Science: Quarter 4 - Module 7
Science: Quarter 4 - Module 7
Science: Quarter 4 - Module 7
Quarter 4 – Module 7
The Solar System
Lesson 1: Planets
Objective .........................................................................................................................1
Content Input .............................................................................................. .1
What ‘s New .................................................................................................. .2
What Is It ...................................................................................................... .3
What’s More ................................................................................................. .4-6
What I Have Learned --------------------------------------------------------------------7-10
Assessment ................................................................................................... 11
Dear Teachers and Learners, the writers humbly welcome you all to this
Science 6 Fourth Quarter Self-Learning Module. This material guides you to learn and
compare planets of the Solar System
1. Take your time to read every detail that this module contains.
2. This Module contains Lesson 1of which is provided with activities/tests that
will surely lead you to learn and enjoy.
4. You have to answer all the tests in this module. There are Answer Keys
provided for all the tests of this lesson which can be found at the end of the
module. However, make sure to do the Activity first before checking your
answers based on the given Answer Key. The goal is to make sure that you
work for this material honestly so that your work and effort will be rewarding,
and learning will possibly take place although you work in this at home.
6. Finally, may this module will bridge the physical spaces between teachers
and learners and would facilitate meaningful learning among learners
studying from home.
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to compare planets of the
Solar System.
The pictures below show the different planets of the Solar System.
Did you know that the planets of the Solar System have different
Lesson 1 is all about comparing one planet to another planet of the Solar
What Is It
Check your
answer on page
What’s More
Read and Study figure 1.3 and figure 1.4 then answer the questions below. Write your
answers on your activity notebook/separate sheet
See and Study figure 1.3 and figure 1.4 then answer the questions below. Write your
answers on the attached sheet no.3
Check your
answer on page
Read and Study figure 1.5 and figure 1.6 then answer the questions below. Write your
answers on the attached Activity sheet no.4
• It is the 6th planet of the
solar system from the
• It is the second largest
planet of the solar
• It also called the “Ringed
• It is 95 times as massive
as the Earth.
• It is the least dense of all
the planets and is only
one less dense than
Figure 1.6 Planet Saturn
Check your
answer on page
Activity 1.6 Planet Uranus vs. Planet Neptune
Read and Study figure 1.7 and figure 1.8 then answer the questions below. Write your
answer on the attached Activity sheet no.6
• Uranus is the 7th planet of the
solar system.
• It is open dubbed as the “Ice
Giant” since at least 80%of its
mass is a fluid mix of water,
methane and ammonia ice.
• It is twice as the size of Earth. It is
tilted that it orbits the sun on its
side with the axis of its spin nearly
pointing at the star.
• It has the coldest atmosphere
among all the planets.
• Uranus is blue – green in color as
a result of the methane in its
mostly hydrogen-helium
atmosphere. Figure 1.7 Planet Uranus
See and Study figure 1.7 and figure 1.8 then answer the questions below. Write your
answers on your activity notebook.
Activity 1.7 Planet Uranus vs. Planet Neptune
See and Study figure 1.7 and figure 1.8 then answer the question below. Write your answer
on your activity notebook
Activity 2.1 Using graphic organizer compare planets of the solar system.
(Write your answers on your activity notebook)
Activity 2.2 Using graphic organizer compare planets of the solar system.
(Write your answers on your activity notebook
Activity 2.3 Using graphic organizer compare planets of the solar system.
(Write your answers on the separate activity sheet no. 10)
Activity 2.4 Using graphic organizer compare planets of the solar system.
(Write your answers on your activity notebook)
Pick up the word/s from the box that is describe in the statement below.
Write your answers on your activity notebook.
Uranus Neptune
Activity 1.1
1. Mercury
2. Venus
3. 426 degrees Celsius and – 170 degrees Celsius
4. because of its thick atmosphere made up of carbon dioxide
5. Possible answer:
a. It differs in distance
b. It differs in temperature
c. It differs in size
Activity 1.2
1. Earth
2. It has water but not enough to condense and form clouds.
3. It is rich in liquid water
4. To have water or water
5. Earth completes it rotation for 24 hours and completes in revolution for 365 and
¼ days while Mars completes its rotation for 24 hours and 37 minutes and
completes its revolution for 687 earth days.
Activity 1.3
1. Earth
2. 786 Earth days
3. 24 hours
4. 24 hours and 37 minutes
5. Possible answers:
a. Planet Earth is a livable planet while planet Mars is believed. to have water.
b. Earth completes it rotation for 24 hours and completes in revolution for 365 and
¼ days while Mars completes its rotation for 24 hours and 37 minutes and
completes its revolution for 687 earth days.
c. Earth has an atmosphere that support and protect life while Mars has Olympus
Mons that considered as the largest volcano in the solar system.
Key to Answers
Activity 1.4
1. Jupiter
2. Saturn
3.318 times as massive as the Earth
4. 95 times as massive as the Earth
5.Planet Jupiter has a mass of 318 times as massive as the Earth while Saturn is 95 times
as massive as the Earth and therefore Jupiter is bigger than Saturn.
Activity 1.5
1. Jupiter
2. Saturn
3. 27 moons
4. Saturn
5. Possible answer
a. Planet Jupiter is the 5th planet of the system while Saturn is the 6th planet of the solar
b. Jupiter is the largest gaseous planet in the solar system while Saturn is the largest planet
of the solar system.
c. The great mass of Jupiter enables it to generate very strong gravitational force while
Saturn is the least dense of all planets and is only one less dense than water.
Activity 1.6
1. Uranus
2. Neptune
3. It is dubbed as the “Ice Giant” since at least 80% of its mass is a fluid mix of water,
methane and ammonia ice.
4. Neptune
5. Uranus has the coldest atmosphere among all planets while Neptune is the coolest
planet of the solar system.
Activity 1.7
1. It is twice as the size of Earth.
2.165 Earth days
3.As result of the methane in its mostly hydrogen – helium atmosphere.
4. 14 moons
5. Uranus is the 7th planet of the solar system, it is dubbed as the “Ice Giant”, it is twice as
the size of Earth, and it has the coldest atmosphere among all the planets while Neptune is
the 8th planet of the solar system from the sun, it is the smallest gaseous planet, one
complete revolution is 165 Earth years and its inner core of Neptune is made of rock.
Activity 2.1
Mercury - nearest planet to the sun.
- very hot during the day for 426 degrees Celsius and
Cold at cold at night at -170 degrees Celsius.
- Surface has many craters because it has no
Venus - the hottest planet because of its very thick atmosphere made up of carbon
-The layer of carbon dioxide traps heat and results to
Greenhouse effect sending temperature to 482 degrees Celsius.
Activity 2.2
Earth - It is the only living planet where life exist.
- It is rich in liquid water that supports life.
- It has atmosphere that support and protect life.
- One complete revolution is 365 and ¼ days.
- One complete rotation is 24 hours.
Mars - Has water in its atmosphere but not enough to
condense and form clouds.
- One complete revolution is 687 Earth days
- It is believed that has once have water.
- Its complete rotation is 24 hours and 37 minutes.
- Olympus Mons is the largest volcano in the solar
system where it is located in Mars.
Activity 2.3
Jupiter - The 5th planet of the solar system.
- The largest gaseous planet in the solar system.
- It is 318 times as massive as the Earth.
- The great mass of it enables it to generate very strong
gravitational force.
- It is a Jovian planet.
- It has 27 moons on it.
Saturn - The 6th planet of the solar system from the sun.
- It is the largest planet of the solar system.
- It is called the “The Ringed Planet”.
- It is 35 times as massive as the Earth.
- It is least dense of all the planes and is only one less dense than water.
Activity 2.4
Uranus - the 7th planet of the solar system
- it is open dubbed as the “Ice Giant”
- it is twice as the size of the Earth.
- it is tilted that orbits from the sun on its side with the
axis of its spin nearly pointing at the star.
- it has the coldest atmosphere among all the planets
- is blue – green in color as a result of the methane
in its mostly hydrogen – helium atmosphere.
Neptune - the 8th planet of the solar system from the sun.
- the smallest gaseous planet.
- one complete revolution is 165 Earth years.
- the inner core is made up of rock.
- it has 6 faint rings and its color is blue because of the
methane gas that absorbs red light.
- it has 14 moons.
- it is the coldest planet of the solar system.
1. Jupiter
2. Uranus
3. Venus
4. Mercury
5. Earth
6. Neptune
7. Mars
8. Saturn
9. Earth
10. Neptune
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