Data Structure Multiple Choice Questions and Answer PDF
Data Structure Multiple Choice Questions and Answer PDF
Data Structure Multiple Choice Questions and Answer PDF
1. Which one of the following is the process of inserting an element in the stack?
A. Insert
B. Push
C. Add
Answer: Push
2. Which one of the following is not the application of the stack data structure?
B. String reversal
C. Backtracking
D. Recursion
A. +A*BC
B. ABC+*
C. +AB*C
D. A+(BC*)
Answer: +A*BC
A. Queue
B. stacks
C. Linked list
D. Binary tree
Answer: stacks
B. Caching
C. Spatial locality
D. Scheduling of Processes
A. ABC+*
B. A+B*C
C. +A*BC
Answer: A+B*C
7. Which data structure is mainly used for implementing the recursive algorithm?
A. Stack
B. Queue
C. Linked list
D. Binary tree
Answer: Stack
A. 12
B. 5
C. 11
D. 4
Answer: 5
9. Which one of the following node is considered the top of the stack if the stack is
implemented using the linked list?
A. Second Node
B. First Node
C. Last Node
10. A list of elements in which enqueue operation takes place from one end, and
dequeue operation takes place from one end is_________
A. Queue
B. Stack
C. Binary Tree
D. Linked List
Answer: Queue
11. The necessary condition to be checked before deletion from the Queue is_________
A. Underflow
B. Front value
C. Overflow
D. Rear value
Answer: Underflow
12. Which one of the following is not the application of the Queue data structure?
C. Balancing of symbols
D. Load balancing
13. What is the maximum number of children that a node can have in a binary tree?
A. 4
B. 1
C. 3
D. 2
Answer: 2
14. Which one of the following techniques is not used in the Binary tree?
A. Preorder traversal
B. Randomized traversal
C. Inorder traversal
D. Postorder traversal
A. 3
Answer: 2
16. A linear data structure in which insertion and deletion operations can be performed
from both the ends is_______
A. Circular Queue
B. Deque
C. Queue
D. Priority Queue
Answer: Deque
18. What is another name for the circular queue among the following options?
A. Rectangle buffer
B. Square buffer
C. Ring Buffer
19. Which of the following that determines the need for the Circular Queue?
A. FIFO Principles
B. LIFIO Principles
C. Ordered Array
D. Linear Tree
21. Which data structure is the best for implementing a priority queue?
A. Stack
B. Linked list
C. Array
D. binary Heap
22. Which of the following data structures finds its use in recursion?
A. Stack
B. Linked list
C. Array
D. Queue
Answer: Stack
23. Which of the following satisfies the property of the Red Black tree?
D. Both A and B
24. In the Deque implementation using singly linked list, what would be the time
complexity of deleting an element from the rear end?
A. O(n2)
B. O(1)
C. O(nlogn)
D. O(n)
Answer: O(n)
25. Which one of the following is the overflow condition if linear queue is implemented
using an array with a size MAX_SIZE?
A. rear=MAX_SIZE -1
B. rear = MAX_SIZE
C. rear = front+1
D. rear = front
Answer: rear=MAX_SIZE -1
A. Merge Sort
B. Heap Sort
C. Selection Sort
D. Bubble Short
27. Which of the following principle is used if two elements in the priority queue have
the same priority?
A. Linear Tree
Answer: FIFO
A. O(n)
B. O(1)
C. O(nlogn)
D. O(logn)
Answer: O(1)
29. Which one of the following is not the type of the Queue?
A. Linear Queue
C. Circular Queue
30. If the elements '1', '2', '3' and '4' are added in a stack, so what would be the order
for the removal?
A. 4321
B. 1234
C. 2314
Answer: 4321