Application For Commutation PDF
Application For Commutation PDF
Application For Commutation PDF
[Rule 10(2).]
I, ……………………………………….. desire to commute a portion of my
original pension of Rs. …………………… a month. I certify that I have correctly
answered the questions below:
Signature :
Dated, the
Designation :
Address :
Signature of the Competent Authority
[Rule 20(1) (b)]
No………………….. Date:
Forwarded to the Audit Officer (here indicate the address and designation)
……………………………………………… with the remarks that the particular
furnished by the applicant in Part-I have been verified and are correct and the applicant is
eligible to get a portion of his pension commuted after medical examination.
Signature of the Competent Authority
[Rule 20(2)]
Forwarded to ………………….....................................................………………………………………..
2. Subject to the Medical Authority’s/Medical Board’s recommending commutation, the lump sum
payable will be as stated below :
Sum payable, if the commutation becomes absolute before the applicant’s next birthday which
i) falls on ..………….....................................................................................
On the basis of normal age, ie, ……...….years Rs ………………………..
1. Year, ie,…………………..years. Rs.
2. Year, ie,…………………..years. Rs.
3. Year, ie,…………………..years. Rs.
4. Year, ie,…………………..years. Rs.
5. Year, ie,…………………..years. Rs.
ii) Sum payable, if the commutation becomes absolute after the applicant’s next birthday but one.
On the basis of normal age, ie, ……………..years Rs ……………………..
1. Year, ie,…………………..years. Rs.
2. Year, ie,…………………..years. Rs.
3. Year, ie,…………………..years. Rs.
4. Year, ie,…………………..years. Rs.
5. Year, ie,…………………..years. Rs.
3 The sum payable will be a charge on
Central revenues Rs.
The Govt. of West Bengal Rs.
Station :
Place:- Date:-
2. He is also informed that the existing table on the basis of which the sum has been
calculated is subject to alteration at any time without notice and consequently the sum calculated
is also liable to revision.
3. He is further informed that unless the medical certificate is produced within three weeks
from the date of receipt of this order his case will be closed.
(Signature of the
Competent Authority)
[ Rule 20 (3) ]
Place:- Date:-.
With reference to his application, dated ………regarding commutation of a portion of
his pension, Sri/Smt.………………………………… is informed that Government is
prepared to consider the question of allowing him to commute Rs…………….. out of his
original monthly pension of Rs…………….. for a lump of Rs…………………. provided
that commutation becomes absolute before the next day of his birth falling on
……………….. He is accordingly requested to state whether he is willing to accept the
above lump payment and if so to submit a medical certificate in the prescribed form from the
Medical Board as to the average expectation of his life and bring with him at the time of
examination the enclosed Form-B (Part-I) with particulars required therein completed except
for the signature.
3. He is also informed that the existing table on the basis of which the sum has been
calculated is subject to alteration at any time without notice and consequently the sum
calculated is also liable to revision.
4. The date, time & place o the meeting of the Board will be communicated direct by
the ……………………………………………..
5..An acknowledgement of the receipt of this order is requested within seven days.
Signature of the
Competent Authority
(Name and address of the applicant)
(Signature of the
Competent Authority)
Note:-The medical Board in the district will consist of Chief Medical Officer of Health and
the district Medical Officer. In case The chief Medical Officer of Health is not
available, It may consist of the District Medical Officer and Nominee of the Chief
Medical Officer of Health, who should be a member of the West Bengal Health
I declare all the above answers to be, to the best of my belief, true and correct.
I will fully reveal to the medical authority all circumstances within my knowledge
that concern my health and fitness.
(Applicant’s signature)
1. Apparent age :
2. Height :
3. Weight :
4. Girth of abdomen at level of umbilious :
5. Pulse rate - a) Sitting :
b) Standing :
c) What is the character of pulse? :
6. What is the condition of arteries? :
7. Blood pressure - a) Systolic :
b) Diastolic :
8. Is there any evidence of diseases of the a) Heart :
main organ? b) Lungs :
c) Liver :
d) Spleen :
e) ……….. :
9. Does chemical examination of urine (i) albumen :
show. State specific gravity. (ii) sugar :
10. Has the applicant a rupture? If so, the kind and if :
11. Describe any scars or identifying marks :
12. Any additional information :
Either he/she is/is not in good bodily health and has the prospect of an/is not a fit
subject for average duration of life/commutation (in case of an impaired life which is yet
considered a fit subject or commutation) “as ……………………………… is suffering
from ……………….. his /her age for the purpose of commutation, i.e., his/her age on
next birthday should be taken to be ………………… years more that his/her actual age”
(Signature or
thumb impression of the left hand
of the applicant.)
[Rule 23(2)]
he/she is /is not in good bodily health and has the prospect of an average duration of life /is
not a fit subject for commutation or (in the case of an impaired life which is yet considered a
his/her age for the purpose of commutation i.e., his/her age next birthday should be taken to
(Signature or
thumb impression of the left hand
of the applicant.)
(To be submitted in duplicate
[Rule 14(1)(a)]
Form of Application for Commutation of Pension without
Medical Examination
I furnish below the relevant particulars and request that I may be permitted to
commute a portion of my pension as indicated below
1. Name (in Block letter) :
2. Date of birth :
3. Date of superannuation on attaining the age of 58 :
years(or 60 years in the case of Group D
employees): (60 years)
4. Designation of the post held at the time of :
superannuation and the name of the
5. Amount of pension sanctioned and whether it is :
provisional or final:
6. Class of pension as defined in the West Bengal :
Services(Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Rules,
7. Name of Treasury of Bank and Account Number :
from which pension is being drawn:
8. Name of Treasury of Bank through which he :
commuted value is desired to be paid, if payment is
not desired through the Accounts Officer who
authorized the pension:
9. Designation of the Accounts Officer and the :
Number and date of the Pension Payment Order, if
10. Amount (in whole rupees)of pension and portion of :
pension proposed to be commuted :
11. Particulars of any application for commutation of :
pension made previously and whether appeared
before any Medical authority or not.
Signature :
Full address :
No. :
Forwarded to the Accountant General ,West Bengal for authorizing the payment
of the commuted value . The receipt of Part-I of Form C has been acknowledged in Part –
III which has been forwarded separately the application on…………………
Signature of the
Competent Authority
Signature of the
Competent Authority