Guide Lesson 06 PDF
Guide Lesson 06 PDF
Guide Lesson 06 PDF
This brain teaser is very easy. I solved the Rubik’s cube easily.
Este rompecabezas es muy fácil. Resolví el cubo de Rubik con facilidad.
Qualifying adjectives are always placed before a name and do not accept
gender or number inflection, so they retain their same form in all cases.
However, adjectives can also be placed after a verb, as long as this is the verb
to be or another related to the five senses: look (seem), feel (feel), smell (smell),
taste (know), sound (Dream).
Early Late
Temprano Tarde
Tonight Yesterday
Esta noche Ayer
Today Tomorrow
Hoy Mañana
Why have you come home
Then Now
so late? Después/luego Ahora
Here There
Aquí Allí
Outside Inside
Fuera/afuera Adentro
Upstairs Downstairs
(Piso de) Arriba (Piso de) Abajo
Look, there is a place to park Nearby Far (away)
over there! Cerca Lejos
¡Mira, allí hay un sitio para
However, according to the final ending of the adjective we must take into
account a series of rules to be able to write it correctly:
Angry Angrily
Enfadado/a Furiosamente
Terminados en -ic Se le añade la terminación - Tragic Tragically
ALLY Trágico Trágicamente
Magic Magically
Mágico Mágicamente
Terminados en -LE Se conserva la -L y Horrible Horribly
se sustituye la -E por la -Y Horrible Horriblemente
Terrible Terribly
Terrible Terriblemente
Terminados en -L Se añade -LY Beautiful Beautifully
Bonita/o Hermosamente
General Generally
General Generalmente
Excepciones No sufren ningún cambio Fast Fast
Rápido Rápidamente
Hard Hard
Duro Duramente
Cambian totalmente Good Well
Bien Bien