Edu 412 Strategy Based Comprehension Lesson Plan
Edu 412 Strategy Based Comprehension Lesson Plan
Edu 412 Strategy Based Comprehension Lesson Plan
Target Content/Lesson Topic: Analyzing Primary Sources Date: April 10, 2023
This lesson is for a(n) __x__ whole class _____ small group _____ individual
Essential Question How do people create their history?
- What is the essential question that
this lesson addresses? How am I connected to those in the past?
- What is the core purpose of the
lesson that includes the strategies
and skills necessary to accomplish
the deeper learning in the standard?
Sequencing This lesson will not be part of a specific larger unit. Instead, it will be part of a series of lessons focused on the
- How does this lesson fit into the skills of examining primary sources and connecting themes to current issues. It allows students to practice
larger unit of study? these skills, which they will need to be able to apply to different content throughout the course.
- Focus on a logical/hierarchical
sequencing of skills (e.g., main ideas
before details, similarities before
State Learning Standards SS.Hist3.a.h
List the complete, relevant grade-
level standard(s). Analyze significant historical periods and their relationship to present issues and events.
Learning Target(s) and Learning Learning Target: I will be able to identify key features of speeches and evaluate their effectiveness.
- Choose your learning target(s) and
objective(s) based on the relevant
state learning standard(s).
- Write focused targets and
objectives that describe the specific
September 2021
learning outcome (what students
should be able to do as a result of
the lesson).
- Be sure they are stated in
observable and measurable terms
(e.g., ABCD+T).
Grouping To begin, the turn & talk brainstorm will be done with a partner to get ideas flowing. By compiling all our
Describe how and why students are ideas as a class, I can ensure that all students are on the same page about what we are looking for in the
grouped based on speeches. They will read individually, because that is preparing them for the formative assessment, which will
- homogeneous, heterogeneous, also be done individually so that I can gauge each student’s interaction with the material. Prior to the formative
randomized assessment, I will separate students into groups by which speech they read. This will help the conversation be
- ability, interest, IEP goals, social or more productive, as they have similar knowledge from the reading.
social-emotional, behavioral,
language acquisition
Co-Teaching Strategy N/A
Does this lesson involve co-
teaching? If not, state N/A. If yes,
identify the co-teaching model and
what role each teacher will play.
-One Teach, One Observe; One
Teach, One Assist; Station Teaching;
Parallel Teaching; Supplemental;
Alternative; Team Teaching
September 2021
Differentiation Content: Although students already have the option to choose their speech from a list I have provided, they
Describe how you will meet could use a different one if they choose, with my permission. I could also link the audio/video versions of
individual students’ needs by each speech so that students who prefer to get content audibly will have the option.
adjusting the content, process,
product, and environment based on Process: Some students and/or groups may need more or less time to complete certain parts of the activity.
their readiness, interests, and learning Those adjustments can be made as necessary. Also, some students may need more structure, so I can provide a
preferences. more detailed to-do list and frequent check-ins to be sure they are understanding and staying on track.
Product: Students may choose alternative ways to complete the formative assessment, including writing,
drawing, verbally giving their answer, or others. As long as it meets the requirements, it will be acceptable.
Also, if students wish to organize their thoughts in a different way, they are not obligated to use the graphic
organizer I have provided.
Environment: I will make sure the procedures and roles of the student are clear at every step of the activity.
In addition, I can provide clipboards to students who may want to move around the room. This could be
especially helpful during group work, as it is not always possible/comfortable to use a desk during those
Accommodations and/or Modifications Required for Students in Special Education (Add rows as necessary.)
Student(s) Required Accommodation/Modification
Summative Evaluation Criteria I will evaluate this essay using the TASO acronym. Students will receive points based on their thesis, argument,
- What material(s) will you use to supporting details, and organization. The paper should contain three distinct arguments with two to three
evaluate learning? supporting details for each one. Students should also cite at least 6 of the 9 provided documents. With this
- Attach a copy of your checklist, method, the majority of a student’s grade comes from historical knowledge and analysis, while a small part
rubric, observation criteria, or other comes from the writing and grammar itself.
September 2021
Opening: Introduction and I will begin by asking students to name the first speech that comes to mind. After sharing a few with the class,
Connection to Previous Learning I will have students take two minutes to turn and talk with a partner about why these speeches are
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook) famous/effective, and what makes a good speech. We will then begin to compile a list on the board of these
● Activate prior knowledge. features. As a class, we will then decide which three features are most important in speeches. These will be
● Be sure students understand entered into the chart next to the codes students will be using as they read. Each time they find something
procedures and instructions for relevant to one of the characteristics to be coded, students will write it in their chart.
the lesson.
● Establish clear expectations.
● Model concept.
The groupings/instruction/lesson
progression may look different in different
parts of the lesson!
During: Lesson Progression First, I will show them what a few of my codes look like for the first part of the speech. For the second part, I
In this portion of the lesson, you will will read a paragraph out loud and have a few students share out what they might code. I will then give
be letting go and letting students students 10 minutes to finish reading the speech. At that time, we will again share some of the lines that
engage in productive struggle; students coded. I will maintain a list of these contributions on the whiteboard to serve as a visible reminder.
engaging in gradual release (“I do, we After completing the coding of this speech, students will choose one of the other speeches to code
do, you do”), inquiry, guided or independently. I will then ask students to get into groups based on the speeches they chose. They will discuss
independent practice, or other some of their ideas, and can add notes wherever they want.
learning methods. Please write what
you are looking for in terms of:
● Students’ thinking and how
they will start the lesson.
● Provide appropriate support
(not explaining how to do it).
● Provide worthwhile
● Provide opportunities for
students to engage in using
the academic language.
This is where you will be suggesting
or modeling specific strategies
and helping students choose which
September 2021
strategy makes sense to them.
However, you must make sure ideas
come from students.
Closing: Wrap-Up and Extension As a formative assessment, students will use their notes and codes of the speeches to draw two parallels
End the lesson with a final review of between the speeches they chose (MLK’s and one other). They should explain why these speeches were so
key ideas and knowledge. This is significant in their time and still today.
where you have students talk about
their thinking and share strategies
with the whole class. It’s important
to name strategies and use academic
vocabulary here, extending the lesson
to broader ideas.
● Promote a community of
● Listen actively and probe
thinking without evaluating
or telling them how you
would do it.
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be
able to solve using the thinking you
have discussed. Provide a brief
preview of what the next lesson will
Curricular and Instructional • Document with speeches- I will be attaching this as a separate document in the assignment
Resources or Materials • T-chart organizer with codes- so that students can organize their notes about two speeches side by side;
- List and provide a brief rationale will make it easier to complete formative assessment
for all necessary lesson resources and
materials. If not original, cite the
- Attach/link a copy of all materials
the teacher and students will use
during the lesson; e.g., handouts,
September 2021
questions to answer, slides,
worksheets, and so on.
September 2021
Since I do not actually have a placement, I wanted to do something that would be a little
different from the lesson plans I have been writing so far. This lesson was targeted more toward
the skill and strategy of coding text, as well as what makes speeches so impactful. I tried to
combine the historical aspect of what my placements and own classroom will be with some more
contemporary examples people could practice with. We want activities that will encourage the
wanted to pick something that students could complete with the help of the strategy, which was
coding text. At the end of reading both speeches, they had side by side notes to be able to draw
I felt that the students in our class were pretty engaged. I could tell that they were more
engaged when they were in small groups to discuss the speeches they got to choose, but I
wouldn’t say they were disengaged before that. They were still contributing, and we had a good
class list of important qualities in a speech. I was walking around during the independent parts
of my lesson and could clearly see that they were writing and engaging with the text. Also, I
listened in on many of the small group discussions, and they were on task and productive in
connecting with the text. They also had ideas to contribute about anything they would change to
I thought that the visual tool I created was helpful. I liked that it was on one page, so
students would be able to see their notes about the two speeches side by side. Also, I believe it
was helpful to have the codes on the top of the paper for easy reference. In addition, I thought it
was more meaningful and engaging to have the students come up with the codes themselves. It
just made it a little bit more interesting to look for those things in the speeches when they picked
them. One change that I might make is to have separate sections in each column for the different
codes. Especially with a document without page numbers for reference, like speeches, I think it
The student literacy lives surveys were very diverse, as I expected, so it was difficult to
craft a lesson that would appeal to everyone. Ultimately, I chose speeches from music, sports,
and the Queen in an attempt to appeal to as many as I could. I got a lot of feedback in the
surveys about students being interested in sports, movies, and music. When I separated the class
into small groups, I was super excited to see that each speech had two or three students, so it
confirmed that I chose a good mix of topics. I did notice that students seemed more excited to
talk about the later speeches rather than what they coded in the MLK speech.
To improve this lesson, I would use a shorter speech as the initial historical example. I
felt that there was a lot of independent work time, which would have been good if there wasn’t a
second speech I was asking them to read. The independent time could happen in the second
reading, and I could spend more time modeling and moving through the gradual release of
responsibility. Also, I think this assignment could be super interesting if done with the video or
audio versions of speeches. There are many aspects of good speeches, like charisma, that can’t