The Strategy PDF
The Strategy PDF
The Strategy PDF
Intended Learning Outcomes: At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to:
Difference between strategy formulation and strategy implementation
Strategy Implementation
• Strategy implementation means “change”
• It is widely agreed that “the real work begins after strategies are formulated.”
• Successful strategy implementation requires the support of, as well as discipline
and hard wok from, motivated managers and employees.
Strategy Implementation Activities
• These activities are common to all organizations.
1. Annual objectives
– Annual objectives serve as guidelines for action, directing and
channeling efforts and activities of organization members.
– They serve as standards of performance.
– Serve as important source of employee motivation and
– Represent the basis for allocating resources
– Primary mechanism for evaluating managers
– Major instrument or monitoring progress toward achieving long-
term objectives
– Establish organizational, divisional, and departmental priorities.
2. Devising policies
• On day-to-day basis, policies are needed to make a strategy work.
• Policy – refers to specific guidelines, methods, procedures, rules, forms,
and administrative practices established to support and encourage
work toward stated goals.
• Policies set boundaries, constraints, and limits on the kinds of
administrative actions that can be taken to reward and sanction
behavior. They clarify what can and cannot be done in pursuit of an
organization’s objectives.
3. Allocating resources
• Central management activity that allows for strategy execution.
Strategic management enables resources to be allocated according to
priorities established by annual objectives.
• Four types of resources:
✓ Financial
✓ Physical
✓ Human
✓ Technological
Strategy Evaluation
• The best formulated and best implemented strategies become obsolete as a
firm’s external and internal environments change.
• Therefore, it is essential that strategists systematically review, evaluate, and
control the execution of strategies.
• Erroneous strategic decisions can inflict severe penalties and can be exceedingly
difficult, if not impossible, to reverse.
• Thus, strategy evaluation is important to an organization’s well-being.
- Timely evaluations can alert management to problems or potential
problems before a situation becomes critical.
Prerequisites of Strategy Evaluation
• Adequate and timely feedback is the cornerstone of effective strategy
evaluation. Strategy evaluation can be no better than the information on which
it is based.
• Strategy evaluation is essential to ensure that stated objectives are being
achieved. For many organizations, strategy evaluation is simply an appraisal of
how well an organization has performed.
Importance of Strategy Evaluation
• Strategy evaluation is impossible to demonstrate conclusively that a particular
strategy is optimal or even to guarantee that it will work. Strategy must be
evaluated for critical flaws.
• It is important because organizations face dynamic environments in which key
external and internal factors often change quickly and dramatically. Success
today is no guarantee of success tomorrow!
9. Are we vulnerable to a hostile takeover? (for businesses)