to boycott the the Bright Crusaders, but he wouldn’t have
Cowboys when they apply to join the NFC, fitted in there!
but the pale-skinned assassins were
admitted anyway. Instantly, sordid 2485 The Cowboys lose in the final of Blood Bowl
revelations started to appear about their XXIV to the Reikland Reavers, the game is
peculiar habits, such as using small trussed famous for a young Griff Oberwald scoring
up Troglodytes as balls to save wear on the winning Touchdown and beginning his
expensive imported ones. These only seem march to fame. Also, in this year, the
to heighten the Cowboys’ mystique with the Cowboys become the first team to switch to
thrill starved fans. an Astrogranite surface – it’s easier than
growing grass underground!
2461 The Cowboys play in the very first Blood
Bowl, beating the Chaos All-Stars in a very 2489 Kool retires in 2487 to make way for Hubris
sloppy game (literally- the Cowboys used Rakarth, the latest in a long line of glamorous
illegal magic to turn most of the All-Stars Darkside players. Rakarth seals his place in
front row into slugs!). The Cowboys carried football history when one of his big plays
on using shape changing magic and were win Blood Bowl XXVIII for the Cowboys
eventually banned by the NAF which forces against the Reikland Reavers. Returning an
them to give it up, well that and a barrage of End Zone interception 100 paces for a
contract killings by jealous rivals. dramatic winning Touchdown.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
Blood Bowl 2461 (I), 2481 (XXI), 2488 (XXVIII)
Orcidas Team of the Year 2481, 2488
Hall of Fame:
Rokudan Fey, Jeremiah ‘Flashing Blade’ Kool
Team Colours: Silver and gold
Symbol: A unicorn’s head
Owner: Lady Elise Silvertongue
Head Coach: Cyan Eldarin
Home Stadium: Ensorcell field, Avelorn
(capacity 65,438, surface grass)
Players: Elves
Sponsor: The Elven Hairdressers Guild
Cheerleaders: The Rainbows
The Unicorns are one of the newest teams admitted their new stadium, Ensorcell Field, their
to the NAF, and in most respects they are a wholly home record experiences a dramatic
unremarkable Elven team, they play a precision improvement. Incredible strokes of bad luck
passing game, are fastidious about their appearance plague the opposing teams: Every time a
and steer well clear of the rough stuff. There is, catcher gets clear downfield, they find
however, one thing that sets them apart from the themselves shrouded in a thick mist; clear
other Elf teams, and that’s their home stadium! For runs to the Endzone become blocked by the
the Unicorns hail from the enchanted realm of sudden eruption of Oak trees, and the nastier
Avelorn, a place awash with ancient magic and opponents find it impossible to foul, as their
where creatures of legend still stride the land. Their boots become hopelessly stuck in a
stadium is an extraordinary place, and barely a conveniently placed bog. It’s all the more
match passes without some uncanny event amazing that none of these phenomena ever
occurring- often to the home team’s advantage! seem to affect the Unicorns.
2470 Amongst the court of Ulthuan’s Everqueen, 2481 The Unicorns dominate the Elven Kingdoms
there is much heated gossip about the League, to such an extent they are invited to
Galadrieth Gladiators’ big win in the Blood join the NAF. Opposing teams accuse them
Bowl final. It doesn’t take long for a wild of using illegal magic and threaten a boycott.
rumour to spread that the Everqueen herself The charges are so serious that there is a
actually owns a signed autograph of lengthy investigation by the Colleges of
Gladiators’ star Blitzer, Lucien Swift. On Magic, who ultimately clear the Unicorns.
hearing this, the ambitious courtier, Lady Their report does mention that the stadium
Elise Silvertongue thinks she has found the is built on a particularly powerful Leyline, but
perfect opportunity to ingratiate herself with this being a natural phenomenon, there’s
the Everqueen and invests much of her nothing they can do about it.
family’s fortune in founding a football team.
2485 Star Blitzer Ferrestrial Goldhoove gets into
2471 An ultraviolent sport like football is quite trouble with the league authorities for
alien to the flowerchildren of Avelorn and sneaking a potent magic item onto the field
Silvertongue struggles to find enough locals in a must win game against the Bruendar
wiling to play for the team. When the Grimjacks. He would have probably got
Unicorns finally take the field, they are an away with it had he not chosen to use them
unlikely collection of out-of-work dancers, against the Grimjacks’ star Frank N. Stein.
acrobats and actors. In a warm-up match Seeing the hulking blocker go down like a
against a touring Goblin side, it soon sack of potatoes, the referee immediately
becomes clear they haven’t a clue about how suspected magical interference and sent
to play the game, instead of trying to score, Goldhoove off for violation of rule
they begin an interpretative dance 119.9267/B. Goldhoove has the last laugh as
performance called ‘The Paradox of the he wins that year’s Elf Lord’s Commendation
Pigskin”. Despite losing, they amazingly do for Most Spectacular use of Offensive Magic.
cause a fatality, when an opposition Goblin
Catcher dies laughing! 2489 As the new Elves on the block, the Unicorns
are taking a while to find their feet in the big
2478 After a bumpy start, the Unicorns hire some league. But with a good home record, they
proper players and enter the Elven may start challenging soon.
Kingdoms League. When they move into
2489-90 First Team Roster
Hall of Fame:
Team Colours: Black and yellow
Symbol: A flaming skull
Owner: Evilheim and Evilstein Associates
Head Coach: Bargull Whipdeath
Home Stadium: The Evil Dome,
(capacity 44,732, surface astrogranite)
Players: Mixed evil races
Sponsor: Nickit and Scarpa Lawyers, Nuln
Cheerleaders: The Gitettes
On a sliding scale of slightly naughty to outright evil, 2468 In one of the biggest upsets in NAF history
the Gits have it all covered. If it’s bad, then they are the Gits beat the Reikland Reavers to win
all over it! Now under new management, the Gits Blood Bowl VIII. Due to a player strike that
have recruited heavily in the off-season and hopes season, only two Reavers players turn up,
are high they can soon build a team capable of but even then, the Gits’ bungled use of a
challenging the Cowboys for the Central Division magic item sees a player sent off and 8 more
title. removed from the field of play. Despite this,
the remaining Gits just about manage to
2400 You’d think that with so much evil in the hang on to win the title 3-2.
world, it wouldn’t be difficult to find a
despicable wrongdoer when you needed 2470 Team owners, Evilheim and Evilstein
one, but in reality, this isn’t quite so Associates are victims of a pyramid scheme
straightforward. Think about it, how do you (paying a small fortune to fraudsters to buy
actually hire that Hobgoblin assassin to some worthless real estate in Nehekhara)
knock-off your hated business rival? Where they are forced to sell the team to a shady
are you going to find a burly Orc warrior to Fungus Beer Cartel. The new Goblin owners
bolster your own private militia? Whose make instant changes, sacking most of the
door do you knock on to find the best Half- Blood Bowl winning team and employing
Orc bounty hunter? The answer is simple, one of their own, Slimy Stranglegut, as Head
call an agency! Evilheim and Evilstein Coach.
Associates were the leading mercenary
agency of the day, their owners had watched 2485 In a massive shock, the Gits win the Orcidas
with interest the rise of football as a mass Team of the Year award. Nobody actually
spectator sport and with so many player notices that the Gits had simply scratched
deaths each week they spied a lucrative their name on to the trophy over the
opportunity to find jobs for some of their out Darkside Cowboys. Despite the Dark Elves
of work mercenaries. They began to hire protests, the Gits remain in the record books.
them out as freebooter players!
2486 The Gits new owners come to a sticky end
2404 The scheme becomes so successful that when they’re all killed in a shoot-out with a
Evilheim and Evilstein decide to form their rival Cartel. Evilheim and Evilstein
own team, the Evil Gits. They develop an Associates, buy the team back.
open-door recruitment policy; prospective
players only need to fulfil one requirement, 2489 New coach, Bargul Whipdeath has wasted
they must be completely, utterly and no time in cutting (sometimes literally) the
irredeemably evil. underperforming Goblins in the team. One
of whom, the legendary cretin Speccy
2450 Decades pass and success proves hard to McGroan somehow survived to become the
come by, other than forming a sizeable fan subject of a record-breaking transfer fee,
club (who, remarkably, are even more evil with the Middenheim Marauders paying
than the Gits themselves) they fail to make 200,000 crowns for him… to play for the
an impact on, well, anything. Chaos All-Stars!
2489-90 First Team Roster
Special Rules: The Evil Gits are followed everywhere by their evil
unofficial supporters club. The Evil Gits Unofficial Supporters
Hall of Fame:
Club, are, if anything, even more evil than the evil team they Karg Stabneck
evilly support. To represent this, whenever their coach rolls a
‘throw a rock’, ‘pitch invasion’, or ‘riot’ on the Crowd Intervention
table the event automatically happens, the coach does not need
to roll against their Hooliganism characteristic.
Team Honours
Blood Bowl winners 2468 (VIII)
NFC championship winners 2468
Orcidas team of the year 2485*
Most Evilly Evil Secret Weapon of the Year (One
Gobbo Tank) 2473
* Title Disputed
Team Colours: Dark green and golden brown
Symbol: Fist clutching grass
Owner: Berrybriar ‘Bingo’ Fatfellow
Head Coach: Drago Foodcraver
Home Stadium: The Dinner Dome, Greenfield,
(capacity 12,770, Surface grass)
Players: Halflings
Sponsor: The Imperial Granary
Cheerleaders: The Greenfield Gigglers
The Greenfield Grasshuggers are one of the oldest 2465 The Grasshuggers reform a decade after
Halfling teams. Like many of their Mootland they disbanded. Local businessman
brethren, they’ve taken some heavy losses over the Berrybriar Fatfellow loses a bet to an elderly
years, and have disbanded twice, but, like all good Richard Walloper II and agrees to restart the
Halflings, they eventually pick themselves up, dust team. They are handed a plum franchise in
themselves down and head off to the next beating the NFC Central Division.
and slap-up feed!
2472 In Perhaps their biggest win to date, they
2419 The Tumble Down Dicks are a Halfling pub defeat the Athelorn Avengers in the Wood
team playing in Greenfield. They have a Elfs’ first season in the NFC Central division.
bruising encounter with another pub team It helped that the Darkside Cowboys turned
from Pfunzig; the humans give them a torrid up and filled in as cheerleaders, putting the
time. What’s left of the Dicks were prostrate Avengers off their game with their
on the grass, digging their hands in to stop intimidating chanting.
being dragged off for a beating. This defeat
stirs a quiet determination in Ricard 2476 Due to a crippling player’s strike and a ban
Walloper II, owner of the pub and the team. on visiting teams from the AFC, the
They start to behave in a more professional Grasshuggers are one of only two teams
manner and change their name to the playing this year! Luckily for everyone,
Grasshuggers to remember their humiliation however, they are beaten 3-0 by the
and to spur them on. Creeveland Crescents.
2422 Deeproot Strongbranch arrives on the 2482 After losing to the Asgard Ravens, the
training ground one day and accidently Grasshuggers disband due to lack of players
terrifies the team. He waits several days for (foolish ex-coach Omo Snuffsniffer
them to return, explains that he wants to play continued to substitute for injured and dead
and is signed up instantly players). The Grasshuggers finally gave up
when the 734th corpse was carried from the
2436 The first piece of silverware is added to the field. New legislation limiting the size of
trophy cabinet as the Grasshuggers win the Blood Bowl squads was rushed through the
Thimble Cup. The game lasts for 12 days very next week by the NAF.
over which there are 27 short drives and
many breaks for snacks. 2487 Fatfellow revives the Grasshuggers thanks to
a charitable donation of iced buns from the
2455 The Grasshuggers are involved in the Imperial Granary (who were desperate to get
infamous ‘Sticky Bun Final Riot’. An off- their best customers back). They remain
colour comment by Ogre freebooter Bob much the same as they ever were. The
Bifford is badly misunderstood by the players and coach are different, of course,
Halfling fans, who then go on a homicidal but nothing else has changed. They are still
rampage throughout the streets of Altdorf. overweight, undertalented and look
The Grasshuggers are sued for damages by ridiculous in full Blood Bowl kit- and the very
the Imperial Baker’s Guild destroying fat ones still go squit! Like a pimple when
Walloper’s finances. The Grasshuggers are Storm Giants tread on them.
forced to disband.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
NFC championship winners 2476* (shared title)
Hall of Fame:
Jingo Merrychap
Greenfield Grasshuggers
Cheerleaders’ Song
"We’re h-u-n-g-r-y for
Team Colours: Black and Blue
Symbol: A raven’s head
Owner: Fasolt Steeplimbs
Head Coach: Balin Shortshrift
Home Stadium: Slamford Bridge, Asgard
(Capacity 52,932, surface pack-ice)
Players: Norse
Sponsor: Yellow Mages
Cheerleaders: The Valhalla Chorus
The Ravens are a team with a lot of promise, but they Hairyfeet and the Halfling is crushed flat in
have always struggled to find success. Originally a an instant. In the game’s aftermath, the NAF
team of Storm Giants, they transitioned over into ban Gurk for life due to ‘excessive violence’.
becoming mostly a Norse team in the 2460s but have Fasolt Steeplegs calls the ban
still not grasped a winning formula as they rarely discriminatory, and makes an unsuccessful
make it out of the NFC North division. appeal, saying it effectively bans Giants from
playing in the NAF.
2450 The Storm Giant Fasolt Steeplegs makes an
absolute fortune from his construction 2477 During this season’s players’ strike, and
business and decides to invest a sizeable having no other players available, Steeplegs
portion of his wealth in fulfilling his dream of is forced to turn to the team’s cheerleading
becoming the owner of the world’s first squad, the Valhalla Chorus, for players. The
Storm Giant team. The Asgard Ravens are girls are a revelation! Led by the formidable
born and the newly expanded NAF accepts Kari Coldsteel, they win five out of five
them into the NFC northern division. games (the best run of form in the Raven’s
history). They seem destined to finally win a
2459 A major rule change sees the Ravens’ home trophy when disaster strikes, the owner
form crumble: Their original home stadium flippantly says the striking players should
was so large, regular sized players couldn’t negotiate with the cheerleaders rather than
see either end zone when stood in the middle him, having seen the ultraviolence that the
(The Ravens’ pitch was the only one that was Valhalla Chorus have been dishing out to
affected by the curvature of the world itself!) opponents each week, the Ravens players
The NAF are forced to bring in new immediately forget their demands and
legislation after teams complain that they abandon the strike, which is then followed by
have to prepare for an arctic expedition just a precipitous drop in form!
to score! From 2460, standardized pitch
measurements come into play, making 2482 In the course of beating the Greenfield
Ravens’ home games no longer a Grasshuggers, the Ravens set a record for
guaranteed win. player fatalities (749) and cause the Halflings
to fold. The NAF quickly change the rules
2466 Having moved to the more conventionally limiting teams to a maximum of 16 players.
scaled Slamford Bridge, the clumsiness of
the lumbering Giants on the smaller field, 2489 The fact that the modern Ravens are more
makes them a liability, so much so that they renowned for their fearsome cheerleading
begin to get less and less playing time. By squad than their propensity for winning ball
2466, the Ravens are more or less, a standard games is telling. In fairness to the team,
Norse team with their Giant players little having to compete against the Vynheim
more than mascots. Valkyries, Dwarf Giants and Nurgle’s Rotters
every season in the NAF’s Northern division
2475 Rookie Storm Giant Gurk Cloud-Scraper puts would be a test for even a team as well-
his foot in it, literally! In only his first game, resourced as the Reikland Reavers!
Cloudscraper accidently steps on the However, most pundits agree their glory
Greenfield Grasshuggers captain, Jobo days are, like their Storm Giants, a thing of
the past.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
Orcidas Team of the Year 2476
Hall of Fame
Evil Knut
Team Colours: Grey and dark blue
Symbol: A runic GIANTS
Owner: Thorn Durinsgold III
Head Coach: Gudrun Wolfric
Home Stadium: Three Towers Stadium,
Calagarth, (capacity 59,400, surface granite)
Players: Dwarfs
Sponsor: Dwarven Architect’s Guild
Cheerleaders: The Big Girls
The Giants are an old team with a very long and 2436 It is a dark time for the Giants as they
distinguished history, and they have been present for struggle to find any decent players. At one
every major development in the game’s history. point, things get so bad, they actually fill the
They are one of the top teams in the NFC and hold gaps in their roster with Gnomes, trying to
the record for winning the most NFC championships, convince everyone they are their ‘youth
and a few more besides. Having won two Blood Bowl team’, few are fooled and the NAF’s threat to
trophies in the modern era, they have proved that rename the team the Dwarf/Gnome Giants,
they might well be a team with a long and ancient sees this practice quickly end.
history, but they can slog it out with the best of them!
2438 The war finally ends in 2436, but the team is
2365 The Giants are founded as one of Roze-El’s all but forgotten. However, thanks to some
original sects, taking the name ‘the serious determination from new coach
Illuminated Seers of the Sacred Orb of Karrag (Varaksson died heroically in the
Nuffle’. They are one the 16 original NAF war), the team are soon ready for action
teams that play in the inaugural 2468 season. again, winning the NFC championship in
2381 When they realise their religion is getting in
the way of having a good time, they decide 2462 The Giants win the Blood Bowl for the first
to change their name, update their stuffy time, triumphing over the Reikland Reavers
image and become the Dwarf Giants. in an excitingly close game.
Retiring captain Varak Varaksson becomes
Head Coach and sets about instituting a 2464 The Giants return to the Blood Bowl final, but
ruthless retraining programme. this time lose to the Gouged Eye. The Orcs’
Star-Player, Bolg Stonemangle is the
2399 When playing against the Reikland Reavers difference between the two teams, he scores
war almost breaks out when both teams three touchdowns and inflicts numerous
realise the other is playing by a different set casulaties, he is thereafter known as
of rules. The match is abandoned with the ‘Dwarfmangle’.
score 17-4.
2471 With typical Dwarf patience, coach Karrag
2400 After numerous modest successes, the slowly rebuilds the team. They meet the
Giant’s good fortunes reach a peak when Reavers again in the final of Blood Bowl XI,
they end the season as NFC champions. unfortunately, the Dwarves lose a thriller as
However, a long and bloody underground the Reavers win 3-2.
war against various Goblin armies led by
Argvak Pentel begins soon after and the 2484 Under the tuition of youthful new coach
entire team are drafted. Wolfric, and the inspired (and some would
say quite crazy) captaincy of Grimwold
2435 Things don’t get any easier for the struggling Grimbreath (“The Helmsmasher”), the team
Giants. Just as they are on the verge of continue to set new records for fatalities and
having a competitive team again, disaster touchdowns alike. They win Blood Bowl
strikes when they lose 9 players in an XXIV beating the Middenheim Marauders in
accident away to the Asgard Ravens. a close fought match.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
Blood Bowl winners 2462 (III), 2484 (XXIV)
Orcidas Team of the Year 2484
NFC championship winners 2399, 2438, 2451,
2462, 2464, 2471, 2484
Hall of Fame:
Durgul ‘The Killer’ Hilliman, Coach Farakhan
Karrag, Varak Varaksson
Team Colours: Purple and black
Symbol: Poisoned knife
Owner: Grimy Snivel
Head Coach: Grimy Snivel
Home Stadium: The Swampdome, Ubrovnia,
(capacity 183, surface unstable swamp)
Players: Goblins
Sponsor: ARGG (Amalgamated Rat Gutters Guild
Cheerleaders: The Ratbags
What can one say of a team like the Lowdown Rats 2477 The players strike rages, but the Rats
(without leaving oneself open for some serious continue to play. They end up losing 3-1 to
damage at the hands of peeved Rats fans)? Some the Asgard Ravens who field their
unkind folk would say that the ‘Lowdown; in their cheerleader squad led by Kari Coldsteel in a
name actually refers to the team’s perpetual position brutal match. As the Rats captain
in their division, and it must be said that the team commented afterwards, "We don' mind
haven’t been all that successful in recent years. Well, geddin' a beatin' sumtimz, but does wimmin
ever, really. Of course, they have had problems. was danjerus!"
Living on a series of floating platforms drifting in the
middle of the Ubrovnia Swampmire doesn’t give one 2478 The first ever game between the NAF’s other
a lot of room for practising running play (throwing Goblin team, Scarcrag Snivellers and the
was all but banned after team accountants Rats, is a family affair. The Snivellers are
complained at the number of balls being lost in the owned by none other than Grimy’s over-
marsh). The Swampdome, incidentally, is really just competitive older brother, Slimy Snivel
two large rafts lashed together. (whose ownership of the Snivellers is his
latest attempt to outdo his sibling). With the
2472 Goblin annoyance at being thought inferior stakes so high, the Snivellers kidnap the Rats
at absolutely everything spilt over into action Offensive Language Co-Ordinator and
when local rats-gizzard magnate Grimy interrogate him for months. Despite their
Snivel decided to found a football team that best efforts he refuses to divulge any secrets
would show the sporting world just where and is eventually released. When the Rats
the Goblins really stood. He achieved his and Snivellers finally meet on the field, the
goal- the Rats are a truly mediocre team. result is a 3-0 hammering in favour of
Snivel of ‘Snivel by name, Snivel by nature’ Grimy’s team. It turns out the kidnapped
ad campaign, trivia fans) has never been coach had spent his captivity learning all the
known for his spending ability and the team Snivellers secret plays.
has had to scrape through on very little
money, with a consequent lack of results. 2488 After sixteen years of abject failure, the Rats
have begun to develop some natural skill at
2473 The Rats make the first of their many battling their way against all the odds. The
diabolical innovations to the game… the Goblins’ natural stringy toughness now
Spiked Pit Trap! Members of the team makes them a tougher team to stomp all
complain to their coach that falling into a Pit over, though everyone seems to agree that
Trap just didn’t hurt enough. “Landed on me the lack of success is directly equal to the
‘ead. Didn’t feel a fing,”. The coach, who has length of time that Snivel stays as self-
now faded into deserved obscurity, comes appointed Head Coach!
up with the idea of placing spikes at the
bottom of the pits just to silence the
complaining players. The Rats go through a
lot of substitutes during the season…
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Colours: Yellow and brown
Symbol: A Nurgle rune
Owner: Nurgle, himself!
Head Coach: Jovus the Leper
Home Stadium: The Rotbowl, Pusadena
(capacity 55,067, surface rotting grass)
Players: Various races all infected
with ‘Nurgle’s Rot’
Sponsor: The Cult of Nurgle
Cheerleaders: The Nurglings
The fact that this team smell badly is assumed rather epidemics across the Old World during this
than proven. True, they are all made up of semi- period.
decomposed flesh surrounded by swarms of flies,
but by the time anyone gets close enough to get a 2469 Finally the Rotters’ luck changes for the
really accurate whiff, they’ve inevitably caught one better when a devastating pestilence sweeps
of the Rotters’ nasty diseases, and usually die before the Old World. It leads to the Rotters hiring a
they can suggest personal hygiene. ripe smelling crop of future Hall of Famers,
Ivan Bouldercrusher, ‘Smelly’ Pete and
2402 When an outbreak of Nurgle’s Rot sweeps Goran ‘the Tentacle’ Svengard. They
through Bögenhafen during the ‘Deadwood become a force to be reckoned with and
Cup’, It ravages the town and the break the Dwarf Giants’ monopoly of the
participating teams, killing many. The NFC Northern Division.
surviving Blood Bowl players band together
and pray to Papa Nurgle for help. Luckily for 2475 The Rotters make their first appearance in
them, it turns out that the Great Unclean One the Blood Bowl final against the Oldheim
himself is a huge football fan, he generously Ogres. Despite being heavy favourites, they
offers them the chance to form a team and end up being comprehensively beaten.
the Rotters are born.
2480 The Rotters make it back to the Blood Bowl
2403 The Rotters sensationally win the NAF final and it all goes horribly wrong, despite
championship in only their first season, they being the bookies odds-on favourites. The
set a still unbroken record for fewest Elfheim Eagles employed an elite team of
touchdowns conceded in a season. This Acne-Clear agents armed with vats of
staggering performance isn't that they have antiseptic to keep themselves disease free.
a great defensive strategy; it's more that They also cast magic on the grass (causing it
their opponents almost never turn up for the to animate and help them during the game)
game. and on the Rotters (turning their best players
into apathetic college students!). The Rotters
2404 After protests from every other team in the complained to the NAF but whenever
league, the NAF introduce a rule that set officials were sent to take statements they
strict standards for sanitation in stadiums died of the Rot and so the case was dropped.
and away dressing rooms. This severely
curtails the Rotters’ winning streak, as teams 2489 Being stuck in the NFC Northern Division and
start playing them again. having to get past two of the league’s most
successful teams in the Dwarf Giants and
2432 The Rotters achieve one of their most Vynheim Valkyries has severely limited the
famous victories to date, when they Rotters’ ability to win trophies in the 80s,
decimate the high-flying Reikland Reavers, however Head Coach Jovus the Leper gives
11 of the Altdorf side’s players are infected a different reason, when asked by a reporter
with Nurgle’s rot. about their lack of success, his simple
answer was, “we stink!”.
2452 Despite the occasional winning season, the
Rotters find success elusive. Many put this
down to surprising fall in the number of
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
NFC Championship winners 2480, 2475, 2403
Orcidas Team of the Year 2480
Hall of Fame:
Ivan Bouldercrusher, ‘Smelly’ Pete, Goran ‘the
Tentacle’ Svengard
Team Colours: Green and white with
Symbol: Head and winged helm
Owner: Skalagrimm & Holst Associates
Head Coach: ‘Mad’ Jake McDead
Home Stadium: Longship Stadium,
(capacity 62,004, surface pack-ice)
Players: Norse
Sponsor: White Skull Shipping Lines
Cheerleaders: The Shield Maidens
The Vynheim Valkyries are, to be brutally honest, a The Valkyries modestly put it down to sheer
pack of raving maniacs. Only on the field of play, you skill.
understand, for they play with berserkers, initiates of
an obscure Norse religion who work themselves into 2464 Stefan Helmhand breaks the record for
a killing frenzy which only lasts for the length of the longest uninterrupted possession by any
match (if it lasts longer it can seriously interfere with one player, when he falls into the pack-ice at
postgame autograph signing, which is, not good for Longship stadium whilst running for the
team PR!). This ability, though, manages to offset the endzone. 4 months later he is signed by the
fact that many of the team are part-timers, who work Champions of Death.
in the deep ocean fishing fleets for some of the year.
The team is in fact owned by a large fish processing 2474 The Gouged Eye are more prepared when
firm, and even their world-famous stadium is in the they meet Vynheim in the final but reckon
shape of a gigantic boat! without the quite extraordinary tactics of the
aptly-names ‘Axeface’ Manglesson, who
2442 Fishermen cut-off in Vynheim for the winter accounts for all but one of the Gouged Eye’s
decide that their knockabout games of first 11, leaving Vynheim only the simple task
football should be made official, and a of running the ball up the field to win.
proper team is established. As berserkers the
team soon thrash the living daylights out of 2479 Inspired by the success of the Asgard Ravens
every other two-bit team in their league and Valhalla Chorus, the Valkyries’ cheerleaders
go professional the next year with financial get involved in a game against Mongrel
help from Skalagrimm and Holst (Fish Horde. Star Player Dieter Hammerlash has
processing made fun!). other ideas, causing 4 player fatalities and
wiping out the entire cheerleading squad. It
2445 When the Valkyries move into their new ends the practice of Norse cheerleaders
stadium, it becomes evident that substituting for players on teams.
Skalagrimm and Holst’s largesse can only
stretch so far; rather than the up-to-the- 2487 The Valkyries defy expectations and lose
minute arena everyone was expecting, they only one game during the regular season.
find it is ten decommissioned Longships Nobody gives them a chance when they face
cobbled together into makeshift stands! the Darkside Cowboys at the intimidating
Complaints subside, however, when they Darkside Cavern in the semi-final, but they
realise this makes it much easier to shove comprehensively dismantle the Dark Elves in
opponents off the field and into the frigid a classic match. They almost pull off the
waters bounding the stadium. When same trick against the Reavers in the final of
Skalagrimm and Holst finally build a new Blood Bowl XXVII but are ultimately
stadium, they retain the shape of the defeated.
2488 ‘Mad’ Jake McDead may well be mad, but he
2463 In a shock result the Valkyries trash sure knows how to build an effective Blood
favourites Reikland in the Blood Bowl final at Bowl team. Powered by the deadly blitzing of
Longship stadium. Some cynics suggest that Ivar the Boneless and the berserk rampages
it was unwise for the Reavers to play on ice of ‘Crazy’ Mads Maulsson, the Valkyries
without prior practice, and even sillier to play continue to be one of the most dangerous
in flat soled shoes and short sleeved shirt! teams in the NFC.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
No. Name Position Experience
Blood Bowl winners 2463 (III), 2474 (XIV)
1 Vinny Valhalla Catcher Star Player NFC championship winners 2463, 2465, 2466,
2 ‘Crazy’ Mads Maulsson Berserker Star Player
3 ‘Bad’ Hagen Blitzer Veteran
2474, 2487
4 Rudolf Runespear Thrower Veteran Orcidas Team of the Year 2487
5 Erik Redmist Catcher Veteran
6 Ivar the Boneless Blitzer Veteran
7 Stygg the Loathed Blocker Veteran
8 Håkon Bearwrestler Blocker Veteran
9 ‘Ice Cold’ Olsen Kicker Veteran
10 Esbjörn Strife Berserker Veteran
11 Ivan Smallgrim Lineman Veteran
12 Sven Shieldbiter Lineman Veteran
13 Grimace Wincesson Lineman Veteran
14 Igor Tomash Lineman Veteran
15 Bjarne Snowboot Kicker Veteran
16 Kjartan Axehurler Thrower Veteran
NAF Records:
Fame: 13 Team Rerolls: 4 Longest Uninterrupted Possession by Any Player:
4 months, 6 days, 11 hours by Stefan Helmhand, vs
The Fans: Chant 3; Hooligans 2; Loyalty 1 Bluebay Crammers, 2464-65
Hall of Fame
Gregor Lukash, Magnus ‘Axeface’ Manglesson,
Stefan Spearstaff.
Northern Division WN LO TD PF PA FF FA
Northern Division WN LO TD PF PA FF FA Champions of Death 11 5 0 38 26 33 -
Dwarf Giants 15 1 0 47 12 112 0 Middenheim Marauders 10 6 0 38 23 14 8
Vynheim Valkyries 10 6 0 38 23 34 8 Albion Wanderers 9 7 0 35 31 10 3
Nurgle’s Rotters 9 7 0 29 28 109 3 Arctic Cragspiders 7 9 0 32 34 28 6
Asgard Ravens 3 13 0 27 43 21 9 Icecastle Wolves 5 11 0 23 37 5 12
Lowdown Rats 2 14 0 12 45 22 9
Eastern Division WN LO TD PF PA FF FA
Eastern Division WN LO TD PF PA FF FA Chaos All-Stars 14 2 0 46 18 38 2
Skaven Scramblers 14 2 0 46 19 41 3 Oldheim Ogres 12 4 0 40 26 41 9
Creeveland Crescents 10 5 1* 37 22 15 5 Khain’s Killers 8 8 0 32 32 35 8
Dwarf Warhammerers 9 6 1* 34 26 67 8 Bright Crusaders 7 9 0 29 36 18 8
Southstorm Squids 5 10 1 25 42 4 12 Sacrcrag Snivellers 1 14 1* 12 46 2 16
Bluebay Crammers 1 14 1 14 46 3 13
Western Division WN LO TD PF PA FF FA
Western Division WN LO TD PF PA FF FA Elfheim Eagles 16 0 0 48 20 5 3
Galadrieth Gladiators 11 5 0 37 25 9 5 Dark Renegades 10 6 0 40 26 16 4
Orcland Raiders 10 6 0 33 25 36 2 Westside Werewolves 8 8 0 33 31 31 6
Lustria Croakers 8 8 0 33 33 4 1 Bruendar Grimjacks 6 9 1* 31 32 18 6
Worlds Edge Stunted Stoutfellows 0 14 2* 8 45 0 18
Wanderers 7 7 2* 30 33 28 2
Hobgoblin Team 0 16 0 13 48 33 28
Blood Bowl Championship
Quarter Finals
Blood Bowl Championship Reikland Reavers bt. Champions of Death 3-0
Quarter Finals Elfheim Eagles bt. Chaos All-Stars 3-2
Darkside Cowboys bt. Galadrieth Gladiators 3-2 Semi Final
Skaven Scramblers bt. Dwarf Giants 3-0 Reikland Reavers bt. Elfheim Eagles 3-0
Semi Final
Darkside Cowboys bt Skaven Scramblers 3-2 Passing: season Elfheim Eagles 3577 paces/
Single game Elfheim Eagles 327 paces
Blood Bowl XXVIII Rushing: season Reikland Reavers 1976 paces/
Darkside Cowboys bt. Reikland Reavers 3-2 single game Middenheim Marauders 201 paces
Fatalities: season Gouged Eye 45/
single game Chaos All-Stars 25
Passing: season Athelorn Avengers 2796 paces/
single game Darkside Cowboys 356 paces Chaos Cup Games
Rushing: season Skaven Scramblers 2012 paces/
Quarter Finals
single game Galadrieth Gladiators 198 paces
Gouged Eye bt. Underworld Creepers 3-0
Fatalities: season Dwarf Giants 112/
Middenheim Marauders bt. Westside Werewolves 3-2
single game Dwarf Giants 67
Khain’s Killers bt. Oldheim Ogres 3-2
Albion Wanderers bt. Dark Renegades 3-1
Orcidas Team of the Year Semi Finals
Darkside Cowboys Gouged Eye bt. Middenheim Marauders 3-1
Albion Wanderers bt. Khain’s Killers 3-2
Albion Wanderers bt Gouged Eye 3-2
Team Colours: Green, yellow and
dark blue
Symbol: Crossed knife and fork
Owner: Jiminy Gallumpher
Head Coach: Ludbig Fatfoot
Home Stadium: The Dinner Bowl
(Capacity 13,670, surface grass)
Players: Halflings
Sponsor: Piewhistle’s Preeminent
Cheerleaders: The Crammettes
The town of Bluebay sits on the banks of the Blue Halfling supporters, they go on an
Reach river, a vital trade route through the Moot. It is unprecedented and uncharacteristic
very cosmopolitan, with a great many eateries rampage. Whilst the final death-toll of 74,
populating its winding thoroughfares. The was nothing unusual for a Blood Bowl
Crammers, named after their love of a good meal match, it was the fact that the violence
and their folks’ refusal to leave any leftovers, are in spilled into the streets of Altdorf that really
turn a well-travelled and very urbane team. Touring made the headlines. The Crammers are
widely and ever eager to visit new places and enjoy banned for three seasons and their
local delicacies, they have dined in every corner of supporters forced to go on a strict diet.
the world. They don’t often win many games, but
they have had a jolly good time all the same. It is little 2459 Rondo Magoo sets his famous throwing
wonder that this team has a firm following of fans record of 0 completions from 1271 attempts.
eager to accompany them on the road! Pundits agree it’s a record that is unlikely to
ever be beaten.
2421 Celebrity chef, Jiminy Gallumpher, (famed
across the Empire for his ‘The Gallumphing 2465 The Crammers prove they can dish it out as
Gourmet’ cookbooks) founds the Bluebay well as take it, as the Hapless Minotaur, Hef
Crammers. He’s actually more of a fan of Horngar discovers to his cost. During a
Nipponese ‘Satsumo Wrestling’, but soon game, Horngar was knocked-out cold by the
realises the popularity associated with Crammers Treeman. Hef awoke to discover
owning a Blood Bowl team will do wonders the drawback of being a walking Sirloin
for his cookery book sales. Steak... He was the main course in the
Crammers’ post-game feast!
2422 The Crammers earn their reputation for
travel and fine dining, when Gallumpher 2479 Halfling super-star, Puggy Baconbreath
takes them on a tour of Nippon to promote makes his debut for the Crammers. The
his new book ‘Cramming: Halfling Style’ and secret of his success is his down to the fact
play some exhibition games. All goes well, that he trains like no other Halfling; his
until an embarrassing post-match incident regime sees him exercise for up to 45
involving a Treeman in a Carry-Oaky bar, minutes each day, plus he never nips off
which sees them politely asked to leave and during games to avail himself of a few
never, ever return. Their visit does have one snacks from the concession stalls. Despite
unexpected outcome, they inspire the the Grasshuggers making several lucrative
formation of the famous Halfling team, the and calorie filled bids for his services over
Nippon Nibblers. the years, Puggy has stayed faithful to the
2443 The Crammers finally win their first trophy,
bringing home the Halfling Thimble Cup.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Spike! Magazine Team Rating: 146 * Includes himself (tripped on his chainsaw)
Team Honours
Halfling Thimble Cup winners 2442
Hall of Fame:
‘Lefty’ (‘Stumpy’) Boggit
Bluebay Crammers’
Cheerleaders’ Song
" We’re not the greatest athletes,
Opponents kick our head.
Why do we even bother?
It's 'cause we get well fed!"
Team Colours: Green and white
Symbol: Two crescents
Owner: Duke Halbmond von Creeveland VIII
Head Coach: Erwin Schmackenheimer
Home Stadium: Sicklehof Stadium, Duchy of-
-Creeveland, (capacity 69,210, surface grass)
Players: Humans
Sponsor: Cannon Ball Express
Cheerleaders: The See-Sees
The Crescents are a team with a history as long as the Crescents’ push for the win floundered
the NAF itself, they, like the Dwarf Giants, were one when their captain ‘Mugsy’ von Mankdorf
of the league’s founding members, and, also like the was sent off for illegally throttling an
Giants, they changed their name to move with the opponent. From the resulting penalty, the
times. However, this is where the similarities end, the ‘Rippers scored the winning Touchdown.
Crescents have won little during their long tenure. Thereafter the Crescents get a reputation for
Sure, there have been highlights: The recently retired being chokers in the big games!
Harry ‘The Hammer’ Kehry, is regarded as one of the
all-time great human Blitzers, and they have won a 2442 The lowest point in the Crescents history.
few NFC championships, but it speaks volumes that After several seasons in the basement of the
their only Blood Bowl win came against the newly merged NAF, they are reduced to
Greenfield Grasshuggers during a league-wide entering the Halfling Thimble Cup in the
player strike. search for some morale boosting silverware
but are humiliatingly knocked out in the first
2368 The Crescents are one of the 16 founding round!
sects chosen by the sacred commissioner
Roze-El that make up Nuffle’s Amorical 2454 The legendary Harry ‘the Hammer Kehry’
Football League. They are named ‘Sacred joins the team, and soon earns the nickname
Half-Moonsday’ in honour of Nuffle’s ‘The Hammer’. A great entertainer, his
commandment that football must be played intricate war dances, performed when he
on that day. scores, soon become a firm fan favourite.
2390 The ‘Great Huff’, sends shockwaves through 2460 The Crescents enjoy their only period of
the embryonic NAF. Nine of the founding sustained success, winning the NFC
sects resign en masse, in protest at what championship three times in five years.
they see as the creeping modernisation and Harry Kehry is in his unstoppable prime and
dilution of Nuffle’s sacred word. In reality, Bob Bifford often puts in an appearance to
many of the changes were forced on NAF add extra muscle.
commissioner Djimm Thorp due to the
league losing popularity to its brash new 2477 The Crescents win Blood Bowl XVI in a
rival, ‘the Oldlands Conference’. The Half- season ravaged by a major players’ strike.
Moonsday’s dynamic young owner, Duke The Crescents actually thought they’d won it
Halbmond von Creeveland II, embraces the a week earlier when they played the Severed
spirit of the times, updates the team’s image Heads, in what was billed as the final.
and changes their name to the Creeveland However, after the game, it was quickly
Crescents. noted that none of the 27 players the Heads
tried sneaking on were officially registered
2429 The new look Creeveland Crescents prove to with the NAF, meaning they were
be just as unremarkable as Sacred Half- disqualified. The match was replayed
Moonsday. They win the pre-realignment against the Greenfield Grasshuggers.
NFC eastern division, four times in a row but
find new and unusual ways to lose play-off 2486 After a monumental 32-year career, Harry
games. A famous example of which came in Kehry finally hangs up his dancing boots and
the NFC final against the Sartosa retires to become a dance teacher. The
Spleenrippers, with a tense game tied at 2-2, Crescents have struggled to replace him.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
No. Name Position Experience
Blood Bowl winners 2476 (XVI)
1 Damien Storm Blitzer Veteran NFC championship winners 2476* (shared title),
2 Hoshi Komi Catcher Star Player
3 Alexander Hail Catcher Veteran
2460, 2458, 2456
4 Jäger von Cannondorf Thrower Veteran
5 Rrr’krag Smma’gugg Ogre Blocker Veteran
6 Siggi ‘the Boot’ Schuster Kicker Star Player
7 Andrei Ripov Blocker Veteran
8 Michelangelo von Hiebert Blitzer Veteran
9 Marcel Decker Blocker Experienced
10 Erdich Panzer Lineman Experienced
11 Jan Grabowski Thower Rookie
12 Helmut Strapp Blocker Experienced
13 Jan van Bamm Lineman Experienced
14 Pierre Poulaine Kicker Rookie
15 Nick Nickson Lineman Veteran
Hall of Fame:
Harry ‘the Hammer’ Kehry, Bob Bifford
NAF Records
Most consecutive NAF seasons played (Team):
120*, (Founder member of the NAF)
Most Rushing Paces:
30,325 paces, Harry ‘the Hammer’ Kehry, (2454-86)
Most Times Penalised for Excessive Touchdown
Celebrations: The Creeveland Crescents
176, Harry ‘the Hammer’ Kehry, (2454-86)
Cheerleaders Song
Team Records:
Most Touchdowns:
“Crescents! Crescents!
197, Harry ‘the Hammer’ Kehry The shape of a scythe
Most Fatalities:
208, Bob Bifford
Slash and tackle,
block and hackle,
* Tied with Dwarf Giants Cut ‘em down to size “
Team Colours: Grey and yellow
Symbol: A huge warhammer
Owner: The Last Council
Head Coach:
‘Insane’ Thorsson Axeheim
Home Stadium: The Dwarf Dome,
Khûlgarr, (capacity 55,600, surface obsidian)
Players: Dwarfs
Sponsor: Metalworkers Guild
Cheerleaders: The Bombshells
Arch-rivals of the Dwarf Giants, the Warhammerers name due to the terrible smell of all the
are most interesting to us because of their perpetual noxious chemicals they use there.
insistence on breaking the rules in the most obvious
and flamboyant way. Their use of explosives and 2464 It doesn’t take long for the evil geniuses at
high-calibre breech-loading cannon as part of their the Skunkworks to come up with their first
passing play is just one case in point. These guys are major success, ‘The Deathroller’. It becomes
plain dangerous! an instant hit and has been seen on the
Blood Bowl field ever since (despite the
2399 The Warhammerers are founded by the ongoing efforts by the NAF and the RARG to
merger of two of the NAF’s original permanently ban it).
franchises: ‘Providence Deathroller’ were a
sect based in Nuln and were infamous for 2470 The Warhammerers are pioneers in the so-
their fanatical conviction that the Sacred called ‘Golden Age of Secret Weapons’. The
Book of Nuffle actually sanctions the use of boys at the Skunkworks come up with
steam-powered machineries of destruction. explosive balls, bull-dozers, field mines,
The other team, ‘The Righteous Zealots of dummies packed with explosives, all kinds of
the Inflated Bladder’, were a sect from cannons and boots strapped with rockets, to
Khûlgarr and believed that their pious name just a few!
devotion to Nuffle afforded them special
permission to flagrantly break all of his rules. 2480 Tiring of their antics, the NAF ban the
The new owners, the Last Council, are Warhammerers for 2 seasons for their use of
unable to agree on where the new team a high-calibre cannon to propel players up
should be based, A compromise is found by the pitch.
situating the team HQ in Nuln and the
stadium in Khûlgarr. 2486 The Warhammerers’ flexible approach to the
rules continues to cost them dearly: Finding
2450 The Warhammerers achieve nothing in their themselves 2-0 up against The Champions of
first fifty years. This is due in part to the Death in Blood Bowl XXVI, their legendary
depredations of the 36 year-long trio of Blitzers, the Mjolnir brothers, attempt
underground war, but mainly it’s down to to reinforce their flying-V tactic with several
their propensity to shoot themselves in the hundred weight of TNT and a large bag of
foot (quite literally) with their unreliable coach bolts. They certainly burst through the
secret weapons. opposition’s lines; trouble is, they also burst
through the Warhammerers’ substitutes
2463 The team’s fortunes drastically improve with bench and wipe out half their own team. The
the appointment of ‘Insane’ Thorsson Champs end up winning the game 3-2.
Axeheim. His first act is to set up a covert
secret weapons factory in the Dwarf quarter 2489 Did they learn from this defeat? Are you
of Nuln called ‘The Skunkworks’. Which is a kidding? In 2487 the team were suspended
mini fortress pretending to be a team shop for 3 games for illegal use of a bulldozer.
(they do sell cloth patches!). In reality this is From last season, they are required by law to
their research and development studio for print at the bottom of match tickets, Beware-
the next great device they'll create. It gets its these guys are kerr-ayzee
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
NFC championship winners 2473, 2486
Orcidas Team of the Year 2486
Hall of Fame:
Evo ‘Bomber’ Baradil, Yukk Ghulag
Team Colours: Red
Symbol: A triangle
Owner: The City of Skavenblight
Head Coach: Vytick the Many-Headed
Home Stadium: Skavenblight Stadium, underearth,
(capacity 105,000, surface grass)
Players: Skaven
Sponsor: Ace Tunnels Inc.
Cheerleaders: The Ratters
Technically, the Scramblers are a communal project, 2475 Glart is a massive hit and builds his own cult
owned by the city of Skavenblight itself and its following of enormously fat rat fans. The
residents. In practice this actually means the Council Scramblers are forced to insist that all games
of Thirteen who govern the Skaven capital, own and they play in have reinforced stands to
run the team in the shadows. The game has become accommodate them.
very popular in all fields of Skaven society- the
Skaven love any opportunity for mindless violence. 2477 The Scramblers have a historic 15-0-1
In fact, it has been very difficult to persuade them season. Glart Smashrip is in the best form of
that there is any other purpose or the game once they his career, using his massive size to punch
are on the field- or even when they are just spectating holes through opposing defensive lines that
in the stands! their lightning-fast catchers exploit to
devastating effect. They win the Blood Bowl
2442 Clan Rigens decide to pile a disproportionate by beating the Middenheim Marauders 3-1 in
amount of their resources into one of the a game that lasts nine hours! Whew!
twenty teams they run in order to make an
impact in the wider world. The choose the 2478 The Scramblers become the only team to
Scramblers and it pays off instantly. They have ever retained the modern Blood Bowl
start a 5-year winning streak in the trophy (Well, if you discount the Severed
Warpstone Bowl. Heads who just refused to give it back). They
beat the Gouged Eye 3-2. An NAF
2448 The Scramblers build a reputation for their commission rules out the possibility that the
maliciously sneaky tactics. They routinely Scramblers had spent all year at the stadium,
win games when opposing players fall rigging it for the game, while a team of
through sink holes in the turf or spring substitutes set about qualifying, but the pitch
hidden traps. In one notable example, they did show some peculiarities on the day-
deliberately force a night cup game against mainly a pronounced slope towards the
the now disbanded Vampire team Drakfang Eye’s End Zone and an abnormal number of
Thirsters to go into overtime. As the game bottomless shafts…
dragged, dawn soon arrived and with it the
entire Thirsters team vanished in a puff of 2485 Pushing things too far (down his own throat
smoke. mostly) Glart is banned for life but when the
ban is repealed, he leaves the Scramblers to
2461 The Scramblers play the Potbelly Piemen in become a freebooter.
an exhibition match on the eve of the new
NAF season. The Piemen lose and are hit 2489 The Scramblers enter the new season as last
with an unexpected tax before leaving year’s NFC Eastern division winners and
Skavenblight. Unable to pay it they are sold hopes are high that they can rediscover the
into slavery. The NAF are left with a gap in winning ways of the 70s and get back to the
the new season line up and are forced to Blood Bowl final. Coach Vytick scored a
admit the Scramblers as replacements. major coup over the summer, spending a
small fortune on Kenmucky Fried Chicken to
2472 Hearing of a huge rat fail in his try out for the lure back Glart Smashrip. He will surely plug
Warpstone Wanderers, the Scramblers take the holes in the Scramblers’ leaky defensive
a risk and offer a contract to Glart Smashrip. line, even if it is just by virtue of his
tremendous girth!
2489-90 First Team Roster
Hall of Fame:
Tarsh Surehands, Breeet Braingulper
Team Colours: Aqua blue
Symbol: A giant squid
Owner: Krakensnap Shipping Lines
Head Coach: Siri Bel-Acqua
Home Stadium: Five Fathoms Park
(capacity 18,964, surface saltmarsh)
Players: Mixed: Sea Elves
and various races (including giant squid)
Sponsor: Trident Shipyards
Cheerleaders: The Sirens
Due to their venturesome nature and trading links to the drought-stricken 2426 season, where
the Old World, the Sea Elves of Ulthuan were the first they were forced to concede all 16 games!).
of their kind to be exposed to football. Unlike their
haughtier Elven cousins, they have far less disdain 2458 The Squids hire the infamous mage Jevel
for rough-and-tumble and were quick to embrace the Arendil as their magic co-ordinator. He
game. The Squids are a team long on history and makes an instant impact casting a powerful
short on achievement, although nominally Sea Elves, elemental spell that sinks their stadium on
they have none of the aloofness associated with their match days and allows them to play
kin and are famous for playing alongside a variety of underwater. They rename the stadium Five
other races, including, from time to time, giant Fathoms park to reflect the depth at which
Squid! they play that season. After complaints from
several visiting teams the practice is
2400 The Sea Elf mariners of Krakensnap discontinued by the NAF.
Shipping Lines start playing knock-about
football matches against local stevedores on 2465 The Squids lose Blood Bowl V to the
stopovers between journeys. Before long, Middenheim Marauders, well, sort of…
they become so good at the game they form Postmatch, magic co-ordinator Jevel
a semi-pro team, calling themselves the Arrendil claims to have cast a spell making
Squids (a reference to the sea monsters their everyone present think the result was the
freighters are so adept at avoiding). After a opposite of what it was, the NAF’s response
run of minor league success, they are invited is to change the result. After protests by
to play in the Oldlands Conference. Middenheim fans leave Arrendil in fear of his
life, he goes on record as saying he only
2414 The Sporting authorities of Ulthuan are made a spell that made people think their
horrified by the growing popularity of Blood memories had been reversed. Thoroughly
Bowl amongst the Elves and ban it. The confused, the NAF changed it back again.
Squids, who see their High Elf cousins as The result has been changed a total of five
snobbish killjoys, refuse to stop playing. times with the Marauders the current
Consequently, the team’s playing licence is winners of the game.
revoked, and they are forced to go into exile.
They re-establish themselves well outside 2468 Legendary Troll, Rumbel-Gut Rockbelly eats
the jurisdiction of Ulthuan, in the Sea Elf part of the Squids stadium, en route to
Colony of Southstorm, an island in the setting ‘the Most Team-Mates Eaten in One
Southern Sea. Match’ record. Reporters later asked him
why he didn’t also eat the Giant Squids who
2420 Due to their renegade status, the Squids play for Southstorm, he answered that he
suffer a recruitment crisis as no Elf is willing wasn’t a fan of seafood.
to play for them. In desperation, they begin
to experiment with playing Giant Squid in
the team! The experiment is actually quite
successful, provided the field is drenched.
It’s at this point the Squids proclaim their
infamous policy of not playing unless it’s
raining (although they quietly drop it after
2489-90 First Team Roster
NAF Records:
Most games conceded in a Season:
Giant Squid 5 - 8 3 - - 11
16, 2426-27
Most Games Played Underwater:
The Giant Squid also has Tentacles, Mighty Blow level 4 and is 8, 2458-59
treated as being a Large Monster (although it only counts as two
players when it is on the pitch). It can never hold the ball and can
never be tackled.
Team Honours
NFC championship winners 2466
Southstorm Squids’
Hall of Fame: Cheerleaders’ Song
Magic Co-Ordinator Jevel Arrendil
“Extra Arms,
We Got Eight,
They’ll turn you
Into fish bait”
Week 1: 1st Week of Dismember 2489 Week 5: 1st Week of Jabbury 2490
Albion Wanderers vs. Middenheim Marauders Icecastle Wolves vs. Darkside Cowboys
Champions of Death vs. Arctic Cragspiders Evil Gits vs. Athelorn Avengers
Bluebay Crammers vs. Icecastle Wolves Dark Renegades vs. Vynheim Valkyries
Bluchen Berserkers vs. Gouged Eye Underworld Creepers vs. Stunted Stoutfellows
Naggaroth Nightwings vs. Reikland Reavers Naggaroth Nightwings vs. Galadrieth Gladiators
Dwarf Giants vs. Underworld Creepers Bluchen Berserkers vs. Bruendar Grimjacks
Chaos All-Stars vs. Oldheim Ogres Worlds Edge Wanderers vs. Khain’s Killers
Bright Crusaders vs. Scarcrag Snivellers Hobgoblin Team vs. Everbold Unicorns
Hobgoblin Team vs. Khain's Killers Lustria Croakers vs. Southstorm Squids
Elfheim Eagles vs. Westside Werewolves Dwarf Warhammerers vs. Dwarf Giants
Dark Renegades vs. Bruendar Grimjacks Skaven Scramblers vs. Champions of Death
Stunted Stoutfellows vs. Evil Gits Gouged Eye vs. Arctic Cragspiders
Everbold Unicorns vs. Darkside Cowboys Creeveland Crescents vs. Greenfield Grasshuggers
Greenfield Grasshuggers vs. Athelorn Avengers Middenheim Marauders vs. Albion Wanderers
Creeveland Crescents vs. Southstorm Squids Elfheim Eagles vs. Asgard Ravens
Dwarf Warhammerers vs. Skaven Scramblers Bluebay Crammers vs. Orcland Raiders
Nurgle's Rotters vs. Vynheim Valkyries Nurgle’s Rotters vs. Oldheim Ogres
Lowdown Rats vs. Asgard Ravens Lowdown Rats vs. Westside Werewolves
Orcland Raiders vs. Galadrieth Gladiators Bright Crusaders vs. Chaos All-Stars
Worlds Edge Wanderers vs. Lustria Croakers Reikland Reavers vs. Scarcrag Snivellers
Week 2: 2nd Week of Dismember 2489 Week 6: 2nd Week of Jabbury 2490
Icecastle Wolves vs. Albion Wanderers Darkside Cowboys vs. Stunted Stoutfellows
Middenheim Marauders vs. Champions of Death Worlds Edge Wanderers vs. Nurgle's Rotters
Nurgle's Rotters vs. Arctic Cragspiders Everbold Unicorns vs. Dark Renegades
Underworld Creepers vs. Naggaroth Nightwings Khain's Killers vs. Hobgoblin Team
Reikland Reavers vs. Gouged Eye Reikland Reavers vs. Westside Werewolves
Lustria Croakers vs. Bluchen Berserkers Middenheim Marauders vs. Bright Crusaders
Oldheim Ogres vs. Khain's Killers Lowdown Rats vs. Dwarf Giants
Chaos All-Stars vs. Scarcrag Snivellers Icecastle Wolves vs. Elfheim Eagles
Dwarf Warhammerers vs. Bright Crusaders Dwarf Warhammerers vs. Bluebay Crammers
Stunted Stoutfellows vs. Dark Renegades Arctic Cragspiders vs. Orcland Raiders
Bruendar Grimjacks vs. Westside Werewolves Southstorm Squids vs. Gouged Eye
Elfheim Eagles vs. Everbold Unicorns Athelorn Avengers vs. Asgard Ravens
Evil Gits vs. Greenfield Grasshuggers Albion Wanderers vs. Naggaroth Nightwings
Athelorn Avengers vs. Darkside Cowboys Champions of Death vs. Lustria Croakers
Southstorm Squids vs. Bluebay Crammers Vynheim Valkyries vs. Galadrieth Gladiators
Skaven Scramblers vs. Creeveland Crescents Oldheim Ogres vs. Evil Gits
Asgard Ravens vs. Dwarf Giants Creeveland Crescents vs. Scarcrag Snivellers
Vynheim Valkyries vs. Lowdown Rats Skaven Scramblers vs. Chaos All-Stars
Galadrieth Gladiators vs. Hobgoblin Team Underworld Creepers vs. Bruendar Grimjacks
Orcland Raiders vs. Worlds Edge Wanderers Greenfield Grasshuggers vs. Bluchen Berserkers
Week 3: 3rd Week of Dismember 2489 Week 7: 3rd Week of Jabbury 2490
Middenheim Marauders vs. Icecastle Wolves Darkside Cowboys vs. Elfheim Eagles
Albion Wanderers vs. Arctic Cragspiders Dwarf Giants vs. Everbold Unicorns
Champions of Death vs. Vynheim Valkyries Greenfield Grasshuggers vs. Stunted Stoutfellows
Underworld Creepers vs. Reikland Reavers Khain's Killers vs. Icecastle Wolves
Naggaroth Nightwings vs. Bluchen Berserkers Bright Crusaders vs. Skaven Scramblers
Gouged Eye vs. Worlds Edge Wanderers Arctic Cragspiders vs. Westside Werewolves
Khain's Killers vs. Chaos All-Stars Lustria Croakers vs. Reikland Reavers
Oldheim Ogres vs. Bright Crusaders Naggaroth Nightwings vs. Worlds Edge Wanderers
Scarcrag Snivellers vs. Darkside Cowboys Albion Wanderers vs. Gouged Eye
Bruendar Grimjacks vs. Stunted Stoutfellows Orcland Raiders vs. Lowdown Rats
Dark Renegades vs. Elfheim Eagles Galadrieth Gladiators vs. Champions of Death
Westside Werewolves vs. Skaven Scramblers Scarcrag Snivellers vs. Middenheim Marauders
Athelorn Avengers vs. Evil Gits Evil Gits vs. Bluebay Crammers
Greenfield Grasshuggers vs. Everbold Unicorns Underworld Creepers vs. Chaos All-Stars
Creeveland Crescents vs. Bluebay Crammers Athelorn Avengers vs. Dark Renegades
Southstorm Squids vs. Dwarf Warhammerers Bluchen Berserkers vs. Hobgoblin Team
Dwarf Giants vs. Lowdown Rats Southstorm Squids vs. Creeveland Crescents
Asgard Ravens vs. Nurgle's Rotters Asgard Ravens vs. Dwarf Warhammerers
Hobgoblin Team vs. Orcland Raiders Nurgle's Rotters vs. Bruendar Grimjacks
Galadrieth Gladiators vs. Lustria Croakers Oldheim Ogres vs. Vynheim Valkyries
Week 4: 4th Week of Dismember 2489 Week 8: 1st Week of Ferally 2490
Icecastle Wolves vs. Everbold Unicorns Stunted Stoutfellows vs. Nurgle's Rotters
Reikland Reavers vs. Lowdown Rats Creeveland Crescents vs. Worlds Edge Wanderers
Bruendar Grimjacks vs. Evil Gits Arctic Cragspiders vs. Icecastle Wolves
Albion Wanderers vs. Underworld Creepers Naggaroth Nightwings vs. Hobgoblin Team
Stunted Stoutfellows vs. Arctic Cragspiders Bluchen Berserkers vs. Elfheim Eagles
Nurgle's Rotters vs. Worlds Edge Wanderers Bruendar Grimjacks vs. Oldheim Ogres
Athelorn Avengers vs. Dark Renegades Skaven Scramblers vs. Asgard Ravens
Dwarf Warhammerers vs. Chaos All-Stars Bright Crusaders vs. Bluebay Crammers
Bluebay Crammers vs. Naggaroth Nightwings Everbold Unicorns vs. Dwarf Warhammerers
Westside Werewolves vs. Bright Crusaders Darkside Cowboys vs. Southstorm Squids
Hobgoblin Team vs. Southstorm Squids Evil Gits vs. Chaos All-Stars
Vynheim Valkyries vs. Lustria Croakers Lowdown Rats vs. Albion Wanderers
Orcland Raiders vs. Asgard Ravens Underworld Creepers vs. Athelorn Avengers
Gouged Eye vs. Scarcrag Snivellers Orcland Raiders vs. Lustria Croakers
Elfheim Eagles vs. Champions of Death Scarcrag Snivellers vs. Reikland Reavers
Oldheim Ogres vs. Skaven Scramblers Gouged Eye vs. Galadrieth Gladiators
Darkside Cowboys vs. Dwarf Giants Vynheim Valkyries vs. Dark Renegades
Middenheim Marauders vs. Greenfield Grasshuggers Champions of Death vs. Greenfield Grasshuggers
Khain's Killers vs. Galadrieth Gladiators Dwarf Giants vs. Westside Werewolves
Creeveland Crescents vs. Bluchen Berserkers Khain's Killers vs. Middenheim Marauders
Why these guys ever bother turning up for games is many years, this time in spectacular fashion.
quite beyond our comprehension (actually, some of After scoring the winning touchdown, Count
them don’t bother turning up some weeks, since it’s Viktor von Dead of the Chaos All-Stars was
easy for them to forget they’re in the team). No team suddenly transformed into a mile-long
has had more players sent off or matches tapeworm and was then crushed to death as
abandoned, and as a result of all that violence and the Hobgoblin Team's stadium (along with
indiscipline, in terms of sheer numbers of die-hard 30,000 fans) collapsed on his writhing body
fans, they are also the most popular team in history and then promptly caught fire. After this
incident, they make the unusually wise
2468 Emperor Mad Grull Starkloon’s dream of decision not to play at a home stadium
owning a football team becomes reality anymore.
when a vacant franchise becomes available
in the NFC western division. They start as 2477 A league wide players strike means the
they mean to go on and are unable to think season is a fiasco, with hundreds of fixtures
of a team name. After a week fist fights and being cancelled due to lack of players. The
scratching of heads, they plump for ‘The Hobgoblin Team are unaffected, as their
Hobgoblin Team’ (despite the fact half the players are too stupid to realise that they’re
players aren’t even Hobgoblins!). supposed to get paid for playing. With their
entire first team available, hopes are high
2470 The NAF question the wisdom of handing a that they will walk the NFC West and finally
valuable franchise to this bunch of qualify for the Blood Bowl final. Sadly, the
ultraviolent dimwits; In only two seasons the Hobgoblin Teams’ brainlessness knows no
Hobgobs set new records as the worst ever bounds. Despite the opposition players not
NAF team. Their record stands at 0 wins, 17 turning up, they somehow manage to lose
losses, 15 abandoned and an incredible 110 their first 13 games in empty stadiums.
players sent off for foul play. The league When they finally do go on strike and
needn’t have worried, ticket sales and walkout, their form experiences a dramatic
Cabalvision subscriptions for their matches improvement, winning the final 3 games of
go through the roof! the season!
2473 Finally, after five seasons of futility, the 2488 Despite having their entire starting eleven
Hobgobs actually win a game. The killed by the Dwarf Giants, the Hobgobs
celebratory post-match fireworks go horribly popularity has never been higher, they even
wrong and their home stadium, Slipshod have a new stadium for the 89-90 season:
Arena, catches fire and burns down. Finding their antics particularly hilarious, the
city of Marienburg have generously offered
2474 Viewing figures hit an all-time high when them the use of the recently condemned
their badly rebuilt arena collapses due to ‘Jerry Rigg Memorial’ stadium. Another
shockwaves caused by the visiting Oldheim spectacular collapse cannot be far away!
Ogres’ Cheerleading squad leaping up and
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Colours: Red and blue
Symbol: Sword and rose
Owner: Gildor Mithraël
Head Coach: Ilithrion Vael
Home Stadium: The Eataine Coliseum,
(capacity 86,527, surface grass)
Players: Elves
Sponsor: The Royal Bank of Bretonnia
Cheerleaders: The Galadrieth Gladiatrix
Hailing from the Elven homeland of Ulthuan, the Gladiators sweep their division and match
Gladiators are quick to boast that they are the their opponents blow for blow in the NFC
wealthiest team in the NAF, and their players are semi-final. They meet the Gouged Eye in
certainly some of the most pampered. However, Blood Bowl X which is a bruising affair, but
don’t be deceived, behind the flawless complexions the Elves endure the punishment to prevail
and fine tailoring lie hearts of steel. The Gladiators in a close-fought 3-2 Victory. Although the
are rightly renowned as being the first Elf team to post-match party goes down in history as
have a truly effective running game and they can still one of the most extravagant ever seen, the
pack a surprisingly powerful punch. team are too busy seeing apothecaries and
remedial hairstylists to make an appearance
2450 After disdaining the sport for decades, three themselves. Black eyes and arm slings
Elf teams are amongst the new franchises become the must-have look of the season
awarded when the NAF expands to 40 teams. amongst the nobles of Eataine.
They are Dar-Ellerath Beechtrees, Ashvale
Valar and Laurelorn Lightfooters. 2471 The Gladiators obsession with the running
game means they don’t make a single pass
2468 The infamous ‘Black Thrudsday’ stock- all season. Off the field, Gildor Mithraël
market crash destabilises the finances of shrewdly capitilises on the Gladiator’s
many NAF teams and several file for success by becoming one of the first owners
bankruptcy. The three Elf teams are badly to realise the potential of selling branded
affected and either fold or merge; critics team merchandise. As a result, the team
unkindly say it’s because they’re nothing becomes fabulously wealthy.
more than a bunch of daisy sniffing, pastoral
weirdos, the truth is probably more to do 2480 The wear and tear of leading the line each
with their hairdressing bills. One of the week takes its toll on team captain Tharion
vacant franchises is awarded to the larger- the Bright, and he retires to preserve what is
than life Ulthuan blade magnate, Gildor left of his good looks. Fortunately, the
Mithraël. He cleverly strikes a deal with Gladiators have a ready-made replacement
Elfheim Eagles supremo, Valahar Galantë, to in Lucien Swift. Nicknamed the ‘Silver Bullet’
buy up all the experienced players from the by his fans and the ‘Moving Target’ by
bankrupted teams. His next act is to hire the opponents he excels in the new role as
tough-as-nails Head Coach, Ilithrion Vael to captain.
mould these veterans into a team that will
prove that there’s more to the Elven game 2487 When the Gladiators meet the Elfheim
than long-bombs and hairspray. Eagles, Lucien Swift takes the field against
his younger brother Valen for the first time.
2469 The Gladiators make an immediate The sibling rivalry boils over in an extremely
statement that they are a different kind of Elf bad-tempered match. Valen is seriously
team when they begin fielding the first injured, leaving Lucien full of remorse.
genuine Elf Blitzer Tharion the Bright. He
silences the critics who claim the Elves don’t 2489 With Swift (arguably the best Elf Blitzer ever)
like the physical side of the game. at the helm, and a star-studded line-up
including Pierrot Rainforest and Eldril
2470 With a highly effective running game, Sidewinder, it can only be a matter of time
powered by the one-two punch of Tharion before the Gladiators return to the Blood
the Bright and a rookie Lucien Swift, the Bowl final.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
No. Name Position Experience
Blood Bowl winners 2470 (X)
1 Pierrot Rainforest Kicker Star Player NFC championship winners 2470
2 Lucien Swift Blitzer Star Player
3 Alarion Pureheart Blitzer Veteran
Orcidas Team of the Year 2475
4 Eldril Sidewinder Catcher
(Hypnotic Gaze) Star Player Most Aesthetic Pass 2483
5 Winsom Anglepoise Catcher Veteran
6 Forleon Summerdraft Catcher Veteran Best Post Match Party 2470
7 Dawnvale Silkwhisper Catcher Veteran Heaviest Match Programme 2471
8 Breda Freedom Thrower Veteran Elf Lord’s Commendation for Most Spectacular
9 Elmadil Duskblaze Thrower Experienced
10 Oriole Eliander Kicker Rookie Offensive Magic 2488
11 Galrond Goldleaf Lineman Veteran
12 Caeleth Bel-Sirion Lineman Veteran
13 Fleet Ar-Khodaris Lineman Experienced
Hall of Fame:
14 Glen Spirethorn Lineman Experienced Tharion the Bright, Longbark Earthroot
15 Sowthistle Penumbra Lineman Experienced (Treeman)
16 Sorel Greensward Lineman Rookie
NAF Records:
Most Touchdowns (Season):
36, Lucien Swift 2477 (2470-present)
Most Player Fatalities in a Season (Elf Players)
25, Tharion the Bright, 2470 (2468-2480)
Team Records:
Most Career Paces Combined Offense
28,289 paces, Lucien Swift, (20,295 paces rushing, 2,164
paces passing, 4,110 paces receiving, 1720 paces
interception returned)
Team Colours: Blue
Symbol: A Slann head
Owner: Mage-Priest Mazdamiata
Head Coach: Tactiql
Home Stadium: Kroak Field, Cotec
(capacity 76,651, surface swamp)
Players: Slann
Sponsor: Croak-a Cooler
Cheerleaders: The Leapers
The Lustria Croakers are a team of Slann, an ancient 2477 The players strike leaves the team’s treasury
race who once roamed the stuff of chaos in their running low, the Croakers become the first
marvellous silver spaceships. But no longer- the Blood Bowl team to use sponsorship as a
Slann have long since degenerated. So low have way of generating extra revenue. Their first
they sunk into barbarity that they even (shudder) deal is with a carriage recovery company
play Blood Bowl. How uncivilised can you get! whose catch phrase is, “we found a wreck
and toad it away’).
2441 The Great Council of Tlax takes place; all of
the ancient Slann Mage Priests commune to 2479 The Lustrians make their one and only
try and divine further what the ‘Great Plan’ of appearance in the Blood Bowl final, they are
the ancients holds. The Lustria Croakers are comprehensively beaten Blood Bowl XIX by
officially formed, but for what purpose the Reikland Reavers, who begin their rise to
remains a mystery. power. Twice halted at the one pace line,
their aerial game finally comes to grief with
2450 Lord Kroak delegates management of the the loss of one catcher after the other. Or, as
team to the Mage-Priest Mazdamiata, one of they put it at the time: “We croaked!”
his most powerful living followers and a
closet football nut! Having surreptitiously 2485 Dark Renengades sticky-armed mutant,
tuned into NAF Cabalvision broadcasts for Pinespite Venge, derails the Croakers
years, he divines the Croakers true purpose: promising late season form when a number
To play in the biggest league in the world of the Slann tacklers become hopelessly
and return glory to the Slann race. stuck. Venge dies in the game taking many
Conveniently, the NAF expands to 40 teams of the team with him and ruining their
that year, and the Slann jump at the chance playoff chances.
of purchasing a new franchise!
2487 The Lustria Croakers are, once again, this
2460 The Slann prove to be reasonably good season’s most sponsored team. Quite apart
players, their only weakness being their poor from their multi-million deal with Croak-a-
throwing and kicking ability. This is Cooler, they have contracts with several
somewhat compensated by the difficulty running shoe manufacturers, as well as their
many teams have adapting to the sweltering existing deal with a major carriage recovery
conditions in their home stadium, for company, and the publishers of the banned
example, the Asgard Ravens refused to play book ‘Fly Catcher’ which is making best
when some of their gear melted. seller lists everywhere.
2475 The Croakers experience their best form 2489 There is little to marvel at in the Croakers’
ever, backed by the discovery of two of the game beyond the ability to outjump Storm
all-time great Slann players: Lottabottol sets Giants. Their arrogance makes them pick the
a record for the number of interceptions in a hardest games, nearly always including the
season, which soon leads to him being Cowboys, the Reavers, the Raiders and the
nicknamed ‘The Leaper’. The other, the Chaos All-Stars in their itinerary. This, and
astonishing Catcher, Quetzal Leap, seems to their position in one of the toughest divisions
be able to take the ball wherever it is thrown! in the NAF- NFC West- makes their chances
With the Severed Heads experiencing a dip of success slight.
in form through the mid 70s the Croakers
take the NFC West 3 times in 4 years.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
NFC championship winners 2479
Orcidas Team of the Year 2479
Zlatan Cup winners 2477
Gumpta Cup winners, 2462-2488
Hall of Fame:
Lep Inluni
Team Colours: Black and yellow
Symbol: Orc’s head in a circle
Owner: King Ironclaw Faceripper
Head Coach: Crueleye
Home Stadium: Skull Stadium, Orcland,
(capacity 81,422, surface mud)
Players: Orcs
Sponsor: Tithes from Lesser Orc tribes
Cheerleaders: Wolfleg Lead Pits
Marching Band and Majorettes
The NFC’s top Orc team, the Raiders have a proud fitting style, having their whole team buried
history of trophies and blood-shed. Their vicious by a Killdozer in a challenge match against
thrower, Grishnak Goblin-Throttler, leads a fearsome the Dwarf Anvils.
offense, capable of both a grinding running game
and, unusually for Orcs, spectacular long passes. 2480 As the 80s dawn, Head Coach Crueleye and
captain Grishnak decide they’ve had enough
2435 After a visit from AFC champions the of being out-cheated by the opposition and
Gouged Eye, the warriors of the Severed set about devising ways to cheat better.
Heads tribe decide that football would be a Their new tactic, succinctly described by
great way of establishing their supremacy Grish as ‘Dirty Hurty’, involves three simple
over all the lily-livered Elves and humans rules: 1) Cheat, 2) Cheat some more, and 3)
who were constantly annoying them with While yer at it, lay the boot in’.
their raids. The team is accepted into the
conference in 2437, its owner registered as 2483 This new tactic quickly turns around the
the Severed Heads tribe. Heads’ fortunes and they win Blood Bowl
XXIII, powered by a career-best season for
2459 After a short period of near-misses, the team captain Grishnak Goblin-Throttler.
Heads beat of all challengers and meet the However, the star of the day is the fearsome
Schaffen Stallions in what was then the ‘Cyborc’ Greaser Geargrinder. Described as
equivalent of today’s Blood Bowl final. being, ‘Part Orc, part machine, all git!’ He is
Unfortunately, they lose 3-0 in seven the result of some top secret (and highly
minutes. After a lengthy enquiry it’s revealed illegal) experiments in Bioniks, carried out by
that the Stallions sorcerous coach a team of renegade Chaos Dwarf engineers.
mindwiped the entire Heads team as they
lined up for the kick-off. The result stands, 2487 The Severed Heads unexpectedly go
but the Stallions are closed down. bankrupt after some corrupt dealing by tribal
cheiftans and a half-orc property speculator.
2469 After almost a decade spent carefully A short period of uncertainty comes to an
rebuilding their ruined team, the Severed end when King Ironclaw of Orcland invests
Heads finally make it to the top, decimating some of the profits from his healthy Elf-
Middenheim in the Blood Bowl. Player of the stabbling operation and buys himself a
match that day was new arrival Grishnak football team. He gets a little more than he
Goblin-Throttler, who got two Touchdowns bargained for when the entire Severed
and three fatalities. Heads tribe deposes its chiefs and follows
the team, but a swift upping of the tax-rate
2473 The Severed Heads find themselves on the on newcomers soon alleviates his fears.
wrong end of the ‘Golden Age of Secret
Weapons’, when half their Blood Bowl 2489 The Raiders are taking a little time to settle
winning team are chopped up by the into their new home, but it surely won’t be
demented play of Bluebay Crammers’ long before they recover the brilliant
chainsaw loony Tork Smallbones. winning streak they had at the start of the
‘80s. Under the fierce coaching of Ogre ex-
2479 The Heads never recover from the loss of so torturer Crueleye, the Orcland Raiders are on
many major players and spend the rest of the the look-out for their second Blood Bowl title
70s in the doldrums. They cap the decade in in six years.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
Blood Bowl Winners 2469 (IX) 2483 (XXIII)
Orcidas Team of the Year 2483
NFC championship winners 2459, 2469, 2483
Hall of Fame:
Gorbag ‘Rabid’ Foamface, Urgar Rancid, Coach
Lefthand Wolfstab
NAF Records
Most Players on the Pitch During a Match;
27 vs Creeveland Crescents, 2476-77 playoffs
Most Passing Paces (Active Players):
18,940 paces, Grishnak Goblin-Throttler 2469-
Team Records
Most Paces Passing (Single Game)
Orcland Raiders’ Team Song 321 paces, Grishnak Goblin-Throttler, 2472-73
“We're mean, Most Touchdowns (Career):
102, Grishnak Goblin-Throttler, 2469-present
we're green, Most Interceptions (Career)
we're baaad, 27, Greaser Geargrinder, 2484-present
Dwarfs were one of the very first races to play Blood 2400 A major Dwarf-Goblin underground war
Bowl, and the Worlds Edge Wanderers, like many breaks out. Fighting is particularly bad in
Dwarf teams, can trace their history to the early years Karak Azul, where the mines are invaded, the
of the game. They are notable for being one of the Miners’ stadium is destroyed, and the
first teams not to be formed from a Nuffle players wiped out in the fighting. Although
Worshipping sect, a template that soon became the the owners are sent into exile, they
norm. Despite being such an old team, their trophy stubbornly vow to keep the team playing.
cabinet is relatively bare; their recent poor form on They lead a nomadic existence, playing their
the field suggests that this situation won’t be games wherever they find a stadium and a
changing anytime soon. community of Dwarfs. It is at this point they
change their name to the Worlds Edge
2367 The elderly Roze-El visits an Iron Mine in Wanderers.
Karak Azul to spread the Nuffle’s word and
give a proselytising sermon. Truth be told, 2436 With the war over, the Wanderers finally
most of the miners couldn’t care less about return home to Karak Azul. Despite calls to
the finer points of the sacred commissioner’s change the team’s name back to the Dwarf
theological arguments and they sleep Miners, they choose to remain the Worlds
through most of it, but soon perk up when Edge Wanderers, so they never forget the
Roze-El gets to the bit about spikes and thirty-six years of exile and hardship the
blocking. Sounding like their kind of game, team endured.
the miners form a team, and with typical
Dwarf bluntness, call themselves the Dwarf 2447 The Wanderers win the NFC championship
Miners. for the second time in ten years, capping
what is arguably the best period in the
2368 They apply to join the original NAF but Roze- team’s history.
El flatly rejects their application due to the
fact they aren’t members of the church of 2475 The Wanderers relative lack of success in
Nuffle. Undeterred, they continue to play comparison to their NAF Dwarf rivals, the
outside of the league and become very Warhammerers and the Giants, stings their
successful, so much so that they are the first players and fans. They begin to take pride in
team to actually start paying their players for their status as the ‘third’ Dwarf team in the
playing (much to Roze-El’s chagrin). league and develop a unique (for Dwarfs)
style of play that uses surprise passing plays
2380 New commissioner Djimm Thorp is more to catch the opposition unaware. It also helps
accommodating to the Miners, and when that Thrower Berni Harthunter has the
one of the founding sects withdraw from the exceptionally tall Dwarf Blitzer ‘Leggy’ Lofarr
NAF, he personally invites them to join in Grimgrip as a target.
their place. The Miners are the true pioneers
of the game, being the first recognised 2482 The Wanderers appear in the final of Blood
professional team. Other teams in the Bowl XXII, but lose to the Bluchen
league, such as the Illuminated Seers of Berserkers. Long serving Head Coach Bifur
Nuffle’s Sacred Orb, quickly follow their lead Boulderhewn decides to retire after 45 years
and rebrand as the Dwarf Giants. Within a in the job, his replacement Stanislav
decade the religious roots of the NAF are all Ironbrender inherits a team in decline.
but forgotten.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours Heia Ho!
NFC championship winners 2482, 2447, 2437
To the ball game we will go.
Hall of Fame: Heia-Hey!
Coach Bifur Boulderhewn, Heia-Hey!
‘Leggy’ Lofarr Grimgrip We’ll smash and maim and slay."
Week 9: 2nd Week of Ferally 2490 Week 13: 3rd Week of Starch
Greenfield Grasshuggers vs. Bluebay Crammers Elfheim Eagles vs. Khain's Killers
Oldheim Ogres vs. Athelorn Avengers Naggaroth Nightwings vs. Chaos All-Stars
Gouged Eye vs. Orcland Raiders Westside Werewolves vs. Asgard Ravens
Darkside Cowboys vs. Dwarf Warhammerers Athelorn Avengers vs. Orcland Raiders
Middenheim Marauders vs. Bluchen Berserkers Everbold Unicorns vs. Albion Wanderers
Hobgoblin Team vs. Skaven Scramblers Nurgle's Rotters vs. Bruendar Grimjacks
Dark Renegades vs. Evil Gits Bluchen Berserkers vs. Lowdown Rats
Icecastle Wolves vs. Stunted Stoutfellows Lustria Croakers vs. Champions of Death
Chaos All-Stars vs. Southstorm Squids Dwarf Giants vs. Worlds Edge Wanderers
Lustria Croakers vs. Bruendar Grimjacks Skaven Scramblers vs. Underworld Creepers
Khain's Killers vs. Bright Crusaders Greenfield Grasshuggers vs. Galadrieth Gladiators
Asgard Ravens vs. Reikland Reavers Gouged Eye vs. Middenheim Marauders
Vynheim Valkyries vs. Scarcrag Snivellers Oldheim Ogres vs. Dwarf Warhammerers
Nurgle's Rotters vs. Arctic Cragspiders Bluebay Crammers vs. Scarcrag Snivellers
Champions of Death vs. Lowdown Rats Stunted Stoutfellows vs. Vynheim Valkyries
Westside Werewolves vs. Underworld Creepers Evil Gits vs. Darkside Cowboys
Elfheim Eagles vs. Albion Wanderers Arctic Cragspiders vs. Creeveland Crescents
Everbold Unicorns vs. Creeveland Crescents Reikland Reavers vs. Hobgoblin Team
Galadrieth Gladiators vs. Dwarf Giants Bright Crusaders vs. Icecastle Wolves
Worlds Edge Wanderers vs. Naggaroth Nightwings Dark Renegades vs. Southstorm Squids
Week 10: 3rd Week of Ferally 2490 Week 14: 1st Week of Peril 2490
Middenheim Marauders vs. Arctic Cragspiders Champions of Death vs. Albion Wanderers
Icecastle Wolves vs. Champions of Death Arctic Cragspiders vs. Icecastle Wolves
Greenfield Grasshuggers vs. Albion Wanderers Middenheim Marauders vs. Athelorn Avengers
Bluchen Berserkers vs. Reikland Reavers Gouged Eye vs. Naggaroth Nightwings
Gouged Eye vs. Underworld Creepers Underworld Creepers vs. Bluchen Berserkers
Southstorm Squids vs. Naggaroth Nightwings Reikland Reavers vs. Creeveland Crescents
Chaos All-Stars vs. Bright Crusaders Scarcrag Snivellers vs. Oldheim Ogres
Scarcrag Snivellers vs. Khain's Killers Bright Crusaders vs. Khain's Killers
Asgard Ravens vs. Oldheim Ogres Chaos All-Stars vs. Orcland Raiders
Elfheim Eagles vs. Bruendar Grimjacks Westside Werewolves vs. Dark Renegades
Westside Werewolves vs. Stunted Stoutfellows Stunted Stoutfellows vs. Elfheim Eagles
Galadrieth Gladiators vs. Dark Renegades Lowdown Rats vs. Bruendar Grimjacks
Everbold Unicorns vs. Athelorn Avengers Darkside Cowboys vs. Greenfield Grasshuggers
Darkside Cowboys vs. Evil Gits Evil Gits vs. Everbold Unicorns
Creeveland Crescents vs. Dwarf Warhammerers Skaven Scramblers vs. Southstorm Squids
Bluebay Crammers vs. Skaven Scramblers Bluebay Crammers vs. Dwarf Warhammerers
Lowdown Rats vs. Nurgle's Rotters Vynheim Valkyries vs. Asgard Ravens
Dwarf Giants vs. Vynheim Valkyries Nurgle's Rotters vs. Dwarf Giants
Lustria Croakers vs. Orcland Raiders Worlds Edge Wanderers vs. Galadrieth Gladiators
Hobgoblin Team vs. Worlds Edge Wanderers Lustria Croakers vs. Hobgoblin Team
Week 11: 1st Week of Starch 2490 Week 15: 2nd Week of Peril 2490
Greenfield Grasshuggers vs. Athelorn Avengers Orcland Raiders vs. Southstorm Squids
Southstorm Squids vs. Everbold Unicorns Vynheim Valkyries vs. Creeveland Crescents
Champions of Death vs. Westside Werewolves Bright Crusaders vs. Dwarf Giants
Stunted Stoutfellows vs. Lowdown Rats Asgard Ravens vs. Everbold Unicorns
Underworld Creepers vs. Hobgoblin Team Scarcrag Snivellers vs. Champions of Death
Bruendar Grimjacks vs. Orcland Raiders Bruendar Grimjacks vs. Lustria Croakers
Scarcrag Snivellers vs. Gouged Eye Naggaroth Nightwings vs. Reikland Reavers
Arctic Cragspiders vs. Skaven Scramblers Skaven Scramblers vs. Westside Werewolves
Bluchen Berserkers vs. Icecastle Wolves Dwarf Warhammerers vs. Oldheim Ogres
Evil Gits vs. Albion Wanderers Dark Renegades vs. Stunted Stoutfellows
Lustria Croakers vs. Khain's Killers Albion Wanderers vs. Greenfield Grasshuggers
Reikland Reavers vs. Bright Crusaders Bluchen Berserkers vs. Hobgoblin Team
Oldheim Ogres vs. Creeveland Crescents Lowdown Rats vs. Nurgle's Rotters
Chaos All-Stars vs. Darkside Cowboys Arctic Cragspiders vs. Underworld Creepers
Naggaroth Nightwings vs. Middenheim Marauders Athelorn Avengers vs. Icecastle Wolves
Vynheim Valkyries vs. Nurgle's Rotters Worlds Edge Wanderers vs. Evil Gits
Galadrieth Gladiators vs. Elfheim Eagles Galadrieth Gladiators vs. Gouged Eye
Worlds Edge Wanderers vs. Bluebay Crammers Khain's Killers vs. Chaos All-Stars
Dwarf Giants vs. Dwarf Warhammerers Bluebay Crammers vs. Middenheim Marauders
Dark Renegades vs. Asgard Ravens Elfheim Eagles vs. Darkside Cowboys
Week 12: 2nd Week of Starch 2490 Week 16: 3rd Week of Peril 2490
Chaos All-Stars vs. Evil Gits Everbold Unicorns vs. Middenheim Marauders
Hobgoblin Team vs. Skaven Scramblers Asgard Ravens vs. Dwarf Giants
Reikland Reavers vs. Elfheim Eagles Albion Wanderers vs. Champions of Death
Dark Renegades vs. Nurgle's Rotters Darkside Cowboys vs. Oldheim Ogres
Asgard Ravens vs. Vynheim Valkyries Galadrieth Gladiators vs. Reikland Reavers
Southstorm Squids vs. Bright Crusaders Hobgoblin Team vs. Elfheim Eagles
Athelorn Avengers vs. Galadrieth Gladiators Scarcrag Snivellers vs. Nurgle's Rotters
Stunted Stoutfellows vs. Worlds Edge Wanderers Evil Gits vs. Bluchen Berserkers
Icecastle Wolves vs. Lustria Croakers Chaos All-Stars vs. Stunted Stoutfellows
Everbold Unicorns vs. Underworld Creepers Arctic Cragspiders vs. Vynheim Valkyries
Lowdown Rats vs. Oldheim Ogres Southstorm Squids vs. Greenfield Grasshuggers
Westside Werewolves vs. Darkside Cowboys Bruendar Grimjacks vs. Lowdown Rats
Dwarf Warhammerers vs. Middenheim Marauders Icecastle Wolves vs. Underworld Creepers
Albion Wanderers vs. Scarcrag Snivellers Westside Werewolves vs. Athelorn Avengers
Khain's Killers vs. Greenfield Grasshuggers Bluebay Crammers vs. Dark Renegades
Creeveland Crescents vs. Naggaroth Nightwings Orcland Raiders vs. Naggaroth Nightwings
Bruendar Grimjacks vs. Bluchen Berserkers Dwarf Warhammerers vs. Gouged Eye
Champions of Death vs. Arctic Cragspiders Skaven Scramblers vs. Khain's Killers
Orcland Raiders vs. Bluebay Crammers Worlds Edge Wanderers vs. Creeveland Crescents
Dwarf Giants vs. Gouged Eye Bright Crusaders vs. Lustria Croakers
Team Colours: Purple and white
Symbol: Crossed battle axes
Owner: Chief Gulagh the Despot
Head Coach: Ivan Bloodshed
Home Stadium: Axehead Stadium,
(Capacity 57,140, surface astrogranite)
Players: Norse and chaotic marauders
Sponsor: Slaughter and Maim
Cheerleaders: The Battle Axes
The Bluchen Berserkers are the wild men of the NAF. he causes an incredible 4 fatalities, 5 serious
Hailing from the savage northern wastes, they are a injuries, and sets up 3 touchdowns.
terrifying alliance of northern raiders and Norse Unfortunately, these were all against the
berserkers united in one thing, their worship of the Berserkers! it seems Thrud became
blood god, Khorne. In every game they play, they do confused as to who he was supposed to be
their best to put the ‘blood’ into blood bowl, often playing for as soon as he stepped onto the
ignoring the not inconsiderable matter of trying to pitch!
2482 With the arrival of recently retired Blocker
2464 Despite decades of leading his tribe of Ivan Bloodshed as Head Coach, the
northern raiders on a trail of murder and Berserkers finally have a tactician who can
destruction, Chief Gulagh the Despot is blend wanton carnage with the need to move
constantly overlooked by Khorne when it the ball. In a huge shock, the Berserkers win
comes to promotion to Daemonhood. the AFC Central with some famous wins over
Demoralised, he soon hits upon the idea of the Reavers and Gouged Eye. They meet
forming a Blood Bowl team- surely the another surprise package in the final of
mindless violence and gory fame associated Blood Bowl XXII, the Worlds Edge
with winning the Blood Bowl trophy would Wanderers, and win a brutal battle of
be enough to catch the eye of the great blood attrition 3-2. Gulagh is delighted, but still
god! Gulagh, a master of persuasion, rather miffed that it is the rookie sensation,
convinces commissioner Nikk Threehorn to Slarga Fourstike, who is blessed with a gift
admit the Bluchen Berserkers to the NAF, from a grateful Khorne, rather than himself.
after an intimate tête-a-tête next to a roaring
fire in his cosy dungeon. 2487 Moving with the times, the Berserkers start
using kickers. However, the transition is not
2468 The Berserkers soon live up to their name, without hiccups, thanks to their violent
leaving a trail of broken bodies, balls, tendencies. Wayward Kicker Sigurd
Gatorcade coolers, dugouts, changing Tropfentor was so anxious to improve his
rooms, lockers, spare boots, reporters, ball- accuracy when kicking that he had one of the
boys, team mascots, and autograph hunters, other players hold the ball for him. This
wherever they play. Their fearsome technical innovation has not caught on,
reputation for violence is offset by the fact mainly due to Tropfentor finishing the
their berserker players regularly forget to season having still only completed 25% of
score, costing them many games. his kicks, having killed 3 and injured 6
teammates and seeing 12 holders trampled
2474 Never is the Berserkers’ wildness more into the ground by grateful opponents.
apparent than in the play of team captain
Stengard Wolfbeck, a Berserker who was 2488 Despite winning the Blood Bowl and
such a rough and wild a player he is regularly inflicting as many casualties as a small war,
sent off… during team practice sessions! Chief Gulagh is still waiting for Khorne to
reward him. He is all the more indignant now
2477 The Berserkers are the first team to sign the that Star Berserker Scylla Anfgrimm has
legendary Thrud the Barbarian to play Blood begun to show unmistakable signs of being
Bowl. The 7’.8’’, 350lbs Norscan brute seems favoured by the Fearsome God of Blood.
the perfect match for Bluchen’s ultraviolent
style of play. His first match is a revelation,
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
Blood Bowl winners 2482 (XXII)
NAF Record:
Most Assistant Coach Fatalities (Single Game):
AFC championship winners 2482
5, Ivan Bloodshed, vs Underworld Creepers, 2468-69
Most Team-mates Killed by Booting (Season): Hall of Fame:
3, Sigurd Tropfentor, (2487-88)
Most Team-mates Killed by Booting (Career): Ivan Bloodshed (as a player)
8, Sigurd Tropfentor, 2487-present
Team Records
Most Paces of Combined Offense:
4103 paces, Slarga Fourstike, (1492 rushing, 973 receiving,
817 passing, 821 interception returns)
Bluchen Berserkers’ Chant
Most Fatalities (Career) "We're Berserk,
230, Stengard Wolfbeck, 2474-present, (67 player fatalities,
12 referee fatalities, 139 spectator fatalities, 12 team-mate We're Insane,
fatalities We love causing
gratuitous pain!"
Under the leadership of tribal overlord Gobsuck 2435 Inspired (or should that be, terrified) by
Skullcrush XII and the extremely sadistic training Ogrehack’s formidable temper, the Eye
methods of Sever-limb, the team have risen from steamroller their opponents to win their first
being a laughingstock to chief contenders for top title, they are crowned AFC champions after
team in the conference. It is unfortunate that the thrashing the Ironcrag Decimators in the
Gouged Eye are in the same division as the Reavers, final.
as one Side must defeat the other if they are to
proceed into the upper reaches of the various cups 2450 When Ogrehack finally retires to become an
and championships. anger management consultant, the Eye find
a more than capable replacement in the form
2403 Slaves captured by Orc raiding parties tell of Garg Wormface. They win the White Skull
the Gouged Eye tribe of a wonderous. game Challenge Cup for five consecutive years.
played by humans. A spying party manages
to kidnap a coach, and soon the Gouged Eye 2464 Unbelievably, the Gouged Eye beat the
are playing their first few matches. Reavers in a last-ditch play-off scramble
Unfortunately, since the man they captured bloodbath, and go all the way to the
was a specialist rushing trainer, the team champions rostrum when they defeat the
have great trouble passing the ball - trouble Dwarf Giants at the Middenheim Stadium,
Which sees them lose all but one of their first Captain on the day was Hurk
seventy-two games. Verminsmasher, but honours must go to
thrice-scorer Bolg Stonemangle (later
2429 Undaunted by early failures, the Gouged Eye known as ‘Dwarfmangle’!).
finally realise what they are doing wrong,
and manage to kidnap passing expert 2473 The Gouged Eye win Blood Bowl XIII against
Vimmy Gloam after a late-night Middenheim the Dwarf Warhammerers. Bolg
Marauders training session. After just a little Dwarfmangle seals his place in history with
persuasion he tells all them knows, and another hat-trick in the big game (that guy
under his guidance the orc team develops really hated Dwarves!).
into a formidable fighting, er, playing
machine. 2474 The Eye’s championship winning side are all
but destroyed in Axeface Manglesson’s Orc
2431 Results rapidly turn-around, so much so they Massacre in the final of Blood Bowl XIV. The
are invited to become part of the Oldlands next year, a youthful Varag Ghoul-Chewer is
Conference. They play in the Central Division appointed captain of the rebuilding team.
and under the captaincy of Eruk Ogrehack,
the Eye manage a respectable third. A 2488 Under Ghoul-Chewer’s captaincy the
recruiting drive pioneered by Blood Bowl-fan Gouged Eye are one of the NAF’s premier
Emperor Skullcrush XI allows Orcs a chance teams winning the AFC championship and
to choose between a spell in the army or in two Chaos Cups. They continue to go from
the team. Thousands flock to join the strength to strength and massacre to
Gouged Eye. massacre. Another BIood Bowl title cannot
be far off.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
Blood Bowl winners 2464 (IV), 2473 (XIII)
Chaos Cup winners 2441, 2445, 2450-54, 2460,
2469, 2473, 2477, 2482-83
AFC championship winners 2435, 2464,
2470.2473. 2474, 2478
Hall of Fame:
Eruk Ogrehack, Bolg Dwarfmangle (nee
Stonemangle), Garg Worm-face
Team Colours: Red and green
Symbol: Winged skull
Owner: Marishel the Fair, Sister of the
dark convent
Head Coach: Duriath Hellblade
Home Stadium: The Nightwing Cavern, underearth,
(capacity 85,332, surface astrogranite)
Players: Dark Elves
Sponsor: Imperial Spike Emporium
Cheerleaders: The Nightmares
The Naggaroth Nightwings are one of the oldest after a mix up with some fishnet stockings.
teams in the NAF, and amongst the Dark Elves, only The match is everything you’d expect it to
their hated rivals the Darkside Cowboys predate be, nasty, brutal, full of fouls and dirty play -
them. Throughout their long history, they’ve always the Dark Elves fans proclaim it one of the
fielded highly competitive- and lethal- teams, the best spectacles they’ve ever watched!
reason their trophy cabinet is relatively bare has
more to do with being stuck in the AFC Central 2456 The Nightwings return to form in the 2450s
division, home of the Reikland Reavers and the and beat both the Gouged Eye and Reikland
Gouged Eye, two of the most successful Blood Bowl Reavers to win the division and the AFC
teams ever. championship. More success is to follow
when they defeat the Creeveland Crescents
2382 The Nightwings are formed in Naggarond by in the precursor to the Blood Bowl final.
Marishel the Fair, Sister of the Dark Convent. However, finals at this time had the status of
Their name comes from the notorious exhibition matches, so the ‘Wings get the
Nightwing Cavern in Naggaroth, scene of glory but not the world title.
such unspeakable acts of degeneracy, we
dare not publish them here! 2475 The Reaver/Eye domination of the AFC
Central means Naggaroth’s chances of
2390 The Nightwings win their first ever Elven progressing through the play-offs are strictly
Kingdoms league. Home turf gives them the limited. A plus side is that they become an
upper hand in many games. They keep the excellent cup team, winning the Chaos Cup
light levels very low in the Nightwing twice in a six-year period.
Cavern, their players can still see but their
non-Dark Elf opponents can't as a number of 2480 Promising rookie Catcher, Laxon Hrull,
them found out, tumbling into deep chasms abruptly leaves the team to join the Chaos
next to their dug out. All-Stars. Both parties refuse to divulge the
reason for his departure, the question of
2420 The ‘Wings dominate the Elven Kingdoms what exactly Laxon did to leave in such a
league under the captaincy of star Thrower hurry is still the subject of much tabloid
Acheron Thorn (elder brother of current gossip.
Cowboys star Catcher, Asperon Thorn).
2489 The Nightwings have assembled a hugely
2431 With the ratification of the NAF’s two talented team of malicious deviants that are
conferences by commissioner Jorge capable of beating anyone in the league.
Hellhound, the Nightwings begin playing in Nobody seriously believes this will be the
the NAF as an expansion franchise. year they break the Orc/Human duopoly at
(Eyebrows are raised when they do so ahead the top of the AFC Central, but they may well
of the Darkside Cowboys who will have to become the king makers, also, their recent
wait until 2438. This helps to ignite a bitter success in the Chaos Cup makes them dark
rivalry between the two teams, one that still horses for that competition.
exists even today).
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
No. Name Position Experience
Chaos Cup winners 2475, 2480
1 Rozanne Nailvenom Catcher Star Player AFC championship winners 2456
2 Meriann Lightning Blitzer Star Player
3 Scylas Killjoy Thrower Experienced
Elven Kingdoms League winners 2391, 2399,
4 Exon ‘the Executioner’ Gallowspite Blitzer Experienced 2321
5 Eoran Lightning Thrower Veteran
6 Vossi Stormcaller Lineman Veteran
7 Lavesil Darkshade Catcher Veteran
8 Blakkagh Blood-Quencher Catcher Veteran
9 Sciaticus Slashleg Kicker Veteran
10 Helion Cursis Lineman Experienced
11 Kouran Hellespher Lineman Rookie
12 Abbadon Baine Lineman Rookie
13 Cavil Morvarin Lineman Rookie
14 Hagride Vraneth Lineman Rookie
15 Arkhul Blackhand Catcher Veteran
16 Mordecai Bedlam Kicker Rookie
NAF Records
Hall of Fame: Most Devious Use of a Magnetic Field Ever:
vs Scarfaced Scavengers, 2477-78
Acheron Thorn, Vilim Snakespear
Club Records
Most Paces Rushing (Career):
10,762, Acheron Thorn (2420-2457)
Most Paces Passing (Career):
20,496, Acheron Thorn
Naggaroth Nightwings’ Fan’s Chant
“You’re not breathing anymore…”
Team Colours: Blue and yellow
Symbol: Skull and blade
Owner: JJ Griswell Jr
Head Coach: Helmut Zwimmer
Home Stadium: The Altdorf Oldbowl,
(capacity 71,411, surface astrogranite)
Players: Humans
Sponsor: Four Seasons Coaching Lines
Cheerleaders: The Reavettes
The Reavers are the finest all-round team in the AFC, at this time is now Blind Willy Müller.
if not the NAF, with no one else coming close to Reavers slump to their worst placings ever.
matching their consistent winning record (4-time Müller reputed to have got the job through
Blood Bowl winners, 18-time Chaos Cup winners!). blackmailing DD Jr over some rather
Wherever the Reavers play, the stadium is indiscreet moments with the entire Reavers
guaranteed to be sold-out, for they are also the best- cheerleading squad.
supported team in the NAF, with a fan base that
spans the Known World. To their die-hard fans they 2432: The Reavers start the first season of a 14-
are simply the greatest Blood Bowl team there has year low patch when eleven members of the
ever been, to fans of all the other clubs, they’re a first team are infected during an injudicious
boastful bunch of big-heads. However, when the Nurgle’s Rotters game. Transfers of eight
chips are down the Reavers always put their money players to the Subterranean Slimeballs helps
where their mouth is. To have played the Reikland ease the crisis, but the loss hits the Reavers
Reavers is to have played the best. hard. DD Griswell Jr is replaced by his son JJ
Griswell Snr.
2389: The Altdorf Acolytes are formed in 2389 by a
business consortium in association with the 2468: JJ Griswell dies after getting too close to the
people of Altdorf, making their home field at sidelines during a Asgard Ravens fixture,
Griswell Memorial Stadium. This was and is replaced by current owner JJ Griswell
achieved because of a vacant franchise spot Jr. New head coach Helmut Zwimmer
came up in the former Oldlands Conference. arrives soon after, and institutes his ‘New
DD Griswell Sr, the original owner, bought Order’ of training and preparation.
and practiced the old-time art of poaching
talent from other teams. Combined with 2485: Reikland thrash the Darkside Cowboys to
financial astuteness, and headed by Coach win Blood Bowl 24, but only after surprise
Johann Weisshaupt, their first season ended substitute Orlak Stürmdrang replaces fatally
with a fourth-place spot in the Whiteskull injured captain, Wolfram von Beck, after only
Challenge Cup (now Chaos Cup). ninety seconds. The legendary Zug sets up
his still-unbeaten ‘Most Opponents Bitten in
2396: When the Griswell Memorial Stadium One Match’ record.
collapses during a game (amid rumours of
paybacks and cost-cutting by the firm who 2487: Griff Oberwald (incidentally Stürmdrang’s
built it), the team changes its name to the half-cousin!) replaces Orlak as team captain
Reikland Reavers and makes its new home in after his predecessor finds the pressures of
the Altdorf Oldbowl. The same year, the running the team and posing for the girls as
Reavers get their first Chaos Cup win by an all-round Blood Bowl megastar too much.
defeating the Wüppertal Wotans in the final. The team go from strength to strength,
winning their fourth Blood Bowl.
2399: The legendary match against the visiting
Dwarf Giants team ends in uproar when it’s 2489: After another great season, the Reavers face
discovered that each team is using its own the Darkside Cowboys once again in the final
version of the rules. Game abandoned at 17- of Blood Bowl 28. They come within inches
4. of retaining the trophy, but an extraordinary
End Zone interception by Hubris Rakarth, is
2411: DD Griswell Jr takes over as owner of the returned 100 paces to win the game and the
team on the death of his father. Head coach title for the Cowboys.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Hall of Fame:
Walter damm Kempft, Erdrich Holstein, Coach
Johann Weisshapt, Jules Winder
Team Colours: Red and black
Symbol: A serpent
Owner: Unknown
Head Coach: Lance Fleshbarb
Home Stadium: The Nether Regions, Underearth,
(capacity 18,670, surface, compacted rubble)
Players: Skaven and Goblins
Sponsor: Imperial Mines
Cheerleaders: The Graves
This unlikely pot-pourri of Skaven and Goblins is a 2460 After two decades in the NAF, the Creepers
juggernaut of innovation in the field of dastardly have nothing to show for their troubles other
tactics. If one of their ambitious plans backfires on than a horrendous casualty list (many of
the Gobbos (who usually get everything wrong, whom were killed in squabbles with their
anyway), the Skaven just sit back and watch the own team-mates). This is partly attributed to
stupid creatures hurt themselves- it appeals to their the fact that nobody actually knows who
warped sense of humour. owns the team. Board meetings consist of
whoever is in the vicinity of the club HQ at
2424 Neighbouring communities of Goblins and the time.
Skaven discover the delights of Blood Bowl
as a means of settling boundary disputes. 2470 After decades of under achievement, the
The life expectancy of the average (non- Creepers turn to new coach Lance Fleshbarb,
Blood Bowling) underworld denizen his innovative approach of letting the players
increases drastically, much to the approval decide themselves what to do puts an
of both groups, but disappointment to immediate stop to the problem – and the
adventuring parties everywhere. assassinations! Side effects such as the
players now killing each other over tactics
2440 The shared cave system proves a setback to are considered only a mild nuisance. With
the two communities’ attempts to form injury being an occupational hazard in Blood
teams of their own and one shrewd Goblin Bowl, particularly so for the Creepers, it
suggests forming one team from them both. makes no difference who does it to them –
He is soundly beaten to pulp. A week later it’s going to happen anyway!
(after both teams suffer an embarrassing
defeat due to player shortage) the mixed- 2484 The Creepers cause the upset of the season
race Underworld Creepers are officially born. by winning the Chaos Cup. Pundits agree
One very bruised and battered Goblin is not that Fleshbarb has assembled possibly the
amused, though neither is he surprised. best Goblin-Skaven team ever (conveniently
missing the fact that, at this point, they’re the
2453 The Creepers break the record for instigating ONLY Goblin-Skaven team in existence!).
more riots than any other team in the history
of the NAF. Critics rate the infamous ‘Bloody 2489 With the huge disappointment that was the
Moonsday’ riot of ’53 to be the best of the 2488-89 season behind them, many believe
bunch. The conflagration begins when that this Creepers team has peaked. The
frustrated Goblin Catcher Crudz Rustlicker previously unassailable coach Lance
takes wild swing at a team-mate in the dug- Fleshbarb enters the new season with many
out but accidentally hits a nearby spectator, fans calling for his head.. and when this
who falls into the ice cream of the Ogre comes Goblins and Skaven, you’d better
behind him, who jumps up in surprise and start running!
bumps into the Minotaur next to him, who
gets annoyed 'cos he just missed the big
play, before long the stadium is a sea of
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
Chaos Cup winners 2484
Most Self-inflicted player fatalities (off pitch per
season) (2482, 2483, 2484, 2485, 2486, 2487,
Most Self-inflicted player fatalities (off pitch per
game) (Every year since formed!)
Underworld Creepers’
Cheerleaders’ Song
" Creepers! Creepers!
They love a scrap with Elves!
Or Orcs, or Dwarfs, or anyone…
They’ll even fight themselves!
2460-61 Creeveland Crescents Oldheim Ogres 3-2 2-3 Altdorf Old Bowl, Altdorf
2459-60 Schaffen Stallions Severed Heads 3-0 0-0 Darkside Cavern, Naggaroth
2458-59 Creeveland Crescents Crimson Spikes 3-2 1-0 Altdorf Old Bowl, Altdorf
2457-58 Crimson Spikes Dar Ellerath Beechtrees 3-2 5-0 The Eataine Coliseum, Ulthuan
2456-57 Naggaroth Nightwings Creeveland Crescents 3-2 1-0 Altdorf Old Bowl, Altdorf
2455-56 Schaffen Stallions Kishargo Werebears 3-0 4-1 Skull Stadium, Orcland
2454-55 Parravon Penetrators Arctic Cragspiders 3-1 0-0 The Icebowl, Frostheim
2453-54 Crimson Spikes Greenboyz 3-0 10-1 Altdorf Old Bowl, Altdorf
2452-53 Schaffen Stallions Parravon Penetrators 3-2 0-0 Notre Dame de Nuffle, Couronne
2451-52 Parravon Penetrators Mirkheim Mages 3-1 0-0 Notre Dame de Nuffle, Couronne
2450-51 Mirkheim Mages Dwarf Giants 3-2 0-1 Three Towers Stadium, Calagarth
2449-50 Kishargo Werebears Middenheim Marauders 3-2 0-0 Middenheim Stadium, Middenheim
2448-49 Middenheim Marauders Parravon Penetrators 3-2 0-0 Notre Dame de Nuffle, Couronne
2447-48 Mongrel Horde Worlds Edge Wanderers 3-0 0-0 Altdorf Old Bowl, Altdorf
2446-47 Champions of Death Sartosa Spleenrippers 3-1 2- - Skull Stadium, Orcland
2445-46 Deaths Heads Claws of Chaos 3-2 0-0 Skull Stadium, Orcland
2444-45 Schaffen Stallions Parravon Penetrators 3-1 1-0 Notre Dame de Nuffle, Couronne
2443-44 Nurgle's Rotters Claws of Chaos 3-2 2-1 The Rotbowl, Pusadena
2442-41** Ironcrag Decimators Bluebay Crammers 3-0 13-0 Skull Stadium, Orcland
2441-42 Icecastle Werewolves Kishargo Werebears 3-2 0-0 The Icebowl, Frostheim
2440-41 Albion Wanderers Haffenheim Hornets* 3-1 1-0 Altdorf Old Bowl, Altdorf
2439-40 Ironcrag Decimators Parravon Penetrators 3-1 0-0 Skull Stadium, Orcland
2438-39 Dwarf Giants Wüppertal Wotans 3-2 1-0 Three Towers Stadium, Calagarth
2437-38 Claws of Chaos Worlds Edge Wanderers 3-0 0-0 Altdorf Old Bowl, Altdorf
2436-37 Wüppertal Wotans Subterranean Slimeballs 3-0 1-2 Altdorf Old Bowl, Altdorf
2435-36 Gouged Eye Zhufbar Marktag 3-2 9-1 Skull Stadium, Orcland
2434-35 Subterranean Slimeballs Arctic Cragspiders 3-2 2-0 The Rotbowl, Pusadena
2433-34 Arctic Cragspiders Deaths Heads 3-1 2-0 Altdorf Old Bowl, Altdorf
2432-33 Zhufbar Marktag Ironcrag Decimators 3-1 1-0 Altdorf Old Bowl, Altdorf
Team Colours: Red and blue
with yellow spots
Symbol: A lion’s head
Owner: The Council of Far Albion
Head Coach: Bob Berobsson
Home Stadium: White Horse Stadium
(capacity 71,205, surface grass)
Players: Humans
Sponsor: Barfley’s Counting House,
Cheerleaders: The Lionesses
The Albion Wanderers are the self-confessed Rammedsea, who is tasked with rebuilding
gentlemen of the sport; never a bad word to say the shattered team. They change their name
about any of the other teams. When they’re wiped to the Albion Wanderers as a memorial to
out by foul play, they put it down to ‘bad luck, chaps’ their ill-fated grand tour.
and ‘health problems’. But when they win, they’re so
sickeningly magnanimous and humble, whole 2433 Rammedsea’s tactical acumen transforms
stadiums become lynching mobs. the Wanderers. They are accepted into the
new-look NAF, playing in the AFC North.
2066 Renegade Bretonnian Duke William the Whilst they rarely win their division, they
Dastard launches an invasion of the wild, become a hugely effective cup team,
mist-shrouded Island of Albion. Like sweeping the Chaos Cup 5 times during
previous invaders he meets stiff resistance Rammedsea’s 30-year reign.
from the locals, but after the Battle of
Wastings, he is able to conquer the south 2452 The Wanderers experiment with making
east corner of the Island. The Bretonnian’s games more civilised by adding a tea break
bring their rigid class system, reducing the to their home fixtures. The first attempt at
woad-wearing natives to the status of this is a success, when the enthusiastic
peasants. Greenfield Grasshuggers bring 12 hampers
laden with cake, tea and cucumber
2425 Four centuries later, the colony’s population sandwiches, however, the next game against
has developed its own identity. Its nobles are the Oldheim Ogres is a total disaster, the
famed for their impeccable manners and stiff Ogres get completely the wrong idea and
upper lip, both of which are taught from an assume they’re supposed to eat the
early age at their elite schools of Beaten and opposition. The practice is quietly dropped
Harrowing. At these seats of learning, sport before the next home game.
is a major part of the curriculum and as a
result many former pupils are also keen 2488 The Wanderers pull-off a shock and win the
sportsmen. With the advent of cabalvision, Chaos Cup by beating the red-hot favourite
they become avid football fans and soon Gouged Eye in the final. The win is all the
decide to make their own team, named the more surprising as the Wanderers had no
Old Beatonians in honour of their alma idea there were any Chaos tainted players on
mater. their team. At the season’s end, when half
the team were on holiday, reserve Blocker,
2428 The Old Beatonians eagerly go on a grand Kilmore McMurder admitted he was actually
tour of the Old World, looking to sharpen a secret Khorne worshipper. Head Coach,
their skills in exhibition matches against the Bob Berobsson later said, “We did wonder
best NAF teams. The results are why he was so angry all the time, we just
catastrophic, it soon becomes apparent they thought it was because he didn’t like our
are playing a completely different code; they uniforms!”
can’t work out why the ball isn’t round, and
nobody passes it with their feet! After a
disastrous match against the Gouged Eye,
they return to Albion in disarray. In
desperation, they hire an expert as their
Head Coach, the Sea Elf Sir Aelth
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Colours: White and Blue
Symbol: A spiders
Owner: King Håkan Eighthlimb
Head Coach: Skarth Thrudstrøm
Home Stadium: The Ice Bowl, Frostheim
(capacity 66,450, surface pack-ice)
Players: Norse
Sponsor: Loot from Norscan raids
Cheerleaders: The Black Widows
The Arctic Cragspiders are the oldest and, in terms of their team of homicidal lunatics down to the
titles, most successful Norse team. They rarely hire ground. Their legendary Norse ferocity
star players, preferring to rely on the resources powers them to their first title, winning the
available to them locally. What they lack in star White Skull Challenge Cup. When they
power they make up for in their unselfish teamwork successfully defend the trophy the next year,
and unbreakable team spirit. allegations fly that their players are taking
Yhetee blood enhancements. The league
2385 As the nights begin drawing in, the fierce investigates but never draws a conclusion
raiders of the Cragspider tribe return to their due to all those pursuing the case
home in the Frostheim mountains after a mysteriously vanishing!
busy summer looting and pillaging the Old
World. Growing tired at hearing the same old 2430 As teamwork becomes the norm, the rugged
sagas during the long winter break, their individualism of the Cragspiders is badly
King, Ivar Eightlimb, commands his bard to exposed and they suffer some humiliating
come up with some new stories. In fear of his defeats. However, thanks to the fact their
life, the bard rifles through the goods the players are all warriors from the same clan,
tribe have looted over the summer and finds they quickly develop their own brand of co-
a strange book called “The Beginner’s Book ordinated brutality and embrace teamwork
of Blood Bowl”. Thinking that his boss will to such an extent it will go on to become
appreciate a story that has ‘blood’ in the title, their trademark. They once again become a
he takes it to him and begins reading. The dominant cup side, winning the White Skull
King and his warriors are enthralled, over the Challenge Cup three times in the ‘30s.
course of the winter they become experts in
the finer points of the game and resolve to 2472 The Cragspiders win Blood Bowl XII, beating
form their own team in the spring. the Reikland Reavers. They do so as an NFC
team, having changed conference in the
2386 With the arrival of spring, the Arctic 2468, they move back to the AFC again in
Cragspiders are formed. Like all good Norse 2473.
teams, their players are strictly part-timers,
balancing their sporting achievements with 2483 Moving with the times, the Cragspiders take
their busy day-jobs of ransacking towns, a chance by hiring a star player, Wormhowl
looting monasteries and getting blind drunk. Greyscar. Under the young Greyscar’s stern
That summer they tour the old world, raiding leadership they win the Chaos Cup again in
towns and then playing their local football 2486.
teams (not always in that order!).
2487 The Cragspiders break the record for Most
2387 By the time they return home, the Decapitations during a match, when they
Cragspiders team have a fearsome take an astonishing 26 skulls from the
reputation, so much so that when the Magralath Mutants' starting line-up. Some
Oldlands Conference is formed, they are critics argue that since several of the heads
invited to join as one of the founders. belonged to the same body, the record
shouldn’t stand, however, they are careful to
2410 In this era, Blood Bowl games were never say this within earshot of the
primitive, violent things. Skill rarely came Cragspiders’ Berserkers!
through, which suits the Cragspiders and
2489-90 First Team Roster
NAF Records
Most decapitations:
26, vs Magralath Mutants (2487-88)
Most Major Honours (Norse Team):
The Cragspiders’ Cheerleaders’ Song 11 (1 Blood Bowl, 10 Chaos Cups)
"Blitz their line, smash a hole,
Team Records
Make their Thrower fall! Rushing Paces (Single Game):
Stomp his face, break his arms, 140 paces, Wormhowl Greyscar (2485-86)
Team Colours: Black (what else!)
Symbol: A skull
Owner: Tomolandry the Undying
Head Coach: None
Home Stadium: Pain Park, Underearth
(capacity unknown, surface crushed bone)
Players: Undead
Sponsor: The Temple of Morr
Cheerleaders: Dem Bonez
2425 Tomolnadry the Undying, a hard-working to add more ‘muscle’ to the team to aid a
Necromancer, becomes bored with all that longer campaign.
tedious mucking about with corpses and
coffins. He uses his skills to tune into what 2464 Tomolandry finds the solution and signs a
other mages were doing, but he soon finds secret pact with Tomb King Match-Ra. In the
himself patched into the broadcasting net of deal the Champions get the services of
the Necromancers Broadcasting Circle, and Ramtut III, in return any kills Ramtut makes
is delighted to discover football! are sent to Match-Ra. Ramtut is an unwilling
Tomolandry’s becomes so enthusiastic element of the deal and although he goes
about the new sport that he finally takes the along with it, he resists Tomolandry’s
plunge and starts his own football club. But controls. In a double swoop he also signs
instead of hiring players away from other Vynheim Valkyries star ball handler Stefan
clubs, he simply resurrects a dozen Helmhand after he met his untimely end,
skeletons, cast a spell of his own devising falling through a crack in their winter pitch
which gives them a rudimentary knowledge and freezing to death in a block of ice.
of the rules of the game- and the Champions
of Death are (re) born! 2466 With a team captained by Ramtut the Third,
the Champs, storm to victory in Blood Bowl
2439 In their first season in the AFC the Champs VII against the Vynheim Valkyries. The team
attract much opposition from all the other are the raised undead versions of the
teams. Tomolandry, in a rare interview with Middenheim Marauders who all
Spike! Magazine, declares that the other mysteriously died in a flying carpet accident
teams are jealous because their players have last year
to stop playing when they die, and because
he doesn’t have a weekly wage bill to pay! In 2474 The Champs’ bitter rivalry with the Westside
their first few seasons, the team do Werewolves is born when they play for the
reasonably well, winning their first trophy in first time. Over the years, the Werewolves
2440, though they have a tendency to go to have run off with essential parts of over 200
pieces in rough scrambles for the ball. of the Champions' Skeletons, ruining their
championship chances on several occasions.
2451 Tomolandry is accused by the Dwarf Giants In recent seasons, Tomolandry has refused
of kidnapping one of their players, when it is to even play against the Westside team,
revealed that the skeleton of ex-Giant claiming that he would rather forfeit one
lineman, Skrull Halfheight, has been game against them than have his entire team
resurrected and is now playing for the decimated for the remainder of the season.
Champs! Most teams bring in player
contracts stating that players’ bodies are still 2486 After a decade spent re-finding lost body
team property even after their death! parts, the Champs win Blood Bowl XVII
against the Dwarf Warhammerers. The
2459 The Champions win the Chaos Cup again triumph is all the more sweet for beating
and will win it twice more in the following 3 their bogey team the Westside Werewolves
years. However, league success evades in the quarter final, despite a Werewolf
them (they only made the play-offs once) player going berserk, and running off with a
and so Tomolandry starts looking for ways star catcher’s leg bones!
2489-90 First Team Roster
3 Champions of Death
Cheerleaders’ Chant
“You can stab us,
you can punch us,
you can kick us in the head,
But you’ll never, ever kill us
‘cause we’re dead, dead, dead!”
Hall of Fame
None (no players ever retire- they’re simply put
in storage for a few years before being revived
Team Colours: White and grey
Symbol: A wolf’s head
Owner: Wulfric Wolfshape
Head Coach: Olaf ‘Cracker’ Fisk
Home Stadium: The Lair
(capacity 55,825, surface pack-ice)
Players: Norse
Sponsor: Wolf Runner Coaches
Cheerleaders: The She-Wolves
The Icecastle Wolves were originally a team of He rushes for 72 paces, scores 1
Norse Ulfwereners, who, over time became a Touchdown and causes an extraordinary
more conventional Norse berserker team. They 176 fatalities, including 13 Icecastle
disbanded after most of their players were wiped players. The loss of so many first team
out in the early 70s but made a comeback a decade players is a mortal blow against the team;
later. Aside from early success, they are perennial lacking the funds to replace them, they
underachievers in the AFC Northern Division. complete the season using makeweights
(basically any talentless lunatic they can
2421 In Norsca, Werecreatures are not hunted find in the vicinity of the stadium on a
and persecuted, as they are elsewhere, but match day). Results and attendances
are often encouraged to join the collapse as do their finances. On the last
Berserkers in battle. It did not take long day of the season the Wolves are forced to
before they were also being included in disband.
the many Norse Blood Bowl teams that
sprang up after the success of the Arctic 2483 Who says lightning doesn’t strike in the
Cragspiders. By the 2420s, they were so same place twice? On the eve of the AFC
well established, that a group of them quarter finals, every single member of the
began formally playing as a team, taking Wüppertal Wotans team (including their
the name ‘Icecastle Werewolves’. In 2421, owner, who was at home in bed at the
they join the Norse Premier Division. time) is, very suspiciously, struck by
lightning. The All-Stars inadvertently gave
2431 The Werewolves avoid the pitfalls that the Wolves a route back into the big
have hamstrung previous attempts to field league. Knowing that the NAF have a
all Werewolf teams, they scrupulously policy of trying to maintain the racial and
avoid livestock and steer well clear of geographic balance of the league, former
Treemen. Their form becomes so good player, Wulfric Wolfshape heads a
that they are invited to join the newly successful bid to resurrect the team. The
merged NAF. Wolves live to howl another day!
2441 The Werewolves enjoy their only period of 2487 The new owner, Wolfshape, scores a
NAF success. They win the White Skull major coup when he convinces the
Challenge Cup, and then in 2442, go one Middenheim Stagecoach firm, ‘Wolf
better winning the AFC championship. Runner Coaches’ to sponsor the team in a
lucrative multi season deal. However, the
2459 The unreliability of the Were players mean 2487-88 season is a terrible
they see less and less playing time. Their disappointment, with the Wolves posting
influence on the team eventually becomes only four wins; by the season’s end, the
so slight, that they drop the ‘Were’ from corporate boxes at the Ice Castle stadium
their name and start to be known simply are as empty as Wolfshape’s promises.
as the Icecastle Wolves.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
Chaos Cup winners 2442
AFC championship winners 2441
Norse Premier Division winners 2423, 2425, 2431
Hall of Fame:
Team Colours: Red and White
Symbol: Crossed swords on a diamond
Owner: Captain Gebhard von Trauma
Head Coach: Goran Slaver
Home Stadium: Middenheim Arena,
(capacity 83,000, surface astrogranite)
Players: Humans and chaotic renegades
Sponsor: Castle Rock Coaches
Cheerleaders: The Blades
The Marauders were formed as the city of 2469 With this influx of cash, the Marauders
Middenheim’s response to the success of the quickly regroup, new Head Coach Goran
Reikland Reavers of Altdorf. For much of their history Slaver is not a man renowned for his
they have been in the shadow of the team from the patience and he rapidly forges a team in his
Imperial capital, but since the arrival of their new own image… that is, a bunch of homicidal
owner in the 60s, they have developed their own maniacs. They mercilessly crush all comers
distinct, chaos-tinged identity. in the AFC, but their blood lust gets the better
of them in the final of Blood Bowl IX against
2402 As football mania sweeps the Empire, the the Severed Heads. Their minotaur ‘Hungry’
sports fans of Middenheim grow jealous of Massif Bofine goes berserk killing several of
Altdorf’s Reikland Reavers and demand their his teammates and the Orcs easily win 3-0.
own team. Seeing an opportunity to boost
civic pride, the city’s authorities quickly buy 2472 Whilst their Minotaur Bofine undergoes
up the rights to one of the new franchises in anger management training, the Marauders
the Oldlands conference and set about hire Bob Bifford to replace him for a crunch
recruiting players. game with the Chaos All-Stars. The match is
billed as the battle of the Ogres as the Biff
2432 The first three decades of their existence are faces off against Morg n’Thorg. In the end
a lean time for the Marauders, the ascendent Bifford comes out on top, flattening Morg
Reavers constantly beat them on the pitch and scoring the winning touchdown while
and in bidding wars for the best players. whistling the Middenheim city anthem.
However, when Reikland are decimated in a
costly match against Nurgle’s Rotters, a path 2480 Rumours persist that the Owner and Head
to glory is cleared for the Marauders and Coach of the Marauders were once part of a
they win their first trophy in the same year. notorious Chaos War-Band. Suspicions
increase with some of their recruitment
2465 The Marauders finally become world decisions: Half-Orc, Uthar Hagg and Mutant
champions when they beat the Southstorm renegade, Withergrasp Doubledrool both
Squids to win Blood Bowl V… or do they? join the notorious Minotaur, Hungry Massif
The Squids’ magic co-ordinator later claims Bofine in the first team.
he cast a spell that altered the memory of
those present at the game. As a result of this 2486 The Marauders sign the promising rookie
mischief, a confused NAF has changed the Blitzer Karla von Kill after she makes an
result six times, with the Marauders astoundingly quick recovery from a
currently holding the title. potentially career ending injury at the hands,
Sadly, the celebrations are short-lived, the hooves and horns of a Minotaur Blocker.
entire winning team are killed in a flying
carpet accident. With no players, coaches or 2489 The Marauders always show signs of
owner, the team are thrown into disarray. greatness, especially in the ultraviolent
Salvation comes in the form of Captain excesses of arch-maimer Uthar Hagg but
Gebhard von Trauma, a recently retired face strict competition from the Reavers and
mercenary soldier with a shadowy Gouged Eye. Still, 2489-90 could be their
background. He pours considerable sums of year, many Blood Bowl pundits are tipping
his ill-gotten wealth into rebuilding the team. them as the team to watch!
2489-90 First Team Roster
Special Rules: The Marauders’ captain Uthar Hagg is notorious for his
habit of punching-out referees during the pre-match coin-toss. If Uthar
Hagg is in the team, the Marauders’ coach rolls a D6 once both teams
set up. If the result is 2-5, Uthar has restrained himself, if the result is 6,
the referee has been injured, follow the normal rolls for injured refs. If
the result is 1, Hagg has been penalised, roll on the penalty table adding
+1 to the result.
Team Honours
Blood Bowl winners 2465 (V)
Chaos Cup winners 2432, 2485, 2466
AFC championship winners 2448-49, 2465, 2469,
2477, 2484
Hall of Fame:
Coach Vimmy Gloam, Hansel Breakbach
Middenheim Marauders’
Team Chant
" Red and white,
stand and fight,
We’re gonna make you
bleed tonight "
Team Colours: Yellow, Blue and white stripes
Symbol: A cross and skull
Owner: Ingrid the Pious
Head Coach: Kurt Heiliger
Home Stadium: Notre Dame de Nuffle,
(Capacity 59,760, surface grass)
Players: Humans
Sponsor: The Church of Nuffle
Cheerleaders: The Choir of the
Unchallenged Call
The Bright Crusaders have veered between the quiet, some actual talent and not just blind faith to
noble grace of a Knightly Order and the wide-eyed the team and introduces the famous “Left
fanaticism of an extreme cult of Nuffle. Neither grace Hook” formation which powers them all the
nor undiluted faith however seems to have brought way to the Blood Bowl semi-final. Sadly, they
them much luck on the pitch. They play by an fall to pieces against their opponents the
extreme code and never, ever, cheat! While other Reikland Reavers, who cynically burn copies
teams are preparing for their next match by bribing of the Holy Book of Nuffle in their dug-out to
referees, the Crusaders are performing charity keep warm. The Crusaders are horrified and
matches, a fact that will keep them in the middle of spend most of the game prostrate on the turf
their division until they shape up and learn to play praying to Nuffle for salvation.
2464 The Crusaders win their first, and to date,
2417 An orphaned child is adopted by the Order of only, piece of Silverware, the Purity Cup. The
the Unchallenged Call, a devout sect in the tournament is organised by the Church of
Nuffle faith, she is given the name Ingrid. Nuffle and sticks strictly to the rules. The
tournament itself is full of good
2438 Now a young woman, Ingrid goes on the sportsmanship, teamwork, respect for the
Prime Stadium Circuit Pilgrimage but is referees and absolutely no fouls of any kind,
appalled by what she saw. The lack of faith as a consequence the fans stay away in their
troubled her greatly and so she prayed, droves, the final is watched by only 10 clerics
Nuffle answered her in a vision, telling her to and even then, they were only there because
found a team dedicated to propagating His they’d won their tickets in a raffle.
holy word.
2472 The infamous Quagmire incident match
2441 Having found financial backers, Ingrid sets takes place against the Elfheim Eagles. The
up the Bright Crusaders in Nuln, and goes Eagles’ wizards cast the Quagmire spell 93
about trying to recruit players who meet her times during the game causing the
very, very exacting standards. Crusaders stadium, Pious Field, to sink into
the earth and never be seen again. The
2449 After 8 long years of recruitment, Ingrid Colleges of Magic were forced to change the
finally has enough players to start a team! rules, limiting teams to just one wizard per
Unfortunately, they are placed in the brutal game. Searching for a new home, the
AFC Eastern division where their refusal to Crusaders relocate to Couronne in
break the rules is mercilessly exploited by Bretonnia.
their opponents and they finish last. Ingrid,
however, is delighted, as the Crusaders win 2489 As the Crusaders prepare for their 40th
the ‘fair play’ award (and have done so in season, few pundits are backing them to do
every subsequent NAF season that they have well. Their strict player recruitment policy
competed in). means they’ve a very small pool of talent to
choose from and their refusal to break the
2463 The shock arrival of Peter ‘the Paladin’ rules always leads them to lose crucial
Löwenhart in a transfer from the Rostov games. However, so long as they keep
Renegades heralds the start of a golden era bringing home the Fair Play award, Ingrid the
for the Crusaders. The star Blitzer brings Pious will be more than satisfied.
2489-90 First Team Roster
The Fans: Chant 2; Hooligans 1; Loyalty 3 * 1 Referee died of a heart attack due to becoming infuriated by
Crusaders players constantly quoting the rules to him after
Cheerleaders: The Choir of the Order every stoppage in play.
Of the Unchallenged Call Cheering Ability: 7
Special Rules: The Crusaders are famous for never breaking the
rules. Their coach cannot foul or use any type of dirty trick. In
addition, referees are well aware of the Crusaders reputation, add
+1 to any roll on the Ref Alertness table when one of their players
is fouled, also, Referees will never issue a penalty against the
Crusaders (see referee rules on unsportsmanlike conduct and
arguing the call).
Hall of Fame:
Peter ‘the Paladin’ Löwenhart
Team Honours
Purity Cup winners, 2464
NAF Fair Play Award: 2449-2488
Nuffle’s Prayer
"Hail Nuffle, almighty god,
hallowed be thy game.
Overtime hath come,
foulers be gone,
we smite them in thy name,
Forever and ever.
Team Colours: Red and green flames
Symbol: Chaos symbol
Owner: Prince Dorian the Lost
Head Coach: Unknown
Home Stadium: The Palace of Eternal
Suffering (capacity unknown, surface varies)
Players: Chaos renegades
Sponsor: None
Cheerleaders: The Chaotics
As most folk know the world is a very strange place, 2467 Under the charismatic captaincy of skilled
full to the brim with weird and wonderful things. Snakeman V’hnn Qllss Zzchhtrr (known to
Around the turn of the century, some of the weird commentators the world over as ‘Snakey’!),
and wonderful things decided to form a football the All-Stars beat, and then eat, the much-
team. The Chaos All-Stars are a very odd team, but a fancied Shiretown Stuffers to take Blood
very successful one too. They are owned by thrice- Bowl VII. In disgust many Halflings have
damned Prince Dorian, the legendary heir to several boycotted their games ever since, forcing
ancient nations who has thrown it all away and made regular All-Stars fans to find some other half-
a pact with the devilish Chaos gods to run their time refreshment.
football team for them. The team is a haven for many
renegades and outcasts from all walks of the world, 2469 Morg’th N’hthrog joins the All-Stars. No one
as well as a great many Chaos creatures like Ogres is sure where he comes from, he simply
and Trolls. Opponents occasionally have trouble walked into a practice session one day and
coping with the wild magic which infests games signs himself up.
against the All-Stars, but since it is officially a natural
phenomenon nothing can be done about it; players 2472 A disastrous year for the All-Stars. Growing
will just have to learn how to cope with balls that turn egos in the team had led to arguments,
to blancmange or grand pianos at a moment’s feuding and general unrest. The All-Stars
notice! implode as rival factions within the team
fight one another mid-game! Morg ends up
2402 The Chaos All-Stars are formed through on the winning side and was one of the few
Dorian’s eldritch demon-pact, and due to a to survive the match as 7 of the 11 starting
strange quirk in the time continuum manage players are killed. This results in a dramatic
to win the Chaos Cup, two years running five slump for the All-Stars who are forced to re-
years earlier. build; they begin a 15-year trophy drought.
2420 Owing to one of the elder demi-gods 2475 In a bid to try and find form again, Morg is
pressing the wrong button at a crucial installed as team captain. However, the team
moment, the entire team is transported to are so infused with raw chaos they cannot
another plane ten minutes after winning the prevent the random madness which besets
Chaos Cup for the fifth time. Their epic nine- their games occurring. It’s not uncommon to
year quest to return to this world and regain rain blood or for balls to grow teeth and
their rightful trophy is too long to be told attack friend and foe alike.
here; for more details see the over-long Nine
Years Knee-deep in Chaos by sports 2487 The year is best remembered by All-Stars
journalist, Royston Vermouth, who was with fans for two things, firstly, Morg’th N’hthrog
the team at the time, needless to say, they manages to ‘persuade’ NAF boss Nikk Three-
did it. Horn to admit him to the Hall of Fame before
he retires, using only a pencil sharpener,
2461 The All-Stars play in the very first Blood Bowl three carrots and a small desk lamp. And
final, where they are defeated by the secondly, while he’s at it, he also gets Three-
Darkside Cowboys. It’s a very sloppy game Horn to allow the All-Stars to play in the
(literally- the Cowboys used illegal magic to Chaos Cup despite the fact they won their
turn most of the All-Stars front row into division. True to their freaky form, the All-
slugs!), Stars triumph, finally winning a trophy
2489-90 First Team Roster
Hall of Fame
No. Name Position Experience
Duke Luthor von Hawkfire, Morg’th N’Hthrog,
1 Morg’th N’hthrog Ogre Blocker Star Player V’hnn Qllss Zzchhtrr
2 Duke Luthor Von Hawkfire Human Thrower Star Player
3 Garak Grigolson Human Blitzer Veteran
4 Laxon Hrull Dark Elf Catcher Veteran Team Honours
5 Dirty Dan Goblin Catcher Star Player
6 ‘Constrictor’ Atlanson Human Mutant
Blood Bowl winners 2467 (VII)
(Tentacle) Veteran Chaos Cup winners 2397-98, 2409, 2419-20, 2434,
7 Bork Bulge-Belly Troll Blocker Veteran 2436, 2449, 2468, 2471, 2487
8 Zy-Nox Minotaur Blitzer Veteran
AFC championship winners 2461, 2467
9 ‘Snake’ Sanders Human Mutant
(Hypnotic Gaze) Veteran
10 Sark Four-Eyes Skaven Mutant
(Two Heads) Veteran
11 Kefft the Despised Human Thrower Veteran
12 Jurgen Demonfeeder Human Blitzer Veteran
13 ‘Acid-scarred’ Max Human Lineman Veteran All-Stars’ Cheerleaders’ Song
Fame: 14 Team Rerolls: 5
“Nurgle says he loves us,
Slaanesh thinks we’re cool,
The Fans: Chant 3; Hooligans 3; Loyalty 3
Tzeentch is our biggest fan,
Cheerleaders: The Chaotics Cheering Ability: 7 And Khorne, he says we rule.
Spike! Magazine Team Rating: 320 With all the gods behind us,
Special Rules: The Chaos All-Stars may ignore the rule that all of their
We'll never lose a game,
Mutant players must start on the pitch. Instead, their coach can treat and if we do,
them just like any other players. All of the players in the Chaos All-Stars
can ignore the rules for racial dislikes, and can hand-off or throw the don't despair,
ball to any other member of the team.
Our coach gets eaten, just the same.”
NAF Records
Most player fatalities (season)
269, Engel ‘the Exterminator’ von Evilstein, (2479-
Most player fatalities (All-Time):
824, Engel ‘the Exterminator’ von Evilstein (2472-
Highest Attendance (All-Time):
495,000 vs the Champions of Death
(AFC Semi-final, 2486-87)
Team Records
Passing (Career): Duke Luthor von Hawkfire (3rd
incarnation), 326 completions from 588 attempts for
4133 paces
Team Colours: Black and purple
Symbol: A bloodied arrow
Owner: Hag Queen Hephzibah Whiplash
Head Coach: Ephraim Deathwish
Home Stadium: Coldblood Cavern, Underearth,
(capacity 78,540, Surface astrogranite)
Players: Dark Elves
Sponsor: The Temple of Khaine
Cheerleaders: The Stilettos
Khain’s Killers often seem more like a bunch of 2402 The Killers leave the Elven Kingdoms league
deranged blood-thirsty zealots than actual players, to join the new Oldlands Conference; the
they treat the game of Blood Bowl not as a sport, but chance to slaughter a new variety of races
as an act of devotion to the Dark Elves’ god of from across the world is just too tempting for
murder. It is perhaps surprising to discover that, them to resist.
despite their Blood Lust, they’re actually a pretty
good team, having won the Chaos Cup five times in 2415 The Killers win their first trophy, triumphing
their history. Few teams enjoy playing the at the in the White Skull Challenge Cup.
Killers’ home stadium, not least because the baths in
the locker rooms are all full of blood! 2476 The Killers win their most recent trophy,
although many have demanded it be
2388 Once football arrives in Naggaroth, the Dark revoked due to the manner of this ‘victory’.
Elves waste no time in making it their own. 2476-77 is best known for the crippling
Hag Queen Hephzibah Whiplash, tired after a players strike that wiped out almost the
millennium of the same old beheadings and entire NAF schedule. During the playoffs,
disembowelments, sees a novel way to devious Head Coach Harry the Idolator
combine cold-blooded murder and a night of noticed that the NAF still had the Chaos Cup
entertainment you can take the whole family as a live competition, despite there being no
to, she hurriedly assembles a team, naming teams entered. Taking a chance, he made an
them Khain’s Killers, lest anyone should get application on behalf of the Killers, who were
the wrong idea about their true purpose! duly awarded the trophy without ever having
played a game!
2389 The Killers register with the Elven Kingdoms
League, upon receiving their application, a 2486 The Killers set an unwanted record when
scribe corrects what he thinks is a typo in they make ‘the World’s Worst Tackle’ in a
their name by adding an extra ‘e’ to ‘Khain’- game against the Elfheim Eagles. In an effort
Big mistake! When she sees the team’s name to bring down Eagles’ Star Player Valen Swift
in print, Hephzibah Whiplash is furious, the once and for all, the whole team piled in on
ignorant pen-pusher had not realised that the seemingly helpless Thrower. Finally,
amongst the many devotees of Khaine, the after the dust cleared and the bodies were
spelling of his name was a touchy subject. pulled apart, the Elf was the only player to
The Killers’ records for the 2389-90 season remain standing. Swift protests to this day
remains unknown, owing to a sudden that rumours that it was only a projection are
shortage of available scribes. untrue.
2395 The Killers become the first Dark Elf team to 2489 With the surprise signing of Star Player
experiment with playing Witch Elves in their Horkon Heartripper, confidence is growing
line-up. The results are mixed, whilst they that the Killers can mount a realistic
are formidable fighters, they have an challenge to the Chaos All-Stars in the AFC
unfortunate habit of stopping the match to Eastern division. Probably the biggest
bathe in the blood of beaten opponents. impediment to them achieving this is their
Seeing this, most Dark Elf teams stick to obsession with killing the opposition at the
using Blitzers. expense of scoring.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
Chaos Cup winners 2476, 2456, 2443, 2435, 2415
AFC Championship winners 2451
Hall of Fame:
Shakira Wraithshriek
Team Colours: Red
Symbol: A giant fist
Owner: Rakan Gold
Head Coach: G’rth the Cannibal
Home Stadium: The Trough, Oldheim
(capacity 47,640, surface astrogranite)
Players: Ogres and goblins
Sponsor: McMurty’s Spamburgers
Cheerleaders: The Earthquakes
This ferocious bunch have found it difficult to find 2460 The Ogres eat their playoff opponents, the
opponents in their conference for two reasons. Most Haffenheim Hornets… by mistake, so are let
people are afraid of their terrible reputation- tales of of by the authorities. The Ogres get a bye to
how they eat their opponents abound. But more the next round. The Hornets, unsurprisingly,
often than not, it’s simply a case of them getting lost disband.
on the way to the match.
2461 Despite not qualifying for the playoffs, the
2435 On a business trip to Middenheim, the Ogre Ogres manage to convince themselves that
Gout T. Bone, proprietor of a successful they are playing in the first Blood Bowl final.
chain of boutique abattoirs attends his first They duly arrive at the stadium in full
Blood Bowl match as part of a corporate uniform, but wizards for both of the true
hospitality package arranged by McMurty’s finalists (The Darkside Cowboys and Chaos
Spamburgers. Mr Bone is so captivated by All-Stars) cast a holding spell to keep them
the all-you-can-eat red meat buffet in the VIP off the pitch. The Ogres have repeated this
lounge, he resolves to form his own team so tradition at every Blood Bowl final since.
he can enjoy similar feasts all season long-
the fact that there is also an ultra-violent ball 2472 The Ogres bolster their fearsome reputation
game attached is seen as an added bonus. when Karg Stabneck, of the Evil Gits, has
both his legs torn off at the 6-pace line by a
2438 The Oldheim Ogres get off to a slow start. Up rampaging Ogre. They also bolster the
to now no one has ever fielded an all-Ogre perception that they are not too bright, when
team, and it soon becomes clear why. In their the legless Stabneck manages evade the
first game, they ignore the ball and Ogres’ defense and crawl 94 paces to score.
concentrate on eating the opposition. They
prove totally un-coachable, continuing to see 2475 After spending the past 15 seasons turning
matches as nothing more than a up to the Blood Bowl final only to be turned
smorgasbord of fresh meat. away at the stadium gate, the Ogres finally
qualify. Ironically, they get lost on the way to
2440 With such an awful reputation, no one wants the stadium and almost forfeit the game. The
to play the Ogres. Desperate to find regular heavily favoured Nurgle’s Rotters, sensing
opponents, they approach the NAL, a league an easy win, are staggered when the Ogres
that plays football to Nuffle’s original rules. (who arrive seconds before kick-off)
Sadly, the famously limited Ogre intellect comprehensively thrash them 3-0. After the
prevents them from understanding the said match, it’s revealed that the lost Ogres
rules. In an exhibition game against the stumbled through a nearby antiseptic factory
Treetown Wolverines, they dismantled the while they were looking for the stadium.
goalpost by having a player grab each of the
uprights and making a wish. They then 2480 The Ogres’ ownership changes hands when
proceed to do the same to Johnny Atra, the Mr Bone’s boutique abattoir chain is
Wolverines' Star Kicker. After this the NAL acquired by the Dark Elf millionaire, Rakan
banned big guys, and the Ogres’ application Gold. The Dark Elf’s arrival heralds a new era
to join was politely declined. In 2450 they are of professionalism and they finally work out
finally accepted into the NAF. the difference between beating the
opposition and eating them. They remain
challengers in the AFC eastern division.
2489-90 First Team Roster
“We - will,
We - will,
Eat - you!”
NAF Records
Shortest Game:
90 seconds, vs the Hobgoblin Team, (2487-88)
Most Opponents Eaten During a Game:
16, vs Eicheschatten Lipsmackers (2438-39)
Most Opponents Eaten Season:
28, 2460-61 season
Most Paces Conceded to a Player with No Legs:
94 paces, Karg Stabneck, Evil Gits, 2472-73
Most Games Conceded by Getting Lost on the Way
to the Stadium (Season):
8, 2453-54 Season
Most Fatalities During Training:
5, Joachim Goadmalice (2479-80)
Team Honours
Blood Bowl Winners 2475 (XV)
AFC championship winners 2475
Hall of Fame:
Joachim Goadmalice (half-Orc), Grrrr M’Grrrr
Team Colours: Yellow and black
Symbol: Crescent moon
Owner: Slimy Snivel
Head Coach: Boz Blacklung
Home Stadium: The Stupor Dome,
(capacity 12,184, surface bog)
Players: Goblins
Sponsor: Monies raised by larceny, burglary, murder,
pickpocketing, armed robbery, shoplifting, blackmail,
extortion, arson, kidnapping and fraud.
Cheerleaders: The Snots
The Snivellers are the AFC’s only Goblin team, they suffered 2 fatalities and a dead accountant
have an unhealthy obsession with outdoing their when they had played the Giants earlier in
NFC rivals, the Lowdown Rats. This obsession has the season.
led to them playing a highly unusual (for Goblins,
that is) pure form of the game. 2475 The Snivellers get an angry letter from the
Darkside Cowboys’ lawyers, telling them to
2472 When ‘Grimy’ Snivel founds the Lowdown stop using their crescent moon symbol.
Rats, his older brother, the over-competitive Unbelievably, Snivel actually agrees to pay
Slimy Snivel is absolutely furious. He’d them to keep using it, thinking the reflected
spent his whole life trying to outdo and glory will make his brother even greener
undermine his sibling in every venture he’d with envy.
started, but now Grimy, as the owner of the
only all Goblin Franchise in the NAF, had 2478 Finally, the Sock-Exchange arranges the first
surely achieved something well beyond league fixture between the Rats and the
Slimy’s slippery grasp. Snivellers. Slimy is so obsessed with getting
Spurred into action, Slimy sells his one-up on his sibling that he kidnaps the
successful Snake Oil company (set up just to Rats’ Offensive Language Co-Ordinator.
spite Grimy’s Rat-Gizzard business) and uses After months of interrogation, the coach was
the proceeds to buy up a struggling team of released, only to discover that he had stolen
Night Goblins playing in the Scar Crag all the details of the Snivellers’ own special
mountains. He then spends a year lobbying plays! In the resulting match, the Rats
NAF commissioner, Nikk Three-Horn to hammer the Snivellers. Slimy’s indignation
award him a franchise. Three-Horn soon is so intense he vows his team will never use
becomes used to receiving bags of rats and a dirty trick, Troll or secret weapon ever
chickens in the post (Goblins clearly live by a again (although he draws the line at stopping
different set of values to the rest of us!). fouling, that would just be perverse!).
2473 When a franchise in the AFC East opens up, 2488 When Slimy hears that the Lowdown Rats
Three-Horn awards it to Snivel, just to stop have raised the prices for a season ticket at
the dead rats clogging up his mailbox. Snivel the Swampdome, his response is to offer
wastes no time in setting up his new team, fans a lifetime pass to the Stupor Dome for
he modestly names them the Snivellers (in three chickens and a bag of rats.
honour of himself).
2489 Bizarrely, the Snivellers puritan approach
2474 In their first season, the Snivellers get doesn’t always go as badly as it probably
routinely thrashed by virtually everyone they should! Maybe they’re blessed by Nuffle, or
play. In a game against the Dwarf Giants, maybe the other teams take pity on them, or
they lose 3 players, the team cook, the chief maybe they’re just incredibly lucky – no one
coach, the deputy coach, the deputy deputy knows, but somehow, the Snivellers seem to
coach, and the deputy deputy deputy coach. make it from season to season without being
After the match, Slimy is strangely happy, utterly wiped out. Good for them!
the reason being that the Lowdown Rats only
And now on ABC, it’s ‘Question Time’. Bob Bifford Dear Jim,
and Jim Johnson answer viewers’ questions about Last season the Darkside Cowboys played an away
the world’s greatest game… game against the Worlds Edge Wanderers in Karak
Azul, according to my gazetteer, the Cowboy’s
“Boy oh boy, Jim! That postbag is fuller than a journey should have taken approximately six
Halfling’s belly. There sure are a lot of clueless months, yet by the next week they were back in
viewers out there.” Naggaroth for their next home game. How do the
teams manage to travel such long distances so
“I think you meant to say, ‘curious’, didn’t you, Bob?” quickly?
Ambrose De Nurd, Marienburg
“Great question Ambrose! Believe it or not, they use
“Ok. Well, let’s dive straight in. Here’s a nice juicy magic. Teleporters to be precise. 24 years ago, the
one for starters.” colleges of magic patented an amazing new spell
called, ‘the Aetherial Interstice Roaming Line or
Dear Jim and Bob, ‘AIRline’, for short. It can transport large numbers of
If the NFC stands for ‘New World Football people over incredibly long distances in the blink of
Conference’ and AFC stands for ‘Auld World Football an eye. Although it’s prohibitively expensive, the
Conference’, how come there are teams from NAF have signed an exclusive deal with the
Naggaroth (which, last time I looked, is in the New Teleporting Wizards Association, so the only journey
World) playing in the AFC? To be frank, this glaring teams need to make is to their local branch of the
contradiction has completely ruined my enjoyment TWA and the mages do the rest.”
of Blood Bowl, I have cancelled my Cabalvision
subscription until further notice. “And I can tell you, Jim, it’s one heck of an
Miroslav Pedantic, Praag improvement on the flying carpets we used back in
my playing days, those things were plain dangerous,
“Oooh, a real toughie to begin with, Jim. I ‘aint got a just ask the Middenheim Marauders, all of ‘em wiped
clue. I always thought they were supposed to be the out in a flying carpet crash on the way home from
sounds players make when you smash ‘em real good Blood Bowl V.”
in the face. You know, kind of like, “Nnnfc” and
“Arffffc”. “You know what, Bob, I actually did get a chance to
ask them, because they all got signed up to play for
“Nice guess, Bob, but you’re wrong. The ‘New’ and the Champions of Death the next season… they were
‘Auld’ worlds referred to in the conference names convinced they’d been stiffed!
aren’t places in the Known World, they’re both Right, we’ve got time for one last question. Gee, the
actually locations mentioned in the Book of Nuffle. handwriting on this one looks familiar!”
Roze-El himself chose the name NFC for its religious
symbolism when he founded the league, and years Yo, Biff!
later, when the Oldlands Conference merged to form You are so great; you are totally cool, and you are
the modern NAF in 2432, commissioner Jorge without a doubt the most handsome and crusimatic
Hellhound named the new conference Auld World, Ogre Blocker turned commentator ever. I heard you
after another mythic realm mentioned by Nuffle. will be releasing some exciting merchandise in 2490,
Moving on. Here’s one specially for you, Bob.” can you tell the viewers at home all about it?
Mr B. Biff Forde, Oldheim
Dear Mr Bifford,
My Dad says that you’re a cannibal. “Yep, it’s true! I’ve been working with the boffins at
Reginald Morsel Jr., the Moot Eclectic Arts to develop one of those new-fangled
Conned-Soul games that all the kids seem to be
“By Morr’s Trousers! This one never goes away, playing nowadays. It’s a sports simulation called
does it? First thing anyone asks when they find out Bifford ’90 and will be available on the Slayga or
you’re an Ogre is, ‘are you a cannibal?’ If, I had a gold Grimtendo systems. With the holiday season just
crown for every time I’ve been asked this question, round the corner it’ll make the perfect gift for any-“
sheesh!... Listen, kid, it’s just one of them cultural
things, Dwarfs have their beer, Elves have their “Bob. You wrote that letter, didn’t you?”
fancy-dan poetry and Ogres eat each other, simple as
that. Seriously, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. “Well, uh… It was kind of… err. Hey, ‘aint it time we
Read the next letter, Jim.” heard from our sponsors! We’ll be right back!”
Team Colours: Green and Orange
Symbol: Crossed bones in a circle
Owner: Jorchalas the Ever-Living
Head Coach: Heinrich Müller.
Home Stadium: Sinister Field,
(Capacity 49,211, surface astrogranite)
Players: Humans and macabre outcasts
Sponsor: ACME Monster Company
Cheerleaders: The Shades
The Grimjacks have a short but complicated history. fans). In a rare interview with Spike!
Originally formed as a human team playing in the Magazine, he angrily denies the accusation
heart of the empire, the team has recently changed that he intends to restart the Grimjacks as an
ownership and have relocated to the eerie backwater undead team, saying “there are rules against
of Sylvania, speculation is rife that the NAF may soon that sort of thing”. However, his decision to
have its second undead team. relocate the team to Bruendar in Sylvania,
does nothing to dampen the rumours.
2468 The fact that Blood Bowl is one of the few
places you can commit mass murder in 2485 The move to Sylvania continues to unsettle
civilised society without drawing attention to many of the ‘Jacks long serving players. The
yourself, does not go unnoticed by the many suspicion that Jorchalas is not being entirely
secret societies of Khorne Worshippers honest with them regarding the team’s
across the Empire. One such group based in future direction is increased when he
Nuln take a gamble and form a team as a replaces the showers with acid baths and
novel way to worship the God of Blood in their training facility is littered with booby-
plain sight. They name the team the traps. When confronted, Jorchalas says
Grimjacks after an obscure Champion of they’re only there to ward off intruders.
Khorne, but their cover story for the outside
world is that their accountant’s a particularly 2486 Jorchalas makes more strange signings over
unfriendly fellow called Jack. the summer. Werewolf Rover McKarloff
joins the ghoulish catcher J. Earlice, and the
2481 The team’s owners become dissatisfied with lugubrious blocker DK Fester on the team.
the Grimjack’s paltry 0.5 fatalities per game But the outstanding signing is the hulking
and decide to look for ways to pep up the monster of a blocker Frank N. Stein. No one
body count: Their first idea of shooting any knows where Frank came from, some say he
player that gets a broken leg is vetoed by the was a gift from an admiring sorcerer, others
coach, who reminds them that players aren’t have noted that players Franklyn Smyth and
racehorses. Instead, he suggests taking Steiner S. Scottward mysteriously
advantage of the Chainsaw craze currently disappeared shortly before his arrival.
sweeping the league. They strike gold when
they find Helmut Wulf, a player so in love 2487 Despite Jorchalas’s vehement protestations,
with his Chainsaw, he takes it to bed with the Bruendar Grimjacks are looking more
him! and more like an undead team. The fact that
every time one of their players die, his body
2482 A major Scandal breaks, when the true goes conveniently missing in the mortuary,
nature of the Grimjacks’ owners is revealed. leads many to believe that Jorchalas is trying
The Witch-Finder General has them to change the team by stealth.
summarily garotted, then burned at the stake
(Which, being Khorne worshippers, pleases
them immensely!). Ownerless, the team are
put up for sale.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
Hall of Fame:
NAF Records
Most Limbs Severed (Season):
15 Helmut Wulf (2483-84)
Most Blood Spilled (Season)
3 gallons, Helmut Wulf, (2488-89) Bruendar Grimjacks’
Cheerleaders’ Song
Team Records
Rushing (single game): " Grimjacks! Grimjacks!
150 paces Frank N. Stein vs Stunted Stoutfellows, They’ll give you a fight!
Most Decapitations in One Swipe: Grimjacks! Grimjacks!
4, Helmut Wulf vs Evil Gits, 2482-83 They’re creatures of the night!"
Team Colours: Yellow, black and
Symbol: Snake and dagger
Owner: Lord High Executioner Salem Drax
Head Coach: Gideon Dour
Home Stadium: Hellmouth Cavern, underearth,
(capacity 85,332, surface astrogranite)
Players: Dark Elves
Sponsor: The Executioners Association
Cheerleaders: The Daggers
The Dark Elf teams in the NAF have a well-earned 2413 The Dark Renegades become one of the
reputation for being amongst the most malicious and strongest teams of the period, regularly
sadistically violent in the known world: The Cowboys challenging the Reikland Reavers and Arctic
have their vicious glamour, the Nightwings have Cragspiders for the league title. They win
their spiteful running game and the Killers are, well, their first trophy, the White Skull Challenge
they’re just Killers. But the Dark Renegades see Cup twice in quick succession in 2413 and
themselves as artists amongst these savages. A kill 2417. Their legendary captain Melee calls
isn’t worthy of applause unless it’s done with style, their unique brand of football “The beautiful
likewise, a touchdown won’t be celebrated, unless it maim”.
aspires to an aesthetic standard that even Elves
would struggle to attain. Before the meteoric rise of 2479 The Renegades assemble another strong
the Darkside Cowboys in the 60s, the Renegades and team, with captain Tuern Redvenom proving
their brand of savage connoisseurship were the the catalyst to winning trophies. Whilst their
NAF’s premier Dark Elf team. It surely won’t be long despised divisional rivals, the Elfheim
before their brand of football, pithily called ‘The Eagles, may keep qualifying for the playoffs
Beautiful Maim’, wins them another major honour. at their expense, the Dark Elves hone their
skills in the Chaos Cup, winning it twice in a
2381 The good Elves of Laurelorn may have taken 2479 and 2481.
their time forming their football teams, but
this certainly wasn’t the case with the Dark 2485 Star Catcher Pinespite Venge causes a
Elves of Naggaroth. Their twisted, sensation when a convenient mutation
degenerate culture is infamous for its means anything he touches sticks to his
worship of weird and deviant violence, and hands. Sadly, he meets with a ‘sticky’ end
Blood Bowl fits into their religious beliefs against the Lustria Croakers. A poorly timed
very well indeed. The Ulthuan Renegades tackle leads to the Croaker’s entire defence
are formed by the Lord High Executioner of sticking to him. Being well versed in the
Karond Kar, Salem Drax. Renegades’ tradition of aesthetic perfection,
Venge dies in an extraordinary blaze of glory
2387 The Renegades have the honour of being the taking the Croakers’ defence with him.
first Dark Elf side to become known to the Venge is posthumously awarded the Most
Overearth society when they are one of the Entertaining Death of the Year award;
10 founding teams of the Oldlands accepting the trophy on the deceased
Conference, a brash new professional league Catcher’s behalf, coach Gideon Dour said, “If
set up to challenge the stuffy dominance of you gotta go, go in style!
the NAF. Their brutal artistry takes
opponents’ breath away, and quite a few
never breath again!
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
No. Name Position Experience
Chaos Cup winners 2413, 2417, 2428, 2458, 2464,
1 Panther Facile Blitzer Veteran 2479, 2481
2 Kendal Storm Thrower Star Player
3 Jadus Macarbis Catcher Veteran
4 Draelas Foe Blitzer Experienced
5 Scion Corvass Catcher Veteran
6 Jodiah Spite Lineman Star Player
7 Petro D’Arvill Kicker Star Player
8 Ebony Sinn Lineman Experienced
9 Irka Darkblade Catcher Experienced
10 Morak Hydra Catcher Rookie
11 Prince Nightstalker Thrower Veteran
12 Uri Purgedawn Lineman Rookie
13 Tuern Redvenom Lineman Star Player
14 Malachi Gall Lineman Rookie NAF Records
15 Vex Crimsongore Lineman Rookie Longest Team Song:
16 Esau Mordant Kicker Rookie 210 verses
Most Aesthetic Mauling (Highest Ever Rating):
Fame: 6 Team Rerolls: 2 6.0, Melee, 2415-16, (As voted for by a panel of 10
independent NAF judges)
The Fans: Chant 2; Hooligans 2; Loyalty 2 Most Wins in the ‘Most Beautiful Bloodletting’
Cheerleaders: The Daggers Cheering Ability: 9 Melee for 10 consecutive seasons (2412-22)
Spike! Magazine Team Rating: 235
Hall of Fame:
Melee, Autavic ‘Auto’ De Fey
Team Colours: Purple and orange
Symbol: An eagle’s head
Owner: Valahar Galantë
Head Coach: Perellian Ashblade
Home Stadium: The Vale, Laurelorn
(capacity 68,822, surface grass)
Players: Elves
Sponsor: Star Insurance, Nuln
Cheerleaders: The Eaglets
The Elves were slow to take up Roze-El’s challenge, 2472 The infamous Quagmire incident match
but once they saw how popular the game made their takes place when the Eagles visit the Bright
Dwarf, human and Halfling allies they hastily formed Crusaders. The Eagles’ wizards cast the
several teams. The Eagles developed out of two of Quagmire spell 93 times during the game
these, and their win in the final of Blood Bowl XX causing the Crusaders stadium, Pious Field,
remains the greatest achievement to date for this to sink into the earth and never be seen
young team (that’s young in terms of Elves, of again. The Colleges of Magic are forced to
course; many players are 250 or over!). change the rules, limiting teams to just one
wizard per game.
2468 The Dar-Elerath Beechtrees and the Ashvale
Valar combine to form the new-look Elfheim 2480 Many Elves make absolute fortunes by
Eagles after some clever business moves by betting on their team when the Eagles beat
half-Elven entrepreneur Galantë (the the revolting Nurgle’s Rotters in Blood Bowl
standard joke is that his mother was an Elf XX. How they actually managed this
and his father was a Cost Accountant), incredible feat- and without a single fatality
foreclosing on a mortgage and engineering either- is still being investigated by an official
a successful hostile takeover (non- NAF committee. The investigation is
accountants would call it a war) gave him unfortunately being hampered by the fact
controlling interest in both teams. He bought that investigators keep dying after
the Vale Arena from a third Elven team interviewing the relevant Rotters players, but
following the collapse of an Elven insurance it has uncovered evidence of widespread use
cartel. He then sold his most experienced of Elven high magic, animated grass, a huge
players to another new Elven team (the vat of antiseptic and a covert team of
Gladiators), auctioned off both of the other troubleshooters from the Acne-Clear
stadiums (which were converted into open- corporation.
air markets) and hired Perellian Ashblade to
build a strong, young team. Finally, he 2487 The Eagles controversially refuse to play a
spared no expense in acquiring a powerful game against the Bright Crusaders. In a post-
mage to act as the team 'masseur'. match press conference, Head Coach
Perellian Ashblade explains that they did not
2470 The Eagles do nothing to change the take the decision lightly, but there were three
impression that Elves are effete pushovers very serious reasons why they couldn’t play:
when they insist on having delightful orange “1, it was raining; 2, the field was muddy;
and purple marigolds grown around the and 3, the Crusaders had shiny new uniforms
borders of their dugout. on, which looked, quite frankly, absolutely
2471 Scandal breaks when the Eagles are thrown
out of the Chaos Cup for no other reason 2489 The investigation into Blood Bowl XX is
than that they are Elves, when the concluded in the Eagles’ favour. With their
competition’s sponsorship is taken over by historic win secure, the Eagles’ are now
Orcidas. After a lengthy court battle- and not looking to become the first Elf team to win
a little warfare besides! the NAF rule that the trophy twice. With a talented young team
Orcidas were wrong. The company pass up and Valen Swift hitting the best form of his
the chance to renew sponsorship in the career, the Eagle’s enter the new season with
following season, but Elfheim vow never to a growing confidence that this may be the
play in the Chaos Cup again. year they do it.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours
Blood Bowl winners 2480 (XX)
AFC championship winners 2480
Hall of Fame:
Erewine Ar Khorrigan, Rowan ‘Rootstem’
Elderbranch, Ruatha Tembilin
Team Colours: Green and yellow
Symbol: Two interlocked S
Owner: ‘Big’ Lud Shortbottom (Interim),
Wilbert Stoutfellow (in-absentia)
Head Coach: ‘Spotted’ Dick Dinewell
Home Stadium: Candy Stick Park,
(capacity 11,300, surface grass)
Players: Halflings
Sponsor: Satrioli’s Sausage Shops
Cheerleaders: The Stunted Stoutfillies
Even by Halfling standards, the Stoutfellows are a Treeman who carries all of them and the ball
poor team; they can’t run very far, they can’t throw, to the endzone to score. Luckily for them, this
and fatalities every match are quite horrendous. record was later broken by Khain’s Killers.
However, a recent change of ownership may mean
better times are around the corner. 2484 Unknown to everyone, Wilbert Stoutfellow
has a dark secret. His generously
2463 Wilbert Stoutfellow, the proprietor of a proportioned sausages caught the attention
successful chain of sausage shops, leads a of the Mootland underworld, in particular
bid to bring professional football to the ‘Big’ Lud Shortbottom, a member of Nuln’s
Mootland capital of Eicheschatten. notorious Lowhaven Clan who makes
Stoutfellow is a tremendously popular Stoutfellow an offer he can’t refuse, telling
figure, famed for his generously him “It’d be a shame if something nasty
proportioned sausages and optimistic happened to those big sausages of yours”.
outlook on life. He soon has enough backers As a result, Stoutfellow begins to pay
to form a team, and since he’s such a ‘protection’ money each month to the
thoroughly nice chap, everyone insists that Lowhaven Clan and tells nobody for fear of
they be named after him- the Stunted his life.
2486 Crisis hits when the so-called ‘Boar war’ sees
2470 When the Marienburg Fishers quit the sausage meat prices crash. Unable to pay the
league in a principled stand against the Lowhaven’s their protection money, Wilbert
NAF’s substandard half time catering Stoutfellow is last seen being escorted into
arrangements, Wilbert Stoutfellow sees a an unmarked carriage by a Halfling and two
chance for his team to hit the big time. Ogres. The next day a press conference is
Stoutfellow’s jolly demeanour charms held, where the new owner- none other than
Commissioner Three-Horn into letting them ‘Big’ Lud Shortbottom- says, that due to
join the league and complete the rest of the stress, Mr Stoutfellow has gone on a ‘long
Fishers’ schedule. holiday’ and has appointed him to run the
team for the duration. Changes are instant,
2475 The Stoutfellows sense the chance of an unsettled Star Catcher, Warmglow Vindaloo,
easy win when their opponents the Chaos quickly withdraws his transfer request, after
All-Stars fail to arrive in time for the start of waking up to find the severed head of his pet
the game. When the All-Stars do finally gerbil lying next to him in his bed.
arrive at half-time, the plucky Stouts are only
2-1 down! 2487 The new owners use their, ahem, influence,
to get the Stoutfellows an extremely
2481 Star Catcher Warmglow Vindaloo has a favourable schedule at the annual Sock-
break-out season. His surprisingly nimble Exchange meeting. The 2487-88 season is
hairy feet and ability to keep hold of the ball the Stoutfellows’ best ever, they actually win
as though it were a fresh iced bun is the one 5 games. Scale that up three or four times
bright spot in an otherwise poor season for and you can see how the Stouts may become
the Stouts. a force in the AFC west in, say, three or four
2483 The Stoutfellows get the unwanted record of
worst tackle ever. Five Halflings tackle a
2489-90 First Team Roster
NAF Records
Biggest Ever Sausage in a Hot-Dog Eaten of the
Team Honours Field of Play:
None 4 feet, consumed by Warmglow VIndaloo vs
Bruendar Grimjacks (2485-86)
Most Receiving Paces Career (Halflings):
Hall of Fame: 2657, Warmglow Vindaloo, 2481-present
None Most Touchdowns Career (Halflings):
48, Warmglow Vindaloo
Team Colours: Red
Symbol: Claw marks
Owner: The Company of the Wolf
Head Coach: Lucian Mordere
Home Stadium: Westside Arena, Drakwald
(capacity 32,409, surface grass)
Players: Werewolves
Sponsor: The Trans-Sylvanian Express
Cheerleaders: The Shapeshifters
Westside Werewolves are currently the NAF’s only NAF teams. The world is still waiting for
all-Werewolf team, and despite their split Ricardo to reappear.
personality, they’ve actually been playing well in
recent years, running the Elfheim Eagles a close 2486 The Werewolves discover a genuine star in
second in the AFC Western Division. Their success is Wilhelm Chaney. Despite a few rough edges
dependent on star player and captain Wilhelm (in early matches he has a habit of returning
Chaney, one of the greatest Werewolf players ever. caught balls to the thrower), he displays an
amazing level of discipline when in wolf
2473 When both the Kishargo Werebears and the form, and, despite his youth, becomes the
Icecastle Wolves disband within weeks of leader of the pack they’ve always been
each other, their few remaining players and lacking. Chaney’s ability to get the other
staff band together, calling themselves ‘the Were-players in the team to focus on
Company of the Wolf’. They relocate to the winning sees them edge out the Elfheim
west side of Drakwald forest, a place Eagles for the AFC West title, which set up a
notorious for harbouring many Quarter final match against none other than
Werecreatures, and begin recruiting players. the Champions of Death! Sadly,
In no time at all, they have the nucleus of a Tomolandry’s game plan involving rubber
strong team and immediately apply to the bones and frisbees works a treat, and the
NAF. Thanks to the league’s policy on Champs finally avenge all those missing
maintaining racial balance, the Westside femurs by winning the game and going on to
Werewolves are hurriedly accepted into the win Blood Bowl XXVI.
2487 The Werewolves strengthen their team over
2474 In only their second season in the league, the the summer by signing the notorious
Werewolves claim a huge scalp (and several freebooter, Erik “the Dog” Jorgson. It is
other body parts, actually) when they beat testament to Captain Chaney’s leadership
the mighty Champions of Death. The game skills that the formerly untameable Jorgson
is notable for the devastation Westside’s is now eating out of his hand rather than
players wreak upon Tomolandry’s skeletons, biting the hand that feeds him, as was the
they run off with so many body parts, the case on his previous teams.
Champs’ players fall apart, in a very literal
way. Later, Tomolandry even goes as far as 2489 After an impressive season, there is a
to say that he would rather concede a game growing confidence that the Werewolves
than have his team ruined by playing the can start challenging the Elfheim Eagles to
Werewolves again. (NAF statisticians now become the top dogs in the AFC western
estimate that the Werewolves have run off division. The combination of Head Coach
with over 200 different parts of the Lucian Modere’s obedience training and the
Champions over the years!) on-field leadership of Wilhelm Chaney has
seen the Werewolves pull of impressive wins
2478 The risk to skeletons of playing against against many of the NAF’s top teams. So
Werewolves is once again made apparent long as they can avoid playing too many
when the undead freebooter Ricardo teams with Treemen, bookies are tipping
Ferminelli’s is buried by Westside’s Max them as one of the teams to watch in 2489-
Fullmoon. The tragedy is, Ferminelli was just 90.
3 teams short of having played for all 40
2489-90 First Team Roster
Westside Werewolves’
Team Anthem
Team Honours
“Howl to the Werewolves!
Howl Victory!
Dogs on the warpath Hall of Fame:
Lycanthro-o-py” None
CONTENTS Norman names, that have a hint of Victorian sportsmen.
1. Methodology used (There’s also an in-joke regarding the game’s creators).
2. Notes and references on the teams
3. Notes and references on the team symbol designs Arctic Cragspiders (pp. 66-67)
4. Notes and references on the interior articles Team Colours: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.5, Games Workshop
1) Methodology Used: Unifying the Sources. Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home
The aim of this project was to collect together all of the Stadium/Sponsor/Cheerleaders/ Team Song: Knute Rockknee
available information on the 40 NAF teams mentioned in the (2022)
1988 Blood Bowl Handbook and present them in the Team History: Star Players, p.32, Games Workshop (1989); &
conventional format for Blood Bowl teams (Team Details; Spike! Journal Issue 14, Games Workshop (2022); extended
Timeline; Team Honours; Team Roster; Hall of Fame). There and developed by (Knute Rockknee 2022)
has never been a cohesive strategy for unifying all of the Team Honours: Gridiron Gazette Issue 11, p.2, (2022)
Blood Bowl background/’fluff’, this has led to some Team Records: Blood Bowl Facebook Page; & Spike! Journal
contradictions between new and old material. For this project Issue 14, Games Workshop (2022); & Star Players, Star Player
to work, I had unify 36 years of background. This was the main Card ‘Wormhowl Greyscar’ (verso), Games Workshop (1989)
reason I chose the setting of 2489, it meant I could use the 2nd Notes: Most of the information is drawn from recent sources.
edition as the primary canon and work all subsequent fluff The players on the roster, aside from Wormhowl Greyscar, are
around this. For example, the winner of Blood Bowl VIII is either unattached freebooters who could have been playing
officially recognised by the Games Workshop as being the for the team or invented by myself.
Nurgle’s Rotters, however, in the second edition it was the Evil
Gits, since this book prioritises the 2nd edition I have gone with Asgard Ravens (pp.15-16)
the ‘unofficial’ option. Likewise, the participants in Blood Bowl Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home
V were changed, despite having a considerable write up in the Stadium/Sponsor: Knute Rockknee (2022)
2nd edition. Cheerleaders: Star Players, p.33, Games Workshop (1989)
Surprisingly, there were very few occasions where I had to Team History/ Team Records: Ibid; &, Gridiron Gazette, pp.3-4,
disregard the newer fluff. A major example of this is the, (2021); & Blood Bowl Handbook, p.25, Games
profile for the Naggaroth Nightwings, the recent (2018) profile Workshop (1988); & Companion, p.36, Games Workshop
on them is substantial but creates several contradictions (see (1990).
my notes for the Nightwings below for a full explanation). The Team Honours: Knut Rocknee (2022)
only other notable deviation is with regards to the honours Notes: There is not a lot of information available for this team.
won by the Champions of Death. Recent fluff says they are I expanded the fact they were once Giants, and turned this into
previous winners of the Chaos Cup, but this was not the case the backbone of their team history. A few player names are
in the 2nd edition. I decided to break my own rule to keep the from later edition unattached Norse Freebooters, but the
newer version, my reasoning being it doesn’t contradict their majority were invented by me. The stadium name comes from
2nd edition identity as a major team in the league. a mention in the 3rd edition about how the team disbanded in
the wake of the NAF’s collapse.
2) References and Notes on the Team Profiles
What follows is an extensive list of which official sources I Athelorn Avengers (pp.4-5)
have used to compile the team profiles and articles. Team colours: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.4, Games Workshop
The information is laid out as follows: (1988)
Text in Bold is the part of the profile that the references relate Symbol: Athelorn Avengers Miniatures (Box Art), Games
to. Workshop (1994)
The information in the references is set out as follows: Owner/Head Coach: Blood Bowl Death Zone Season 1, p.17,
Publication title, page number, (year) publisher. Games Workshop (2016)
Unless otherwise stated, all the artwork is by Pete Knifton and Home Stadium: Dead Ball, Black Library (2005)
taken from various 2nd edition sources. All Other Team Information: Knute Rockknee (2022)
Team History: Blood Bowl Death Zone Season 1, p.17, Games
Albion Wanderers (pp. 64-65) Workshop (2016), expanded by Knute Rockknee (2022)
Team Colours/Symbol: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.37, Games Team Records: Jordell Freshbreeze Star Player Card Verso,
Workshop (1988) Star Players, Games Workshop (1989); & Knute Rockknee
Head Coach: 1st Edition Death Zone (1986) (2022)
Home Stadium/Sponsor/Cheerleaders/Owner/Team Song: Notes: Most of the information was collected from the 2016
Knute Rockknee (2022) Death Zone supplement. I have used the colours given in the
Team History/ Team Honours:: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.37, 2nd edition rather than the more famous green and yellow that
Games Workshop (1988); & Gridiron Gazette Issue 1, p.3 the team are associated with. I have assumed that the 3rd (2020) Mostly written by Knute Rockknee (2022) edition Wood Elf symbol that appears on the box art of the 3rd
Team Records: Knute Rockknee (2022) edition miniatures is the Avengers’ symbol.
Notes: The background of the Albion Wanderers is one of the
clearest points where the Blood Bowl world diverges from the Bluchen Berserkers (pp. 52-53)
closely related Warhammer one. The ‘Albion’ that the Team Colours: Star Players, Star Player Cards Insert ‘Slarga
Wanderers represent is loosely based on the ‘Albion’ that Fourstike’, Games Workshop (1989)
Games Workshop developed in the mid-80s in the RPG Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home
scenarios ‘The Web Eldaw (1985)’ and ‘The Tragedy of Stadium/Sponsor/Cheerleaders/Team Song: Knute Rockknee
McDeath (1986)’. Since this project takes the 2nd edition as (2022)
canon, the Wanderers were developed along these lines rather Team History: Knute Rockknee (2022), with additional facts
than the more recent ‘Mythic Britain’ version that is currently from Rule Book, p.17, Games Workshop (1988); & Companion,
the official iteration of Albion in Warhammer. I based their p.38, Games Workshop, (1990)
profile on the short introduction to the team in the 2nd edition Team Honours: Blood Bowl 3rd Edition Death Zone, ‘Blood
handbook and their profile in the 1st edition Death Zone, where Bowl Winners list’, Games Workshop, (1994)
they were written as more of a proto-Bretonnian team of Team Records: Companion, p.38, Games Workshop, (1990); &
Knights and Peasants. Since the Blood Bowl world’s Albion is Star Players, Star Player Cards Insert ‘Slarga Fourstike’,
ambiguously defined and clearly different to the current Games Workshop (1989); & Knute Rockknee (2022)
Warhammer one, I was relatively free to take the team’s Notes: The Berserkers are another ‘well known’ but
background in a direction that develops the 1st and 2nd edition mysterious team. At first, the evidence appears to clearly
mentions of the team. The only player who is mentioned by favour them being a Norse team- based on their Berserker
name is Johann von Wilkins and coach Bob Berobsson, all the name and the players Sigurd Tropfentor/Stengard Wolfbeck.
others have been invented, I gave them punning Anglo- However, it is telling that they aren’t included on the famous
Norse team list in Star Players. It is possible the omission was Team Records: Star Players, Star Player Card ‘Frank N Stein’
a simple error, or it could be indicative that they were not (verso), Games Workshop (1989)
originally intended to be a full Norse team. Since their Star Notes: The Grimjacks have evolved considerably since the 1st
Player Slarga Fourstike is a Chaos Human Mutant, the other edition and are now well established as being a Necromantic
option is that they were Chaos Humans, (Star Players omits team. They are initially mentioned in the 1st edition as the
the list of famous Chaos Human teams, meaning the mystery Briiendar Grimjacks and are apparently an Orc team. In the 2nd
has no obvious solution). I decided to write a profile that edition we only know the following: They have a Star Blocker
incorporates both, I conceived them as being a mixed called Frank N. Stein, they have a human chainsaw wielding
Norse/Chaos Human team. The Warhammer background loony, they have human players, and their coach is called
supports this, although it is worth noting that in the late 80s Heinrich Müller (it’s also very probable that they are one of the
(when the 2nd edition was written) the Norse were not as teams featured on the box art for the 2nd edition board game,
associated with Chaos in the same way they are now. Their as they have the Grimjacks Green/Orange team colours; if so,
team colours are based on the illustration of Slarga Fourstike, this reveals their symbol as being crossed bones in a
the player names are mostly invented. NB: Fourstike is the checkered circle). Finally, the name ‘Grimjack’ appears in a
spelling used in Star Players, in White Dwarf he is referred to contemporary Games Workshop publication ‘Realm of Chaos:
as Fourstrike, I have opted to use the version in the Slaves to Darkness (1989) p.153’ as a champion of Khorne.
publication. Since there was so little official fluff, I felt able to try and tie
together the 2nd edition information with their subsequent
Bluebay Crammers (pp.28-29) transformation into a Necromantic team. The Chainsaw
Team Colours: Star Players, Star Player Cards ‘Puggy Loony, Frank N. Stein and Grimjack name, all hint at them
Baconbreath’, Games Workshop (1989) being a Chaos Human team (the list of ‘famous’ Chaos Human
Symbol: Star Players, Star Player Cards ‘Krug Painspear’, teams was omitted from Star Players, so there can be no
Games Workshop (1989) definitive answer). Taking that as a starting point, I have them
Owner/Head Coach/Home Stadium/ Cheerleaders: Knute being recently bought by Tomolandry’s former classmate and
Rockknee (2022) rival Jorchalas (Chicago Bears fans may recognise the name!),
Sponsor: Spike! Journal Issue 3, p.27, Games Workshop who is rather unsubtly trying to change them to an undead
(2019) team by stealth (hence Frank N. Stein). The collapse of the
Team History/ Team Honours: Spike! Journal Issue 3, p.5, NAF will accelerate this transition in the 90s. I have added
Games Workshop (2019); & Gridiron Gazette Issue 17, p.4 & several unattached players from the 2nd edition fluff who are
p.8, (2022) Additional material by Knute Rockknee nominally ‘Necromantic’ but have never been officially linked
(2022) to the Grimjacks. All other names on the roster were invented.
Team Records: Blood Bowl Handbook, p. 9, Games Workshop
(1988); & Star Players, Star Player Cards ‘Puggy Baconbreath’, Champions of Death (pp. 68-69)
Games Workshop (1989); & additional record by Knute Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home Stadium:
Rockknee (2022) Blood Bowl Handbook, p.23, Games Workshop (1988)
Team Song: Knute Rockknee (2022) Sponsor/Cheerleaders: Star Players, p.57, Games Workshop
Notes: The team’s background was developed from the (1989)
information given in Spike Journal Issue 5. The team’s symbol Team History/Team Honours: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.23,
is taken from the 3rd edition Halfling symbol, although this was Games Workshop (1988);
never associated specifically with the Crammers, there is a Team Records: Star Players, Star Player Card ‘Ramtut III’
Halfling featured on Krug Painspear’s Star Player card with the (verso), Games Workshop (1989); & Companion, p.32, Games
symbol on his helmet, but his team is not certain. Several of Workshop, (1990)
the players on the roster come from unattached freebooters Team Song: Knute Rockknee (2022)
from later editions, the rest were invented along the lines of Notes: All the information for this team comes from 2nd edition
existing Blood Bowl Halfling players. sources with additional material from Spike! Journal issue 4
and recent publications. I have added the Chaos Cup wins
Bright Crusaders (pp.76-77) from the post second edition list of Chaos Cup winners, even
Team Colours/Symbol: Blood Bowl Rulebook, p.1, Games though this is an explicit contradiction of the 2nd edition canon,
Workshop (1988) it always seemed odd to me that the Champions of Death had
Owner/Head Coach/Team Honours: Death Zone Season 1, p. never won this trophy, despite being one of the AFC’s most
40, Games Workshop (2016) successful teams.
Home Stadium/Sponsor/Cheerleaders/Team Song: Knute
Rockknee (2022) Chaos All-Stars (pp. 78-79)
Team History: Blood Bowl Rulebook, p.1, Games Workshop Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home
(1988); & Death Zone Season 1, p. 40, Games Workshop Stadium/Team Honours: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.18, Games
(2016); & Companion, p.20, p.59, Games Workshop, (1990); Workshop (1988)
expanded by Knute Rockknee (2022) Sponsor/Cheerleaders: Star Players, p.56, Games Workshop
Team Records: Knute Rockknee (2022) (1989)
Notes: Most of this profile comes from the 2016 Death Zone Team History: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.18, Games Workshop
profile, I have added the 2nd edition mentions of the team and (1988); Gridiron Gazette Issue 12, p.2, (2021)
made minor alterations the 2016 text to better fit the 2nd Team Records: Blood Bowl Rulebook, p.7, Games Workshop
edition narrative. I have also added the recent revelation that (1988); & Companion, p.15, Games Workshop, (1990); Star
the team are Bretonnian, building this into the existing fluff. I Players, Star Player Card ‘Duke Luthor von Hawkfire’ (verso),
have used some names from the 2016 roster, but since it is set Games Workshop (1989)
over a decade before, I have had to invent new names in the Team Song: Knute Rockknee (2022)
same style. I added a special rule to reflect the fact they do not Notes: All information is taken from second edition sources,
foul. except an entry in the team history.
Notes: The Crescents are one of the oldest teams in Blood Notes: A majority of the information is taken from either the
Bowl, they are mentioned in the 1st edition rulebook as being 2nd edition or the 2004 article in Fanatic Magazine. I extended
one of the best teams. However, there is not much actual the team history, trying to weave in some of the did you
information available on them, the few sources that exist were knows and NAF facts as well as establish an origin story. The
the starting point for the profile I wrote. Most of their records players mainly come from the 2004 Fanatic article, with a few
and honours are extrapolations based on what has been 2nd edition players added, any others were invented.
officially published. No active players are known other than Elfheim Eagles (pp. 92-93)
Hoshi Komi, I have added some unattached freebooters and Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home
invented the rest. Their sponsor is an actual coaching line Stadium/Team Honours: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.22, Games
from the Warhammer universe, a competitor to Four Seasons Workshop (1988)
and Wolf Runner Coaches. Sponsor/Cheerleaders: Star Players, p.52, Games Workshop
Dark Renegades (pp. 90-91) Team History: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.22, Games Workshop
Team Colours: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.8, Games Workshop (1988); & Star Players, p.20, p.52, Games Workshop (1989); &
(1988) Companion, p.20, Games Workshop, (1990)
Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home Team Records: Star Players, Star Player Card ‘Valen Swift’
Stadium/Sponsor/Cheerleaders/Team Song/ Team Records: (verso), Games Workshop (1989)
Knute Rockknee (2022) Team Song: Knute Rockknee (2022)
Team History: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.21, Games Workshop Notes: All the information for this team (with the exception of
(1988); & Companion, p.7, & p.15, Games Workshop, (1990); their team song) comes from 2nd edition sources.
Team Honours: Blood Bowl 3rd Edition Death Zone, ‘Blood
Bowl’ Winners List, (1994); & Chaos Cup winners list; & Knute Everbold Unicorns (pp. 8-9)
Rockknee (2022) Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home Stadium:
Notes: There is very little information available regarding the Sponsor/ Cheerleaders: Knute Rockknee (2022)
Renegades, I have invented a lot of the team’s history. The Team History: Knute Rockknee (2022) & Companion, p.25,
players on the roster are either existing unattached Games Workshop (1990)
freebooters who could have plausibly played for them in 89-90 Team Honours/Team Records/Team Song: Knute Rockknee
or names I have invented. I have used the team profile as a (2022)
chance to clear up a ‘mistake’ in the 1988 rule book, on page Notes: There is virtually no information regarding this team
21, a Dark Elf miniature, in the colours of the Dark Renegades outside of their 2487-88 record, the fact they are Elves, and an
is captioned ‘Ulthuan Renegades’, I have made this the team’s anecdote about a player using a magic item in the Companion.
original name. Therefore, most of this profile was written by myself, I decided
to link the Everbold of their name with the Everqueen of
Darkside Cowboys (pp.6-7) Warhammer and give them a magic tinged identity. The roster
Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home is made up of unattached freebooters from various editions
Stadium/Team Honours: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.24, Games and some ‘future’ Elfheim Eagles players (they are names
Workshop (1988) taken from a roster dated in the 2490s), I felt it was not too
Cheerleaders/Sponsor: Star Players, p.55, Games Workshop much of a stretch to imagine they could have started their
(1989); Star Players, p55 careers with the Unicorns. I invented the other player names.
Team History: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.24, Games Workshop
(1988) expanded by Knute Rockknee (2022) Evil Gits (pp. 10-11)
Team Records: Ibid. & Star Players, p.22, Games Workshop Team Colours: Gridiron Gazette Issue 5, (2021)
(1989) Symbol: White Dwarf Issue 102, pp. 4-5
Team Song: Star Players, p.22, Games Workshop (1989) Owner: Knute Rockknee (2022)
Notes: Most of the information is taken directly from 2nd Head Coach: Star Players, p.24, Games Workshop (1989)
edition sources. I added an origin story and the dramatic end Home Stadium/Sponsor/Cheerleaders: Knute Rockknee (2022)
to the 2489 Blood Bowl final. Team History: Blood Bowl 1st Edition Rule Book, p. 15, (1986);
Star Players, p.24, Games Workshop (1989)
Dwarf Giants (pp. 18-19) Team Honours: Star Players, p.24, Games Workshop (1989)
Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home Team Records: Ibid. & White Dwarf 122 p. 38, (1989);
Stadium/Team Honours: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.21, Games Companion, p.33, Games Workshop, (1990)
Workshop (1988) Team Song:
Sponsor: Star Players, p.54, Games Workshop (1989) Notes: This profile shows up a major difference in the 2nd
Cheerleaders: Companion, p.17, Games Workshop, (1990) edition lore: The Evil Gits are recorded as the winners of Blood
Team History: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.21, Games Workshop Bowl VIII (2468). This is contrary to Games Workshop’s official
(1988), expanded by Knute Rockknee (2022) list of winners, whereby Nurgle’s Rotters have been winners
Team Song: Knute Rockknee (2022) of Blood Bowl VIII from the 3rd edition on. Since I was
Team Records: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.21, Games Workshop prioritising 2nd edition canon, the Gits are reinstated as the
(1988); & Blood Bowl Star Players, Star Player Card (verso): winners the final. The second notable difference is the team’s
‘Pick Seamsunder’ and ‘Grimwold Grimbreath’ , Games racial make-up, which, on page 24 of Star Players, is implied to
Workshop (1989); & Companion, p.38, Games Workshop be Goblins. However, this is not definitive across the 2nd
(1990) edition. I decided to go with them being mixed evil races,
Notes: Virtually all of the information in this profile comes which is more in line with the how the Gits have historically
from 2nd edition sources. I added a small amount in the profile, been presented, it also does not preclude them having lots of
slightly rewriting a couple of the entries for continuity. Goblins on the team. I made this confusion over their identity
part of their team history. A few players on the roster come
Dwarf Warhammerers (pp.32-33) from recent Blood Bowl publications, the rest I have invented.
Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home I added a special in-game rule to reflect their fan club’s
Stadium/Team Honours: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.26, Games notoriety.
Workshop (1988)
Sponsor: Star Players, p.26, Games Workshop (1989) Galadrieth Gladiators (pp. 42-43)
Cheerleaders: Knute Rockknee (2022) Team Colours/Symbol: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.40, Games
Team History: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.26, Games Workshop Workshop (1988)
(1988); & Fanatic Issue 6, p.82-83, (July 2004); Expanded by Owner/Home Stadium/Sponsor/Cheerleaders: Knute
Knute Rockie (2022) Rockknee (2022)
Team Records: Companion, p.30, Games Workshop, (1990); & Head Coach/ Team Honours: Death Zone Season 1, p.13,
Blood Bowl Handbook, p.26, & p.38, Games Workshop (1988); Games Workshop (2016)
Knute Rockknee (2022)
Team Song: Knute Rockknee (2022)
Team History: Death Zone Season 1, p.13, Games Workshop Team History: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.35, Games Workshop
(2016); & Companion, p.23 Games Workshop, (1990); & (1988); & Companion, p.48, Games Workshop, (1990); & Star
expanded by Knute Rockknee. Players, p.26, Games Workshop (1989), mostly written by
Team Records: Knute Rockknee (2022) Knute Rockknee (2022).
Team Song: Star Players, p.20, Games Workshop (1989) Notes: The Wolves are another of the 2nd editions mysterious
Notes: I based the profile on the one published in the 2016 teams. It is never stated explicitly that they are Norse in the 2nd
Deathzone supplement, adding elements from the 2nd edition edition, they aren’t included in the ‘famous’ Norse teams list.
fluff. The change of ownership occurs after the fall of the NAF, Also, there is a seeming contradiction in the 2nd edition
so I had to invent the Gladiators original owner. The records literature, in the Companion they are said to have entered the
are my own invention, I looked at published records and made league in 2483, but in the handbook Morg’th N’hthrog’s best
educated guesses that Lucien Swift would hold several game is said to be against them in 2473. A later edition list of
records, since he is constantly referred to as an all-time great Chaos Cup Winners lists them as winning the 2442
player (despite not having a Star Player card!!!). I have added competition as the Icecastle Werewolves. My solution was to
a few unattached freebooters to the roster and invented the merge all 3 bits of information: they were an Ulfenwerener
rest along the lines of the existing 2nd edition Elf names. I team that transitioned to a mainly Norse one (hence the name
added a special rule relating to their use of the ‘running’ change), they were virtually wiped out by Morg in ’73 and
game. folded, but ten years later reformed (like the Grasshuggers) to
re-enter the league as a Norse/Were team. There are no
Gouged Eye (pp. 54-55) players ever mentioned so they have all been invented.
Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home Stadium/
Team Honours: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.16, Games Workshop Khain’s Killers (pp.80-81)
(1988) Team Colours: Blood Bowl Rulebook, p.21, Games Workshop
Sponsor/Cheerleaders: Star Players, p.51, Games Workshop (1988)
(1989) Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home
Team History: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.16, Games Workshop Stadium/Sponsor/Cheerleaders/Team Song: Knute Rockknee
(1988) slightly expanded by Knute Rockknee (2022) (2022)
Team Records: Companion, p.38, Games Workshop, (1990); & Team History: Companion, p.6, Games Workshop, (1990);
Star Players, Star Player Card ‘Harg Vainkill’ (verso), Games Death Zone Season 1, p.14, Games Workshop (2016)
Workshop (1989); & Star Players, p.32, Games Workshop Team Honours: Blood Bowl 3rd Edition Death Zone, ‘Blood
(1989); Blood Bowl Handbook, p.32, Games Workshop (1988) Bowl’ Winners List, (1994); & Chaos Cup winners list; & Knute
& Knute Rockknee (2022) Rockknee (2022)
Team Song: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.39, Games Workshop Team Records: Companion, p.6, Games Workshop, (1990); &
(1988) Knute Rockknee (2022)
Notes: Virtually all of this information comes from 2nd edition Notes: There is very little official information regarding
sources. I transferred Cannonball Bennie to the Evil Gits Khain’s Killers and I have had to invent a majority of the
replacing him with a later edition Thrower. information and players. Probably the most notable thing
about the team is the mystery regarding the spelling of their
Greenfield Grasshuggers (pp.12-13) name. Recent mentions of the team call them ‘Khaine’s
Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home Stadium: Killers’, deferring to the accepted spelling of the God in the
Blood Bowl Handbook, p.25, Games Workshop (1988) Warhammer Fantasy world. Interestingly, this spelling is never
Sponsor: Knute Rockie, (2022) used anywhere in the 2nd edition. The team are mentioned
Cheerleaders: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.39, Games Workshop only 5 times and the spellings of their name are as follows:
(1988) ‘Khains’ (Rule Book p.21); ‘Khain’s’ (Handbook p.8); ‘Khan’s’
Team History: Ibid. p.25; & Spike! Fantasy Football Journal (Handbook p.27); ‘Khain’s’ (Star Players p.22); ‘Khain’s’
Issue 5, pp.7-8, (2019) (Companion p.6). In other Games Workshop publications of
Team Honours/Team Records: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.39, the mid-eighties the spelling is ‘Khaine’ (Warhammer Fantasy
Games Workshop (1988) Role Play, 1986, p.205); ‘Khain’ (Warhammer Fantasy Battle,
Notes: I have attempted to reconcile the new (2019) profile 1987, p.217); ‘Khaine’ (Warhammer Armies, 1988, p.32); and
with the original team profile, to avoid contradictions I have ‘Khaine’ (White Dwarf 108, December 1988, p.30). Looking at
slightly adapted the newer material to fit, whilst trying to this evidence, the most likely explanation is that a typo in the
avoid wholesale rewriting. The roster is mainly based on the Warhammer Fantasy Battle book was replicated by whoever
2019 release, I invented the other players. authored the fluff for the 2nd edition rules and handbook. For
one reason or another, the typo was retained in subsequent
The Hobgoblin Team (pp.40-41) 2nd edition Blood Bowl publications, even though, by this time,
Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home the spelling of ‘Khaine’ was definitively set in the Warhammer
Stadium/Team Honours: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.19 setting. I have made a virtue of this ‘error’ and retained it,
Sponsor/Cheerleaders/Team Song: Knute Rockknee (2022) incorporating it into the team’s history.
Team History: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.19, Games Workshop
(1988); & White Dwarf 105, Chaos Players insert, Games Lowdown Rats (pp. 20-21)
Workshop (1988); & White Dwarf 104, p.65, Games Workshop Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home Stadium/
(1988); expanded by Knute Rockknee (2022) Team Honours: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.19, Games Workshop
Team Records: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.19, Games Workshop (1988)
(1988); & Knute Rockknee (2022) Sponsor/Cheerleaders/ Team Song: Knute Rockknee (2022)
Notes: There are a several mentions of the Hobgoblin team in Team History: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.19, Games Workshop
the 2nd edition, and I have incorporated these into the team (1988); & White Dwarf 106, p.41 (1988) expanded and adapted
profile. The Roster comes from one that was printed in the 3rd by Knute Rockie (2022)
Edition Deathzone (1994) supplement, other names were Team Records: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.19, Games Workshop
invented. The special rules are an attempt to reconcile the fact (1988); Companion, p.33, Games Workshop, (1990); White
that there were no rules for fielding Hobgoblins in the second Dwarf 104, Big Guy player card, (1988)
edition, despite them being in the 1st and 3rd editions. I have Notes: The recent new team profile for the Rats has been
transposed the 3rd edition Hobgoblins to 2nd edition player disregarded due to the fact that this book gives precedence to
characteristics, using the Human Lineman’s characteristics as the 2nd edition canon. I have, however, changed the Rats
the baseline to work from. owner’s name to ‘Grimy’, for obvious reasons. I had to invent
almost the entire roster of player names (we know the names
Icecastle Wolves (pp. 70-71) of many Rats players, but they are all sadly dead!).
Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home
Stadium/Cheerleaders/ Team Records/ Team Song: Knute Lustria Croakers (pp.44-45)
Rockknee (2022) Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home
Sponsor: Star Players, p.26, Games Workshop (1989) Stadium/Cheerleaders/Team Records: Knute Rockknee (2022)
Sponsor/Team Song: Star Players, p.31, Games Workshop forerunner, the Oldlands conference. Third, in 2456 they are
(1989) playing in the Elven Kingdoms league, the implication being
Team History: Star Players, p.31, Games Workshop (1989), & they were participating in the NAF simultaneously, or that they
Companion, p.7, & p.18, Games Workshop, (1990), & Gridiron temporarily withdrew from the NAF due to the intense
Gazette Issue 15, p.2, (2022); competition in the AFC Central Division. Fourth, the role of
expanded by Knute Rockknee (2022) Asperon Thorn creates many contradictions, in the 2018
Team Honours: Star Players, p.31, Games Workshop (1989); & profile he is said to be a Thrower who began playing for the
Gridiron Gazette Issue 15, p.2, (2022) Nightwings in 2384 and appears to be still on the team nearly
Notes: The Slann of the 2nd edition are very different to later a century later in 2480, his career throwing statistics eclipse
incarnations in Games Workshop Media. Most of the those of Jeremiah Kool by a huge margin, however, in 1989’s
information for the team had to be invented around the Star Players on page 22, Kool’s record for throwing paces is
existing 2nd edition background, which is fairly thin. I have described as being an ‘eternal’ record and one that no one
added elements from the more recent Lustria Kroakers profile, believes can ever be broken. In the 2nd edition, Asperon Thorn
despite them being Lizardmen. I could not find any reference is unambiguously described as the Darkside Cowboys star
to their colours in any of the 2nd edition literature and therefore Catcher and his stats, whilst good, are not suggestive of a
had to rely on a contemporary reference to the Slann (in the century of competitive play. I had to make a major alteration
1987 3rd edition Warhammer Fantasy Battle Bestiary,p.232) as here, I renamed the Nightwings’ Thrower ‘Acheron Thorn’ and
wearing colours such as light blue. The roster includes Quetzal gave him the backstory that he is Asperon’s older brother. I
Leap and Lottabottol, the only Slann players mentioned by have kept the team’s early history and have retained the
name in the 2nd edition, I have invented the rest, using the Chaos Cup win, but I have the Nightwings enter the NAF
accepted convention of puns based on the Nahautl language. ahead of the Cowboys as an ‘expansion team’, when the two
conferences are ratified in 2432, this then initiates a bitter
Middenheim Marauders (pp. 72-73) rivalry between the Cowboys and Nightwings. I ignored the
Team Colours/Symbol: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.40, Games 2450s return to the Elven Kingdoms league but retained their
Workshop (1988) Chaos Cup wins. The roster includes some mentioned players
Owner/Sponsor/Cheerleaders/Team Song: Knute Rockknee and unattached freebooters, all others are invented to be in
(2022) line with existing second edition Dark Elf names.
Head Coach: Blood Bowl Magazine Issue 9
Home Stadium: Spike! Journal Issue 9, p.27, Games Nurgle’s Rotters (pp.22-23)
Workshop (2020) Team Colours/Symbol: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.36, Games
Team History: Star Players, p.44, Games Workshop (1989); & Workshop (1988)
Companion, p 23, Games Workshop, (1990); & Spike! Journal, Owner Death Zone Season, p.7, Games Workshop (2016)
Issue 8, (2019), Inaugural Blood Bowl Almanac (2017); & Blood Home Stadium: Spike! Journal Issue 3, Games Workshop
Bowl Handbook, p.40, Games Workshop (1988); all other (2018)
material by Knute Rockknee. Head Coach/Sponsor/Cheerleaders: Knute Rockknee (2022)
Team Honours: Blood Bowl 3rd Edition Death Zone, ‘Blood Team History: Gridiron Gazette Issue 18, p.2, (2022)
Bowl’ Winners List, (1994); & Chaos Cup winners list; & Knute expanded by Knute Rockknee (2022)
Rockknee (2022) Team Honours: Death Zone Season, p.7, Games Workshop
Team Records: Star Players, p.24, p.30, p.44, Games Workshop (2016) adapted by Knute Rockknee (2022)
(1989) & Knute Rockknee (2022) Team Records: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.13 & p.27, Games
Notes: Despite being one of the more notable 2nd edition Workshop (1988); & Gridiron Gazette Issue 18, p.2,
teams, and having several mentions across the various (2022); & Knute Rockknee (2022)
publications, there are not many hard facts about the Team Song: Companion, p.13, Games Workshop, (1990)
Marauders to work from. In subsequent years they have Notes: I have merged the recent (post-2016) background with
undergone several transformations, I have ignored these and the various mentions of the Rotters throughout the second
instead focussed on their rather paradoxical identity in the 2nd edition. A major difference is that I have disregarded their win
edition as being a Human team, playing in a major Imperial in Blood Bowl VIII, since this was a change made in the third
city, who make a virtue of hiring Chaos aligned players. A edition that contradicted the 2nd edition winners of that title
majority of the player names are taken from sources after the (the Evil Gits). I have based the roster on the 2016 Death Zone
2nd edition. Their sponsor is an actual coaching company from publication, the reason I haven’t used all the players named is
the Warhammer world and a rival to Four Seasons Lines (the to do with plausibility, the roster is from 2467-68, over 20
Reavers’ sponsor). years before the time frame covered in this book, even taking
into account the regenerative capabilities of Nurgle players,
Naggaroth Nightwings (pp.56-57) the attrition rate on Blood Bowl teams would make it
Team Colours: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.8, Games Workshop improbable that more than a couple of players would be still
(1988) playing after so long. I have tried to replace them with
Symbol: Box Art, ‘Naggaroth Nightmares’, 3rd edition minis, invented names that are similar. Finally, I had to create special
Games Workshop (1994) rules to represent the Rotters within the game itself. Most of
Owner/Head Coach/Home Stadium/Team Honours: Spike! the descriptions of the team make mention of them being foul
Journal Issue 2, p.10, Games Workshop (2018) smelling decomposed flesh and disgusting blobs, there is no
Sponsor/Cheerleaders: Knute Rockknee (2022) team type that adequately matches that in the official 2nd
Team History: Spike! Journal Issue 2, p.9, Games Workshop edition races. To achieve this, I looked at the 3rd edition Nurgle
(2018); & team and retrofitted it to the 2nd edition. To that end they are a
Team Records: standard Chaos Human team, but their catchers and throwers
Team Song: Star Players, p.23, Games Workshop (1989) are replaced by 4 Nurgle Mutants, who are treated as normal
Notes: The profile for the Nightwings is the only one where I players.
have had to substantially alter the later background before
using it. Changing officially published information was Oldheim Ogres (pp.82-83)
something that I wanted to avoid doing, but in this case, it was Team Colours/Symbol: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.36, Games
unavoidable due to the number of contradictions that the 2018 Workshop (1988)
Spike! Journal profile creates within the 2nd edition Owner: Companion, p.63, Games Workshop, (1990)
background. They are as follows: Firstly, the 2018 profile Head Coach/Home Stadium/Sponsor/Cheerleaders Team
states the Nightwings entered the NAF after the Cowboys, Song:
however there is a contradiction here. The Cowboys are said Team History: Companion, p.40, & p.63, Games Workshop,
to have joined the NAF in 2438, yet the 2018 profile has the (1990); & Blood Bowl Handbook, p.28 & p.36, Games
Nightwings entering the NAF in 2433 on the back of their Workshop (1988); & Blood Bowl Magazine Issue 6; Blood Bowl
Chaos Cup win in 2432. Second, the Chaos Cup is called an Rulebook, p.6, (1988);
‘Open Tournament’, whilst this is possible, much of the 2nd Team Honours: Blood Bowl 3rd Edition Death Zone, ‘Blood
edition background implies the White Skull Challenge/Chaos Bowl’ Winners List, (1994); & Chaos Cup winners list; & Knute
Cup was always a competition for teams from the AFC and its Rockknee (2022)
Team Records: Blood Bowl Rulebook, p.6, (1988); & Team Records: Gridiron Gazette Issue 6, p.2, (2021); &
Companion, p.63, Games Workshop, (1990) Star Players, p.30, Games Workshop (1989); & Knute Rockknee
Notes: A lot of the information in this profile comes from (2022)
official sources. The make-up of their team is explicitly stated Notes: A majority of the information was taken from either the
on p.42 of Star Players. I allocated many of the freebooter 2016 Death Zone Profile or 2nd edition sources. The team
Ogre Star Players from the 2nd edition and made up the Goblin colours are contradictory in the second edition, the Rasta
names. Tailspike Star Player card shows him wearing all green,
however, the back cover of the Star Players book has a photo
of the Skaven Scramblers miniatures wearing red. I have
Orcland Raiders (pp.46-47) picked the red uniform for the reason that the uniforms given
Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home on the Star Player cards are, in some cases, unreliable
Stadium/Team Honours: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.17, Games indicators of the team’s colours. The player names come
Workshop (1988) mainly from the roster in the August 2019 White Dwarf. I
Sponsor/Cheerleaders: Knute Rockknee (2022) added an in-game special rule for the team regarding pit traps,
Team History: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.7, & p.17, Games this is to represent their reputation for traps (such as those
Workshop (1988); & Death Zone Season 2, p.42, Games they used to win Blood Bowl XVIII). I have kept their name as
Workshop (2016), Star Players, p.30, Games Workshop (1989) the Skaven Scramblers, ‘Skavenblight’ being an addition made
expanded by Knute Rockknee (2022) with the release of the third edition.
Team Records: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.7, & p.34, Games
Workshop (1988); & Star Players, ‘Star Player Card: Greaser Southstorm Squids (pp.36-37)
Geargrinder (verso)’, Games Workshop (1989) Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home
Team Song: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.8, Games Workshop Stadium/Sponsor/Cheerleaders/Team Records/Team Song:
(1988) Knute Rockknee (2022)
Notes: Most of the information comes from the Handbook, I Team History: Companion, p.18, & p.23 Games Workshop,
have added relevant bits of information from across the 2nd (1990); White Dwarf 104, p.57, (1988), Death Zone Season 2,
edition publications and also added parts from the 2016 p.95, Games Workshop (2016) all other material by Knute
Deathzone team profile. The Roster is primarily based on the Rockknee (2022)
one published in the 2016 Deathzone supplement. I have Team Honours: Companion, p.23 Games Workshop, (1990); &
edited it to be 2nd edition compliant, and also added some of Knute Rockknee (2022)
the players mentioned in the 2nd edition publications. I also Notes: The Squids are arguably the most mysterious team of
took the liberty of altering their team colours, canon says the 2nd edition, there are only 4 references to them in the 2nd
black, however, the painted miniatures are unambiguously edition: The first is their standings for 2487-88; the second is
black and yellow. about their stadium in White Dwarf 104; then there are two
mentions in the companion- the first stating that they only
Reikland Reavers (pp.58-59) play in the rain and the second about their Magic co-ordinator
Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home Stadium/ and the fact they played in the Blood Bowl final. For many
Team Honours: years their official race was ambiguous: Their magic co-
Blood Bowl Handbook, pp.13-14, Games Workshop (1988) oridnator has an Elven sounding name, but this is not a
Sponsor/Cheerleaders: Star Players, p.50, Games Workshop guarantee they are an Elf team; they only play in the rain,
(1989) which (aside from being a gag) suggests they may be
Team History: Blood Bowl Handbook, pp.13-14, Games amphibious or sea creatures; finally, being called ‘Squids’
Workshop (1988) raises the assumption that they were originally conceived as
Team Records: Blood Bowl Handbook, pp.13-14, & 30-31, being a joke team of Squids or a ‘Squidmen’ (There is
Games Workshop (1988); & Companion, p.38, Games precedence for having the race of the team within the team
Workshop, (1990); name: Oldheim Ogres/Dwarf Giants/Dwarf
Team Song: Knute Rockknee (2022) Warhammerers/Skaven Scramblers, being notable examples).
Notes: All of the information comes directly from 2nd edition The third edition had them being ‘washed away’ as a result of
sources. the NAF’s collapse, which effectively ended their appearance
in any Blood Bowl lore until 2016, when Death Zone season 2
Scarcrag Snivellers (pp.84-85) finally resolved the mystery, stating that they were actually
Sea Elves who were forcibly taken over by fishmen. No time
Team Colours/Symbol: Box Art ‘Scarcrag Snivellers’ Goblin
scale is given for when the takeover happened, but it gave me
team miniatures, (2017), Games Workshop
the basis for how to approach the team’s race.
Owner/Head Coach/Home
I wanted to join up everything that has been published in a
Stadium/Sponsor/Cheerleaders/Team Honours/Team Song
plausible way. I added special mutants to the team as
Team Records: Knute Rockknee (2022)
representative of ‘Squid Men’ and also a large monster Giant
Team History: Blood Bowl Rulebook, p.6, Games Workshop
Squid, who can only play when it’s raining. In this conception
the takeover by Fishmen happens after the collapse of the
Notes: There is very little information available on the
Snivellers, so I was free to invent much of this profile. I
decided to make the link between the team’s name and the
surname of the Lowdown Rats’ owner. The sibling rivalry gave Stunted Stoutfellows (pp. 94-95)
me plenty of opportunity to build the existing fluff into the Team Colours: Star Players, Star Player Card ‘Warmglow
profile in an amusing way. No player names exist, so I had to Vindaloo’ (verso), Games Workshop (1989)
invent all of them. Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home
Stadium/Sponsor/Cheerleaders/Team Honours/Team Song:
Skaven Scramblers (pp.34-35) Knute Rockknee (2022)
Team History: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.16, Games Workshop
Team Colours: Star Players, Back Cover, Games Workshop
(1988); & Companion, p.6, Games Workshop, (1990); Star
Players, p.26, Games Workshop (1989)
Symbol: Skavenblight Scramblers Miniatures Box Art, Games
Team Records: : Star Players, Star Player Card ‘Warmglow
Workshop (1994)
Vindaloo’ (verso), Games Workshop (1989)
Owner/Head Coach/Home Stadium/Team Honours: Death
Notes: There is almost no information on the Stoutfellows,
Zone Season, p.5, Games Workshop (2016)
meaning a majority of the profile was invented. Likewise no
Cheerleaders/ Team Song: White Dwarf August 2019, Games
players other than Warmglow Vindaloo are ever mentioned,
so the roster is comprised of later edition unattached Halfling
Sponsor: Knute Rockknee (2022)
players, all other names are invented.
Team History: Star Players, p.30, Games Workshop (1989); &
Death Zone Season, p.5, Games Workshop (2016); Gridiron
Gazette Issue 6, p.2, (2021) Underworld Creepers (pp. 60-61)
Team Colours/Symbol: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.37, Games
Workshop (1988)
Owner: Death Zone Season 2, p.100, Games Workshop (2016)
Head Coach/Sponsor/Cheerleaders: Star Players, p.56, Games 3) Helmet Designs and Endzone Markers
Workshop (1989) Another nice touch to the 2nd edition was the ‘Endzone’
Home Stadium: Knute Rockknee (2022) markers that came with the game. Each one had a famous
Team History: Star Players, p.56, Games Workshop (1989); & team’s name in an appropriate design with their helmet and
Death Zone Season 2, p.100, Games Workshop (2016); Spike! team symbol on it. I felt it was important to extend this to all
Journal Issue 9, pp.16-17, Games Workshop (2020) material 40 NAF teams, not least to give this project a bit of visual
expanded by Knute Rockknee (2022) excitement.
Team Honours: Star Players, p.56, Games Workshop (1989); & All of the existing team symbols needed to be remastered
Death Zone Season 2, p.100, Games Workshop (2016) digitally into higher resolution images. This process involved
Team Records: Companion, p.33, Games Workshop, (1990); & tracing them by hand from the originals and then using digital
Star Players, Star Player Card ‘Garbage Throttlesnot’ (verso), post-production to finish them. What I soon noticed was how
Games Workshop (1989); & Knute Rockknee sketchily drawn some of the team symbols were (the strong
Team Song: Death Zone Season 2, p.124, Games Workshop asymmetry of the Darkside Cowboys’ moon and casually
(2016); drawn skull on the Bright Crusaders’ Cross being notable
Notes: The information on this profile is based on the 2016 examples), although this is conspicuous to our hypercritical
Deathzone profile with additional elements from the second modern eyes, in the context of mid-eighties Games Workshop
edition Star Players team profile. The Roster is taken from Star banner designs, these are not at all anomalous, in fact, I would
Players. argue it is all part of their charm. I resisted the urge to do too
much correcting of the originals (though I did slightly ‘correct’
Vynheim Valkyries (pp. 24-25) the Cowboys and Crusaders signs as they did not reproduce
Team Colours/Symbol/Owner/Head Coach/Home well as digital images). When it came to inventing the other
Stadium/Team Honours: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.15, Games team’s symbols, I wanted to replicate the handmade ‘wonky’
Workshop (1988) look so they would blend in seamlessly with the official
Sponsor/Cheerleaders/Team Song: Knute Rockknee (2022) designs. To that end, I drew a majority of the new symbols by
Team History/ Team Records: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.15, hand, usually from Games Workshop designs of the late 80s-
Games Workshop (1988); & Companion, p.27, Games early 90s.
Workshop, (1990) expanded by Knute Rockknee (2022)
Notes: Most of the information is drawn from the 2nd edition NFC Central (p. 3)
sources. However, there are no active players mentioned, Athelorn Avengers: 3rd edition box Art for ‘Athelorn Avengers’
therefore the I had to invent most of the names on the roster, I Miniatures (1994)
based these on the Norse names available in the 2nd edition. A Darkside Cowboys: 2nd edition Endzone Marker (1988)
couple of later edition Norse Freebooters have been added as Everbold Unicorns: Unique design: Knute Rockknee (2022)
they could plausibly have been playing for the Valkyries Evil Gits: 1st Edition Rulebook, p.9 & Knute Rockknee (2022)
during this time. Greenfield Grasshuggers: 2nd Edition Handbook, p.25 (1988), &
Knute Rockknee (2022)
Westside Werewolves (pp. 96-97) NFC Northern (p.15)
Team Colours: Star Players, Star Player Card ‘Wilhelm Chaney’ Asgard Ravens: Unique design: Knute Rockknee (2022)
(verso), Games Workshop (1989) Dwarf Giants: 2nd edition Endzone Marker (1988)
Symbol/Owner/Home Stadium/Sponsor/Cheerleaders/Team Vynheim Valkyries: 2nd Edition Handbook, p.15 (1988), & Knute
Song/Team Honours/ Team Records: Knute Rockknee (2022) Rockknee (2022)
Head Coach: Spike! Journal Issue 11, p.15, Games Workshop Lowdown Rats: 2nd edition Endzone Marker (1988)
(2020) Nurgle’s Rotters: 2nd Edition Handbook, p.36 (1988), & Knute
Team History: Spike! Journal Issue 11, p.15, Games Workshop Rockknee (2022)
(2020); Companion, p.50, p.53, Games Workshop, (1990)
Notes: There isn’t much information about the Werewolves in NFC Eastern (p.27)
the 2nd edition. The profile is based on their rivalry with the Bluebay Crammers: LRB 4, p.52 (2005), & Knute Rockknee
Champions of Death and Spike Journal’s 2020 profile on (2022)
Wilhelm Chaney. I have made a connection between their Dwarf Warhammerers: 2nd Edition Handbook, p.26 (1988), &
founding and the disbanding of the Kishargo Werebears in the Knute Rockknee (2022)
same year. Wilhelm Chaney is the only known player, but I Skaven Scramblers: 3rd edition box Art for ‘Skavenblight
have added freebooter Erik ‘the Dog’ Jorgsson. All other Scramblers’ Miniatures (1994)
players are invented. Southstorm Squids: Unique design: Knute Rockknee (2022)
Creeveland Crescents: Unique design: Knute Rockknee (2022)
Worlds Edge Wanderers (pp. 48-49)
Team Colours: Blood Bowl Handbook, p.4, Games Workshop NFC Western (p.39)
(1988) Lustria Croakers: Warhammer Armies, p.114, 1988 & Knute
Symbol/Owner/Home Stadium/Sponsor/Cheerleaders/Team Rockknee (2022)
History/Team Honours/ Team Records/ Team Song: Knute Worlds Edge Wanderers: Unique design: Knute Rockknee
Rockknee (2022) (2022)
Head Coach: Companion, p.60, Games Workshop, (1990) Orcland Raiders: 2nd edition Endzone Marker (1988)
Notes: There are only 4 pieces of information regarding the Galadrieth Gladiators: White Dwarf 101, p.37 (1988)
Worlds Edge Wanderers in the entire 2nd edition: Their 2487-88 Hobgoblin Team: 2nd Edition Handbook, p.19 (1988), & Knute
league performance; their team colours; their Head Coach’s Rockknee (2022)
name and their Thrower’s name. The only other things we
know is that, in the late 80s they are in poor form and can’t AFC Central (p.51)
pay all of their players. There is nothing mentioned about their
Bluchen Berserkers: Unique design: Knute Rockknee (2022)
history. To write their profile, I started with the statement on
Reikland Reavers: 2nd edition Endzone Marker (1988)
page 19 of 1989’s Star Players book that ‘many Dwarf teams
Naggaroth Nightwings: Warhammer Dark Elves p.18 (1996)&
can trace their history to the early years of the game’. This
Knute Rockknee (2022)
gave me the opportunity place them back at the formation of
Underworld Creepers: 2nd Edition Handbook, p.37 (1988), &
the NAF (although not a founder member) and to give a date
Knute Rockknee (2022)
to the NAF’s first season (I made an educated guess based on
the year the Dwarf Giants changed their name and Roze-El’s
age at the time of his death). I invented a few honours for
AFC Northern (p.63)
Arctic Cragspiders: Unique design: Knute Rockknee (2022)
them, and used them as the unnamed losing finalist in the
Champions of Death: 2nd edition Endzone Marker (1988)
2482 Blood Bowl. I have added unattached freebooters to the
Albion Wanderers: 2nd Edition Handbook, p.37 (1988), & Knute
roster, all other names are invented, with the exception of
Rockknee (2022)
Thrower Berni Harthunter, who found there was less demand
Icecastle Wolves: Unique design: Knute Rockknee (2022)
for a Dwarf Thrower on the open market than he imagined.
Middenheim Marauders: 2nd Edition Handbook, p.40 (1988), & fatalities, but mainly I had to invent these statistics. I did this
Knute Rockknee (2022) by making reference to the ‘Fatalities Against’ column on the
NAF standings (Handbook p.27).
AFC Eastern (p.75) There is very little information regarding the pre-Blood Bowl
Scarcrag Snivellers: 1st Edition Rulebook, p.15 & Knute NAF finals, other than they had the status of a ‘friendly’ match
Rockknee (2022) and are not recorded as being an official title. I started
Chaos All-Stars: 2nd edition Endzone Marker (1988) recording these ‘finals’ from 2432-33, this is the year that the 2
Bright Crusaders: 2nd edition Endzone Marker (1988) conferences were ‘ratified’ by commissioner Jorge Hellhound
Khain’s Killers: 1st edition Board & Knute Rockknee (2022) (1988 Handbook p.6) I have taken this to mean that the
Oldheim Ogres: 2nd Edition Handbook, p.36 (1988), & Knute Oldlands conference and NFC finally decided to merge, after
Rockknee (2022) initially being rival leagues who slowly grew closer thanks to
the common rule-set published in 2409 (p.6). All the finalists
AFC Western (p.87) are all taken from 2nd edition sources.
Bruendar Grimjacks: 2nd Edition Box Art (1988) & & Knute
Rockknee (2022) Chaos Cup Winners (p. 74)
Dark Renegades: Unique design: Knute Rockknee (2022) I have used the most recent list of Chaos Cup winners as the
Elfheim Eagles: 2nd edition Endzone Marker (1988) basis for the information on this page. However, I have had to
Stunted Stoutfellows: Unique design: Knute Rockknee (2022) edited it to remove a few contradictions it raises, they are the
Westside Werewolves: Unique design: Knute Rockknee (2022) following: 2485- according to the 2nd edition, it would be
impossible for the Galadrieth Gladiators to win this because a)
they are playing in the wrong conference and b) they are
4) Notes and References for the Interior Articles Elves; 2480- I have removed the Albion Wanderers as joint
winners; 2476 I have added a note about the league wide
Introduction (p.2)
strike; 2467- I have retained the Champions of Death as the
Author and Art-Work: Knute Rockknee
winners (and all other their other wins) even though this
contradicts the 2nd edition fluff, because it always seemed
The Blood Bowl Calendar (p.14)
strange to me that they’d never won this trophy; 2466 & 2465-
This is based on information given on page 6 of the 1988
have no winners; 2464- Dark Renegades only; 2447 & 2446
Handbook, where there is the one and only reference ever
have no winners, I allocated them to Mongrel Horde (my
made to the days of Moonsday and Thrudsday and the
assumption being that they were once a major NAF team) and
months of Dismember and Hoon. I have worked with this and
Ironcrag Decimators, because the 2nd edition rule book (p.13),
invented the other days and months, trying to reconcile the
mentions them as being a previous winner of the Chaos Cup;
fact the seasons are dated using the Imperial Calendar.
2432- see the entry for the Naggaroth Nightwings; Although it
is never mentioned in any of the published background, I have
Team Statistics (p.26)
assumed 2432 (the year the conferences were ratified) is the
The standings are taken from a simulated NAF season I ran,
year the White Skull Challenge Cup becomes known as the
which consisted of 320 games. The team statistics were
Chaos Cup. Prior to this I have assumed that it was some sort
invented based on the information on page 27 of the 1989
of final or cup competition for the AFC’s forerunner, the
Oldlands conference, although this is never mentioned
anywhere either; 2431- The Bright Crusaders cannot have won
NAF Schedule 2489-90 (p.38, & p.50)
this for two reasons, one- it’s unlikely they’d play in a
I devised this along the lines of the Sock Exchange, which is
tournament associated with Chaos, and two- They don’t exist
described in some detail on page 27 of Star Players (1989).
until over a decade later; 2418- had no winner; 2406,2407,2408
Divisional rivals play each other at least once and no team
had no winners; 2389- I have this as the first Chaos Cup final.
plays another more than twice. The games were arranged
The Companion (p.14) mentions the participants but not the
more or less randomly and then I tidied up any inconsistencies
year. The earliest mention of a year in relation to the Chaos
(I have tried to allocate the Croakers their requisite games
Cup is 2389 (Handbook p.13), it’s entirely possible the cup had
against the tough teams as is mentioned on page 31 of Star
been played for years before this, however, I decided to have
Players). My intention is to simulate a full season using this
this as the first year it was played.
schedule. More details on this project will follow.
Orcidas Team of the Year (p.74): The Fluff is quite clear that
the NFC champion usually wins this but there have been rare
NAF Champions (p. 62)
occasions that this has not been the case. I have guessed the
The Blood Bowl era winners are all based on the list that was
date that the trophy was first awarded by cross referencing the
originally published in the 1994 3rd Edition Death Zone,
known NFC champions against the winners of the trophy in
however, due to my project prioritising 2nd edition information
the handbook, by this method, we know that the first trophy
I have altered the finals to avoid them contradicting the
was awarded between the 2475-76 and 2481-82 seasons, I
information given. The most notable change is Blood Bowl
picked the earlier date as it is quite close to Orcidas giving up
VIII. There were several missing finalists who I added for the
the Chaos Cup sponsorship rights, it’s not too much of a
sake of completeness, to choose them, I looked for teams
stretch to imagine they invested in this competition as an
where there was no record of their honours and picked
finalists from that group based on guesswork.
Q&A With Jim and BoB (p. 86)
A few of the scores are known, but I have invented scorelines
I used this format to answer a few of the ‘contradictions’ in the
where the official record is empty, using the 3 Touchdowns for
2nd edition fluff in a light and humorous way.
a win rule. There are a few official references to the number of
DISCLAIMER: This book is a work of fan fiction based on the game ‘Blood Bowl’ which is owned by
Games Workshop. The book uses copyrighted material without permission, no challenge is
intended, and this book is produced solely as a hobby-based project and is not commercially
available. I hope that reading this book inspires you to visit the Games Workshop either online or in
person, to purchase the most recent edition of the game and explore their extensive range of
available miniatures and other games.
I’d like to thank Wobert, the author of the Gridiron Gazette,
whose advice was crucial during the making of this book.