Edtpa Lesson Plan One
Edtpa Lesson Plan One
Edtpa Lesson Plan One
Central Focus Students will be able to recognize and write their letter. Students
- derived from standard, will be able to recognize rhyme and segmenting compound words.
- communicates general goal Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners
about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small
and larger groups
Learning Target for this Producing rhyme, segmenting compound words, turn and talk
Lesson using a sentence frame. Recognize and write upper-and lowercase
- concisely says what students T,t,U,u.
will be able to know and do
- start with appropriate
language function (active
Academic Language (AL) a. Domain-specific academic vocabulary : constructive, Rhyme,
a. Domain-specific Acad Segmenting compound words.
b. General Academic
vocabulary b. General academic vocabulary : Recognize
(words used in school
c. Sentence Frame : I thought Kindergarten would
across many subject areas)
c. Syntax Sentence Frame: d. In Lesson Part 2 Assessment (below), students will be asked to
Example sentence that give the answer to the second part of the word.
students can use to
accomplish target
d. Point in lesson where
students will be given
opportunity to use
Academic Vocabulary
(Note: It
is important that this
appear in TPA videotape
Needed Students who are in ELL or special ed will have the teacher helping
modifications/supports them individually when needed.
a. Identify how some form of
additional support will be
provided for some aspect
of the lesson for given
- visual, graphic, interactive
- reduced text, rewritten text,
fill-in the blank notes,
word banks
- graphic organizers, sentence
Resources & materials pencil, Letter T and U paper.
Phase 3 Guided Practice Teacher will read “It’s Time For School, Student will listen
- Paired/collaborative Stinky Face” by Lisa McCourt.
- Teacher(s) may roam &
Phase 3 Assessment Assessment: Teacher will say “now let’s Students will turn
Explain the plan to check practice, turn and talk with your partner. and talk and use the
for ability to apply use this sentence frame: I thought frame “I thought
demonstrated Kindergarten would be________. Kindergarten would
steps/procedures during remember to have constructive be_____.
guided practice conversations.
Phase 4 Independent Teacher will move to letter formation. Students will copy
practice Teacher will display the letter Tt and the teacher writing T
- Individual student work explain that the name T is upper T and the and U.
name of t is lowercase t. Teacher will
describe the movement of the letter Tt.
Teacher will say “an uppercase T is pull
down, lift, straight right across the top. A
lowercase t is pulled down, straight right
across in the middle.
Teacher will repeat for uppercase U and
lowercase u.
Teacher will say “an uppercase U is pull
down, curve forward, push up. A
Lowercase U is pulled down.
Phase 4 Assessment Assessment: Teacher will hand out tracing Students will write
Explain plan to check for letters for students to do individually. their letter T and U
ability to apply on their own.
steps/procedures during
independent practice
Phase 5 Restatement & Assessment: Teacher will ask students to Students will be able
Closure a) Restate learning locate the letter Tt and Uu in the big book. to locate the Tt and
target Uu in the big book.
b) Explain a planned
opportunity for
students to self-assess
their perceived level of
mastery for the target.
Phase 6 Summative Next Assessment
Attach a class roster (first
names only) with space
to indicate for each
student the needed next
steps of instruction.