Pragmatics Exercise
Pragmatics Exercise
Pragmatics Exercise
Lecture 1
Context , Deixis
1. In spatial deixis, the proximal forms are ‘I’ and ‘you’. The distal
forms are ‘he, she, it’. Each person in a conversation shifts from
being ‘I’ to being ‘you’ occasionally.
2. “here” is distal form. “there” is promixal form.
3. Location from speaker’s perspective sometimes refers to physical
location. This is called deictic projection.
4. “to begin with, first, next, in the following paragraph, last but not
least” are temporal deixis.
Exercise 3
Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F)
4. It is raining out now, but I hope when you read this it will be sunny.
Exercise 6. Matching
Declarative Interrogative
Is the pope Catholic?
Is ice old?
I want to know who washed the
question dishes.
I do not know who washed the dishes.
- Can you wash the
4. …....................... dishes?
5 . …………………. - Would you mind
washing the dishes?
Exercise 3. You want the door to be opened and make Direct Command
Indirect Command