penduduk alami, namun juga akibat pertumbuhan urbanisasi yang menyebabkan munculnya
daerah pemukiman miskin dan padat. Setiap pusat pemukiman padat penduduk memiliki
masalah degradasi fungsi lingkungan dengan skala yang berbeda. Hal tersebut juga terjadi
pada perkotaan besar di Indonesia. Tingginya populasi penduduk dalam mengubah pola
konsumsi lahan, perkembangan industri yang tidak seimbang, ketidaksesuaian kepadatan
transportasi, kurangnya pemenuhan kebutuhan pokok, penurunan sumber daya air serta flora
dan fauna, dan infrastruktur lingkungan yang buruk selanjutnya menjadikan faktor utama
penurunan kualitas lingkungan perkotaan [1]. Menurut perkiraan Millenium Development
Goal (MDG) pada tahun 2020, sekitar 1.4 miliar manusia di dunia berada dalam kondisi
miskin, tersebar di negara-negara berkembang. Indonesia merupakan negara berkembang
dengan jumlah penduduk terbesar ketiga di dunia.
Overpopulation or population explosion is the condition of too many people on Earth so that
the existing resources are insufficient to meet their needs. Then in general, the level of
population density (population density) is the ratio of the number of residents to the area
based on a certain unit area. Population density is an indicator of population pressure in an
area. In particular, population density occurs in urban areas, in other words, urban population
density is a high population but with a narrow land area. Population density in cities has
become one of the problems in a country's life system. Population density in urban areas
occurs due to several factors as a cause.
Population density in the city center is caused by the following factors. Birth factor is the
main factor that causes a big influence on population density. An increasing number of births
in an area will increase the population in that city. this happens because there are birthsthat
continue to increase from time to time. Then, high birth and increasing population are the two
things that cause population density or are called overpopulation. Furthermore, the increasing
population due to the increasing birth rate every time and accompanied by a low death rate
causes the population density to become wider. Then, the low death rate in a city is the next
factor that causes population density. This low mortality rate occurs because of high
competition for life and an imbalance in the number of birth rates and death rates, so this
needs to be considered to provide the right solution to the problem of population density.
Then, the final cause of population density in the city center is due to population movement.
Population movement or migration is one of the population mobility that occurs due to the
movement of residents from other villages or cities to better city centers. Furthermore,
population displacement occurs when human resources choose to move to cities due to
economic factors and social life. Then, uneven population movement will cause an area to
experience population density. Population density that will always be inherent in an area can
have an influence on development in that area. In fact, population density can have an impact
on the welfare of the population in an area, so we cannot underestimate population density.
Furthermore, with other studies, namely areas that have a high level of population density
usually occurs in urban areas where many urbanites are visit these cities. Impact of the
highest population density is the decline in the quality of the population (education, health,
income and profession). With low education will enter into jobs in the sector informal with
low income. With low income they are unable to meet the needs of both health, food and
shelter, this makes it difficult for them tachieve a prosperous or quality life. Population
density can have a positive or negative impact on quality live, and either directly or indirectly
population density will affect his quality of life. However, the most important thing is the
negative impact felt by the community which is very important to know. Then the impact
experienced when population density occurs is poverty. The increase in the poverty rate can
be interpreted as spending too much compared to the income received by the population. In
this case, the expenditure in question is expenditure that is used to meet the necessities of life,
such as clothing, food, and boards that are suitable for use. Then more and more pollution,
when humans try to meet their needs, things appear that can cause the amount of pollution to
increase. The amount of pollution in an area can pollute the environment, so that the
environment becomes dirty and unhealthy. In fact, it can transmit various diseases. In the
world of health, there were Fifty-four studies that met the inclusion criteria and were
evaluated using a quality assessment tool for ecological studies. As a result, high population
density appears to have an impact on higher mortality rates. Deaths occur mainly from
various types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD), asthma, and club foot. In contrast, the incidence of diabetes was found to be
associated with a lower population density. Therefore, high and low population densities are
risk markers for various NCDs, indicating that there are unidentified factors and mechanisms
underlying the etiology. In addition to physical, population density can also have an impact
on mental health. Higher densities can lead to stress and social isolation, which are often
associated with depression and anxiety disorders. So, Population Density can be affect quality
of life its inhabitants. In areas with high density, effort increase in the quality of the
population will harder to do. This matter cause social problems economy, welfare, security,
Availability of land, clean water and food needs. The impact the biggest is damage
So population density is something that happens because of factors from society both seen
from the economic and social life and population density also has an impact that must be
considered such as the impact on health, economy and social life. Therefore, population
density must be overcome by means of equitable development in each region and equitable
population movement.
Long Term Consequences of Over Population
The increase can be in birth and immigration. The human population is influenced by social
customs that govern reproduction and by technological developments, particularly in the
fields of medicine and public health. Because with the development of technology has
reduced mortality and extended human life. One obvious cause is the existence of high birth
rates and low death rates. So, the population explosion is also influenced by anti-mortality
and pronatal factors.
1. The death rate is decreasing. The decline in the death rate is due to the improving public
health conditions and reduced cases of malnutrition. In addition, the emergence of awareness
in the community about the importance of maintaining health.
2. The birth rate has increased dramatically. The soaring birth rate in a given unit of time is
caused by various factors, starting from the view that many children have lots of fortune,
offspring, and others.
3. The high age of marriage at a young age. One of the reasons for the high birth rate is the
young age of the marriage factor. This is also accompanied by the response of having to have
children as soon as possible after marriage.
The impact of population explosion can also cause environmental damage because the
potential for people to take natural resources is great. Population explosion that is not
balanced with job opportunities can cause high unemployment as well. In areas with high
density, efforts to improve the quality of the population will be more difficult to do. This
raises socio-economic problems, welfare, security, availability of land, clean water and food
needs. The biggest impact is environmental damage. The faster population growth occurs, the
more unavoidable population density, so that an area cannot run the population system
optimally. In addition, increasingly dense population growth can also disrupt the education
system and the shortage of health facilities.
References :
Overpopulation in the world is a global phenomenon and is more visible in developing and
underdeveloped countries. Even developed countries are witnessing a large influx of
migratory populations from developing and underdeveloped countries. Indonesia itself is a
developing country with the 4th largest population in the world. One of the most densely
populated cities in Indonesia is Jakarta, which is the center of industry and economy. Jakarta
is also the capital city of Indonesia which has a dense population and it can even be said that
Jakarta is an overpopulated place.
The impact caused by overpopulation in Jakarta is the depletion of resources in certain areas,
and because the number of people who use them is large and their consumption is fast, it
causes rapid depletion, one example is water which is a vital resource, therefore in Jakarta
many use it. drilled wells which then have a negative impact on Jakarta because these wells
can cause land subsidence, therefore Jakarta itself is prone to flooding In addition,
overpopulation also causes unemployment, namely there is a lot of competition and vacancies
in various sectors are generally the same.The next impact is poverty caused by
unemployment due to overpopulation and also scarcity of resources, generally this poverty
occurs in remote areas.And the other impact is the high crime rate due to poverty and the
unavailability of many jobs for people with low education and partly due to self-factors.
Jakarta is the 1st largest city in Indonesia, there are many industries in the city, therefore
many people migrate to get higher paying jobs there. Therefore, Jakarta is increasingly
densely populated, even due to overpopulation, many people build houses right up to the
river's edge. The much-needed resources are also very minimal in Jakarta such as water,
therefore many have built drilled wells resulting in land subsidence as a result of which the
land is lower than the sea. So that the government predicts that Jakarta will sink one day, then
the capital city of Indonesia, namely Jakarta, will change to Kalimantan.
Overpopulation or population explosion is a condition where there are too many people on
Earth so that the available resources are insufficient to meet their needs. Under current
conditions, it is estimated that the Earth is still able to meet the needs of around 11 billion
people. Every year the world's population increases by about 80 million. About half of the
world's population lives in countries with fertility substitution and population growth due to
immigration. According to Worldometer, as of 20 September 2020, the total number of
humans is around 7.8 billion. The PBB calculation is also above 7 billion. The birth of the 7
billionth baby was commemorated by the United Nations in 2011. With growth like this, it is
necessary to increase resources by 70 percent to be able to meet human needs in 2050.
Population growth that will always be attached to a region or country can have an impact on
development in that region. In addition, population growth can affect the welfare of the
population in an area, so we cannot underestimate population growth. Population density in
many urban areas has various causes and effects. The first reason is due to the birth factor.
the number of births is greater than the number of deaths. This may be due to pregnancy out
of wedlock. More births than deaths this gives the effect of overcrowding is increasingly
inevitable. So that a region cannot run the population system optimally. Economic factors are
also one of the causes of a population explosion in a region. This is because differences in
income levels in big cities and other areas cause residents to move to big cities. Odd jobs are
also considered capable of providing better income than income in the village. Job
opportunities, especially in the informal sector which are wide open, are the cause of
migration flows from villages to cities. This can have the effect of causing a lack of food
availability and also increasing unemployment in big cities due to the large population.
Population growth that continues to increase will have a negative impact on the population
itself, starting from environmental damage, diminishing land, to increasing unemployment.
Therefore, we should be aware that population growth must be controlled as well as possible.
The way that each family can do is the Family Planning Program (KB). By maintaining
population growth, it will be easy for the population agency to control it. The community is
also prosperous and the place where we live is maintained.
cause of the large population in the city center
The high birth rate can be used as a benchmark or assessment of the growth statistics of
rural and urban communities. The high birth rate is due to the prevalence of early marriage,
especially in urban areas. birth, urban areas are synonymous with high population levels
because urban areas are areas that have main non-agricultural activities and serve as
government distribution service centers as well as economic activities.
Urban centers are currently a major problem due to overpopulation. It is undeniable why
cities are densely populated places due to frequent urbanization. Urbanization is the
movement of people from villages to cities, which causes the population in cities to become
denser. As for the factors that are the main reason they urbanize is the economic factor, where
people in the village think that if they move to the city they will get a better life. but without
realizing that this population density has several negative impacts that are detrimental
personally. for example the impact is that population density causes activity to also increase.
population density can cause rampant pollution, slower movement and especially the level of
congestion increases. and now the most dominating is the high unemployment rate which
causes a high crime rate.
and it can be concluded that urbanization as one of the causes of urban population density
has indirectly destroyed the economic and financial systems of the general public.