sc76 Man
sc76 Man
sc76 Man
Symbols used:
DIGITAL CLAMP DISCONNECT AND UNPLUG TEST General: Disconnect the test leads
LEADS before opening case. before opening the case. Inspect the Caution, risk of electric shock
METER Model SC76 TEST NCV FUNCTION ON KNOWN test leads for damage to the insulation
LIVE WIRE before using. or exposed metal. Replace if suspect. Caution, refer to manual.
Works with Fieldpiece DO NOT APPLY VOLTAGE greater !
Never ground yourself when taking
accessory heads! than 30VAC or 60VDC to the thermocou- electrical measurements. Do not touch Ground
ple or the jacks when the rotary dial is on
exposed metal pipes, outlets, fixtures,
REMOVE THE THERMOCOUPLE etc., which might be at ground poten- Double insulation
when taking voltage measurements. tial. Keep your body isolated from
DISCONNECT THE TEST LEADS ground by using dry clothing, rubber Limited warranty
when taking temperature measure- shoes, rubber mats, or any approved
ments. This meter is warranted against
insulating material. When disconnect-
DO NOT APPLY VOLTAGE TO THE defects in material or workmanship for
ing from a circuit, disconnect the
JACKS when the rotary dial is on one year from date of purchase.
"RED" lead first, then the common
microamps. Even low voltages can cause Fieldpiece will replace or repair the
a current overload and blow the fuse. lead. Work with others. Use one hand
defective unit, at its option, subject to
Replace blown fuse to regain function. for testing. Turn off power to the circuit
verification of the defect.
under test before cutting, unsoldering,
This warranty does not apply to
or breaking the circuit. Keep your fin-
Maintenance gers behind the finger guards on the
defects resulting from abuse, neglect,
accident, unauthorized repair, alter-
Clean the exterior with clean dry probes. Do not measure resistance
ation, or unreasonable use of the
cloth. Do not use liquid. when circuit is powered. Do not apply
Battery replacement: When the more than rated voltage between input
Any implied warranties arising from
multimeter displays " " the battery and ground.
the sale of a Fieldpiece product,
must be replaced. Disconnect and All voltage tests: For model SC76
including but not limited to implied war-
unplug leads, turn meter off, and all voltage ranges will withstand up to
ranties of merchantability and fitness
remove the battery cover. Replace the 600VDC or 600VAC. Do not apply
for a particular purpose, are limited to
battery with a NEDA type 1604 9V bat- more than 600VDC or 600VAC.
the above. Fieldpiece shall not be
tery. AC tests: Disconnect the meter
liable for loss of use of the instrument
from the circuit before turning any
or other incidental or consequential
inductor off, including motors, trans-
damages, expenses, or economic loss,
formers, and solenoids. High voltage
99 Washington Street or for any claim of such damage,
transients can damage the meter
Melrose, MA 02176 expenses, or economic loss.
beyond repair. Do not use during elec-
State laws vary. The above limita-
Phone 781-665-1400 trical storms.
tions or exclusions may not apply to
Toll Free 1-800-517-8431 you.
Visit us at
Works with Fieldpiece Available Fieldpiece Capacitance 6. To calibrate in °C, close the jumper
that is to the left of VR3.
accessory heads accessory heads For motor-start and motor-run
Using & storing test leads
capacitors. Disconnect the capacitor
Connect your Fieldpiece accessory There is a Fieldpiece accessory
from power first. Short the terminals to Because the wire insulation is sili-
head to SC series meter through head available for just about any job.
discharge the capacitors. Disconnect cone they will stay flexible in cold
included deluxe silicone leads. Use There are heads to measure tempera-
any resistors that might be between weather and will not melt if bumped by
340mVDC or 3400mVDC range for ture, RH%, wet bulb, dew point, vacu-
the terminals of the capacitor. a soldering iron.
most heads. um (microns of mercury), manometer
(inches of water column), amps Temperature Use the single test probe holder on
clamp to make voltage testing easy.
AC&DC, high voltage, CO, CO2, air Plug any K-type thermocouple
For convenient lead storage, wrap
velocity, and many more. directly into the meter to measure tem-
the leads as shown.
perature. Temperature measurement
Non-contact voltage will maintain good accuracy in fast
With the NCV tab on the tip of the changing environments. One thermo-
clamp close to an AC voltage, press couple is included. No adapter is
the NCV button. The NCV LED will required.
light and the beeper will beep. The Display ºC or ºF
NCV function is sensitive enough to
Remove back of meter, locate
detect 24VAC on thermostats.
jumper on lower right corner of PCB
Hi voltage indicator (just below VR3) and close jumper to
In any VAC/VDC range, when you read temperature in °C.
touch a voltage greater than 30V, the Field Temp. calibration
beeper will beep and the red Hi-V LED
For accuracies of ±1° calibrate the
will blink. BE CAREFUL!
SC76 to a known temperature. A glass
Current measurements of stabilized ice water is very close to
The fixed jaw is longer than the 32°F (0°C) and is usually very conven-
moveable jaw to make it easier to ient.
select just one wire from a bundle. 1. Select the °F range on the SC76.
With the jaws closed, separate one 2. Remove back case. Hold the bat-
SC76 connected to wire using the long fixed jaw. Slide it to tery in place with a rubber band.
ARH4 through leads. the corner where the two jaws meet. 3. Stabilize a large cup of ice water.
Then open the jaws to let it in. You can 4. Immerse the probe and let it stabi-
select the wire without having to hold lize.
the jaws open. 5. Adjust VR3 (lower right corner of
Microamps PCB) to get close to 32°F (0°C)
then adjust VR4 (below VR3) to get
For measuring the flame diode cur-
within 0.1°F/C of 32°F (0°C).
rent in a heater control.
Voltage DC Current (μADC) AC Current Capacitance
Disconnect test leads from
voltage before plugging
thermocouple in.
SPECIFICATIONS Safety: UL, CE, Cat III 600V, IEC DC current Diode test
61010-1 (EN61010-1) and
Display: LCD with a maximum read- Ranges: 340μA, 3400μA Test current: Approx. 1.0mA
IEC61010-2-032 (EN61010-2-032).
ing of 3400. Resolution: 0.1μA Resolution: 1mV
Analog bar graph: 34 segments with DC volts Accuracy: ±(1.0% rdg + 1 dgt) Accuracy: ±(2% rdg + 3 dgts)
measurements 20 times per sec- Ranges: 340mV, 3400mV, 34V, 340V, Voltage burden: 1V, (8V on 3400μA Open circuit volts: 3.0Vdc typical
ond. 600V range) Audible indication: Less than 0.2V
Data Hold: Operating on all ranges Resolution: 0.1mV Overload protection: 500VDC or AC Overload protection: 500VDC or AC
Range(RNG): Operating on all autor- Accuracy: ±(0.5% rdg + 1 dgt) rms rms
anges Input impedance: 3MΩ on V inputs, Resistance Continuity
Overrange: "OL" mark indication. 10MΩ on mV input
Ranges: 340Ω, 3.4kΩ, 34kΩ, 340kΩ, Audible indication: Less than 300Ω
Auto power off: Approx. 10 minutes. Overload protection: 600VDC or AC
3.4MΩ, 34MΩ Response time: 500ms
Measurement rate: 2 times per sec- rms
Resolution: 100mΩ Green LED will be on continuously.
ond, nominal. Normal mode rejection ratio: >50dB
Operating environment: 32 to 122°F @ >49Hz
Accuracy: Capacitance
±(1.2% rdg + 4 dgts) on 340Ω to
(0 to 50°C) at <70% R.H. Common mode rejection ratio: Range: 340μF
340kΩ ranges
Storage temperature: -4 to 140°F >120dB up to 1000VDC Resolution: 0.1μF
±(1.5% rdg + 4 dgts) on 3.4MΩ
(-20 to 60°C), 0 to 80% R.H. with Transient protection: 6kV for 10μ Accuracy: ±(3% rdg + 5 dgts)
battery removed. sec Test frequency: 16Hz
±(3.0% rdg + 5 dgts) on 34MΩ
Accuracy: Specifications good in AC volts(50Hz - 500Hz) range
Test voltage: <3.0V
ambient conditions of 73°F ±9°F Overload protection: 500VDC or AC
Ranges: 3.4V, 34V, 340V, 600V Open circuit volts: -0.45VDC typical,
(23°C ±5°) , <75% relative humidity. rms
Resolution: 1mV (-1.2VDC on 340Ω range)
Temperature Coefficient: 0.1×(speci-
Accuracy: ±(2.0% rdg + 4 dgts) 50 ~ Overload protection: 500VDC or AC Hi-V(voltage) warning
fied accuracy) per °F/°C; 32 to 64°F
500Hz rms >30VAC/DC meter beeps, red LED
(0 to 19°C); 82 to 122°F
(28 to 50°C).
Input impedance: 3MΩ Temperature blinks.
Altitude: 6561.7 Feet (2000m).
Overload protection: 600V DC or AC
Range: -30 to 1000°F (-35 to 600°C) Non-contact voltage
Jaw opening capability: 38mm con- Resolution: 0.1° Senses voltage 24V to 600V AC
Transient protection: 6kV for 10μ
ductor. Accuracy: ±1°F (32 to 120°F); ±0.5°C beeper chirps and big bright red LED
Power: Single standard 9-volt battery, (0 to 49°C), comes on, works when meter dial is on
NEDA 1604, JIS 006P, IEC 6F22. AC current(50Hz - 60Hz) ±1% + 1.5°F (-4 to 750°F); ±1% + any range.
Battery life: 300 hours typical with Ranges: 34A, 300A 1°C (-20 to 400°C),
alkaline. Resolution: 0.01A ±2% + 4°F (-30 to -4°F, 750 to
Accessories: One pair test leads, DC Accuracy: 1000°F);
one pair of small alligator clips, k- ±(3.0% rdg + 5 dgts) 0 ~ 300A / 50 ±2% +2°C (-35 to -20, 400 to
type thermocouple, 9V battery ~ 60Hz 540°C)
(installed), and operating instruc- Overload protection: 300AAC Sensor type: K-type thermocouple
tions. Overload protection: 60 VDC or 30
VAC rms
Test Equipment Depot - 800.517.8431 - 99 Washington Street Melrose, MA 02176