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Code : 3081
Model Question
Time: 3 hrs. Full Marks: 75

ljBfyL{x¿n] ;s];Dd cfkm\g} zAbdf pQ/ lbg'kg]{5 . bfFof lsgf/fdf lbOPsf cªsn] k"0ff{ªs hgfpFb5 .
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.

;a} k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ . (Attempt All Questions)

;d"x …sÚ(Group 'A')
-clt ;+lIfKt pQ/fTds k|Zgx¿/Very Short Answer Questions) [11x1=11]
1. ahf/zf:q eg]sf] s] xf] <
What is Marketing ?
2. d'Vo j:t'sf] s'g} b'O{j6f pbfx/0fx¿ pNn]v ug'{xf];\ .
Mention any two examples of core product.
3. æDffsf{ gfdÆ nfO{ æJofkf/ lrGxÆ df tkfOF{ s;/L abNg'x'G5 <
How do you convert "brand name" into "trade mark"?
4. d"No lgwf{/0fsf] kl/efiff n]Vg'xf];\ .
Define pricing.
5. v'b|f laS|m]tfn] s] ub{{5 <
What does a retailer do?
6. tkfO{Fn] sn]hsf] k|rf/sf] nflu s'g k|rf/ cf}hf/nfO{ pkof]u ug{'x'G5 < s'g} b'O{j6f pNn]v ug'{xf]; .
Which publicity tools will you use for promoting your college ? Mention any two.
7. s[lif ahf/zf:qsf] s'g} b'O{j6f ljz]iftf pNn]v ug'xf];\ .
State any two features of agriculture marketing.
8. …ahf/zf:q g}ltstfÚ zAbnfO{ kl/eflift ug'{xf];\ .
Define term 'Marketing ethics'.
9. ahf/zf:qLsf] ¿kdf tkfO{Fn] pkef]Qmfk|lt jxg ug{'kg{] b'O{j6f bfloTjx¿ pNn]v ug'{xf];\ .
As a marketer, state any two obligations you need to fulfil toward customers.
10. ljqm]tfn] s] sfo{ u5{ <
What does a salesperson do ?
11. k|efjsf/L ljS|m]tfsf] ¿kdf tkfO{Fdf x'g'kg]{ b'O{j6f u'0fx¿ pNn]v ug'{xf];\ .
As an effective salesperson, what qualities you should possess ? Mention any two.
;d'x …vÚ (Group 'B')
-;+lIfKt pQ/fTds k|Zgx¿/Short Answer Questions) [8x5=40]
12. ljlzi6 a:t'sf] ljz]iftf;lxt j0f{g ug'{xf];\ .
Explain the specialty product with its features.
13. tkfFO{nfO{ d'gfkmf a[l4 ug{] p2]Zosf ;fy j:t'sf] d"No lgwf{/0f ug{] lhDd]jf/L lbOPdf pQm sfo{ s;/L ;DkGg ug{'x'G5 <
k|i6 kfg{'xf];\ .
Suppose you are entrusted with the responsibility of determining the price for product to
maximize profit, how do you accomplish this task? Elucidate .
14. pkef]Qmf j:t'x¿sf] dfWod ;+/rgf ;lrq j0f{g ug'{xf]; .
Describe with diagram the channel structure for consumer Products.
15. pkef]Qmfsf] nflu JolQmut ljS|mosf] dxTj pbfx/0f;lxt j0f{g ug'{xf];\ .
Illustrate the importance of personal selling consumer point of view.
16. pTkfbssf] ¿kdf tkfO{Fn] j:t'sf] Jofkf/ laS|mL k|j4{gsf nflu s'g s'g ljlwx¿ k|of]u ug'{x'G5 <
As a manufacturer, select the methods of trade sales promotion to promote your product ?
17. g]kfndf cf}Bf]lus ahf/zf:qsf] ;DefJotf n]vfhf]vf ug'{xf];\ .
Assess the prospects of industrial marketing in Nepal.
tkfOF{sf] ljrf/df s] PsfO;f} ztflAbdf ;]jf ahf/zf:q nf]slk|o x'Fb} uO/x]sf] 5 < sf/0f ;lxt JofVof ug'{xf];\ .
Do you think service marketing is getting popular in 21st century ? Justify with reason.
18. jt{dfg cj:yfdf g]kfnL Joj;fon] ef]Ug'k/]sf cj/f]wx¿ s] s] x'g\, j0f{g ug'{xf];\ .
Identify various sorts of barriers Nepali businesses facing today.
ahf/zf:qdf g}lts Jojxf/ kl/ro lbO{ g}lts Jojxf/ a[l4 ug{sf] nflu lgb]{lzsfsf] vfsf tof/ ug'{xf];\ .
Define and outline an ethical guidelines for betterment of ethical behavior in the
19. ljS|mosnfnfO{ æsnf / lj1fgÆ ¿kdf pbfx/0f ;lxt :ki6 kfg{'xf];\ .
Illustrate salesmanship as "Art and Science".

;d"x …uÚ (Group 'C')

-lj:t[t pQ/fTds k|Zgx¿/Long Answer Questions) [3x8=24]
20. sRrf kbfy{sf] cy{ / ljz]iftfx¿ j0f{g ug'{xf]; . ;fy} sRrf kbfy{sf] ahf/Ls/0fdf Wofg lbg'kg{] s'/fx¿ pbfx/0f ;lxt
k|:6 kfg'{xf]; .
Explain the meaning and features of raw materials. Also illustrate marketing
considerations of raw materials. 3+5
21. æg]kfndf ljt/0f k|0ffnLnfO{ ljsf; ug{{ oftfoft / uf]bfd b'O{ k|d'v tTjx¿ x'g\Æ. of] egfO{nfO{ ts{sf ;fy ;dy{g
ug'{xf]; .
“Transportation and warehousing are the major components to develop distribution system
in Nepal.”Support this statement with convincing logic.
dfWod åGå eg]sf] s] xf] < tkfOF{sf] sDkgLdf dfWod ;b:ox¿sf ljrdf 4Gb ePdf s;/L ;dfwfg ug{' x'G5 < o:tf
4GbnfO{ ;dfwfg ug{] tl/sfx¿sf af/]df ;'emfj lbg'xf];\ .
What is channel conflict ? Suggest measure to resolve such types of conflict among the
channel members in your company. 2+3+3
22. s[[lif ahf/zf:q eGgfn] s] a'em\g'x'G5 < g]kfndf s[lif ahf/zf:qdf b]vf k/]sf ;d:ofx¿ vf]hL j0f{g ug'{xf]; .
What is meant by agriculture marketing¿ Explore the problems of agriculture marketing in
Nepal. 2+6

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