The document discusses the relationship between faults and folds. It describes how folds can be related to faults, including fault-bend folds, fault-propagation folds, and detachment folds caused by compression. It also discusses folds related to faults under tension, inverted structures, and strike-slip related folds. Additionally, it covers how structural development can influence sedimentation, consistency of displacement along faults, and conclusions. In summary, the document examines the close relationship between faults and folds, how different types of folds can form in relation to faults, and implications for sedimentation and structural evolution.
The document discusses the relationship between faults and folds. It describes how folds can be related to faults, including fault-bend folds, fault-propagation folds, and detachment folds caused by compression. It also discusses folds related to faults under tension, inverted structures, and strike-slip related folds. Additionally, it covers how structural development can influence sedimentation, consistency of displacement along faults, and conclusions. In summary, the document examines the close relationship between faults and folds, how different types of folds can form in relation to faults, and implications for sedimentation and structural evolution.
The document discusses the relationship between faults and folds. It describes how folds can be related to faults, including fault-bend folds, fault-propagation folds, and detachment folds caused by compression. It also discusses folds related to faults under tension, inverted structures, and strike-slip related folds. Additionally, it covers how structural development can influence sedimentation, consistency of displacement along faults, and conclusions. In summary, the document examines the close relationship between faults and folds, how different types of folds can form in relation to faults, and implications for sedimentation and structural evolution.
The document discusses the relationship between faults and folds. It describes how folds can be related to faults, including fault-bend folds, fault-propagation folds, and detachment folds caused by compression. It also discusses folds related to faults under tension, inverted structures, and strike-slip related folds. Additionally, it covers how structural development can influence sedimentation, consistency of displacement along faults, and conclusions. In summary, the document examines the close relationship between faults and folds, how different types of folds can form in relation to faults, and implications for sedimentation and structural evolution.
Geologi Struktur Apa yang kita bahas... • Hubungan Sesar dan Lipatan • Lipatan terkait sesar • Oleh Kompresi • Fault-bend folds • Fault-propagation folds • Detachment folds • Oleh tarikan • Pada struktur inversi • Pada struktur strike-slip • Peran pembentukan struktur pada sedimentasi • Konsistensi perpindahan pada sesar • Kesimpulan Hubungan antara Sesar dan Lipatan • Sesar → Deformasi batuan yang bersifat brittle berupa rekahan yang mengalami pergeseran paralel terhadap bidang rekahnya • Lipatan → Deformasi batuan yang bersifat ductile berupa bentukan melengkung
• Terdapat hubungan yang erat antara sesar dan
lipatan. • Di mana terdapat sesar, terdapat lipatan. Begitu juga sebaliknya. Lipatan Terkait Sesar (Fold related Fault) • Detachment Fold • Fault Propagation Fold • Fault Bend Fold Detachment folds form in restricted stratigraphic Detachment Fold intervals above detachment faults Fault Propagation Fold
Fault-propagation folds form when the fault at
depth accommodates displacement along a layer-parallel flat, but then ramps up through the rock section and “dies out” into a fold. snake head folds Fault Bend Fold
Fault-bend folds are formed when the hanging
wall rock changes shape as it moves over a change in dip; that is, a bend, in the fault surface. FAULT-RELATED FOLDING CREATED THROUGH STRETCHING FAULT-RELATED FOLDING CREATED THROUGH STRETCHING Hanging-Wall Growth Strata FAULT-RELATED FOLDING CREATED THROUGH STRETCHING Depth-To-Detachment and Area Balancing STRUCTURAL INVERSION Fault Reactivation And Inversion Structures Inversion Structures: a. Positive inversion structures b. Negative inversion structures Null point Footwall shortcut FOLDS ASSOCIATED WITH STRIKE-SLIP FAULTING
folds are associated with strike-slip faults at
the tectonic scale as well. In fact, en echelon folding is one of the singular characteristics of folding associated with strike-slip faulting. FOLDS ASSOCIATED WITH STRIKE-SLIP FAULTING
Systems of en echelon folds
are forming today in the California Continental Borderland region off the west coast of southern California ROLE OF STRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN SEDIMENTATION
When the combination of faulting and
folding deforms the earth’s surface, the changes in topography and/or bathymetry that that result will influence where sediments accumulate as the structures continue to grow. The topography/ bathymetry produced by active If the ages of the sediments in sedimentary deformation influences sediment thickness growth sections are known, then the rate(s) of as well as the distribution of sedimentary growth fault- and fold induced facies. uplifts can be determined. The age of the oldest unit within the growth sequence provides the approximate age of the onset of faulting and/or folding.The age of the uppermost unit within the sedimentary section provides the approximate time of when faulting and/or folding came to an end. Sedimentary Growth Sequences
Growth-sequence stratigraphy deposited
during fault-bend folding (A) Rate of sedimentation greater than the rate of uplift; crest of the uplift becomes buried. (B) Rate of uplift is equal to rate of sedimentation; neither erosion nor deposition on crest of uplift. (C) Rate of uplift greater than rate of sedimentation; crest of uplift is subjected to erosion. (Suppe et al., 1992) Sedimentary Growth Sequences
Growth-sequence stratigraphy deposited during
fault-propagation folding. (A) Rate of sedimentation greater than rate of uplift; crest of the uplift becomes buried. (B) Rate of uplift equal to rate of sedimentation; neither erosion nor deposition on the crest of the uplift. (C) Rate of uplift greater than rate of sedimentation; crest of the uplift is subjected to erosion.
(Suppe et al., 1992)
Consistency of Displacement Kesimpulan • Hubungan Sesar dan Lipatan • Fault-bend folds • Fault-propagation folds • Detachment folds • Perlipatan terkait sesar oleh tarikan • Struktur inversi • Lipatan terkait sesar strike-slip • Peran pembentukan struktur pada sedimentasi • Konsistensi perpindahan pada sesar Terima Kasih... Ada Pertanyaan? Apa yang kita bahas... • Sesar dan lipatan • Model umum perlipatan terkait sesar • Asumsi terhadap domain kemiringan dan perlipatan terkait sesar • Fault-bend folds • Fault-propagation folds • Detachment folds • Perlipatan terkait sesar oleh tarikan • Struktur terkait salt • Struktur inversi • Lipatan terkait sesar strike-slip • Peran pembentukan struktur pada sedimentasi • Structural balance • Struktur skala kecil dan penyekalaan • Kesimpulan