• Stroustrup: All four prefaces, Ch. 1. Then read "Tour" chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5 but skip 5.3
Concurrency. Watch for new C++11 usage.
• H: Using using.
Stroustrup Introduction: Prefaces, 1-3
4th edition - lots of changes both in the format and coverage, with C++11 features added, and much of the
design coverage removed.
3rd edition - standardized, and standard library allows programmer to start from a higher level
pre-standard library
1st edition -
Convenience features for the programmer that make code easier to write.
Example: auto keyword - obsolete in original use, now can be used to mean declare this variable to
have the same type as its initializer.
map<int, string, my_int_cmp>::iterator it = container.begin();
auto it = container.begin();
enable move semantics: high-speed versions of copy constructors and assignment operators
means with no change to your code, code that uses library containers like string and vector now run
significantly faster.
enable perfect forwarding: extremely useful things like std::bind now work in all reasonable
scenarios - didn't before.
Will limit to what works according to the C++11 Standard in gcc 4.8.2
Will introduce
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1/23/15, in lecture
PMnotes and handouts as we go along. 2
Will limit to what works according to the C++11 Standard in gcc 4.8.2
Xcode 4.4.1 or later working under OS 10.8 or later is pretty good, using the LLVM Clang compiler
MSVS 2012 has many C++11 features, but surprisingly is missing some. May have to workaround. State of
MSVS 2013?
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Ch. 1. Intro
assumes you know ordinary programming concepts, but not necessarily OOP concepts
basic flavor
Basic orientation
like C, do as much at compile time as possible, as little extra at run time as possible
static typing - do checks at compile time - can get safer language without run-time or memory overheads -
c.f. LISP again
enable larger programs to be structured ... so that ... a single person to cope with far larger amounts of
a language also provides a tool for thinking about problems - not a good idea to be too restrictive to save
programmer from errors ...
Programming Style
Programming paradigms
Approaches to programming that attempt to make programs easier to design, write, debug, and
maintain - making their structure more clear - helping to deal with complexity
As programs get large, need help to work with them - style of how you write the code becomes
early programming - write the code any way you want, trying to minimize some property, and try to get
it to work, and hope you don't have to modify it
languages made subroutines clumsy or inefficient to use, so only used for "libraries" like math sqrt,
cos, etc.
procedural - decide what procedures you want, use the best algorithms you can find
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tendency to writePM
4:08:07 spaghetti code, with lots of branches and gotos 4
procedural - decide what procedures you want, use the best algorithms you can find
notion of "structured" programming - code should be well structured - what's this mean?
use functions/subroutines so that code is highly organized, and can be read from the top down
use of iteration constructs like for, while, do-while, where the scope of the loop is clearly marked
other ideas - like the one-point-of-return policy - probably excessive if functions are kept short - can
get code too convoluted
your main module for Project 1 should do these things - should not be one big ugly function
modular - decide what modules you want; partition the program so that data is hidden within the modules
data-hiding principle
organize the code into groups, modules, try to hide details and data within the module so that it can be
used without accidents or confusion, and provide an interface to it
key idea: manage complexity by breaking a complex program down into simpler parts that can be
designed, coded, tested, maintained, modified independently of each other.
How to do it? Can either do it by "convention" - rules, or get language to help you
everybody working on the system, or the community of programmers, will write the code in a
certain way, following certain practices.
low-level example: "style" things like all caps for #define macros
all functions that work on C-strings have names starting with "str"
higher level: C file routines work with a struct that keeps all the information about the stream
state. has typedef'd name of FILE, and is always referred to by a pointer, FILE *. Programmer
using the I/O library will NEVER, EVER, modify the contients of the struct - always call I/O
library functions.
Compiler doesn't know about them, and so can't help enforce them - means people can break
the system either through ignorance or by accident
Other approach: get the language and the compiler to help you.
Instead of conventions, express key ideas directly in the language - then compiler can detect
and point out where not being followed.
Instead of conventions, express key ideas directly in the language - then compiler can detect
and point out where not being followed.
In C, can use separate compilation and internal linkage to help with modularization
note how structure of internal data is not visible outside, internally linked functions (static) so
that not callable from elsewhere
main module doesn't need to know where and how the data is there
use of indirection to hide the details means that everything done through a pointer, not like built-
in types
namespaces in C++ can be used to "fence off" code and definitions so that their names are in a
separate space, and so can't be confused or used accidently.
Exceptions support modularization because they make it easier to separate responsibilities. A flexible
way to allow code in a module to report a problem without code outside the module having to know
everything that is going on. Can do this with "return codes" but exceptions are better.
user-defined types - decide which types you want, provide a full set of operations on each type.
geometrical/trigonometric types
a big goal of C++ is to allow user-defined types to be just as convenient and have almost the same
status as built-in types
e.g. string object acts for all practical purposes just like it was a primitive type in the language.
e.g. simple classes with clear and complete set of operations defined on them
object-oriented programming - decide which classes you want, provide a full set of operations, make
commonality explicit by using inheritance
important point - not always useful, depends on the domain - e.g. graphics vs numerical work
if the main-part of the code is decoupled from the details of the rest of the code, then the rest of the
code can be modified, or extended, with little or no impact on the main part
generic programming - decide which algorithms you want; parameterize them so that they work for a
variety of suitable types and data structures
iterators used with containers and algorithms to abstract from details of container implementations
if you find yourself writing the same code repeatedly except for some small part of it, consider re-doing
it with generic techniques
use an object to say that the different kinds of thing are - e.g. a function object
instantiate the template with different objects to achieve the results without writing duplicate code
classes = concepts in the problem domain, objects = the objects in the domain
code has a structure and organization more closely resembling the real world
makes design more reliable for complex programs - can depend on the nature of the world for some
of the organizational ideas
#include <iostream>
always be explicit
#include <iostream>
this forces your using decision on whoever includes the header - not good
use explicit qualification for all std lib names in the header file
Only possible exception: if nested within an inline function body or a class declaration.
your choice:
using namespace std; - not the best, but OK - doesn't avoid name collisions
main wart: while type-safe, are not necessary safe in other ways - undefined behavior is still present in
many cases with iterators
main wart: while type-safe, are not necessary safe in other ways - undefined behavior is still present in
many cases with iterators
complex, valarray
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vector - note range checking policy - his Vec class overloads operator[] and is safe because throws an
out-of-range exception
operations defined on iterators make them behave with same concepts as pointers
"generalized pointers"
but behave appropriately depending on what kind of sequence they are pointing into
iterator++ -> next cell in vector, next node in list, next node in tree
can define algorithms in terms of iterator operations relatively independently of the details of the
container data structure.
algorithms operate on sequences specified by two iterators; start with first, go up to but not including the
algorithms can also use an iterator for where to put their output
iterator adapters like back inserter can be used to append to the end of a container
can have iterators associated with input and output streams, which allow algorithms to read or write
directly - see example p. 61
algorthms can take function pointers or function objects and either apply them or use them as predicates
(p 62). special adapater neede for member functions due to the this pointer.