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In Plant Training: A Report On

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A Report on

In Plant Training

Submitted By

2005090054 Yogita Ankush Patil

Final Year Diploma in Computer


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Diploma in Computer Engineering 2022-2023

Shri Gulabrao Deokar Polytechnic,


Shri Gulabrao Deokar


This is to certify that the following student have successfully and

satisfactorily completed the report on In Plant Training and
presented their report in the partial fulfilment of requirement for
Diploma in Computer Engineering from Shri Gulabrao Deokar
Polytechnic in the academic year 2022- 2023.

Yogita Patil 2005090054

Head of Department Principal


A. Feedback about the student

Name of student: Yogita Ankush Patil

Enrolment No: 2005090054

During complete training period,

i. Student performance and conduct was Very Good ii. Student was found to be good
at quick learning, adapting & implementing. iii. Improvement of the student is desired
in advanced programming /logic iv. Student willingness to learn new things Very Good
v. Any other points

Yogita worked on multiple projects with full dedication and took each project as a
challenge with never say no attitude. She was quick to learn technology, code,
adaptto the standards and apply her knowledge to implement the solution.
She is found to be calm with clear communication, positive attitude and team
player.She is ready to ask for help when needed as well as guide someone where
she has an expertise. Yogita is an asset with a bright future and we wish her best
luck for the future.

Date: 13/08/2022 Name and Signature

Mr. Prasad Neve

In this internship report I will describe my experiences during my internship period .The
internship report contains an overview of the internship company and the activities, tasks and projects
that I have worked on during my internship. Writing this report, I also will describe and reflect my
learning objects and personal goals that I have set during my internship period. In compiling this report I
have intended to provide a synthesis of theoretical approaches and methods of implementing them in the
world of business. I have tried to discover the relationship between theoretical and practical type of
knowledge. I have tried to bridge the gap between theoretical assumption sand practical necessities.

During the entire course of our academic study, we remain engaged in theoretical learning where
the primary objective is academic success. A concise knowledge of the modern business arena can only
be attained through the pragmatic implementation of hypothetical ideas, which we learn from our
academic activities. With these objectives, I have made all possible efforts and the necessary
investigations to submit this report in an enlightened for min a very short time. I have tried my level best
to eliminate errors from the report.

As I had to complete my internship within a short period of time so the study admits its
limitations. The report first shall give an overview of the company in which we have worked, tasks
completed during the period of internship with technical details. Then the results obtained shall be
discussed and analyzed. I have tried my best to keep report simple yet technically correct. I hope I
succeed in my attempt.


The satisfaction that companies that the successful completion of any task would be incomplete
without the mention of people whose ceaseless co-operation made it possible, whose constant guidance
and encouragement crown all efforts with success.

First, I would like to thank Mr. Prasad Neve, Co-founder and CEO of Softanaic Solutions for
giving me the opportunity to do an internship with the organization. I also would like to thank all the
people that worked along with me at Softanic Solutions with their patience and openness they created an
enjoyable working environment.

It is indeed with a great sense of pleasure and immense sense of gratitude that I acknowledge the
help of these individuals.

I would like to thank our Principal M.P Patil sir, for creating the required academic
environment which made our task appreciable.

I would like to thank my Head of the Department Prof. Minaxi Yeole, for her helping nature and
Constant Motivation throughout my training period.

I am extremely grateful to my department staff members and friends who helped me in

successful completion of this Industrial Training.



Enclosures/Attachments In plant training completion certificate, Feedback from


I Introduction to Industry

II Learning Materials Collected

III Detailed Report Project

IV Conclusion

V Refrences


Industrial training is an important phase of a student life. A well planned,

executed and evaluated industrial training helps a lot in developing a professional attitude. It develop an
awareness of industrial approach to problem solving, based on a broad understanding of process and
mode of operation of organization. The aim and motivation of this industrial training is to receive
discipline, skills, teamwork and technical knowledge through a proper training environment, which will
help me, as a student in the field of Information Technology, to develop a responsiveness of the self-
disciplinary nature of in computer engineering field.

In my internship period at Web Planet as a Web Development Intern, I learnt and explored many
things. I learnt about the Html , CSS , Bootstrap , core Javascript. I have learnt the asynchronous nature
of javascript. I also got an opportunity to take interviews for hiring candidates in the company. It was an
over whelming and very good experience. I got to know what all abilities and qualities an interviewer
looks in one candidate. Overall as a person my professional communication skills improved a lot as I
communicated with my colleagues and also candidates whom I used to call and check whether his/her
assignment was correct or not. It was an amazing experience to work in that company where the work
culture and all the people were co- operative and supportive and very helpful.

Our Sevices

Designing: We design your website in such manner, which will improve your
online business and make famous.

Development:Development gives you flawless application. We provide what

you need not just what we have available.

Testing: We Test application with the intent of finding the bugs and provide
information about the quality of applications.

Web Hosting: Provides leasing of hard disk space, maintenance of hardware

and software, provision ofbackup and security, content integrity,

Social Media Marketing: Social Media Marketing can help to change

behaviour of people about your business and what you actually serve to them.

SEO: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is help to know first about your
business and get clients Inpresence SEO has first advantage

1. Web Designing & Web Development

2. IT infrastructure & Support services

3. SEO

Organization Objectives
Strong skill sets
We have a team of highly qualified leaders including Masters in computer
application, databaseexperts, subject matter experts and core developers.

We deliver the services that people use, like, love

Softanic Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has earned a dignified niche in the global arena for
providing world-class Web Development solution in the terms of quality and

Hire Developer with our flexible hiring. We code IT! Hire us

The expert professionals or expertise team lies in providing in web
development services that effortlessly meet up with the international coding
standards. Right from the custom web development to online marketing we are
providing a range of services under a single roof.

Custom Web Design

Under the services, the aim is to customize the web design as per the
requirement of the clients in the most creative way

Knowledge across a range of business domains

We get so involved when we build our applications we have no choice but to
understand your business to the smallest detail. Over the years this has given
our team tremendous knowledge in diverse business processes. Some of the
sectors we have served are Retail Marketing, bulk SMS, Email Marketing.
Online Marketing. consulting services, e-commerce and more.

Web Back Ends
If you are seeking a backend solution for your project - you've found the right
people for the job. We can revitalize your web frontend by handling all the
calculations, business logic, database interactions, and performance. Our
system analysts will make sure we are aligned with your vision

Advanced and Scalable Technology Platform

Company's exuberant technology is the key to effectively integrate the various
media. Company's technology platform is designed to enable Company's tele-
sales executives and IRVs to connect effectively to potential advertisers and
users seeking information

Agile project management

At Softanic Solutions Pvt. Ltd. we realized, we twist and turn all the time and
so do our client's requirements. To cope with the ever changing world of
business we have successfully adopted AGILE project management. SCRUM
is part of our daily life and has helped us successfully complete a large number
of complex projects.

Experience and Expertise in Local Markets

Softanic Solutions Pvt. Ltd. have been in operation in the Jalgaon market for
over 4years,andCompany'smanagement team has wide ranging experience in
the services, advertising and IT industries in India.

Ready for challenges

We are ever ready to take on challenges head on and grow with each one of
them. From increasing team size in a short period of time to acquiring new
skills we have always been ready with our next step.

Project Report
Source Code
 Index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="calculator dark ">
            <div class="theme-toggler active">
                <i class="toggler-icon"></i>
            <div class="display-screen">
                <div id="display"></div>
            <div class="buttons">
                      <td><button class="btn-operator"

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                         <td><button class="btn-operator"
                        <td><button class="btn-operator"
                        <td><button class="btn-number"
                        <td><button class="btn-number"
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                        <td><button class="btn-number"
                        <td><button class="btn-number"
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                        <td><button class="btn-number"
                        <td><button class="btn-number"

                        <td><button class="btn-number"
                        <td rowspan="2"><button
class="btn-equal" id="equal">=</button></td>
                        <td><button class="btn-operator"
                        <td><button class="btn-number"
                        <td><button class="btn-operator"
    <script src="script.js"></script>

 Script.js

const display = document.querySelector("#display");

const buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");

buttons.forEach((item) => {
  item.onclick = () => {
    if (item.id == "clear") {
      display.innerText = "";
    } else if (item.id == "backspace") {
      let string = display.innerText.toString();
      display.innerText = string.substr(0, string.length
- 1);
    } else if (display.innerText != "" && item.id ==
"equal") {
      display.innerText = eval(display.innerText);
    } else if (display.innerText == "" && item.id ==
"equal") {
      display.innerText = "Empty!";
      setTimeout(() => (display.innerText = ""), 2000);
    } else {
      display.innerText += item.id;

const themeToggleBtn = document.querySelector(".theme-

const calculator = document.querySelector(".calculator");
const toggleIcon = document.querySelector(".toggler-

let isDark = true;
themeToggleBtn.onclick = () => {
  isDark = !isDark;

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} a {
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} body {
    background-image: linear-gradient( to bottom right,
} .container {
    height: 100vh;
    width: 100vw;
    display: grid;
    place-items: center;

.calculator {
    position: relative;
    height: auto;
    width: auto;
    padding: 35px;
    border-radius: 50px;
    box-shadow: 0 0 30px #000;
} #display {
    margin: 0 10px;
    height: 100px;
    width: auto;
    max-width: 270px;
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    display: block;
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} button {
    height: 60px;
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    border-radius: 30px;
    margin: 2px;
    font-size: 20px;
    cursor: pointer;
    transition: all 200ms ease;
} button:hover {
    transform: scale(1.1);
button#equal {
    height: 120px;
/* dark theme */
.calculator.dark {
  .calculator.dark #display {
   color: black;
.calculator.dark button#clear {
  background-color: #2d191e;
  color: white;
.calculator.dark button.btn-number {
#1b2f38;                                        color:

  .calculator.dark button.btn-operator {
color: #2e1f39;
  .calculator.dark button.btn-equal {
    background-color: #223897;
    color: #ffffff;



In a nutshell, this internship has been an excellent and rewarding experience. I

can conclude that there have been a lot I've learnt from my work at Softanic
Solutions I have been able to meet and network with so many people that I am
sure will be able to help me with opportunities in the future. Needless to say,
the technical aspects of the work I've done are not flawless and could be
improved provided enough time. Two main things that I've learned the
importance of our time- management skills and self-motivation.
In Technical Knowledge I have learned many new things related to Web
Development. How the project should be ideally built such that it will match
up with the client requirements. I also learned how to solve the issue we face
during the development. Adapting new changes is hand at the starting of any
new thing. I also found it hard at start but then slowly learning new skills
became more interesting.
When we are in the real industry, we have to face clients with such a positive
approach attitude so they can believe us and invest their valuable time and
money. During our academic studies the only interaction done is between
student and teacherso there is lack of such attitude. But due to this In-plant
training we got opportunity to develop this behavioural attribute. had many
meetings with different client. So, I had to be very polite and a good listener to
properly understand their requirements and be very descriptive to explain the
idea theme design to them. If there is any lack of communication between
client and us it creates very chaotic condition and I have experienced it in one
of the projects.

One thing I realised in this internship period was that it is not the language that
affect the communication or your own attitude, it's the confident that does the
work either make it good or worse. If you have confidence own yourself then
you will not hesitate to talk in eitherHindi. English or any language you are
familiar with. This Intership gave me very good confidence to believe in
myself and my skills.


Below are the resources I’ve used to learn new things in

my industrial training period.

1.HTML: https://www.w3schools.com/html

2.CSS: https://www.javapoint.com/css-tutorail

3.JAVASCRIPT: https://www.w3schools.com/is

4.BOOTSTRAP: https://www.w3schools.com/html


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