Sample .Laravel Queues in Action Dark PDF
Sample .Laravel Queues in Action Dark PDF
Sample .Laravel Queues in Action Dark PDF
Cookbook ....................................................................................... 14
Sending Email Verification Messages ........................................... 15
High Priority Jobs ...................................................................... 22
Retrying a Verification Job ......................................................... 27
Canceling Abandoned Orders ..................................................... 32
Sending Webhooks ................................................................... 37
Provisioning a Forge Server ........................................................ 41
Canceling a Conference ............................................................. 47
Preventing a Double Refund ....................................................... 55
Batch Refunding Invoices ........................................................... 61
Monitoring the Refunding Process .............................................. 66
Selling Conference Tickets ......................................................... 69
Spike Detection ........................................................................ 73
Sending Monthly Invoices .......................................................... 77
Dealing With API Rate Limits ...................................................... 82
Limiting Job Concurrency ........................................................... 87
Limiting Job Rate ...................................................................... 91
Dealing With an Unstable Service ............................................... 93
That Service Is Not Even Responding ......................................... 101
Refactoring to Job Middleware ................................................. 104
Processing Uploaded Videos ..................................................... 108
Provisioning a Serverless Database ............................................ 113
Generating Complex Reports .................................................... 119
Message Aggregation .............................................................. 126
Rewarding Loyal Customers ..................................................... 133
Sending Deployment Notifications ............................................ 138
When users add items to their shopping cart and start the checkout process,
you want to reserve these items for them. However, if a user abandoned an
order—they never canceled or checked out—you will want to release the
reserved items back into stock so other people can order them.
To do this, we're going to schedule a job once a user starts the checkout
process. This job will check the order status after an hour and cancel it
automatically if it wasn't completed by then.
Let's see how such a job can be dispatched from the controller action:
class CheckoutController
public function store()
$order = Order::create([
'status' => Order::PENDING,
// ...
Warning: Using the SQS driver, you can only delay a job for 15
minutes. If you want to delay jobs for more, you'll need to delay for 15
minutes first and then keep releasing the job back to the queue using
release(). You should also know that SQS stores the job for only 12
hours after it was enqueued.
When the job runs—after an hour—, we'll check if the order was canceled
or confirmed and just return from the handle() method. Using return will
make the worker consider the job as successful and remove it from the
It might be a good idea to send the user an SMS notification to remind them
about their order before completely canceling it. So let's send an SMS every
15 minutes until the user completes the checkout or we cancel the order
after 1 hour.
To do this, we're going to delay dispatching the job for 15 minutes instead
of an hour:
When the job runs, we want to check if an hour has passed and cancel the
If we're still within the hour period, then we'll send an SMS reminder and
release the job back to the queue with a 15-minute delay.
if ($this->order->olderThan(59, 'minutes')) {
Using release() inside a job has the same effect as using delay() while
dispatching. The job will be released back to the queue and workers will run
it again after 15 minutes.
Every time the job is released back to the queue, it'll count as an attempt.
We need to make sure our job has enough $tries to run 4 times:
If the user confirmed or canceled the order say after 20 minutes, the job will
be deleted from the queue when it runs on the attempt at 30 minutes and
no SMS will be sent.
This is because we have this check at the beginning of the handle() method:
if ($this->order->status == Order::CONFIRMED ||
$this->order->status == Order::CANCELED) {
There's no guarantee workers will pick the job up exactly after the delay
period passes. If the queue is busy and not enough workers are running, our
MonitorPendingOrder job may not run enough times to send the 3 SMS
reminders before canceling the order.
To increase the chance of your delayed jobs getting processed on time, you
need to make sure you have enough workers to empty the queue as fast as
possible. This way, by the time the job becomes available, a worker process
will be available to run it.
Dealing With API Rate Limits
If your application communicates with 3rd party APIs, there's a big chance
some rate limiting strategies are applied. Let's see how we may deal with a
job that sends an HTTP request to an API that only allows 30 requests per
// ...
If we hit a rate limit response 429 Too Many Requests, we're going to release
the job back to the queue to be retried again after 30 seconds. We also
configured the job to be retried 10 times.
When we hit the limit, any requests sent before the limit reset point will
fail. For example, if we sent all 30 requests at 10:10:45, we won't be able to
send requests again before 10:11:00.
If we know requests will keep failing, there's no point in sending them and
delaying processing other jobs in the queue. Instead, we're going to set a
key in the cache when we hit the limit, and release the job right away if the
key hasn't expired yet.
return $this->release(
Here we set an api-limit cache key with an expiration based on the value
from the Retry-After header.
The value stored in the cache key will be the timestamp when requests are
going to be allowed again:
We're also going to use the value from Retry-After as a delay when
releasing job:
return $this->release(
That way the job is going to be available as soon as requests are allowed
Now we're going to check for that cache key at the beginning of the
handle() method of our job and release the job back to the queue if the
cache key hasn't expired yet:
// ...
$timestamp - time() will give us the seconds remaining until requests are
public function handle()
if ($timestamp = Cache::get('api-limit')) {
return $this->release(
$timestamp - time()
$response = Http::acceptJson()
return $this->release(
// ...
Notice: In this part of the challenge we're only handling the 429
request error. In the actual implementation, you'll need to handle
other 4xx and 5xx errors as well.
Since the request may be throttled multiple times, it's better to use the job
expiration configuration instead of setting a static tries limit.
public $tries = 0;
// ...
Now if the job was throttled by the limiter multiple times, it will not fail until
the 12-hour period passes.
Limiting Exceptions
In case an unhandled exception was thrown from inside the job, we don't
want it to keep retrying for 12 hours. For that reason, we're going to set a
limit for the maximum exceptions allowed:
public $tries = 0;
public $maxExceptions = 3;
Now the job will be attempted for 12 hours, but will fail immediately if 3
attempts failed due to an exception or a timeout.
This job now may be attempted for only 2 times if it fails due to an
exception being thrown or a timeout. Otherwise, it'll be attempted 10
Handling Queues on Deployments
When writing your deployment script, you need to run the following
command after pulling the new changes:
This command will send a signal to all running workers instructing them to
exit after finishing any job in hand. This is called "graceful termination".
If you're using Laravel Forge, here's a typical deployment script that you
may use:
cd /home/forge/
git pull origin master
$FORGE_COMPOSER install --no-interaction --prefer-dist --optimize-
( flock -w 10 9 || exit 1
echo 'Restarting FPM...'; sudo -S service $FORGE_PHP_FPM reload )
Here the new code will be pulled from git, dependencies will be installed by
composer, php-fpm will be restarted, migrations will run, and finally, the
queue restart signal will be sent.
After php-fpm is restarted, your application visitors will start using the new
code while the workers are still running on older code. Eventually, those
workers will exit and be started again by Supervisor. The new worker
processes will be running the new code.
If you're using Envoyer, then you need to add a deployment hook after the
“Activate New Release” action and run the queue:restart command.
If you have the worker processes managed by Supervisor, you can use the
supervisorctl command-line tool to restart them:
Restarting Horizon
But in order to ensure your jobs won't be interrupted, you need to make
sure of the following:
seconds consumed by the longest-running job.
2. Your job-specific timeout is shorter than the timeout value of the
Horizon supervisor.
3. If you're using the Supervisor process manager to monitor the Horizon
process, make sure the value of stopwaitsecs is greater than the
number of seconds consumed by the longest-running job.
With this correctly configured, Supervisor will wait for the Horizon process
to terminate and won't force-terminate it after stopwaitsecs passes.
Horizon supervisors will also wait for the longest job to finish running and
won't force-terminate after the timeout value passes.
When you send a restart signal to the workers, some of them may not
restart right away; they'll wait for a job in hand to be processed before
If you are deploying new code along with migrations that'll change the
database schema, workers that are still using the old code may fail in the
middle of running their last job due to those changes; old code working with
the new database schema!
To prevent this from happening, you'll need to signal the workers to exit
and then wait for them. Only when all workers exit gracefully you can start
your deployment.
To signal the workers to exit, you'll need to use supervisorctl stop in your
deployment script. This command will block the execution of the script until
all workers are shutdown:
sudo supervisorctl stop group-name:*
cd /home/forge/
# ...
Warning: Make sure the system user running the deployment can run
the supervisorctl command as sudo.
However, you should know that supervisorctl stop may take time to
execute depending on how many workers you have and if any long-running
job is being processed.
You don't want to stop the workers in this way if you don't have migrations
that change the schema. So, I recommend that you don't include
supervisorctl stop in your deployment script by default. Only include it
when you know you're deploying a migration that will change the schema
and cause workers running on old code to start throwing exceptions.
You can also manually run supervisorctl stop, wait for the command to
execute, start the deployment, and finally run supervisorctl start after
your code deploys.
This is a preview from "Laravel Queues in Action" by Mohamed Said.