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Scope of Political Science in Law

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Scope of political science

Creator Sneh lata

Designation-Guest Faculty

Moderated By:

Prof. C.P. SINGH

Faculty of Law University of Lucknow, Lucknow


Sneh Lata

(Guest Faculty)


The primary objective of this article is to understand, what is of Scope political science?

What is Scope of political science?

Political science is the most important branch of social science and its chief concern is with the political
behavior of individuals, groups of individuals, agencies, institutions, organization. Since all these are
subject to change and they are changing continuously the subject matter of political science is bound to
change, so also the scope of Political Science.

Now the interesting fact is that various scholars and political scientists have made sincere attempts to
view its scope from their respective angles and perspective resulting in wide variations in the treatment of

A renowned author has analyzed the scope of Political Science from four different angles and these are:
Politics as the art of government, politics as public affairs, politics as compromise and consensus, politics
as power and distribution of resources. But this categorization of scope of political science cannot be
treated as final because the emergence of new phenomena and situation will Impact the decision making
process of government, government and governed relation, attitude of people towards politics and
government, people’s ideas about the functions of state etc.

The scope of Political Science implies its jurisdiction or subject matter. Political Science is a very wide
and comprehensive subject. There is no agreement among the Political Scientists as regard to the scope of
Political Science. Despite this disagreement, we may make an attempt to define the scope of Political
Science which includes the followings:

1. A study of the State and Government:

Political Science primarily studies the problems of the State and government. The state is defined as a
group of people organized for law within definite territory. The State possesses four characteristics, viz.
Population, territory, government and sovereignty. Government is an agent of the Stale. Political Science
studies the activities of the State and explains the aims and objectives of the State and government. A
large number of people are unwilling to call politics as a science, (since it is controversial we abandon it
for the purpose of present analysis.) The general opinion is that politics is an art and the art is closely
related with the management of government.

According to Aristotle a polity is a type of social organization (and also a political organization) where
political authority was exercised by large number of people whose main concern was to achieve general
welfare. Researchers have found that in ancient Greek polity politics took place and in those days politics
meant management and administration of Polity.

2. A Study of Political Theory:

Political theory is a major branch of Political Science. On the basis of the political ideas or thoughts of
political thinkers, political theory formulates definitions or concepts like democracy, liberty, equality,
grounds of political obligation, etc. A student of Political Science must start his lessons with political
theory. Political theory explains the rudimentary concepts of Political Science. It also includes the study
of political philosophy.

3. A Study of Political Institutions:

The field of Political Science is rather vast. It includes the study of political institutions. This covers a
study of constitutions and comparative government, explains their merits and demerits, their structure and
working and arrives at different conclusions on comparative basis. Besides, the study of public
administration and local government may be included in this area. These institutions are useful to the
nation and hence they are studied along with the State.

4. A study of Political Dynamics:

The study of political dynamics has become significant in the 20th century. It means the current forces at
work in government and politics. It covers a wide range and includes the study of political parties, public
opinion, pressure groups, lobbies, etc. A scientific study of the working of these political dynamics helps
to explain the political behavior of individuals and different groups. The study in this field is often done
in collaboration with other social sciences like sociology, anthropology and psycholosiy.

5. A Study of Adjustment of the Individual with the State:

The scope of political science also includes a study of the nature of relationship between the individual
and the State. It examines how man should adjust himself with the society. Man is the root of politics.
The process of adjustment of men with the society is an important aspect of Political Science.

6. A study of International Relations and international law

Lastly, the scope of Political Science includes a study of international relations which has become
significant since the first quarter of the 20th century. It covers a wide range and includes diplomacy,
international politics, international law, international organizations like the United Nations, etc. The
States are the subjects of international law. International law has assumed greater importance in recent
The above contents show the wide range of subjects that come under the fold of Political Science.
Broadly speaking, political science contains the topics dealing with both empirical facts and philosophical
values. Questions of facts are concerned with “what is” and those dealing with values are concerned with
“what should be”. The contents of political science fall in either of these two broad categories.

No serious thinker can neglect all “these issue whilst analyzing politics. Two or three decades ago even a
well-versed political scientist paid little thought and attention to globalization and neo-liberalism. But
today these two concepts have covered a significant portion of the subject while analyzing the scope, we
must note it.

The scope of political science refers to its subject matter. There has been tremendous increase in the
number of issues which is now being analyzed under the realm of Political Science. There are discussions
on the theories of state origin, sovereignty, law, liberty, rights, forms and organs of government,
representation, state functions, political parties, pressure groups, public opinion, and ideologies such as
capitalism, socialism, communism etc., international relations and institutions

The international Political Science Association meet in Paris in 1948 classified the scope of Political
Science into four zones:

Political theory, political institution, political dynamics and international relations. Political theory deals
with the fundamental concepts of political science like state, government, justice, liberty, equality, law,
sovereignty, separation of power, modes of representation, forms of government, grounds of political
obligation and various ideologies.

Political philosophy takes a theoretical and speculative overview of these fundamental concepts.

Political institution is concerned with the study of formal political institutions like the state and the
government, the legislature, the executive, the judiciary, the electorate and the administration.

Political dynamics refers to the forces and processes which operate within the government and politics
such as political parties, pressure groups, interest groups, lobbies, public opinion, propaganda etc.

Apart from these four zones political science also deals with three other areas which are public
administration, international relations and international law and relations between the state and the
individual. Public administration deals with the organization, control and coordination of administrative
machinery, personnel administration, financial administration, public relations, management,
administrative law and adjudication etc. It also covers the study of local self-governing institutions like
corporations, municipalities and Panchayati Raj institutions.


Therefore, broadly speaking Political Science deals with two sorts of topics, one which is based on
empirical facts and the other which is value based. There has been a long tradition in Political Science of
dealing with value based issues or things as they ought to be based on the preferences of individual
philosophers. Based on value preferences, philosophers have sought to make generalisations regarding
state, government as well as the structures and processes associated with them. However such
generalisations aren‟t being made without any consideration to the political realities. Therefore it would
be wrong to say that all traditionalists have ignored empirical facts at the altar of value orientations. The
fact is that it was only after industrialization and behavioral revolution that empirical methods came to
occupy centre-stage in Political Science. The primary focus here is on the actual nature, structure and
working of the political systems so as to derive factual propositions and generalizations. However both
traditional and empirical methods have their limitations.

Therefore a third kind of approach which is basically a combination of the traditional and empirical
approach have emerged which is basically prescriptive in nature and seeks to bridge the gap between what
is and what ought to be. For example, proposals for political reform such as anti-defection measures and
prescriptions for improving the political system like parliamentary versus presidential form of
government are generally based on normative considerations. At the same time these also involve
examination and evaluation of factual data. Discussions with such an evaluative overtone can be called as
prescriptive. All the above discussions together constitute the scope of political science.

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