Meaning of accounting:
Features of Accounting
Objectives of accounting
i.e., where he stands, what he owes, and what he owns. That means
the position of asset and liabilities. This objective is served by the
Advantages of accounting
1- Provide quantitative information Accounting helps in providing
quantitative information on profit earned and loss suffered by
the business
2- Helps in ascertaining the financial position of the business
Accounting helps the business to know the financial position
that is total asset and liabilities.
3- Systematic recording of data is possible Accounting helps in
making a systematic record of transaction which can be used
for future reference.
4- Act as an information system It provides necessary
information to the interested users.
5- Beneficial to different users.
Limitations of accounting
1- It records only transactions which can be recorded in
monetary terms. Qualitative aspects like managerial skill,
service of experts etc. are not considered.
2- Accounting is a post mortem survey because it records events
as they have taken place. From decision making point of view
information is needed not only of past but also about the
present and the future.
3- Effects of price level changes are not considered. Accounting
records show only actual cost. The real value may vary from
time to time. Thus the recorded cost cannot provide correct
4- Accounting ignores qualitative information
5- Accounting is not fully exact.
6- Accounting ignores the qualitative elements.
7- It may lead to window dressing.