BTF3601 Exam
BTF3601 Exam
BTF3601 Exam
provide the financial services in relation to that kind of financial products; An authorized
representative of an AFSL holder for the provision of the financial service in relation to that kind of
financial product; An operator of a financial market or clearing and settlement facility;
A person will not be eligible to rely on the exemption to test a financial services in relation to a
particular type of financial product, if they (or their related body corporations) have previously used
the exemption to provide that before.
Eligible financial service Providing financial product advice in relation to a particular kind of eligible
financial product;Applying for, or acquiring a particular kind of eligible financial product;Issuing,
varying, or disposing of a non-cash payment facility; Previously, issuing is not permitted under
RG257.Arranging for the issuing, varying, or disposing of a particular kind of eligible financial
product; and Providing a crowd-funding services.
Eligible financial products, a person can rely on exemption to provide financial services to retail
clients to deposit taking facility issued by and ADI regulated by APRA, non cash payment facility
issued by ADI regulated by APRA
Promotion innovation and market competition, protect safety and stability of the financial system
Medium amount credit contract 16 to 2 years $2000 - $5000 not continuing credit not
provided by ADI, annual cost rate for a credit product is capped at 48% under NCC
4. Type of credit
5. Remedies
S.72 If a debtor considers that he or she is or will be unable to meet his or her obligations
under a credit contract, the debtor may give the credit provider notice (a hardship notice),
orally or in writing, of the debtor’s inability to meet the obligations.
Courts may reopen suspicious transactions (s.76) and may set aside the loan agreement and
mortgages or revise the credit contracts(s.77
2. (S. 761G)is the product made for or targeted towards a retail client?
3. ( S.1023E) Is there a significant detriment?
Nature and extent of detriment
Actual or potential financial loss to retail client caused by the product
Impact that detriment has had, or will likely to have on retail clients.
in conclusion since there is a financial product under S.1023 B , product is deliberately aimed at retail
clients under section S.761G, and has caused a significant detriment which has been caused by the
product. ASIC can issue a product intervention order ( PIO) , in relation to
o Degree of attachment: how the chattel is attached to the land?
If it simply rests on the land on its own weight presumed to be a chattel
(e.g., a free-standing statue) (the party arguing it is a fixture bears the
burden of proof).
If the item is attached to the land, presumed to be a fixture (e.g., fountain
cemented into the ground) (the party arguing it is a chattel bears the b/p).
Factors to consider the strength of presumption: e.g., whether removal
would cause damage to land, building or the item itself; the more securely
attached the item is, the stronger the presumption that it is a fixture…
o For what purpose was the item attached to or placed on the land?
E.g., installing a air-conditioning plant—for the better enjoyment of the use
of land or the plant itself? (if the land, then, fixture).
How to ascertain intention? Objective person, at the time of attachment,
not actual (subjective) intention.
• Whether the chattel has been fixed with the intention that it shall
remain in position permanently or for indefinite or substantial
• Whether the chattel has been fixed with the intention that it shall
remain in position for some temporary purpose?
Personal property
Chattels personal is divided into:
choses in possession – moveable or physical objects tangible;
choses in action – a right to something intangible e.g., bank account, trademarks,
Types of security interests
Mortgage – a contract in which a lender obtains a security interest in the real property of
the borrower
Mortgages under Old system/Deeds system
conveyance of land with a contractual promise that the lender would convey
land back to borrower on repayment of loan.
Mortgages under Torrens system
Does not involve a transfer of title but takes effect as a security.
The National Credit Code applies to any ‘mortgage’ which secures an obligation under a
credit contract or a related guarantee -- the mortgagor must be a natural person or a strata
corporation: s 8(1) NCC.
Mortgage must be in writing and signed and may not secure an amount that
exceeds the sum of the liabilities of the debtor under the credit contract.
Legal issue
Week 11
Money laundering- is the name given to the process of separating money from its criminal
roots and bringing it back to the criminal as legitimate money.”
• the use of accounts in false names;
• operating accounts on behalf of undisclosed principals;
• International transfers in false names;
• using bank cheques or drafts to send money abroad
taking out loans and using the proceeds of crime to repay them or as security for the loan
Objectives of AML/CTF
• Commitments to FATF
• Deter, detect and disrupt money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
• To provide disincentives to crimes
• Protect the integrity of the financial system
• Avoid economic and competitive distortions
Reporting obligations
Week 11 ( AML/CTF)
1. Introduction
Money laundering is the name given to the process of separating money from its criminal roots and
bringing it back to the criminal as legitimate money
2. Issue
The fundamental legal issue is to ascertain if ….. bank has complied with statutory obligations under
AML/CTF , and to see what actions can be taken to improve compliance.
1. required to see if bank has taken measures to identify and verify customers properly CIO
( Customer identification obligation)
(S.32) reporting entity must not provide designated services to a customer without carrying out
applicable customer identification procedures
(S.35) Reporting entity must carry out a procedure to verify a customer before providing a
designated service to customers
2. it is required to see if banks has complied with Reporting obligations under s.41…
1. (s.41 ) Suspicious matters report, RE must give Austrac CEO a SMR within 24hpurs ,if
suspicions related to financing of terrorism ,3 business date if suspicion relates to any
other matters
(s.43) Any cash transaction at over the threshold limit of $10,000 must be reported to AUSTRAC CEO,
Reporting entity must within 10 days after the day on which the transaction takes place, give the
AUSTRAC CEO a report of the transaction
(S.45) international fund transfer instructions out of Australia and transmitted into Australia must
be reported , within 10 business days after the day on which the international fund transfer
instruction was sent or received by the person, give the Austrac CEO a report about the instruction
(S.47) Compliance report must be completed between 1 january and 31 march of each year for the
previous calendar year
S.81 (1): A reporting entity must not commence to provide a designated service to a customer if the
reporting entity has not adopted and does not maintain an AML/CTF program
s.104 if a customer of a reporting entity gives reporting entity a document relating to the provision
of a designated service, the reporting entity must retain the document for 7 years following records:
5. Required to see if bank has complied Correspondent banking-( Provision of banking services by
one financial institution to another )
(s.99) responsibilities of correspondent bank and the financial institution must be documented
In Conclusion,breach/not
previous case Austrac vs Westpac
WEEK 12 ( ePC)
ePC objectives
Cl 2.4 ePC applies the code to payment, funds transfer and cash withdrawal transactions that are (1)
initiated through electronic equipment and not intended to be authenticated by comparing a
manual signature with a specimen signature
electronic card transactions - ATM, EFTPOS, credit card and debit card transactions that are not
intended to be authenticated by comparing a manual signature with a specimen signature,
transactions using facilities with contactless features and prepaid cards, not intended to be
authenticated by comparing a manual signature with a specimen signature,
direct debits,
mail order transactions not intended to be authenticated by comparing a manual signature with a
specimen signature.
• Fees or charges
According to clause 10.1 ePC a holder is not liable for losses arising from an unauthorised transaction
if the cause of the loss:
a transaction requiring the use of a device and/or pass code that occurred before the user received
the device and/or pass code (includes reissued device and/or pass code),
a transaction being incorrectly debited more than once to the same facility, and
an unauthorised transaction performed after the subscriber has been informed that a device has
been misused, lost or stolen, or the security of a pass code has been breached.
User contributed to loss through fraud or breaching pass code security: cl 11.2 ePC
More than one pass code required and holder breaches pass code security (if breach
responsible for more than 50% losses): cl 11.3 ePC
Holder liable for unauthorised transactions resulting from leaving card in ATM (subscriber
must have reasonable security measures): cl 11.4 ePC
Holder unreasonably delays reporting of misuse, loss or theft of device and breach of pass
codes: cl 11.5 ePC